Mercurius solubilis Kind Anhang


Vergleich Kind in: Thuja + Merc. + Nit-ac. + Nat-m. + Sepia


Inaccessible, restless, tendency to purulence



Learning disability


[Dr. Bhaskar Sarkar]

The child will be as bright and lively as the metal in its pure form. The child will walk early, talk early, and be on the move early –interested, curious, and more than likely just as difficult to contain! Will be quite precocious, showing “a genuine interest in everything and everyone.”

Like the metal, the child will easily scatter and may be off in many different directions without boundaries. VERMEULEN tells us the child may make up stories, invent excuses, cross the line into habitual lying, and may have ‘sticky fingers’ taking what attracts him .The child will not observe boundaries and needs to be taught and often reminded.

The child may be more adult like, perhaps appearing flirtatious, engaging, very intense, and sensitive. This type of child will have very deep feelings that will not show on the surface, and has an intrinsic caution and reserve about expressing deeper feelings.

[Carola und Ravi Roy]

Bei Mercurius fällt besonders die nächtliche Verschlimmerung des gesamten Zustandes auf. Bei diesen Kranken ist die Lebensfreude in hohem Maße niedergedrückt.

Das kann begleitet sein von einer so großen Erregung, daß sie die Depression verdeckt. Bei einem Kind verbarg sich ein großer Kummer hinter seinen Aggressionen.

[E.A. Farrington]

Scrofulous children with unusually large heads with open fontanelles. Slow in learning to walk, the teeth form imperfectly or slowly, limbs cold and damp, and a damp, clammy feeling to the limbs.

You may distinguish it from Calcarea, Silicea and Sulphur by following characteristics: The head is inclined to perspire, but the perspiration is offensive and oily.

[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Rudeness, of naughty children: Merc. (ref. R.Morrison);

[Angelika Szymczak]

Lebhaft, eigensinnig redet, schlecht gehorchen und mit Gleichaltrigen gerne kämpfen. Sie machen gerne Vorschriften. Sie können auch zurückhaltend, schüchtern und introvertiert sein.

Sie mögen keine Ungerechtigkeit. Wahrheit und Ehrlichkeit sind für sehr wichtig. Ist jemand nicht ehrlich und wahrhaftig, lehnen sie diese Person ab. Sie haben viel Energie und sind in

der Regel angstfrei. Sie machen tollkühne Dinge und verletzen sich häufig (sehr auffallend).

Sie bringen Unruhe in die Familie. Ihr Lieblingswort ist „total“. In der Schule beteiligen sie sich gut im Unterricht, schreiben aber trotzdem schlechte Noten. Sie provozieren Lehrer

und sind deshalb bei Schulkameraden gut angesehen. Aggressivität tritt plötzlich und unkontrolliert auf. Aggressivität richtet sich gegen Gegenstände, Menschen, die sie lieben und gegen

sich selbst. Sie beschützen die Schwachen. Sie mögen Gesellschaft und haben Angst vor dem Alleinsein. Sie lieben die Freiheit. Sie brauchen lange, das Gehen zu lernen.

Ihr Immunsystem ist schwach, bei den geringsten Temperaturveränderungen sind sie erkältet.

Mögliche Wirkungsbereiche: Entzündungen von Hals, Nase, Ohren, Augen, Hals, Mandeln, Bronchien und Blase. Drüsenschwellungen, Laryngitis, Mundgeruch, Entzündungen der

Mundschleimhaut, schwierige Zahnung mit Speichelfluss und übel riechendem Durchfall, Stottern, Akne, Abszess, Eiterung, Mundfäule, Aphthen, Masern, Mumps, Windpocken ...



Hier stehen zwei Mercurius-Personen auf einem Planeten.

Zwei, die gerne Ursache und Wirkung von einander trennen.

Der eine möchte den anderen an der Nase nehmen und ihm einen Weg zeigen, den er sich ausgedacht hat. Der andere aber hat seine eigenen Vorstellungen....

ehrlich und wahrhaftig, lehnen sie diese Person ab. Sie haben viel Energie und sind in der Regel angstfrei. Sie machen tollkühne Dinge und verletzen sich häufig (sehr auffallend).

