Plumbum metallicum Kind Anhang



Child slow in perception, comprehension and responses.

Academically average in studies, usually attends special schools.

Children who are known to exaggerate their complaints.

Slow to react mentally as well as physically; slow to receive impressions and slow to open up and express themselves.

Timid and taciturn children.


Stubborn constipation or colic of infants.

Child howls and cries before urinating (Lyc. Sanic).

Children who love to stretch their bodies in various positions.

Children with congenital or acquired diseases of the spinal cord (Phos. Pic-ac. Zinc) (astrocytomas/dermoid cysts/lymphoma metastasis/Pott’s disease of the spine/spinal cord and nerve root compressions/spinal dysraphism/and syringomyelia).

Emaciated child with large abdomen and emaciated limbs.

Trembling tongue.

Other important symptoms


Answers slowly, in monosyllables [during toxic situations (septic tonsils, viral infections,  meningitis, encephalitis, septicemia)]; children often answer slowly, but correctly and stup

or returns quickly after answering (Bapt); evades the look of the person talking to him.

Feigning sickness (and sometimes exaggerates the symptoms).

Performance anxiety, hence aggravated by anticipation and feels timid appearing in public.

Slow in everything (like Bar-c, cannot understand things quickly, takes time).

Tends to bite everything: Clothes, fingers, himself and nails.

Aversion to company; prefers solitude (timid and reserved, will not express his feelings and hence avoids company).


 Children very weak in studies, with poor confidence and marked difficulty in trying to concentrate, making a lot of mistakes when reading (severe dyslexia).

Children making funny gestures and antics (attract attention due to forsaken feeling).

Fear of being touched (All spider remedies and Kali-c).

Fearful and timid child (scared of cats, dogs and strangers approaching).

Fervent praying in small children (praying to God to reduce his physical sufferings).

Good at inciting other children to do wrong things (Hyos).

Idiotic, imbecile child frowning all the time.

Involuntary immoderate laughter.

Obstinate children who cannot tolerate “no” for an answer and hate to be looked at, talked to or touched; shriek loudly (chronic physical illness, when it leads to physical and mental

handicaps, frequently presents with similar behavior).


Slow in learning to talk (Nat-m).

Striking, stamping feet, spitting at and biting others in anger; can be calmed down only by gentle rocking.

Sudden loud shrieking with raging delirium, in cases of neurological insults.

Talks to himself when playing.

Weeps in whimpers or sobs loudly at trifles, attracting attention.


Headache with stiffness and pain in the nape of the neck and projectile vomiting (Bell. Hyos. Phos. Zinc-s).

Headache from constipation # pain in the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Cerebral palsy.

- Cold perspiration on the forehead.

- Hair greasy.

- Hot head with red face and cold extremities.

- Hydrocephalus.

- Increased intracranial tension.

- Jerking of head from side to side.

- Signs of cerebrovascular insult.

- Signs of meningeal irritation +

- Unable to hold up his head.


Agglutination of the lids.

Examination findings:

- Atrophy of the optic nerve.

- Central scotoma.

- Corneal opacity.

- Eyes are half-open (Bell. Cupr-met. Op).

- Falling of hair from the eyebrows.

- Hippus sign +

- Iridocyclitis.

- Optic neuritis.

- Paralysis of the upper lids, especially the left.

- Retinitis.

- Rubbing the eyes all the time.

- Strabismus.

- Unequal pupils, one contracted and the other dilated.

- Wild, staring look of the eyes.


Impaired hearing due to enlarged tonsils.


Copious watery or yellowish-green coryza while eating.

Loss of smell.

Examination findings:

- Pointed, red nose.

- Postnasal catarrh with a thick, viscid discharge.


Examination findings:

- Greasy and shiny, as if oiled (Nat-m. Thuj).

- Chewing motion of the jaw.

- Cold perspiration on the face.

- Emaciation of the facial muscles.

- Pale and ashy; becomes red only with fever or during headache.

- Paralysis of the right side of the face.

- Risus sardonicus or lockjaw.

- Stupid, idiotic, old, sunken and wrinkled.

- Swollen lips, which tremble or twitch involuntarily.


Profuse, frothy salivation, during convulsions, sleep and when talking.

