Lapis spp.


Lapis lazuli (Lap-la) = Ultramarin/= Wäscheblau:/= optische Aufheller/[Mineralgemisch: primär aus Calcit, Lasurit, Diopsid besteht (o. aus Calcit und Lasurit o. aus Lasurit, Sodalith und Diopsid)]/[(Na, Ca)8(SO4,S,Cl)2(AlSiO4)6+Fe]/[(Na,Ca)7-8(Al,Si)12(O,S)24[(SO4),Cl2(OH)2]


Vergleich: Enthält: S; Ereschkigal (Lapis lazuli/Löwe/Tod Göttinnen). Pyrite.

Vergleich.: Lap-a (Lapis albus) + Lap-c-b (Limestone) + Lap-gr-m (Granite murvey) + Lap-mar-c (Marble).

Siehe: Aluminium + Calcium + Silizium + Gesteinsgruppe + Farbstoffen + Teuergruppe + Grabbeigaben + Anhang (Dr Paulo Rosenbaum) + Anhang 2 (Peter Tumminello) + Edelsteine.


Aluminium:                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Zurückziehen

Natrium:                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Anfang

Silizium:                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Erfolg

Sulphur:                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Erinnern

Nat-m.:                                    sadness, withdrawal, depression

Sulph.:                                    heat, congestion, burning, redness

Sil.:                                                 panaris, boils, acne

Alum.:                                    dry (cough/lips/mouth/hands/skin/stool)


[Peter Tumminello]

Indicated for the search for meaning, that which is larger than the egoic self.

It is also for those searching for the cause of unhappiness or disease, or that which arises out of feeling tied to the mundane trivialities of life. Its resolution is in seeing the bigger picture, the aerial view of freedom, beauty, and larger perspective. It is also indicated for those who have not been nurtured properly and it allows them to ‘mother’

or nurture themselves.

It improves communication, freedom of expression, and connectedness in families. Physical: acts on the thyroid and (historically) on eyes and sight. „As if imprisoned“/gaining

a new perspective but many of the gems generate a powerful change in consciousness and perspective/giving birth and babies relates to the birth of new or renewed consciousness and concurrent death of the old. Colour: royal blue 15C-D.

[Sigrid Häse]

Lapis trägt den „Blues“ in sich, eine tiefe Melancholie. Beleidigt sein mit Rückzugstendenzen, viel Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Schwermut, all dies ist die Essenz von Lapis.

Körperlich gesehen sind Kopfschmerz (möchte das Problem rational lösen), und Druckgefühl auf der Brust (unerlöstes Herz) vorherrschend. Das Bild vom Märchen: der eiserne Heinrich/Froschkönig, der seinem erlösten Herrn immer wieder antwortet, nachdem dieser auf ein knallendes Geräusch hin fragt, ob der Wagen bricht:

Nein, Herr, der Wagen nicht, es ist ein Band von meinem Herzen, dass da lag in großen Schmerzen..., aus Erleichterung über die Erlösung seines Herrn.

Und genau diese Erleichterung kann das Mittel einem noch unerlösten Herzen bringen.

Hineingesprenkelt in das Blau des Steines sind immer wieder kleine Goldtupfen, unerreichbar für das Blau und dabei ständige Sehnsucht, sei es als goldene Kugel (wer kann sich ein goldenes Spielzeug schon leisten), sei es als Reichtum – denn Lapis hat in der Regel haushohe Schulden und wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als davon freizukommen (erlöst zu sein), um seine Verpflichtungen gegenüber Familie und Gläubigern zu erfüllen.

Und wissen wir, wie der verzauberte Königsohn in den Brunnen gekommen ist? Darüber gibt das Märchen keine Auskunft. Vielleicht hatten seine Gläubiger die Geduld mit ihm verloren und ihn dort hineingeworfen? Und nur eine vermögende Frau könnte ihn erlösen? Vermutungen, ich weiß, aber jedes Märchen hat ja einen wahren Kern...

Der blaue Hindugott Vishnu ist in Indien Symbol des Weltenerhalters, der sich als Avatar immer wieder über alle Zeiten verkörpert. So gilt auch Buddha als eine seiner Inkarnationen, was gläubigen Hindus erlaubt, den Buddhismus nicht als Gegenreligion zu betrachten und umgekehrt. Hindus verehren aus der Vielzahl der Götter immer ihren persönlichen Lieblingsgott, was zu einem immensen Reichtum an religiösen Splittergruppen geführt hat, die aber merkwürdigerweise alle miteinander harmonisieren und sich gegenseitig tolerieren.

Ein erleichternder, erlösender blauer Stein mag sich auch als Weltenerhalter herausstellen, der Frosch im Brunnen würde jedenfalls als Königssohn wiedergeboren durch die Königstochter;

[Vanessa Parrado Lobo]

Negativ: Numb/stiff/trembling of the hands/arms, as well as staggering gait/sagging in the knees when trying to walk; dream about the shuffling gait.

Pain in limbs and rheumatic complaints.

Provers noticed heart disorders (sensation of cardiac arrest)

3 different provers: various symptoms of vertigo and sounds in the ears. This included whistling high frequency sounds twice.

Bleeding from the anus and bloody stool/bleeding nose/complaints regarding the head “As if vessels rupturing”;

Consolidation and disintegration

Symptoms of consolidation: like metal plate in the head/petrification/swelling of indurated lymph nodes/dream about a lump in the breast. One dream the substance was Granite.

