

Vergleich: Siehe: Gemütsverfassungen



Mortification is, to a greater or lesser degree, a common topic in homeopathic practice.

Staphysagria is a classic example and is extremely well known. Other remedies have been forgotten or are not very well known. The profiles of people for whom mortification

is an issue can vary greatly.

The word “mortification” comes from the Latin mortificus meaning “causing death” (mors, mortis, death + facere, make, produce). This indicates that we are dealing

with a far more difficult topic than simply anger or rage. It has a lot to do with the key area of self-worth. Somebody with a large ego has a major problem dealing with mortification,

whereas someone with a lesser sense of self-esteem will find that it simply reinforces their low opinion of themselves.

Mortification can be expressed as a feeling of shame, to be ashamed, or a wounding of the person’s honor. Another meaning is the loss of prestige or self-confidence.

Interestingly, mortification in the olden days was used to describe gangrene, where there was necrosis.

“Vexation” implies the state of being annoyed, frustrated or worried. The root comes from the Latin vexare meaning tormenting, the idea of agitation or shaking strongly.

This can come as a result of injustice, repression, and bullying, or consequences of abuse or of being severely molested. Vexation is directly related to mortification and is the step


Vexation can be: anger triggered by an annoying disturbance; strong emotion – a feeling directed at a real or imagined grievance; a feeling of annoyance due to hindrance or

criticism; a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented:

“His vexation was so great that he wanted to destroy the brat.”

With the issue of mortification we need to consider the major problem of narcissistic balance. This word “narcissistic” is commonly used only in the negative form. The idea of

“narcissism” is, however, much more sophisticated. Positive narcissism allows one to appear in public, talk, play the piano, or become a leader. This idea of balance is better suited

to describe this problem than the idea of self-confidence alone. The goal of every good therapy should be to promote the positive narcissism of our patients.

Aphorism 9 of the Organon states this as well: “In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material

body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our

indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.”

On the one hand, we have to look at the objective mortification that the patient has experienced; on the other hand, we need to assess the individual reaction of the patient due to their

personality, which reacts according to its makeup, and this in turn depends on the patient’s inner resources and compensation strategies.

From the homeopathic point of view, the following questions are significant in connection with mortification and anger:

• What kind of vexation causes the patient to react most sensitively?

• How does a patient react to mortification or annoyance?

• Which symptoms arise from this reaction?

Self-esteem is intimately connected with the issue of vexation and mortification.

It is a fundamental aspect of every person and as such in Mangialavori’s hierarchy is considered to be a Motif or grand thematic area. Self-esteem has enormous importance from the psychological, anthropological and ideological perspectives, with universal significance.

The excess or lack of self-esteem can be a fundamental aspect of many homeopathic prescriptions. A sense of self-esteem that is too high indicates remedies such as Aurum, Platinum

and some Gramineae (Poaceae)

. At the other end of the spectrum there are remedies such as Lycopodium, Silicea, Gelsemium, Nitricum salts and some Rutaceae

. Some remedies have been well enough proved in terms of the problem of self-respect, whereas others have not been at all.

Since self-esteem is such a major issue in many patients and remedies, it is extremely important to establish precisely its degree, special features and modalities for DD.

(This is obviously true of many other major issues too.) Self-esteem influences mood, character, relationships, and sexuality, and is related to many kinds of somatization.

Some typical examples of displacement and somatization when there are problems of narcissistic balance, with vexation and mortification, are:

• Anticipatory anxiety

• Fear about accomplishing “what has to be done”

• Blockage from fear of failure or errors

• Diarrhea

• Impotence

• Panic

• Trembling

• Perspiration

• Sleep disturbances

• Premature ejaculation


Ranunculaceae. have in common the central feeling of mortification. Sensations most representative of these remedies as a whole to be, “Sharp, sticking, stinging, stitching;

Raw nerves “As if there is no insulation mentally, emotionally and physically”; Shock-like pains; easy excitement; Morbid sensitivity; Vexed, distressed, annoyed, harassed; Insulted;

sensitive to trifles; Bursting”




Senega officinalis

Antimonium tartaricum

Magnetis polus australis

Ferrum magneticum

Paris quadrifolia




Bromine salts

Chlorine salts








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