Loranthus = Plicosepalus acaciea


Vergleich: Siehe: Santalales + Kloner + Parasit


Proving Conducted by: Elia Onne, Michal Yakir, Alice Ruth Ben Chail, Talia Sharon and Neomy Langford. Israel 2008

Written and collated by Elia Onne and Michal Yakir

The inspiration for this proving came to Elia Onnein the spring of 2008.

"I was accompanying a friend who was hiking the entire Israel Trail (a 970 Km hiking trail, stretching from the northern tip of Israel right to the most southern tip).

I joined her for the walk of the southern part - The Negev desert. This is an arid land, very dry, remote and sparsely populated.

One of the trees that can survive in the Negev Desert is the Acaciae tree. At a certain point I noticed a strange phenomenon: On many acaciae trees, in complete

contrast to their economical nature (small narrow leaves, one of mother's nature devices designed to minimize loss of humidity) another climbing plant could be observed attached to it.

This one was luxuriously displaying thick fleshy leaves (full of water) and flamboyant large red attractive flowers. It was thickly spread over the frugal and modest Acaciae, its aggressive

fleshy shoots digging deep into the Acaciae trunk and branches. Some sections of the Acaciae trees were dried out and dead; some trees were entirely dried out and dead. This distressing

sight accompanied my journey for days and I could not but think of the homeopathic implications it might have, regarding Similia Similibus Curantur.

When I got back I talked to Michal Yakir, my friend of 20 years, a colleague, and a botanist, and we had our mind set to carry out a proving of the Loranthus, sometime in the near future".

The proving was conducted in the early summer of 2009.

As expected, it turned out to be pretty vicious stuff.

Its vicious nature showed its face everywhere in the human dynamics within the proving conducting team and not surprisingly, the key points of bitterness and dispute stood out later on,

in the symptomatology, as expressed in the provers' diaries.

Each proving has an individual energy around it. Often one can observe how the entire proving is coloured with this energy and thus becomes an inseparable part of the deeper understanding

of the remedy's "wesen.”

In this particular proving we had two primary investigators with a vision (to carry out a proving of the Loranthus) and three students in search of a topic for their dissertation and a wish to

experience conducting "a proving" but without a focus on a particular substance to prove.

Unfortunately but not surprisingly and with adherence to the signature of the source of the remedy, what started up with great enthusiasm and desire to bestow, share, endow and donate

on one hand and passionate and zealous energy to carry out "a proving" on the other hand, turned out to be a cause of acrimonious feelings and sensation of "we have been wronged," of

being taken over, of losing trust and hardhearted attitudes. Also anger and oppositions towards the one you are dependent on and an underlining attitude of "it's either us or them."

One may say that this position fueled the entire proving.

Not surprisingly, that and many other themes along that line showed up later on in the proving and were recorded in the provers' diaries.



Loranthus Acaceae (recently the name was set on the synonym: Plicosepalus Acacia) grows in desert regions, where it mostly leeches onto several species of Acacia trees, though it may

be found on other plants. It is found mainly in East Africa and the Sudan and it can also be found in Israel; Israel is the most northern spot it can be found.

Loranthus Acaceae is a semi-parasitical plant, which means that it produces its own sugars, but takes water, minerals and nutrients (mostly nitrogenous) from its host. Its growth cycle

depends solely on one species of bird pollinator - the Orange Tufted Sunbird (= Nectarinia Osea Osea). The Loranthus produces nectar-rich elongated red flowers (the tubercular corolla is

40 mm long) which function as an oasis for the Honey-Sucker birds which pollinate it as they drink its nectar, as well as for bees who try to steal nectar from the little holes the birds puncture

On the side of the flower. Apparently the flowers turn completely red after pollination (when nectar is no longer produced) and the Sunbirds are attracted to the flower while it is still green.

This is a strange post-pollination phenomenon since Honey-Suckers can see red and are attracted to red which usually indicates the presence of nectar.

After pollination, the plant produces red fleshy fruits, which are eaten by yet another bird, mainly Bulbuls, and the seeds are dispersed with the birds' excretion (the seeds aren’t harmed while

passing via the birds' intestinal tract-presumably by accelerating their digestive system).

The fruit can also adhere to the birds' beaks and as they try to remove it (by rubbing their beaks onto the branches), the sticky seeds stick to branches. The seeds germinate immediately on

the substance they were deposited on, regardless of location, and try to strike roots. If a seed was not deposited on the right tree or was unable to set roots - it will quickly dry out and perish.

Whenever the seed does manage to germinate, it sends absorbing roots-like organs (haustoria) that extend through the inner layers of the branches’host, where most of the water transport

occurs. After a while it merges completely with it. Other roots get interlocked around the host's branch in order to fasten their grip.

The Loranthus creates a mass on the hosts' branches; it is always above ground, never touching the ground, feeding solely through its host. Henceforth, it grows, producing a mass of succulent

fleshy leaves, availing itself of the host’s water and mineral supply, regardless of the austerity and modesty usually mandated by the desert climate. If the Loranthus' masses of growth

on the tree multiply too much, then at a certain point this brings an end to the tree as well as to itself.

Deep scars will remain on the tree, marking the penetration holes of the Loranthus’ suckers. This life cycle resembles that of the Viscum album. A rare plant in the past, the Loranthus is now

- with settlement expansion and the population of birds that comes with it (as pollinators and distributers) - much more widespread throughout the desert region infecting more and more trees.



Since the birth of our science and art, publishing and distributing newly acquired knowledge of a proving is virtually the life line of a remedy. Spreading and sharing the knowledge brings

in cured cases of that remedy, adding clinical data and widening our deeper understanding of the newly - introduced remedy.

Over the past 25 years the world of homeopathy has flourished with new provings. Some end up buried in someone's drawer (PC's hard-disk nowadays); some get published.

However, there seems to be a sort of a bottleneck in the internalizing process of the proving.  There is a multitude of information that is harvested from the diaries that does not find its way

to a focused and precise understanding of the remedy.

Jeremy Sherr: Writes in his book “The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Proving” ... Always try to envision a homeopath reading the proving 100 years in the future. Think about

what would be meaningful and useful to her/him in healing the sick, and what would be confusing and unclear....They (the symptoms) should be arranged so that the thread of meaning can

be easily perceived as it runs through the genius of the remedy."

So what is the best way to write up the proving so that in 100 years....?

Throughout the years, different approaches to publishing the "as if one person" of a proving have developed. Some have taken the more purist approach and suffice in publishing the provers’

diaries, backed up with the supervisor's data and observations, usually in a format following the repertory's chapters, while the internal listing of the symptoms is arranged according the

chronology of events.  ("as if one person", hour by hour and day by day). This is followed by repertorizing and distributing the information with hope that homeopaths coming across the new

remedy while repertorizing will delve into the provers' journals and thus get to grips with the remedy.  Another approach is to divide the content into somewhat laconic themes with appropriate quotations from the provers' diaries. However, more often than not, the published proving ends up resembling a rather ambiguous shopping list or a list of ingredients for a recipe but lacking

the flavor, smell, texture etc. which characterize the uniqueness of the new remedy.

We decided to dare and add our own synthesis and understanding with hope that this will help homeopaths to gain an understanding of Loranthus but hopefully will not limit or narrow the

understanding of the remedy.



This proving was conducted following Hahnemannian guidelines, alongside the protocol suggested by Jeremy Sherr in his book “The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Proving”.

Each prover’s case was taken by his supervisor, prior to the proving. The provers began filling up their diaries one week prior to the day of taking the remedy.

The provers were instructed not to exceed six doses over the first two days. Eventually one to two doses was enough and only one prover (Nr. 2 ) took 3 doses.

The provers’ diaries combined with the supervisors' diaries are the purest and unprejudiced source of data and served as the foundation which our understanding of the remedy is based on.

Thus all the symptoms that belong to the mind section, including the dreams, were put together in an "as if one person" format and divided into themes.

The themes were presented with the relevant quotations from the provers’ diaries.

The physicals and generals were arranged following headings according to the repertory format.

A short summary of the main themes of each chapter are at the head of each list.

Committed to listing the data while adhering to the repertory and materia medicas' format, we chose in addition, to synthesize our understandings in a summary article that brings together the

pure data of the provers’ diaries with the unique dynamics that characterized this proving and the events and happenings to the parties involved in the proving team as well as interpretations inspired by the theory of signature and the location of the remedy in “The Table of Plants”.

Readers are advised to also read the provers’ diaries as they are, and form their own understanding. This backed by cured cases (long term follow-ups), will hopefully shed more light and will

bring cure to those who can benefit from this remedy.

Nine provers participated in the proving of which one was given a placebo. One dropped out midway and this diary was not submitted.

The remedy was prepared by Ruty Shilo, Neot Shoshanim Pharmacy, Chulon, Israel


Parts that were used: flower, leaves, fruit, and rootlet.



The summary article includes the proving themes and understandings.

It is a synthesis of the data that were extracted from the diaries, the occurrences and atmosphere of the proving as well as implications and associations of the signature.

Different points of view can come up at a later time.

The proving's thread of scarlet seems to be:

Taking or claiming rights of things which are not yours (it could be belongings, someone else's spouse, a position, a title and so on) or being a victim or feeling like a victim of such circumstances, exploiting or being exploited and the rage that comes with it. Another facet was being/feeling dependent on some one and at the same time feeling hatred for that party. A twisted atmosphere prevailed in this proving, twisted power games, misuse of power and  being taken over that evoked negative emotions, anger and cursing.

Occurrences and dreams concerning coveting and stealing perse, showed up in the proving. However some were not clear cut stealing situations –

there is a specific twist to the Loranthus thieving: There is evasiveness, seeming innocence and other facets that blur boundaries.

The situation arose where by there was a taking over or taking something which does not belong to you by misuse of power or of being used or abused with no ability to respond on account of being dependent on the offender.

A dream:

"...There were three men and they are raping my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to extricate himself because he is supposed to keep working with them...".

This lack of clear boundaries was extended beyond mine/his issues. It surfaced also in male/female gender issues, invasion into one's privacy and more.

A dream: "...renovating a bathroom. I am shocked to realize that the outer wall is wide open so anyone can look in and even enter the house. I felt as though I am being observed ...".

Or another dream: "... Sexually abused woman... someone is publically touching her private parts ... I am trying to help her and at the same time I am trying not to become too involved.”

There were also dreams of same sex relationships, a pregnant man etc.

With the characteristic signature of a semi-parasitic plant, it was no surprise those themes of trying to take shortcuts and skip the investment that is needed in order to gain a position of merit

showed up in the proving.

One of the provers was contemplating in length around a biblical chapter that was the weekly portion of the Torah read in synagogues during the proving period:

The Korach Affair. [See Bible, Numbers (Bamidbar), Chapter 16]. The story in short: Korach and his followers challenged Aaron's and Moses leadership. They too wanted a position of priesthood. There was also a dispute around the distinguished status of the Levi tribe.

It was a fight for position of power and gaining distinction. "... Wanting it here and now could bring about an end such as Korach suffered - when he tried to take a short cut to the divine without undergoing the rectification that every prophet must experience, he was therefore swallowed into Hell, his own hell, and was lost forever.”

(It is much like the Loranthus, the parasite, assuming to take over the Acacia but ending in total destruction.)

This is enhanced by stealing, coveting something that belongs to someone else.

Dreams: "I am barefoot because someone stole my shoes ...".  "I am eating my teacher's sandwich without asking permission...".

In another dream: a woman is coveting the husband of her friend.

The twisted deviousness continues with the themes of hiding, disguising, and also mutation. The idea of mutation implies that a recognized known shape deforms and changes and another is formed. "...Suddenly there are two people with masks (like the Joker in Batman)... people begin to transform and mutate (horns, tails)...".

"... I sneak into my husband's guarded army base in a dangerous zone dressed up as a male soldier in order not to be recognized; I fool everyone...".

One of the provers wakes up one morning with a song replaying in his mind:

"They say that myself is not myself" (a song from the musical Two Kunilemels where a man disguises himself as another man so that there are two men look - alike s). This is a striking expression of the signature of the host and the parasite intermingled with one another.

The themes of slime, slick, slugs, mud and disgust that accompanied the feeling of the parasite reverberated into a real life occurrence for one of the provers: "A whole jar of sesame paste spilled and the entire kitchen floor was covered with oil. It was disgusting."

Or in dreams: "...We go into a butcher shop and the floor is muddy and disgusting. We have to walk in the mud and it is disgusting and wet...".

Another dream: "... Snails and slugs emerged. There was one huge slug, the size of the entire length of the wall and I took a bite of it, taking off part of its tail. This nearly paralyzed my mouth...".

The deviousness and slyness continues further with the theme of secretiveness and concealment. Dreams: "I make love with two of the male students. None of them knows about the other. Concealment and secrecy. Felt great ...!"

"Under the stairs there are lots of eggs that this woman has laid and I have to be careful not to tread on them. Somewhere inside me, I wish that one of the eggs will break and the whole affair will

be revealed. That everything will be exposed.

The themes of too much prattling and unrestrained talking or gossiping are additional expressions of the lack of refinement and unrestrained urges mentioned before. It began within the proving team on the very day the specimen was picked by the primary investigators and delivered to the pharmacy (see the introduction to the proving). This continued later on as recorded in one prover’s diary: "Strange how everyone is saying that one mustn't talk about this proving, but as it turned out everyone talks to everyone about it."

One of the supervisors said at the summarizing provers’ meeting: "

There were rumors all the time of quarrels that were going on in the proving, things I did not want to hear... sort of indiscreetness... you couldn't escape it.”

Or a

Dream: "I am at a clinical training session. The teacher is saying that a friend of mine came to the clinic as a patient and said that he cannot continue his relationship with me because I am gossiping about people. And I was thinking how stupid she is to reveal things concerning a patient since this is confidential!".

And another example: “I couldn't control my tongue and I said things that I shouldn't have said and also that I did not mean to say...".

Indeed throughout the proving there were symptoms of the tongue itself: burning, thick, paralyzed and more.

There were multitudes of expressions of belligerence, dictatorial behavior and bitter and aggressive attitudes:

”... I feel decisive - told my husband and kids:

‘I make the rules in the house!’".

There were instances of extreme impatience and explosive anger: "Felt tidal waves of anger and frustration, and could not stop complaining and telling off my husband".

"... Things penetrated and settled into a heap of rage which was not being released.

"...I couldn't stop looking for reasons to argue and quarrel.”

That was accompanied by cursing, swearing, loud, rude behavior and rude manner of speech: "... I said to my husband with the kids present: ‘You don't give a shit about me’.

I never talk like this, definitely not when the kids are around.”

"... Any garment or toy that was misplaced, any improper word was responded to with shouting and cursing... I even told my son that he was a loathsome child...".  A dream: "... friends of mine...

they are talking loudly... they are noisy and they are shouting at someone else's house, with no respect for him."

This is intensified by unrestrained urges and inability to hold back. A dream: "... I also have a lover that excites me very much. The lover comes to me. It's a big hall with lots of people. I pull a

curtain (not a thick curtain), as a partition between the crowd and the place where we meet. Lots of passion and sexual urges.”

Cold blooded maliciousness and desire to hurt were also present:

"Another man and I have murdered someone, cut him to pieces so he was unrecognizable... It wasn't a deep experience: someone murdered someone and one needs to get rid of the body. I did something wrong and I want to get away with it, not to be caught... I have to clean the crime scene in order not to be caught... "(6)D31 "... I felt a strong urge to hurt my kids, wanted something

bad to happen to them - so that they will feel pain, to make them regret what they did."

Moreover, there were situations of coming with naivety and good intention and then being rewarded with exploitation or aggressiveness thus feeling wronged and losing trust.

A dream: "... laughing, the girls disappear and I am left alone with the snake. Felt fearful and disappointed and insulted that they left me after I tried to help them.”

There was a plethora of sensations of being overpowered, forced, used, and leeched upon.

"... I want people to get off my neck.”

or "Demanding and needy people entered my life, sending me text messages demanding to know where I am and are angry because I talked to someone else. Felt as if she was a leech on my neck.

, as well as of being encaged and restricted: "Felt encaged and there is nowhere to escape"

or "I don't want to be restricted and limited and unable to go whenever I want. As if I am trapped in a situation. Like an animal in a cage

... want to throw everything and leave now.

With that came intolerance of any contradiction and resistance to authority. "...Cannot stand others telling me what to do".

"... I feel like kicking, breaking and leaving. Don’t want to stay and be ordered...".

"... There is a new boss; he is intoxicated by his power, seeking to give orders, in a military style. .. criticizing

... playing power games.“

Some of the provers experienced a sense of haughtiness, a sense of omnipotence: "I make them feel that their questions are idiotic. It’s a bit vicious, I have no mercy."

A dream: “I'm a queen, I have a husband and I have a lover... No sense of immorality on account of having a lover."

"... I am part of a group of chosen top quality students.”

Some, at the other end of the spectrum, experienced a sense of humility: "Sense of humility that I can't have it all, maybe I'll have to be happy with myself as I am and it is OK.”

"It is I - who, for years has hung on to the words of every intelligent writer... I'm great too ... I've learned my lesson. From now on I'll hang on only to my own merits.... I won't depend on anyone taller than me to pull me and raise me up. I'll raise myself up anyway I can.”

"...I had a stunning birthday, enjoyable with a good mood although modest and intimate.”

Feeling inferior and unimportant vs. a sense of empowerment: "Felt small and worthless.”

"No one cares about me, only about the results of the proving. I am not important enough.”

A dream: "Although I am a woman and they are three men ... I smashed the bottle on his head; I was in a position of power. I wasn't threatened... Don't mess with me! ... at the moment the predator makes one more step she assaults him...".

As opposed to the negative feeling and atmosphere there were revelations of a far more positive nature, of laughter, euphoria, joy and sense of love.

There was also good flowing communication as well as faulty communication: "I communicate with everything that I come across, even if it is a flower.

And at the other end of the spectrum: "Bad communication with my supervisor. She is not attentive, bad communication, no flow.”

In line with that, provers’ diaries reveal a myriad of sensations of softening and opening up, of going with the flow, of being tolerant, loving, and generous, of pampering others and of self-pampering.

"I felt my heart is opening. Flowing with my feelings... broadening of the heart. Felt softer. Felt that there was a barrier that was in my way for the past 3 months and now I got over it. I felt free. That I have the ability to love and to give to others.”

Or a dream: "... soon enough they come to me and return the payment out of generosity."

"...Felt a need to pamper my husband and children and bought them presents.”

This softening up and generosity could sometimes turn (at the very same event) into harshness and cruelty. In accordance with that there was weeping after a long period of not being able to cry, weeping easily, inability to weep or weeping with no tears.

There were obstinacy of complaints and stubborn manifestations: colds, sore throat and expectoration, sensation of stricture of the throat - dragging on and on.

A prover described a headache:  "... Something obstinate that does not want to go away.”

There was a lengthy process of maturation of abscesses, then bloody pus, that wouldn't let go. Incidentally, the proving was conducted during an outbreak of the avian flu, and seemed to bear relation to it:

There were lengthy diseases that wouldn't let go, a flu like state, an ongoing illness and fatigue, with slowrecovery with the feeling of strength seeping out. (Two provers had to be eventually antidoted). "...a sort of a virus with no beginning or end... something took over me and put my system into an endlessly repeated circle ...the sensation is of weakness that's growing from day to day and that I am operating on reserves that are running out fast". Provers also complained of weakness and limpness: "No energy for my morning walk... I take a shortcut... tire easily... great weakness... feel like I have low sugar levels ...".

There were feelings of numbness, formication, heaviness and awkwardness: "numbness of face...", "... lack of sensation at the front upper part of the tongue.”

"Eyes feel heavy and tired ....”.

Some experienced heaviness of the jaw, heaviness of the tongue, stopped-up ears, a stuffy nose, and impaired hearing.

Some experienced formication of the limbs, face, nose or tingling sensation of various parts.

There were feelings of awkwardness and coordination problems: "feels weakness in the muscles, especially the hands... lack of coordination...".

"Sensation of rubber in-between the teeth...".

There were reports of saliva drooling at front of mouth, food drops out of mouth, suffocation due to food or drink going in the wrong way.

And opposite to that numbness, exaggerated sensitivity and intensification of senses: "sensation of exposed nerves at finger tips ...

I can hear the sound of the electrical current.”

Sharp, stitching pain, skewer like: "Stitching as of needle at big toe...", "stabbing pain, as with a skewer". Splinter sensation was experienced by most provers on various parts of the body.

Stings: several occasions of being stung were reported by provers as well as stinging like eruptions, coming and going, itching on face, armpit, and lower back. Encounters with ants, cockroaches.

An encounter with a scorpion and being stung by a scorpion.

Burning sensation at vertex, burning face, burning eyes, throat, and bright red rush on face.

Congestion and heat in face and lips.

Burning feet. Desire to cool down by moistening parts with cold water: the head, eyes.

Dryness: dryness in the eyes, dry mouth. Dryness in throat that does not improve by drinking.

An anecdote:

Tahini (sesame paste) appeared in the proving on three different occasions:

Tahini sandwich, tahini spilt on the floor and tahini popsicles. What is there in tahini?  Rich food, oily, nourishing but also dries you up.

Water that is added to raw tahini is absorbed immediately, toughening up the mixture. More and more water has to be added until the tahini yields and begins to thin down. One can say that

tahini is very thirsty.

Stiffness of back, particularly lower back.

Lack of flexibility. Painful to sit on hard seats, cramps in the muscles of buttocks .

Difficulty in urinating and urgent need to urinate but unable to.

Feeble stream or sometimes involuntary urination.

Constipated or stool incomplete, "no urge to evacuate.”

Diarrhea. Worms.

Desire for cool air and draft of air.

Desire for ice-cream and refreshing beverages, for eggs (yolk in particularly), for tomatoes, for refreshing food, for fruits, for cold lemonade with mint.

Excessive growth: weight increase, nails grow faster. Cracked nails, deformation in nails.

A surplus, as if something adheres to the skin. Under the armpit, "a small growth of skin in addition to the one that's already under my right eye."

Nausea that is not better after vomiting accompanied by a pressing headache.

Emptiness in the stomach which does not improve by eating, distention and hardness of stomach and abdomen.


Narrowness, stoppage at throat and larynx: narrowness of throat, lump sensation at throat, expectoration at throat, stuck, going up and down.

Suffocative sensation that does not improve with drinking water. Difficulty breathing, difficulty taking air in. "As if a hand is pressing on sternum or, a marble board lying on chest- heavy and


Short summary

The Loranthus proving was shrouded in an atmosphere of animosity and suspicion. The thread of scarlet seemed to be: taking or claiming rights of things which are not yours or feeling like

a victim of such circumstances, feeling that one is overpowered by malicious force and being leeched upon. There is hatred for those you depend on or for those that are dependent (or use) you.

This was responded to by resistance to any authority, by belligerence, and by a dictatorial, bitter, aggressive and impatient attitude.

It is an uncompromising rivalry that is fueled by an undercurrent conviction that it's "either me or you.”

In accordance with the parasitic nature which is about draining and eventually eliminating the other, the conflict is unbridgeable. It's an "either me or you" situation. Thus a mother can wish the worst for her own child; one's boundaries are being mutilated - a heartless conqueror is taking over, deeming what is yours is his. There were unrestrained twisted and perverted urges, stealing or coveting, disguise, mutation, secretiveness and concealment. This was topped by revelations of cruelty, rudeness, coarseness and bluntness as well as uncompromised strictness vs lightness, renunciations and appeasement.

