Pflanzen Anhang 7


World of Plant theory

The Doctrine of Signatures.

[Deborah Collins]

This issue focuses on the Plant theory in homeopathy, as developed by Jan Scholten in his most recent book “Wonderful Plants”. Cases come from Jan’s own clinic, as

well as from colleagues who have learned to work with his new Plant system.

Jan Scholten is best known for his pioneering work with the minerals, making the whole of the mineral kingdom accessible to homeopathy through his work on the periodic table of elements. Jan’s main interest, however, has always been the plant kingdom. In order to understand the inherent logic in a field as vast and varied as the plants, it

has been necessary to first comprehend the more basic patterns of nature as seen in the mineral kingdom, as these patterns are bound to repeat themselves throughout the

whole of creation. For many years now, Jan has been relating the same principles found in the mineral kingdom, to the plant world, helping us to finally find a way through

this previous jungle of remedies. One of his lesser known books, “Minerals in Plants” has been a step in this direction, showing which minerals are most prevalent in certain types of plants, and demonstrating the correspondence between the properties of plants and their main mineral components.

His chef d’oeuvre, “Wonderful Plants”, goes far beyond describing the individual plants and the characteristics of their families – it is, indeed, an enormous undertaking: 

the creation of a classification system that can enable us to track down little-known, or even completely unknown, plant remedies. Following the pattern of the periodic table of elements, the plant kingdom is mapped out according to the development of the plants, from the more “primitive” plants to the more highly developed. He has chosen

to utilize the APG3 plant classification system, the latest system available, based on DNA research.

By its very nature, anything that describes the plant kingdom will be more complex and less black and white than the mineral kingdom. Plants themselves are extremely

varied and are composed of many elements. Patients who need plant remedies present a more rounded and “woolly” appearance, and are not so easy to put into one box.

They tend to see things from various points of view, as opposed to someone requiring a mineral remedy.

Accordingly, the Plant theory is much more difficult to grasp and to work with than the periodic table, as it requires of the homeopath an ability to perceive the various factors at play in the patient, and to accurately distinguish them, in order not to follow the wrong path in choosing a remedy. Yet, for those who want to embark on this adventure,

it offers a logical overview of the plants in such a way that we can make use of hitherto “useless” information from our consultations: that which is characteristic of the patient and which is yet impossible to find in a repertory.

I will leave the introduction of this system to Jan himself. What I would like to do, however, is to encourage those who have not yet looked into this work, to take up the challenge that any new discovery can pose or propose. This need not mean that one has to throw overboard one’s previous ways of working – quite the contrary; one needs

a solid homeopathic base from which to embark. In practice, we will often not need more than our traditional knowledge and experience in order to track down the right remedy. For those who already have this base, and who still find themselves searching hopelessly for that elusive remedy for their patients, it is comforting to realise that

there is after all a system in this mass of information in our materia medica. Jan’s work provides a vast map from which to understand our cases in a fresh light.

Personally, I find that this work goes hand in hand with all of our classical knowledge, and also with the work of Rajan Sankaran on the themes of the plant families.

Despite the fact that some homeopaths find the variety of approaches in modern homeopathy very confusing, it is good to know that they are, after all, not necessarily contradictory but, in fact, complement each other beautifully.

PS: It is important to know that there is a much more extensive and more user-friendly version of the Index to “Wonderful Plants” freely available online. Making a copy

of this index and placing it in the book can save the homeopath a great amount of time and effort.

The Plant theory is a classification of the Plant kingdom as explained in "Wonderful Plants". The Plant theory is for the Plant kingdom what the Element theory is for the Mineral kingdom: a classification of all its members. It can be compared with a map of a region, the region being the Plant kingdom. The map makes the navigation in the

Plant kingdom easier. It helps one to understand the remedies and their comparison with other remedies. With the map one can navigate through the Plant kingdom.

Element theory

To understand the Plant theory one has to be familiar with the Element theory and its series and stages. The Element theory describes elements according to their place in

the Periodic system: their row and column. The rows, (series), describe the theme, the field where the problem is.

The Silica series, for instance, pertains  to problems relating to relationships, and it contains most of the major “relationship elements”:

Silica, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Chlorum. The columns, (stages), describe how someone feels about the problem and especially how they handle it, for instance, with anticipation or with confidence.

The Element theory is simple: each element or atom has 2 aspects, a series and a stage. It can easily be represented in the form of a table, a two dimensional graph.

In the case of salts, it becomes a bit more complicated because then there are 2 elements and thus 2 series and 2 stages, but it can be represented in a 2 dimensional table.


Plant theory

The Plant theory is more complex than the Element theory. Whereas the periodic table of the elements can be represented in a two dimensional format, a graph, the plant system, being more complex, requires more dimensions. It uses the central concepts of the Element theory, the series and stages, but adds Phases and Subphases to that

(see further on). So, instead of a two dimensional chart, we represent the plant kingdom with something closer to it, a tree. Each major branch of the tree represents one

of the series of the periodic system, such as the Carbon series or the Silver series, and is numbered correspondingly. Each further branching of the tree is given a number,

right down to the “leaf”, which corresponds to the genus of the plant. We thus have six successive numbers to represent the placement of the plant in the system.

The major branches of the ‘tree’ correspond to the Phyla, as we can see below.

Division 1: dividing the Plant kingdom in 7 Phyla or Divisions, which correspond to the Series:

1. Hydrogen series: Red and brown Algae

2. Carbon series: Green Algae

3. Silicon series: Bryophytae, Mosses, Liverworts, Hornworts

4. Iron series: Pteridophyta, spore plants like ferns and Lycopodium

5. Silver series: Gymnospermae, the pine trees and cycads

6. Gold series, Lanthanides: Angiospermae, the flowering plants

7. Uranium series: Fungi

Most of the plants that we use in homeopathy are from the Phylum Angiospermae, the flowering plants, represented by number 6. This first number can be neglected in

most cases. The plants in this phylum represent the latest development of evolution and are connected to our era. The other phyla can be seen as remnants from the past,

from the time of the dinosaurs or earlier. Those plants are indicated only in special situations.

Taking the example of Tradescantia virginiana, from one of the cases described in this issue: its number is 633.46.13, the first number of which represents the Phylum,

the Angiospermae. 

Division 2: the next branch corresponds to the division of the Phyla into Classes.

The Classes correspond to the Series as we know them from the periodic table. It is like a refinement of the themes. It can be seen as a fractal, a division of the whole

that is repeated in its parts. It is not just one Series but a build up, including all the former Series. For example, in Magnolianae there are the themes of both the Carbon

series and the Hydrogen Series.

