

Vergleich: Prostagutt® (Sabal-Früchten und Urtica-Wurzeln/Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH).

Siehe: Organen + Pomegranate + Anhang (Ulrich Zenker)


[Ferry Hirschmann]

Schüßler Salze: bei gutartig vergrößerten Prostata. Die biochemischen Mineralsalze kann die Vergrößerung dieses Organs verlangsamen oder stoppen. Für eine Behandlung eignen sich Kalium Chloratum (Nr. 4), Kalium Phosphoricum (Nr. 5) und Calcium Sulfuricum (Nr. 12)

In der Phytologie haben sich Brennessel- und Kürbiskern-Extrakte bei der Verringerung von Prostata-Beschwerden bewährt, und die Einnahme von Zink-Präparaten.


Prostagutt® (Sabal-Früchten und Urtica-Wurzeln/Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH).

[S.M. Gunavante]

Prostate –senile hypertrophy – Ferr-pic.


Canth. Postoperative Harnverhalten nach Prostata-Operationen


[T.K. Moore, M. D.]


[Dr. Sayeed Ahmad]

Prostate Gland, chestnut-shaped male organ located next to the bladder and surrounding the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis).

The prostate gland produces a secretion known as prostate fluid that makes up most of the liquid part of semen, which is discharged from the penis during sexual orgasm. Measuring about 3 cm (about 1.2 inches) across, the prostate gland is composed of both glandular tissue that produces prostate fluid and muscle tissue that helps in male ejaculation. Prostate fluid also helps to keep sperm, which is found in semen, healthy and lively, thereby increasing the chances that fertilization will occur.

The most common prostate disease is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous condition of unknown cause. It occurs in approximately 70 - 80% of men

as they reach their 70s and 80s.

In BPH, the prostate gland can increase in size from 20 g (0.71 oz), which is the average size of the prostate in younger men, to as large as 150 g (5.31 oz).

As the prostate grows, it constricts the urethra, possibly causing a partial obstruction of the bladder, may lead to bladder wall thickening and urination problems.

Symptoms such as frequent urination (at night), a feeling of urgency to urinate, difficulty emptying the bladder, and a weak urinary stream are the most common problems.

Treatment options for BPH, incl. medications that either shrink the prostate gland or relax the smooth muscle in the prostate gland to alleviate the obstruction of the bladder.

The standard surgical procedure for removing the enlarged tissue in the prostate is called transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).

Prostate cancer: most common cancer in elderly men and the second most common cause of cancer-related death in men. Prostate cancer causes few if any symptoms in its early stages, but as it progresses it can lead to difficulties with urination and bleeding in the urinary tract, and the cancer can spread to other areas of the body.

Prostate cancer treated using hormones, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

Prostatitis: an inflammatory condition of the prostate that is most common in men ages 20 - 50.

1. Nonbacterial prostatitis: most common form.

It causes pelvic pain, problems with urination, discomfort after ejaculation, and lower back pain.

Treatment with medications: antibiotics, antispasmodics; less often, medications that relax the muscle in the prostate gland are administered.

2. Bacterial prostatitis: (sexually transmitted) bacterial infection in the prostate gland leads to infection, swelling, pain, and difficulty in urinating; the penis may release

bacterial fluid, and blood may appear in the urine.

In some cases bacterial prostatitis can cause a severe infection throughout the body, producing a dangerously high fever. Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics

but sometimes all of the infection cannot be eliminated from the prostate gland, and some men develop a chronically infected prostate.


Apis: Stinging during urination < when the final drops are passing. May involve the bladder. The prostate area swollen and very sensitive to touch. May be <: heat/being

in warm rooms; >: being out in open air/from cool bathing;

Barosma (Buccoöl)

Bufo-s.: [Dr. Mure] Research has suggested that Bufo-s (= cane toad) poison may have some applications in treating prostate cancer

Canth Postoperative Harnverhaltung nach Prostata-Operationen

Caust.: Urine loss coughing or sneezing. Once urine has started passing, may feel pressure or pulsation ext. from the prostate to the bladder. Also when sexual pleasure

during orgasm is absent or diminished.

Chim.: Prostate enlarged, with urine retention and frequent urging. May have “As if a ball is lodged in the pelvic floor”, or experience pressure, swelling, and soreness

< sitting down.

Clem.: Swelling of the prostate seems to have narrowed or tightened the urinary passage. Urine usually emerges slowly, in drops instead of a stream, with dribbling afterward.

Ferr-pic.: senile hypertrophy

Lyc.: Urine is slow to emerge, with pressure felt in the prostate both during and after urination. The prostate enlarged, and impotence may also be a problem. Often suffer from digestive problems with gas and bloating, and have an energy slump in the late afternoon.