All the above were also manifested on the physical level as stiffness and numbness, awkwardness (defective neurological communication or flow), dryness and lack of flexibility as well as stricture and narrowness of parts. The opposite was sliminess.

On the general level there were burning sensations (feet, face, and vertex), desire for cold air, open air and desire to be fanned. Parallel to myriad of expressions of heat and dryness, there were many expressions of liquid qualities or slimy qualities experienced as repellent and repulsive. Detached or cut off from others, or opening up of emotions that was withheld or weeping following a long period of inability to weep. The word "flow" appeared frequently and in different contexts: delayed flow of urine, sabotage of the main water pipeline in the garden and subsequently, a flood.

Or "... my husband says that I am now the one that is flowing in the family ..."

Boundaries were crossed on all levels from water that was overflowing to an influenza that continued on and on for weeks on end.

There were dreams of same sex relationships, indicating slackening of male/female classifications. There was a dream of a pregnant man and another dream of a woman having a baby with another


Intensification of feminine attributes to male provers and masculine attributes to female provers was seen. (In a dream: A woman protects her boyfriend from men who rape and abuse him).  Communication is about crossing boundaries; thus the subject of communication, forced or flowing, came up .

Notwithstanding the negative connotation of a parasite plant, the issue of communication and intercrossing boundaries connects us to another aspect: the parasitic plant a s a gateway between heaven and earth, a gate to other dimensions. The Loranthus is a plant that never touches the ground, just like the Viscum, and carries with it the potential for higher love - once the discords are solved. Learning to live together without being depleted on account of this togetherness, learning to give without being emptied, learning to give from higher level of our being - this is the lesson of Loranthus - which indeed came up in some of the provers' experiences.


Position in the "TABLE OF PLANTS"

Loranthus and its position in column five in the table of plants

The remedy's location on the table of plants* is at the confluence of the 5th column and the 7th row. At this point of the 5th column (which deals with relationship with the other in a stage of established Ego-self) relationships should be such that each party is separate, its individuality kept. This separation is emphasized in the 7th row, a late stage in the column’s development, a stage where the young adult is supposed to be active in the outside world, forming a healthy intimate relationship with the other.

This is the healthy state - or the center of the pathology in the column. However the state of a parasitic plant generates a regression into dependency and breaks the boundaries between the self

and the other. Therefore we can see unhealthy and deleterious dependency in relationships, dependency or dominancy, exploitation, twisted relationships, theft and abuse.

Yet, living at the expense of someone else, or lack of independence is unbearable at this level of column five Ego development. This discrepancy arouses negative feelings towards oneself or the other: anger and bitterness carrying a grudge.

There is even hatred directed at the person one is dependent upon. (in comparison to column one, where dependency is meaningless, since Oneness is still a natural state. Indeed, there are hardly

any parasites in column one).

As the lack of boundaries collides with the need for independence and Ego identification, a characteristic pathology ensues.

5th column related to the relationship formation. Here, due to boundary issues and the parasitical quality, interpersonal communication is distorted: It could be obsessive - excessive and immoderate need for communication with the other - or blockage in communication, disconnection and lack of internal flexibility in relationships with the other.

5th column relates to the 5th Chakra which is associated with throat and communication;

in that context one can comprehend the pathologies in the tongue and the throat that are to be found in the remedy's proving.

The parasitical attribute is thus related to distortion, falsification and mutation due to the improper location of the parasite in that column, but also to a detoxification quality, to cleansing of poisons and drainage. 7th row related also to Doing. An ability to do, to act, is ascribed to a strong Ego. A strong Ego is formed by boundaries (a masculine attribute) - boundaries which here in a parasitical atmosphere are missing or breached. Thus the Ego is not developed in a place it should have developed.

This weakness of the ego explains the enfeeblement, utter fatigue and lack of will or ability to act on the mental/emotional level, where we see laziness, aversion to work. On the physical level the issues of borders produce endless influenzas, diseases that drag on and on because the body can not defend itself against the pathological agents that invade it from outside, nor can it cleanse it self.

There is mental, physical and sexual enfeeblement and exhaustion “As if the batteries had run out”, “As if all the energy had been sucked out”.

Associated to that, autoimmune problems and cancer can transpire.

* (The Table of Plants - Wondrous Order classifies the remedies following their botanical evolution. Following this classification, there is a correlation to the stages of development of the human Self, from a unified and Egoless state in the 1st column, to a state of separateness and a strong and conscious Ego in the 6th column. Every stage bears correlation to a botanical Order or Family and has an implication for the remedy's emotional, mental and physical characteristics. See “Wondrous Order - the Systematic Table of Plants” by Michal Yakir. Narayana Publishing, 2014.)



Mind : “As if my neck is wrapped”, “As if inside a tube”.

My head is a flower and my neck in part of the stem. The neck is encapsulated in a tube. “As if my head and neck are separated” at the meeting point of the pharynx and throat.

A sort of tension warps the place. The head is like a flower and the neck is like a stalk.

I want people to get off my neck. Want to shake them off. They are needy.  These people desperately depend on me.

I want freedom. I don't want anyone to need me, don't want to be ordered, and don't want anyone to decide for me or restrict me. Best thing is to go on vacation.

... In the evening I worked at the restaurant and it was much better. I tried not to let the impatience and nervousness take over me. I tried to oppose it and dismantle it so that light would

come .... It is not as if it went away easily - coping with it was instead of submission and being taken over. Standing up to the monster and not letting it take over me. I did not always succeed, sometimes I thought I did but it outsmarted me and came out in a different way. 

Dream: I take part in Shabbat reception with everybody in the community, but at home I am forced to do another ordinary small ceremony because I have my daughter or part of the family

not present at the big one.... It is to do with the duality in my life...

confused, absent minded, uninspired.... As if something has taken over me, burdening and preventing smooth flow.

Fear of something taking over, something that wouldn't let go ... I have lots of plans and I need a drive and initiative but most of my energy is going now for survival... No flowing, I am ill.

I am afraid that something will take over me and will not go away.

Noticed that in my clinic's garden a strange plant flourishes wildly... pumpkin like plant... huge leaves, 30 cm in diameter. Yellow flowers. It sends its tendrils towards my clinic...

climbing on other shrubs, 4 meters high....

the sensation in this disease is, as if a cruel conqueror, a particularly heartless one, has taken over my soul, and then my body, deeming what's mine, as if it's his. No surprise that connotations of the Nazi occupation or that of the Russian occupation turned up: two awful dictatorships ....

Foreign conqueror enables us to live, as long as we serve it first, and devote all our energy to it. ....  The sensation is of getting weaker from day to day, that I am using reserves that are quickly running out.

Called the masterprover and gave her a mouthful: Why isn't she answering the phone... and not telling me the name of the remedy! ...

If something is governing me I want to govern it!

Felt encaged and there is nowhere to escape (although there is nothing to run away from)

I don't want to be restricted and limited and unable to go whenever I want. As if I am trapped in a situation.

Like an animal in a cage, something impulsive - want to throw everything and leave now.

I am a waitress and people want things from me, all the time, and it is as if I am there and cannot get away... As if (clients) were restricting me.... They are needy ... I wanted to shake them off ...

wanted to be left alone

Highly sensitive, cannot stand anyone around me, especially not my husband. Want to be alone.

Demanding and needy people entered my life, sending me text messages demanding to know where I am and are angry because I talked to someone else. Felt as if she was a leech on my neck.

Dream: I am being pursued in order to be raped. I managed to get away. A feeling that it turned out OK.



...the sensation in this disease is, as if a cruel conqueror, a particularly heartless one, has taken over my soul, and then my body, deeming what's mine, as if it's his

...As if part of me was trusted and there was a split or diffusion of parts. As if I saw what I heard and what I felt.

Noticed that in my clinic's garden a strange plant flourishes wildly... pumpkin like plant... huge leaves, 30cm in diameter. Yellow flowers. It sends its tendrils towards my clinic... climbing on other

shrubs, 4 meters high....

Dream: My mother is taking me to see some renovations she is doing in her bathroom. I am to shocked to realize that the outer wall is wide open so anyone can look in and even enter the house.

I felt as though I am being observed and indeed, across in front of the house, near the river there is a man looking at me. I feel unsafe and I go into the house but I can't calm down. How can one go to sleep when the room is broken wide open??

Dream: I am a queen or an empress. Everyone is at my disposal. I have a husband that I love very much but I also have a lover that excites me very much. The lover comes to me. It's a big hall with lots of people. I pull a curtain (not a thick curtain) as a partition between the crowd and the place where we meet. Lots of passion and sexual urge. I feel wonderful. But all the time there is that thought that's bugging me that my husband won't find out because I love him and I do not want to divide the family.

Dream: I was going abroad with E.  ...

At night we arrived at a big luxury house.

We wandered in the yard and then found ourselves near a glass window with a metal grill and E. couldn't climb since she was pregnant. The alarm was set off and the maid caught us and called the owners who actually were the policemen who escorted our trip.

They were angry that we broke into their house ...

Dream: I am at a conference. It is not interesting since I already know everything so I stayed outside with the husband of a friend of mine. We were sitting enjoying ourselves, chatting.

He was naked. He was really fascinating... He was very impressed with my knowledge... There was a sense of seduction in the air and I was in a dilemma. He is my friends' husband.

Dream: Sexually abused woman, half naked, exaggerated sexuality, she is sick, someone is publically touching her private parts, she is detached, used to this kind of treatment, she was sexually abused and that is where she remained and she becomes a prostitute. I am trying to help her and at the same time trying not to become too involved.

I communicate with everything that I come across. Even if it is a flower.

Something has opened inside me.

Want to mix and play with the world.



Dream: I sneak into my husband's guarded army base in a dangerous zone. I am dressed up as a male soldier in order not to be recognized, I fool everyone.

Off course eventually I'll clear out of there - it is too dangerous for a woman.

Although I am sure I'll be perfectly OK.

Dream: A pregnant man

Dream: There were three men and they are raping my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to extricate himself since he is supposed to keep working with them. I disagree and protect him.

After the rape we stand hugging and kissing each other and my boyfriend is turned on and we begin to make out. Suddenly I realize that they are laughing at us because we are making out.

One of them takes a plastic bottle and hits my boyfriend on his head. I take a glass bottle and break it on his head. This surprises him and also surprises me but it is more

important for me to protect my boyfriend.

Although I am a woman and they are three men I did not feel as though it was directed towards me. I smashed the bottle on his head;

I was in a position of power. I wasn't threatened. We made out ecstatically. There was something unhealthy there, madness. My boyfriend was in a world of his own, disconnected. There was a sense of increased sexuality. The men didn't see me. I was watchful, I had to be vigilant. Then when they hit him with the plastic bottle that was enough! Don't mess with me! I guard him! Like a mother guarding her pups. You aren't getting near! It’s as if the mother is licking her pups and she sees the predators in the background but continues to behave as though everything is as usual

and at the moment the predator makes one more step she assaults him. I kept hugging my boyfriend like a mother is licking her pups. As if I did not notice the three men but all the senses are turned on to seize the enemy. All the senses are sharpened; I was not really engaged in the making out. I was keeping my boyfriend close to me. He was disconnected from reality;

he comes in order to stick to me and to get warmth and protection.

He needed to connect to someone and it became sexual. I am afraid of them but it is more important for me to protect him. This motivates me to protect. This does not deter me from acting

(in Hebrew the expression that was used is "this does not castrate me from acting").

Dream: I give birth to a girl named Tangerine. I conceive this girl with another woman.



I am touchy. Things penetrate and settle into a heap of rage which is not being released

argued with my husband - he is not helping me enough.

I feel decisive - told my husband and kids: "I am in charge here and things will happen the way I decide.”

I meant that when I ask the kids to do something (like put their clothes in the dirty clothes basket) they have to do it and not ignore it.

.. I make the rules in the house!

since last night, angry, embittered, aggressive.

Nothing works out the way I want. Things I wanted to do were canceled. Nothing any one can do about it but I am still angry.

...I asked for an ice-cream and he [my husband] did not get me one because he couldn't find a parking place. So I just chopped him down, couldn't let go. I was vexed, hurt and so on and on.

very nervy at the kids. Criticizing everything they do.

We have to go out to an event with the children. I kept nagging my husband to be on time. Irrational tension, but I can't let it go. Phoned him several times. Eventually we arrived well in time, found

a good parking place, there was enough space and everything was fine. There was still plenty of time before the event began and we were sitting comfortably. But I couldn't stop looking for reasons to argue and quarrel with my husband for not arriving home earlier. And what would have happened if there had been traffic jams, or if there had been no parking space or if the kids had been

hungry and if and if and if.... Just couldn't relax and enjoy the magnificent event.

Felt tidal waves of anger and frustration, and could not stop complaining and telling off my husband. Even when we got back home and I asked for an ice-cream and he did not get me one

because he couldn't find a parking place. So I just chopped him down, couldn't let go. I was vexed, hurt and so on and on. In the car I told my husband with the kids present:

"You don't give a shit about me."

I never talk like that, definitely not when the kinds are around.

As if madness took over me.

more relaxed with the kids but assertive.

My entire negative energy that had been directed toward my husband last night was now directed towards my children. Any garment or toy that was misplaced, any improper word was responded with shouting and cursing. I even told my son that he was a loathsome child

.... I was afraid that I might hurt the kids. I felt a strong urge to hurt them, wanted something bad to happen to them - so that they would feel pain, to make them regret of what theyhad done.

impatient while having to pay via a dialing system. Easily angered. I made a mistake once and slammed down the phone.

Restless and difficult to concentrate... want to break something ...

At work - I can't be who I am. In the restaurant I cannot allow myself to be impatient and repulsive. I try to suppress it.

Anger and rancor towards my husband and children on account of how they behaved and what they did.

Angry with my parents. They are going to Australia for a month and a half. It was important for me to join them and see my family.

This is an anger that has been accumulating for a long time.

Whilst digging the garden hit the main water pipe. Have no strength to fix it. Leakage...  a flood...

I swear ... I don't feel well... shit

Dream: I am a student, entering a house which is a sort of a medical herb shop with friends of mine. They are talking loudly and I don’t like it so I go out. They are noisy and they are shouting at someone else's house, without respect for him. Only one of the girls goes out with me and we chat, I'm happy that we suit each other so much, communicate well and understand each other.



"...There were three men and they are raping my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to extricate himself because he is supposed to keep working with them..."

Dream: I was in the army and suddenly all the rules had changed. They took all my soldiers and forbade me from going home and burnt my sunflower field. Before they put me on trial,

I had to perform with an army entertainment group. They made a song of everything I had been through, it’s like they made a show of what I have been through. They caused me great injustice.

Dream: I am visiting a friend. Staying over night. We sit for breakfast. I eat something dairy, a cheese sandwich and suddenly she brings in chicken and begins to serve the friends around the table. (Eating milk products and meat/poultry together is forbidden for those observing Jewish dietary law). The table is not set and she nearly throws the chicken at each one of us. I return mine, pretty shaken. She is a religious Jewish woman and I am eating a cheese sandwich. She smiles at me in an appreciative manner since I was found to keep Kosher and separate milk from meat.



My entire negative energy that was directed toward my husband last night was now directed towards my children... I even called my son a loathsome child.... I was afraid that I might hurt the kids.

I felt a strong urge to hurt them, wanted something bad to happen to them - so that they would feel pain, to make them regret of what they had done.

I punished the kids and did not take them to a birthday party and did not give in even after they cried ... the kids were begging but I told them:  "This will never happen - regardless of all the punishments you get, everything will stay as it is!" Also told my husband: "You are not going to change my behavior!"

Went for some gardening, pulled few stray weeds that where stupid enough (in Hebrew "weed" and "stupid" are the same word) to think that they could flourish at the expense of my flowers.

I showed them who was boss! I uprooted them, pulled and threw them far away. After about ten minutes .... I went inside... then suddenly - a sting! Here, on my arm there is a sting, like a bee sting. But there is no visible sting!!! What is it? And then another sting, behind the knee! What's going on!! And then I saw something falling on the floor:

Black scorpion ...

I stepped on it at once, killed it and that's it! After all, it came to kill me - so I felt. I must have waved it on to my back when I pulled out the weeds, which probably weren't as stupid as they

seemed to begin with, if they sent me such a scorpion.... So here, I stepped on it and that's it – no more scorpion!

I was a bit scared: a scorpion, after all... But I was also lucky, I was not really stung, just symbolically... so strange. The area turned red, not much swelling, and was painful. This is in order to remind me that it was not a dream.

Dream: Another man and I have murdered someone, cut him to pieces so he was unrecognizable and hid him in the car trunk. It wasn't a deep experience: someone murdered someone and one needs

to get rid of the body.

I did something wrong and I have to get away with it, not to be caught.

I am running away because I have to cover up for what I did. Thinking how to extricate myself. I have to clean the scene in order not to be caught. I have blood on my hands so my instinct is to run away.

... I try to make them feel that their questions are idiotic. It’s a bit vicious, I have no mercy.



Dream: My husband, some friends and I are in a restaurant... My husband says he is not hungry and suddenly I am left alone at the table. I am looking for him, making lots of phone calls. Eventually I find out that he went to another restaurant and shortly afterward he enters the restaurant with a tray of food and sits next to me.

I am very angry. He left without saying a word and now he comes back as if nothing has happened. I get up, throw my purse at him (there is a minimum charge) and leave with a big emotional fuss.

I even begin to curse and then stop because the restaurant is full of people and as I got up everyone became silent.

Dream: I am visiting a friend. Staying over night. We sit for breakfast. I eat something dairy, a cheese sandwich and suddenly she brings in chicken and begins to serve the friends around the table. (Eating milk products and meat/poultry together is forbidden for those observing Jewish dietary law). The table is not set and she nearly throws the chicken at each one of us. I return mine, pretty shaken. She is a religious Jewish woman and I am eating a cheese sandwich. She smiles at me in an appreciative manner since I was found to keep Kosher and separate milk from meat.

Sensitive, on verge of tears, frustrated and hurt.

Felt as though I was conned.

I wasn't taken into consideration.

All she was concerned about was her own self.

Dream: I was in the army and suddenly all the rules had changed. They took all my soldiers away from me and forbade me from going home and burnt my sunflower field.

Before they put me on trial, I had to perform with an army entertainment group. They made a song of everything I had been through; it’s like they made a show of what I have been through.

They caused me great injustice.

I have less trust in people

Dream: I consulted the police because someone was trying to burn my house and I felt I had no more trust in people.



Dream: Two friends and I on a journey to the south, somewhere deep by the sea. There is a sunset and a mother, her son and I are swimming, with difficulty towards the shore. As we get to the shore I notice that the boy is retarded. We split up and take the train... We were laughing at the retarded boy.

Dream: Friends from a previous workplace and I are at the swimming pool. One of the girls screams as she is nearly bitten by a tiny viper. I am rushing to help her and the snake falls and sticks to the middle of my forehead near the hairline. I am scared. It is painful since it digs itself into my forehead.

The girls are laughing and then they disappear and I am left alone with the snake. Felt fearful and disappointed and insulted that they left me after I tried to help them.

Dream: ... After the rape we stand hugging and kissing each other. My boyfriend is turned on and we begin to make out.

Suddenly I realize that they are laughing at us because we are making out.

Dream: ....They made a song of everything I have been through; it’s like they made a show of what I have been through.

Dream: There is a theater group. I feel like an outsider. I do not belong to them. There was an old friend of mine there, someone I loved very much. She then became religious. I try to reconnect with her but can't. She refuses to be in contact with someone from her previous life. I felt she does not accept me and that I cannot do what I want which is theater and music. They were a closed circuit.

Dream: ...T. was making fun of me because I can't surf and I threw sand at her and then she shut up.



There is a new boss; he is intoxicated by his power, seeking to give orders, in a military style. The place where I work is not like that, it used to have relaxed, home like, good atmosphere. What is it with you that you are giving me orders? Criticizing immediately, playing all these power games?

 Dream: A proving is being conducted at the college. ....

I was one of the people in charge of the proving. I gave one of the girls a ride home and I was in control all the way, there and back. Good dream.

Dream: a black cat. Naughty, mischievous cat, playing tricks with us. Communicates with us, standing on its hind legs, like in a cartoon, we were sort of talking, interacting.

It would not murder us, it was bullying, bothering. It was mischievous, not vicious.

People are bugging me, complaining, want me to compensate them. What do they think? That they are the masters and I am a servant that they can abuse?

In the past I did not mind that, I was more forgiving, now I want them to leave me alone. Don’t play with me, don't try to exploit me.

I have no strength to carry anyone on my back.

Dream: There were three men and they are raping my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to extricate himself since he is supposed to keep working with them. I disagree and protect him. After the rape we stand hugging and kissing each other and my boyfriend is turned on and we begin to make out. Suddenly I realize that they are laughing at us because we are making out.

One of them takes a plastic bottle and hits my boyfriend on his head. I take a glass bottle and break it on his head. This surprises him and also surprises me but it is more important for me to protect my boyfriend. Although I am a woman and they are three men I did not feel as though it is directed towards me. I smashed the bottle on his head;

I was in a position of power. I wasn't threatened. We make out ecstatically. There was something unhealthy there, madness. My boyfriend was in a world of his own, disconnected. There was a sense of increased sexuality. The men didn't see me. I am watchful, I have to be vigilant. Then when they hit him with the plastic bottle, that's enough!

Don't mess with me! I guard him! Like a mother guarding her pups. You aren't getting near!

It’s as if the mother is licking her pups and she sees the predators in the background but continues to behave as though everything is normal and at the moment the predator makes one more step she assaults him. I kept hugging my boyfriend like a mother is licking her pups. As if I didn't notice the three men but all the senses are turned on to seize the enemy.

All the senses are sharpened; I was not really engaged in the making out . I was keeping my boyfriend close to me. He was disconnected from reality; he comes in order to be close to me and to get warmth and protection. He needed to connect to someone and it became sexual. I am afraid of them but it is more important for me to protect him. This motivates me to protect.

This does not deter me from acting (in Hebrew the expression that was used is "this does not castrate me from acting").

Dream: About a mother. She feels redundant because I don't need her and I let her feel that way - her lips are trembling in weeping. Her son in under my education.

The sensation in this disease is as if a cruel conqueror, a particularly heartless one, has taken over my soul, and then my body, deeming what's mine is his. No surprise that connotations of the Nazi

occupation turned up or that of the Russian occupation - two awful dictatorships stemming from a defensive position of inability to cope with internal viciousness –Nazis- and inability to see the midway as good instead of the extreme and inhuman - Communism.

The foreign conqueror enables us to live, for now, as long as we serve it first and devote all our energy to it and whatever is left ....  The sensation is of getting weaker from day to day, that I am using reserves that are quickly running out.



Cannot stand others telling me what to do.

More difficult to yield to authority. I feel I'm being bossed. In the past I did not look at things like that, I just did what I did.

I feel like kicking, breaking and leaving. Don’t want to stay and be ordered. People are childish, needy and sometimes are morons.

Can't stand any opposition. If something did not turned out the way I wanted, or I was forced to do something - it would drive me crazy. Had no patience at all. Everything had to turn up the way

I want it to be. Not because of wanting to control things. It is intolerance to opposition or restriction.

Feels as though I am a servant but my say has to be respected and not ignored. I am not thin air that can be ignored, I said (my say) and things have to be done accordingly.

I have become like a Nazi - I need for things to be exactly as they are supposed to be. Can't tolerate delays. Everything has to run smooth.



It occurred to me that the true sin of the revolutionary founders of the Kibbutz was that they tried to bring the coming of the Messiah forward, to have it here and now, much like (many years later) the "Peace Now" movement which wanted it all when such an endeavor requires a long correction process, a process of mounting pain through the "valley of darkness.”

Wanting it here and now could bring about an end such as the one Korach suffered: when he tried to take a short cut to the divine without undergoing the rectification that every prophet must experience, and he was therefore swallowed into Hell, his own hell.

 [See Bible, Numbers (Bamidbar), Chapter 16]

Dream: I am back at primary school to take a course (something to do with matriculations). I remember that the lesson was disorganized and during the break I enjoyed walking around outside.

The dominant sensation in the dream: I want to get it over and done with - together with restlessness.



Dream: I am barefoot because someone stole my shoes and it’s a little embarrassing.

Dream: I am at a conference. It is not interesting since I already know everything (that is being taught there) so I stayed outside with the husband of a friend of mine.

We were sitting enjoying ourselves, chatting. He was naked. He was really fascinating. We talked about what I studied in the past –business management- that is what he is about to study now.

He was very impressed with my knowledge and I enjoyed myself with him. There was a sense of seduction in the air and I was in a dilemma: he is my friend’s husband.

Dream: I am eating my teacher's sandwich without asking permission. Left the sandwich half-eaten. Felt really bad about it.

Mind: It is I - who, for years has hung on to the words of every intelligent writer who writes anything that I consider being praiseworthy, meaning: hey, listen, me too, I mean... you're great,

the way you write...

Listen... I'm here too...  look at what I have here...

I can heal the world... isn't that also great? Aren’t I also a bit Messianic... Let's show off together, we're a totally secretive band, we're both great, aren’t we? Right?!

Say it, say it now, [saying to himself] that I'm great too, say that I'm Messianic too... Say it, come on say it...

No more!  I've learned my lesson. From now on I'll hang on only to my own merits.... I won't depend on anyone taller than me to pull me and raise me up. I'll raise myself up anyway I can and

when I can.



Mind: At end of year party, I enjoy talking to people. Warmhearted, simple. More open and less haughty.

Mind: I can't say what I think, it comes out sarcastically, I try to make them feel that their questions are idiotic. It’s a bit vicious ...

Mind: Sensation that I am taller than I really am.

Mind: ... People are childish, needy and sometimes are morons.

Walked into the sea and I was euphoric, my hair was blowing in the wind - I felt like a queen that owns the entire sea.

Dream: I begin to work for some governmental body... I received Amnon Dankner’s (Famous media personality) cell phone and was told that this is for the time being, until he decides if I am suitable for the job. ... Later on I go to visit the girls at my previous work place.

I am trying to impress them. They are not impressed, so I leave.

Dream: I am at a conference. It is not interesting since I already know everything (that is being taught there) so I stayed outside with the husband of a friend of mine. We were sitting enjoying ourselves, chatting. He was naked. He was really fascinating. We talked about what I studied in the past -business management- that is what he is about to study now.

He was very impressed with my knowledge and I enjoyed myself with him. There was a sense of seduction in the air and I was in a dilemma. He is my friends' husband.

Dream: I am a queen or an empress. Everybody is at my disposal...

Mind: stayed late in bed although the children woke up along time ego. Didn't want to open my eyes and start with reality. Wanted to go back to the dreams were I am a queen with servants and lovers... (instead of a mother of three yelling, quarrelling boys)

Mind: I am part of a group of chosen top quality students. Lots of sexual energy. I make love with two of the male students. None of them knows about the other. Concealment and secrecy. Felt great! They want only me!

Mind: It is I - who, for years has hung on to the words of every intelligent writer who writes anything that I consider being praiseworthy, meaning: hey, listen, me too, I mean... you're great, the way you write...

Listen... I'm here too...  look at what I have here...

I can heal the world... isn't that also great? Aren’t I also a bit Messianic...?

Let's show off together, we're a totally secretive band, we're both great, aren’t we?

Right?! Say it, say it now, that I'm great too, and say that I'm Messianic too... Say it, come on say it...   No more!  I've learned my lesson. From now on I'll rely only on

my own merits... I won't depend on anyone taller than me to pull me and raise me up. I'll raise myself up anyway I can and when I can.



Mind: No one cares about me so I have to take care of myself. So I started to buy things for myself, to say what I want and where I want to go.

Mind: I have to pamper myself and not compromise on things that I want very much. Took out the entire family and bought myself a wallet that I wanted very much.

Mind: tremendous lack of self-confidence.

Need to get support and encouragement from my husband. I feel helpless, fat, and unattractive, old. I am concerned about others, giving to others and not getting anything in return. I want to keep my weight down, eat less fattening food but can't succeed. Normally if I decide something, it happens.

Mind: I feel angry toward those in charge of the proving - I am suffering and they don't want to help me.

No one cares about me, only about the results of the proving. I am not important enough.

Mind: Had a big quarrel with my husband... I apologized to my husband but reconciliation was not immediate...

I feel inferior to him, something I did not feel before (Only sometimes if he says something that could be interpreted as scorn {as deprecating}). As a whole I have self-confidence but lately with my

husband I felt that he scorns me and is discourteous and appreciate me less. Truth is that I myself feel less productive, as if I am not doing anything.

Felt small and worthless.

Mind: People's reaction is that they like me, and I myself feel that I need this affection because I'm weaker.

Sense of humility, that I can't have it all, maybe I'll have to be happy with myself as I am and it is OK.



Dream: My husband, the children and I are in a hotel, on vacation. Suddenly there are two people with masks (like the Joker in Batman). I understand that something is wrong, people begin to transform and mutate (horns, tails),

I grab my husband and my baby and we run to look for the older child... My husband asks what's going on. I think: is he stupid or something?

And I explain to him that there is something in the food that causes mutations and that we must rescue the child. We pick him up and we are running in the streets, being pursued. It is frightening

and dangerous.

We improvise with a tricycle to help with children - it is difficult to run with them.

We are hiding in the staircases and entrances of buildings.

Mind: ...My lover comes to me. It's a big hall with lots of people. I pull a curtain (not a thick curtain), as a partition between the crowd and the place where we meet...

Dream: I am flying. Out of distress. I fly because this is the sort of solution that I am familiar with. It has to do with me versus a group, something threatening. I run away and I hide in a tree,

a large tree with lots of foliage, like a Eucalyptus.

Dream: Something about a game of words of how to get along abroad: men and a woman are caught

walking in town; they have to commit themselves to some thing they are not interested in.

Eventually they get out of it by changing the name of the business from Arabic to English or Hebrew... a game of words related to how to manipulate municipal law by a literary wisecrack.

Dream: Cycling on [Ayalon] highway. A friend calls me and is telling me that she is also on Ayalon and asks me to come and sit with her.  I go back, it's dark and frightening, I am alone, and there

is a dark sea under the road. There are army barracks all the time. My friend tells me that she is falling asleep and I get angry and tell her that in no way is she going to sleep after I came all this way.

I finally get to her and she is sitting at a picnic table, near a fire with two Indian men. It is not her, it is my partner. The Indian men are disgusting and make me feel uncomfortable. Other people

are joining in all the time: A couple of Thai men, a couple of Japanese etc.

They all have some sort of a defect, fingers are missing, they are either injured or sick, their skin is peeling, and they are violent and frightening.

The Japanese are shaking my hand but they have no fingers.

Mind: (song in my head) "They say that myself is not myself" (a song from the musical “Two Kunilemel's” where a man disguises himself as another man so that there are two men look-alikes).

Dream: I sneak into my husband's guarded army base in a dangerous zone. I am dressed up as a male soldier in order not to be recognized, I fool everyone.

Of course eventually I'll clear out of there - it is too dangerous for a woman.

Although I am sure I'll be perfectly OK.

Dream: Went into the storage room and there was a huge snake. I jumped on a beam near the ceiling but it was fragile and reached the floor. When I looked down I saw that the snake had

four legs of a lizard and then it bit me.



Mind: A whole jar of sesame paste spilt and the entire kitchen floor was covered with oil. It was disgusting.

Dream: I am with a friend and her children. We go into a butcher shop and the floor is muddy and disgusting.

We have to walk in the mud and it is disgusting and wet. The street is under construction and I have to go through and take care as not to stumble into the sand. I talk to the builder and I wonder –

is he making a pass at me? Everything is disgusting and muddy. I am surprised that everyone recognizes me.

Dream: At my house in Jerusalem: Suddenly, lots of animals begun to emerge out of the street's terrace wall.

Snails and slugs emerged. There was one huge slug, the size of the entire length of the wall and I took a bite of it, taking off part of its tail. This nearly paralyzed my mouth.

I had to remove it with my hand. Afterwards two octopuses emerged and then fell into a puddle. They talked to me and I took them home and put them in a bath tub with salt.

Dream: Slugs

Dream: A Snake- for the third time

Dream: My girlfriend and a friend of hers prepared ice-popsicles for a party. The popsicles were made from the [oily] liquid that was prepared from cooking sesame paste (tahini).

I entered the kitchen, after they left and by mistake, knocked over the utensils that contained the liquid that was about to go into freezing.

Rest of the dream had to do with refilling those utensils.

Dream: ...The Indian men are disgusting and make me feel uncomfortable. Other people are joining in all the time: A couple of Thai men, a couple of Japanese etc. They all have some sort of a defect, fingers are missing, they are either injured or sick, their skin is peeling, and they are violent and frightening.

The Japanese are shaking my hand but they have no fingers.



Dream: preparing a Hamsa (= protective amulet against evil eye) in the kindergarten

Dream: I have a baby and she is crawling downstairs. It is an apartment building and she can’t come up and is afraid and crying. I extend a very long hand to her, picking her up, holding her very, very tight and close to me and I cry. I take her into a room and my partner says that now I'll teach her witchcraft and he objects to it and takes us out of the room. The sensation is: to protect and

hold her tight like a mother.

Dream: A black cat. Naughty, mischievous cat, playing tricks with us. Communicates with us, standing on its hind feet, like in a cartoon, we were sort of talking, interacting. It would not murder

us, it was bullying, bothering. It was mischievous, not vicious.

Mind: [During a prolonged period of sickness that occurred during the proving] a curse, I am cursed. It is not a coincidence that we are now reading “The Balak Affair” It is all about how to put

a spell on someone - from within. He is protected from the outside but is touched from within, in his soul and it is a ruinous, destructive touch.



Dream: I am at a party. There are many large rooms at the venue and lots of people.

There is a woman that needs protection from a group of people on the grounds of jealousy or something even worse. They are trying to trap her and some other people and I are trying to protect her.

Under the stairs there are lots of eggs that this woman has laid and I have to be careful not to tread on them. Somewhere inside me, I wish that one of the eggs would break an d the whole affair

Would be revealed. That everything would be exposed.

Dream: I was in the army and suddenly all the rules had changed. They took all my soldiers and forbade me from going home and burnt my sunflower field. Before they put me on trial,

I had to perform with an army entertainment group. They made a song of everything I have been through. It's like they made a show of what I have been through. They caused me great injustice.

Dream: ...Lots of sexual energy. I make love with two of the male students. None of them knows about the other. Concealment and secrecy. Felt great! They want only me!

Dream: I sneak into my husband's guarded army base in a dangerous zone. I am dressed up as a male soldier in order not to be recognized, I fool everyone.

Off course eventually I'll clear out of there - it is too dangerous for a woman.

Although I am sure I'll be perfectly OK.



Mind: Had a big quarrel with my husband, I couldn't control my tongue and I said things that I shouldn't have said and also that I did not mean to say. I crossed my own boundaries. Same happened with my daughter, but less severe. I apologized to my husband but reconciliation was not immediate. There is faulty communication...

Mind: Strange how everyone is saying that one mustn't talk about this proving but as it turned out everyone talks to everyone about it - it’s uncontrollable. Everyone involved is hinting, asking questions and enquiring about his fellow provers.

Dream: I am at a clinical training session. The teacher comes out and is telling that a friend of mine came to the clinic as a patient and said that he cannot keep going out with me because I am

gossiping about people. And I was thinking how stupid she is to tell such things about a patient - this is confidential.



 [In the class] A question was asked and the answer had nothing to do with the question, the lecturer did not hear properly, they misunderstood each other and mediation was required.

Mind: My cell-phone broke and my husband changed it into my sons' phone number, so they disconnected my number. I am at the Tel Aviv promenade without a phone and I have no way to

call back. I asked people around to let me make a call and was first refused. I felt helpless in the middle of Tel Aviv and no way to make a phone call. Only after I called a friend the confusion was understood.... What a mess, I don't have a phone number and my new cell phone's battery is dead ...

Mind: I communicate with everything that I come across. Even if it is a flower.

Mind: I apologized to my husband but reconciliation was not immediate. There is faulty communication. The communication with my husband is less fertile.

Mind: Obsessively waiting for phone calls from friends. Checking that my mobile is working, upset and angry that my friend is not phoning me. A bit compulsive.

Mind: Bad communication with my supervisor. She is not attentive, bad communication, no flow.

Mind: This week I didn't get around to reply to any of my  to my best friend's calls and here I text her that I love her and she replies: "Really? You did not pay attention to me the entire week...." And indeed it was just like that; I have been trying to talk to her all week and don't get around to it. There is no reason why I should not.. Same with my supervisor, but that exactly it, I don't get around to it.

Mind: No time to talk to my supervisor.

Mind: Soap-opera communication issues. A friend that wasn't invited to come with us for an outing called to ask why she wasn't invited. It was my friend's place and the friend that called thought that it was me that did not invite her. Silly teenage stuff. There was something compulsive obsessive.

Mind: A friend of mine had recently given birth and I didn’t talk to her, another friend returned from abroad recently and with her too, there is hardly any communication. Something is not OK

with the output; I don't get around to doing things at all. Not that I am doing anything special... I don't find time for these conversations. Disregarding this, or maybe with regard to it, there is again

a sense of ease, mental serenity.



Mind: Generally sensitive, to noise, to any disturbance

Mind: My son developed chicken pox. His brother had chicken pox before him and had about ten lesions but he is full of pocks and this makes me feel full of compassion towards him.

Mind: I cried when I saw how much my son was suffering with his chickenpox lesions. It's unlike me to weep out of compassion for my children. Usually, I'm less compassionate, have short fuse, irritable and want to get more things done. I feel that time is wasting away, I am not uptight but actually I hardly do anything.

Mind: Suddenly I noticed that there is an electricity pylon across from the veranda. Noticed that I can hear the sound of the electrical current. There is a load on my hearing, every sound is a load.

Extremities: A sense of rawness at the tips of my fingers, as if raw and exposed, exposed nerves. Unpleasant to touch [things]

Mind: Highly sensitive, cannot stand anyone around me, especially not my husband. Want to be alone.

Mind: Insignificant things and immediately my eyes were full of tears.

Mind: I was very excited. We celebrated my daughter's birthday and I was moved to tears. My friend wrote me a greeting and I wept. High sensitivity threshold.

Mind: Very excited, shedding tears out of excitement and with all the birthday greetings. More weepy and excited then I am normally.



Generalities: Tired and heavy in the morning. Difficult to walk. No strength to walk, as if low sugar level.

Lack of physical strength. Difficult to get up, difficult to stand. 10 h. – 11 h. Or Breakfast to lunch break at 12 h. This lasted for over a week .

Generalities: Ongoing weakness... half my usual strength

Generalities: slow recovery in my general energy.

Mind: what worries me is not the fever but the sensation of reverberation - of something that repeats itself endlessly and in vain... a sort of a virus without a beginning or an end. Something has taken over me and placed my entire system in a closed circuit that repeats itself endlessly....

Mind: The sensation is of getting weaker from day to day, that I am using reserves that are quickly running out.

Mind: Woke up this morning feeling sick, like a viral disease. Weak, frustrated. I decide to cancel some of the plans for this morning.... I feel truly sick.  Weak, low energy.... A little worried of what I have to do, stand up for the tasks with me being like that.



Extremities: Several times during the day I gave little knocks to people around me, by mistake.

Extremities: Feel weakness (numbness) in the muscles, particularly the hands, some lack of coordination. I put a glass in the sink and knocked the glass on the bottom of the sink.

Mouth: Slight lack of sensation in the lips, particularly outer parts.

Mind: Morning, angry... everything falls down; I bump into things, awkward.

Dream: ....here was one huge slug, the size of the entire length of the wall and I took a bite of it, taking off part of its tail. This nearly paralyzed my mouth. I had to remove it with my hand.

Mind: Hasty, not careful - whilst digging the garden hit the main water pipe. Have no strength to fix it. Leakage...  a flood... I swear... I don't feel well... shit



Mind: On sitting next to my computer, ants climbed on the table. Some climbed on me.

Mind: Delusion: Sometimes I feel as if ants are climbing over me.

Dream: Went into the storage room and there was a huge snake. I jumped on a beam near the ceiling but it was fragile and reached the floor. When I looked down I saw that the snake had four

legs of a lizard and then it bit me.

Dream: Snake - for the third time

Mind: Delusion: Sometimes I feel as if ants are climbing over me.

Skin: Sat on the lawn and was bitten by insects, probably ants.

Mind: Cockroach - lots of them.

Delusion: Cockroach touching my leg

Mind: Suddenly - a sting! - here, on my arm there is a sting, like a bee sting. But there is no visible sting!!!

What is it? And then another sting, behind the knee! ... I see something falling on the floor: Black scorpion ...

I stepped on it at once. Kill it and that's it! After all, it came to kill me-

that was my feeling.



Mind: Thought about end of career, getting old. I regret taking the remedy. I want home.

Mind: Desperate and worried about the future ... I will have no money and shall have to leave this house which I love.

Dream: About spirituality deteriorating into money... How at the Kibbutz one can make money and build a nice house, with a staircase and a beautiful, smooth, thick, rich wooden banister.

Dream: Trailer truck flying. Falls apart in midair, first to fall are the back wheels and then the rest

Dream: I was at my grandmother's home and I wanted to leave but I stayed because I felt uncomfortable or guilty. Then my grandmother died and the same happened to my mother.

I then felt more anger.

Mind: Going to meet my ex-lover for a breaking-up meeting

Mind: Longing for my sister that passed away from cancer. Grieved for her for the first time. Also longing for my great love from last year. Was thinking of writing to her and then meet for




Mind: Crazy laughter in the class amongst those involved in the proving.

Elation and sense of nirvana, everything is so good.

Mind: Lack of communication during class time. We were laughing our heads off the entire lesson... there was this sort of energy in the class.

Mind: Exaltation, joy. As if I have just opened my eyes, as if on LSD, everything is vivid.  Euphoric, exalted, wanted only to laugh

Mind: At a party. Enjoyable time outside with people. My head is working well, I am friendly, I contribute to the party and feel really good with the people that

are close to me and are important to me... But I have an enjoyable time with everybody...

Mind: Joy with the plants around me. This joy lasted longer than ever.

Mind: Sense of humor with my kids, every remark was made nearly in a laughing and joking mood and with lots of love towards them.

Dream: Had to choose colors. Choose white again and again and felt sensation of pureness and perfection.

Mind: With my husband, euphoric, pleasant and fun between the two of us.

Mind: I feel joy and excitement. It's as if my eyes were opened for the first time, looking at a beautiful yellow flower, amazing pink. Big smile, feel like laughing,

full of love, not intimate, general sense of love.

Mind: During a morning walk, happy with good energy, I notice my excitement and my joyous sensitivity to plants, how beautiful and faultless, and fresh they

are and the joy of touching them! I love plants, they make me happy and calm.

Mind: People's reaction is that they like me and I myself feel that I need this affection because I'm weaker.

Sense of humility, that I can't have it all, maybe I'll have to be happy with myself as I am and it is OK.

Mind: Everybody treats me so nicely. Smiling at me, approaching me, inviting me. Also my teacher. And also I want to be treated nicely. (pleasantly)

Mind: Wake up with a happy love song: "Tonight is a spring night, lass, a tune that all the lovers in the world find their voice... "

Dream: I Kiss and kiss again my late sister Rachel, and it feels so good, so good deep down in my heart.

Profound love without an erotic element in it.

Mind: Sense of serenity, tolerance, lots of love and understanding toward everybody, especially my children.

Mind: Tremendous love for my children, felt great compassion for them. Had lots of patience towards my children.



Mind: Something has opened inside me. Want to mix and play with the world

Mind: Suddenly I am relating to my daughter as a little girl (she is six). I always relate to her as a grownup, less fooling around with her. Tonight we were laughing

with her and enjoying her company as a child and not as a little lady.

Mind: Felt a need to pamper my husband and children and bought them presents.

Mind: I allow myself to eat more food, to indulge myself with tasty food, special ice-creams instead of an icy popsicle, more fattening food.

Mind: Its real fun spending time with the kids, I really enjoy them.

Mind: During the Greenberg treatment today, I felt my heart was opening. Flowing with my feelings. What before was: rigidness / keeping distance between me and

other people. During treatment, felt lots of pain and sorrow. And following the treatment I felt broadening of the heart. Felt softer.

Felt that there was a barrier that was in my way for the past three months and now I went through it.

I felt free; I could do what I wanted. That I had the ability to love and to give to others.

That my heart had broadened.

Mind: Someone called from an internet site. Also my son offered me help with publicity. It's clear in the past few days that there is help. People want to help me.

Dream: It’s a session of working homeopaths. Someone decides to give a different remedy and that's OK - he is in charge now. I have to pay for the treatment and

I give few coins. But soon enough they come to me and return the payment out of generosity. It's a dream about generosity towards me. People are generous and good to me.

Mind: Kindness and longing for peace. Managed to have a good meeting with my ex-wife concerning our mutual daughter and passing on to her a true desire to help

and cooperate. Something I did not manage to do before.

Mind: At end of year party, I enjoy talking to people. Warmhearted, simple. More open and less (haughty) conceited.

Mind: With my daughter and a friend at the swimming pool - great fun, good time .... I talk in a warmhearted manner to people, open up more easily than usually and

happy to make contact. It so good to be with my daughter, her friend and an ice-cream, all running peacefully... 

Mind: Had a wonderful meeting with my ex-lover following my initiative, after a year since we separated.

This initiative due to the proving, it's to do with the new, plain openness towards people.

Mind: ... Usually I'm the first one to open my mouth and demand decent service and this time I was trying to moderate and reconcile and kept real cool inside and outward.

I was not afraid, I was not shy and tried to find a middle ground and indeed eventually everybody had a good time and it was great.

Mind: I have lots to do but I am not strung up because of it.

Normally I would have made lists and tried to push tasks at every opening. All in all peaceful time.

Mind: On birthdays I am usually uptight and try to be organized. This time there was something loose and new to me. Everybody around made a point of it.

I was allowing things to flow. For example, I lost my sunglasses...

Mind: ... I was more relaxed than usual. Eventually I gave a wrong answer. In my nature I am very competitive and now I was not more than just upset.

Mind: Gratification and peace of mind. This is with me since the beginning of the proving. .... I didn't have to make an effort in order to be positive. It came out fun and easy.

A friend gave me a massage and I accepted it with a lot of love.

Mind: I was very nervous, angry at the children and raised my voice at them. Couldn't cool off.

I was criticizing everything they did.

After an hour I felt exhausted, sent them to the library and went to bed exhausted. When they came back I was relaxed and attentive to them. (am I crazy?)

Mind: With my daughter and a friend at the swimming pool- great fun, good time.... I talk in a warmhearted manner to people, open up more easily than usual and am happy to make contact.