Deep sadness leading to feelings of disintegration, which showed itself in physical symptoms as joint is as if disintegrated, sensation of disintegration of the back and in delusions of transparency.

Lightness and heaviness

A sensation of heaviness appears: will petrify completely/Colossus of Rhodos. Constant fatigue/exhaustion/weakness.

Discrepancy between internal lightness and external heaviness and tiredness becomes apparent.  It could be said that there is something tender/subtle versus rigidity/sluggishness/slowness/lack of concentration versus being rushed and nervousness.

Polarity can be seen between calmness, deep sadness and fighting tears (not >).

Womanliness, motherhood, pregnancy

Two provers “As if they were pregnant”. Dreams: the great mother/being pregnant/breast feeding/mother milk play/lump in the breast.


Dreams: altars/paintings of saints/trip to Buddha/also about witches/heathen rituals for the great mother.


Provers mentioned order and as a contrast clumsiness as an important theme. Things that were out of order: malfunctions of the car appeared/weaknesses in the organism surface/water damage that had been invisible until then was strongly emphasized.

Water and dryness

We mentioned the water theme as part of the synchronicity: the matching dreams about Noah’s ark/animal Polonaise, as a contrast: dryness and flakiness of the

skin/dry lips/dry mouth/dry cough/coryza with runny discharge, but also congestion of the nose.

Heat and cold

Sensation of heat combined + PERspiration on the face/cheeks/forehead/ears and the entire body, as well as dryness of the skin increased; less sensitivity to (sensations of) cold. Indicated for the search for meaning, that which is larger than the egoistic self. It is also for those searching for the cause of unhappiness or disease, or that which arises out of feeling tied to the mundane trivialities of life. Its resolution is in seeing the bigger picture, the aerial view of freedom, beauty, and larger perspective. It is also indicated for those who have not been nurtured properly and it allows them to ‘mother’ or nurture themselves. It improves communication, freedom of expression, and connectedness in families.

Physical: acts on the thyroid and (historically) on eyes and sight. „As if imprisoned“/gaining a new perspective but many of the gems generate a powerful change in consciousness and perspective/giving birth and babies relates to the birth of new or renewed consciousness and concurrent death of the old.


Colour: royal blue 15C-D

Repertorium:                                                                                    [Anne Schadde and Jürgen Hansel]

Gemüt: Angst [durch Schmerz (im Herzen)]/Furcht (vor drohender Krankheit/vor Regen/vor dem Verhungern/verletzt zu werden/vor Wasser)

Beleidigt, leicht

Macht Fehler (sprechend)

Gedächtnisschwäche (sich auszudrücken/für Worte)


Gesellschaft abgeneigt/< Gespräche

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau i.B. auf Kleinigkeiten

Gleichgültig, Apathie (und schläfrig)


Hochmütig, arrogant

Konzentration - gut, aktiv/schwierig


Reizbar, gereizt (wenn angesprochen/durch Gespräche/sprechend)

Verlangt in Rente zu gehen, sich pensionieren zu lassen

Schweigsam/Seelenruhe, gelassen/möchte still sein, seine Ruhe haben/stilles Wesen


Vorahnung des Todes

Traurig (grundlos)

Ungeduld (beim geringsten Widerspruch)

Ungeschickt (lässt Dinge fallen)

Voller (unbestimmtes) Verlangen

“Wie verlassen“/“Wie isoliert“

Wahnideen (wäre schwanger/Familie werde verhungern/Menschheit werde verhungern/sei verhungert)

Weint (kann nicht weinen, obwohl er traurig ist/plötzlich)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Morgens (6 - 9 h) erwachend

“Wie balancieren“/“Wie schaukeln“

+ Nasenbluten/+ Kopfschmerz

mit Schweiß

< kaltes Wetter

Dizzy feeling & sleepiness

Lightheaded feeling

Kopf: „Wie Balancieren“

Geräusche im Kopf

Hautausschläge - juckend/Schuppen/schuppig/Haaransatz

Kopf heben ist unmöglich

Hitze (durch Widerspruch)

Jucken der Kopfhaut am Hinterkopf


Schmerz [morgens erwachend/+ übel/drückend/> (gehend) im Freien/> kalte Anwendungen/> kalte Luft/> Reiben/im Hinterkopf (l./morgens erwachend/stechend)/

erstr. über den ganzen Kopf/in Scheitel/seitlich r./in Stirn (r./drückend/über Augen)]

Schweregefühl - „Wie balancieren“/“Als ob fallen würde“/in Stirn


Müdigkeitsgefühl, müdes Gefühl


Auge: Entzündete Bindehaut

„Als ob Augen herausfallen“


Schmerz („Wie nach Weinen“)

Tränenfluss (durch Augenschmerz)

Müder Ausdruck

Sehen: Trübsichtig,  trüb

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche mehrere

„Wie Hitze“

Schmerz (< Schnäuzen der Nase)

Nase: Absonderung blutig morgens < Schnäuzen der Nase/gelb

Nasenbluten [morgens (erwachend im Bett)/< Anstrengung/während Kopfschmerz/< Schnäuzen der Nase]

Schnupfen (mit Absonderung/< kalte Luft/< Zugluft, Luft)

Niesen morgens erwachend

Schmerz in Nasenlöcher (brennend)/innerlich Nase (brennend)


Verstopft (mit Absonderung9

Gesicht: Ameisenlaufen (in Lippen)


Hautausschläge - Akne rosacea/Furunkel am Kinn/mit Krusten, Schorfen am Mundwinkel/raue Lippen/(rot an der) Nase

Hitze (während Kopfschmerz/„Wie Hitze“

Lippen rissig (Unterlippe)/trocken

Schmerz - unter Augen/Kiefer (Ober-/Unterkiefer)/Lippen (brennend)


Mund: Entzündetes Zahnfleisch

Gefühllos, taub (in Gaumen)

Hautausschläge - Bläschen auf Zungenspitze

Kribbeln in Gaumen (morgens - 8 h/um die Lippen vormittags - 10 h

Schmerz in Zunge (< Bewegung/brennend)

Speichelfluss nachts

Trocken (mit Durst/und durstlos)

Speisen geschmacklos/Geschmack metallisch

Sprechen schwierig aus Schwäche

Innerer Hals: Schmerz r./l. erstr. r.