Sweetish or metallic taste in the mouth.

Unintelligible or stammering speech.

Examination findings:

- Pale, spongy, scorbutic gums, with a thin purplish line along the margin of the teeth; they bleed easily, even on the slightest touch.

- All the teeth are black, decayed and have caries in them; or are serrated and crumble easily.

- Can protrude the tongue with a lot of difficulty; trembles on protrusion.

- Mouth remains open all the time.

- Offensive odor from the mouth.

- Paralysis of the tongue; drawn to the left on protrusion (XII nerve palsy).

- Smooth tongue with erect, red papillae, indentations of the teeth and a brownish coating in the center.

- Teeth become loose due to the detachment of gums from the teeth.


Spasms of esophagus; can swallow only liquids, least solid food gags

Paralysis of throat (Guillain-Barré Syndrome); liquids come out through the nose on  attempting to swallow (IX and X cranial nerve palsy).

Examination findings:

- Aphthae.

- Swollen uvula, with swollen and indurated tonsils.

- Thick and tenacious postnasal discharge.

- Weakness of the serratus anterior, sternocleidomastoid and supraspinatus muscles.


Extreme thirst with inability to drink because of nausea and vomiting, due to intestinal  obstruction and peritonitis; thirstless during fever.

Faecal vomiting with impacted or obstructed bowels; greenish-yellow or greenish-black matter, offensive and blood-streaked.

Loud eructations.

Ravenous appetite soon after eating.

Retching with violent incessant vomiting and cramping pains in the abdomen, immediately after eating or drinking the smallest quantity.

<: Fish (spoiled);

Aversion: Vegetables;

Desires: Biscuits/(rye) bread/cold drinks/fried food/salty/sour and sweets;


Colic # delirium.

Cramping, cutting, pains in the abdomen (umbilical region) with marked constipation; > doubling over.

Perspiration on the abdomen.

Rumbling in the abdomen on rising in the morning.

Violent colic that radiates to all parts of the body.

Examination findings:

- Large and indurated abdomen.

- Distended and palpable colon.

- Intussusception with impacted stools and obstructed flatulence.

- Paralytic ileus.

- Retraction of the abdomen, in the region of the umbilicus, as if attached to the spine (important sign of peritonitis).

- Spleen and liver are enlarged and tender.

- Strangulated inguinal hernia.

- Tenderness in the ileocecal region (Bry. Iris-t. Lach. Merc-c).

- Umbilical hernia.


Stools are small, black, ball-like, crumbling at the anus; look like sheep dung, covered with mucus.

Absolute inactivity of the rectum; severe, chronic, obstinate constipation with a constant, ineffectual desire to defecate.

Diarrhea # constipation.

Itching around the anus.

Offensive flatus.

Passes stools involuntarily at night in bed.

Examination findings:

- Stricture or spasmodic contraction in the rectum (this is the main reason for severe constipation).

- Fissure in ano.

- Imperforate anus.

Urinary organs:

All types of nephrotic syndromes are well covered by this remedy.

No urging to urinate, inspite of a distended bladder (due to paralysis of spinal nerves) (Ars. Caust).

Dark brown or cloudy urine; leaves red or dark brown sediment on the diaper.

Dysuria; child cries and shrieks before urination; weak flow leads to dribbling.

Nephritis with hypertension.

Retention of urine with intense colicky pain.

Examination findings:

- Renal biopsy shows glomerular basement membrane sclerosis and thickening.

- Spasmodic stricture of the urethra.

- Urine: Albumin ++, calcium oxalate, casts (epithelial and hyaline), glucose++, low specific gravity, pus ++ and RBC +

Male organs:

Disposition to masturbate.

Examination findings:

- Undescended testes.

Larynx and Trachea:

Hoarseness of voice or loss of voice from paralysis of the vocal cords.

Examination findings:

 - Laryngismus stridulus.

Respiratory organs:

Respiration arrested with colic.

Dysponea # stuporous state.

Dysponea when lying in bed; need s to be near an open window.

Examination findings:

- Rattling respiration.

- Stertorous respiration.


Constant dry, short cough, day and night.

Frothy, blood-tinged and purulent expectoration.

Pain in the abdomen on coughing.