It so good to be with my daughter, her friend and ice-cream, all running peacefully...  but as soon as I get home I am restless, easily angered... tantrum, attack of anger about something small

that doesn't work... threw things at the floor, got hit myself, I scream.

Mind: Mood changeable: impatient and angry # lightness, smiling, giving mood, wanting to pamper others. The swings in the mood are from one minute to the next.



Mind: Woke up with a song: "There's a kind of hush all over the world tonight" ... “One mischievous kid caught a lizard in its tail"... (rhymes in Hebrew)

Dream: Went to work and prepared food (wheat groats).

A famous Indian movie star arrived accompanied by a group of dancers. We were very excited; he gave us a dance lesson. No one knew the steps and it was embarrassing because

people did not cooperate. Eventually he asked me to demonstrate but I could not do it. I felt a sense of missed opportunity that I did not know the steps.

Dream: Driving from the Kibbutz to visit a friend, I am alone at the car and exactly before the turn off, the car stops working, there are no brakes and I having no control over the car.

I manage to direct the car toward a ditch. I cry and I can't breathe, I suffocate with fear.

A friend turns up and asks if I need help. I can barely manage to answer her and tell her what happened. She says it happened to her many times and that it has to do with the car's code.

Suddenly the car slides again onto the road. I wake up horrified.

Dream: A car is turning upside down. The color of the car was copper. Thinking of Cuprum. Since that dream, noticed many cars of red -orangey- metal color.

Dream: Dangerous water, my kids are in danger and R. is helping me and them.

Dream: I am holding a few day old baby girl. I woke up with a fright.

Mind: Worshiping at the tree of knowledge leads us to certainty that things should be in a certain way thus shutting off any possibility of mediation and reconciliation or rectification and

reaching harmony within a contradiction. Somewhere within the open space that is always in between two extreme opinions... only there, can peace be found.




Nausea, vertigo and weakness since morning.

A sort of vertigo, as if head is thrusted forward with a metallic thundering sound and a vision of light bluish metallic denser waves. The shock- wave sensation swept me away. A bit like

going out of the body, for a second. As if part of me was subjected to a thrust and there was a split or diffusion of parts. As if I saw what I heard what I felt.

While parking the car, general trembling, like vertigo or loss of balance while sitting. Also at noon, while walking, momentary dizziness.


Summary of head:

Pain: dull, drawing, pulsating, pressing, burning, obstinate, sleep preventing.

Sensations: heaviness, fullness, burning, itching, helmet, shock - wave.

Location: left, right, sides, occiput, vertex, forehead, temples

Modality: <: stooping, bending forward;  >: cold application;

Headache since noon. Drunk more but without relief. A helmet of pain is resting on my head.

Pain from occiput extending to vertex, face, jaw and gums, streams of pain extending to the nose, preventing sleep, < stooping.

Headache with nausea, worse moving the head, any motion. Better with cold application and wetting head with cold water. 

Pulsating pain at occiput. Pressure on eyes. Sleep disturbing. Ate some ice-cream and it was better.

Obstinate headache, < stooping. With pressure on eyes and desire to cool the eyes.

Head pain pulsating at occiput + pressing pain on eyes

Headache improved but does not go away. Something obstinate that does not want to go away.

I noticed that when I bend my head forward, there is strong pain on the left side,  ext. cheek and ear.

Pain on the left side of the head, when bending forward. On lying on left side pain ext. eye.

Pain, left temple, spot, ext. forehead and left eye. Then ext. mouth, gums, teeth, left upper.

Left sided dull headache, ext. left eye and maxilla.

Pain at both temples. On the right temple, drawing pain

Since noon, a headache that feels like a helmet.

Pain in the head, like thick cord inside head

Dull pain in the head, as of a helmet.

Mucus in throat and a bit of a headache.

Headache as if hadn't drunk enough.


Fullness sensation in the head

Heavy head, tired feeling, unclear, dazed feeling. > eating

Head pain pressing, sides

Burning sensation, in the head, vertex

A pressing headache at the sides of forehead. At that evening, burning in the eye, heaviness in the body,

weakness, sense of illness. Sensation of heat in the face. As if my body is filled with something heavy.

A sort of vertigo, as if head is thrusted forward with a metallic thundering sound and a vision of light bluish metallic denser waves. The shock-wave sensation swept me away...

Dull headache, right side, around 14 h.

Headache, dull, right side. Worse after sleep.

Headache since 6 h., left side above eye including eye. Dull pain, tolerable, lasting all day. Cleared around midnight

Dull headache, left side of head at 12 – 15 h. I drunk water and it passed away.


Summary of Face: Sensations: Tingling, numbness, heaviness, heat, congestion,

Pain: at jaws, gums, cheeks.

Eruption, desquamating

Pain from occiput ext. vertex, face, jaw and gums, streams of pain ext. the nose, preventing sleep, worse stooping

Red, elevated, itchy eruption, on the right side of face

Tickling sensation in the nose and right ear which turned out to pain on the right side of face incl. forehead, cheek and nose.

Dull pain in the face, ext. inside of nose and mouth. Also outer side of nose and cheeks.

Pimple, on the left side of face, under mouth, suppurating

Slight luck of sensation at the lips, particularly outer parts.

Perspiration on face while sitting for stool.

I was hot, red face and dried up. I was very thirsty for cold lemonade with mint. I drank in large sips almost a whole litter.

Sensation of numbness in the face, including the nose, heavy jaw

Tingling of face, itching at head and beard. of face, chin. Lasted for a long time

Dandruffs at beard area

Herpetic eruption, left upper lip.

Another skin growth under my right eye, next to the one that is already there.

I am hot, my body, face, soles, everything

Under my right eye, on the top part of the cheek, a red spot, the size of the head of a pin and some swelling around it, 2 cm in diameter. Never had it before

A pressing headache at the sides of forehead. At that evening, burning in the eye, heaviness in the body, weakness, sense of illness. Sensation of heat in the face.

As if my body is filled with something heavy.

My face is burning again, my lips are congested with blood, my face is congested.

Face: eruption, acne


Summary of Eyes: Sensations: heaviness, swelling sensation, tired, burning, itching, dryness - want to moisten and cool the eyes. Desire to close eyes.

Yellow discharge.

Eye still feel burdened and I tend to close eyes

Pressing pain on eyelids. I want to close my eyelids and apply something cold on the eyelids.

Eye, heaviness, I want to sleep.


Dryness in the eye, I want to moisten it with eye drops

Very dry eyes. Want to moisten it with tears.

Burning pain in the eyes. Want to cool it off with some artificial tears or eye drops

Dryness in the eyes. I was also weeping but without tears. Similar to the nausea without vomit - as if something had dried out.

Pressing pain in the eyes with desire to close the eyes

Eyes dry and burning

Eyes, tired, burning

Increases eye discharge, inner corners of eyes, similar to nightly discharges, but during the day.

Itching in the eyes

Pressure at left eye

Eye, burning (desire to close eye)

A pressing headache at the sides of forehead. At that evening, burning in the eye, heaviness in the body, weakness, sense of illness. Sensation of heat in the face. As if my body is filled with something heavy.

Still tired. My eyes are still burning. Want to close my eyes.

Very tired. Eyes as if swollen, sense of tiredness and heaviness in the eyes. At midday, a large quantity of thick yellow discharge from the eyes

Eyes swollen on waking in the morning


Summary of ears: Sensations: stopped, pressing, quivering, itching, tickling, noises, as if diving deep,

Pain: dull, sharp

Tickling, right ear

Itching at right ear

Dull pain in left ear as if inflammation of ear.

Pain in left ear ext. throat

Noises in the ears after blowing nose

Generally sensitive, to noise, to any disturbance (5)D20

A strange sensation of pressure in both ears. Similar to the sensation one can feel while talking on the cell-phone.  It overburdens the ears. The pressure one can feel while diving deep.

Several times in the past few days felt that my ears are blocked. Particularly the right ear

Sudden stopped sensation in my ears. A sort of sharp pain in left ear ext. right ear.


I suddenly notice that there is a pylon across from the veranda. I noticed that I can hear the sound of the electrical current. There is a load on my hearing, every sound is a load.

Decrease in hearing level. In addition to the impaired hearing that is already there.


Summary of Nose: Discharge: yellow, yellow-green, clear, watery, bloody, viscid, black,

Sensations: tingling, numbness, blocked


Yellowish clear watery discharge, flowing with no control, run for few hours and dried out towards afternoon.

Yellowish watery discharge from the nose, with blood.

Tickling sensation in the nose and right ear which turned out to be pain on the right side of face incl. forehead, cheek and nose.

Lots of viscid coryza. By the evening it was over.

Woke up in the morning with pain in my throat and runny nose.

Viscid and sticky coryza with lots of sneezing and tears.

Yellow Green coryza in the morning turning clear and watery during the day.

Clear coryza, sneezing and tears all the time.

Coryza viscid, yellow, clear with sneezing all the time.

Lots of sneezing and clear, thick coryza in the morning. Disappeared after 2 hours.

Sensation of numbness in the face, incl. nose, heavy jaw.

Watery discharge from nose together with large quantities of thick coryza. Nose tingling as if from black pepper

Discharge of black coryza, clotted blood. Smells of blood at left nostril.

Clotted blood with coryza and smell of blood at right nostril.

Discharge from nose, watery, clear-crystal clear. < afternoon + evening/warmth to cold;

Left nostril in blocked.

Blocked nose during night


Summary of mouth: Aphthae, eruption-lip, cracks, salivation, dribbling, Pain: sharp

Sensations: numbness, heaviness, itching, dryness, soapy taste

Aphthae in the mouth on the lower left side of the gums

Aphthae on left side of inner mouth, above lip

Swallowing food instead of chewing it first

Sharp pain under the tongue, on lifting the tongue.

Luck of sensation (numbness) at the upper front part of the tongue

Slight luck of sensation in the lips, particularly outer parts.

Itching on the tongue, nearly pain, lasted all day.

Sensation of numbness in the face, including the nose, heavy jaw. On clothing the mouth, sensation of rubber in-between the teeth,

Tongue felt larger and heavier in the mouth. Later on, dull throat pain.

Mouth: itching on the right side of the tongue

Waking up at 1 h. with dry mouth and thirst

Saliva dribbles from my mouth, passively, without meaning to. Falling, running.

Saliva that was normally drooling at the side of the mouth while speaking - moved to the front with part of mouth. Saliva is falling forward and parts of food falling out of my mouth.

Herpetic eruption, left upper lip.

Mouth, dryness

Crack in corner of mouth, right


Summary of tast: Soapy, salty.

Ate something at breakfast that tasted very salty. It was so salty that I couldn't continue with my meal and had to drink water. Others also ate from that dish but couldn't tell if it was

also salty for them. Was wandering if salt was sprinkled by mistake over the part I ate. 

Again, food felt too salty.

On washing dishes, sense of exposed nerves at the fingertip and also taste of washing up liquid in my mouth.


Summary of Throat: Sensations: narrow, stricture, dryness, suffocative, chocking, swelling, burning

Pain: smarting, dull.


Pain at the throat on swallowing, no swelling.

I swallow the food instead of chewing it first.

Pain in the throat.

Mucus in throat and a bit of a headache and general sensation of catching a cold.

Woke up in the morning with pain in my throat and runny nose.

Smarting pain. Mucus stuck in the throat.

Suffocation sensation in the throat, as if I swallowed a too large bite of food. < when swallowing water.

Dull pain at throat and tonsils .

My throat feels narrower.

Pain in throat on swallowing. As I swallow, throat fells even more dry on drinking water. As if the water do not wet the throat. Stricture of throat and suffocative sensation

Dryness in the throat and cough

Chokes, as if content of esophagus lodges into trachea

Thick mucus, purulent, fetid, stuck deep down. Comes now and then and then swallowed again.

Pain and swelling at left side of throat

Dull pain, feels swollen inside, as if a lump in throat.

Burning pain in my throat, begun around noon time with clear expectoration


Sensation as if my neck is wrapped, as if inside a tube


Summary of Stomach: Sensations: emptiness–eating does not >, thirst and thirst with aversion to drink, hardness, distended, nausea, appetite increased

Pain: cutting.

Eructation, heartburn

Pain in the stomach with sensation of emptiness and a need to eat something in order to ease the pain .Pain ext. abdomen, sharp cutting pain, < as I walk or move. Does not improve when I eat.

Very painful stomach, distended from the diaphragm to the abdomen, much like a fourth month pregnancy.

Sort of hardness.

Painful distended stomach, upper part. It feels hard. With emptiness. The pain lasted until night and was not > eating

Stomach: Nausea, riding a car

Nausea while riding in the car. Could not vomit. In the past I used to vomit a lot whilst riding in a car but it improved in recent years but today was awful.

Lots of eructation accompanied yawning

Dryness in the eyes. I was also weeping but without tears. Similar to the nausea without vomit – “As if something had dried out”.

Nausea but no vomiting

Eructation and yawning - lasting all day

Nause, vertigo and weakness since morning.

Weakness, nausea, eructation and yawning lasting for days

Thirst with aversion to drinking.

I swallow the food instead of chewing it first.

Stomach pain with sensation of emptiness

Stomach pain (and emptiness) lying on abdomen does not ameliorate.

Thirsty but no desire to drink.

Emptiness in stomach, eating does not ameliorate

Heaviness. Went to bed and could not sleep all night. Terrible nausea, heaviness, wanted to vomit, rolled in bed all night. In the morning managed to vomit. Was > but still with nausea and weakness.

Woke up in the morning after a sleepless night and vomited large quantities. Slightly relived but still strong nausea and weakness.

Throughout the day, nausea, vomiting, weakness. Ate a dry crisp bread, ate whole wheat ban and vomited it.

Sleepless night on account of nausea. Desire to drink Coca Cola. Could not drink juice or soda water. It disgusts me.

Went to a funeral, it was very hot, sunny, I was weak, felt as though I am about to lose consciousness. Had to force myself to drink water. Only moistened the mouth, couldn’t drink.

Nausea (riding a car)

Heartburn. Ate a tomato and it passed away.

Didn't sleep well. Woke up from thirst several times.

Very thirsty for cold lemonade with mint. I drank in large sips almost a whole litter. I was hot, red faces and dried up.

Waking up at 1 h. with dry mouth and thirst

No appetite

More thirsty

Increased appetite


Summary of Abdomen: Sensations: hard, distended, heaviness, cramps, flatulent

Pain: dull above umbilicus, cramping, burning

Location: epigastrium, left of navel

Abdomen distended and painful

Very painful stomach, distended from the diaphragm to the abdomen, much like a fourth month pregnancy.

Sort of hardness

Heaviness at abdomen although I ate very little today.

Heavy, distended abdomen, mild pain. Stool painful. After stool, there was a relief. (3)D06

Cramps, muscle cramps at abdomen


Abdomen pain returning all the time, after eating. Not strong but disturbing, around navel. Left of navel.

Cramping pain. Flatus amel.

Noisy movement of flatus in the abdomen above navel. After eating.

Abdomen pain, above umbilicus, dull but annoying, with flatus. Clearly better after flatus. Noisy flatulent motion inside abdomen. After eating, any food.

Sensation of burning at the area of upper abdomen


Summary of skin: Sensation: itching, stinging

Vesicles, insect bites

Sat on the lawn and was bitten by insects, probably ants.

I scratch a lot, particularly on the head and legs.

Itching vesicles

Felt a sting. Stings, like a bedbug, at the sacrum. Keeps  returning.

Itching sensation, lower back. The "stings", 3 or 4 large, red, no pus, lower back, apex of right buttock. The itching is throughout the lower back, above it, attacks all

day long. Right there I felt the first sting the night earlier without a clear cause.

Either I am being stung by a bedbugs or just a sensation as if stung... now there are 3 large sting like eruptions

Again, 3 sting-like sensation in my lower back, right side.

New spots with stings developed during the night... behind right knee.

Female Organs

Summary of FG

Sensations: Contractions - sudden, desire increased.

Yellow discharge

Pain at uterus and anus, sudden contraction, similar to what if feels like during menses.

Pain at the area of uterus, to the right, contractions at the uterus, sharp cramping pain at uterus and anus, terrible pain, radiating to the area around.

Sudden frantic passionate sexual desire, woke my husband, and I am menstruating.

Sex desire, increase

Increased desire for sex; I came back home from the cinema and wanted so much to go to bed with my husband, just that he was asleep.

A yellow discharge from vagina

male Organs

Sexual desire, increased:


Summary of Bladder: Urination: Frequent urge, urination increased, unable to urinate, feeble stream, retarded

Sensation: burning

For a couple of days now, I have an urge to urinate every few minutes, almost involuntary, urgent desire.

Lots of urination although I don't drink.

I noticed that I urinate more, relatively. Feels as if water I drink simply passes through me.

Difficult urination, difficult flow of urine.

Urination, slow stream, weak flowing

Difficult to urinate in presence of other people

As if prostate enlarged. Weak feeble stream

Bladder: Bladder does not contract, problem with stream of urine.

Difficult flow in urination, with burning sensation

Want to pass urine, but it takes time for the urine to come out


Fetid odor from urine, sharp and acidy.

Odor of urine resembles mushrooms.


Summary of respiration: Sensations: difficult, oppressed, “As if lack of air”, difficult to take a deep breath, suffocative

Weezing, rattling.

Oppression of chest;

Sensation “As if someone puts a heavy hand on the chest and impedes my respiration”

As if lack of air;

If I don't take deep inspiration I feel as if I did not breathe.

Wheezing respiration, during inspiration and expiration.

> Coughing; <: evening.

Rattling respiration with cough and viscid expectoration

Pressing sensation and difficulty to take a deep breath

Difficult respiration in the morning walk. Painful to inhale

Pain at end of inspiration, a strong spell of sneezing, mucus and a momentary chill that ended all possibility to keep walking.

Repeated episodes of suffocation due to inspiring esophagus content into trachea. Occurred 3 times today.

Respiration: Difficulty at the end of respiration.

I tried to swim and felt law physical fitness and difficulty in breathing deep which I never had before. Improves as I continued to swim

Ongoing short breath during deep inspiration with pain at the end of inspiration.

Respiration: difficult on morning walk. Painful to inhale. Perhaps it is the diaphragm.

Stitching pain at left side of chest, worse on inspiration


Cough with expectoration, Voice hoarse, deep, coarse.

Expectoration green, difficult to extricate, comes up only after lengthy cough.

Cough with viscid expectoration, rattling respiration


Expectoration green, difficult to extricate, comes up only after lengthy cough.

Cough with viscid expectoration, rattling respiration

Thick mucus, purulent, fetid, stuck deep down. Comes now and then and then swallowed again.


Summary of Chest: Sensation: palpitation, heaviness, oppression, congested, heaviness-mammae,

Pain: digging, stabbing, stitching, pressing,

Redness at axilla, wound at axilla - discharging

Opression of chest. Sensation as if someone puts a heavy hand on the chest and impedes my respiration

Pain in the chest, like digging. More to the right of the chest.

Stabbing pain in the chest, as with a skewer.

Difficult respiration with pressing pain on right side of chest at 15 h.

During dinner, palpitations, as if I was running,

Pressure in the chest, followed by very painful stabbing pain as if with a skewer, right side.

Chest, heaviness, makes respiration difficult

Weakness and palpitation from even slight effort.

The oppression in the chest had moved to the left side, lasting all day.

Pain in mamea before menses. Normally only heaviness and sensitivity

Mammae heavy and painful, is it before menses?

Since morning, stitching pain on right side of chest

Chest congested and painful. Oppressing sensation. Stitching pain while lying down. As though a marble plate is resting on my chest, heavy and suffocative.

Since morning pressing pain at upper part of chest, above mammae. Strong stitching pain, digging pain. As if some is digging deep with a spoon at right side of chest.

Pain in the chest as if a skewer is nailed at right side

Dull, oppressive pain in the chest.

The wound on my right armpit is sore and discharges yellow transparent liquid that dries up on the sight of the wound.

Redness at right axilla.

The wound on my right armpit is burning more and more. The redness has spread and bathing (which usually helps) do not amel.

Wound at armpit does not improve. It takes longer than ever before.

Redness at right armpit, returning.

Red, smarting wound at right armpit with clear discharge that dries up hard.

Sensation of heaviness in the chest, dull pressure on sternum

Stitching pain at left side of chest, < inspiration

Stitching pain in chest, left side, on inspiration. Felt like needles. Pain felt along a vertical line, about 3 cm' long.


Summary of Back: Sensations: sting like, itching, stinging

Pain: (sharp) piercing/pain running along back, buttocks and ext. anus. I rush to the toilets trying to ease the pain. No Stool, no relief. Pain!

Felt a sting. Stings, like a bedbug, at the sacrum. Keep returning.

Either I am being stung by a bedbugs or just a sensation as if stung... now there are 3 large sting-like eruptions

Stiffness at lower back, less flexible.


Summary of Extremities: Nails: rapid growth, cracks, deformed, indentation,

Sensations: weakness, cramps, formication, stiffness, numbness, exposed nerves, stitching, thorn like, electric current like, heat.

Desire to walk barefoot

Lack of coordination

Plantar wart, vesicles

Pain in the bones particularly the legs.

Noticed that my nails are growing fast.

My nails are much more cracked than usually. Large cracks, reaching mid-nail. Also folding

Noticed that my nails are deformed, indented

A dent at the center of nails of thumb and first finger.

Desire to walk barefoot. Normally I dislike walking barefoot.

I feel weakness (numbness) in the muscles, particularly the hands, some lack of coordination. I put a glass in the sink and knocked the glass on the bottom of the sink.

Several times during the day I gave little strokes to people around me, by mistake.

Pain at 2nd finger, right hand, at the joint, particularly after using computer mouse.

Cramps at thighs, buttocks, calves. As if I exerted my muscles and then did not follow it with any stretching exercise.

Pain at heels

Cramps at muscles of thighs, lower legs and buttocks

Stitching pain at my right big toe

Formication at left leg, between big toe and second toe

Stiffness and pain at pelvic bones

Stitching sensation as of needle at big toe, right leg

Formication between left big toe and 2nd toe

Crumping pain at back of left hand. As a blow at the wriest. More pain on moving the hand, restricts movement. 

Flushes of numbness along left leg, coming and going for the past few days. Particularly below the knee. This morning 3 toes of the left leg, felt numb for about half an hour, after walking.

Still numbness at the foot

Numbness, formication at front of left thigh.

New spots with stinging sensation developed during the night... behind right knee.

Electric current like sensation in the palm of my hands. Sensation of burning in my feet, soles.

I am hot, my body, face, soles, everything

Electric current like sensation in the palm of my hands extending to fingers, along the fingers.  Feels like formication.

My feet are burning, the sole

A sharp pain behind the knee, extending toward the thigh

My feet are swollen, the sole

For few days now, there are tiny vesicles, size of a pin head, containing clear liquid, left hand, middle finger, itching

A sense of rawness at the tips of my fingers, as if raw and exposed, exposed nerves. Unpleasant to touch [things]

Pain at sole of left foot, between 2 - 3 finger, as if of a thorn or a splinter. Looks like an internal wart, plantar wart. 

On washing dishes, sense of exposed nerves at the fingertip and also taste of washing up liquid in my mouth.

Pain in the knees as if the cartilage is wearing off. It occurred after a game of tennis and a walk, but still it is new.

The skin of my palms is peeling off.


Summary of Rectum: Worms, constipation, flatus, diarrhea, stool incomplete

Pain: sharp Diarrhea, 3x + weakness and bad nausea

Sharp piercing pain running along back, buttocks and extending to anus. I rush to the toilets trying to ease the pain. No Stool, no relief. Pain!