Puls.: Prostate problems with discomfort after urination and pain ext. pelvis or into the bladder (often < lying on his back). Discharge bland, thick, yellow. Suited to emotional individuals who want a lot of affection and feel best in open air.

Sabal.: Frequent urge to urinate at night, with difficulty passing urine, and a feeling of coldness in the sexual organs. Sometimes also used in lower potencies for urinary incontinence in older men.

Staph.: Burning in his urinary passage even when urine is not flowing, and urine retention is troublesome. Are often sentimental and romantic, and may also have problems with impotence (often caused by shyness).

Thuja.: Prostate enlarged, and a frequent urge to urinate, with cutting or burning pain felt near the bladder neck. After urine passes, a dribbling sensation may be felt. Sometimes a forked or divided urine stream.

[Elaine Lewis]

Thuj.: The main one. Yellow-green urethral discharge, aching prostate, burning on urination, forked stream, dribbling. There may have been a history of gonorrhea/a bladder infection that was suppressed to the prostate with drugs. Thuja is to men as Sepia is to women. Thuja has a weak prostate, Sepia has a weak uterus.

Cann-s: “As if a ball in the anal region” a keynote (Sepia). Backache after sex. Dribbling of urine, strains to urinate with a feeble stream. Gonorrhea.

Very close to Thuja and Med.

Canth:  Severe cystits, burning, urine is hot, constant urging, intolerable urging, scanty urination, blood in the urine, mucus in the urine, crying and screaming in pain. Cystitis that goes to the kidneys. Pain before, during and after urination. May or may not have a fever. Blood in urine, pain before, during and after, history of suppressed cystitis. Every drop of urine feels hot or burns.

Clem: For the prostate and testicles. Enlarged prostate with interrupted flow. Urethra feels constricted and tight. Bruised, achy feeling in the testicles. This is a poison ivy remedy also.

Ph-ac: Prostate infection with severe exhaustion. There may be a thirst for cold drinks and refreshing things like sodas. Impotency with history of gonorrhea, sexual excesses or recurring prostatitis.

Prunus africanum

Sabal: = Saw Palmetto Ø Organ remedy for the prostate, a prostate tonic. 5 drops in ½ cup of water, drink it down– 3x daily.

Sel-met: Looks like Thuja. Weak prostate, dribbling of urine. Impotency.

Staph.: Prostate enlargement, inflammation, cutting pains, burning when not urinating, emission of prostatic fluid. Prostatitis after sex.

Sil: Abscess of the prostate gland. Urinating pus. Burning and soreness.

Nit-ac: Frequent urination, sharp sticking pains in the urethra. See Nitric acid under “bladder infections”.


[Dr. med. Jens Wurster]

Hauptmittel bei Prostatakrebs




Organotrope Mittel:



Uva ursi bei Blutungen


Cann-s.: Entzündung mit Brennen

[J. Ellis Barker]

Acute inflammation with tenesmus: Puls. Bell. Ferr-p. the most valuable remedies,

Sel-met. in the chronic form.

In beginning prostatic hypertrophy with some inflammation and urinary disturbance Sabal. 3x called the ”homoeopathic catheter”, it acts quickly and markedly on congestion. Ferr-pic. follows it.

Calc-f. and Equisetum hyemale tincture, often indicated in hypertrophy of medium severity.

By undoubted improvement, or if there is advanced sclerosis, we must think of the deep acting remedies such as Bar-c. or Con. Often there may be an adenoma or tumour

of grave origin.

Therapeutic note: Thymus gland given as drainage in case of prostate dysfunction.

[Maria Trebe]

Epilobium parviflorum. = Kleinblütiges Weideröschen

[Doktor Loder]

Spenglersan Kolloid A

[Ulrich Zenker]

Prostata Erkrankungen und deren Behandlungsmöglichkeiten mit homöopathischen Arzneimitteln

Eigentümliche und damit für den Homöopathen wichtige Individualsymptome können sich aus den folgenden Beschwerdebereichen ergeben:

Schmerzen der Prostata, deren Charakter und Modalitäten: meist drückend oder stechend, im Sitzen, Stehen, Gehen o.a.

Evtl. wahrgenommenes Organgefühl (Schwellung, Kugel, Schwere)

Auffälligkeiten der Ejakulation, z.B. blutig, schmerzhaft, unvollständig bzw. beim Koitus ausbleibend

Erektionsschwierigkeiten (zu kurz, schmerzhaft)

Harnröhrensymptome: Absonderungen von Prostatasekret (beim Stuhlgang, nach Urinieren o.a.)

