Magnesium carbonicum Kind Anhang


Comparison Child: Sanicula mit anderen

Comparison Mag-c + Mag-m. + Mag-p. + Mag-s.

Vergleich.x Kind Sulphur mit andere Mitteln

Cham. (extremely demanding, irritable and violent, seeking immediate attention) Rheum Mag-c. (behaves like an orphan demanding nothing)

Cham. (tyrant) Mag-c. Puls. (wimp)

Mag-c (Waisen + wenig Bedürfnis) Rheum (Eltern viel weg) Cham (nicht gefordert = verwahrlost)


Trials of motherhood

Säugling, dessen Mutter in der Schwangerschaft Magnesiumtabletten eingenommen hat/lange schmerzhafte Krankheit;

Gefühl des Nichtbeachtet-Werdens führt zu aggressivem Verhalten (= ein Teil von Anerkennung Vater). fühlt sich wie ein nur geduldetes Waisen-

o. Adoptivkind, das jederzeit wieder seine Familie verlieren kann und dann allein auf der Welt wäre; traurig, ängstlich, mag nicht sprechen;



Eltern haben Streit +/o. Mutter ist sehr reizbar und zu Zorn geneigt

verwaiste Kinder oder Kinder, die sich fühlen, als hätten sie keine Familie

Säugling, dessen Mutter in der Schwangerschaft Magnesiumtabletten eingenommen hat

Symptome: fühlt sich wie ein nur geduldetes Waisen oder Adoptivkind, das jederzeit wieder seine Familie verlieren kann und dann allein auf der Welt

Wäre traurig, ängstlich, mag nicht sprechen; Angst verschwindet, sobald er im Bett liegt

Abneigung gegen Gemüse, will nur Brot und Fleisch essen

sehr müde nach wenigen Schritten, auch tagsüber sehr schläfrig, morgens nie ausgeschlafen

langsame, schwierige Zahnung

Fieber vormittags mit Schweiß nur am Kopf

Dreimonatskoliken mit grünlichen, schaumigen, sauren Durchfällen

<: alle drei Wochen/in Ruhe;

>: Gehen;

[Gerhard Miller/Neil MacKillop]

Puny, sickly due to defective nutrition, the reason for this being hard to discover. It may be because it refuses to take milk which is the natural food of childhood

or if persuaded to take it, colicky pains come on in the pit of the stomach and the milk is passed undigested. Colicky pains forcing the child to draw legs up (Coloc.)

Stools children as in adults: green and slimy, like the scum of a frog pond. Sometimes it looks as if there were lumps of tallow floating in the stool.

Here is found something that is an indication for Mg.


Children have a tendency to develop boils recurrently and in rapid succession

[Neil MacKillop]

Mag-c. was the first of the Mg salts proved by H.

Puny, sickly due to defective nutrition, the reason for this being hard to discover. It may be because it refuses to take milk which is the natural food of childhood, or if persuaded to take it, colicky pains come on in the pit of the stomach and the milk is passed undigested. Colicky pains forcing the child to draw its legs up, very similar

to that of Coloc.

Stools children as in adults: green and slimy, like the scum of a frog pond. Sometimes it looks as if there were lumps of tallow floating in the stool. An indication for Mg.

 [A.L. Blackwood]

Marasmus of children. Puny and sickly, milk causes pain when taken into the stomach. There are colicky pains, the stools are green and sour

Compare Cham. with this remedy.


Magnesite. D 6 – 12 Trit. w 1 pea-sized portion 3x or 1 – 2x daily

is an important and potent constitutional remedy particularly at kindergarden and pre-school age.

Like sulphur, it addresses primarily the life –organization- the child's etheric body.

Magnesite too is most suitable for boys. These children "stick out" because of their willful behavior

and their physical and emotional assimilation problems. One gets the impression of a stunted

etheric organization with poorly developed coherence. Let it be recalled here that magnesium in living

organisms plays a crucial role in the absorption of sunlight (chlorophyll), making it a central element

in the development of an independent etheric organization and the capacity for growth and assimilation.