Constipated. Feels the urge but no stool. Eventually some stool in the evening, like balls and sensation of not finished.

Soft and stinking stool, on the verge of diarrhea turning hard with difficult to extricate.


More constipated in the past week. Stool every 3rd day. Small stool


During the night, in bed. Sudden sharp pain at anus. Lasted for a while.

Sudden sharp pain at anus, ext. uterus. Very painful.  Area became rigid. Lasted for half an hour.

Rectum: Constipated. Feels the urge but no stool. Eventually some stool in the evening, like balls and sensation of not finished.


Morning stool on time but somewhat lazy. After an hour another urge and I need to evacuate again, this time properly. Suddenly I understand: there is a general relaxation of

the smooth muscles of the intestine so that there is no urge to evacuate. Same with the urinary tract. Everything is passive. Flowing with the mere force of gravity alone....

Fetid diarrhea


Summary of Stool

Small, soft, watery, excoriating, acrid, fetid diarrhea.

Stool immediately as I woke up in the morning, odorless. Both, unusual.

Odor: odorless, vomit like

More constipated in the past week. Stool every 3rd day. Small stool

Very soft stool

Stool immediately as I woke up in the morning, odorless. Both, unusual.

Soft, almost liquid, excoriating. Perspiration on face while sitting for stool.

My stool has changed since the remedy. The texture changed, it is softer and the odor changed too. More like odor of vomit.

Watery, fetid diarrhea, like vomit, burning acrid

Soft and stinking stool, on the verge of diarrhea turning hard with difficult to extricate


Summary of Sleep

Waking: 4 -5 h.

Yawning, yawning with eructation, short refreshing, long, deep

Very deep sleep

Lately I wake up at 4 -5 h. and then I have difficulty to fall asleep again. Usually with no reason that disturbs the sleep (like a baby)

Yawning + eructation

I was yawning all day long. Large yawning, mouth wide open. Nearly painful at the jaw joint.

Desire to sleep all day

Weakness, nausea, eructation and yawning lasting for days

Recently I sleep on my abdomen (never slept on my abdomen)

Sleep: Deed not sleep well. Woke up from thirst several times, rolled from side to side many times.

Sleepiness 11:30a.m. Slept for about 15 minutes and woke up refreshed. I never manage to sleep during daytime

Short sleep, 10 minutes in order to get refreshed

Deep sleep, sleep longer than usual. Wake up difficult

Fell asleep at 20 h. and woke at 07 h. It's been years since I slept 11 hours.


Summary of Generalities: Air cold desire for, air open desire, heat sensation, desire to be fanned.

Weakness, tired and heavy, weakness - forced to lie down, gaining weight

Food and Drinks:

Pain: in bones

Ants: bitten by ants, ants on the food, cockroaches

Being stung by insect, or sensation as if being stung, eruptions “As if a sting comes and goes”

Abscesses at various spots, lengthy maturation, then bloody pus, dragging on for a fortnight

Flu like state - dragging for 2 month (eventually had to be antidoted), slow recovery.

Stubborn manifestations: colds, sore throat, expectoration, flu like states

Burning sensation (feet, face, vertex)

Weakness and palpitation

Feels hot all the day. Wanted air-conditioning or fan. Hot and stuffy. I am short of air.

Pain in bones, entire body. At night, in bed.

Tired feeling. Want to go to sleep

Pulsating pain at occiput. Pressure on eyes. Sleep disturbing. Ate some ice-cream and it was better.

Considerable less desire for sweet.

I open the deep-freezer in order to inspire colder, fresher air.

Weakness, nausea, eructation and yawning lasting for days

Tired, weakness, nauseous, dull pain at chest, tired burning eyes, eructation and yawning. Lasting for days.

I eat more ice-cream and not ice-popsicle.

I eat more carbohydrates then normally, special ice-creams

My husband prepared Shakshuka (sort of "sunny side up" omelet). The kids didn't like it so I sat and ate 4 soft yolks. I devoured it. Normally I have no desire for eggs. Had a desire

for soft yolk for the past few days.

Throughout the day, nausea, vomiting, weakness... Sleepless night on account of nausea. Desire to drink Coca Cola. Could not drink juice or soda water. It disgusts me.

Went at a funeral, it was very hot, sunny, I was weak, felt as though I am about to lose consciousness. Had to force myself to drink water. Only moistened the mouth, couldn’t drink.

I gained 2 Kg during the proving

Desire for pizza

Tired all day, physical and mental.

Desire for Ice-cream.

Tired all day

Heartburn. Ate a tomato and it passed away.

General sensation of catching a cold.

Desire salt. Ate some pure salt.

Desire sweet

Very thirsty for cold lemonade with mint. I drank in large sips almost a whole litter. I was hot, red faces and dried up.

Tired in the morning between 10 - 11 h.

Tiered and heavy in the morning. Difficult to walk. No strength to walk, as if low sugar level. Luck of physical strength. Difficult to get up, difficult to stand. 10 - 11 h. Or Breakfast to

lunch break at 12 h. This lasted for over a week

Gained weight

Heavy head, tired feeling, unclear, dazed feeling. > eating

I feel truly sick.  Weak, low energy.... A little worried for what I have to do, stand up for the tasks with me being like that, a bit sick... Weakness as in a viral disease

I am cold, Sneezing

At noon prefers cooked food.

Desire for cooked warm food

No strength to walk on my morning walk. I shorten the walk to 20 min instead of 40 min. Get tired quickly.

I gained weight: from 73 to 76.3. A new 10 years record.

I have no strength to walk in the morning. I stop at half the time; 20 min. Motivation is also low.

Low energy in the morning - can't walk for more than 20 min and if I try for more there is a great weakness.

Desire for chocolate.

Prefers salad at the evening, rather than cooked food.

I've gained another 1 Kg. now 76. First time for the past 20 years.

Tried to walk a little, but again, short of breath especially at taking deep inspiration and weakness that forced me to actually lie down for few minutes.

Ongoing weakness... half my usual strength

Desire for tomatoes.

Slow recovery in my general energy.

Feels sick, weakness

Lack of strength and bad mood. Pessimism and sensation of illness. Went to sleep early, totally exhausted and as early as morning no joy of life. I am sick...

I am sick. No fever but great weakness, of body and soul. Try to walk - 5 minutes. Trying to read something - 5 minutes.  A reduction of everything and true lack of energy.

Desire for milk and honey

Moved the remedy from my handbag to a drawer and on opened it on the way. Felt heaviness as if my entire body is filled with something warm and solid

Generalities: heat sensation

I am hot, my body, face, soles, everything

A pressing headache at the sides of forehead. At that evening, burning in the eye, heaviness in the body, weakness, sense of illness. Sensation of heat in the face. As if my body is filled with something heavy.

Trying to read something - 5 minutes. A reduction of everything and true lack of energy.

Want to eat ice-cream

I'm so hot. I want all sorts of cold things. I need to cool myself all the time. I desire cold things like ice-cream.

It’s the coldness that I seek.

Eating ice-cream every day, strictly. Also refreshing fruits

Increased appetite, wants to eat all the time. Strong desire for Ice cream, any ice cream

Desire for ice-cream.



Mind: ABSENTMINDED (morning)

ANGER - morning/# kindness/# exuberance/easily/desire to kill/toward parents/thinks he is not respected/suppressed, controlled/throws things away


ANXIETY - about future/about money, financial matters

APPRECIATION - desires (by husband)

AUTHORITY, refusal to accept some one's


BREAK things, desire to

CARES, worries, full of; future, for

COMPANY; aversion to; solitude, desire for

CENSORIOUS, critical (towards husband)

CHILDREN; aversion to her own

CONFIDENCE; want of self; feels inadequate

CONFIDENCE; want of self; support, desires



CONTRADICTION; intolerant of

CURSING, swearing, desires (with anger)

DESPAIR - about future/of recovery

DELUSIONS – imaginations (being abused/is bewitched/body parts diffused/is under control cruel conqueror; control of/is cursed/is deceived/is dominated, becomes fat/is governed,

Controlled/is under a powerful influence/is looked down upon/looking down from a height/is old/looks old/is outside of body/is a queen, people; depend on her/being pursued/sounds

are visible/sounds metallic/under control of strangers/is taller/is tied up/is trapped)

DEPENDENT (aversion of being)

DICTATORIAL (wants to control others/dogmatic)

DREAMS [about cleanliness/abused (being/sexually)/accidents of a car turned upside down/is admired/amorous (playful)/anger, angry (with cursing/outburst of passion/animals biting him/animals changing form/amorous/being attacked (by friends)/not belonging/betrayal/bicycle, bicycling (on a highway)/boasting/cars, automobiles (truck falls apart in midair/wheels detaching from body)/cats, felines (black/mischievous, bullying)/child, children; babies (holding a few days old baby/conceived by two women/protecting them from harm/rescuing them)/coition in presence of others]/

colored, golden/being in control/cooking (indian food)/consoling people/cruelty/dancing/disease - sick people/disrespect/disguise/disgusting/dirt, dirty/driving a car without brakes/eating (a sandwich)/

efforts, unsuccessful; do various things, to eggs, of eggs (treading on eggs)/flying/generosity/guilt/hiding (from danger/in a tree)/husband is stupid/houses; walls, open/person is important/injuries/

insolence/insults/being isolated/jealousy/journey, travelling/people are laughing at him/lewd, lascivious, voluptuous (perverse love; platonic)/manipulating/murdering (with detachment)/lizards/masks/

of being mocked/mocking at a retarded boy/walking in mud/mutate; transformed people/mutilation; mutilating a body/about nakedness/is not needed/being observed/octopus (talking octopus/in the bath tub)/offending people/lost opportunities/parties, of pleasure/of police/of people transforming, mutating (handicapped)/mentally handicapped/man being pregnant/of prostitution/about protection

/about protection (protecting her boyfriend)/about pureness/being pursued/being a queen, being, an empress/pursued for the purpose of rape/victims of rape/submitting lest he lose his job/being

Rejected/of rescue/being back in school/secrets (revealing)/kissing his late sister/of seduction/(biting a/huge) slugs, snails/snakes (bitten by/four legged)/slanders/stealing, theft/storms/sunset, lasts endlessly/talking blatant/threats/is trapped; an attempt to trap a woman/tricked, being cheated/violence/vulgar scenes/black water/arrogant women/exaggerated confidence/weeping/(dangerous)

water/swimming in

EMBITTERED, exasperated

EUPHORIA, elation (# despair)


EXPLOITED sensation

FANCIES; lascivious (being a queen with servants and lovers)



FORSAKEN feeling

FRATERNIZED with the whole world

FREEDOM; desire for

GRIEF; events, about past



HUSBAND; aversion to

HURT; feelings of others, inclination to

IMPATIENCE (about own children/# patience)

INDOLENCE, aversion to work; contentment, with



JOY in nature

KICKS, desire to

LAUGHING; silly (immoderately/uncontrollable)

LONGING for; yearning - for deceased sister/for my great love from the past

LOVE – for own children/family/for nature, plants

MALICIOUS, vindictive (during anger/to loved ones)


MOCKING; sarcasm

MODESTY, prudishness; increased

MOOD; changeable, variable (sudden)

MOROSE, sulky

OBSTINATE, headstrong

PATIENCE (increased for own children)

PLANS; future, for

POWER, love of


RESPECT; desires

RAGE, fury (towards her children/with cursing/malicious)

REFUSES; orders

RELAXED feeling, letting go

REVEALS secrets

SADNESS; weeping impossible


SENSITIVE, oversensitive (to noise/to slightest disturbance)

SHRIEKING, < screaming, shouting; anger, vexation

SING, desires to; cheerful, joyously

SONG, Repeating in his mind

SUSPICIOUSNESS, mistrustfulness

SYMPATHETIC, compassionate, too

TALK, talking, talks; violent

THROWS; things (away, around)

TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness

REFUSES; orders

RESENTMENT to husband

UNFEELING, hard-hearted

UNSYMPATHETIC, unscrupulous (even towards closest friends and family)

VERSES, makes

WEEPING, tearful mood with anger, vexation [< (slight) excitement (in silence/from offense/from sympathy for others/about trifles)]


HEAVINESS (> eating)


PAIN <<<((( viele )))>>>

SHOCKS, blows, jerks (like electric)

Eyes: during HEADACHE



CLOSE, closing - desire tomust

DISCHARGE (thick/yellow/yellow; green)

DRYNESS (can't shed tears though weeping)



LACHRYMATION with sneezing

PAIN; burning, smarting, biting - > closing/must close/> cold

PAIN; pressing (l./during headache/lids)

PAIN; applications > cold

SWELLING – morning on waking


Ears: < BLOWING nose


QUIVERING, sensation

PAIN; left (ext. throat/ext. r. ear)/dull/pressing (asunder)

STOPPED, stopped sensation (r./sudden)


NOISES < blowing nose

Nose: DISCHARGE; bloody (watery/dark, black clots)/glutinous/thick; thin, then viscid/tough/watery/yellow (and watery)

ITCHING, tickling

NUMBNESS, insensibility

OBSTRUCTION, obstructed/“As if obstructed”/l./at night

SNEEZING - in cold air/with coryza/frequent/paroxysmal/violent

TINGLING, prickling





CRACKS, fissures; mouth, corners



ERUPTIONS – r./acne/herpes on upper lips/itching/pimples; suppurating/red (on cheeks/in spots)/like stings of insects red


HEAT [burning (lips)]




NUMBNESS, insensibility (lips)

PAIN – dull/ext. nose [(inside)/mouth]ext. cheeks/ext. forehead

PAIN - r./jaws (ext. nose)/

PERSPIRATION during stool


TINGLING, prickling

Mouth: APHTHAE (gums/cheeks inner side)

DRYNESS (at night/with thirst)

Tongue - “As if ENLARGED”/heavy/itching

PAIN – gums/under tongue

RUBBERY sensation

SALIVATION (dribbling/talking)


Throat: CHOKING, constricting

DRYNESS (with coughing/after drinking/not > drinking

“As if a lump”/”As if narrow”

MUCUS (difficult to detach/offensive; foul, putrid/tenacious)

PAIN – l./< morning on waking/burning/sore, bruised/tonsils/< swallowing

STRICTURE, of oesophagus


SUFFOCATED feeling (< drinking)

Stomach: APPETITE - increased, hunger in general/wanting


EMPTINESS, weak feeling – not >  eating/with distended sensation

ERUCTATIONS (prolonged/with general weakness)


HEAVINESS (> vomiting/with sleeplessness/during nausea)


NAUSEA (during headache/< riding in a carriage or on cars/during stool; diarrhea/inability to vomit/not > vomiting

PAIN - with emptiness/ext. over abdomen/cutting (walking)/< motion/with distended abdomen

THIRST (with aversion to drinks/for large quantities)


Abdomen: DISTENSION – painful/> stool


FULLNESS (> stool)


HEAVINESS “As from a load or weight”

PAIN - burning, smarting/cramping, gripping (muscles/> flatus)/after eating/inguinal region; ischium/in umbilicus (after eating)/region of umbilicus (above/> flatus)

RUMBLING noise (after eating)

Rectum: CONSTIPATION (insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stools/with urging)


“As if FaECES remained”


PAIN – cramping/stitching in anus/sudden, paroxysmal/in anus/violent

Stool: MORNING; before rising or driving from bed

ACRID, corrosive, excoriating/BALLS


OFFENSIVE (foul, putrid)


SOFT, too


Bladder: PAIN; burning during urination

RETENTION of urine (unable to pass urine in company)

URGING to urinate, morbid desire; frequent

URGING to urinate, morbid desire; frequent; urinate immediately, if he does not, a feeling as if urine passed involuntarily, which is not so

URINATION – dysuria/feeble stream, slow, weak/frequent (every; few minutes/as if water drunk, passes right through)

URINATION; retarded, must wait for urine to start (can only pass urine when alone)

Urine: MUSHROOMS, odor like

OFFENSIVE (foul, putrid) SOUR, acid

Male Organs: SEXUAL desire – excessive/increased

Female Organs:



PAIN; uterus

PAIN; uterus; extending to; rectum

PAIN; cramping; uterus

PAIN; sharp

PAIN; sharp; uterus

SEXUAL; desire; increased; menses; during

SEXUAL; desire; increased; excitement; sexual parts, of, with extreme

Larynx & Trachea:


speech & voice; HOARSENESS with cough/with new expectoration


DEEP; oppression, with; chest, of

DEEP; desires to breath

DEEP; enough, cannot get

DIFFICULT [afternoon 3pm/> swimming/> walking]

IMPEDED, obstructed (oppression/”As from load on chest”)

RATTLING [during cough]

WHEEZING, whistling (< evening/> cough)


Expectoration: DIFFICULT/GREENISH/VISCID (during cough)

Chest: CONGESTION, hyperemia

ERUPTIONS; axillae [discharging moist (yellow)/smarting, burning]

EXPAND, “As if lungs could not expand”

HEAVINESS (in mammae before menses)

OPPRESSION – l./weight or load, as of a, marble plate on chest

PAIN - < r. inspiring/in mammae before menses/digging [r. (as if a skewer nailed)]/< (deep) inspiration/pressing (r./afternoon/sternum)/stitching (l./< lying/< inspiration)/”As from needles”/in mammae

before menses

REDNESS of axilla

WARTS under axilla

Heart & circulation: PALPITATION heart (< dinner/< eating/with weakness)

Back: ITCHING; stinging (in lumbar region/sacral region)

ERUPTIONS - like stings of insects red- in sacral region/lumbar region

ITCHING - lumbar region/stinging

PAIN; stitching (ext. rectum/”As from needles”/ext. downward)

STIFFNESS - lumbar region/sacral region

Extremities: AWKWARD - drops things/knocking against things with lower limbs

Fingernails – CRACKED/Curved/DISTORTION

CRAMPS - legs; calves/buttocks, nates/thighs

ERUPTIONS - desquamating; hands; palms/itching; fingers/like stings of insects in hollow of knee/vesicles; fingers; third, middle

ELECTRIC current, like; hands (palm)/in hands (ext. fingers)

FORMICATION, crawling; hands [palms/ext. fingers/(l.) foot/toes]

GROW rapid, nails

HEAT; burning; feet; soles


LAMENESS; upper limbs

NUMBNESS, insensibility – l. legs/(l.) thighs/toes (l./walking)

PAIN – heels/fingers (r./joints)/legs; bones/knees (“As if cartilage is wearing off”)/in hollow of knees/burning, smarting in soles of feet soles/stitching in soles of feet/stitching [first toes/”As from needles”]

RIBBED, ridged, furrowed, nails

SENSITIVE; fingers; tips (“As if nerves exposed”)

SWELLING; feet; soles

UNCOVER, inclination to; feet

WARTS; feet; soles

WEAKNESS; upper limbs

Sleep: on abdomen

SHORT; refreshing

SLEEPINESS – after midnight toward morning (4 h.)/daytime/during headache/with heaviness of eyes/from thoughts

YAWNING (with eructations)

Skin: ERUPTIONS – like red stings of insects/vesicles itching

ITCHING not > scratching


PAIN; stinging (“As from needles”)

STINGS of insects; sensation of

Generalities: >

AIR; cold; amel.

AIR; cold; desires

CHANGE of temperature < warm to cold

COLD > taking, becoming


HEAVINESS; forenoon

FANNING, fanned; desire to be

FOOD and drinks: >: carbonated drinks/tomatoes;

Aversion to: carbonated drinks/water;

>: ice-cream/milk, milk products and honey/pizza;

Desires: chocolate/cola/cold food/cold drinks (water)/cooked food/yolk of eggs/farinaceous food, starchy/fruits/ice-cream; desires/refreshing things/salt or salty food/tomatoes/sweets/warm food;

PAIN; bones

VOMITING; does not >

WEAKNESS – forenoon/with nausea/forenoon, 1o h. until noon/with numbness/after stool, diarrhea/with nausea

WEIGHT, sudden change of; increase, easy

WORM complaints

WOUNDS heal slowly




Headache since noon. Drunk more but without relief. A helmet of pain is resting on my head. (1)D00

Pain from occiput extending to vertex, face, jaw and gums, streams of pain extending to the nose, preventing sleep, < stooping (1)D00


Headache with nausea, worse moving the head, any motion. Better with cold application and wetting head with cold water. (1)D00

Pulsating pain at occiput. Pressure on eyes. Sleep disturbing. Ate some ice-cream and it was better. (1) (D00)

Yellowish clear watery discharge from nose, flowing with no control, run for few hours and dried out towards afternoon. (1)D00

D-6 (collects the remedy)

Obstinate headache, worse stooping. With pressure on eyes and desire to cool the eyes (1) D00

Difficult respiration. As if someone is pressing with his hand on my chest. (1)D00

Pain at uterus and anus - sudden contraction, similar to what it feels like during menses.(1)D00


Headache improved but does not go away. Something obstinate that does not want to go away. (1) (D00)

During the night, in bed, sudden sharp pain at anus, lasted for a while. (1)D00

Cannot sleep although very tired. Brain is wakeful. Thinking of all the stuff I did not finish to do, how to fraise things, tasks not finished . Didn't sleep a wink. (1)D00

Feels hot all day long. I need air-conditioning or a fan. Hot and stuffy. I am short of air. (1)D00

I do not have to worry that I am not sitting down to do what I planned to do. Everything has its time and then it'll happen. Everything will sort itself out. (And indeed in the afternoon,

I sat down to work on something that I have been postponing for a week and felt bad about it). (1)D00 D-4

Oppression of chest. Sensation as if someone puts a heavy hand on the chest and impedes my respiration (1)D00 D-3

Pain in bones, entire body, at night, in bed. (1)D00

Considerable less desire for sweet. (1)D00

My husband does not understand me and he is not supportive. I am exhausted physically and mentally and have no patience for people talking to me.(1) (D00) D-2

Pressing pain on eyelids. I want to close

my eyelids and apply something cold on the eyelids. (1)D00

Pain in the chest, like digging. More to the right of the chest. (1)D00

Yellowish watery discharge from the nose, with blood. (1)D00

Pain at the area of uterus, to the right, contractions at the uterus , sharp cramping pain at uterus and anus, terrible pain, radiating to the area around. (1)(D0)

Abdomen distended and painful (1) (D00)

For a couple of days now, I have an urge to urinate every few minutes, almost involuntary, urgent desire. (1)(D0)

DREAM: I sneak into my husband's guarded army base in a dangerous zone. I am dressed up as a male soldier in order not to be recognized, I fool everyone. Of course eventually

I'll clear out of there - it is too dangerous for a woman. Although I am sure I'll be perfectly OK.     (1)(D0) D-1

Eye still feel burdened and I tend to close eyes (1)(D00)

Tired feeling. Want to go to sleep (1) (D00)

Pain in the bones particularly the legs.(1)(D00)

Pain at the throat on swallowing, no swelling. (1)(D0)

D 0

Pain in the stomach with sensation of emptiness and a need to eat something in order to ease the pain .The pain extends to the abdomen, sharp cutting pain, worse as I walk or move.

Does not improve when I eat. (1)D00

Very painful stomach, distended from the diaphra

gm to the abdomen, much like a fourth month pregnancy. Sort of

hardness. (1)D00

Stabbing pain in the chest, as with a skewer. (1)(D0)

Difficult respiration with pressing pain on right side of chest at 15:00 (1)D00

Eye, heaviness, I want to sleep. (1)D00.