Jucken (vor/während/nach Urinieren)

Schmerzen nach Ejakulation

Schmerzen, meist brennend, vor/während/nach dem Urinieren, in hinterer oder vorderer Harnröhre oder Meatus

Akute Abschwächung des Harnstrahls (entspricht einer Schwellung von Harnröhre oder Prostata)

Gefühllosigkeit / Empfindung fehlt beim Urinieren

Hodenbeschwerden / Samenstrangsbeschwerden:

Schmerzen und deren Ausstrahlung, Schwellung u.a. Rektale Schmerzen, deren Charakter und Ausbreitung Begleitende dysurische Beschwerden

Harnentleerung – nachts/mit plötzlichem Harndrang

Urintröpfeln vor oder nach der Miktion

Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit der Miktion

Restharngefühl u.a. Kausalität der Erkrankung (Kälte, unterdrückte Gonorrhoe, Alkohol usw.)

Evtl. begleitende Allgemeinsymptome (Fieber, Frösteln, Schweiß o.a.)

Bei der Mittelwahl ist die folgende Übersicht über einige homöopathische Arzneien und deren Differenzierung evtl. hilfreich (angegeben sind hier meist nur Lokalsymptome;

es versteht sich von selbst, dass Allgemeinsymptome, Geistes- und Gemütssymptome sowie die miasmatische Zuordnung des vorliegenden

Krankheitsbildes in die Mittelwahl mit einbezogen werden müssen).


Chim.: Häufiger Harndrang mit verzögerter Harnentleerung, Absonderung von Prostatasekret beim Pressen und Stuhlgang

Der Betroffene hat eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser ist das Sitzen auf kaltem Untergrund.

Con.: Drückende, beißende oder stechende Prostataschmerzen,verzögerte Blasenentleerung

Auslöser ist die Unterdrückung des sexuellen Verlangens.

>: Im Stehen;

Dig.: Pulsieren der Prostata, häufiger nächtlicher Harndrang, tröpfelndes Wasserlassen, Restharngefühl

Auslöser ist die Unterdrückung des sexuellen Verlangens.

<: Sitzend;

[Dr. Luc De Schepper]

Urine retention caused by an enlarged prostate. A strong desire to urinate but it is impossible for the patient to do so. He also feels his heart beating in his bladder and a constant urge to urinate at night. “As if the bladder is always full”, even after urination;

Sep.: Begleiterscheinungen sind eine Empfindlichkeit auf Feuchtigkeit und Nässe. Auslöser ist eine chronische Prostatitis nach Gonorrhoe.

Puls.: Gefühl der Hitze in der Prostata, drückende oder stechende Schmerzen nach Harnentleerung

Eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser ist eine chronische Prostatitis nach Gonorrhoe.

Cop.: Stechende Schmerzen beim Wasserlassen, aber kein Brennen, Wasser tröpfelt

Eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser sind Nässe, Verkühlung und unterdrückte Gonorrhoe.

Med.: Chronischer Ausfluss, wässriges, dickes, fadenziehendes Ejakulat

Begleiterscheinungen sind, dass der Betroffene eine Empfindlichkeit auf Feuchtigkeit und Nässe hat. Auslöser ist eine sykotische Belastung.

Sil.: Absonderung von Prostataflüssigkeit bei Stuhlgang, drückender oder bohrender Hodenschmerz

Der Betroffene hat eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser ist ein Prostatitis/ Prostataabszess.

Bei Wetterumschwung von warm nach kalt.

Staph.: Unangenehmes, schmerzhaftes, erschwertes Wasserlassen, unfreiwillige Harnentleerung

Auslöser sind die Vergrößerung der Prostata, chronische Entzündungen, Kummer, Empörung, Entrüstung, Emotionsunterdrückung.

Beim Reiten oder Fahren.

Nux-v.: Um Wasserlassen herum krampfartige, einschnürende Schmerzen von Blase, Harnleiter und Samenstrang

Der Betroffene hat eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser ist die Vergrößerung der Prostata, chronische Entzündung, Kummer, Empörung, Entrüstung, Emotionsunterdrückung.

<: Nach Alkoholgenuss;

Cycl.: Um Wasserlassen herum krampfartige, einschnürende Schmerzen von Blase, Harnleiter und Samenstrang

Deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit. Auslöser ist die Vergrößerung der Prostata, chronische Entzündung, Kummer, Empörung, Entrüstung, Emotionsunterdrückung.