<: Abkühlung, Kaltwerden/kalte Getränke/kalte Luft;

kratzend, kratzig

< leeres Schlucken (stechend)

stechend/wund schmerzend + Schnupfen

Äußerer Hals: Schmerz in Halsdrüsen

Geschwollene Halsdrüsen/Schilddrüse

Magen: Appetit - fehlend/Heißhunger




Übel (< hustend)/Erbrechen < hustend

Bauch: Auftreibung (schmerzhaft)/Flatulenz/Rumoren, Kollern

Schmerz [> Flatusabgang (schneidend)/> Gehen/krampfartig/r. Hypochondrien (stechend)/seitlich r. (schneidend/ziehend)

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus (< nach Stuhlgang)


Flatus übel riechend („Wie faule Eier“)


Jucken (< warmes Bett, Bettwärme)

Schmerz < beim Stuhlgang (schneidend)

Stuhl: Blutig/riecht faulig/übel riechend/“Wie Kugeln“/teigig, breiig/dünn, flüssig/weich

Nieren:  in Nierengegend (ziehend)

Blase: Schmerz (brennend)

Harndrang häufig

Männliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen vermehrt

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor (braun)

Kehlkopf und Trachea: in Halsgrube (brennend)

Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit/nasal

Atmung: Behindert, gehemmt

Husten: durch Beklemmung in der Brust


Brust: Hautausschläge (juckend)

“Als ob Herz stehen bleibt“

Zusammenschnürung (erwachend)

Herzklopfen mit Schwindel

Schmerz - Achselhöhlen (stechend)/Herz (drückend/stechend/wund schmerzend//> gehend)

Geschwollen Achseldrüsen

Rücken: Hautausschläge - „Wie Flohbisse“/Zervikalregion

Jucken (zwischen Schulterblätter/in Zervikalregion)

Schmerz viele

Spannung in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Gesäß rot

Gefühllose, taube Arme nachts

Hautausschläge - Hände rot

Jucken in Handrücken

Kalte Hände mit Schwindel

Knacken in Kniegelenken


Ruhelose Beine

Schmerz viele

Schwäche in Knie

Schwankender Gang


Trockene Hände

Zittern nach Zorn/der Hände Gegenständen haltend

Schlaf: Gestört bei Vollmond

Erwacht nach Mitternacht (gegen morgen)/„Wie durch Schreck“/wegen Schwindel

Kurz/leicht, nicht tief

Liegen ist unmöglich

Träume: Zu fallen, zu stürzen in einem Abgrund/Hexen/Kirchen/prophetisch/zu Schweben/Wasser

Fieber: mit Schauder

Frost: im Allgemeinen

Abends (18 - 22 h)

Nachts (22 - 6 h)


mit Schweiß

Schweiß: Nachts (22 - 6 h)

< geringe Anstrengung

Haut: Jucken/trocken

Allgemeines: < Bewegung/verlangt nach Bewegung

„Wie Hitze“/innerliche Kälte mit äußerlicher Hitze

< durch Licht

Schmerz („Wie gequetscht, zusammengedrückt“/“Wie zerquetscht“)

Schweregefühl - äußerlich/innerlich

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: (rohes) Gemüse;  <: Gurken/Choc;  Verlangt: Alkohol/Hühnchen/Milch/Schokolade/trockene Speisen;

Müde (morgens/abends/< nach Essen/nach Sprechen)

Schwäche/körperlich träge

Zittern innerlich


Repertory:                         [Paulo Rosenbaum/Schadde]

Mind: Morning on waking

< Conversation/”Will be starved”/”Family will be starved”/”Mankind will starve”/ fear of starving/impatience at slightest contradiction/irritable (from conversation/

when spoken to/while talking)/weak memory (expressing oneself/words)/(wants to be) quiet disposition/ taciturn/tranquil/serene/calm/thinking difficult irritability

Delusions - is pregnant/being starved/will starve family is starved Fear - of impending disease/of being hurt/of rain/of starving/of water

Presentiment of death

Conscientious about trifles

Full of desires - indefinite

“As if forsaken”/”As if isolated”


Impatient at slightest contradiction

Indifferent (with sleepiness)

Weakness of memory for expressing oneself/for words 

Mistakes in speaking

Offended easily

Quiet disposition/desires retirement

Sad (causeless?)



Weeping - cannot weep, though sad/suddenly

Yielding disposition

Vertigo: “As if balancing”/+ perspiring/”As if rocking”/by cold weather

+ epistaxis/pain in head

Weather cold

Head: Eruptions as scales/heat (from contradiction)/heavy forehead/noises in head/heaviness in forehead /”As if falling”/”As if tension internally”/”As if irritable internally”

Pain [r./morning on waking/+ nausea/in forehead above eyes/occiput (l./ext over whole head)/>: open air (walking)/cold (air/applications)/rubbing/after sleep]


Unable to raise head

Eyes: Pain after weeping

Wants to close eyes

Discharges burning

Eruptions on lids – r./scurfy

“As if falling out”


irritated (r.)

