Lachesis Kind Anhang


Vergleich: Jugendlichen in Apis mit Lach. + Tub. + Nat-m.



[Elaine Lewis]

Very demanding (Tarent.). The mother may complain that the child insists that mom pay attention only to her, and no one else - constantly! The mother might say, “I can’t even attend to the cat, my child gets jealous and insists that I pay attention only to her!  She’s possessive! If I try to talk to someone else, she’ll drag me away!”

They’re bossy with other kids and won’t share their toys. Talk non-stop and repeat themselves over and over again; plus, they can be very loud. Talking, touching, interrupting, constantly in your face, must be the center of attention, must be the first and the best at all times and will do whatever it takes to get there; a parent could go crazy with a child like this! Turns red with anger and never admit to being wrong.

[Roger Morrison]

Usually unable to effectively control his overly-strong emotions. Often the parent will bring the child for behavioral and emotional problems, typically beginning after the birth of a new baby in the family. The child has tremendous jealousy toward the new sibling (Hyos./Verat./Stram./Calc-s.).  Often  physical  pathologies  will  develop  from  this strong  jealousy,  such  as  asthma.  The  child  will  actually  say  he  hates  the younger brother or sister. A Lachesis boy may be very jealous of his father. The child may also be very possessive of his friends and demands that they pay attention only to him and no other friends. Also the child seems to have a precocious awareness of the people around him. The child is able to find the most vulnerable spot and verbally strike at you, like a snake. The child cannot bear to be under the authority of another person; he doesn't tolerate restrictions. This pattern may be carried over in adulthood with an extreme aversion to authority, as when a supervisor at work or his wife asks him to do things.



Big Mafioso and manipulator (Puls. Sulph); behaves very sweetly and nicely in front of people who are superior (older, more powerful), and with

extreme contempt toward peers and weaker persons.

Bright, charismatic, charming, dynamic and extroverted children.

Childhood and adolescent conduct disorders, characterized by violent anger, biting, cruelty, deceit, insolence, jealousy, malice, mocking, and quarrelling from jealousy and rudeness.

Children love to dress up to strike attention of the people around; e.g., large bangles on small wrists, large earrings in small ears, putting excessive perfume and deodorant on the body, desire to wear many necklaces and chains around the neck; they also seek attention from the people around by entertaining them with jokes, mimicry, etc.

Cunning (like Tarent and other spiders); young children prefer to do things in a roundabout way (like the coiling of snakes), like cheating, flattering, and lying; during sports

or school elections, they prefer to destroy their opponent by using dishonesty, slander, deceit, and intrigue (malicious gossip) (Ars. Verat).

Greatly inclined to mockery, and satire (Lac-ac. Sec).

Insulting tongue; hurts the feelings of other persons easily.

Loquacious, loudmouth.

Active (sometimes overactive) and creative mind (evening until midnight).

Always loves to interfere in other conversations (2 people are having an argument or a pleasant talk).

Children who are born out of wedlock, and later find disappointment, abuse, and unhappiness.

Children who are born with feelings of hostility towards the world; their mothers also had similar mental states during their pregnancies, due to

severe abuse by family, friends, or society. The feeling of hostility is outwardly manifested as suspicious behavior and depression.

Extremely intelligent, precocious, and observant children.

Lively, vivacious children with strong imaginations and many fantasies.

Low self-esteem and self-deprecation in children whose mothers felt extremely forsaken during pregnancy.

Meticulous children (resembling Carc. Lyc. and Sil), with a strong intellect and good reasoning power.

Strong, and early sexual maturation.

Syphilitic mind at a very early stage runs throughout the mental symptoms (boxing, destructiveness, envy, fighting, fury at slightest provocation, jealousy, punching, and quarrelling).


Almost all complaints are < after or during sleep.

Children are distressed by heat, both physically and mentally; < hot drinks; hot bath may induce convulsions; even if the child is cold to the touch, a warm room will

definitely intensify his symptoms.

Extremes of heat and cold have an adverse effect on young children (epilepsy, fainting, fever).

Haemorrhagic diathesis; tendency to develop cyanosis and purpura.

Hypersensitive (clothing around the neck) (Lac-c); young children often refuse to wear ties with the school uniform.

Tenderness of muscles; the least touch hurts and leaves ecchymotic spots.

Great sensitivity in warm, wet, sultry weather; develops a lot of allergic manifestations during these conditions.

Inflamed parts are extremely tender to touch.

Many illnesses and symptoms affect the left side of the body.

Tendency to recurrent infections.

Other important symptoms


Clairvoyance (Crot-c. Med).

Fascinated by cats (Aeth. Caps).

Foppish (Plat. Verat); needs to be prim and proper.