Sie bringen Unruhe in die Familie. Ihr Lieblingswort ist „total“. In der Schule beteiligen sie sich gut im Unterricht, schreiben aber trotzdem schlechte Noten. Sie provozieren Lehrer und sind deshalb

bei Schulkameraden gut angesehen. Aggressivität tritt plötzlich und unkontrolliert auf. Aggressivität richtet sich gegen Gegenstände, Menschen, die sie lieben und gegen sich selbst. Sie beschützen

die Schwachen. Sie mögen Gesellschaft und haben Angst vor dem Alleinsein. Sie lieben die Freiheit. Sie brauchen lange, das Gehen zu lernen. Ihr Immunsystem ist schwach, bei den geringsten

Temperaturveränderungen sind sie erkältet.

Mögliche Wirkungsbereiche

Entzündungen von Hals, Nase, Ohren, Augen, Hals, Mandeln, Bronchien und Blase. Drüsenschwellungen, Laryngitis, Mundgeruch, Entzündungen der Mundschleimhaut, schwierige Zahnung

mit Speichelfluss und übel riechendem Durchfall, Stottern, Akne, Abszess, Eiterung, Mundfäule, Aphthen, Masern, Mumps, Windpocken ...

Ein Beispiel:

Während der konstitutionellen Behandlung eines Jungen mit Mercurius solubilis C200 (syphilitische familiäre Belastung) entstand eine Otitis media. Der Junge kam wegen auffälligem Verhalten in

der Schule in meine Behandlung. Er liebte es, über seine Mitschüler zu bestimmen. Er war auffallend ruhelos und störte laufend den Unterricht. Zu Hause war es mit ihm auch kaum auszuhalten.

Er hatte einen ausgeprägten Freiheitsdrang. Nur zu Hause zu sein oder das lange Sitzen in der Schule waren für ihn kaum auszuhalten.

Bereits 7 Tage nach einer einmaligen Gabe von 2 Globuli Mercurius C 200 (Gudjons) stellte sich eine Erkältung ein. Er klagte über Schmerzen im rechten Ohr und hatte Schnupfen ohne Absonderung.

Seine Gemütsverfassung war ablehnend und unwillig. Bei der Otoskopie zeigte sich eine eitrige Otitis media rechts. Ich verabreichte ihm Mercurius C 30 in Wasser nach Bedarf.

Bereits am nächsten Tag waren die Schmerzen verschwunden und die Heilung hatte eingesetzt. Auffallend war die deutlich positive Veränderung seines Wesens, die im Weiteren anhielt.

Die Repertorisation erfolgte mit MacRepertory 7.2.


Schmerzen rechtes Ohr,

Eiterung Mittelohr,

Schnupfen ohne Absonderung,

unzufrieden, unwillig.

Das Mercur-Bild zeigt sich auch gut in folgendem Satz und Gedicht:

„Nehme mich an oder lasse es sein!“

Das Thema Wahrhaftigkeit und Ehrlichkeit hat seine guten und schlechten Seiten; es wirkt anziehend und abstoßend in Einem. Die Wahrheit schaut nach Innen, die Ehrlichkeit nach Außen.

Es zieht uns in den Bann, wie der Strudel das Sandkorn auf den Boden der Tatsachen.



Mercurius vivus/solubilis D15 Trit w/Glob. DHU 1 pea-sized portion/5 glob. 1 – 2x daily, higher potencies also possible

Potentized mercury is helpful mainly when:

• children are “inaccessible” to the doctor,

• they get out of every rule, "slipping through" everywhere,

• they have a tendency to purulent inflammations,

• hyperactivity is pronounced.

One may have the impression that the rhythmic system is becoming independent of the calming/guiding function of the nerve-sense system (cf. Steiner's description in the Curative Eurythmy course. When difficulty falling asleep is also an issue, this points to

Inaccessible, restless.

Rhythmic system seems to be independent of the calming/guiding function of the nerve-sense system. When difficulty falling asleep is also an issue.

Bryophyllum Mercurio cultum w.



Aggression comes up easily in response to the slightest contradiction, in the form of abuse, destructiveness and fighting (Androc. Crot-c. Lac-leo) + total lack of guilt

(Ars. Hep. Lach).