<: gehend;

Thuj.: Übel riechender Samenerguss, Schweiß im Genitalbereich möglich

Begleiterscheinungen der Betroffene hat eine Empfindlichkeit auf Feuchtigkeit und Nässe hat. Auslöser ist eine unterdrückte Gonorrhoe und weitere Zeichen der Sykosis.

Sulph.: Drückender, einschnürender Schmerz, wässriges Ejakulat, abgeschwächter Harnstrahl

Begleiterscheinungen eine deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit und einen plötzlichen Harndrang bei Kälte oder Nässe verspürt. Auslöser ist eine unterdrückte Gonorrhoe und weitere Zeichen der Sykosis.

<: Durch Gehen und nach Alkoholgenuss;


Zu beachten:

Bei banalen Erkrankungen kann jeder selbst entscheiden, ob die Einnahme von Globuli sinnvoll erscheint oder nicht. Bei einer Prostatitis kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass nach Einnahme des passenden Arzneimittels eine rasche und eindeutige Besserung innerhalb von 24 Stunden eintritt. Bleibt diese Besserung aus, so sollte spätestens

dann umgehend ein Urologe hinzugezogen werden, der gegebenenfalls eine antibiotische Therapie einleiten muss. Ärzte mit der Zusatzbezeichnung „Homöopathie“ sind

im Gegensatz zu Heilpraktikern approbierte Ärzte und werden in akuten Notfallsituationen erkennen, wenn zu anderen Mitteln gegriffen werden muss.


Deutliche Kälteempfindlichkeit: Sil. Puls. Sulph. Chim-u. Nux-v. Lyc. Cop.

EmpfindLICH auf Nässe und Feuchtigkeit: Med. Sep. Thuj.

Causa bei Chima-u.: 1. oft Sitzen auf kaltem Untergrund; 2. entwickelt sich krankhafter Harndrang mit verzögerter Harnentleerung sowie eine

urethrale Reizung mit Absonderung von Prostatasekret beim Pressen und Stuhlgang.

Con.: (neben Ph-ac.) das Mittel für Prostatabeschwerden nach Unterdrückung des sexuellen Verlangens, v.a. wenn gleichzeitig eine Erektionsstörung besteht.

Drückende, beißende oder stechende Schmerzen der eigentümliche und damit für den Homöopathen wichtige Individualsymptome können sich aus den

folgenden Beschwerdebereichen ergeben:

Schmerzen der Prostata, deren Charakter und Modalitäten: meist drückend oder stechend, im Sitzen, Stehen, Gehen o.a.

Evtl. wahrgenommenes Organgefühl (Schwellung, Kugel, Schwere)

Auffälligkeiten der Ejakulation, z. B. blutig, schmerzhaft, unvollständig bzw. beim Koitus ausbleibend Erektionsschwierigkeiten (zu kurz, schmerzhaft)


Absonderungen von Prostatasekret (beim Stuhlgang, nach Urinieren)

Jucken (vor/während/nach Urinieren)

Schmerzen nach Ejakulation

Schmerzen, meist brennend, vor/während/nach dem Urinieren, in hinterer oder vorderer Harnröhre oder Meatus

Akute Abschwächung des Harnstrahls (entspricht einer Schwellung von Harnröhre oder Prostata)

Gefühllosigkeit / Empfindung fehlt beim Urinieren

Hodenbeschwerden / Samenstrangsbeschwerden: Schmerzen und deren Ausstrahlung, Schwellung u.a. Rektale Schmerzen, deren Charakter und Ausbreitung

Begleitende dysurische Beschwerden

Harnentleerung - mit plötzlichem Harndrang/nachts

Urintröpfeln vor oder nach der Miktion

Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit der Miktion

Restharngefühl u.a. Kausalität der Erkrankung (Kälte, unterdrückte Gonorrhoe, Alkohol usw.)

Evtl. begleitende Allgemeinsymptome (Fieber, Frösteln, Schweiß o.a.)

Bei der Mittelwahl ist die folgende Übersicht über einige homöopathische Arzneien und deren Differenzierung evtl. hilfreich (angegeben sind hier meist

Prostatitiden treten erstmals oft schon im dritten oder vierten Lebensjahrzehnt, meist als Folge einer Durchnässung oder Verkühlung auf.

Die Symptome der akuten Entzündung sind Fieber, evtl. auch Schüttelfrost, einhergehend mit dysurischen Beschwerden. Meist besteht schmerzhafter

Harndrang und eine Pollakisurie sowie ein schweres allgemeines Krankheitsgefühl.

Ist die Prostata einmal von Bakterien besiedelt, so entwickelt sich oft eine chronische Prostatitis mit rezidivierenden Infektionen von Blase, Nebenhoden und Harnröhre.