Loves dancing, singing and learning musical instruments.

Possessive (will not share anything) and materialistic children.

Aggressively outspoken, self-centered and arrogant children, who are very rude and lack respect for other people’s (friends and family) feelings.

Chaotic children; cannot perform anything in an orderly manner.

Clumsy; tends to drop things (Apis, Caps).

Defiant children, who are disposed to contradict whatever is asked of them.

Dyslexia: Makes mistakes in spelling, writing, misplacing words.

Exuberant, extroverted children, who love any kind of excitement.

Feigning sickness.

Gets easily frightened at trifles (on waking).

Restless children who constantly play with their fingers and make many gestures.

Wakes up confused.


Migraines + nasal obstruction (Stict); > in open air/binding the head/by fluent coryza; < when constipated/drinking/coffee (even the smell); from fasting or exposure to sun.

Child tends to refuse and create a lot of tantrums when going for a haircut, due to the sensitivity of his scalp and hair (Chin).

Examination findings:

- Bores head into the pillow (during sleep) (Apis. Bell. Hell. Zinc-met).

- Cold perspiration on forehead.

- CT Scan: Cerebral hemorrhage.

- Encephalitis.

- Lice.

- Meningitis.


Lachrymation during headache (Ign. Puls) and coryza.


Examination findings:

- Conjunctiva dark red, and injected.

- Chemosis.

- Dacryocystitis.

- Discharge: Purulent, and yellow.

- Eyes are half-open.

- Eyes are turned upwards.

- Lachrymal fistula.

- Optic neuritis.

- Pupils are dilated.

- Retinitis pigmentosa.

- Staring eyes, with a glassy appearance.

- Styes.

- Sunken eyes.


Boring fingers in the ear (Mez).

Sensitive to draft of air (Cham. Hep).

Severe otitis media, characterized by nightly pains + sore throat; < cold air/touch; > lying on the painful ear.

Examination findings:

- Aural polyps.

- Discharge copious, bloody, purulent and offensive.

- Dry, and hardened wax.

- Eruptions behind the ears (atopic).

- Eustachian catarrh.

- X-ray: Inflammation of the petrous part of the temporal bone; poor pneumatization of the air cells in mastoid bone.


Boring and picking of the nose until it bleeds (Arum-t).

Cannot bear anything near the nose.

Tendency to recurrent epistaxis; bright or dark red clotted blood, stringy; < blowing/during fever/during headache.

Coryza occurs along with cough and fever.

Discharge copious, dripping and gushing (l. nostril).

Examination findings:

- Coldness of the tip of the nose (Apis. Calc-p)

- Pointed nose (Camph).

- Cladwell and Water’s view: Paranasal sinusitis.

- Obstruction of the nostrils due to paranasal sinusitis.

- On speculum examination: Nasal turbinates swollen.

- Red nose.

- Scrufy nostrils; full of crusts and scabs.


Salivation while talking (Iris), and with complaints like cough, fever, sore throat and tonsillitis.

Tendency to bite his tongue (during a convulsion) (Caust. Cupr-met.).

Stammering speech.

Examination findings:

- Black discoloration of the tongue during diarrhea and constipation.

- Ropy, slimy and viscid salivation: During cough, heat, sleep, and when talking.

- Spongy and bleeding gums.

- Tongue hanging out; lapping to and fro, or darting in and out (Bufo. Phyt).

- Dental caries.

- Froth from the mouth.

- Halitosis, with a putrid odor from the mouth.

- Mapped tongue; strawberry tongue (Bell. Tub); OR is brown or red, with cracks and fissures, and a red stripe down the center, with a shiny red tip.

- The tongue tends to tremble a lot when protruded (Gels, Plb-met).


Picking of the lips (Arum-t. Bry).

Examination findings:

- Expression: Distressed, haggard (Ars. Kali-c), sickly, suffering.

- Redness of face with cough, excitement, fever (Ferr-met. Op), and headache (Glon. Meli).

- Atopic eczema on the cheek and face.

- Bloated.

- Chapped, and cracked lips.

- Cyanotic lips during heat and during dyspnoea.

- Left parotid gland enlarged and inflamed.

- One side of face pale, the other side red.


Pain in the throat is worse on coughing, empty swallowing (Bar-c. Kali-c), morning on waking, swallowing liquids, taking sweets, and warm drinks (Phyt);

> cold drinks (Apis); ext. ears (Hep. Merc-cy).

Swallowing of liquids is always difficult (Lyss. Stram).

Throat is extremely sensitive to touch and the slightest pressure.

Choking on coughing, going to sleep, or when swallowing any solids (tracheo-esophageal fistula).

Pain in the left tonsils that quickly extends to the right tonsils.