Itching in lids (r.)

Lachrymation r. (then l.)/from pain in eye/burning

Pain – burning (upper lids/reading/< light)/”As if after weeping”/stitching inner canthi – ext. outer canthi

Swollen (morning on waking)

Tired – expression/sensation

Quivering lids from irritation

Vision: Red before the eyes

Orange, gold, and yellow

Lost with tired sensation in eyes


Ears: Whistling (l./r./< noise)

Itching in the meatus l.

Noises in ears, < left; from morning on waking/sitting/whistling/rustling (l.)

Tingling, glowing in ears, r. after starting

Stitching (in r./l.)/pressing (behind the ear)

 “As if pressure” behind ears

Heat in external ear (+ heat in the cheeks)

Itching in meatus – r./l.

Pain (on blowing nose)

Hearing: delusions

Nose: Coryza (+ sore throat)/Bleeding from exertion/burning, smarting (nostrils/root internally)/sneezing morning on waking

Bleeding [in the morning/on waking/on bending forward (with feeling of pressure in head)/on blowing nose/from exertion/during headache]

Discharge – transparent/yellow/watery

Dry inside - + cold/+ dry throat/dry lips

Coldness, freezing

Nostrils, open, left. Feeling of cold air/oxygen going in

Sneezing (morning on waking)

Obstructed (with discharge)

Pain burning/smarting – nostrils inside root of nose

Perspiration on nose

Smell: Acute; stronger sense of smell

Odors, imaginary and real (camphor/burned coffee/gasoline/old ladies perfume/peppermint/soap/something sharp/spring/fresh/sweet, fruity)

Face: Cracked lip (lower)

Eruptions – acne/boils on chin/crusty, scabby in coeners of mouth/(red) on nose/rough lips

Heat (with headache)/”As if hot”

Irritation “As if from cold weather”



Formication [around 8 h.) lips]/pain below eye/perspiration

Cold + cold hands

Cramp in lower jaw l.

Glowing red [cheeks (and ears)]

Eruptions – on forehead and chest (itching)/painful/red

“As if a cobweb”

Cramp in the jaw

Eruptions, very small pimples in face, back & back side upper legs. Red & painful.

Eruptions, itching in forehead & chest

Feeling of a spider web & irritation

Glowing sensation

Itching (in chin/on r. cheek/above upper lip)

Pain - in jaws/burning in upper lip

Mouth: Crawling in palate/numb (palate)/salivation at night/speech difficult from weakness/

Formication (palate 8 h.)

Taste (metallic/food = tasteless)

Burning feeling [in the mouth (tongue, like a blister or aphthae)/in upper lip]

Dry (with thirst/thirstless)

Eruptions – vesicles on tip of tongue

Inflamed gums

Numb (palate)

Pain - < motion of tongue/burning on tongue)

Salivation – night/profuse

Speech difficult from weaknesse

Swollen salivary glands

Taste: acute/metallic/food tasteless/sweetish/bitter, like bile; after a sip of water/< water

Tingling on tongue

Throat: Pain – r. (l. ext. r.)/on cold air/becoming cold/cold drinks/scratching/sore + coryza/stitching (on empty swallowing)

Feeling of lump in the throat + feeling of choking (daytime)

Itching + coughing < left

Pain - stitching l. on waking/violent < swallowing

Sensation of heat

External throat: Pain in cerviocal glands

Swollen cervical/thyroid glands

Stomach: Appetite wanting/increased (at night)

Empty/”As if full”/cough + nausea/cough + vomiting

Distension (painful)




Heavy feeling

Hunger – at night/+ easy satiety/+ empty feeling in stomach/and tired

Nausea – after sleep/daytime/ + belching/constant, lasting for 2 weeks, after that only on waking/with sighing + yawning/+ eructations/+ heavy feeling in stomach/on motion + < looking away/+ pain in abdomen

Pain - from anxiety/burning after apples/cramping during anger “As if a lump in cardia”/”As if something were stuck there + nausea”

Shrinking sensation + anxiety about time


Abdomen: cramping, griping (across abdomen)

Pain – r./> walking/cutting/drawing/with fear + palpitations/just under diaphragm/stitching in liver region

Distended, feels hard, flatulence & belching (for weeks)



Rectum: Diarrhea

Flatus offensive (spoiled eggs)

Hemorrhage (after stool)/Hemorrhoids

Itching (in warm bed)

Pain cutting during stool

Stool: bloody/smells putrid/offensive/pasty, papescent/soft/thin/dry

Kidney: Pain - drawing in region of kidney

Bladder: full + excitement

Pain burning

Urge to urinate frequent

Male organs: Sexual desire increased 

Female organs: Conscious of uterus

Leukorrhea (brown)

Menses profuse, breasts “As if swollen”

Desires chocolate during menses

Sexual desire increased, lascivious

Larynx: Voice – nasal/hoarse

Choking; daytime + fear of suffocation



“As if a lump”

Pain – burning in throat pit”

Stitching – < warm drinks/impeding (= hemmend) swallowing

“As if swollen”

Respiration: Difficult; choking sensation & fear of suffocation

Impeded, obstructed


Slow (+ deep)


Cough: Dry

+ nausea/+ vomiting/dry

Itching - in larynx < l./in throat-pit evening and night

Just once every time

From oppression in cheste

Conscious of lungs + yawning + itchy nose

Constriction – heart/r. mamma

Eruption (itching)

Itching, in sternum

Oppression with heaviness in stomach

Pain + feeling of pressure in heart area/gnawing in heart with anger/stitching (in l. mamma)/violent pressure on the chest r./burning + glowing sensation/sore

“As from a blow on waking”, 5 days before menses. < Left. Nipple swollen + bluish on one side/stitching l. side/goes from nipple straight inwards, through the breast.