Lack of communication during class time. We were laughing our head off the entire lesson... there was this sort of energy in the class. A question was asked and the answer had nothing

to do with the question, the lecturer did not hear properly, they misunderstood each other and mediation was required. (1)(D0)

Argued with my husband - he is not helping me enough.(1)(D0)

Very deep sleep (1)(D00)

Red, elevated, itchy eruption, on the right side of face (1)(D0) D01

During dinner, palpitations, as if I was running, (1)(D01) D02

I open the deep-freezer in order to inspire colder, fresher air. (1)(D2)

Dryness in the eye, I want to moisten it with eye drops (1) (D02)

Pressure in the chest, followed by very painful stabbing pain as if with a skewer, right side. (1)(D02)

DREAM: I am with a friend and her children. We go into a butcher shop and the floor is muddy and disgusting. We have to walk in the mud and it is disgusting and wet. The street is under construction and I have to go through and take care as not to stumble into the sand. I talk to the builder and I wonder - is he making a pass at me? Everything is disgusting and muddy.

I am surprised that everyone recognizes me. (1)(D2) D03

A whole jar of sesame past spilt and the entire kitchen floor was covered with oil.

It was disgusting. (1)(D3)

Its real fun spending time with the kids, I really enjoy them. (1)(D3)

I don't feel like eating chocolate. Less desire for sweats. (1)(D3)

DREAM: I am part of a group of chosen top quality students. Lots of sexual energy. I make love with 2 of the male students. None of them knows about the other. Concealment and secrecy.

Felt great! They want only me! (1)(D03) D04

Chest, heaviness, makes respiration difficult (1)(D4)

Weakness and palpitation from even slight effort.(1)(D4)

Felt a need to pamper (indulge) my husband and children and bought them presents. (1)(D4)

DREAM: I am eating my teacher's sandwich without asking permission. Left the sandwich half-eaten. Felt really bad about it. (1)(D4) D05

I noticed that when I bend my head forward, there is strong pain on the left side,  extending to cheek and ear (1)(05) D06

Since last night, angry, embittered, aggressive. Nothing works out the way I want. Things I wanted to do were canceled. Nothing anyone can do about it but I am still angry. (1)(D6)

Sense of heaviness, want to close my eyes and go to sleep, don’t want to be here. (1)(D6)

Pain on the left side of the head, when bending forward. On lying on left side, there is pain extending to eye (1)D06

My nails are much more cracked than usually. Large cracks, reaching mid-nail. Also folding (1)(D6) D07

The oppression in the chest had moved to the left side, lasting all day. (1)(D07)

Aphthae in the mouth on the lower left side of the gums. (1)(D07)

Pain in mamae before menses. Normally only heaviness and sensitivity (1)D07

Very dry eyes. Want to moisten it with tears.(1)(D07)

DREAM: My husband, myself and friends are in a restaurant. My mom is at the background uptight since her mother said she is coming to join us (my grandmother has long been deceased).

My husband says he is not hungry and suddenly I am left alone at the table. I am looking for him, making lots of phone calls. Eventually I find out that he went to another restaurant and shortly afterward he enters the restaurants with a tray of food and sits next to me.  I am very angry. He left without saying a word and now he comes back as if nothing has happened. I get up throws

my purse at him (there is a minimum charge) and leave with a big emotional fuss. I even begin to curse and

then stops because the restaurant is full of people and as I got up there was a silence. (1)(D07) D08

At noon I was euphoric. We took the kids, bought them Bamba (a snack) and we went for a stroll. After an hour,

nervous again, I was fed up, I went home.

Had no patience, I felt hot. The kids weren't listening, felt like killing

someone. Felt desperate, nothing seems to be working, can't see the end of it. (1)(D08)

Dryness in the eyes. (1)D08

Painful distended stomach, upper part. It feels hard. With emptiness. The pain lasted until night and was not > eating (1) (D08)

Very soft stool (1)(D08)

Mamea heavy and painful, is it before menses? (1)(D08)

DREAM: I am visiting a friend. Staying overnight. We sit for breakfast. I eat something dairy, a cheese sandwich and suddenly she brings in chicken and begins to serve the friends around the table. (Eating milk products and meat/poultry together, is forbidden for those observing Jewish dietary law). The table is not set and she nearly throws the chicken at each one of us. I return mine, pretty shaken. She is a religious Jewish woman and I am eating a cheese sandwich. She smiles at me in an appreciative manner since I was found to keep Kosher and separate milk from meat.(1)(D8)

DREAM: My mother is taking me to see some renovations she is doing in her bathroom. I am shocked to realize that the outer wall is wide open so anyone can look in and even enter the house. I felt as though I am being observed and indeed, across in front of the house, near the river there is a man looking at me. I feel unsafe and I go into the house but I can't calm down. How can one go to sleep when the room is broken wide open?? Later on there is a storm outside and water are penetrating through the bathroom. Someone is angry because of the hole that was left in the wall and then blocks it temporarily until the Sabbath is over. (1)(D8)D09

Since morning, stitching pain on right side of chest (1)(D09)

Outbursts of crying during the day... while watching a cartoon, a children's movie, scenes which are a little bit sad but not to the point of crying...(1)(D09)

Anger and rancor towards my husband and children on account of how they behaved and what they did. (1)(D09)

Dryness in the eyes  (1) (D009)

Burning pain in the eyes. Want to cool it off with some artificial tears or eye drops (1) (D09)

Feel anxious about the future. (1)(D9)

DREAM: I begin to work for some governmental body....  I am barefoot because someone stole my shoes and it’s a little embarrassing. I received Amnon Dankner’s (Famous media personality) cell phone and was told that this is for the time being, until he decides if I am suitable for the job. I don't know how my studies will work out with the job. I know that this is not what I planned.

Later on I go to visit the girls at my previous work place. I am trying to impress them. They are not impressed, so I leave. (1)(D9) D10

Heavy feeling on waking up in the morning . This increased and slowly took over. Despondent. Weeping silently.

Discomfort, oppression of chest. Don’t feel like doing anything. Watching soap operas on TV. (1) (D10)

Pain, left temple, spot, extending to forehead and left eye. Then extends to mouth, gums, teeth, left upper. (1)(D10)

Left sided dull headache, extending to left eye and maxilla(1)(D10)

Chest congested and painful. Oppressing sensation. Stitching pain while lying down. As though a marble plate is resting on my chest, heavy and suffocative. (1)(D10) D11

Nausea while riding in the car. Could not vomit. In the past I used to vomit a lot whilst riding in a car but it improved in recent years but today was awful. (1)(D11)

Lots of eructation accompanied yawning (1)(D11)

DREAM: Friends from a previous workplace and I are at the swimming pool. One of the girls screams as she is nearly bitten by a tiny Viper snake. I am rushing to help her and the snake falls and get stuck at the middle of my forehead near the hairline. I am scared. It is painful since it digs itself into my forehead. The girls are laughing and disappear and I am left alone with the snake. Felt fearful and disappointed and insulted that they left me after I tried to help. (1)(D11)

Dryness in the eyes. I was also weeping but without tears. Similar to the nausea without vomit -as if something had dried out. (1)(D11)D12

Lately I wake up 4 - 5 h. and then I have difficulty to fall asleep again. Usually with no reason that disturbs the sleep (like a baby) (1)D12

I was very nervous, angry at the children and raised my voice at them. Couldn't cool off. I was criticizing everything they did. After an hour I felt exhausted, sent them to the library

and went to bed exhausted. When they came back I was relaxed and attentive to them (am I crazy?) (1)(D12)

Nausea but no vomiting (1)(D12)

Eructation, lasting all day long (1) (D12)

I was yawning all day long. Large yawning, mouth wide open. Nearly painful at the jaw joint. (1)(D12)

DREAM: I am at a conference. It is not interesting since I already know everything so I stayed outside with the husband of a friend of mine. We were sitting enjoying ourselves,

chatting. He was naked. He was really fascinating. We talked about what I studied in the past -business management- that is what he is about to study now. He was very impressed

with my knowledge and I enjoyed myself with him. There was a sense of seduction in the air and I was in a dilemma. He is my friend’s husband. (1)(D12) D13

Since morning pressing pain at upper part of chest, above mamea. Strong stitching pain, digging pain. As if some is digging deep with a spoon at right side of chest. (1)(D12)

Eructation and yawning- lasting all day (1)(D12)

Sudden frantic passionate sexual desire, woke my husband, and I am menstruating. (1)(D12)

DREAM: I am at the clinical training session. The teacher comes out and is telling that a friend of mine came to the clinic as a patient and said that he cannot keep going out with me because

I am gossiping about people. And I was thinking how stupid she is to tell such things about a patient - this is confidential. (1)(D12) D14

Wanted to sleep all day (1)(D14)

Pressing pain in the eyes with desire to close the eyes (1) D14)

Pain at both temples. On the right temple, drawing pain (1) (D14)

Tickling sensation in the nose and right ear which turned out to be pain on the right side of face including forehead, cheek and nose. (1)(D14)

Since noon, a headache that feels like a helmet.(1)D14 D15

Nause, vertigo and weakness since morning. (1) D15

Pain in the head, like thick cord inside head (1) D15

Dull pain in the face, extending to inside of nose, mouth. Also outer side of nose and cheeks. (1)(D15)

Pain in the chest as if a skewer is nailed at right side (1)(D15) D17

Dull, oppressive pain in the chest.(1)(D17)

Weakness, nausea, eructation and yawning lasting for days (1)(D17)

Very nervy at the kids. Criticizing everything they do. (1)(D17) D18

Tired, weakness, nauseous, dull pain at chest, tired burning eyes, eructation and yawning. Lasting for days. (1)(D18)

More relaxed with the kids but assertive.(1)(D18)

Aphthae on left side of inner mouth, above lip (1)(D18)

Thirst with aversion to drinking. (1)(D18)

Lots of urination although I don't drink. (1)(D18)

My cell-phone broke and my husband changed it into my sons' phone number, so they disconnected my number. I am at the Tel Aviv promenade without a phone and I have no way

to call back. I asked people around to let me make a call and was first refused. I felt helpless in the middle of Tel Aviv and no way to make a phone call. Only after I called a friend

the confusion was understood.... What a mess, I don't have a phone number and my new cell phone's battery is dead... (1)(D18)

Dream: A proving is being conducted at the college. One of the girls is telling that what came out most was the parking area that is adjacent to the college since it is there where we tend

to gather and this is our centre. I was one of the people in charge of the proving. I gave one of the girls a ride home and I was in control all the way there and back. Good dream. (1)(D18)


Dull pain in the head, as of a helmet.(1)D19

Apprehensive about future things to come. Fear of something unknown that might happened.(1)D19 I feel decisive - told my husband and kids: "I am in charge here and things will happen

the way I decide". I meant that when I ask the kids to do something (like put their cloths in the dirty clothes basket) they have to do it and not ignore it.. .. I make the rules in the house!  (1)(D19)

Walked into the sea and I felt so good! - I felt like a queen that rules the entire sea. My hair was blowing in the wind and felt wonderful. (1) (D19)

I swallow the food instead of chewing it first. (1) (D19)

Eyes dry and burning (1) D19

Dream: Had to choose colors. Chose white again and again and felt sensation of pureness and perfection. (1)(D19)


Diarrhea, 3 times accompanied by weakness and bad nausea (1) (D20)

Pimple, on the left side of face, under mouth, suppurating (1)(D20)

Stomach pain with sensation of emptiness (1) (D20)


Stomach pain, lying on abdomen does not ameliorates. (1)(D21)

Recently I sleep on my abdomen (never slept on my abdomen) (1)(D21)

Sharp piercing pain running along back, buttocks, extending to anus. I rush to the toilets trying to ease the pain. No Stool, no relief. Pain! (1)(D21)

Thirsty but no desire to drink.(1)(D21)

I eat more ice-cream and not ice-popsicle. (1)(D21)

Feels as though I am a servant but my say has to be respected and not ignored. I am not thin air that can be ignored, I said (my say) and things have to be done accordingly. (1)(D21)

Dream: My husband, the children and I are in a hotel, on vacation. Suddenly there are two people with masks (like the joker at Batman). I understand that something is wrong, people begin to transform and mutate (horns, tails), I grab my husband and my baby and we run to look for the older child... My husband asks what's going on. I think: is he stupid or something? And I explain

to him that there is something in the food that causes mutations and that we must rescue the child. We pick him up and we are running in the streets, being pursued. It is frightening and

dangerous. We improvise with a tricycle to help with the children - it is difficult to run with them. We are hiding in the staircases and entrances of buildings. (1)(D21)


Eructation, still going on Emptiness in stomach, eating does not ameliorate (1) (D22)

Stomach pain and emptiness, lying on abdomen does not ameliorates (1) (D22)

Eyes, tired, burning (1) D22

Dream: I am at a party. There are many large rooms at the venue and lots of people. There is a woman that needs protection from a group of people on the grounds of jealousy or something even worse. They are trying to trap her and some other people and I are trying to protect her. Under the stairs there are lots of eggs that this woman has laid and I have to be careful not to tread on them. Somewhere inside me, I wish that one of the eggs would break and the whole affair would be revealed. That everything would be exposed. (1)(D22)

Dream: I m a queen or an empress. Everyone is at my disposal. I have a husband that I love very much but I also have a lover that excites me very much. The lover comes to me. It's a big hall with lots of people. I pull a curtain (not a thick curtain) , as a partition between the crowd and the place where we meet. Lots of passion and sexual urge. I feel wonderful. But all the time there is that thought that's bugging me that my husband won't find out because I love him and I do not want to divide the family. (1)(D22)


Stayed late in bed although the children woke up a long time ego. Didn't want to open my eyes and start with reality. Wanted to go back to the dreams were I am a queen with servants and lovers...

(Instead of a mother of 3 yelling, quarreling boys)(1)(D23)


Sudden sharp pain at anus, extending to uterus. Very painful.  Area became rigid. Lasted for half an hour. (1)(D24)

Tremendous lack of self confidence. Need to get support and encouragement from my husband. I feel helpless, fat, and unattractive, old. I am Concerned about others, giving to others and not getting anything in return. I want to keep my weight down, eat less fattening food but can't succeed. Normally if I decide something, it happens.(1)(D24)

I eat more carbohydrates then normally, special ice-creams(1)(D24)


Dream: I am a student, entering a house which is a sort of a medical herb shop, with friends of mine. They are talking loudly and I don’t like it so I go out. They are noisy and they are shouting at someone else's house, with no respect for him. One of the girls goes out with me and we chat, I'm happy that we suit each other so much, communicate well and understand each other (1)(D25)


My husband prepared Shakshuka (sort of "sunny side up" omelet). The kids didn't like it so I sat and ate 4 soft yolks. I devoured it. Normally I have no desire for eggs. Had a desire for soft yolk for

the past few days. (1)(D26)

Heaviness in the stomach. Went to bed and could not sleep all night. Terrible nausea, heaviness, wanted to vomit, rolled in bed all night. In the morning managed to vomit. Was ameliorated but still with nausea and weakness. (1) (D26)


Woke up in the morning after a sleepless night and vomited large quantities. Slightly relived but still strong nausea and weakness. (1)(D27)

Soft stool (1) (D27)

Throughout the day, nausea, vomiting, weakness. Ate a dry crisp bread, ate whole wheat ban and vomited it.

Sleepless night on account of nausea.   Desire to drink Coca Cola. Could not drink juice or soda water. It disgusts me. (1)(D27)

Finished the entire de-caf coca-cola and got out of bed and drunk more regular coca-cola. I had great thirst for that.(1)(D27)

Mind: I feel angry toward those in charge of the proving - I am suffering and they don't want to help me. No one cares about me, only about the results of the proving. I am not important enough.

(1) (D27) D28

Went to a funeral, it was very hot, sunny, I was weak, felt as though I am about to lose consciousness. Had to force myself to drink water. Only moistened the mouth, couldn’t drink. (1)(D28) D29

I have to pamper myself and not compromise on things that I want very much. Took out the entire family and bought myself a wallet that I wanted very much. (1)(D29)

We had a stroll with the older kids and I pampered them. Something that I wanted to do for a long time and couldn't. We were at the flea market and I was not going to give up and went to all the stalls even when the kids were fed up. I said that I also deserve to have fun and enjoy myself. (1) (D29)

I Gained 2 Kg during the proving (1)(D29)

Noticed that my nails are deformed, indented (1)(D29)

A dent at the center of nails of thumb and first finger. (1)D29

Desire to walk barefoot. Normally I dislike walking barefoot. (1)(D29) D30

Mind: We have to go out to an event with the children. I kept nagging my husband to be on time. Irrational tension, but I can't let it go. I Phoned him several times. Eventually we arrived well in time, found a good parking place, there was enough space and everything was fine. There was still plenty of time before the event began and we were sitting comfortably. But I couldn't stop looking

for reasons to argue and quarrel with my husband for not arriving home earlier. And what would have happened if there were traffic jams, or if there was no parking space or if the kids were hungry and if and if and if.... Just couldn't relax and enjoy the magnificent event.  Felt tidal waves of anger and frustration, and could not stop complaining and telling off my husband. Even when we got back home and I asked for an ice-cream and he did not get me one because he couldn't find a parking place. So I just chopped him down, couldn't let go. I was vexed, hurt and so on and on. In the car I told my husband with the kids present: "You don't give a shit about me." I never talk like that, definitely not when the kinds are around. As if madness took over me. (1)(D30) D31

My entire negative energy that was directed toward my husband  last night was now directed towards my children.

Any garment or toy that was misplaced, any improper word was responded with shouting and cursing. I even I even called my son "a loathsome child".... I was afraid that I might hurt the kids.

I felt a strong urge to hurt them, wanted something bad to happen to them - so that they will feel pain, to make them regret of what they did. (1)(D31)

I punished the kids and did not take them to a birthday party and did not yield even after they cried..... the kids were begging but I told them:  "this will never happen - regardless of all the punishments you get, everything will stay as it is!" Also told my husband: you are not going to change my behavior! (1)(D31)

I allow myself to eat more food, to indulge myself with tasty food, special ice-creams instead of an icy popsicle, more fattening food. (1) DXX

Prover No 2


I noticed that I urinate relatively more, feels as if water I drink simply passes through me. (2)(D00)


Sat on the lawn and was bitten by insects, probably ants. (2)(D00) D01

Dream: My girlfriend and a friend of hers prepared ice-popsicles for a party. The popsicles were made from a liquid that was prepared from cooking sesame paste (tahini). I entered the kitchen,

after they left and by mistake, turned over the utensils that contained the liquid that was about to go into freezing. Rest of the dream had to do with refilling those utensils. (2)(D01)

I feel weakness (numbness) in the muscles, particularly the hands, some lack of coordination. I put a glass in the sink and knocked the glass on the bottom of the sink. (2)D01

Nausea while riding a car. (2)(D01)

Desires for Pizza (2)(D01) D02

Sharp pain under the tongue, on lifting the tongue. (2)(D02)

Luck of sensation (numbness) at the upper front part of the tongue (2)(D02) D04

Tired all day, physical and mental. (2) D04

Desire for ice-cream. (2) D04 D05

Tired all day (2) D05 Felt encaged and there is nowhere to escape (although there is nothing to run away from) (2) D05 D06

Heartburn. Ate a tomato and it passed away. (2) D06 D07

Pain in the throat. (2) D07

Mucus in throat and a bit of a headache. (2) D07

General sensation of catching a cold. (2) D07

Several times during the day I gave little knocks to people around me, by mistake. (2) D07 D09

NS  Ear: itching, right ear. (2) D09

NS  Eye: increases eye discharge, inner corners of eyes, similar to nightly discharges, but during the day. (2) D09 D10

I scratch a lot, particularly on the head and legs. (2) D10

Sometimes I feel as if ants are climbing over me. (2) D10 D11

On sitting next to my computer, ants climbed on the table. Some climbed on me. (2) D11 D16

Dream: I am back at primary school to take a course (something to do with matriculations). I remember that the lesson was disorganized and during the break I enjoyed walking around outside.

The dominant sensation in the dream: I want to get it over and done with - together with restlessness. (2) D16 D19

Desire salt. Atesome pure salt.(2) D17

Desire sweet (2) D19 D20

Slight lack of sensation on the lips, particularly outer parts.(2) D20 D24

Pain at 2nd finger, right hand, at the joint, particularly after using computer mouse. (2) D24 D26

Itching on the tongue, nearly pain, lasted all day. (2) D26



I am more sensitive with thoughts and feelings. Towards people I'm more introverted. (3) D00 D01

Stool immediately as I woke up in the morning, odorless. Both, unusual. (3)D01

Sensitive, on verge of tears, frustrated and hurt. Felt as though I was coned, deceived. I wasn't taken into consideration.