In Malvacae there are the themes of Hydrogen, Carbon, Silicon, Iron and Silver series.

The division of the Phylum of the Angiospermae is as follows:

1. Hydrogen series: Amborellanae

2. Carbon series: Magnolianae

3. Silicon series: Lilianae, the Monocotyledons

4. Iron series: Fabanae, Eurosids 1 including Proteales, Sabiales, Trochodendrales, Buxales, Gunnerales, Vitales

5. Silver series: Malvanae, Eurosids 2 including Saxifragales, Geraniales, Myrtales, Santalales

6. Lanthanides / Gold series: Asteranae

7. Uranium series: no representatives so far

In our example, the number of Tradescantia virginiana is 633.46.13. The second number, 3, means it is in the Liliacae and has the themes of the first 3 series in it:

Hydrogen series, Carbon series, and Silicon series. This number is essential. It indicates where the main problem is, in which Series. Starting from the bottom of the tree,

it shows at which level, which Series, the problem lies. Otherwise said, this way one can exclude groups, Classes. When a problem has no Lanthanide quality, Asteranae

can be excluded, when there is no Silver series theme, Malvanae can be excluded and so on.

Division 3: dividing Classes into Subclasses.

Classes are divided into Subclasses. This is a similar division as of Phyla into Classes, using the Series as differential. It is an expression of where the main focus is, on

which Series.

The Liliacae, for example, can be divided into:

3.1. Silicon, Hydrogen: Acoridae, Acorus calamus

3.2. Silicon, Carbon: Aridae, the Arum family

3.3. Silicon, Silicon: Liliidae, most monocotyledons

The number of Tradescantia virginiana is 633.46.13. The third number, 3, means that Series 3, the Silicon series, has the emphasis. There are also Carbon series issues,

such as financial worries and health problems, but the main problem is in relationships and family.

Division 4. dividing Subclasses into Orders via Phases.

‘Phase’ is a new concept, but it, too, is connected to the Periodic system of Elements. The Phases correspond to the Order, and to 8 columns of the early series of the

Periodic table, the Carbon series and the Silicon series. Here, we see a progression, a development in life, corresponding to how one is placed within one’s group.

The first Phase, for instance, corresponds to Lithium and Natrium, where one is just at the beginning, not belonging to the group at all yet.

Phase 4, in the middle, corresponds to Carbon and Silica, where one is firmly in the middle of the group, like stage 10 of the periodic table: aware of one’s position.

Phase 7 corresponds to Fluorine and Chlorum, similar to Stage 17, feeling pushed out of the group. In the Plant theory, only 7 Phases are in use rather than the eight

of the Carbon and Silica series; the eight column, which would correspond to the inert gases, is not found in the plant kingdom, since the plant kingdom, being all

about growth and reactivity, has no corresponding 'inert' state.   


The division of the division of the Subclass Lilianae into Phases (Orders) is the following:

1. Alismatales

2. Dioscoreales

3. Pandanales

4. Commelonoids

5. Asparagales

6. Liliales

7. Orchidales

In our example, the number of Tradescantia virginiana is 633.46.13. The 4th number, 4, means that it is in Phase 4, which brings us to the the order of the Commelonoids.

This indicates that they have the idea of stability, loyalty, that things are fixed and should stay like that. In Tradescantia, this is related to relationships; they feel that relationships should remain stable. They mostly feel at home in their family and are very loyal to them.

Division 5: dividing Orders into Families with Subphases.

‘Subphase’ is also a new term, a further division of the Phases, like smaller branches of the tree. Like the Phases, there are 7 Subphases, each of which corresponds to a

Family of plants. The Subphase is a further refinement of the Phase, on a different level. Here, we look at the manner in which someone experiences their situation within

the group, whereas in the Phases, we look at the situation itself. For instance, in the case of Tradescantia virginiana, the patient is in fact very central in the family and she

feels that a relationship should be stable forever (Phase 4). Yet, her experience (Subphase) of the situation is that she feels used and taken advantage of (633.46.13).

Subphase 6 is like Oxygen and Sulphur, Stage 16 of the Periodic table, where one feels used, abused, taken advantage of, giving more than they receive, feeling half left out. Tradescantia patients feel taken advantage of in relationships with their spouse or friends.

The division of the Commelinoids into Subphases is as follows:

1. Cyperaceae

2. Poaceae, the grasses

3. Dasypogonaceae

4. Arecacea: the palms

5. Zingiberales

6. Commelinales

7. Bromeliaceae

In Tradescantia, this combines with the basic Phase 4 with the Subphase 6. Phase 4 means that basically they feel that the relationship or marriage should go on, and

Subphase 6 means that they feel an imbalance in it and they feel half out of it.

The Phase and Subphase mix, blending into a combination of how they are in situations and groups. This often gives a kind of conflict. Phase and Subphases can be difficult

to differentiate, even more so because they are basically giving the same information, though in a different way. The difference is that the Phase is more basic, representing how the situation is or should be, such as the fact that someone is actually head of the family.  Phases represent a very central delusion. Subphases represent how someone

feels about a situation, how it is not what it should be, for instance feeling that they are ‘half out of the family’.

Division 6. dividing Families into Genera and Species via the Stages.

Each family can be divided into 17 Stages, like the 18 stages of the Periodic table. (The 18th stage, corresponding to the inert gases, is not used in the Plant theory.)

The Stages differentiate between the genera of a family, like the leaf on the tree. It is similar to the differentiation of families with miasms, but more precise, bringing us straight to a certain remedy.

Some Families have only a few Stages, 7 or even only 1. For instance Acorales has only one Genus, Acorus.

The number of Tradescantia virginiana is 633.46.13. The sixth number, 13 here, means that Tradescantia is in Stage 13. This represents the fact that they feel bitter and angry but cannot express their anger and have to hold it in half of the time. Tradescantia feels used in a marriage or other relationship and would like to leave, but still feels very attached and loyal. At the same time, they cannot express their anger and have to keep it in.


The Plant theory is based on the Apg3 classification. This classification is the latest development in the classification of the Plant kingdom, mostly based on DNA analyses

and accepted by most botanists as the most reliable. The Apg3 classification, though, is not fixed like the Periodic table. It is still in development, which can be seen from

the fact that it is the second update of the third publication.

The Plant theory is based on the Apg3 classification but has some deviations from it. Mostly these deviations are minor and not violating the basic Apg3 classification, like splitting or fusing some groups. In some cases, though, some groups have been shifted, and time will tell what the best placement is.

