Nelumbo nucifera (Nel) = (sacres/indian) Lotus/= Padma (I)/= Lianzi (Samen)/= Ou jie (Wurzel)


= Chin.. + langsamen Flüssigkeitsverlust;

Habitat: Warm temperate to tropical climates, in a range of shallow (up to about 2.5mdeep) wetland, incl. flood plains, ponds, lakes, pools, lagoons, marshes, swamps and the backwaters of reservoirs.

Contains some alkaloids: nuciferine, aporphine and armepavine.

Description: perennial aquatic plant with rhizomes (often mistakenly called ‘roots’) which grow in the mud at the bottom of shallow ponds, lakes, lagoons, marshes and flooded fields. It’s large, peltate (with the leaf-stalk attaching to the centre, rather than the edge) leaves rise above the water surface on 1– 2 metre long petioles. The flowers of the sacred lotus appear between June and August.

They are10 – 23 cm in diameter and are borne on pedicels (stalks) that are 18 longer than the leaf petioles. A typical lotus flower has 16 - 36 white, pink or red pet als (petals and sepals) but double varieties can have up to 160 tepals in one flower. The prominent receptacle in the centre of the flower is 5 - 10 cm in diameter and develops into a large peculiar fruit (Kew, 2010).

Traditional Medicine and Pharmacological Activities:

Used in traditional medicine for its tremendous health benefits in many parts of the world. It is used to treat sunstroke, diarrhoea, dysentery ,haemorrhoids, dizziness, uterine bleeding disorders, infections and fever, hypertension, urinaryproblems, hematemesis, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematuria and metrorrhagia. Pharmacological studies on the lotus have proven its antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, hypoglycaemic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, lipolytic, antiviral and hepatoprotective activities (Sheikh, 2014, p.43).

Cultural significance:

The sacred lotus grows in stagnant, murky water where it send salong aproot into the mud below. The flower itself floats above this mud, transcending what is below with an eternal beauty recognized

by all. Typical of water flowers, they open and close with day and night. The following quotation from the Bhagavad Gita gives the sense of this religious symbolism:

“One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinfulaction, asthelotus leaf is untouched by water.”

The sacred lotus symbolizes purity and freedom from desire with the search for eternity. Commonly, in Hindu mythology, certain deities have associations with the sacred lotus. The opening of the flower represents the opening of what is human to what is divine, the opening of the soul to divine lights and inspiration (Branch, 2006).


Positiv: Spirituelle Reife/über das Widerwärtige erhaben;

Negativ: Zerstreut/Tagträumen/Drogengebrauch folgt. unzufrieden. Stottern, Konzentrationsschwäche. langsamer Flüssigkeitsverlust;

Symbol of Avalokiteshvara, of the Lotus Family, because it represents purity and regeneration, arising from the mud.

Healthlines UK Flower essence: Helps spritual people to be more grounded.

Themes: Emotion. Stability. Grounding;

Bailey Essence: Feuer deficient: opens up our hearts to the outside world whilst keeping us protected from negative influences. In openly expressing our innermost being, our heart can then truly sing.


Vergleich: Enthält: Opium ähnliche Substanzen;

Durga (Indien Löwe../Lotus/Bambus./Blutschale/Göttinnen. Osiris./Horus. (Ägypten).

Siehe: Proteales + Moorgruppe + Süßwasser- + Treiber- + Liebesgruppe + Fasergruppe + Anhang (Tharushka Pillay)


Greek word lotos refers to several different plants/based partly on Herodotus' assertion:

a fodder plant such as a species of Trifolium, Melilotus or Trigonella, the Lotus corniculatus, Medicago arborea (= the fellbloom).

Celt. (= Hackberry/= islamische lote tree/= European Nettle/= Honeyberry).

Diospyros lotus, the sweet and succulent persimmon fruit of the date-plum Ericales.

Nymphaea. lotus (water-lily), Nymphaea caerulea, or Nymphaea stellata. Nymphaea caerulea (?psychotropic properties?)

Ros-d. (weiße Rose = bewohnt von Seele/= Todesanzeiger, fördert Bhakti/Puja = Herzlotus).

Saussurea obvallata. = Brahmakamal/= Himalya Lotus/= Tibetan: Sah-du Goh-ghoo

Ziziphus lotus, a relative of the jujube

Unverträglich: Verdauungsbeschwerden/Abmagerung

Allerlei: Spirituelle Reife/Yoni/über das Materielle/Widerwärtiges erhaben Mondgeprägt/Lakshmi geweiht (Göttin der Segnungen). Blätter der Lotus = immer 35° C warm. Insekten benutzen die aufsteigende Wärme abzuheben.

Lotus = Reinheit des Geistes/ist eins der 8 Kostbarkeiten

Hindus revere it with the divinities Vishnu and Lakshmi often portrayed on a pink lotus in iconography. In the representation of Vishnu as Padmanabha (Lotus navel),

a lotus issues from his navel with Brahma on it.

Goddess Sarasvati is portrayed on a white-colored lotus.

Often used as an example of divine beauty, Vishnu is often described as the 'Lotus-Eyed One'. Its unfolding petals suggest the expansion of the soul. The growth of its pure beauty from the mud of its origin holds a benign spiritual promise. In Hindu iconography, other deities, like Ganga and Ganesha are often depicted seated on lotus flowers.

Für kollektive Schockzustände, wenn nicht nur ein Mensch neben sich steht, sondern alle Überlebenden nicht fassen und verarbeiten können, was da geschehen ist, weil es einfach unfaßbar und zu schlimm für einen allein ist. Das Mittel für alle, um die Katastrophe an sich abperlen zu lassen, wie ein Regen­tropfen auf einem Lotusblatt. Hurra, wir leben noch! Lotus ist der psychische Regenmantel, an dem das Drama an uns hinuntergleitet und uns die dringend benötigte Pause gibt zum Entspannen in einer angespannten, chaotischen Welt. Lotus gibt uns die Übersicht in unübersichtlichen Zuständen.

Mittel für Gelassenheit und Frieden im Angesicht von Katastrophen. Nichts ist zu ändern, es ist zu groß für einen alleine, man muß es nehmen, wie es ist und Morgen kommt noch früh genug.


Phytologie: Verdauung/Kreislauf/Atemwegen/Nerven/periodisches Fieber/Herz

[Alveera Singh]

Rhizome extract used against dysentery in Buldhana district, Maharashtra, India; paste of young leaves along with fruits of Phyllanthus emblica applied on forehead to get relief from headache; flower petal decoction is orally taken against diarrhea; young flower paste is used as a cardiotonic and for fever and liver ailments; dried seed powder taken with cow milk against headache; young seed paste applied topically for skin diseases; powdered root taken for ringworms; root paste taken in lemon juice for piles in South Orissa, India; dried flower powder taken with ghee orally for treatment of piles by the Mullu kuruma tribe of Wayanad district, Kerala, India; flower juice used by tribals in Chitteri Hills, India, to treat diabetes; rhizomes used by tribals of Pedabayalu Mandalam, Andhra Pradesh, India, to treat dysentery; tuber is eaten raw as treatment for gastrointestinal problems by villagers of Gingee Hills, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu, India; whole plant used in heart trouble, urinary diseases, bleeding piles, and as nerve tonic; seeds used during pregnancy and also used as diuretic, sedative, and expectorant (plant part used not mentioned) in Sonebhadra district, India; seed powder is taken with honey for 40 days by Gond tribe of Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh, India, for infertility; decoction of red-flowered plant orally taken on an empty stomach once a day by tribals of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India, for treatment of blood dysentery.            

Anti-ischemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antifertility, antiarrhythmic, antifibrosis, antiviral, antiproliferative, immunomodulatory (seeds), antidiarrheal, hypoglycemic, sedative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, immunomodulatory (rhizome), hypoglycemic, antioxidant, aldose reductase inhibitory, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, antiplatelet (flower), cardioprotective, antiviral, antioxidant, lipolytic, hypocholesterolemic, antiobesity, hepatoprotective, anticancer (leaves)


Allerlei: China: Reinheit, Einheit, Fruchtbarkeit; rote Lotosblüte: Vagina; Symbol für den Buddhismus; dort eine der acht buddhistischen Kostbarkeiten sowie Symbol für den Lauf der Zeiten (mit den Einzelphasen: Frucht, Blüte und Stängel); im Daoismus: Attribut des daoistischen Unsterblichen He Xiangu

A fabric from the lotus plant fibers is produced at Inle lake, Union of Myanmar and used for weaving special robes for Buddha images called kya thingahn (lotus robe)/and exported to western world.


„Om man padme hum.= Juwel. in the Lotus



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