Examination findings:

- Discoloration: Purple or red

- Pharyngitis with tonsillitis (left tonsil)

- Cervical glands enlarged and tender to touch.

- Elongated uvula.

- Gag reflex is weak.

- Paralysis of the IX and the X cranial nerves.

- Perspiration around the neck.

- Suppuration of tonsils, with retrotonsillar abscess formation.


Thirst for small quantities (Ars. Lyc).

Gagging and retching with cough, and after nursing.

Forcible and violent vomiting after a feed (after taking milk)

<: Fish/cold food/milk;

>: Cold food/fruits;

Aversions: (mothers) milk (Sil);

Desires: Coffee/oysters (Lycps-v)/pasta (Calc-p. Nat-m) and other farinaceous food/sour food (pickles)/pungent;


Colic > doubling over; < pressure of clothes (Bry. Nux-v), and touch.

Always prefers to wear loose clothing around the abdomen.

Excessive loud and noisy flatus.

Increased tendency to develop neonatal cholestasis syndrome (NCS) and Indian childhood cirrhosis.

Tendency to develop primary viral hepatitis involving 5 specific viruses:


Examination findings:

- Ascites +

- Distention from constipation.

- Enlarged inguinal glands.

- Enlarged spleen.

- Enlarged, hard liver.

- Hernia: Inguinal, and umbilical.

- McBurney’s point tenderness, due to an inflamed appendix.

- Reye’s syndrome.

- Tympanitis.


Diarrhoea: Infectious usually seen + typhoid; < from eating any sour food and in warm, wet weather.

Sheep-dung-like stools (Alum. Plb-met.); clay-like, hard, purulent, offensive, with a cadaveric odor.

Constipation after abuse of purgatives; difficult, but soft stools; stool lies in the rectum without urging (congenital megacolon).

Involuntary stools during sleep.


Infant screams before passing urine (Borx. Lyc).


Involuntary urination if desire is delayed.

Juvenile diabetes.

Retention of urine due to dehydration.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin +, hyaline casts +

- Urine is dark, pale or cloudy, with red sand in it.

Larynx and Trachea:

Laryngismus stridulus.

Liquid tends to pass into the larynx, causing a spasm or choking.

Examination findings:

- Laryngitis +

- Laryngoscopy: Edema of the vocal cord.

- Voice croaking and nasal.

Respiratory Organs:

Asthma from emotions (Coff. Ign); < eating, covering the mouth or nose, in a warm room, on lying, and when touching the throat; > being in an air-conditioned room, in cold, open air, and by sitting bent forwards (Ars. Kali-c).

Asthmatic bronchitis in babies and young children, # atopic eczema; where the attacks usually come up during sleep; the child wakes up with suffocation and makes gestures to take him near the window for some fresh air, or wants direct draft of air on the face (cold air from fan or an air conditioner.

Desire to breathe deeply.

Respiration arrested at night, during cough, and on going to sleep.

Examination findings:

- Moaning, rattling, stertorous, and wheezing respiration.


Child becomes red in the face and grasps the throat while coughing (Acon).

Cough during sleep (Cham) without being conscious of it.

Paroxysmal croupy cough, which is < during and after midnight; must sit up as soon as the cough sets in; with an inability to talk

Cough from being touched in the ear canal, larynx, and throat.

Cough in neonates, as if some fluid has gone in the wrong way.

Coughing starts as soon as the baby falls asleep; and is most distressing during the morning and evening hours.


Chest X-ray: Left-sided lobar pneumonia.

Expression of the child: Besotted, distressed, haggard, cyanotic, and puffy.

Head is hot to touch with the extremities being icy cold.

Low, muttering delirium or loquacity with fever (Teucr).

The cough is rattling, yet expect oration is scanty + an excruciating headache

Tongue dark red, and swollen; with a sticky, stringy saliva.

Cannot bear to keep a blanket or bedsheet around the neck.

Lips are cyanotic and sensitive to touch.

Speech is thick (older children); they stumble over what they are saying and frequently leave the sentence half-complete.

Spells of apnoea when the child lies on his back, and spells of suffocating cough as soon as the head touches the pillow.

The pneumonia of this remedy closely resembles that of Bapt. and Pyrog.


Cardiovascular system

Congenital weakness of the cardiac muscles.

Cyanosis neonatorum.

Pulse: Weak, intermittent, slow, and irregular.

Examination findings:

- Rheumatic endocarditis.

- Rheumatic valvular heart disease (mitral regurgitation)

Chronic Cardiac failure

Common causes of cardiac failure observed in Lach are:

- Anemia.

- Congenital heart disease complicated by anemia or infection.

- Neonatal asphyxia.