Palpitation of heart (and coldness)

Palpitations + tired, heavy legs

Mammae “As if swollen and grown”

Swollen glands in axillae

Back: Eruptions – like fleabites/in cervical region


Itching back & shoulders

Sensation of warmth in the back

Stiff neck muscles/torticollis drawn to the l.

Swelling of axillary? glands & painful, before menses


Extremities: Cold hands + vertigo/pain/restless

Cold hands + cold face

Cold right arm and shoulder with pain

Dry hands

Cracking in knee joint

Eruptions red on hands


Heat – hand (and foot)

Heaviness – in upper arm and shoulders/leg

Eruption, itching on hand, like a fleabite

Itching – back of hand/in r. shoulder

Numb upper arms (at night)

Pain - in left arm ext. left leg + tingling/in r. arm, numb feeling/in r. arm & coldness; “As if rubbed with peppermint oil”/cramping in shoulders (with irritation)/drawing in shoulders, “As if drawn upwards”/cramping (in wrist/shoulder/wrist)/drawing/+ heaviness in shoulders, upper arms and cervical region.

Heat in cervical region – ext. Scapulae

Pain - gnawing r. ext. l./sore (between scapulae)/stitching

Perspiration in hands/on wrists

Restless lower limbs

Scanty feeling in thighs

Tottering gait

Trembling (after anger/hand on holding objects)s

Warm hands (+ feet)

Cold thighs + feet at night

Cold feet and lower legs (+ tingling) < left and then right

Cramps in foot sole and toe, left > standing

Pain in r. knee

Perspiration on hand

Stretching out legs is impossible

“As if swollen and out of proportion”

Weak knee

Sleep: Lying prone = uncomfortable

Difficulty falling asleep (from coldness)

Disturbed at full moon

Do not remember the dreams.

Interrupted – at night many times/from dreams, waking at 4 h./at full moon


Lying impossible.

Position, on abdomen with knee on the same side lifted

Sleepless from worries, anger + vexation; dwelling at night

Sleepiness overpowering

Strong desire for sleeping

Wakes up tired and cold.

Wakes up often with a feeling of suppression

Waking – after midnight (toward morning)/”As from fright”/from vertigon

Dreams: Falling in an abyss/floating

Of daily occupations, of cruel things

Chill: in general

Evening/at night/+ perspiring


Shivers all over the body

During slight exertion

Fever: at night

+ shivering

Perspiration: at night


Skin: Dry – “As if that of a mummy”/so dry that it hurts

Goose flesh + shivers

Icy coldness – at night/> hot water


Wandering itch, r. shoulder, wrist, nose, ear, r. cheek + irritation

Wrinkled, shriveled

Modalities > hot bathing, sun and warmth/sleeping;

<: Quarrelling;

Generals: internal + external heat

Alternating and contradictory states

Desires color blue

Dryness of mucus membranes

Heat & burning/”As if hot”

Heaviness (ex-/internally)

Food and drink: Aversion to: artichoke/chicory/raw vegetables; <: Choc./cucumbers ;  Desires: alcoholic drinks/chicken/Choc./dry food/milk/cold & sweets (ice- cream)/yogurt/artichokes & chicory;

Ice coldness + tiredness + yawning (almost every prover)

Ice coldness & shivering

Itching all ovr

< light/< motion/desires motion

Lack of energy from sleeplessness & tiredness

“As if crushed”

Sluggish physically

Trembling internally

Symptoms lasting for a week or two

Violent & quick symptoms

Heavy/< light/< motion/”As if crushed”/weary (evening/after talking)/painfull ”As if run over by a truck”


Weary (morning/evening/after eating/after talking)

Repertory:                                                                         [Anne Schadde and Jürgen Hansel]

Mind: absentminded

Anger = bad temper/fretful/irascible/vexation

Anxious - pain in the heart/Fear (impending disease/of being hurt/of rain/of water)

Awkward - drops things


Company - aversion to (= < presence of other people)

Concentration - active/difficult

Conscientious about trifles

Death - presentiment of

Delusions - eyes falling out/is pregnant

full of desires - indefinite

Forsaken - “As if Isolated”


Indifference, apathy (with sleepiness)


Mistakes - speaking

Offended easily (= taking everything in bad part)

Desires retirement

Sad - causeless/= despondent/depressed/gloom/melancholy)

Taciturn (= desire to be silent)


Weeps suddenly/cannot weep, though sad

Yielding disposition

Vertigo: in general

morning on waking

with nosebleed

during headache

Head: Eruptions - itching/margin of hair/scurfy

Hair falling

Itching in occiput

Pain - r./morning on waking/> (cold) open air (walking)/> cold applications/> rubbing/> after sleep/forehead r./occiput/vertex/pressing (Forehead)/stitching in occiput

(morning on waking)/

Raising head impossible

Tired feeling

Congestion & hot cheeks

Itching in occiput

Pain - constant & lasting for days/r. eye ext. l. eye + forehead/in forehead and bridge of nose/in forehead and occiput/+ glowing sensation/ext. from between scapulae to neck and head.