Die eigentlichen Symptome der Prostata bei chronischer Entzündung sind uncharakteristisch. Oft werden Beschwerden wie Unterbauchschmerzen, Schmerzen des Beckenbodens und dergleichen von unerfahrenen Therapeuten fehl interpretiert. Erst wenn Symptome wie blutiges Ejakulat oder Infektzeichen der die Prostata umgebenden Organe (Blase, Harnröhre, Nebenhoden, Rektum) auftreten, wird klar, dass ein urologisches Krankheitsbild vorliegt.

Da ein akuter Infekt beim Mann oft eine Exazerbation einer chronischen Grunderkrankung ist (Prostataadenom, chronische Prostatitis, funktionelle Blasenentleerungsstörung anderer Art), muss die homöopathische Behandlung -soll sie erfolgreich sein- auch diese Grundkrankheit mit einbeziehen.

Bei chronischen Entzündungen empfehle ich vorrangig die (klassische) Homöopathie. Hier hat die Schulmedizin nicht viel zu bieten. Die Verordnung von Antibiotika,

u.U. mehrmals pro Jahr bzw. sogar als Dauertherapie, oder gar die Operation der Prostata bei chronischer Prostatitis sind Zeichen der Hilflosigkeit, mit der die heutige Medizin diesen Krankheitsbilder gegenübersteht. Durch die Gabe von -nach klassischer Anamnese ausgewählten- Homöopathika läßt sich die Erkrankung fast ausnahmslos ausheilen oder zumindest so weit in Griff kriegen, dass -auch langfristig- kein nennenswerter Leidensdruck mehr besteht.

Die wichtigsten und häufigsten Prostataerkrankungen sind die Prostatitis, das Prostataadenom sowie das Prostatakarzinom. Ursache und Symptome dieser Krankheiten sind sehr variabel; daher ist auch deren Therapie unterschiedlich. Traditionell haben Phytotherapeutika einen großen Stellenwert bei der Behandlung der Prostatitis sowie des Adenoms. Das Prostatakarzinom erfordert eine individuell nach Persönlichkeit und Gemüt des Patienten ausgewählte Therapie. Das Spektrum erstreckt sich von der

sofortigen Operation bis hin zum (auch langfristig beabsichtigtem) kontrollierten Zuwarten unter lokaler Kontrolle. Dann wären ergänzende immunregulative

Maßnahmen, wie z.B. auch die Gabe von Homöopathika, sehr sinnvoll.


Die Entzündung der Prostata entwickelt sich in der Regel aus einer nicht bemerkten, einer „verschleppten“ oder nicht ausbehandelten Cystitis. In manchen Fällen kommt

es auch nach einer schweren Atemwegsinfektion zu einer fortgeleiteten Entzündung der Prostata. Auch andere chronische Infektionsherde, wie z.B. ein unter Eiter stehender Zahn, können Schübe einer rezidivierenden Prostatitis auslösen.

Arzneien, bei denen die Prostata verspürt wird Mittel, bei denen die Prostata verspürt wird (Kugel, Schwere, Schwellung, Fülle):

Chim-u. Con. Dig. Sep. Puls. Cop. Med. Cub. Sil. Staph. Nux-v. Berb. Cycl. Thuj. Sulph.

Calc.: neben < Kälte einige Auffälligkeiten beim Koitus: brennende Ejakulation, brennende oder stechende Schmerzen in der Harnröhre nach dem Koitus (Cub. Merc. Sep. Sulph. Thuj.), vorzeitige Ejakulation, dazu auch stechende Schmerzen in den Samensträngen und Dysurie < Feuchtigkeit/Nässeeinwirkung/Stehen auf kaltem Boden.

Kali-bi.: Ein weiteres wichtiges Mittel mit Bezug zu Prostataerkrankungen. Es hat Stechen als typische Schmerzqualität, < gehend. in der vorderen Harnröhre besteht ein brennendes Gefühl, meist während und nach der Miktion. Eigentümlich ist die Empfindung von nach der Miktion weiterhin fließendem Harn oder von in der Harnröhre zurückbleibendem Harn.

Aur-met.: ebenfalls Stechend. Wenn die Hoden in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden, brennende Ejakulation besteht und evtl. eine schmerzhafte Harnretention, urethrale Symptomatik ist untypisch.

Lyc.: Prostataschmerz ist stechend oder drückend und tritt vorwiegend während und nach der Miktion auf. Es besteht eine Schmerzausstrahlung zur Blase, Harnröhre, Glans penis und Anus; tröpfelnde Harnentleerung um 16 h., abends und nachts; Harninkontinenz im Stehen.