All she was concerned about was, her own self (3)D01

The wound on my right armpit is sore and discharges yellow transparent liquid that dries up on the sight of the wound. (3)D01

Heaviness at abdomen although I ate very little today. (3)D01

Soft stool, almost liquid, excoriating. Perspiration on face while sitting for stool. (3)D01 D02

As if lack of air. If I don't take deep inspiration I feels as if I did not breath. (3)D02

Redness at right axilla. (3)D02

Sad, even cried, I was offended by my mother. I did not weep for a year. (3)D02 D03

Reflective mood. (3)D03

The wound on my right armpit is burning more and more. The redness has spread and bathing (which usually >) do not >. (3)D04

Dream: Two friends and I on a journey to the south, somewhere deep in the sea. It's sunset. A mother and her son and I are swimming with difficulty towards the shore. As we get to the shore

I notice that the boy is retarded. We split up and take the train. The sunset lasts endlessly; we ride amidst fields and an ecological farm. All is colored rich golden yellow color.  Colors were very pleasant. We were laughing at the retarded boy. (3)D04

Since taking the remedy I am more in a reflective mood, preoccupied with dilemmas concerning the cosmos, myself, the world, and my place in the world. (3)D04 D05

Didn't sleep well. Woke up from thirst several times, rolled from side to side many times. (3)D05

The wound at armpit does not improve. It takes longer than ever before. (3)D05 D06

Heavy, distended abdomen, mild pain. Stool painful. After stool, there was a relief. (3)D06 D07

Dream: cycling on Ayalon highway. A friend calls me and is telling me that she is also on Ayalon and asks me to come and sit with her.  I go back, it's dark and frightening, I am alone, there is a dark sea under the road. There are army barracks all the time. My friend tells me that she is falling asleep and I get angry and tell her that in no way is she going to sleep after I came all this way. I finally get to her and she is sitting at a picnic table, near a fire with two Indian men. It is not her, it is my partner. The Indian men are disgusting and make me feel uncomfortable. Other people are joining in all the time: A couple of Thai men, a couple of Japanese etc. They all have some sort of a defect, fingers are missing, they are either injured or sick, their skin is peeling, and they are violent and frightening. The Japanese are shaking my hand but they have no fingers. (3)07 D08

My stool has changed since the remedy. The texture changed, it is softer and the odor changed too. More like odor of vomit. (3)D08 D10

Dream: With friends, trying to climb a very steep road. We keep sliding down and it is funny. Then they tell me that father of a friend died, and she is forced to go a combat unit. (3)D08

Parents meeting at the kindergarten. There is this lovely girl that I like a lot. Her mother is not an understanding person and the child is leaving the kindergarten. I began to cry, and I was emotional and sad. This hasn't happened to me for a long time. I do not cry in front of other people. I used to be very reserved. (3)D08 D15

Watery, fetid diarrhea, like vomit, burning acrid. (3)D15 D17

Woke up in the morning with pain in my throat and runny nose. (3)D17

Lots of viscid coryza. By the evening it was over. (3)D17

I talked to my sister, and I cried. I miss her, she is in Australia, haven’t seen her for a year. (3)D17 D18

Viscid and sticky coryza with lots of sneezing and tears. (3)D18

Soft and stinking stool, on the verge of diarrhea turning hard with difficult to extricate. (3)D18

I was hot, face red and dried up. I was very thirsty for cold lemonade with mint. I drank in large sips almost a whole litter. (3)D18

Headache as if hadn't drunk enough. (3)D18

Redness at right armpit, returning. (3)D18 D19

Dream: I go to babysit for Y. one of the kids from the kindergarten. His mother says that a friend of his is also coming and I go to meet him at a deserted bus stop. The child arrives with a friend

of his, age 15 named Zorem (Flowing in Hebrew) and he has bad energy and he is a cheeky and let's off Y.'s hand at the middle of the road. I yell at him and am very angry at him and we quarrel.  Eventually we get on the bus, the drivers goes to the back of the bus and I see via the mirror that someone collapses from having a heart attack and the driver and paramedics assist him. All that

goes on while driving the bus. He nearly dies but eventually they save him. I see all that, looking via the mirror, Y doesn't see what's going on. (3)D19

Smarting pain. Mucus stuck in the throat. (3)D19

Yellow Green coryza in the morning turning clear and watery during the day. (3)D19

Constipated. Feels the urge but no stool. Eventually some stool in the evening, like balls and sensation of not finished. (3)D19

Clear coryza, sneezing and tears all the time. (3)D19 D20

Cough with expectoration, Voice hoarse, deep, course. (3)D19

Coryza viscid, yellow, clear with sneezing all the time. (3)D19 D21

Wheezing, during inspiration and expiration. > Coughing. < evening. (3)D19 D22

Expectoration green, difficult to extricate, comes up only after lengthy cough. (3)D22

Wept while watching a movie. Saw that film many times and never cried. Kitsch American film. (3)D22 D23

Cough with viscid expectoration, rattling respiration (3)D23

Rattling respiration with cough and viscid expectoration. (3)D23 D24

Reflecting abut loneliness, being alone. Brings up fears (3)D24 D25

Red, smarting wound at right armpit with clear discharge that dries up hard. (3)D25

Dreams: About T. I am offended by her, angry at her. (3)D25 D27

Dream: Driving from the Kibbutz to visit a friend, I am alone at the car and exactly before the turn off the car stops working, there are no brakes and I have no control over the car. I manage to

direct the car toward a ditch. I cry and I can't breathe, I suffocate with fear. A friend turns up and asks if I need help. I can barely manage to answer her and tell her what happened. She says it happened to her many times and that it has to do with the car's code. Suddenly the car slides again onto the road. I wake up horrified. (3)D27 D31

Feels lonely and a little anxious, sort of concerned about the goals in my life and what do I wish to do. (3)31

Dreary mood. I think a lot about loneliness, fear of loneliness. (3)D31 D37

Angry with my parents. They are going to Australia for a month and a half. It was important for me to join them and see my family. This is an anger that has been accumulating for a long time. (3)D37

Dream: I am holding a few day old baby girl. I woke up with a fright. (3)D37 D38

I was crying all day. Lots of suppressed emotions that are connected to my parent's journey. (3)D38 D40

Lots of sneezing and clear, thick co ryza in the morning. Went away after 2 hours. (3)D40 D42

Flatus (3)D42 D44

Sad, lonely, weeping and angry at my parents. (3)D44 D45

Fetid odor from urine, sharp and acidy. (3)D45



Sensation of numbness in the face, including the nose, heavy jaw. On clothing the mouth, sensation of rubber in-between the teeth, (4)(D00:08:05)

Dreamy sensation in the head - as if in a dream. Floating or tired, spacey, detached. (4)(D00:08:05)

Tongue felt larger and heavier in the mouth. Later on, dull throat pain. (4)(D00:08:05)

My throat feels narrower. (4)(D00:11:10)

Sensation of heaviness in the chest, dull pressure on sternum (4)(D00)

Dull pain in left ear as if inflammation of ear. (4)(D00)

Watery discharge from nose together with large quantities of thick coryza. Nose tingling as if from black pepper. Itching in the eyes (4)(D00)

Suffocation sensation in the throat, as if I swallowed a too large bite of food. Agg when swallowing water. ,(4)(D0)

Tingling of face, itching at head and beard. (4)(D00)

Discharge of black coryza, clotted blood. Smells of blood at left nostril. (4)(D00)

Pressure at left eye. (4)(D00)

Pain in left ear extending to throat(4)(D00) D00

Dream: I was going abroad with E. ... at night we arrived at a big luxury house. We wandered in the yard and then found ourselves near a glass window with a metal grill and Edith couldn't climb since she was pregnant. The alarm was set off and the maid caught us and called the owners who actually were the policemen who escorted our trip.

They were angry that we broke into their house, so I gave them a "Grinberg" treatment and they forgave us and as gratitude they organized a party with all the cousins which was actually our wedding party. That was on the beach. T. was making fun of me because I can't surf and I threw sand at her and then she shut up. Then I saw all the parents and their children and they all went to the grandmothers to calm them down and to reconcile the children.(4)(D01)

Clotted blood with coryza and smell of blood at right nostril.(4)(D01)

Dull pain at throat and tonsils .(4)(D01) D02

Dreams: Trip abroad, Birthday, Frustration that things did not go the way I want it to go. (4)(D02)

Noises in ears, blowing nose after. (4)(D02)

Cramps at thighs, buttocks, calves. As if I exerted my muscles and then did not follow it with any stretching exercise. (4)(D02) D03

Cramps at muscles of thighs, lower legs and buttocks. (4)(D03) D04

Crumps, muscle cramps at abdomen (4)(D04)

Stitching pain at my right big toe(4)(D04)

Formication at left leg, between big toe and second toe. (4)(D04)

Pressing sensation and difficulty to take a deep breath. (4)(D04)

Dream: Went to work and prepared food (burgle). A famous Indian movie star arrived accompanied by a group of dancers. We were very excited; he gave us a dance lesson.

No one knew the steps and it was embarrassing because people did not cooperate. Eventually he asked me to demonstrate but I could not do it. I felt a sense of missed

opportunity that I did not know the steps. (4)(D04) D05

Dream: I have to cook Indian food, lots of people wearing turbans. There was a sense of urgency because someone disappeared.

Muscle cramps at abdomen (4)(D05)

Stiffness and pain at pelvic bones(4)(D05)

Stitching sensation as of needle at big toe, right leg. (4)(D05)

Formication between left big toe and 2nd toe. (4)(D05) D06

Crumping pain at back of left hand. As a blow at the wriest. More pain on moving the hand, restricts movement. (4)D06 D07

Dream: pregnant man (4)(D07)

Pain at heels (4)(D07)

Noticed that my nails are growing fast. (4)(D07)

More constipated in the past week. Stool every 3rd day. Small stool (4)(D07) D08

Pain in throat on swallowing. As I swallow, throat fells even more dry on drinking water. As if the water does not wet the throat. Stricture of throat and suffocative sensation (4)(D08)

During the Greenberg treatment today, I felt my heart was opening. Flowing with my feelings. What before was: rigidness / keeping distance between me and other people. During treatment,

felt lots of pain and sorrow. And following the treatment I felt broadening of the heart. Felt softer. Felt that there was a barrier that was in my way for the past three months and now

I went through it. I felt free; I could do what I wanted. That I had the ability to love and to give to others. That my heart had broadened. (4)(D08) D09

I have less trust in people (4)(D09)

Discharge from nonse, watery, clear-crystal clear. < Afternoon + evening/warmth to cold; (4)(D09)

Narrow sensation of throat (4)(D09) D10

Dream: preparing a Hamsa amulets in the kindergarten (4)(D10) D11

Dream: I was in the army and suddenly all the rules had changed. They took all my soldiers and forbade me from going home and burnt my sunflower field. Before they put me on trial,

I had to perform with an army entertainment group. They made a song of everything I have been through; it’s like they made a show of what I have been through. They caused me great injustice. (4)(D11) D14

Dream: In the kindergarten and there was an old teacher that impresses me very much because everyone loved her. (4)(D14)

Dream: Went into the storage room and there was a huge snake. I jumped on a beam near the ceiling but it was fragile and reached the floor. When I looked down I saw that the snake had four

legs of a lizard and then it bit me. (4)(D14) D15

Dream: At my house in Jerusalem: Suddenly, lots of animals begun to emerge out of the street's terrace wall. Snails and slugs emerged. There was one huge slug, the size of the entire length

of the wall and I took a bite of it, taking off part of its tail. This nearly paralyzed my mouth. I had to remove it with my hand. Afterwards two octopuses emerged and then fell into a puddle.

They talked to me and I took them home and put them in a bath tub with salt. (4)(D15) D21+22

General: Tired in the morning between 10 - 11 h. D23

Dream: I was at my grandmother's home and I wanted to leave but I stayed because I felt uncomfortable or guilty.

Then my grandmother died and the same happened to my mother. I then felt more anger. (4)(D23)

Dream: I consulted the police because someone was trying to burn my house and I felt I had no more trust in people. (4)(D23) D28

Tired and heavy in the morning. Difficult to walk. No strength to walk, as if low sugar level. Lack of physical strength. Difficult to get up, difficult to stand. 10 - 11 h. or Breakfast to lunch break at 12 h. This lasted for over a week (4)(D28)

Tiered and impatient. (4)(D28)

Desquamating of face, chin. Lasted for a long time (4)(D28)

Dandruffs at beard area (4)(D28)

Dream: Slug (4)(D28)

Dream: Snake, for the third time (4)(D28) D30

Rectum: worms (4)(D30) D37

Gained weight (4)(D37)




Urination, slow stream, weak flowing (5)D00

Flatus (5)D00

Heavy head, tired feeling, unclear,

dazed feeling. Better by eating(5)D00

Everybody treats me so nicely . Smiling at me, approaching me, inviting me including my teacher. And also I want to be treated nicely. (pleasantly) (5)D00

Waking up at 1 h. with dry mouth and thirst (5)D00

Dream: About a mother. She feels redundant because I don't need her and I let her feel that way - her lips are trembling in weeping. Her son in under my education. (5)D00

Difficult urination, difficult flow of urine. (5)D00

Dryness in the throat and cough (5)D00

Left nostril blocked. (5)D00

Itching on the right side of the tongue (5)D00

Fullness sensation in the head (5)D00 D01

Dream: a 9 year old boy got a blow, I console him, he is shy, tall and quite like our neighbor. Yanay says: sit, sit.

Drink a cup of milk or half will be enough for you. (5)D01

I feel truly sick.  Weak, low energy.... A little worried for what I have to do, stand up for the tasks with me being like that, a bit sick. (5)D01

Woke up this morning feeling sick, like a viral disease. Weak, frustrated. I decide to cancel some of the plans for this morning. (5)D01

People's reaction is that they like me and I myself feels I need this affection because I'm weaker. Sense of humility, that I can't have it all, maybe I'll have to be happy with myself as

I am and it is OK. (5)D01

No appetite (5)D01

(A song in my head) "They say that myself is not myself" (a song from the musical “Two Kunilemel's” where a man disguises himself as another man so that there are two men look-alikes) (5)D01

I am cold, Sneezing (5)D01

At noon prefers cooked food. (5)D01

Thoughts about end of carrier, getting old. I regret taking the remedy. I want home. (5)D01

Difficult to urinate in presence of other people (5)D01 D03

Dream: Something about a game of words of how to get along abroad: men and a woman are caught walking in town; they have to commit themselves to something they are not interested in. Eventually they get out of it by changing the name of the business from Arabic to English or Hebrew... a game of words related to how to manipulate municipal law by a literary wisecrack. (5)D03

During a morning walk, happy with good energy, I notice my excitement and my joyous sensitivity to plants, how beautiful and faultless, and fresh they are and the joy of touching them! I love plants, they make me happy and calm (5)D03

Abdomen pain returning all the time, after eating. Not strong but disturbing, around navel. Left of navel. Cramping pain. Flatus amel. Noisy movement of flatus in the abdomen above navel.

After eating. (5)D03


11:30 h. Slept for about 15 minutes and woke up refreshed.

I never manage to sleep during day time.

At the end of sleep I laid on my back without rushing to get up - unusual for me. (5)D03

Happiness in my heart. Making plans for the future.

Abdomen pain, above umbilicus, dull but annoying, with flatus. Clear better after flatus. Noisy flatulent motion inside abdomen. After eating, any food. (5)D03

Short sleep, 10 minutes in order to get refreshed (5)D03

Longing for my sister that passed away from cancer. Grieved for her for the first time. Also longing for my great love from last year. Was thinking of writing to her and meet her self-examination. (5)D03 D04

Woke up with a song: "There's a kind of hush all over the world tonight" ... “One mischievous kid caught a lizard in its tail"... (rhymes in Hebrew) (5)D04

I will have no money and shall have to live this house which I love. Impatient, cynical. (5)D04

Desire for cooked warm food (5)D04

Despair and worried about the future (5)D04

As if prostate is enlarge. Weak feeble stream (5)D04

Going to meet my ex-lover for a breaking-up meeting (5)D04 D05

Difficult respiration on the morning walk. Painful to inhale. (5)D05

Someone called from an internet site. Also my son offered me help with publicity. It's clear in the past few days that there is help. People want to help me. (5)D05

Bladder does not contract, problem with stream of urine. (5)D05

Joy with the plants around me. This joy lasted longer than ever. (5)D05

Sexual desire, increased: (5)D05 D06

Dream: It’s a session of working homeopaths. Someone decides to give a different remedy and that's OK - he is in charge now. I have to pay for the treatment and I give few coins. But soon enough they come to me and return the payment out of generosity. It's a dream a bout generosity towards me. People are generous and good to me. (5)D06

No strength to walk on my morning walk. I shorten the walk to 20 min instead of 40 min. Get tired quickly. (5)D06

Morning stool on time but somewhat lazy. After an hour another urge and I need to evacuate again, this time properly. Suddenly I understand: there is a general relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine so that there is no urge to evacuate. Same with the urinary tract. Everything is passive. Flowing with the mere force of gravity alone.... (5)D06

I gained weight: from 73 to 76.3. A new 10 years record. (5)D06

Saliva dribbles from my mouth, passively, without meaning to. Falling, running. (5)D06

Everybody is so nice to me and generous (5)D06 D07

Dream: I take part in Kabbalt Shabat with my community but at home I'm forced to do another ordinary small one because I have my daughter or part of the family not present at the big one....

This has to do with the duplication in my life... (5)D07

I have no strength to walk in the morning. I stop at half the time; 20 min. Motivation is also low. (5)D07 D08

Wake up with a happy love song: "Tonight is a spring night, lass, a tune that all the loving in the world find their voice... ".  An optimistic song. (5)D08

Low energy in the morning - can't walk for more than 20 min and if I try for more, there is great weakness. (5)D08

Pain at end of inspiration, a strong spell of sneezing, mucus and a momentary chill that ended all possibility to keep walking. (5)D08

Restless and difficult concentrating... wants to break something... (5)D08

Desire for chocolate. (5)D08

While parking the car, general trembling, like vertigo or loss of balance while sitting. Also at noon, while walking, momentary dizziness. (5)D08

At a party. Enjoyable time outdoors with people. My head is working well, I am friendly, I contribute to the party and feel really good with the people that are close to me and are important to me.... But I have an enjoyable time with everybody...(5)D08 D09

Felt a sting. Stings, like a bedbug, at the sacrum. Keep returning. (5)D09

Stiffness at lower back, less flexible. (5)D09

Prefers salad at the evening, rather than cooked food. (5)D09

Herpetic eruption , left upper lip. (5)D09

Another skin growth under my right eye, next to the one that is already there. (5)D09

Out in the garden, pulled few stray weeds that where stupid enough (in Hebrew "weed" and "stupid" are the same word) to think that they could flourish at the expense of my flowers. I showed

to them who was boss! I uprooted them, pulled and waved them far away. After about 10 minutes of fruitful work I went inside for a refreshing drink.

It was noon time, cool and nice inside the house. I drunk something and was about to go out again then suddenly a sting!, here, on my arm there is a sting, like a bee sting. But there is no visible sting!!! What is it? And then another sting, behind the knee! What's going on!! And then I see something falling on the floor: Black scorpion... I stepped on it at once, killed it and that's it! After all, it came to kill me - so I felt. I must have waved it on my back when I pulled the weeds that probably weren't as stupid as they seemed to begin with, if they sent me such a scorpion....

But here, I stepped on it and that's it  - no more scorpion. I was a bit scared.. a scorpion, after all... But I was also lucky, I was not really stung, just symbolically... so strange. The area turned red, not much swelling, and was painful. This is in order to remind me that it was not a dream.(5)D09

Worshiping at the tree of knowledge leads us to conclusive decisiveness that something has to be that way and not another way, and shuts any possibility for mediation and reconciliation or ratification and thus reaching harmony within a contradiction, somewhere in the open space, that is somewhere in the middle between two extreme ideas... only there, peace is possible. And then

it occurred to me that the true sin of the revolutionary founders of the Kibbutz was that they tried to bring the coming of the Messiah forward, to have it here and now, much like (many years later) the "Peace Now" movement which wanted it all when such an endeavor requires a long correction process, a process of mounting pain through the "valley of darkness.” Wanting it here and now could bring about an end such as the one Korach suffered: when he tried to take a short cut to the divine without undergoing the rectification that every prophet must experience, and he was therefore swallowed into Hell, his own hell and was lost forever. (5)D09 [See Bible, Numbers (Bamidbar), Chapter 16]

It is I - who, for years has hung on to the words of every intelligent writer who writes anything that I consider being praiseworthy, meaning: hey, listen, me too, I mean... you're great, the way you write... Listen... I'm here too...  look at what I have here... I can heal the world... isn't that also great? Aren’t I also a bit Messianic... Let's show off together, we're a totally secretive band, we're

both great, aren’t we? Right?! Say it, say it now, [saying to himself] that I'm great too, say that I'm Messianic too... Say it, come on say it...   No more!  I've learned my lesson. From now on I'll hang on only to my own merits.... I won't depend on anyone taller than me to pull me and raise me up. I'll raise myself up anyway I can and when I can. (5)D09

Here is an essay I wrote this week: Parasht Korach (The Korach affair)

Korach is actually from the Levy tribe. He leads the group that challenges Moses' leadership. In that group are also descendants of Reuven (the first son of Jacob), so in being descendants of the first son, they wanted more for themselves. Also were present 250 people, presidents in the community, known people, people that are invited to speak to the public on holydays.

And so they say to Moses and Aron: enough with thinking that you are better than us. Every one of us is holy, god is within each one of us, so why the towering, the standoffishness? We also want to be in your place. There is no need for priests to act as mediators. He is Aron, and you know what, Moses? There is no need for a profit! You aren't a great leader; you can hardly attar words, hesitant as you are so you bring your brother to help you around.... We don't need you, we are all equal. But by speaking so, Korach, is digging his own grave, literally. In saying that everyone is sacred, he states that in each and every one there is an implanted distinction between man and god.  And the purpose of that distinction is in creating a way for contradictions to get closer to each other. Not in order to annihilate one another but in order to find a min-point between contradictions - that is the place of the divine. There harmony resides.

Let's "sleep on it" says Moses to Korach. During the night god will show all of us who gets closer to him and who isn't.... who is trying to take a superficial short cut without an in-depth process....

Even if two persons that are walking, each one of them is doing his best in order to reach the same target, and thus are equal, the differences are not even in the distance they covered - I'm already

a priest or a prophet and you are just a common person - no! The question is does one continues to walk along that way or does one wishes to get closer by taking a shortcut? Let's see who gets nearer in a correct way? Who will shorten the distance in the right way?

Korach (in Hebrew sound like "bold" like bold headed), does not go through any fiery process. However, he is very "hot" on reaching god, quick and now to god... he wants to hastily jump ahead. But he is already a Levi, he is already at the forefront group who is in the service of God. Indeed more of a right-hand man, a caddy, but certainly closer then most of the others. No! He wants to go into the Holy of the Holiest. After all god is already within him!

..... Enough for you being a Levi, no need to force a jump into priesthood.

Meanwhile Moses approaches another group of rebels, Datan and Aviram. They did not demand priesthood but are challenging Moses as a person and as a leader. They treat him in a derogatory way, telling him: you failed in your mission to bring us to the land of milk and honey..... Instead you are trying to control us, forcefully, arbitrarily. Moses is very offended. After all, it is he who carried donkeys like them all the way from Egypt and never harmed them. They, materialistic opportunists, are not even trying to take the right way.... D10

I have changed, something in the way I lift my body, is different, as if my lower back is more stiff. (5)D10

Either I am being stung by a bedbugs or just a sensation as if stung... now there are 3 large sting-like eruptions (5)D10 D11

Woke up with an itching sensation, lower back. The "stings", 3 or 4 large, red, no pus, lower back, apex of right buttock. The itching is throughout the lower back, above it, attacks all day long.

Right there I felt the first sting the night earlier without a clear cause. (5)D11

Flushes of numbness along left leg, coming and going for the past few days. Particularly below the knee. This morning 3 toes of the left leg, felt numb for about half an hour, after walking. (5)D11

Repeated episodes of suffocation due to inspiring esophagus content into trachea. Occurred 3 times today. (5)D11

Saliva that was normally drooling at the side of the mouth while speaking - moved to the front with part of saliva falling forward and parts of food falling out of my mouth. (5)D11

Kindness and longing for peace. Managed to have a good meeting with my ex-wife concerning our mutual daughter and passing on to her a true desire to help and cooperate. Something I did not

manage to do before. (5)D11 D12

I've changed. Something inside me is fighting something that attempts to take over me, not merely physically. (5)D12

I've gained another 1 Kg. now 76. First time for the past 20 years. (5)D12 D13

Decrease in hearing level.

In addition to the impaired hearing that is already there. (5)D13

At an end of year party, I enjoy talking to people. Warm hearted, simple. More open and less (haughty) conceited. (5)D13

More thirsty (5)D13 D14

Confused, absent minded, uninspired.... As if something is taking over me, burdening and inhibits smooth flow. (5)D14

Tried to walk a little, but again, short of breath especially at taking deep inspiration and weakness that forced me to actually lie down for few minutes. (5)D14

I tried to swim and felt law physical fitness and difficulty in breathing deep which I never had before. Improves as I continued to swim (5)D14 D15

Ongoing weakness... half my usual strength (5)D15

Ongoing short breath during deep inspiration with pain at the end of inspiration. (5)D15

Impatient while having to pay via a telephone dialing system. Easily angered. I made a mistake once and slammed the phone. (5)D15 D16

Hasty, not careful- whilst digging the garden hit the main water pipe. Have no strength to fix it. Leakage..  a flood... I swear ... I don't feel well... shit (5)D16

Difficulty to take in air particularly at the end of inspiration. (5)D16

Chokes, as if content of esophagus lodges into trachea (5)D16

Fear of something taking over, something that wouldn't let go... I have lots of plans and now I need a drive and an initiative but most of my energy is going now for survival... No flowing,

I am ill. (5)D16

I am afraid that something will take over me and will not go away. Delivered a lecture today and forgot the punchline. My head operates on low level of electricity. Went for a birthday party

and forget to get a present for my friend. (5)D16

Still numbness at the foot (5)D16 D17

Dream: About spirituality deteriorating into money... How at the Kibbutz one can make money and build a nice house, with a staircase and a beautiful, smooth, thick, rich wooden banister. (5)D17

Extremities: numbness, formication at front of left thigh. (5)D17

With my daughter and a friend at the swimming pool - great fun, good time.... I talk in a warmhearted manner to people, open up more easily than usual and am happy to make contact. It's so

good to be with my daughter, her friend and ice-cream, all running peacefully...  but as soon as I get home I am restless, easily angered... tantrum, attack of anger about something small

that doesn't work... threw things at the floor, got hit myself, I scream. (5)D17 D18

Dream: He is a shit of a brother but I love him very much. (I am in cutout with my younger sister) (5)D17

Woke up with a song in my mind about Ruchama who grows and grows but feels young. Stages in life.