Conduct disorders characterized by aggressive behavior causing physical harm to others (Rubric: Destructiveness, wants to pull the hair of someone),

serious violence and misconduct (Rubric: Defiant, contrary).

Commons seen in practice:

- Bullying.

- Forcing other children (of the same or opposite gender) to have sex with them.

- Initiating fist fights.

- Intimidating others.

- Physical cruelty to animals.                      

- Using weapons during fights (bat/brick/hockey stick/stone)

                                               Hyperactivity disorder, characterized by:

- Fidgety with fingers, hands, and toes (Caust. Tarent. Zinc-met.); desire to pull somebody’s hair or nose on the street.

Often runs around or climbs excessively (Stram).

- Constant activity (hurry in movements) (Stram. Tarent).

- Finds it difficult to engage in leisure.

- Often changing seats in the classroom; cannot remain seated for long.

- Often talks much (Lach).

Impulse control disorders: Fails to resist an impulse, drive, or temptation to perform acts that are harmful to others or himself (seen in aggressiveness, morbid impulse to stab others, to do violence).

Independent children (Bell. Nux-v. Sulph) who love freedom at any cost (Falco-pe. Haliae-lc. Lyc. Med. Tub).

Oppositional defiant disorder characterized by quarrelling and arguing (parents/teachers/other elders); actively defies or refuses to comply with parental requests and school rules, deliberately annoying members of the family, sometimes behaving in a vindictive or spiteful manner (Anac. Caust. Cham. Cina. Lyc. Tarent); cannot accept authority and domination [(grand)parents/brothers/sisters/school principals/teachers); most of the time, children try to avoid authority by trying to defy them or

revolt against authoritative figures.

Responsible children who perform their duties very conscientiously (Calc. Kali-c. Nit-ac); work very hard, to the extent of being workaholics.

Restless children (Acon. Bac. Jal. Rhus-t) who keep changing positions, tossing about in bed, moving around (Bell. Calc-p. Cupr-met.); (during fever) (Ars. Puls. Rhus-t), with pain (Acon. Cham. Plb-met.), during perspiration (Bry. Ign), and with sleepiness (Hep. Stram).


< Extremes of temperature; sensitive to cold and heat, easily chilled or overheated.

Glandular and scrofulous affections of children (Calc. Sil), such as adenitis, mumps, quinsy, or tonsillitis.

Immunocompromised children (Des-ac. Phos. Saroth. Syph. Tub-r), who are prone to recurrent childhood infections like:

- Amoebic colitis.

- Bacillary dysentery.

- Conjunctivitis.

- Encephalitis.

- Impetigo.

- Infectious mononucleosis.

- Mastoiditis.

- Meningitis.

- Mumps.

- Otitis media.

- Pharyngitis.

- Septicemia.

- Sinusitis.

- Tonsillitis.

- Whooping cough.

- Worms.

Several physical symptoms in children < at night (Syph)/from warmth of the bed/damp weather/getting wet (from rain or wet diaper)/perspiration.

Tendency to easy suppuration (Anthrac. Calc-s. Calen. Phos. Sil. Staphycoc. Streptoc).

Bones and bony structures are universally involved: inflammation, infection, necroses, exostoses, and cancer (Calc. Fl-ac. Ph-ac. Staph. Syph).

Childhood cancers like leukemia (Calc-p. Nat-ar. Nat-s), lymphoma, sarcoma (Crot-h. Kali-chl), etc.

Glands indurated, infected, inflamed, necrosed, and swollen (Ars. Bufo. Sil).

Great weakness, prostration, and debility from the slightest exertion (after stool).

Secretions acrid/burning/foul/greenish(yellow)/slimy/thick/thin.

Wounds heal slowly after any injury.

Yellowness of eyes, teeth, nasal discharge; biliousness, jaundice.

Other important symptoms


Adventurous children, with desire for activity and very little fear for themselves and no sense of danger (Agar. Op).

Boasting (Lyc. Med. Sulph).

Dyslexia characterized by poor attention span, concentration difficult for studying and writing; makes mistakes in calculations, reading,

speaking, misplacing words and speaking wrong words; inability for mathematics (Psor).

Extravagant (Bell. Op. Stram. Verat).

Fills his pocket with anything (Ars. Stram. Sulph).