Cycl.: häufig nur Prostatasymptome: Stechen bei Harn-/Stuhldrang oder während der Harnentleerung bzw. drückende oder tiefe innere Verletzung wahrgenommener Eingrif (Cystoskopie).

< Gehen Sulph. (Kali-bi./Cycl.); drückender oder einschnürender Schmerz sowie Auffälligkeiten der Ejakulation (Brennen, wässriges Ejakulat, unvollständige Ejakulation) vervollständigen das lokale Bild; oft bestehen Blasenentleerungsstörungen (nächtlicher Harndrang, plötzlicher Harndrang bei Kälte oder Nässe).

Hep.: abszedierender Entzündung (+ SCHMERZ/Kälteempfindlichkeit, ins Skrotum und die Oberschenkel ausstrahlende Schmerzen und evtl. ein Pulsieren des Skrotums vorliegen. Beschwerden nach Alkoholgenuss o. <: Hep. Sulph. Puls. Nux-v. Calc. Merc.

Nux-v.: zeigt darüber hinaus große Kälteempfindlichkeit, krampfartige, einschnürende Schmerzen von Blase (vor, während und nach der Miktion), Urethra

(mit evtl. Blutung) und Samenstrang.

Merc.: wichtigste Mittel, wenn die Ejakulation blutig ist. Nächtlicher Harndrang, dicke grünliche oder gelbe urethrale Absonderungen treten genauso auf wie stechende Schmerzen in der gesamten Harnröhre ziehend.

Thuj.: [Schweiß im Genitalbereich, ein übel riechendes Ejakulat sowie viele Störungen des Harnflusses (Tröpfeln vor und nach der Miktion, unvollständige Harnentleerung, Miktion in mehreren Portionen usw.)] und Dig. (Prostataschmerz im Sitzen, häufigen Harndrang nachts, tröpfelnde Miktion, unfreiwilligen Urinverlust bei hinausgezögertem Harndrang, Engegefühl der Harnröhre mit Restharngefühl sowie evtl. die seltene Empfindung des Pulsierens der Prostata).

Staph.: Schmerzverschlimmerung fahren oder reitend; Blasensymptome (Dysurie, unfreiwillige Harnentleerung u. v. m.) sind vorrangig; Folgen von Kummer, Entrüstung, Zorn; im urologischen Fachbereich findet sich meist ein zurückliegender, als Prostata, sowie eine Blasenlähmung mit Besserung im Stehen auf.

Puls.: Hitze in der Prostata, Drücken oder Stechen nach der Harnentleerung, Kribbeln in der Harnröhre mit Hämaturie sowie Hodenschmerzen abends oder im Sitzen.

Sil.: A. Starke Kälteempfindlichkeit; die Prostata ist hart, am Hoden wird ein drückender oder bohrender Schmerz, auch wie gequetscht, empfunden; die Miktion macht meist keine Probleme.

Nit-ac.: Kälte und Krämpfe der Harnröhre sowie Splitterschmerz von Prostata und Harnröhre, Blasensymptome sind seltener.

Med.: Sykotischen Merkmalen (Folgen unterdrückter Gonorrhoe) ist evtl. angezeigt, vor allem, wenn chronischer Ausfluß besteht; auch Auffälligkeiten im Ejakulat (wässrig, dick, faden)

Sulph.. < Gehen bei Prostatitis. Drückender oder einschnürender Schmerz sowie Auffälligkeiten der Ejakulation (Brennen, wässriges Ejakulat, unvollständige Ejakulation)




[Jürgen Weiland]

Ulrich Zenker / Lehrbeispiel Nux vomica / HZ I 2009 / S.75-79

immer wieder jedoch stößt der aufmerksame Zuhörer auf eigentümliche Symptome, die im Vorfeld der Erkrankung über längere Zeit bestanden haben, z B. uncharakteristische Hodenschmerzen, Erektionsstörungen, Leistenbeschwerden, eine Prostatitis oder evtl. auch eine Periproktitis. Man hat den Eindruck, dass der Körper sehr wohl auf die Karzinomerkrankung hinweist, aber nur zu uncharakteristischer Symptomenproduktion in der Lage ist.

Natürlich ist auch hier eine ganzheitliche Anamnese obligat; Krankheitsursachen im homöopathischen Sinn können die gleichen sein wie beim Prostataadenom aufgeführt.

„Die Prostata spielt Katz und Maus mit mir“

Prinzipiell kommt jedes Mittel als Simillimum in Betracht. Da ein Prostataadenom nicht durch Arzneimittelprüfung entsteht, gibt die Hautprubrik (Prostata – Vergrößerung) allenfalls Hinweise auf Mittel, die sich aus klinischer Erfahrung als nützlich erwiesen haben.