The naming of groups is the same mostly as in the Apg3 classification, especially with Families and Orders. Higher groups like Classes and Subclasses are not named as such

in the Apg3 classification.


[Jan Scholten]

An overview of the Commelinales family


English: Dayflower family; Spiderwort family

Clades: Commelinoids; Liliidae; Lilianae; Angiospermae; Plants

Series: Hydrogen series; Carbon series; Silicon series; emphasis on Silicon series

The Order of Commelinales was virtually unknown in homeopathy until a few years ago. The only remedy known was Lachnanthes, and the picture was quite insufficient. Lachnanthes was known for one keynote, torticollis, but there was no essence or mind picture. Gradually, the knowledge is growing as new remedies are added to this family and knowledge is coming from proving and cases.


A central theme is that of marriage, the relationship with others in general – the basic theme of the Liliidae. Generally, people who need Commelinales experience relationships as something fixed and lasting. For them, relationships are obvious and they need to feel at home in their relationship, which they normally do. This is the quality of Phase 4. The Commelinales share this quality with the other Commelinoids.


The problems often start in a situation where they feel used or abused. They get the feeling that they always have to give and get little in return. This can be with their spouse who is in trouble, sick or depressed. Usually, they like to give but it becomes too much, and they feel sucked dry. This makes them doubt whether they want to continue the relationship, which is in conflict with their original belief that relationships are forever. They can consider a divorce or they can stay in the relationship filled with bitterness and a feeling of injustice; the way they are treated feels unfair but there seems to be no way out of the situation. This quality of being used is an expression of the quality Phase 6; Commelinales is in Subphase 6.

The feeling of being used can arise from many situations. They can feel overburdened by their husband or wife, or their children can demand too much because they have mental problems like ADD, psychosis or depression, or because they are physically ill, mentally or physically handicapped. Another situation is that their parents become

sick, demented or paralysed, and need care. If there is a combination of problems concerning the partner, the children or the parents, it is really too much.

This is even more so because they are very loyal and it seems to them that it is their duty to take on the care of the family.

The Phase 6 quality can be seen symbolically in the plants deceiving pollinators by appearing to offer a larger reward than is actually present; they take more than they give.


The above picture has already been described in essence in Wonderful Plants. It has, however, become more developed. New cases of Lachnathes published on the Qjure (?)  website confirm the picture.

A beautiful case of Tradescantia is described in this issue of Interhomeopathy. A proving has been done of Commelina mascarensis, which will be published in Nosy Be Provings.

There was a problem with the placement of the Commelinales in the Plant theory. In the APG3 classification: as an Order it is in the Superorder Commelinoids. The Plant theory, however, has no Superorders, which distort the structure of the classification. In the Plant theory, the solution is to treat Commelinoids as an Order and the Orders in it as Family. So, Commelinales is placed at the level of Family in the Plant theory and the Families are merged in Commelinales; one could say they are treated as Subfamilies.

This strategy is confirmed more and more. Lachnanthes, of the Subfamily Haemodoraceae, has the same basic picture as Tradescantia from the Subfamily Commelinaceae and Pontederia from the Subfamily Pontederiaceae. From the point of view of the Plant theory, it is best to treat the Order Commelinales as the Family Commelinaceae, including the members of the families Haemodoraceae, Pontederiaceae, Phylidraceae and Hanguanaceae, the last two of which have only one Genus.


Mind: Loyal to their family, relatives, and friends

Family is very important

Feeling used and abused by their family, relatives, and friends

Stable, quiet, going on, not easily disturbed

Feeling bitter, life is unfair

Seductive, coquettish, wanting to be attractive, and needing to be loved

Fear: being dirty, ugly; being unloved; being used


40 genera; 650 species; great variation in morphology, especially of the flower and inflorescence, flowers short-lived, lasting for a day or less, offer only pollen; deceive pollinators by appearing to offer a larger reward than is actually present. This is accomplished with various adaptations, such as yellow hairs or broad anther connectives that mimic pollen, or staminodes that lack pollen but appear like fertile stamens.


- Commelinaceae: Aetheolirion, Amischotolype, Aneilema, Anthericopsis, Belosynapsis, Buforrestia, Callisia, Cartonema, Cochliostema, Coleotrype, Commelina, Cyanotis, Dichorisandra, Dictyospermum, Elasis, Floscopa, Geogenanthus, Gibasis, Gibasoides, Matudanthus, Murdannia, Palisota, Plowmanianthus, Pollia, Polyspatha, Porandra, Pseudoparis, Rhopalephora, Sauvallea, Siderasis, Spatholirion, Stanfieldiella, Streptolirion, Tapheocarpa, Thyrsanthemum, Tinantia, Tradescantia, Tricarpelema, Triceratella, Tripogandra, Weldenia

- Hanguanaceae: Hanguana

- Haemodouraceae: Anigozanthos, Barberetta, Blancoa, Conostylis, Dilatris, Haemodourum, Lachnanthes, Macropidia, Phlebocarya, Pyrrorhiza, Schiekia, Tribonanthes, Wachendorfia, Xiphidium

- Philydraceae: Helmholtzia, Philydrella, Philydrum

- Pontederiaceae: Eichhornia, Heteranthera, Hydrothrix, Monochoria, Pontederia, Scholleropsis

Commelinale communis; Raggaeman; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license


[Martin Jakob]

I don't know who I am: a case of Tricyrtis hirta (= Japanische Krötenlilie/= Hairy Toad Lily/Quelle:

Woman, 25 years old. She comes with burn out syndrome, vertigo, fear of diseases, a recurring fungal infection in the genital area and bacterial vaginitis.

She feels petrified from fear when she is dealing with sick people. Often, there is a fear of contagious disease as well, as if she could be taken over by something.

She can suddenly become dizzy, for instance when driving. It is as though she had no firm ground under her feet or if she were out of balance.

Her sister died after a long chronic illness when she was a child, and then she suddenly became “grown up”. The family did not speak much about her sister after her death,

but she then began to feel the whole focus of her parents on her; today she still feels very committed to her parents. While her sister was ill, most of her parents’ attention

was focussed on her sister. 

She feels alone because she lives without a fixed relationship. In her work in the marketing department, she suffered a burn out due to the bullying of her superiors; she

feels attacked and has too much work because their department is completely understaffed. Due to the exhaustion and  associated dizziness, she is afraid of not being able

to practice her profession. The doctor diagnoses the dizziness as iron deficiency. Later, when she recovered from the burn out, her work had been given to someone else,

and it made her feel like "my place is gone."