Pain - pressing in forehead < by pressure/pressing l. temple.

Pain goes away gradually. Then “As if a cold spot is left behind”/”As if wet and the wind blows over it”.

Head pain, stitching on temples, both sides of the head

Noises in head, hearing illusions

Sensation of pressure in the head, violent (with anxiety)

Sensation of heat, yet feels cold to touch

Coldness, chilliness, etc. – “As from cold water”


Itching – occiput/l. side

Pain - morning on waking/in forehead l. side/in r. eye then l. eye

Ext. forehead/in forehead pulsating/pressing (with fear/in forehead  < pressure/between forehead + vertex/in forehead behind eyes/in l. temple)/in forehead (l. side)/

stitching in sides/+ heat of face/cold to touch, though hot

Flushes of heat

Tingling in vertex

Eye: Inflamed - Conjunctiva


Lachrymation (from pain in eye)

“As if tired”

Vision: dim

Ear: Heat - sensation of

Noises in (l./pulsating, throbbing/rushing/sitting/on waking/whistling)

Pain (on blowing nose)

Nose: Coryza - from draft of air/< air/with (fluent) discharge

Discharge - bloody in morning on blowing nose/yellow

Epistaxis [morning (on waking in bed)/on blowing nose/during headache]

Obstruction (with discharge)


Eyes: Inflamed

Irritated right, outer corner

Itching right

Itchy eyelids, burning, desquamating < right

Lachrymation, right eye and then left

Pain - behind l. eye/burning < right/burning (upper lids/reading/stitching above l. eye in waves

“As if tired in eyes” (and painful)

Face: Lips - cracked (lower lip)/dry


Eruptions - acne - rosacea/boils on chin/crusty, scabby in corners of mouth/on nose (red)/rough on lips

Heat (with headache)/sensation of heat

Pain - burning lips/lower jaw/upper jaw

Mouth: Dry (with thirst/thirstless)

Inflamed gums

Pain - burning tongue (< motion)

Taste metallic

Vesicles on tip of tongue

Throat: Pain [l. to r./cold air/on becoming cold/cold drinks/scratching/stitching (on empty swallowing)9

External throat: Pain in cervical glands

Swollen cervical Glands/swollen thyroid Gland

Stomach: Appetite - ravenous (= canine, excessive)/wanting/Thirst



Abdomen:Distension (painful)


Pain - aching/cutting r./drawing r./dull/> passing flatus/stitching r. Hypochondria/> walking - right


Rectum: Diarrhea

Flatus offensive (spoiled eggs)

Hemorrhage from anus (after stool)


Itching (in warm bed)

Pain - cutting during stool

Stool: like balls/bloody/smells putrid/thin, liquid - fecal

Bladder: Pain - burning

Urging to urinate - frequent

Kidneys: pain - drawing in region of

Male Genitilia: Sexual desire - increased

Female Genitilia: Leucorrhea (brown)

Larynx and trachea: Voice - hoarse/nasal

Respiration: burning - in pit of throat-pit

Impeded, obstructed

Cough: Dry            COUGH

Chest: “As if heart ceaes to beat”

Constriction - on waking (= tension, tightness)

Eruptions (itching)


Pain in heart - > walking/pressing/sore bruised/stitching

Pain in axilla

Palpitation of heart with vertigo

Swelling in axillary glands

Back: Eruptions in cervical region/like fleabites

Itching (in cervical region/between scapulae)

Pain [in cervical region (moving head)/dorsal region (lancinating/l./pressing under scapulae/stitching /r./scapulae)/lumbar region (morning/ext. to hip)/sacral region (on stooping)/after sitting a long time)]

Tension in cervical region

Extremities: Cracking in joints - knee

Nates red

Hands - dry/red eruptionsness/itching in back



Numb upper limbs at night

Pain - Fingers [2nd (metacarpal joints)]/thumb (r./burning)/wrist (“As of dislocated”/on motion)/elbow/shoulder (r.)/heel/foot walking/toes (1st/l./on stepping/pressing)/knee [on motion (>)/rising from a seat/stitching]/hip (r./> motion/sitting/wet weather/burning)/knee/joints rheumatic/lower limbs sciatica/upper limbs in morning)

Tottering gait

Trembling after anger/hand on holding objects

Weak knee

Sleep: Disturbed at full moon


Waking - at night/after midnight (toward)/as from fright/from vertigo

Dreams: Churches/prophetic/witches

Chill: Coldness in general



Perspiration: night/during slight exertion

Skin: Dry/itching

Generals: Food and drinks: Desires: alcohol/choc;

Sensation of heat

Heaviness - externally/internally

Desires motion

Sluggishness of body

Trembling inrernally

Weak (= enervation)

Weary (morning/after eating)

Various symptoms during the trituration/not included in the list of symptoms.

sensation of awareness and clarity

sensation of meditative calm and relaxation

sensation “As if intoxicated or buzzed”, slightly ‘out there’, more indifferent towards everything

gazing into empty space/briefly absent-minded

slow oncoming sadness, melancholy with the sensation of constriction in the chest, “As if something was weighing on the chest”. She has to take deep breaths: it feels burdensome, which makes her sad

burning of the eyes

pressure on the ears

stabbing in l. ear

pressure on the r. side of the head

sensation of anxiety in the chest - like pent-up energy

cardiac irregularity

irritating cough

pleasantly cool sensation on the body’s surface


Provers and supervisors made the following comments before the substance was revealed:

“I experience a strong discrepancy between inside and outside, between physical and mental/emotional”

“Aversion to talk, but also enjoyment in meeting and exchanging with others.”