Morning, angry and absentminded ... things drop down, I bump into things, awkward. (5)D18

Desire for tomatoes. (5)D18

Noticed that in my clinic's garden a strange plant flourishes wildly... pumpkin like plant... huge leaves, 30 cm in diameter. Yellow flowers, sending its tendrils towards my clinic... climbing

4 meters high, on top of other shrubs....(5)D18 D20

Dream: I Kiss and kiss again my late sister Rachel, and it feels so good, so good deep down in my heart. Profound love without an erotic element in it. (5)D20

Dream: erotic dream. Playing and diving in water with a black woman and soon enough, as if inadvertently, we shall touch one another and make love happily (5)D20

Mind: A song - The song of the drunkard by Jo Amar, who passed away last night:

"One shot I drunk and one more shot I tasted and one more shot I sipped... you might say that I drunk, you might say that I am drunk.... Till I got sick with my life.... One shot I drunk and

a second and a third one I tasted and 9th and 10th one I sipped till I got sick of my life and I raised my voice: hoy! Guards, policemen, please lock me up, what a life... till when shall I suffer"?  (5)D20

Generally sensitive, to noise, to any disturbance (5)D20 D21

Slow recovery in my general energy. (5)D21

Again, 3 sting-like sensations in my lower back, right side. (5)D21 D23

Had a wonderful meeting with my ex-lover following my initiative, after a year since we separated. This initiative is due to the proving, it's to do with the new, plain openness towards people. (5)D23

Trailer truck flying. Falls apart in midair, first to fall are the back wheels and then the rest (5)D23

New spots with stings developed during the night... behind right knee. (5)D23

Forgetfulness and at the same time rigor with the details (5)D23 D24

Thick mucus, purulent, fetid, stuck deep down. Comes now and then and then swallowed again. (5)D24

Confused and forgetful. Unusual for me. (5)D24

Feels sick, weakness (5)D24 D25

A curse. Clearly, I have been cursed. It is not a coincidence that we are now reading The Balak Affair. It is all about how to put a spell on someone - from within. He is protected from the outside

but is touched from within, in his soul and it is a ruinous, destructive touch. (5)D25

Lack of strength and bad mood. Pessimism and sensation of illness. Went to sleep early, totally exhausted and as early as morning no joy of life. I am sick...(5)D25

Difficult flow in urination, with burning sensation(5)D25

Blocked nose, night during (5)D25 D26

A Dream: that eventually I succeed in containing all that, locking this sack of garbage, seal, contain it and end the whole thing in peace...(5)D26 D27

I am sick. No fever but great weakness, of body and soul. Try to walk - 5 minutes. Trying to read something – 5 minutes.  A reduction of everything and true lack of energy. (5)D27

Desire for milk and honey (5)D27

Fetid diarrhea (5)D27 D34

What worries me is not the fever but the sensation of reverberation - of something that repeats itself endlessly and in vain... a sort of a virus without a beginning or an end. Something has

taken over me and placed my entire system in a closed circuit that repeats itself endlessly....(5)D34 D36

At the end of my life I go back to my natural dimensions. Ordinary medical doctor, good, with appreciated and appreciative clientele, that is dedicated to his work and is not trying to change

the world... lives at 87 aa street, works at 17 aa street... walk in nature above the Teknion...  (5)D36 D37

The sensation in this disease is as if a cruel conqueror, a particularly heartless one, has taken over my soul, and then my body, deeming what's mine is his. No surprise that connotations

of the Nazi occupation turned up or that of the Russian occupation - two awful dictatorships stemming from a defensive position of inability to cope with internal viciousness -Nazis-

and inability to see the midway as good instead of the extreme and inhuman - Communism.  The foreign conqueror enables us to live, for now, as long as we serve it first and

devote all our energy to it and whatever is left....  The sensation is of getting weaker from day to day, that I am

using reserves that are quickly running out. (5)D37

Called the proving organizer and gave her a mouthful: Why isn't she answering the phone... and not telling me the name of the remedy!... If something is taking over me I want to take over and govern it! (5)D37



“As if my neck is wrapped”, “As if inside a tube” (6)D00

I feel joy and excitement. It's as if my eyes were  opened for the first time, looking at a beautiful yellow flower, amazing pink. Big smile, feel like laughing, full of love, not intimate,

general sense of love. (6)D00

Cockroach - lots of them. (6)D00

Burning sensation, in the head, vertex. (6)D00

Moved the remedy from my handbag to a drawer and on opened it on the way. Felt heaviness as if my entire body is filled with something warm and solid(6)D00

Sensation of burning at the area of upper abdomen (6)D00

Electric current like sensation in the palm of my hands. Sensation of burning in my feet soles. (6)D00

Exaltation, joy. As if I have just opened my eyes, as if on LSD, everything is vivid.  Euphoric, exalted, wanted only to laugh (6)D00 D01

Pain and swelling at left side of throat (6)D01

Stitching pain at left side of chest, worse on inspiration (6)D01

A dress that fluttered on my leg made me jump. Maybe it’s a cockroach... (6)D01

I am hot, my body, face, soles, everything (6)D01

I communicate with everything that I come across. Even if it is a flower. (6)D01

My head is a flower and my neck in part of the stem. The neck is encapsulated with a tube. As if my head and neck are separated at the meeting point of the pharynx and throat.

A sort of tension warps the place. The head is like a flower and the neck is like a pedicle. (6)D01

Love for the world. Exalted love. Big smile. I feel like loving. Love for the world, not intimate. Energy of love, not specific. Walked in the street, singing.  Felt happiness and amazement.

Everything made me feel WOW (6)D01

Insignificant things and immediately my eye were full of tears. (6)D01 D02

Dream: Sexually abused woman, wondering half naked. Because of the abuse her sexuality is now exaggerated. She is sick, someone is publically touching her private parts, and she is

detached, used to this kind of treatment. She was sexually abused and that is where she remained and she becomes a prostitute. I am trying to help her and at the same time trying not to become

too involved. (6)D02

Mouth, dryness (6)D02

Electric current like sensation in the palm of my hands extending to fingers, along the fingers.  Feels like formication. (6)D02

Dream: A black cat. A Naughty, mischievous cat, playing tricks with us. Communicates with us, standing on its back feet, like in a cartoon, we were sort of talking, interacting.

It would not murder us, it was bullying, bothering. It was mischievous, not vicious. (6)D02

Dream: There is a theater group. I feel like an outsider. I do not belong to them. There was an old friend of mine there, someone I loved very much. She then became religious.

I try to reconnect with her but could not. She refused to be in contact with someone from her previous life.  I felt she does not accept me and that I cannot do what I want

which is theater and music. It was a closed circuited. (6)D02

Dull pain, feels swollen inside, as if a lump in throat. (6)D02

For a week now, I feel that there is someone else in the room (6)D02

Stitching pain in chest, left side, on inspiration. Felt like needles. Pain felt along a vertical line, about 3 cm' long. (6)D02

My feet are burning, the sole (6)D02

Mood changeable: impatient and angry alternating with lightness, smiling, giving mood, wanting to pamper others.

The swings in the mood are from one minute to the next. (6)D02

Ate something at breakfast that tasted very salty. It was so salty that I couldn't continue with my meal and had to drink water. Others also ate from that dish but couldn't tell if

it was also salty for them. Was wandering if salt was sprinkled by mistake over the part I ate.  (6)D02 D03

A sort of vertigo, as if head is thrusted forward with a metallic thundering sound and a vision of light bluish metallic denser waves. It swept me. A bit like going out of the body,

for a second. As if part of me was subjected to a thrust and there was a split or diffusion of parts. As if I saw what I heard what I felt. (6)D03

Several times in the past few days felt that my ears are blocked. Particularly the right ear. (6)D03

Today also, saw some cockroaches. D05

Under my right eye, on the top part of the cheek, a red spot, the size of the head of a pin and some swelling around it, 2 cm in diameter. Never had it before (6)D05

A pressing headache at the sides of forehead. At that evening, burning in the eye, heaviness in the body, weakness, sense of illness. Sensation of heat in the face. As if my body

is filled with something heavy. (6)D05

Sensation that I am taller than I really am. That I'm extended, looking from above (6)D05

People are bugging me, complaining, want me to compensate them. What do they think? That they are the masters and I am a servant that they can abuse me? In the past I did

not mind that, I was more forgiving, now I want them to leave me alone. Don’t play with me, don't try to exploit me. I have no strength to carry anyone on my back (6)D05 D06

Still tired. My eyes are still burning. Want to close my eyes. (6)D06

A sharp pain behind the knee, extending toward the thigh (6)D06

Want to eat ice-cream (6)D06 D07

Again, food felt too salty. (6)D07

My face is burning again, my lips are congested with blood, my face is congested. (6)D07

My feet are swollen, the sole (6)D07

I'm so hot. I want all sorts of cold things. I need to cool myself all the time. I desire cold things like ice-cream. It’s the coldness that I seek. (6)D07

Something has opened inside me. Want to mix and play with the world. (6)D07

More difficult to yield to authority. I feel I'm being bossed. In the past I did not look at things like that, I just did what I did. (6)D07

I feel like kicking, breaking and going. Don’t want to stay and be ordered. People are childish, needy and sometimes are retarded. (6)D07

I can't say what I think, it comes out sarcastically, I try to make them feel that their questions are idiotic. It’s a bit vicious, I have no mercy. (6)D07

I am touchy. Things penetrate and settles into a heap of rage which is not being released (6)D07

Every noise irritates me. I wanted everything to run smooth, with no interruptions. That it'll all be silence. There is a new boss, he is intoxicated by his power, seeking to give orders,

he is military stile. The place where I work is not like that, it used to have relaxed, home like, good atmosphere. What is it with you, giving me orders? Criticizing immediately,

making all these power games? (6)D07 D11

A strange sensation of pressure in both ears. Similar to the sensation one can feel while talking on the cell-phone. It overburdens the ears. The pressure one can feel while diving deep.  (6)D11

I suddenly notice that there is a pylon across from the veranda. I noticed that I can hear the sound of the electrical current. There is a load on my hearing, every sound is a load. (6)D11 D12

Dream: There were three men and they are raping my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to extricate himself since he is supposed to keep working with them. I disagree and protect him.

After the rape we stand hugging and kissing each other and my boyfriend is turned on and we begin to make out. Suddenly I realize that they are laughing at us because we are making out.

One of them takes a plastic bottle and hits my boyfriend on his head. I take a glass bottle and break it on his head. This surprises him and also surprises me but it is more important for me

to protect my boyfriend. Although I am a woman and they are three men I did not feel as though it was directed towards me. I smashed the bottle on his I was in a position of power.

I wasn't threatened. We made out ecstatically. There was something unhealthy there, madness. My boyfriend was in a world of his own, disconnected. There was a sense of increased sexuality.

The men didn't see me. I was watchful, I had to be vigilant. Then when they hit him with the plastic bottle; that was enough! Don't mess with me! I guard him! Like a mother guarding her pups.

You aren't getting near! It’s as if the mother is licking her pups and she sees the predators in the background but continues to behave as though everything is as usual and at the moment the

predator makes one more step she assaults him. I kept hugging my boyfriend like a mother is licking her pups. As if I did not notice the three men but all the senses are turned on to seize

the enemy. All the senses are sharpened; I was not really engaged in making out. I was keeping my boyfriend close to me. He was disconnected from reality; he comes in order to stick to me

and to get warmth and protection. He needed to connect to someone and it became sexual. I am afraid of them but it is more important for me to protect him. This motivates me to protect.

This does not deter me from acting (in Hebrew the expression that was used is "this does not castrate me from acting") . (6)D12 D13

At work - I can't be who I am. In the restaurant I cannot allow myself to be impatient and repulsive. I try to suppress it. (6)D13

I have become like a Nazi - I need for things to be exactly as they are supposed to be. I can't tolerate delays.

Everything has to run smooth. (6)D13

I want people to get off my neck. Want to shake them off. They are needy.  These people desperately depend on me. I want freedom. I don't want anyone to need me, don't want to be

ordered, don't want anyone to decide for me, or restrict me. Best thing is to go on vacation. (6)D13

I want everything to run smooth. (6)D13 D14

Eating ice-cream every day, strictly. Also refreshing fruits (6)D14 D15

Dream: I have a baby and she is crawling downstairs. It is an apartment building and she can’t come up and is afraid and crying. I extend a very long hand to her, picking her up, holding

her very, very tight and close to me and I cry. I take her into a room and my partner says that now I'll teach her witchcraft and he objects to it and takes us out of the room. The sensation is:

to protect and hold her tight like a mother. (6)D15

I watched a lecture about Kabala on the internet... in the evening I worked at the restaurant and it was much better thanks to the inspiration I got form that lecture. I tried not to let the impatience

and nervousness take over me. I tried to oppose it and dismantle it so that light would come .... It is not as if it went away easily.

Coping with it was instead of submission and being taken over. Standing up to the monster and not letting it take over me. I did not always succeed, sometimes I thought I did but it outsmarted

me and came out in a different way.  (6)D15 D17

Sudden stopped sensation in my ears. A sort of pressing (6)D17

For few days now, there are tiny vesicles, size of a pin head, containing clear liquid, left hand, middle finger, itching (6)D17 D18

A sense of rawness at the tips of my fingers, as if raw and exposed, exposed nerves. Unpleasant to touch [things] (6) D18

Dream: I am flying. Out of distress. I fly because this is the sort of solution that I am familiar with. It has to do with me versus a group, something threatening. I run away and I hide in

a tree, a large tree with lots of foliage, like a Eucalyptus. (6)D18 D20

On washing dishes, sense of exposed nerves at the fingertip and also taste of washing up liquid in my mouth. (6)D20

I don't want to be restricted and limited and unable to go whenever I want. As if I am trapped in a situation. Like an animal in a cage, something impulsive - want to throw everything and leave

now. (6)D20

Pain at sole of left foot, between 2 - 3 finger, as if of a thorn or a splinter. Looks like an internal wart, plantar wart. (6)D20 D21

Dream: I am being pursued in order to be raped. I managed to get away. It feels as if it had turned out OK. (6)D21

Again that soupy taste in the mouth while washing dishes and oversensitivity and exposed sensation at my fingertips. (6)D21 D31

Dream: Another man and I have murdered someone, cut him to pieces so he was unrecognizable and hid him in the car trunk. It wasn't a deep experience: someone murdered someone and one

need to get rid of the body. I did something wrong and I want to get away with it, not to be caught. I am running away because I have to cover up for what I did. I'm thinking of how to extricate myself. I have to clean the crime's scene in order not to be caught. I have blood on my hands so my instinct is to run away. (6)D31 D32

Crack corner of mouth, right (6)D32

Dream: A car is turning upside down. The color of the car was copper. I Think of Cuprum. Since that dream, noticed many red -orangey- metal color cars. (6)D32

I can't stand any opposition. If something did not turned out the way I wanted, or I was forced to do something - it would drive me crazy. I had no patience at all. Everything had to turn up the

way I want it to be. Not because of wanting to control things. It is intolerance to opposition or restriction. (6)D32 D39

Dream: my boyfriend is leaving me. Strange, since we had such a wonderful day yesterday. I had dreams like that before. D41

Dream: I give birth to a girl named Tangerine. I conceived this girl with another woman. (6)D41



Very tired. Eyes as if swollen, sense of tiredness and heaviness in the eyes. At mid-day, a large quantity of thick yellow discharge from the eyes. (7)D00

Sexual desire increased today (7)D00 D01

Sense of humor with my kids, every remark was made nearly in a laughing and joking mood and with lots of love towards them. (7)D01

Crazy laughter in the class amongst those involved on the proving. Elation and sense of nirvana, everything is so good. (7)D01

Usually I need to do, to achieve, and to manage to do things on time. Now I am more relaxed with the time, not uptight about succeeding to do things on time.(7)D01

As if someone injected me with a "tolerance injection", extended fuse, more empathetic, tolerant, compassionate. D02

Deep sleep, sleep longer than usual. Wake up difficult. (7)D02

Eyes swollen on waking in the morning. (7)D02

More relaxed than ever. Sense of love for my family, delight from the kids and tolerance, more than ever. (7)D02

Increased desire. Came back home from the cinema and wanted so much to go to bed with my husband, just that he was asleep. (7)D02

Suddenly I am relating to my daughter as a little girl (she is six). I always relate to her as a grownup, less fooling around with her. Tonight we were laughing with her and enjoying her

company as a child and not as a little lady. (7)D02 D03

Highly sensitive, particularly towards my children, higher tolerance towards my kids. (7)D03

Obsessively waiting for phone calls from friends. Checking that my mobile is working, upset and angry that my friend is not phoning me. A bit compulsive. (7)D03

Bad communication with my supervisor. She is not attentive, bad communication, no flow. (7)D03

Acne on my face had erupted. It is long since I had such one. (7)03

A yellow discharge from vagina (7)D03

A sharp pain in left ear extending to right ear. (7)D03

Dull headache, right side, around 14:00 (7)D03

I have lots of patience and tolerance - this is new to me. (7)D03

My son developed chicken pox. His brother had chicken pox before him and had about ten lesions but he is full of pocks and this makes me feel full of compassion towards him (7)D03

Want to pass urine, but it takes time for the urine to come out (7)D03 D04

Headache, dull, right side. Worse after sleep. (7)D04

Increased appetite, wants to eat all the time. Strong desire for Ice cream, any ice cream (7)D04

I cried when I saw how much my son is suffering with his chickenpox lesions. It's unlike me to weep out of compassion to my children. Naturally, I'm less containing (embracing?),

have short fuse, irritable and want to get more things done. I feel that time is wasting away, I am not uptight but actually I hardly do anything. (7)D04 D05

Highly sensitive, cannot stand anyone around me, especially not my husband. Want to be alone. (7)D05

Increased appetite, desire for ice-cream. (7)D05

Had a big quarrel with my husband, I couldn't control my tongue and I said things that I shouldn't have said and also that I did not mean to say. I crossed my own boundaries.

Same happened with my daughter, but less severe. I apologized to my husband but reconciliation was not immediate. There is faulty communication. The communication with my

husband is less fertile. I feel inferior to him, something I did not feel before (Only sometimes if he says something that could be interpreted as a scorn {as deprecating}). As a whole

I have self confidence but lately with my husband I felt that he scorns me and is discourteous and appreciate me less. Truth is that I myself feel less productive, as if I am not

doing anything. (7)D05

The tension that comes out with the urge to achieve is gone. All around it feels good because there is less mental tension. (7)D05 D06

I arrived at the seminar after last minute arrangement of a babysitter. Normally I organize things days in advance but only last night I begun to plan an arrangement for him - truly not me.

As I arrived to the seminar the alarm at home was set off by mistake by my son or by my mother-in-law (she blames him, he denies). It took half an hour to switch it off.... (7)D06

Strange how everyone is saying that one mustn't talk about this proving but as it turned out everyone talks to everyone about it - it’s uncontrollable. Everyone involved is hinting, asking

questions and enquiring about his fellow provers. (7)D06

No time to talk to my supervisor (7)D06

A friend of mine had recently given birth and I didn’t talk to her, another friend returned from abroad recently and with her too, there is hardly any communication. Something is not

OK with the output; I don't get around to doing things at all. Not that I am doing anything special... I don't find time for these conversations. Disregarding this, or maybe with regard

to it, there is again a sense of ease, mental serenity. (7)D06

We went to the Turkish Hamam this evening. My husband was upset and wanted to leave because we asked for 2 female therapists and a female and male therapist turned up.

The service was bad and their behavior was in despicable. Usually I'm the first one to open my mouth and demand decent service and exert assertion.

This time I was trying to moderate and reconcile and kept real cool inside and outward. I was not afraid, I was not shy and tried to find a middle ground and indeed eventually everybody

had a good time and it was great. (7)D06 D07

Sense of serenity, tolerance, lots of love and understanding toward everybody, especially my children. (7)D07

I have lots to do but I am not strung up because of it. Normally I would have made lists and tried to push tasks at every opening. All in all, peaceful time. (7)D07

With my husband, euphoric, pleasant and fun between the two of us. (7)D07

Lots of things do not work out and it is OK by me. This week I didn't get around to reply to any of my  to my best friend's calls and here I text her that I love her and she replies:

"Really? You did not pay attention to me the entire week...." And indeed it was just like that; I have been trying to talk to her all week and don't get around to it. There is no reason

why I should not... Same with my supervisor, but that exactly it, I don't get around to it.(7)D07 D08

Burning pain in my throat, begun around noon time with clear expectoration (7)D08 D14

Today is my birthday and I was relaxed and peaceful all day. Things did not work out and were scattered and still I was pleasant which is not typical for me - to be in such peace of mind

when things do not work the way I planned them to be. I had a stunning birthday, enjoyable with good mood although modest and intimate. (7)D14

Gratification and peace of mind. With me since the beginning of the proving. Sensations I did not have before. My husband says that I take his role of the "the one that is flowing with things".

There were reasons for embitterment on my birthday but it did not affect me. Everything went by me. I enjoyed myself today. I didn't have to make en effort in order to be positive. It came

out fun and easy. A friend gave me a massage and I accepted in with a lot of love. (7)D14

Headache since 6 h., left side above eye including eye. Dull pain, tolerable, lasting all day. Cleared around midnight (7)D14

Very excited, shedding tears out of excitement and with all the birthday greetings. More weepy and excited then I am normally. (7)D14 D19

Dream: Dangerous water, my kids are in danger and R. is helping me and them. (7)D19

Increased appetite, not for anything particular. I eat a lot. .(7)D19 D22

Desire for ice-cream (7)D22 D23

I have an examination on Thursday and today is Monday and I did not begin to study for it. My laptops screen is broken and I am not going mad.

There is something loosening in this remedy. My behavior before and during examination was very different from my normal behavior. I was relaxed more than usual. Eventually I gave

a wrong answer. In my nature I am very competitive and now I was upset but not much more than that. Normally I would feel bad about it all day and even into the weekend. (7)D23

On birthdays I am usually uptight and try to be organized. This time there was something loose and new to me.

Everybody around made a point of it. I was allowing things to flow. For example, I lost my sunglasses... (7)D23

I was very excited. We celebrated my daughter's birthday and I was moved to tears. My friend wrote me a greeting and I wept. High sensitivity threshold. (7)D23 D26

Dull headache, left side of head. 12 – 15 h. I drunk water and it passed away. (7)D26

Pain in the knees as if the cartilage is wearing off. It occurred after a game of tennis and a walk, but still it is new. (7)D26

Very tired. (7)D26 D31

Fell asleep at 20 h. and woke at 7 h. It's been years since I slept 11 hours. (7)D31

The skin of my palms is peeling off. (7)D31 D33

Soap-opera communication issues. A friend that wasn't invited to come with us for an outing, called to ask why wasn't she invited. It was my friend place and the friend that called thought

that it was me that did not invite her. Silly teenage stuff. There was something compulsive obsessive. (7)D33



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