She often wonders what she really likes, whether she should start a new training or how she wants to go on with her life. She is easily influenced by her friends. She wonders also who she is and where she belongs. She feels like she is constantly losing her own inner voice, with so many people wanting to have their say, so she does not know what she wants. It is like hearing only the voice from above, like with her parents, when she was a child and didn't know which clothes to put on. She is unhappy with her figure

and thus feels unattractive. She looks younger than she is. She wonders if her current boyfriend has a relationship with another woman. In her relationships, it often feels like

a “to and fro”; sometimes, it works and sometimes it does not. It feels to her as though it is only half a relationship. In a previous relationship with a younger man, she was excluded from his circle of friends because they thought she was too old for him. In this present relationship, she is often displaced; she gives the feeling of being too insecure and adapting. Her first long relationship ended suddenly, shortly after they had talked about having children and a flat together. He decided to go on holiday and he ended the relationship. It took her a long time to get over it.

Food: aversion: cheese, milk; < garlic:

Female: painful menses, lumpy blood, back pain, headache before menses

Weather: < sun headache, sunglasses ameliorate

Time: 12 pm

<: carousel/roller coaster;


Carbon series: death of her sister, fear of diseases, not much has been spoken in the family.

Liliidae: feels alone, without fixed relationship, relationship problems, looks younger than she is, infection genital region

Phase 6 (Liliales): sudden end of a relationship, without explanation, the partner has another relationship, she is often displaced, bullied by her superiors, her work had been given to someone else; much attention went to her sister, excluded from friends, unhappy with her figure, feeling unattractive

Subphase 3: vertigo,< carousel, roller coaster; relations to and fro, only half of a relationship; easily influenced by friends, taken over by something, no firm ground

(DD Boron), she often wonders about things (one could say “she is confused”); losing her inner voice due to so many people wanting to have their say that she does not

know what she wants; very committed

Stage 3: wondering how she wants to go on, what she really likes; whether or not she should start a new training, wonders who she is (DD Boron), triangular relationship

Prescription: Tricyrtis hirta

Follow up

I had prescribed many different remedies over the years: Boron, Borax, Alumina, Aluminum sulfuricum, Scandium, Aristolochia clematis, Agraphis nutans, etc., without really seeing a deeper change in her condition. With Tricyrtis hirta, she says that each time she takes it, an incredible boost of confidence and joy manifest. She feels much more authentic and does not have to adapt so much anymore. She is much more herself, knowing much better who she is and what she wants, where she belongs, and where she wants to go, also in relationships with men and friends. Her dizziness, her fears, and the infections in the genital area are as good as gone.


The interesting thing in this case is that it is possible to successfully prescribe a remedy that was completely unknown to me. I had seen the stage 3 theme clearly, and prescribed a lot stage 3 remedies, as well as Oxygenium and Oxygenium compounds, without success. The theme of all the individual elements in this case are however present, and the plant Tricyrtis hirta, with the number 633.63.03, covers the totality of this case:  number, 6 angiosperm, 3 Silica series (family, relationship), the next 3 as emphasis on the Silica series (double family and relationship), then phase 6, the Oxygenium quality and the Subphase 3, the Boron quality and stage 3, the way she really acts. In a very complex case, it could then be useful to look for a plant-remedy.


[Martin Jakob]

Categories: Cases

Keywords: burnout, fear of disease, genital fungal infection, relationship problems, excluded

Remedies: Tricyrtis hirta

Sensitive, soft, and vulnerable: a case of Nymphaea odorata

Man 30 years old. Depression, pain in the genital area, fatigue, constant nausea, dizziness, changing pains in different parts of the body.

The pain and the depression started in 2008; they were associated with a burn-out syndrome and an inability to work. From then and until 2011, he was repeatedly admitted

to a psychiatric clinic.

The dizziness is as if being on a boat; it is constantly present and it feels like he is staggering and insecure when standing. He has pain in his penis, testicles, and groins; it is an oppressive and piercing pain, < standing. He often has strong tension in his neck and a lump in his throat and abdomen. He is so exhausted that he could sleep all the time;

if he pushes himself to work despite his tiredness, it gets worse. If several people are talking at the same time, he must try hard to focus in order to keep up. His stool has a slimy transparent layer on the surface. If he drinks beer, his skin becomes greenish-yellow.

He feels desperate because he never feels well and he is not making any progress with the psychologist.

It started with the fact that he heard voices; someone said something very important to him every day and did not stop. He was completely confused and did not understand anything anymore. There was something in his life that he did not realize until he found out that he was sexually abused as a child. In later childhood, he had terrible dreams: he was pursued by a black man or he was confined to a bed. He also had a feeling as though he was wearing a mask, with a strange dragging feeling on his skin. He smelled odours that did not exist.

He grew up as an only child; he has always felt alone and always wanted to have siblings. Later, in school, he was never liked. He was a loner who never got along with his classmates and was always the scapegoat. At times, he felt very distraught. He had problems concentrating and found it difficult to learn and to manage his time.

He felt terrible at elementary school. His father was a stranger to him, only a father on paper; only his mother’s husband. His parents had separate rooms. It was only later in life that he found out that his “father” was not his biological father, although everyone else knew it. He felt loved by his mother.  

To me, he seems very sensitive, soft, vulnerable, and very young by nature. 

Intolerances: alcohol, beer 

Aversions: seafood, squid

Desires: sweets, cake


Hydrogen series: hears voices; confusion; disorientation; understood nothing; vertigo, dizziness

Carbon Series: alone as a child, his father was only a father on paper, never speaking with him; feeling unprotected as a child

Nymphaeales: strange feelings that he could not name (= unable to act, only experience)

Nymphaeaceae: lost in the world and sexually abused, tortured; pain in the genitals, groin

Nymphaea odorata: felt more like stage 12 than stage 6, pursued by a black stranger; felt like violence

Prescription: Nymphaea odorata

Follow ups

He has no more pain in his genitals, and the dizziness, nausea, and fatigue are gone. For a few days after the remedy, he again smells odours that were not there, and hears

a whispering voice in his head. There were things from the past that he recognised but did not know what they actually were: the darkness below, the smell, the sounds that went back a long way. These are memories of the events that happened in his early childhood. "I was still very young when I experienced this abuse and did not have the consciousness to understand it. It is important to experience that again to understand it." In the past, these feelings of pain, nausea, dizziness were like an avalanche.

The worst part was that he could not control it at all; he could do nothing, he could only wait for it to pass. With this remedy, he experienced how the past resolved itself.