Quecksilber, Abusus von

Impfung, nach

Sexuell, Sexualtrieb, Unterdrückung von, agg.

Sexuell, Exzesse, Beschwerden durch

Gemüt, Beschwerden durch: Entrüstung/finanziellen Verlust/Kränkung, Erniedrigung, Verdruss/Trauer, Kummer, Sorge/Zölibat, Enthaltsamkeit/Zorn, Verärgerung

Haut, Hautausschläge unterdrückt u.a.


Die Problematik der homöopathischen Behandlung einer Karzinomerkrankung ist jedem verantwortungsvoll handelndem Arzt bewusst. Wenn nach Erhebung und Interpretation der Voruntersuchungen (Staging) eine Kuration des Leidens erreicht werden kann, so muss der Schulmedizin Vorrang gegenüber der Homöopathie eingeräumt werden. Sollte der Patient dies ablehnen, so müssen gewichtige individuelle Gründe vorliegen, die dies rechtfertigen. Der Patient muss über die Tragweite seiner Entscheidung ausführlich aufgeklärt werden.

Das Prostatakarzinom nimmt jedoch aus mehreren Gründen unter den Karzinomerkrankungen eine besondere Stellung ein. Da bekannt ist, dass viele Männer mit Prostatakarzinom leben ohne jemals ziehende Schmerzen im Gehen oder Sitzen. Außer gewaltsamer anfallsartiger Harnentleerung tritt kaum eine Begleitsymptomatik auf.

Sabal serrulata ist hilfreich bei chronischer Entzündung und Prostatahypertrophie mit brennendem Samenerguß, Kältegefühl der Blase, tröpfelnder oder verzögerter Blasenentleerung und häufigem nächtlichen Harndrang mit uncharakteristischen Schmerzen im Schambereich.

Rhus-t.: Stechend schmerzhafter Harndrang, brennender Schmerz in der hinteren Harnröhre, Prostataschmerz im Sitzen sowie Hautausschläge an Eichel und Skrotum

Staph.: D6, zusätzlich äußerlich Auflagen mit Eucalyptus Ol. 10% wa/w

Anwendungsgebiet: Harmonische Eingliederung der Empfindungsorganisation im Bereich der ableitenden Harnwege bei akuten und subakuten Entzündungserscheinungen, z.B. Cystopyelonephritis (Entzündung von Blase, Nierenbecken und Niere), Reizblase.



Das Prostataadenom ist die letztlich ätiologisch noch nicht geklärte Vergrößerung der periurethralen Drüsen der Prostata. Es entwickelt sich schleichend, d. h. meist im Laufe von vielen Jahren allmählich schlechter werdend, eine Dysurie mit Pollakisurie, imperativem Harndrang, Harnstrahlabschwächung,

Nachtröpfeln des Urins, unvollständiger Harnentleerung, Nykturie und ähnlichen Symptomen.

Da die Krankheit bereits über das Stadium der Regulationsstörung hinausgeht und bereits zu strukturellen Veränderungen des Organs führt, stellt die homöopathische Behandlung eine besondere Herausforderung an den Therapeuten dar. Erfahrungsgemäß ist die Verkleinerung eines Prostataadenoms mit homöopathischen Mitteln eine schwierige Aufgabe. Es ist daher bereits als Erfolg zu werten, wenn das Größenwachstum der Prostata zum Stillstand kommt, die subjektiv wahrgenommenen Beschwerden weniger werden und damit die Lebensqualität steigt.

Eine ganzheitliche homöopathische Anamnese nach klassischen Gesichtspunkten ist unerlässlich, insbesondere da die Repertoriumsrubriken der typischen Symptome (Blase: krankhafter Harndrang; Harndrang plötzlich / muss sich beeilen zur Harnentleerung; Harnentleerung unvollständig / tröpfelnd; tröpfeln nach Harnentleerung / verzögert / häufig nachts / schwacher Strahl) zu groß sind, nahezu in alle Polychreste enthalten und daher zur Mittelfindung ungeeignet sind.

Im Beispielfall wurde Mercurius u.a. verordnet wegen der Prostata Entzündung, sehr starker stechender Schmerzen und der Verzweiflung, die zu Selbstmordgedanken führte.


Cantharis Blasen wa: (Enthält: Achillea ex herba D3, Cantharis ex animale Gl D6, Equisetum arvense ex herba D3, Vesica urinaria bovis Gl D7);

Chronische Reizblase. Neurasthenischer Konstitution.