Fun-loving and vivacious (Coff. Lach) children, who love to sing and dance (Bell. Hyos. Ph-ac).

Precocity (Calc. Calc-p. Lach. Verat).

Strong leadership qualities (Aur. Kali-c. Lac-leo. Lyc).

Substance abuse disorders (Cham. Hyos. Lach. Op. Phos) in children.

Failing to fulfill obligations at school or at home, with repeated absenteeism or poor performance in exams, ultimately leading to expulsion from school.

Temper tantrums; spitting on people’s faces (Bell. Cupr-met. Verat) and on the floor; furious, headstrong, obstinate and raging.

Attraction for blue, sky blue, and navy blue colors (garments/bicycle/school bag/stationary)

Child drowsy in the daytime, but sleepless at night.

Computer buffs (Bufo. Zinc-met).

Excessive fear from trivial causes.

Fear of darkness, cats (Bac. China. Tub), dogs, fire (Cupr. Stram), friends, health of parents, high places, injections, robbers, suffocation, and thunderstorms.

Filthy at the level of the mind and body.

Internal sense of hurry, with slowness in actions.

Loves to play or engage in activities that are adventurous (Falco-pe. Haliae-lc. Med. Tub), risky, and where excessive energy is utilized with speed,

hence prefers active games (skateboarding, roller skating (Buteo-j)/jumping from walls)/also loves playing with toy cars, or travelling in fast cars (Med. Tub).

Peevish and taciturn, constantly dissatisfied, moaning and groaning.

Stammering speech.

Strong history of fright in the infant’s mother during the early months of pregnancy, which she could forget until commencing labor (Gels. Op).

Sudden violence and anger in children who are treated unjustly (Staph).


Headaches < at night/during coryza/during dentition/draft of air/on waking/when constipated/when reading (Nat-m); > external pressure (sitting with hands on the head)

Sensitive to slightest draft of air (Bell. Chin. Sil).

Headache after injury (Cic. Hyper. Nat-s. Staph).

Meningitis with throbbing in the forehead (Bell. Glon).

Shrieking with pain in hydrocephalus.

Examination findings:

- Head tender to touch.

- Moist eruptions on the scalp that eat away hair (Kali-bi. Nat-m. Rhus-t).

- Oily scalp (Bry).

- Cephalhematoma (Calc-f. Sil).

- Cerebral hemorrhage (Both. Ip. Op).

- Cold perspiration on the forehead (Verat).

- Exostosis of the head (Aur. Phos).

- Hair falling from eyebrows and eyelashes.

- Hydrocephalus; lies with head low (Apis. Zinc-met.).

- Open fontanels (Calc-p).

- Rolling of the head from side to side with moaning.


Cold travels upwards from the nose and affects the eyes.

Sensitive to glare of the fire (Canth. Glon).

All eye complaints < at night.

Colorblind (Carbn-s. Santin).

Severe photophobia.

Examination findings:

- Chemosis (Apis. Euphr. Vesp).

- Hypopyon (Hep. Sil), which affects the lungs (Phos).

- Profuse, acrid, and mucopurulent discharges from the eyes.

- Agglutinated lids.

- Corneal ulceration.

- Degeneration of retina (Phos. Syph).

- Detachment of retina (Ben-d. Napht. Pilo).

- Episcleritis.

- Eyelids half-open (Bell. Cupr-met. Op).

- Fistula lachrymalis.

- Glassy appearance (Ph-ac. Op).

- Granular lids.

- Iritis.

- Keratoconjunctivitis (Ran-b. Merc-n).

- Orbital cellulitis (Rhus-t).

- Panophthalmitis (Hep. Rhus-t).

- Paralysis of the optic nerve (Gels. Sec).

- Pupils dilated, sluggish or non-reactive to light (Arn. Hyos. Op).

- Styes.


Earache associated with sore throat, after taking cold food or cold water or with dental affections.

Hearing impaired from enlarged tonsils (Kali-bi. Staph).

Ears almost always affected in Merc. children (Cham. Puls).

Ears are sensitive to touch.

Pain in ear < from warmth of the bed at night.

Examination findings:

- Furuncles and boils in the external meatus of the ear (Pic-ac).

- Discharges are thick, yellow, bloody and offensive (chronic otorrhea).

- Otitis media.


Coryza < sneezing (during damp weather) (Dulc. Hep. Puls), in a warm room and when out in the sun.

Nasal catarrh extends to the frontal sinuses (Kali-bi. Puls. Thuj).

Discharge thick, copious and corrode the upper lip; acrid, greenish-yellow and offensive, with odor of old cheese.

Epistaxis during sleep (Crot-c. Nit-ac) and when blowing the nose (Phos).

Running nose from draft of air.

Examination findings:

- Oily (Hydr. Puls) and shiny nose (Iris. Phos).

- Red, raw, and dirty nose in children, with excoriated nostrils due to acrid discharge (Ars. Kali-bi. Nit-ac. Sulph).

- Picking on his nose all the time (Lyc. Teucr).

- Polyps.

- Sunken (Aur-met. Psor).


Lips always taste salty.

Examination findings:

- Bloated face (after prolonged use of steroids).

- Cracked lip and corners of the mouth (Graph. Sil).

- Atopic eczema.

- Swelling of the parotid, submaxillary, and submental glands.

- Wrinkled forehead (Nux-v).

- X-ray: Salivary calculus.


Great thirst in spite of increased salivation.

Stomatitis from chewing gum.

Tenacious, soapy, stringy, profuse, fetid saliva (Chin. Kali-bi. Kali-i. Nit-ac. Sep. Sil) is the principal concomitant with cough, fever, headache, sleep, sore throat, and toothache.

Constant inclination to swallow.

Itching of the palate is an important concomitant with tonsillitis.

Examination findings:

- Aphthae with excessive salivation (Con. Hell).

- Tongue coated yellow, flabby, large, moist and thick, showing imprint of teeth (Chel. Podo. Rhus-t), with a longitudinal crack at the center.

- Aphthae on the tongue that prevents the infant from nursing (Borx).

- Gingivitis +

- Glossitis +

- Offensive breath (Bapt. Carb-ac. Kali-p. Nit-ac. Sil).


Difficult and delayed dentition.

Examination findings:

- Abscess of roots of the teeth.

- Alveolar abscess.

- Crown of decayed roots remain normal (crowns intact with decaying roots: Mez).

- Desire to clench the teeth together constantly (Bell. Hyos).

- Enamel is deficient (Calc-f, Sil).

- Gums are spongy, bleed easily, and inclined to ulcerate about the teeth.


Constant inclination to swallow.

Marked sensitivity of throat to draft of air.

Dry throat with increased thirst.

Sore throat usually affects the right side, with pain < at night/empty swallowing/talking.

Throat pain ext. (Bell. Lac-c. Lach) and submaxillary glands.

Examination findings:

- Elongated uvula (Bar-m. Hyos. Lach. Phos).

- Husky and hoarse voice.

- Cervical glands swollen and enlarged.

- Cough reflex weak.

- Dark, red, inflamed throat.

- Tonsillitis +


Capricious appetite, child does not know what he wants, rejects many things when offered (Chin. Cina. Puls).

Eating sweets, bread, coffee, milk produces distention, eructations, and colicky pain.

Excessive demand for breast-feeding (exhausts the mother); insatiable appetite; infant feels hungry even after a good nursing (Chin. Lyc. Psor).

Faecal vomiting (Op. Plb) with intestinal obstruction (Ars. Verat).

Hiccoughs after every meal, also while eating (Cycl).

Thirst extreme and unquenchable (around midnight) (Mag-m. Sulph).

Nausea while brushing the teeth (Sep), during cough, with colic, after eating sweets (Graph).

Ravenous appetite with weak digestion.

Sensitive around the pit of the stomach.

Vomiting due to increased intracranial tension (Apom. Bell. Hell. Zinc-met).

Vomiting from coughing, or with diarrhea.

<: Hot food/milk/plums/potatoes/sweets;

Aversions: Butter/coffee/cooked food/fat/meat/mother’s milk/rich/salty/solid food/strong cheese/sweets/warm food;

Desires: Bread and butter (Ferr-met. Mag-c)/cold drinks/lemons (Verat)/meat;

Examination findings:

- Epigastric region tender to touch.


Jaundice of the newborn (Bov. Chin. Nat-s).

Violent tenesmus and continuous urging even after stool; never-get-done feeling.

Ascites following inflammation of the mesenteric glands.

Colic during constipation + hunger; > passing bloody stools with tenesmus (Nux-v).

Flatulence after milk (Calc. Nat-c) and during urination (Lyc).

Ulcerative colitis in young children; with great anguish before and during stools, chiefly due to agonizing tenesmus and colic.

Examination findings:

- Abdomen is cold to the touch (Colch. Verat).

- Appendicitis.

- Ascites.

- Colitis.

- Inguinal glands enlarged and tender (Hep. Rhus-t. Sil).

- Intussusception.

- Liver: Atrophy, enlarged, fatty degeneration, tender to the touch (Chin. Lyc. Mag-m).

- Peritonitis.

- Spleen enlarged.


Dysentery with white discoloration of the tongue (Trom).

Frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool; with severe tenesmus.

Involuntary stool during sleep (Hyos. Ph-ac. Podo. Psor).

Loud flatus.

Painless diarrhea: After taking sugar in any form (Arg-n), during and after measles, during dentition, and with jaundice (Chion. Dig. Sulph).

Examination findings:

- Excoriation of anus from stool (Aloe. Apis. Nit-ac).

- Perianal abscess.

- Prolapse of rectum.

- Worms.

Stool: like chopped egg (Cham. Puls)/chopped spinach (Acon. Arg-n)/curdled/greenish/bloody/slimy.

Urinary organs:

The quantity of the urine passed is much more than the breastmilk consumed by the infant (Bell. Lac-ac. Nux-v).

Constant and frequent urging, day and night, with excessive urination (during fever) (Lyc. Ph-ac. Rhus-t).

Painful urging to urinate; the child grasps the genitals and weeps loudly (Acon).

Retention of urine during dysentery.

Urging to urinate sudden; has to rush to the toilet or the urine will escape.

Useful in cases of nephritis and nephrotic syndrome.

Examination findings:

- Feeble stream.

- Forked stream (Thuj).

- Milky urine.

- Urine: Albumin ++, RBC ++

Male organs:

Child constantly handles the genitals (Stram).

Disposition to masturbate.

Examination findings:

- Balanitis (Jac-c).

- Hydrocele, with enlarged and indurated testes.

- Moisture between thigh and scrotum (Petr).

- Paraphimosis (Nit-ac), and phimosis with suppuration.

Female organs:

Leucorrhea in small girls.

Examination findings:

- Vulva is swollen and raw.

Larynx and Trachea:

Loss of voice from nervousness (Caust. Gels) and paralysis of the vocal cord (Caust).

Constantly clearing the larynx (Phos).

Hoarseness of voice during coryza (Carb-v. Phos).

Examination findings:

- Edema of glottis.

- Laryngitis.

Rsepiratory organs:

Asthma: From inhaling dust, and when trying to fall asleep; child finds it impossible to lie on the left side (Apis. Kali-c); > being exposed to cold air (fan, air conditioning, or walking in open air).

Respiration accelerated during sleep (Chel).

Respiration gets arrested during cough (Ant-t. Cina. Ip).

Examination findings:

- Panting respiration.


Barking cough (Hep. Spong) from cold drinks and with coryza.

Must hold the chest with both hands when coughing (Arn. Bry. Dros).

Paroxysm of two coughs (Bell. Phos. Puls. Sulph. Thuj), where attacks follow one another quickly; < at night/warmth of bed/on lying in the right side/tobacco smoke.

Dry cough due to irritation in the larynx, after measles (Dros. Puls).

Dry, spasmodic cough that rapidly fatigue; with expectoration of an acrid, purulent, thin mucus during the daytime.

Whooping cough with nosebleed (Arn).


Cannot lie on the right side (during pneumonia) (Cannot lie on the left side: Lyc).

Examination findings:

- Cold perspiration on chest (Sep. Stann-met.).

- Boils in the axilla.

- Chest X-ray: Right lower lobe consolidation (Chel. Kali-c).


Cannot bear draft of air on the nape of the neck.

Examination findings:

- Curvature of the spine.

- Spina bifida.


Growing pains in the bones at night (Hep. Nit-ac. Sil).

Extremities sensitive to cold air.

Still’s disease.

Suppuration of the hip joint.

Examination findings:

- Chapped hands.

- Clammy perspiration on hands.

- Clenching of fingers (Cic. Nux-v. Stry) and thumbs (Bufo. Cic. Cupr-met. Lach. Sec).

- Exostosis on tibia (Nit-ac).

- Icy cold fingertips (Ant-t, Thuj, Zinc-met.).

- Nails: Brittle, and distorted.

- Tottering gait.


Chill: - Chill from dysentery (before and during stool), fright (Gels. Puls. Verat) and after vexation (Bry. Nux-v. Tarent), with shaking of the whole body.

- Coldness of the abdomen (Meny), with icy coldness of the hands and feet and absence of thirst.

- Chill not >covering.

- < out in the open air (similar to Rhus-t, opposite of Puls).

Heat: - Aversion to uncover even in this stage.

- Absolutely thirstless with burning heat, < at night.

- Redness of the face and palms during heat.

Sweat: - Moaning during the sweat stage.

- Profuse perspiration at night and from every motion.

Fever occurs due to any septic focus in the body (indwelling catheter/butterfly needle/tracheostomy tube/nasogastric tube/intravenous tubes)

During fever, infant or child is thirsty for milk.

Fever + catarrh of the upper and lower respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin: Itching < at night, from perspiration and from warmth of the bed (Mag-act. Rhod); the skin burns after scratching.

Perspiration at night and after taking warm drinks, staining the linen bloody (Lach) or yellow and stiffening the linen (Nat-m. Sel).

Tendency to develop boils.

Cracks in the skin during winter (Calc. Sep. Sulph).

Profuse perspiration with every complaint, but it does not relieve (Bell). (> Profuse perspiration: Nat-m. Verat).

Examination findings:

- Bloody corrosive discharge destroys the hair (Lyc. Rhus-t).

- Atopic eczema.

- Contact dermatitis.

- Cracked skin in between the finger joints; cannot bear the slightest touch.

- Nappy rash (Canth).

- Scabies (Psor. Sulph).

- Skin is dry and bleeds easily from scratching (Ars. Sulph).

- Warts.


Cannot lie on the right side (Chin. Puls).

During sleep: Cold hands, fetid sweat from the scalp, grinding of teeth, groaning, moaning (Bar-c. Stram), open mouth with copious salivation,

physical restlessness, sighing, and talking.

Sleeps naked (Sulph).

Light sleeper.

Disturbed by fear of robbers (Nat-m. Sil), frightful dreams, abdominal pain (Caust. Rhus-t), and perspiration.

Sleepless from headache, during fever, from bony pains (Daph. Kalm. Plb-met.).


Ailments from or < from: at night/during dentition/sleep;

Convulsions with hydrocephalous or space-occupying lesions in the brain.

Shrieking with convulsions.

Sleepless with or after convulsions.

Tetanic rigidity.

> Binding up the body very tightly.


Ailments from abuse of iodine, iron, mercury, quinine, or sulphur;

Change of weather (Dulc. Rhus-t. Tub), from warm to cold; suppression of perspiration (feet)/vaccination.

Brittle bones (Calc. Ph-ac. Ruta. Sil).

Generalized dropsy with deficiency disorders like kwashiorkor (Aeth. Abrot) and protein-calorie malnutrition (Calc-p. Sil. Tub).

Intolerance of woolen clothes (Com. Sulph).

Moaning in general (during pain) (Bell. Coff. Coloc), sleep (Bry. Bar-c), or perspiration (Phos. Stram. Verat).

Abscesses with oozing of bloody, fetid, yellow-green discharge.

Anaemic children.

Child feels > being rubbed or stroked gently (Calc. Cycl. Nat-c).

Children with a history of recurrent ear infections.

Chilly with lack of vital heat, but also worse from warmth.

Dropsy from disorders of liver, kidneys or from suppressed intermittent fever.

Induration of glands (Bar-m. Iod. Spong).

Marked action on the lymphatic system (Carc).

Offensive odor from the body.



Sinusitis with a tendency to take cold easily, < becoming cold or when in open air.

Softening of bones and rickets.

Suppurating wounds that heal slowly.

Trembling with coldness from slightest exertion (Cocc. Gels).

Weakness with cold perspiration (at night).



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