As a little child, he could not understand the experience and the feelings, now he knows that everything he felt was true. Before this remedy, he perceived himself as a child; now, he experiences himself as an adult. Now, he is sure that nothing will happen to him anymore.


The central conflict of the Nymphaeaceae is the conflict between just being and experiencing (Hydrogen series) and of not being able to act or to do something (Carbon Series). This shows the beauty of the plant system: we are better able to understand the theme, the problems, or as in this case, the severe trauma, by applying the series from the periodic system, and are thus able to prescribe more precisely and heal more deeply. The remedies of the Nymphaeaceae family are useful for major trauma (terrible experiences that involve a split of mind and body). It is thus experienced physically, but one’s consciousness has no way to process the experience.

Nymphaea odorata; Mathew Townsend; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Categories: Cases

Keywords: depression, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, changeable pains, insecurity, childlike, learning difficulties, sexual abuse

Remedies: Nymphaea odorata


[Sonja Obbink]

I feel very insecure and alone: two cases of Drimys winterii

Case 1: woman with insomnia, aged 60

Mrs. X comes for treatment due to insomnia. She suffers from palpitations, which prevent her from sleeping, and she feels exhausted, as though “burned out”. She would also like to bring her nervous system into a better balance, since she is very nervous from trying to manage things after her divorce.

She was married to a man who was the “love of her life”; she says again and again how much she loved him. They have a daughter, whose birth was very difficult.

The birth of the second child ended in a caesarean delivery. The child was not fully grown and had so many handicaps that he died directly after the birth. She “saw” the child while she was under anaesthetics, which shows her sensitivity.

In general, she is highly sensitive.

She lived together with her husband and child for a long time overseas. There, her husband developed a relationship with another woman, and he had children with her. Organising the divorce went against everything in her – she loved him so much but could not live with what he had done. Now, she has to survive and her daughter helps her. She has to build a new future for herself and her daughter.

The process of separation was very difficult for her but she had to show her daughter that she could manage in this painful situation.

She still feels the pain of losing her husband every time she thinks of him or speaks with him on the phone. Her weak point is that she tends to give everything away without demanding anything in return. She paints, sings, and writes poetry. She is very sensitive, taking on everything from others; she is also sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. She always anticipates a threat, feeling this in her body; her skeleton feels as though it is continually tense.


Both her parents have studied, and come from families of church ministers. Her father was a teacher. She had one brother with Down syndrome, who died at 50. Her parents heard the diagnosis when her mother was pregnant with her. She was born at the beginning of the Second World War. “Bombs fell on my cradle.” It was never safe. Both her parents had to be hidden away in order not to be deported. Her mother was always anxious, and she took in this anxiety while being breastfed. Her father left the family for another woman when she was eight years old. Her mother was a “wreck” with a borderline personality disorder. She could be very changeable in her moods:  nice one moment and aggressive the next. She felt that she had to make her mother’s life alright and had to work hard in order to gain any love at all; “Love needs to be earned.” She felt very responsible for both her mother and her brother. She had good contact with her step-mother, who left her an inheritance, which enabled her to manage financially after her divorce.

She feels very alone. She shuts herself out, always building a wall around herself. This behaviour started early, when she had to replace her father and look after her mother. She always did her best, but felt it was never enough. Later, it felt the same with her husband. She always gave herself in love, but “I couldn’t hold onto him.” She withdraws within herself. She calls herself an individualist but it does not feel good, since she dearly wants to belong. She feels as though she has been discarded.

Her enormous sensitivity and her tendency to pick everything up from others point to the plant kingdom. There are many elements from the Carbon series: always feeling a threat, trying to survive, no safety, mother is borderline, you have to earn love, always feeling alone. Phase 3 is seen in the tendency to give herself away, sacrifice herself, never feeling that she belongs, never feeling that she can do enough. This brings us to the Magnoliidae, phase 3, Canallales, and to Drimys winterii.

Previous remedies

Natrium sulphuricum: she is still so involved with her ex-husband, saying how much she loves him and that he is the love of her life. She has great difficulties in letting go of him. After this remedy, she slept deeply for two nights. She followed a channelling, which helped her energetically.

Holmium oxydatum: withdrawn, spiritual. Oxydatum: dishonesty, feeling pushed aside, used, victim. After this remedy, she feels freer.

Thulium oxydatum: missing her husband, missing the sun, no courage, feeling the pain of judgement. She feels lighter after this remedy, as though she has been lifted up.

All these remedies did something for her, but there is still something plaintive in her voice, which makes me feel that the most essential part has not been touched.

During this time, Jan Scholten was presenting his Plant theory. When I re-examined the case, I could not but help noticing the similarity between this woman’s father and her husband. She had feelings of being split in two, abandoned, lonely, sad, seeking safety behind a wall, and always doing her best to belong but never managing.

According to the Plant theory, you then come to the Magnoliidae: the root of her problem can be seen in her family of origin.

Prescription: Drimys winterii


The day after taking Drimys, she feels 100% calm in body, mind, and spirit. Taking it once per week has given her support and a deep sense of balance. “My past is finished!’ She has tried so many ways to help herself, but she has finally managed. She has been feeling well for the past year and a half.


Case 2: woman with depression

The patient, a 30 year old woman, has come due to tiredness and depression; she sleeps poorly. She is withdrawing from the world because everything is costing her more and more energy: “All the pressure and the stress.” She feels that her life is a fight. She feels like an outsider, an observer. She finds it difficult to set good boundaries and she is ashamed that she has been unable to make something of her life. She is the youngest of four children, two sisters and a brother. The sister just above her suffers from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. She herself has been psychotic once, thinking she would poison her mother. It did not go well for her when she was in high school. She did not sleep well and became over-excited. Her parents’ attention went completely to her older sister and she felt abandoned. She was continually comparing herself to her sister and fighting for her own sense of identity. Several family members have suffered from depression: her nephew has committed suicide and her father suffers from bi-polar disorder.

At the moment, her relationship has just ended. She is working in a new job and is afraid of doing everything wrong, which gives her a lot of stress. She is very tired and passive, lying in bed and watching television. Her moods are changeable; when she feels down, she feels very alone and cannot find a goal in her life; she cannot manage her life alone. Her house is a chaos and she herself has no structure, no grip on life. She easily clings to others. If the other wants to do something on his own, she feels alone again. During the consultation, I notice how she is searching for support: she keeps talking, looking for a solution that she cannot find.


The following factors point to the Carbon series: feeling small, dependent, clinging to others, alone.

Problem comes from the family of origin: Carbon series, Magnoliidae

Standing on the side-line: Boron quality, Phase 3

Prescription: Drimys winterii


After Drimys, she is very tired but shortly after she has much more energy than before. She goes back to work and receives the support that she requires. She can concentrate better and her contacts with others improve as well. If someone does not do as she would like them to, she does not feel pushed away. She has contact with her schizophrenic sister and manages to do so without losing herself, as she previously did. She sings and dances again, and looks refreshed and lively. There is nothing more of the tiredness and depression. She has been fine for over a year now.

Drimys winteri; A.Barra; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Categories: Cases

Keywords: insomnia, palpitations, exhaustion, highly sensitive, alone, divorce

Remedies: Drimys winterii


[Gerard Wiringa]

Look at me: a case of Morinda citrifolia

Across from me sits a finely built man who radiates self-confidence. Two years ago, he had a hernia, and after that, he has worked a lot on himself. He has managed to change a lot and now, he is at a sort of resting place, an in-between phase. “I want to come into action but I am stuck.”

He works as a creative producer. He is very good at organising television productions and large business events. “All my life I have done what I wanted to, I have always pushed forwards. I have lived my dream. I am ambitious and full of energy. I worked very hard and I’ve achieved a lot in the world. I have done all the shows and jobs that I’ve wanted to do.”

He gives one the feeling that everything is possible for him.

“I’ve done eight events all by myself. I have a strong willpower and I know that I can manage. I am very convincing and employers believe in me as soon as we sit down at the table. Still, at the same time I have a basic lack of confidence and that is my weak point. I keep going on and can’t set my limits.

“I am very punctual and well-structured. I am also very concerned with the outside world, trying to please everyone and so, I don’t set my boundaries well. I want to do things so well, to be seen, to be recognised. I went so far that I let myself be undermined, continuing to work even though I had terrible pain because I didn’t want to be a bother. That resulted in a hernia, which showed that this way was not working for me. I had to go back to my basis and that’s where I am now.

“I have done so many wonderful things in my life but I have to learn another way of functioning. I am learning about rest and meditation, and now, something concrete can happen.

“I have loving parents. I am the creation of a very strong and well-organised, somewhat masculine mother and an upright father, who was full of fantasy. I never really felt like I was part of the family. I have compensated the feeling of not belonging by being very ‘present’: ‘Look at me!’ I could feel guilty, too, and I would do anything to prevent others from being upset by me or something I had done. I took responsibility for everything and was very aware of what the others needed. I tried to please everyone in order to avoid being punished if I was a bother. I wanted to yield and to not cause disruption.

“I feel good in myself but the opinion of others is what breaks me. I don’t manage to stay in my centre while I stand for who I am. My channels are too open to the outside world. My critical thermometer towards myself is set very high: ‘Judgement, judgement’. I allowed myself to be pushed from my place by my manager, friends, parents, my older sister, and authorities. My right to live depends on the judgement of others. I need them to see that I have done well. I know that I want to feel the fire inside myself instead of being so busy trying to convince others. I radiate something like ‘I want the world.’ All sorts of women are attracted to me but I don’t cut to the chase because I don’t know which way to turn. I am standing at the crossroads of a thousand opportunities: there is a world of possible jobs and beautiful women open for me. The whole world lies at my feet but I have lost my drive.

“My mother has brought me up with the idea that I should be the Uebermensch (Superman) – perfection, perfection. And I am that now, I have reached the top, I’m fulfilled. Everything that is possible to create, I have done. I did eight productions at once and didn’t get tired. I just got tired of the manager who wouldn’t allow me one free hour.

He shouted at me and didn’t treat me with respect. It was because I let myself be undermined. I don’t set proper boundaries. I wanted to reassure him in this economic crisis by keeping all the balls in the air, working even harder and carrying his frustrations and outbursts on my own shoulders. I have done everything from a sense of spontaneity.

I had never done anything for TV but I did some preparations and then, full of bravado, I phoned up a big TV enterprise; now, I have a program in fifteen countries.

When I left, it took 15 people to fill my place. So, you can see I did a lot but I only realised that when I couldn’t move anymore because of the hernia. I had to be a Superman, according to my upbringing. I never learned to be myself. I never felt hunger, thirst, none of the basic needs. I just went to the toilet once per day, not making a bother of myself.”


Analysis: 66542.13

In Wonderful Plants, every plant has a number. The first number corresponds with the phylum.

6 Angiospermae

Elements corresponding to this man are: lively, sensitive, no third person (ie not feeling attacked from the outside), several themes in his life. This fits the plant realm, phylum Angiospermae. The Angiospermae stand for the Gold series, the sixth series of the periodic system.

66 Asteranae

The second number stands for the class, which is also related to the series of the periodic system. 66 refers to the Angiospermae (6) with Lanthanide (Gold series, 6) characteristics.

Lanthanides: always going one’s own way. Reflecting. Looking further than one’s own nose. Broad thinking. Busy with big things, big inventions.

66 Asteranae: proactive, reflecting. Acting from one’s own initiative.

665 Lamiidae

The third number gives the subclass, analogous to the series of the periodic system.

665 = Silver series (5) of the Lanthanides (6) of the Angiospermae (6)

Silver series: in the middle of the attention. Recognition

665 Lamiidae: on the one hand, a strong desire to present oneself and to be seen as special. On the other hand, there is a reflection about the desire to perform and to shine.

6654 Rubiales

The fourth number gives the phase, which corresponds with the order. The Phase relates to the basic feeling.

6654 = phase 4 of the Lamiidae

Phase 4: sure of oneself, confident. Completely self-evident

6654 Rubiales: good self-confidence, feeling special and secure. They have the right to a good creative job. A great desire to contribute and to be recognised.

66542 Rubioideae

The fifth number is the subphase, corresponding to the suborders/families. The subphase is a refinement of the phase but less basic.

66542 = subphase 2 of the Rubiales

Subphase 2: passive, adapting, hardworking to gain approval

66542 Rubioideae: duality between self-certainty and shyness, between going one’s own way and adapting to others.

The sixth number gives the stage (1-17), then genera of a family. The stage has to do with how someone deals with the problem.

66542.13 = stage 13 of the Rubioideae. Stage 13: having reached the top, now stuck, postponing.

 Prescription: 66542.13 = Morinda citrifolia, given in MK

Follow-up after 4 weeks

“The first day after taking the remedy, it was as though I had taken drugs. Everything appeared colourful. All sorts of animals came to me, butterflies on my arm, everyone said hello. The second day, I just hung around nice and relaxed in my hammock. After that, the Universe just gives me the right energy. I am very busy. I’ve got all sorts of ideas but I’m not going into concrete action.”

Prescription: repeat Morinda citrifolia MK

Follow-up after 10 and 16 weeks

“My energy is back. I am not blocking myself. I see possibilities instead of impossibilities. If I compare myself to a rose: I was a big, convincing blossom, I was giving all the time but I didn’t have enough sturdiness. You could see the hernia as the stem that has broken. In the top, I had done everything, and now, I am feeding my roots by developing an independent feeling of self-worth. I make my rose, my outside part, smaller, and I allow more energy to stream to my roots, my ‘being’. My blossom was always big: ‘Look at my exterior.’ I used to be so touched, so wounded in my right of existence that I made my blossom bigger and bigger. ‘Look at me in the limelight!’

Meanwhile, I was giving myself away. These days, I shine with conviction in myself. The energy stays with me.

“As a seven year old, I was always busy with connections. For instance, I created a wake-up system with marbles for the whole street. I pulled on a cord and then it tinkled

at all the houses and all the kids came to our garden. Then, I opened the gate and we played tag. If you jumped over the see-saw, you were in another world and could not

be tagged.

“I could puzzle for hours. Now, I can be busy for hours with process management, all sorts of components that fit into each other, 50 pages spread over the floor; the more complex, the more challenging. At school, I puzzled with chemical formulas. I had a 10 (top score) for my end exam. I am always making new inventions. I can’t talk enough about it. My key words are communication, international, something that everyone will use. My idea is to inspire people via dialogue and to reach them in their feeling. Inspiration connects people. It develops each other’s authentic ‘being’ (roots) and gives room for a more beautiful society with respect, connection and depth. It is so complex that it cannot just be taken over whole piece. Now, I can keep this for myself instead of thinking ‘Look at me.’ Now, it is my thing, my puzzle and I will only show it when

it is ready. Then, I will realise it. I used to be ashamed that I had such great thoughts. Now, I think ‘throw the container open and think even bigger.’

“I compare myself to a horse. I protect the herd instead of my own ego. I am a fighter; I will do anything for the other; previously I fought for the interests of the other (boss, parents, relationship) without protecting myself. I always felt like the underdog and I didn’t recognise attention. That undermined the charge of energy in me. I was so ashamed of my rich fantasy that I had to hide it. I have worked on the base and now, I can connect with the outside because I am proud of who I am. I am happy that I can contribute, that I am not a hindrance but a stimulus. I give from zeal and conviction (roots) instead of giving myself away (blossom).

“I had already worked hard on myself these past two years but this remedy has given me peace and confidence. I don’t have to fight and battle just to be here. I don’t feel like a hindrance. I don’t have to convince anyone. I am fine the way I am. I can now create space from my own being, in order to connect. This is really the base of my invention, the communication platform.

“It used to be: ‘Look at me’, fighting for my right to exist. Now, I have found my ‘being’. My goal is now to be open and in connection with my being.”

[Markus Kuntosch]

Categories: Cases

Keywords: confidence, ambition, lumbar hernia, creativity, will-power, Superman, self-critical

Remedies: Morinda citrifolia

Feeling left out: a case of Sarsaparilla

Karin, twelve years old, is a self-confident and headstrong girl who usually can prevail well against her two brothers. Four years ago, she had two episodes of acute pharyngitis where her breath smelt moldy. Sulfur and Mercurius then helped.

Now, she comes because of a sore throat and cough, worse from cold air and physical exertion, better lying down, resting, and when she covers and wraps up warmly. She has no thirst, no fever, but looks pale gray, very sick, and suffering. Over her right lung (middle and lower field), the respiratory sound is attenuated, percussion is muted and a fine crackle is audible: a right-sided pneumonia. Strangely enough, she has no fever. She has been coughing for the last two weeks. It all started one day after a hike in cold, wet weather, when she sweated a lot. On the same day, she had been let down twice: she had lost her position as class representative to a classmate, and her godmother had let her down: she had promised to spend an afternoon with her and then she simply did not show up. She doubts if this woman really likes her because she already forgot her birthday once. Her favourite color is dark red (10D). She prefers salty to sweet food.


In the repertorization by polarity analysis of her modalities[1], Sarsaparilla only comes in 16th place, but it is the first remedy which also covers her color preference 10D. All other remedies of place 1-15 have either contraindications or different color preferences.

The loss of social position as class representative could be a possible cause and it reminded me of Veratrum album, from the same family of the Liliaceae. Veratrum is often found in a situation where by the birth of a sibling, the firstborn is losing its supremacy and is no longer the sole focus of attention of parents and grandparents.

Usually, Sarsaparilla is considered as a remedy for urinary ailments, and indeed it had helped her a year ago during an episode of acute burning in the urethra at the end of urination. So, an attempt seemed appropriate.

Prescription: she gets Sarsaparilla 200C dissolved in a glass of water, one teaspoon every hour.

Analysis according to the new plant system of Jan Scholten

Her main problem is with her classmates and her godmother. This is typical for the Silica series. She has lost her leading position as a class representative. She is still part of her class, but she feels underchallenged and does not fullfill their expectations anymore because she does not want to be part of their intrigues and does not like to wear expensive brand clothes like the others, so she is already half out. She had throat infections with moldy breath. Moldy is also an expression of phase 6, and the situation in her class correspondes to this. Both confirm Phase 6.

She feels unaccepted, insecure, and they even laugh at her. Being ridiculed is Subphase 2.

Jan writes in his book “Wonderful Plants” about Sarsaparilla, which has the code 633.62.08,

“They have a feeling of being left out, ignored, neglected, unwanted, not seen as a child by parents, siblings, friends or colleagues.” He also writes that it is a remedy for pneumonia.

The painful experience with her classmates and her godmother, plus the physical disease of pneumonia, are matched by Sarsaparilla.

Follow ups

The very next day, she is doing much better: she has slept well, the cough is gone, she eats well, and wants to play with her dog again. On a follow-up three days later, the lung right midfield is now free and in the sub-field only a slight crackling sound is heard. After another four days, the chest is clear and she can return to school. Altogether, this is a good result for a severe acute pneumonia. I asked her directly about the psychological trauma. Which was worse, the loss of the role of class spokeswoman or the disappointment with her godmother? She first confirmed the event with the godmother, but then tells of an incident in her class on the morning before the illness started. A boy in her class had tripped her up, she stumbled, and all the others laughed at her. She feels not properly included in the class because she does not wear expensive brand-name clothes and does not participate in their intrigues. Although she tries to find friends and be part of the class, she just does not feel accepted; they only tolerate her. So, in hindsight it is a wonderful confirmation of the Liliaceae themes of Sankaran. She feels excluded, not belonging to the class. Two weeks after the acute episode, we hear from her happy mother that she is again full of self-confidence and on a trial week in a different high school because she felt underchallenged in her present school. Although she must repeat the French study of an entire year, she now feels really comfortable there. She has found new friends and finally a place where she is accepted and can grow and thrive according to her abilities.


In this case, we can find the curing remedy Sarsaparilla by different ways of analysis. The choice is confirmed by the polarity analysis of her modalities according to the therapeutic pocket book of Boenninghausen with the addition of her colour preference, by the family theme of the Liliaceae, and by the plant analysis of Jan Scholten.

Polarity analysis amplifies the difference between polar modalities and is based on the Therapeutic pocket book of Boenninghausen. This method was developed by the Swiss paediatrician, Heiner Frei.

Sarsaparilla berries; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Categories: Cases

Keywords: pharyngitis, pneumonia, cystitis, loss of position, unaccepted, ignored

Remedies: Sarsaparilla


[Jan Scholten]

Everything feels like a mountain: a case of Gnaphalium polycephalum

Woman, 55, fatigue

Jan Scholten (JS): Can you tell me your problem?

Patient (P): I am anxious about cancer. Cancer is in my whole family; my father, mother, and sisters had it. I think I am a Carcinosinum type as I take on too much responsibility for others, for my husband, and son, but also for my patients. I forget to go my own way. I am a psychotherapist and I have difficulty maintaining my boundaries. I keep thinking about my patients and feeling responsible for them. I would like to feel lighter, like a ballet dancer.


Being a psychotherapist is an indication for the Lanthanides: she takes on responsibility for others. The Lanthanide quality is confirmed by her knowledge of homeopathic remedies, she has studied the subject. She forgets to go her own way; ‘own way’ is also an aspect of Lanthanides, the word ‘own’ being very typical. The heaviness of her responsibility is often present in the Gold series in general.

JS: Do you have other problems?

P: I easily get very tired. It helps when I sleep well. Especially in the morning, I feel very fatigued and I look at what I have to do as though it is a mountain. I feel depressed,

I cannot laugh anymore. I even get irritated when other people laugh.


Looking up to things as a mountain is typical for Stage 5. Stage 5 feels their goal is too much, too far away, too difficult to reach.


P: I have recurrent bronchitis with a dry barking cough. Then, I feel really ill and weak; I cannot do anything, I can only lie down. A few times, it developed into pneumonia.

JS: Can you tell me more about this?


P: I had the same cough and also a heavy pressure on my chest. I was very cold, alternating with heat and much shivering. I had high fever and perspiration.


These symptoms look like influenza, which is an indication for Asteraceae.

JS: Do you have other problems?


P: I have recurrent cystitis. I am menopausal, with severe hot flushes, especially at night. Then, I perspire a lot, especially on my head.

I have Hashimoto's disease with nodules in the thyroid. The thyroid is functioning too fast, which provokes hair loss and gives me palpitations.

I have sciatica from time to time, with pains radiating to my left leg.


Hashimoto thyroiditis is an auto-immune disease, which again indicates the Lanthanides.

Hot flushes are connected to Phase 5, the expansion quality.

JS: Do you react to the weather?


P: I like the sun. Lately, I like the darkness in the evening, because that means I do not have to do anything anymore.

JS: How do you react to food?


P: I like sweets and bread. I have an aversion to spicy food. Alcohol gives me the feeling of having a black out.

JS: What do you feel about animals and plants?


P: I like animals, especially my cat. I like plants even more. I love nature, the woods, trees, meadows. My favorites are meadow flowers and Lindheimer's beeblossom.


The Plant kingdom was already indicated by her sensitivity and empathy. It is confirmed by her love for nature and plants. Lindheimer's beeblossom is a consideration for her as she mentions it as one of her favorite flowers but it is from the Onagraceae, and they have no special connection with the Lanthanides.

JS: Can you tell me about your family?


P: My mother was very strict. She cared for us well physically but could not show any warmth. She was a very responsible woman and we have good contact. During my puberty, we had big disagreements for a few years, since then, I have felt limited by her.


The feeling of being limited is an indication of Phase 5. The responsibility and strictness of her mother can be seen in Phase 4.

JS: What about your father?


P: My father was an easy going person, loving, and enjoying life. He took things lightly and was loved by everyone.


The ‘enjoying life’ is an indication of Phase 5.

JS: Do you have sisters and brothers?


P: I had one sister. She died a few years ago from cancer. I was with her in the hospice for ten weeks. I do not have a problem with such things, I felt at ease in the hospice.


This means she at ease with essential things in life, not so much with superficial things. This again confirms the Lanthanides.

JS: Can you tell me about your marriage?

Patient: My husband is ambitious, doing as he likes. He can also be choleric and a few times in our marriage that was too much, making me think of divorcing him, but in general, we have a good relationship. He leaves me free and supports me in my endeavours, in my hobbies, and career.



Her marriage is basically stable, indicating Phase 4, but there are moments when it is not completely okay, which is like Phase 3 and Phase 5; a bit out of balance.

Taking the story in general: we need a plant with Lanthanide qualities, which we find in the Class Asteranae. The Lanthanide quality is quite emphasized, so the Subclass

of Campanulidae is indicated.

Phase 4 in Campanulidae is Asteraceae; we encountered this already as it was indicated by the influenza symptoms.

There were many indications for Phase 5. Subphase 5 in Asteracae is Calendulaceae.

The Stage 5 in Calendulaceae is Gnaphalium polycephalum. Gnaphalium polycephalum also has sciatica and recurrent cystitis, so that fits nicely.

Prescription: Gnaphalium polycephalum MK

Follow up

After Gnaphalium polycephalum MK, she has an aggravation for five days, feeling depressed, and physically bad, empty, and weak. She even doubts if she will take a second dose, but a friend tests her with kinesiology and tells her that the remedy is correct. After six weeks, she starts feeling better, more relaxed. She does not look up to things as mountains anymore. She has more energy and pleasure. She decides to search for a more spiritual road in life.

Gnaphalium polycephalum MK is repeated once a month. After nine months, she feels really well. She is grateful for the remedy that she cherishes as a treasure. She feels grateful towards homeopathy. She has hardly complaints: the hot flushes, sciatica, coughing, and cystitis are gone. She has a lot of energy and does not look at things as though they are a mountain anymore. She experiences life as a holiday and can do all her jobs lightly. She can laugh again, from the depth of her soul. She feels relaxed and free. Her quality of life has gone from 30 to 95.



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