Leading symptoms:

• children are short-statured and thin (1st year of life)

• will not eat before 9 – 10 h.

• in most cases do not like vegetables (greens!)

• bristly, contrary, irritable, oversensitive

• seek argument

• tendency to abdominal colics and acidic-smelling diarrhea

• frequently restless sleep

• in many cases such children suffer from family discord themselves.

Irritable/aggressive pre-school children; (Mg carbonicum) short and thin, tendency to abdominal colics, restless sleep


[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Insecure child, needs care of parents (father)



Child appears very mild, masking an internal storm of violence.

Children who are orphaned, illegitimate, and neglected (“children of a lesser God”), or have witnessed a lot of abuse or quarrels in the family.

Repressed emotions chiefly arising from suppression (domination).

Aggression and poor interpersonal skills, chiefly due to insecurity (lack of protection).

Attention deficit disorder, behavioural problems, and conduct disorder in children with a strong family history of tuberculosis.

Dyslexic children; slow learners.

Easily startled by slightest unexpected touch or noise.

Emotionally malnourished children who have been abandoned, even for a short period (vacation/change of job)

Night children (Mezger).

“Oliver Twist”-type orphan children, characterized by suppression, silence, insecurity, emaciation, desire to be loved, etc.

Peacemakers: This is a psychological projection, attempting to pacify their underlying anger, conflicts, and grief (Konfliktlos).


Delicate, puny, sickly, sour babies with strong tubercular diathesis; eating well, but emaciating.

Oversensitive to everything: Climate, emotions, light, music, noise, pain, etc. Child cannot tolerate changes in temperature, the slightest bit of touch

or draft of air – all of it makes his complaints (esp. his pains) worse.

Think of this remedy when a child has an aversion to vegetables with a strong craving for meat. Strongest craving in the Materia Medica for meat

of various types, and for any meaty taste. Cannot thrive without meat; must have it in every meal.

Universal aggravation from milk; lactose intolerance.

< physical and mental exertion; easily tired. In spite of a poor stamina and low energy level, the child may appear well-nourished.

Difficult to wake up in the morning, since he is dead tired even after a very peaceful sleep. It is difficult for the mother to get him off to school on time.

Chilly patients, with a tendency to catch cold; sensitive to cold air, yet craves open air.

Delayed milestones.

Head and face of the baby tends to flush and sweat easily after taking any hot food or drink.

Sourness runs throughout the remedy (sour discharges like perspiration, stools, vomitus).

Violent and vehement thirst for water.

Other important symptoms


Becomes aggressive and quarrelsome upon seeing any injustice; can also has an equally strong love for harmony; strong aversion to quarrels, disputes, and arguments.

Easily frightened and has an especially strong fear of robbers

Grunting, shrieking, striking himself, or knocking his head against the wall in anger. These temper tantrums in the child arise from a feeling of being unloved in the family

Cannot bear to be looked at.

Desire for travel.

Dull and lazy after food.

Feels homesick, even though forsaken.

Industrious and hardworking children.

Tendency to startle easily from fright, noise, during sleep, when touched.


Eczema of the scalp with intense itching (during the monsoon season or in wet weather)

Headache begins when the child comes home from school, as mental and physical exertion in the school seems to invite it; with nausea, vomiting

And sleeplessness; < anger and gastric disturbances; > eating, passing flatus, lying down, moving about, pressure, and sitting up.

Knocks the head against things (during sleep).

Examination findings:

- Dandruff.

- Depression of occipital bone.

- Head drawn backwards; the child finds it difficult to hold it up.

- Milk crust.

- Open fontanels.

- Perspiration on the scalp.


Examination findings:

- Agglutination.

- Blepharitis +

- Conjunctivitis +

- Corneal opacity.

- Warts on the lids.


Extremely sensitive to wind.

Examination findings:

- Eczema behind the ears.