“I respond more sensitively to critics; I feel treated unfairly.  But I also experience a strange lack of sensitivity and emotion, I am indifferent and observing.”

“There was a non-specific longing and later the feeling of change and sometimes euphoria.”

“Physically I became more and more immobile: hip, knee, thumb (“not being able to tackle something”) with weight gain.”

“I thought ‘now I will petrify completely’, I became more and more apathetic. I felt like the Colossus of Rhodes”

“Nevertheless, there was a feeling that something was going to change, as if it was about to happen; a certain clairvoyance, prophetic dreams, more sensitive in regards

to myself and others.”

Desire to retreat, I cleaned out the practice, cleaned the house. I spent one sleepless night because the fire in the oven wasn’t supposed to be out, that was very important

to me.”

Dream about the mountain Ararat (the mountain where Noah’s ark landed): “I am riding in a train, sharing a compartment with my family, there is an announcement ‘the weather forecast calls for strong winds on the way to Westland(?), please dress warm’. I think to myself that such a wind doesn’t penetrate the walls of a train. I feel a breeze going through me in the dark. I can’t see my children and my husband in the dark. I apparently brought the wrong wardrobe for the trip. In the morning, through the trees of a big forest I can see a mighty gigantic white mountain. It is the “Ararat”, how magnificent, I had no idea that this is where this trip brings us.  It is way more beautiful than I had ever imagined.  The mountain is covered with pure snow.  I cried out of happiness.”

After taking the remedy she acquired a tank with goldfish.  Later she reported certain moods that were somewhat representative of the remedy:

She reported sudden moments of deep sadness. “Not even crying helps this state”, the prover says, “it is as if everything disintegrated.”

She cut her hair during the active phase of the remedy: “as if cutting the umbilical cord”. Her periods of sadness improved after that. Physically she felt clearly better after cutting her hair. “I desire clarity and being grounded.”

Prepared for a trip even though no plans existed. Some weeks later she goes on a trip to Thailand.

“Everything prepares for something new. She has to create order.”

The radiator of our car explodes on Sunday after receiving the remedy.  It turns out later that this was due to a defect in the construction of the radiator.

The car is 12 years old and drove just fine thus far, in spite of the defect.”

“One week later, on another Sunday, I ran into a roadside ditch: the car was total loss. Nobody was injured.”

On another Sunday a waiter poured water over my shirt.”

“The remedy brings me closer to my true being, reliable and friendly on one side, physically and mentally rigid on the other.”

“It confronted me with my own rigid side.  Listless and sluggish, rigid, no interest in cooperation.”

But the remedy also inspires something very deep, genuine, tender and subtle inside of me, the dimensions of which I can only imagine, because defense, blockage and

not-wanting-to-see dominate me.”

“I had a lot of technical difficulties in my house: can’t install the software, the phone doesn’t work, I am cut off from the world.”

One night the toilet was running, I was not able to turn off the water. I had to ask a friend for help that same night, because I could not handle the rushing sound of the water.”

“I was clumsy, dropped the globules all over the desk; poured water over files. I was trembling like an old woman.”  “Many incidents involving water: It rained during the entire vacation. The bag on top of the car got wet and all homeopathy books were soaked.”

When repertorizing the mind and general symptoms of this remedy the main mineral constituents of


Jung: the phenomenon of synchronicity = “a simultaneousness of two or more corresponding but non-causally connected events”/saw non-causal, synchronistic events as indicative for our personal development in life (moments when we believe that we get off track or have lost track).

“The remedy brings about some synchronicity: when I picked flowers, I found a porcelain fragment with the same flower pattern as the flowers that I had picked.” She had additional perceptions, that dealt with premonitions.

Water = important: On the day when the group of provers met to find out the name of the remedy, the importance of water (see also the chapters in regards to the color blue) was confirmed by a particular synchronicity. This date in May of 1999 had been scheduled for a long time and was the end of the self-experimentation. Severe rainstorms plagued Bavaria in those days. On that exact date rain poured down like a flood and water came through the ceiling of the classroom. The enormous amounts of water

exposed a weak part of the ceiling that had been there for years.

It happened that many provers reported water problems, flooding, etc.


Allerlei: King of Lapis = Medizinbuddha.

Absorbiert UV-strahlen + wandelt es um in sichtbares Licht

The Lapis lazuli blue of the sky or the water greatly invites meditation, self-knowledge.  The world and life are too colorful to understand them completely, but during

the silence we can get a notion.

Are we still able to “listen inside”?  Maybe the Lapis is able to teach us to allow silence with calm.

Lapis lazuli popular as ornamental stone/used jewelry/seals/amulets/sculptures etc. 

Mines accessible only with difficulty/working on the stone is difficult/not without danger. In former times it was blasted by setting fire. Today dynamite is used.

The name Lazurium appeared first in the 6th Century and was derived from the Arabic word lazaward (blue), which itself is derived from the Persian word lazuli and developed into azul, signifying a very deep shade of blue. The Arab word azul also means ‘blue sky’ and lapis means stone.

In the 5th Century the stone was called ultramarinum in Europe.

The crystallization occurs during the metamorphosis of calcium into marble with traces of various minerals. It is a sodium-aluminum-silicate containing pyrite enclosures

that form golden lines or spots. Hard to cut/usually polished.