Short coughing bouts on lying at night, on deep inspiration and on rising in the morning.


Examination findings:

- Perspiration on the chest.

- Shaking of the chest during cough (Phos).

Violent palpitations of the heart.

Examination findings:

- Endocarditis.

- Hypertrophy of the heart.

- Murmur.

- Pulse: Irregular, frequent, thready and almost imperceptible.


Stiffness and spasmodic drawing of the cervical region backwards.

Examination findings:

- Curvature of the spine.

- Emaciation of the muscles of the back.

- Opisthotonos.

- Spinal meningitis.


Insensitivity of the upper limbs, fingers and forearms to heat of the stove or to pain (characteristic of Syringomyelia).

Awkwardness of fingers.

Lower limbs drawn up convulsively with colicky pain in the abdomen.

Offensive foot-sweat.

Weakness of the wrist joint.

Examination findings:

- Cerebellar signs positive.

- Emaciation of the muscles of the limbs (hand/ball of the thumb/forearm/gluteal region).

- Trembling of hands when writing, holding objects, when holding hands out, when eating, etc.

- Brittle nails.

- Contraction of the fingers due to paralysis of the extensor digitorum profundus and superficialis and extensor pollicis longus and brevis.

- Cyanosed nails.

- Dry hands.

- Emaciation of the paralyzed limb (Lower motor neuron paralysis).

- Erb’s paralysis.

- Ganglion.

- Icy coldness of the hands and feet.

- Wrist drop.


Sleeps on the abdomen or the back, with lower limbs drawn up and the r. arm lying in between them.

Sleepy during fever and after convulsions.

During sleep: Cold and clammy perspiration, grinding of the teeth, moaning and restlessness; wants to go from one bed to another.

Sleepless with kidney disorders or colic.

Startles from sleep as from fright, due to frightful dreams.


Skin is always dry and cold, even after excessive exercise or play.

Intense itching; must scratch the part until it becomes raw and excoriated.

Examination findings:

- Intertrigo.

- Jaundice.


Ailments from: Abdominal colic, falling, hemorrhage, masturbation and uremia.

Aura/before convulsions: - Confusion of mind, shrieking, sighing, swollen tongue and


During convulsions: - Bluish or yellowish discoloration of the face; clonic and tonic convulsions of the limbs, affecting one side at a time; dilated pupils; epistaxis;

flexed limbs; frothy foam from mouth; head turned to the left side; involuntary urination

on the floor with wild delirium and distorted face; rage; tetanic rigidity; unconscious and weeping.

After convulsions: - Confusion of mind, incoherent speech, perspiration, stuporous sleep  and unconsciousness.

Periodical convulsions with transient ischaemic attacks.


Chronicity of complaints.


Anasarca from kidney disease (Oxyd).

Anaemic children who are chronically constipated.

Anaesthesia is as strongly marked as the hyperaesthesia.

Constriction and spasms of sphincter of orifices.

Dark complexioned child with skin icy cold to touch.

Lack of reaction.

Marasmus of infants in apparently hopeless cases; abdomen large and hard.

Progressive muscular atrophy from spinal degeneration.


Suppurating wounds or wounds which bleed easily and heal slowly.

Telangiectasis all over the body.

Trembling from the slightest mental or physical exertion.


[Sigrid Kruse]

Anwendung von Plumbum metallicum in der Kinderklinik

Am Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München können Kinder ambulant und stationär homöopathisch behandelt werden, meist begleitend zur konventionellen Therapie.

Bisher wurde Plumbum metallicum als homöopathische Arznei bei 20 Kindern eingesetzt. Alle Kinder hatten eine schwere Grunderkrankung wie schwere Entwicklungsretardierung unklarer Genese (3 Kinder),

nach Hirnblutung (2 Kinder), nach schwerer Asphyxie (3 Kinder), nach Reanimation (2 Kinder), bei unklarer Epilepsie (3 Kinder), bei unklarer Stoffwechselerkrankung (1 Kind), bei Schizenzephalie (1 Kind).

Ein anderes Kind litt an einer Muskeldystrophie, zwei weitere an einer angeborenen Nierenfehlbildung mit Niereninsuffizienz, 5 Kinder hatten eine unklare syndromale Erkrankung mit Fehlbildungen und

schwerer psychomotorischer Retardierung.


Anzahl            Diagnose 1                                                                                        Diagnose 2

5          Entwicklungsretardierung mit Fehlbildungen                                    Unklares Syndrom

3          Entwicklungsretardierung                                                                Schwere Asphyxie postpartal mit Nierenversagen

3          Entwicklungsretardierung                                                                Therapierefraktäre Epilepsie

2          Entwicklungsretardierung                                                                Hirnblutung 3. Grades

2          Entwicklungsretardierung                                                                Z.n. Reanimation

2          Angeborene Nierenfehlbildung                                                        Niereninsuffizienz

1          Entwicklungsretardierung                                                                Unklare Stoffwechselerkrankung

1          Entwicklungsstillstand                                                                     Schizenzephalie

1          Muskeldystrophie                                                                             Rez. Pneumonie, respiratorische Insuffizienz


Bei diesen Kindern mit schweren Erkrankungen vor allem im Bereich ZNS, Muskeln, Nieren und Stoffwechsel wurde Plumbum C200 bzw. C1000 immer wieder als Einmalgabe eingesetzt, meist alle 1 - 2 Monate.

Darunter kam es bei den meisten Kindern zu erstaunlichen Entwicklungsfortschritten, meist in kleinen, aber stetigen Schritten. Bei Niereninsuffizienz besserte sich die Nierenfunktion bzw. hielt sich stabil.

Da Plumbum metallicum langsam wirkt und die Kinder mit ihren schweren Erkrankungen weitere Arzneien und oft auch konventionelle Medikamente bekommen haben, ist es oft nicht so eindeutig zu beurteilen,

warum es dem Kind nun besser geht.

Bei einigen dieser Kinder war die Situation jedoch so, dass sie seit Wochen keine Fortschritte mehr zeigten bzw. dass die Nierenwerte sich verschlechterten. Mit Beginn der Therapie mit Plumbum C200, später C1000

wendete sich das Bild langsam und es kam zu Verbesserungen und stetigen Fortschritten in die positive Richtung.

Anwendung von Plumbum metallicum in der Kinderarztpraxis

Bsp. Lara (Praxis Dr. med. Mira Dorcsi-Ulrich)

Bei Lara wurden folgende Diagnosen gestellt:

• Syndrom unklarer Genese

• psychomotorische Entwicklungsretardierung

• Koordinationsstörung bei muskulärer Hypotonie

• Schwere Sehbehinderung bei Opticuskolobom, Hyperopie rechts, Myopie links mit Pendel-Rucknystagmus, Strabismus

• Starke Schwerhörigkeit (Hörschwelle bei 80 Db)

• Infektionsanfälligkeit mit rezidivierender Pneumonie und rezidivierender Otitis media

Im Alter von drei Jahren war Lara in einer sehr dramatischen Situation: Wiederholte Pneumonien, noch kein sicheres Laufen und trotz der Hörgeräteversorgung kaum verständliche Sprache.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sah Mathias Dorcsi einen Videofilm von Lara und sagte: „Das ist Plumbum metallicum auf der konstitutionellen Ebene“.

Das war die phänomenologische Erfassung von Konstitution und Diathese dieses Kindes.

Verlauf nach Plumbum metallicum:

Nach der ersten Gabe von Plumbum metallicum M, 1x3 Globuli war Lara den ganzen Tag sehr wach und aufmerksam. In der Folgenacht war sie so erregt, dass sie die ganze Nacht nicht schlafen konnte.

In den folgenden Wochen machte Lara einen großen Sprung in ihrer kognitiven Entwicklung, im sensorischen wie im motorischen Bereich. Sie begann zu laufen und zu malen.

Plumbum metallicum M wurde immer dann wiederholt, wenn die Entwicklung sich verlangsamte. Nach jeder Gabe Plumbum metallicum M trat jeweils eine massive Schlafstörung in der Nacht der Arzneigabe auf

mit einem nachfolgenden Entwicklungsschub.

Neben Plumbum metallicum wurden nacheinander weitere homöopathische Einzelmittel gegeben wie Comocladia dentata (bei rezidivierender Otitis media) sowie Silicea, Carbo vegetabilis, Kreosotum u.a.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum