nucifera (Nel) = Lotus/= Padma (I)/= Lianzi (Samen)/= Ou jie (Wurzel)
= Chin. + langsamen Flüssigkeitsverlust;
Positiv: Spirituelle Reife/über das
Widerwärtige erhaben;
Negativ: Zerstreut/Tagträumen/Drogengebrauch
folgt. unzufrieden. Stottern, Konzentrationsschwäche. langsamer
Vergleich: Durga
(Indien Löwe./Lotus/Bambus./Blut.schale/Göttinnen.). Osiris./Horus. (Ägypten).
Celt. (= Hackberry/= islamische lote
tree/= European Nettle/= Honeyberry).
Ros-d. (weiße Rose = bewohnt von Seele/= Todesanzeiger, fördert
Bhakti/Puja = Herzlotus).
Siehe: Proteales + Süßwasser-
+ Treiber- + Liebesgruppe
Greek word
lotos refers to several different plants/based partly on Herodotus' assertion:
a fodder plant such as a species of Trifolium,
Melilotus or Trigonella, the Lotus corniculatus, Medicago arborea (= the fellbloom).
Diospyros lotus, the sweet and succulent
persimmon fruit of the date-plum Ericales.
Nymphaea. lotus
(water-lily), Nymphaea caerulea, or Nymphaea stellata. Nymphaea caerulea
(?psychotropic properties?)
Celtis. australis
= lotus tree
Ziziphus lotus, a relative of the jujube
Unverträglich: ‡
Verdauungsbeschwerden/Abmagerung ‡
Allerlei: Spirituelle Reife/Yoni/über das
Materielle/Widerwärtiges erhaben Mondgeprägt/Lakshmi geweiht (Göttin der Segnungen).
Blätter der Lotus = immer 35° C warm. Insekten benutzen die aufsteigende Wärme
Lotus = Reinheit des Geistes/ist eins der 8 Kostbarkeit.en
revere it with the divinities Vishnu and Lakshmi often portrayed on a pink
lotus in iconography. In the representation of Vishnu as Padmanabha (Lotus
navel), a lotus issues from his navel with Brahma on it.
Sarasvati is portrayed on a white-colored lotus.
Often used
as an example of divine beauty, Vishnu is often described as the 'Lotus-Eyed
One'. Its unfolding petals suggest the expansion of the soul. The growth of its
pure beauty from the mud of its origin holds a benign
promise. In Hindu iconography, other deities, like Ganga and Ganesha are often
depicted seated on lotus flowers.
Phytologie: Verdauung/Kreislauf/Atemwegen/Nerven/periodisches Fieber/Herz
Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen. Impressum.