Lacs in Homeopathy Kind Anhang


[Patricia Heatherly]

What do you say to the students when they are looking at a rubric that comes from a proving that you have some reservations about?

P.: Well I just give my opinion, it’s as simple as that. Just going back to some of the milk/breastfeeding rubrics is a good example. Such rubrics as : “milk tastes bad,” or “baby refuses mother’s milk”.

I look at those with a jaundiced eye. Babies don’t refuse mother’s milk. It is a natural instinct to go to the breast. But if the mother has had a lot of dairy then the baby who is tubercular might have an apnoeic episode during feeding and will pull off the breast. I think that we need to revisit some of the old rubrics and look at them from the perspective of modern science, and maybe to shine the torch on those inconsistencies. But having said that, I never thought that I would have cause to use “breast milk stringy” in a repertorisation and I did….once! You only need to see one case and then it’s a great rubric. It’s so exciting when our patients use the very words that are in our books.

We may wonder how it is possible that a very elegant picture of materia medica can be sitting in front of you.

It just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what nationality they are, or the background. We’re all the same underneath. 



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