Mercurius vivus Anhang

[Dr. Bhaskar Sarkar]

Quicksilver: The Unfolded Facts: some of the many aspects of Mercurius.


Mercurius is one of the most useful remedies in homoeopathy without which we could not progress in our practice. In this article I have tried to encompass all aspects of it to

create a full picture. Hahnemann ranked mercury (first) for Syphilis, as he did Sulphur for Psora and Thuja for Sycosis. It is the king of anti-syphilitic remedies. But he also

warned that mercury is no more a panacea for the syphilis than Sulphur for Psora or Thuja for Sycosis, otherwise there would be no truth in similia similibus.

One of the more extensively proven and widely used remedies in the Materia Medica.

The pathogenesis of mercury is found in the proving of Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solibulus., two different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinctions

in practice as stated by Dr. Kent. Even Clarke supports this fact in his dictionary by saying - “no pains have been taken to keep distinct Mercurius sol and Mercurius vivus and

I do not find it practicable to attempt to separate them.”

Mercurius is one of the “drugs of frequent use.” which we could ill do without. It finds its place, accordingly, in every little pocket case of a dozen domestic remedies: and

no physician would sally forth on his rounds without “Merc” in his portable armory. It has its unique position in the treatment of alike the lightest and most serious diseases.


It is commonly known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum.

The ancient Romans named the metal Mercury because of the quick movements of Mercury droplets on a smooth surface reminded them of the cunning and resourceful God Mercur.

The planet Mercury probably received its name because it moves so quickly across the sky and is elusive to observe. In Greek mythology Mercury was personified as Hermes - the messenger of the Gods who often led men astray. He was quick to act on an idea and ready for mischief.

In the middle Ages a Mercurial ointment termed unguentum saracenicum was widely used in the treatment of skin diseases like scabies and leprosy. When syphilis made its entrance into 16th century Europe it was soon claimed that the sores could only be washed away with “quicksilver”.

Mercury was prescribed for so many illnesses that doctors became known as “Quicks” (because they were prescribers of Quicksilver). From this the word “Quack” is derived. Mercury therapy persisted until well into the 20th century, until the hazards of mercury toxicity became better understood.


Highly toxic, mercury is most poisonous when inhaled but dangerous amounts can be ingested and absorbed through the skin over time. Our homeopathic knowledge of Mercury comes partly from the proving’s carried out by Hahnemann and others and also from the extensive toxicological knowledge that has been built up over the centuries. The symptom picture gained is similar to many common diseases and Mercury is thus a frequently prescribed homoeopathic medicine. Now see some common effects of the poisoning as mentioned below:

    Excessive salivation

    Muscular tremors.

    Metallic taste in the mouth,

    Abdominal pain with vomiting and bloody diarrhoea.

    Respiratory symptoms and kidney damage, emotional instability with irritability, lack of confidence.

    Insomnia, loss of memory, slow reflexes.

    In recent times, workers in the hat making industry were poisoned by mercury because it was used to convert animal fur into felt. Poisoning known as “mad hatter’s disease”

    (nervous­ness, tremor and personality changes.)

    Pink disease or acrodynia is another disease caused by mercury poisoning

    The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the U.S. has admitted that children have been exposed to unsafe levels of mercury through vaccines containing thimerosal,

    a preservative which is 50% ethyl mercury.

    In dentistry the amalgam used commonly today in fillings is made from equal parts of mercury and an alloy containing silver, copper and tin.

    Minimata disease is produced due to eating of fish poisoned by mercury.


In order to understand Mercurius as a patient, one must understand the element Mercurius.

    Brilliant silver white metal

    At ordinary temperature it is liquid. (Only metal) but when temperature is reduced it take solid form.

    It is a heavy, grayish black powder of slightly acrid, metallic taste.

    Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether.

    Mercury is the heaviest of all known liquids weighing nearly 14 times as much as an equal volume of water. Stone, iron and even lead can float on its sur­face

    Compared to other metals, it is a poor conductor of heat, but a fair conductor of electricity.

    Freezing point is of -38.83° C and a boiling point of 73° C both the lowest of any metal.

    It is always restless, but when it is quite still you can see yourself in it better than in a mirror. If you twirl it around in a bowl, it continues to twirl for almost half an hour.” He also says of it, “It gives itself over to other metals” but otherwise “adheres to nothing in its surroundings.”


It has many uses including in thermometers, barometers, street lighting and signs, and electrical apparatus, in pesticides, dental preparations, paints, batteries and mirrors.


It can be compared to the physical state of the Mercury. If you break a thermometer, you discover that mercury seems to exist in a state somewhere between a liquid and

a solid. It flows like a liquid, yet it tends to retain its own shape to some extent like a solid. If you try to pick up it with fingers, it seems to escape from you; it does not allow itself to be gasped like a solid, and it will not also stick like a liquid. In its physical state Mercurius is erratic in function, just as it is unstable and inefficient in its pathological state.

SYNONYMS - Hydrargyrum, Quicksilver, Metallic mercury, Black oxide of Mercury, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni.

Scholten writes that its name, Hydrargyrum (watery silver, or quicksilver), describes its tendency to scatter away in all directions.

PROVER - It was introduced by Hahnemann and proved upon himself, also others like Hering, Gross, Fr. Hahnemann, Hartmann, etc.

PROVING  - It first appeared in 1st edition Materia Medica Pura containing 342 symptoms, in 2nd edition- 1424 symptoms, 3rd edition - 1450 symptoms.

In homoeopathy both metal and black oxide of mercury have been proved. The former is called Mercurius vivus and the latter Mercurius solubilis of Hahnemann.

Hering said that “the symptoms of the solubilis, obtained by regular proving, and the effects of the vivus, gathered from toxicological reports carefully sifted and clinically verified, are sufficiently similar to be placed under one arrangement”; though where possible, he places an “s” or a “v” to show to which especially the symptom belongs:

and Clarke in his dictionary follows Hering.

While Allen’s Encyclopedia gives Dictionary follows Hering. While Allen’s Encyclopedia gives symptoms under each preparation separately.

SOURCES - mineral kingdom.

FORMULA - 2(NH2Hg2)NO3, H2O [12th: group of periodic table]

PREPARATION - prepared by the process of trituration under class VII (old method). Triturated in glass mortar and pestle.


Boericke “Every tissue of the body is more or less affected by this powerful drug; it transforms healthy cells into decrepit, inflamed, and necrotic wrecks; decomposes

the blood, producing a profound anemia.”

Mercury affects the whole system penetrating every organ and tissues but selects more particularly the following 16 tissues for its special center of action.

    Lymphatic glandular system

    Salivary gland




    Mucous membrane(intestinal)

    Intestinal canal

    Mucous membrane(air passages)


    Serous membrane





    Sexual organ


APPEARANCE: Light haired complexion with lax skin and lax muscle. [16]   Steady emaciation with trembling and great restlessness - can’t find peace in any position. 

This condition is seen in old mercury takers and in syphilitics who have been mercurialized.

[Clarke] “Mercurius is a great solvent: it dissolves metals out of their ores and it dissolves living tissues, inducing excessive emaciation.

TEMPERAMENT - nervous and sometime melancholic

DIATHESIS - scrofulous

RELATION TO HEAT AND COLD - sensitive to heat and cold

AILMENTS: mortification, from insult, from egotism, from bad effects of sugar, insects stings, vapors of arsenic and copper, suppressed foot sweat, suppressed gonorrhea

and or syphilis.

MIND: Instability

There is lack of reactive power coupled with an instability or insufficiency of function. A healthy person has a defense mechanism, a reactivity which enables them to create

a stable, efficient equilibrium upon exposure to both physical and mental stimuli in environment. But in Mercurius this reactive power is weakened, so he becomes unstable

and wavering in functions. The lack of defensive power results in sensitiveness to everything. He is < by everything- heat, cold, outdoor, wet weather, change of weather warmth of bed, sweats, various foods, etc.

Slowness of action of mind

The patient is slow to answer questions (Phos. and Phos-ac.). He is slow to comprehend what is happening, or what is being is asked to him. This is at first not a confusion of mind, or poor memory, but actual slowness incomprehension, a kind of stupidity. Calc. carb is obviously having slowness of mind but Calcarea is an intelligent person. Mercurius is both slow of mind and poor in comprehension.

Inefficiency in action

Mercurius is one of the remedies that is characterised by hurriedness and restlessness, but it is a hurry in which the person does not accomplish anything. A task which normally takes half an hour the Mercurius patient will take one and half hours to do. (Nux-v. Tarant. Nat-m.).


Mercurius patients are impulsive in nature because the mind of the Mercurius patient is full of vulnerability to stimuli from within and from without

How the impulsiveness develops - According to MORRISON, this patient during the ill state becomes very introverted, withdraws himself from others. They seldom show their internal emotion to others and have an instinctive reserveness about expressing themselves. This continued introversion may take the form of impulsiveness, so strong

as to have an impulsive desire to strike or even to kill an offending person, including loved ones - but that these intense feelings almost never are revealed to others.

Desire to kill a person who is contradicting her. She has the impulse to commit suicide or violent acts and she is fearful that she will lose her reason and carry the impulse out.


A marked feature running all through the Mercurius is hastiness  hurriedness, restlessness .this spells, comes in cold cloudy weather or damp weather, < at night.

Lack of concentration

He is unable to keep his mind concentrated purely in a particular direction. The healthy person is able to focus on a subject or task despite of many random thoughts.

But the Mercurius mind does not have the strength for such concentration.


Uncovers at night. Tears and scolds, much to herself. Frequently spits, spreads the saliva out licks some of it again. Often licks cow-dung and the mud of ponds.

She takes little stones in her mouth without swallowing them.


Mercury easily builds amalgams with gold and other noble metals. Mercurius has a similar liking for the precious, i.e. for money. Some Mercurius patients can be fairly greedy or cheap and since Mercurius seems to lack boundaries and stability, some of them develop the habit of gambling to increase their wealth, which in most parts of the world is considered a weakness of character or amoral behavior.

Other strong mental characteristics:

    Uncontrollable desire to travel far away, changes the place constantly. Mercurius enjoy travelling, hoteling and high life. To enjoy such a life, one requires a fluid state and Mercs have it.

    They will speak lies without being affected emotionally.

    Mercurius are domineering types and they enjoy

    Mischievousness, mistrustful.


CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS: Dr. Hering describe characteristic symptoms as = symptoms not found under more than one remedy.

So here are some of them:


He is an offensive patient, of mercurial odors. The breath especially is very fetid, and it can be detected on entering the room; it permeates the whole room. The perspiration is very much offensive;

it has a strong, sweetish, penetrating odor. Offensiveness runs all through; offensive urine, stool and sweat; the odors from the nose and mouth are offensive. When Mercurius is used in large doses the patient salivates and gives off these odors.

Dr. Kent:  One who has once smelled a salivating patient will remember the mercurial odor. I remember when I was a student; almost every room had the mercurial odor. Mercury was given till the gums were touched and salivation was produced. That odor is often an index to the use of Mercurius.


Mercury is used in testing the temperature, and a Mercurius constitution is just as changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. Therefore such patients are called  “human thermometers”. < extremes of temperature/both heat and cold; Both symptoms and the patient <: in a warm atmosphere/in the open air/in the cold;


They are very profuse and do not relieve like the sweats of inflammatory diseases generally do, but on the contrary the complaints increase with the sweat. (Tilia).

More sweat at night. Sweat stains the linen yellow, very offensive, strong and sweet penetrating odor. Fatty and oily perspiration.

In short, in any disease in which this profuse and persistent sweating without relief is present, Mercurius is the first remedy to be thought of.


Salivation is very marked.  Profuse salivation during sleep. Bloody and viscid. Saliva, may be soapy and stringy having a putrid odor and metallic taste.


Tremor runs through the remedy. It’s a general tremor which can also be seen during the mercurial poisoning. It has been used with benefit in paralysis agitans.

Tremors of the head, of the extremities especially the hands and thus the patients is having difficulty in writing, eating, lifting things. Jerking, twitching and trembling.

The motions of the tongue are disorderly and the child cannot talk. Convulsions, involuntary motions which can be momentarily controlled by will. The restlessness is extreme.


There is induration with ulceration. A tendency to ulcerate runs through the remedy. Ulcers are found everywhere, in the throat, nose, mouth, and on the lower limbs.

Ulcers sting and burn and have a lardaceous base with an ashy-white appearance, looking as if spread over with a coating of lard (fatty). It looks like a diphtheritic exudate, and Mercurius has diphtheritic exudations on inflamed surfaces.

Ulcers Large bleeding, margins everted like raw meat and their bases covered with a caseous coat, < heat of bed, heat or cold application.


It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Induration is general; inflamed parts indurate. The glands are inflamed, and swollen; the parotids, sub-lingual, lymphatic glands of the neck, groin and axilla are all affected; the mammae swell and there is inflammation and swelling of the liver.

Suppuration: it is indicated in later stages of inflammation when it merges into suppuration. It does not prevent formation of pus but rather helps it and should, therefore be used when you are convinced of the formation of pus.

DD.: Bell. indicated for the inflammatory stage.

Hep.: it comes between Belladonna and Mercurius. It is indicated where inflammatory stage is just over and suppuration is about to start.

Sil.: it follows Mercurius when the Mercurius has done its work. It prevents further suppuration and tends to hasten the process of suppuration.

Nash says, “In low potencies it hastens suppuration; in high aborts suppuration, as in quinsy.” Cold abscesses when slow to suppurate with other characteristics call for Mercurius. (Calc.)

    DISCHARGES: all discharges are very offensive, thick, greenish- yellow.

    Ear- green, offensive, acrid pus from ears.

    Nose- greenish yellow acrid stinking discharges. Coryza would be acrid watery.

    Stool- slimy stool

    Urine- Quantity of urine voided is more than the water drunk.

    Leucorrhoea - acrid, burning, itching with rawness< night

CHARACTER OF PAINS:  pain all < at night, nocturnal syphilitic pains. It also has stinging pain like Apis, although difference lies in their thirst.


    DYSENTRY: stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting tenesmus during and after not >stool. The more the blood the more indicated. “never-get-done” feeling. (opposite of Nux-v. and Rhus t.)

    OTORRHOEA: offensive otorrhea of bloody and purulent with lots of furuncles noticed at the external ear.

Dr. J.T. Kent - a case of cerebrospinal meningitis, the head was drawn back and twisted to one side. It begins with otitis media which was suppressed.

Dr. Kent got the history and symptoms of Mercurius. Merc established the discharge in 24 hors, the torticollis subsided and the child made an excellent recovery.

    RHEUMA: joints with much swelling < heat of the bed, uncovering, night with characteristically profuse sweat. Attacks the upper limb.

    TOOTHACHE: sore pain on touch and from chewing, crown of the teeth is decayed with gum bleeding and alveolar abscess. Pulsating, tearing < damp wet weather or evening air, warmth of the bed, from cold or warm things > rubbing

    PNEUMONIA: r. side < lying on right side, at night ; with chilliness and cough of two paroxysm.

    PARALYSIS AGITANS: discussed earlier under trembling.

    FEVER: Gastric and bilious fever< night with profuse nocturnal sweat. Debility, slow and lingering. With creeping chilliness.

    STOMATITIS: sore mouth with salivation; tendency to ulceration of all the forms, especially late and superficial ulcers on the gums, tongue, throat, inside the cheeks with profuse salivation; irregular in shape. Edges undefined, lardaceous base.

    SKIN DISORDERS: every little injury suppurates (silic., hepar., graph). Dry itch which bleeds after scratching. Constantly moist skin. In boils and abscesses itching < warmth of the bed. Vesicular or pustular eruptions, with yellowish brownish crust and offensive discharge.

    FEMALE DISORDERS: Mammae painful at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate. Milk in breast of non-pregnant woman instead of menses, in breast of boys or girls.



    Desire and aversion: desire for milk; for sweets but they disagree; beer

    Aversion to meat; to wine and brandy; to coffee; to greasy food; and to butter. (I- single thick line in Hering guiding symptoms )

    Great thirst for large quantities of cold water, with profuse saliva in the mouth. Sweetish metallic taste.

    The tongue is moist, salivated, large, flabby, showing imprint of teeth.

    All the discharges from the body are offensive. The breath is putrid, sweat offensive, offensive urine, and stool. Acrid nasal secretion smelling like old cheese.

    All the complaints are aggravated from sunset to sunrise.

    Weakness of the memory, absent minded, obtuseness of sense and imbecility are characteristics of Mercurius.

    Strong desire to commit murder even to her loved husband.


Syphitic miasm especially the secondary symptoms are much prominent. Though there is presence of psoric and Sycotic symptoms abundantly in Mercurius.



“E.B. Nash says in his book  “leaders in homoeopathic  therapeutics” in connection to treating tonsillitis- “ right here let me warn against giving Mercurius too low, for it will hasten suppuration instead of aborting it. If anyone is skeptical as to the efficiency of the very high potencies, I invite him to a test in just such a case.”


    In FN of § 40 - cure of complex disease by Psora and syphilis - by best mercurial preparation judiciously alternated with remedies for Psora, each given in the most suitable dose and form

    In FN § 41 - in suitable dose mercury cures veneral disease homoeopathically.

    In FN § 246 - Dr. Griesselich discovered that a single dose of Mercurius metal Xo frees the patient from resistance to Sulphur.

    A single dose of metallic mercury is sufficient in pure syphilis.

    2 or 3 doses of Mercury are given at every 6 or 8 days where slightest Psora is complicated.


          WORSE                                                                                                  BETTER

·        Night                                                                                                ·          Coitus

·        From sweating, lying on right side.

·        When heated, by bed or fire, to head.

·        from heat and cold,

·        Changing weather, cloudy weather, damp, cold air.

·        wet feet, before stool, during and after stool

·        warmth of bed

·        from damp, cold , rainy weather

·        Moderate temperature, rest.


Boeninghausen in his repertory of antipsoric remedies written 1832 mentioned 52 drugs. Among 50 antipsoric drugs were, 1 Antisycotic-Thuja and 1 Antisyphilic- Mercurius.




MIND - DELUSIONS, - water, - sees flowing Mercurius (Hering too has same rubric)

MIND - SPITS in faces of people - on the floor and licks it up Mercurius


MIND - FAECES - swallows his own - licks up cowdung, mud, saliva: merc

MIND - SUSPICIOUS in daytime: Mercurius

MIND - SPITS in faces of people - on the floor and licks it up Mercurius

MIND - desires to pull ones nose in the street Mercurius

MIND - KILL, - desire to kill the person that contradicts her Mercurius

MOUTH - SPEECH - stammering and quick: Merc

MOUTH - SALIVATION - night -  1 h.: Merc

MOUTH - SALIVA, - offensive at night: Mercurius

HEAD - HYDROCEPHALUS  with sweat: Mercurius


EXTREMITIES - MOTION - Lower Limbs, chorea like - slow Mercurius

EXTREMITIES - MOTION - Upper Limbs,automatic - idiotic manner Mercurius

FEMALE GENITALIA - PROLAPSUS of uterus > coition: Mercurius

SLEEP - DREAMS, - pins,of Mercurius

SLEEP - DREAMS, - cutting - of seeing a person cut up Mercurius



A - Abscess - chilly, within Mercurius

C - Craving - bread and butter: Mercurius

C - Chill creeping: Mercurius

D - Desires to pull nose of strangers Mercurius

L - Leucorrhoea > coition: Mercurius

M - Mammae - milk present in boys: Mercurius

M - Mammae - milk present instead of menses: Mercurius

S - Spitting, spits - on the floor and licks it up: Mercurius

T - Travel desire, to a far away place: Mercurius

U - Uterus prolapse > coition: Mercurius

U – Uncertain: Mercurius



MIND - Nose, grasps others Mercurius

MIND - Mouth, puts things into Mercurius

MIND - Licks up things Mercurius

MIND - Illusions, delusions, visions, etc. - mouth, puts stones into Mercurius

SWEAT - Sweat, sweatiness - yellow (staining) - indelible Mercurius


SLEEP - Waking - waking - saliva Mercurius

COUGH - Expectoration, taste of - feces, like Mercurius

GENITALIA - Male organs - discharge from - greenish MERCURIUS

ANUS AND RECTUM - Black Mercurius



    Clarke had treated many cases of rheumatic fever by Mercurius 12c potency without requiring any other remedy.

    Mrs McA, aged about 47 yrs. Having most excruciating pain caused by two large ulcers on her left leg, on the anterior aspect, about midway between knee and the ankle, had been dosed with calomel seven years ago for disease of liver. Some few months after she noticed a small pimple on the leg, which, on being broken produced a foul ulcer, very painful; this was followed by others. the present ulcer have been in existence for one year about, and presented the following symptoms and appearance: Deep foul ulcers; grey colored slough; thin, ichorous pus, edges are raised, swollen and inflamed, the veins in their vicinity are varicosed; pain rather worse on getting warm in bed and on the motion, or touching it, in fact nothing seems to relieve it. Both cold and hot applications are producing aggravation. The pain on pressure is intolerable; sharp pain, shooting pain, or lancinating. Acid -30 has been given without any benefit. Mercurius -1000, one powder dry on the tongue, one powder of sac lac daily. In addition the limb was firmly strapped and a bandage applied over all. One week after the pains had nearly disappeared. And at the expiration of six months, the ulcers were entirely healed. Only two doses of Mercurius Sol were given.  - Dr. J.G. GILCHRIST


Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine; not a single disease is developed without derangement of the vital force. Our method is to study Mercurius with different approaches so that we can perceive from all aspects.


[N.M. Choudhury] “Mercury has been long known to be a medicinal substance and amply abused by the old school of practice. In their hands it has done more damage than good to humanity and as such it has been an object of dread to the layman. In the hands of homoeopath on the other hand, used as it is on a fixed law and prepare as it is on the harmless principle of attenuations, it has been a potent therapeutic agent distributing heath, happiness and like to the ailing multitude.”



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