Chronic and stubborn obstruction of the nose, which tends to wake up the child from his sleep.

Constant inclination to blow the nose.

Epistaxis of dark blood; from washing the face in the morning, and with headache.

Frequent, and violent sneezing.

Examination findings:

- Clear, copious, dripping, excoriating, fluent, greenish-yellow, and purulent discharge.


Examination findings:

- Discoloration: Dirty-looking, pale, red, or yellow.

- Expression: Suffering, and tired.

- Greasy.

- Pimples.


Cannot bear dental surgery; teeth are extremely sensitive.

Difficult and slow dentition.

Open mouth during coryza.

Examination findings:

- Caries of teeth.

- Profuse salivation.

- Pyorrhea.

- Spongy, and swollen gums.

- Stammering speech.


Pain in the throat occurs while sneezing.

Examination findings:

- Cheesy lumps on tonsils.

- Goiter.

- Submandibular glands enlarged and tender to the touch.


Infant cries in hunger even after a full feed just a few minutes back.

Indigestion after cabbage, milk and sour food.

Constant, sour eructations, after breakfast, and after any food (after eating cabbage).

Extreme thirst during fever, after dinner and before, during and after stools.

Vomiting after a feed (undigested or curdled milk).

<: Cold food/sour fruits/plums/potatoes/and warm food;

>: Coffee/cold food/pork/and salt;

Aversions: Bread/butter/cooked food/fruits/meat/milk/mutton/salad/vegetables/warm food;

Desires: Bread/butter/cabbage/coffee/delicacies/(sour) fruits/juicy things/meat (pickled/salted/or preserved)/milk/pickles/soup;


Colic: + excessive distention of the abdomen and constant sour eructations; < l. abdomen (right side: Lyc) or around the umbilicus; followed by diarrhea (constipation follows colic - Lyc); < 6 - 7 h. or 18 -19 h., taking green food or green vegetables, or milk; > when on a meat diet.

Distended after eating; with diarrhea; > passing flatus.

Gurgling in the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Abdomen is sensitive to pressure.

- Enlarged liver.

- Inguinal hernia.

- Palpable colon.



- Ailments from or aggravation from: Artificial milk, dentition, fruits, hot weather, and other nourishing supplements.

- Before stool: Severe colic and emission of flatus.

- During stool: Severe colic.

- Concomitants: Tongue coated white, excessive thirst and flatulent distention of the abdomen.

- > taking warm soup.

Child has an ineffectual urge where only a small quantity is passed along with a lot of flatus.

Constipation with difficult stools, in spite of it being soft; obstinate and chronic constipation after some mental shock.

Stool: Profuse, sour smelling, undigested; green or greenish-yellow; frothy, slimy or watery; with bloody mucus, green scum, or white lumps like tallow.

Worms: Pinworms, or roundworms.

Urinary organs:


Frequent urination.

Juvenile diabetes mellitus.


From hunger.


Examination findings:

- Perspiration on the cervical region.


Easily tired due to soft and flabby muscles.

Examination findings:

- Cold feet and hands.


Sleepy after being fed (after having dinner)

During sleep: Moaning, perspiration, shrieking, sighing, startles, talking, twitching of muscles and weeping.

Needs long hours of sleep to feel fresh in the morning.

Position: Lower limbs spread apart.

Sleep gets disturbed by convulsions or nightmares.


Perspiration (after warm food/when going to sleep) is offensive, oily, sour and stains the linen yellow

Itching < from bathing.

Tendency to form recurrent boils.

Examination findings:

- Psoriasis.


Emaciation of infants and children (with chronic ailments like diarrhea).

Extremely chilly patient; < from the slightest draft of cold air, cold weather, cold drinks and cold food.

Discharges are acrid, corrosive, and offensive.

General < in night (colicky pains and diarrhea.)

Tendency to catch cold.

Tendency to glandular enlargements: adenoids, lymph nodes, tonsils, etc.

Weakness from diarrhea, after eating, from perspiration, after passing stools or vomiting.



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