The color of Lapis lazuli varies from light blue to azure and violet-blue with shimmering gold colored enclosures. Supposedly S and Ca cause the coloration. High S = a deepening of the color. With their intense violet-blue coloration, sprinkled with waves and swirls of shimmering, gold-colored pyrite, the most beautiful specimen of the

stone are reminiscent of the night sky with myriads of stars shining in it.

Lapis lazuli = not crystalline/therefore not considered a precious stone. Its value stems from its attractive color.

For painters the Lapis lazuli was nearly the most expensive pigment, which is why it was mainly used to express super natural beauty, perfection and glory.

Raphael’s Alba Madonna is painted with ground Lapis lazuli. Imagine how much Raphael, Titian or Giovanni Bellini must have paid to be able to paint merely the cape

of their madonnas in Lapis blue.

The frequent use of Lapis lazuli in the old world gives an indication of how powerful the ancients thought this stone to be (as valuable as gold). Used for amulets and jewelry (scarabs). 

Assyrians and Babylonians used the stone as a seal.

All cultures in the East and West used the stone in decorations of statues of gods as well as emperors. It is the stone of the rulers.

It was thought blue stones, because of their similarity to the blue of the sky, attracted the spirits of light and wisdom.

A Lapis lazuli in the shape of a stylized eye on ancient Egyptian amulets represents the eye of the goddess of nature, Isis, as she was watching over the souls of the dead during their final journey.

The 26th chapter of the book of the dead was engraved in hearts of Lapis lazuli. The stone connected to magical practices: one should always hold and rub it with one hand while reading the 26th chapter of the Egyptian book of the dead.

Tibet: highest healer is called ‘Master of healing, the Tathagata in Lapis lazuli shine’.  His sky, located in the East, carries the name Pure Lapis lazuli.

The hand position of the Healing Buddha reveals his function:

The palm of the right hand is turned outward, and the fingers, pointing from the knees downward, show the gesture of granting blessing.  He holds the Myrobalane

(Latin: terminalia chebula), the healing fruit, in his right hand. The fruits of the Myrobalane are elixirs for a long life.

The color of Lapis lazuli holds a key to the deeper iconographical aspects of the Master of Healing. According to Buddhist tradition, the searching ones practice meditative exercises and the picture of the Healing Buddha in the color of Lapis lazuli exerts great influence. The symbols are brought to life by the invocated divine powers.

The luster of the Lapis lazuli blue has a noticeable healing effect on pain or calamities of which the practitioner has to be “cured” in order to gain enlightenment.

In a meditation concerning the medicine Buddha, three upper chakras are stimulated: the forehead chakra with the color white, the throat chakra with the color red and the heart chakra with the color blue.  This corresponds to the healing of the heart chakra by the color of Lapis lazuli.

To this day various ideas exist in popular beliefs:

The stone awards its bearer with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual powers.  It takes away fears and blockages of the emotional realm, and helps to work through denial.

Lapis lazuli procures inner truth, brings wisdom and sincerity.  It helps to stand by oneself and achieve success, self-confidence and dignity.  It furthers the will for power; reigning families wore Lapis lazuli. 

It expands the horizon and the potential of humans, gives courage and a fearless, venturous spirit, which is necessary to realize dreams.

It helps people to rid themselves of influences of past situations that still cause them problems in the present.  It liberates from compromises and restraint.

The energy emanating from Lapis lazuli can touch people deeply.  It promotes strong friendships, sociability and helps to convey emotions and sensations.

To dream of Lapis lazuli means success in affairs of the heart.

It has the strongest influence when it gets as close as possible to the heart, for example on a necklace worn on top of the heart. The ancient Persian and Rigvedic (East Indian) name for this stone signifies ‘chest             adornment’ or ‘necklace’, which suggests that even then the stone was primarily worn around the neck or on the chest.

Primarily Lapis lazuli gets rid of melancholy, cures malaria, stroke, epilepsy., diseases of the spleen and many mental derangements. Children wear it around their necks to take away fear.  It improves sight, prevents fainting and premature birth.”

Tradition of folk medicine claims:

Lapis harmonizes the function of the thyroid, which means that either it stimulates or it calms, whatever is needed. It generally has a strong impact on the various glands of

the body and strengthens their function.

It strengthens throat/larynx/vocal cords/associated with the throat chakra/is effective for diseases of the throat area, such as colds, hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing and diseases of the lungs.

Its blood pressure lowering effects as well as its relaxation of hormonal cycles are of importance.

It has a calming effect, is anti-spasmodic (menstrual pains/headaches/neuralgias/pains of the limbs).

Particular relation to the eyes: influences disorders of the optic nerve, tearing eyes, and allergies.

It strengthens not only the immune system but also self-confidence and trust in others.


Phytologie: Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and improves the metabolic rate of burning fat. Weibliche Organen PMT, Cysts, Ulcers, Dysmenorrhea.x



Lapis sectilis = Al + Si/= Tonschiefer


Vergleich: Enthält: Koalin + Magnetit + Graphit; Galeo (wächst auf Lap-s)

Siehe: Aluminium + Silizium + Gesteinsgruppe + Graugruppe + Schichtgruppe:


Aluminium                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Erforschen

Silizium                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Erfolg

Negativ: Ödem ;

Repertory from (meditative) proving from cumbrian slate:












< Injustice

Mental incapability









Female organs





Nervous system


Allerlei: Standfestigkeit wird geprüft/alles was nicht stabil ist, wird aufgelöst



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum