Nitricum acidum Kind Anhang


Vergleich Kind in: Thuja + Merc. + Nit-ac. + Nat-m. + Sepia


[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Discords, between parents & children: Nit-ac.



Dissatisfied children; always miserable and difficult to please.

Obstinate and insensible; refuses to understand the feelings of the other person.

Sensitive to noise (rattles/musical toys/crackers).

Violent anger and rage in young children, with swearing.

Anguish in children from loss of close friends, relatives, or classmates.

Easy excitability and anger after having a tooth cavity filled with mercury amalgam.

Irritable in the morning from an unrefreshing sleep.

Prolonged animosity against those who have offended him.

Selfish children; hate sharing clothes, stationary, or toys with others.

Sensitive children who weep a lot from the slightest of worry or scolding.

Vexed by the least trifles.


Profuse night sweats.

Children prone to diarrhea (Calc. Phos).

Children take cold easily.

Children with dark, swarthy complexions; black hair and eyes.

Icy coldness of the soles of the feet.

The majority of the symptoms, physical and mental > when these children are taken on long drives.

Other important symptoms


Aversion to being caressed (Sacch) or consoled.

Causeless weeping in babies.

Contemptuous children; develop hatred for persons who have abused, neglected, offended, punished, or reproached them. The hatred can persist

for years, even when the child grows into an adult.

Emotional problems in children where there is constant fighting amongst the parents (Mag-m. Nat-m), or when children are reproached in front of outsiders.

Increased sensitivity to noise and music.

Intelligent but hardhearted children, who lack any feelings or emotional attachment towards others; rarely ever smile.

Always disposed to contradict or defy authority (Nat-m. Tub).

Aversion to be touched, due to extreme sensitivity and ticklishness.

Aversion to be washed or bathed.


Constantly bite their nails.

Dissatisfied with everything (frustration due to anxiety of health and neglect from the family).

Eats and drinks hastily and greedily.

Excitement from an argument (Caust), with violent palpitations.

Feels forsaken and estranged from his family.

Frightened easily by trifles; with marked fear of thunderstorms.

Greedy and selfish, with lack of moral feeling; very sly and cunning.

Keeps recalling and dwelling on past disagreeable memories.

Obstinate children who throw tantrums and get into a violent rage with shrieking, cursing and spitting from the least contradiction, admonition, or

remonstration and when their whims are not satisfied.

Strong sense of duty.

Talks in a very rude and harsh tone.


Violent headaches, after injuries or contusions, associated with nausea and vomiting; < slightest noise or jar

Painful sensitivity of the scalp to pressure of a cap (Chel. Lyc).

Perspiration from the forehead when eating (Carb-v. Nux-v).

Examination findings:

- Head drawn backward.

- Increased intracranial tension.

- Lice.

- MRI: Cerebral hemorrhage; Space-occupying lesions

- Puffy swelling of the scalp of infants (after vacuum suction).

- Scaly eczematous eruptions along the occipital hairline (Nat-m).


Agglutination of the lids, which are difficult to open in the morning.

Dimness of vision during headache and while reading.

Lachrymation when reading and in open air.

Secondary infections after eye injury, producing corneal ulcers (Merc-c).

Examination findings:

- Warts on the lower lid, which bleeds easily on touch.

- Corneal opacity (Zinc-s).

- Dilated pupils, sluggish reaction to light.

- Eversion or inversion of the lids.

- Indurated tumors on the lids.

- Iritis with adhesion formation.

- Lachrymal fistula.

- Limbus congested (Apis. Kali-bi).

- Ptosis, of right upper lid.

- Redness and inflammation of the eye.


Deafness or impaired hearing after measles and typhoid fever.

Impaired hearing from recurrent otitis media or from enlarged tonsils.

Earache (r.) with a sore pain in the throat; < swallowing.

Inflammation of the eustachian tube with otitis media, due to recurrent upper respiratory infections.

Noises reverberating in the ears when chewing.

Examination findings:

- Atopic eczema behind the ear lobe.

- Oozing of fetid, brown wax or bloody discharge from the right ear, after measles.

- Swelling and suppuration of pre- and post-auricular lymph nodes.


Epistaxis of dark, thin blood which coagulates easily at night during sleep and when crying.

Violent, paroxysmal sneezing from the slightest draft of air, with copious, watery, acrid, dripping coryza that stuffs up the frontal and maxillary sinuses (Kali-i).

Constantly picking his nose due to itching in the nostril (Cina. Teucr).

Descending colds, with postnasal catarrh.

Nostrils get blocked at night in sleep (l.) (Kali-bi), which wakes him up in a startle.

Examination findings:

- Warts on the nose and inside the nostrils (Caust).

- Fetid, greenish, excoriating discharge, which leaves hard crusts and scabs; when detached, they leave a very tender, raw and bloody surface until other

crusts form (Kali-bi. Lac-c).

- Nasal polyps.

- Red, scurfy tip, with cracks at the corners of the nostrils.

- Ulceration inside the nostrils.


Cracked and ulcerated lips and corners of the mouth from acrid salivation.

Deathly pale face, which becomes deep red on coughing.

Distortion of the face when swallowing, due to pain.

Dry, cracked and swollen due to constant picking and peeling (Arum-t).

Examination findings:

- Tender acne with an indurated base.

- Warts on the lips (Caust. Kali-s).

- Freckles.

- Pale and sunken face.

- Submaxillary and parotid glands enlarged.


Biting the cheek when talking and chewing (Caust. Ign).

Difficult dentition with black, decayed teeth (Chin. Kreos).

Gums bleed easily, with tendency towards pyorrhea.

Examination findings:

- Flabby tongue, with thick, yellowish or greenish mucous coating and with cracks in all directions (Fl-ac).

- Dirty-looking, aphthous ulcers on the sides of the tongue and the palate, with a lardaceous base.

- Putrid odor from the mouth.

- Ranula.

- Thrush.


Pain in the throat ext. ears when swallowing (Elaps. Phyt).

Choking when swallowing anything, solids or liquid, due to spasms of the esophagus.

Chronic, recurrent inflammation of the tonsils.

Examination findings:

- Perspiration on the external throat at night.

- Warts on the neck.

- Cervical glands enlarged and tender, due to a tendency to suppuration.

- Edematous swelling of the uvula.

- Thick, yellow postnasal catarrh.


Cannot tolerate fatty food or milk in any form; cause indigestion, nausea, etc.

Aversion to food after eating a few morsels.

Eructations after nursing.

Needs to drink a lot of water while taking meals and on waking in the morning.

Waterbrash with coryza and after drinking.

Aversions: Bread, cheese, eggs, foods sweetened with sugar, meat, milk, onions;

Desires: Bananas, cheese, fat (loves to eat lamb and pork fat, chicken skin), indigestible things (like chalk, charcoal, clay, earth, lime, slate pencils,

etc.), lemonade, mutton, pork, pungent things, salt, salty fish and sweets;


Gurgling while eating.

Chronic hepatitis due to amoebiasis.

Examination findings:

- Inguinal glands enlarged.

- Paralytic ileus.

- Spleen and liver enlarged, hard and tender to touch.

- Strangulated inguinal hernia (Nux-v. Op).


Child is very irritable and restless after passing stools, due to the pain in the rectum.

Absolute inactivity of the rectum, or spasmodic constriction of the rectal muscles, causing severe constipation in infants, with difficulty in passing even soft stools.

Acrid stools that excoriate or tear the anus, even though soft.

Urinary organs:

Increased urination.


Burning hot and scalding,


Difficult respiration, with anxiety.


Spasms and twitching after injuries.

Examination findings:

- Opisthotonos.

- Torticollis.


Chorea and other involuntary movements are better during sleep (like Agar and reverse of Ziz), but < mornings/motion.

Awkwardness of lower limbs, causing him to stumble when walking.

Examination findings:

- Intense redness in streaks, following the lymphatic course of the legs, all the way from the calves up the body.

- Involuntary convulsive movements of the limbs (r.)

- Legs are in constant involuntary motion while sitting (Zinc) and are dragged when attempting to walk.

- Restlessness: Constant motion, especially of the hands and feet. Finds it impossible to keep his hands in the same position for a single minute.

- Shrugging or convulsive movement of the shoulders.


Restless sleep.


Examination findings:

- Carbuncles.


Chill, with trembling of the whole body.

Excessive thirst with fever.

Flushed face and dry, brown coating on tongue with heat.

Intense chill, followed by heat.


Constant motion of the whole body.

Unsteady gait.


Emaciation of the body in choreic affections.

Unable to walk or stand properly.

Periodic complaints.

Predominantly a right-sided remedy.

Red streaks along the lymphatic channels.

Twitching and convulsive jerking of muscles.



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