- Rheumatic heart disease.

Initial “warning symptoms” that could indicate Lach are:

- Difficulty in feeding.

Frequent short breaths taken by the child, who is able to breathe better when held against the shoulder.

- Irritability, with poor weight gain.

- Persistent cough and wheezing.

Acute suffocative attacks of cough and dyspnea when they fall asleep (Grin. Op). This cardiac distress becomes < when the child is going to sleep on the left side

Excessive perspiration, with extreme sensitivity to heat, and the child is unable to tolerate hot, stuffy rooms.

Cardiac murmurs.

Intolerant of any weight, pressure of bedclothes, or tight clothing around the upper part of the chest or neck.

Pedal edema.

Puffiness of face.


Growing pains

Icy cold hands and feet, even in warm weather (Asar).

Awkwardness of hands; drops things (Apis. Bov).

Infantile rheumatism (soft tissue).

Examination findings:

- Blue discoloration of the hands.

- Oedema of the feet due to hypoproteinemia and albuminuria.

- Exostosis.

- Flat warts on the hand (Dulc. Sep), thumb, and second finger.

- Osteomyelitis.


Position: On abdomen; constantly changes position; lying on the side is impossible (Merc. Phos).

Sleep tends to get disturbed due to constant cough, feeling of suffocation, pain, perspiration, and the slightest bit of noise (Asar).

The infant tends to sleep into an aggravation.

Constant tossing about, with moaning and increased salivation in sleep.


Chill: - Icy coldness of the feet.

            - Loves warmth and heat.

- Lack of thirst (Gels. Nat-m).

- Chills begin anytime from evening to night (18 h. to midnight), with chattering of the teeth, nausea and vomiting.

- Chills tend to commence in the back (Eup-per).

Heat: - Excessive loquacity (Bapt. Gels. Podo. Pyrog. Teucr. Tub. Zinc-met.); changing the subject rapidly with excitement.

- Thirstless

- Violent headaches

- Burning of palms and soles, which must be uncovered.

- Loss of appetite.

Sweat: - Sweat cold, stains yellow.

Tongue: Mapped, dark red tip, trembling tongue with brown center.

Pulse: Accelerated.

Fever in a Lach. child usually comes on during the months of February, March, and April (Carb-v. Sulph), but this is rare in India as compared to

Europe. In my practice, children get fever with Lach symptoms purely due to poor immunity that invites repeated infections.

The child develops stupor easily in the early stages of the fever.

Pointers to early septicemia in the Lach. neonate or infant are:

- Abdominal distention.

- Acute thirst (in older children).

- Apneic spells.

- Bleeding tendencies (decomposed scanty uncoagulable blood) from many orifices.

- Circum-oral cyanosis.

- Convulsions.

- Difficulty in putting out the tongue, with marked tremors (older children).

- Dry, brown tongue.

- Expression: Besotted, haggard, intoxicated, and vacant.

- Failure to gain weight.

- Irritability.

- Jaundice.

- Lethargy.

- Loose motions - offensive, putrid smelling.

- Loquacious delirium.

- Refuses feed.

- Restlessness.

- Vacant, listless look.

- Vomiting.

- < warm weather

Examination findings:

- Abdomen is distended and tender to touch.

- Test of the blood: C reactive proteins increased, high ESR, increased alpha haptoglobins, leucocytosis, low platelet count, serum fibrinogen levels decreased.

- Fever around 22 h., marked by extreme stupor.

- Malarial parasite +

- Spongy gums.


Tendency to boils and abscesses (staphylococcal).

Tendency to cellulitis.

Unhealthy skin.

Examination findings:

- Allergic drug rash.

- Atopic eczema.

- Impetigo.

- Tinea cruris, and tinea pedis.

- Urticaria.


Air hunger; marked desire to be in open air; the child insists on sitting next to the window while travelling in a car or train.

Extremely hot children; love to remain and play in open air, always want fan and air conditioner on in the room.

Night-time aggravation (before midnight (Ars. Cham) of many complaints (asthma/cough/diarrhea/fever/migraine/sinusitis).

Childhood cancers like leukemia are very common; also benign tumors like angioma, haemangioma, keloid, etc.

Discharges: Bloody (eczema/mucous secretions/stools/urine/vomitus).

Easy emaciation from diarrhea (Mag-c. Ol-j).

Easy faintness after fright, from pain, in a hot room, or taking a hot water shower.

Haemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed easily and profusely. Dark, and uncoaguable blood.

Strong family history of valvular or rheumatic heart disease, cancer, leukemia, anemia, diabetes, septicaemia, cerebrovascular accidents.

Tendency to catch cold very easily.

Tendency to dropsy from heart, liver, and spleen disease.



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