Postoperative Harnverhaltung nach Prostata-Operationen

Wirkungseintritt: Nach 1–2 Wochen.

Weitere Empfehlungen: Eventuell ergänzt durch 3x tgl. 10 Tr.


[Shiv Dua]

"Prostate is a King gland because queens do not have it. It is a proprietary providence of male's prowess to be called a Turash'.

Many aged patients having prostate complaints coming. Before reading this article, they never thought of the existence of this gland and they always held kidneys responsible for their urine problems.

The fact is that more than seventy 5% our male population lives in rural areas and most of them do not know about the names of glands like Prostate. This is unfortunate that people are trained to earn livelihood, trained to keep good health, trained to keep off vices but not trained to know their body parts. Parents tell their children to take milk, butter, ghee or non-vegetari an meals and also about exercise but no one tells them about working of our body. Imparting this knowledge is left to the school teachers. If a student learns something about human body during his study course, prostate does not come up in the primary functioning of body until there is a higher study of medicine.

Even if people are told about the prostate and its connection with sexual activity, they would resort to celibacy or avoid sex rather than going in for treatment or operation.

For them, anything connected with urine problems is due to less intake of water or 'Lassi' or 'Chhachh'. In big cities and towns where people are better educated, they are aware of prostate problems but still they avoid its operation, thinking that it is a symbol of their existing sexual power, which they do not want to part with.

In the name of psycho-analysis (Freud), many doctors say that sexual activity entertains mind and dissolves tensions. It is a materialistic view of modern era and has no scientific basis. Freud does not say that one should indulge in sex only to entertain or erase tensions.

His saying is that it should not be suppressed. Indian people are traditionally bound to think that conservation of semen through celibacy means prolonged life and youthfulness.

According to 'Vedas', loss of semen is death and its absorption in the body is life. We have two types of secretions - internal and external. Some internal secretions, when absorbed in the body, keep the body healthy and prolong longevity. Man can overcome old age diseases (prostate enlargement or prostate cancer included) by preservation

of semen. By its loss, the life is shortened. When an old man, of say seventy years, indulges in prolonged sexual act, his blood pressure increases and when it is difficult

to cope up with this increased pressure, it ends in paralysis or brain hemorrhage. This also means that an old man indulging in sex is putting undue pressure on his prostate

for release of fluid. Where is the necessity to do so when the efficiency of prostate is on the decline?

It is supposed to be left idle. Many doctors do not agree to this argument and say that prostate must be kept active for prolonged life of the gland.

According to ancient Vedic system, the life of man is hundred years. At the age of fifty, he enters 'Vaanprastha ashram.'

After the age of fifty, no one should enter into sexual acts, if he desires to live up to one hundred years.

We are Indians and should believe in Indian system of living. Why should we leave our'thinking and way of life and adopt western materialism, thinking, eating habits

and their sex 'adventures' like anal/oral/unnatural sex?

'We should preserve precious semen after the age of fifty and let it get absorbed in the body to avoid diseases of Torush granthi', says the golden Indian philosophy.

Prostate is an organ that is most susceptible to cancer and no one knows when it develops and when to start preventive treatment. No other human organ in .our body is

so much prone to cancer as is the prostate. In America, more than two lakh (= 2000) men fall victim to prostate cancer each year.

About forty thousand men die of prostate cancer each year in America. When, in a country like America, with advanced medical awareness among people has such a toll

of deaths, one can imagine the state of prostate cancer in India. How many Indian men die of prostate cancer? There is no record about it because of lack of data and information fed to the government hospitals. The facilities of curing prostate cancer or removal of gland in the villages and small towns are missing and hence villagers die of cancer without any record of it in dispensaries. Even if the facilities are made available one cannot educate the people on this aspect overnight. In western countries, medical awareness is far superior to eastern countries. USA has government and non-government organizations, which keep record, advise and console patients of cancer, thyroid and prostate etc.

They have made societies like Thyroid, Cancer or Prostate Care.

There is a practical problem in diagnosing prostate enlargement and cancer of prostate gland. By the time, the symptoms appear, the gland is already enlarged or having carcinoma. The conventional check systems, pathological tests and electronic gadgets do help but there is still scope for such an investigating tool that could serve the purpose of early diagnosis of this disease. Recently it has been reported that a rapid check system has been installed in Mumbai's Jaslok Hospital that does the JOB!, scanning in seconds. This is done by light speed Volume Computed Tomography called VCT, which is the fastest quick-fix diagnostic tool.

Government has recognized six systems of medicines namely Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, Sidha and Yoga/Naturopathy. In this book, Prostate, has been dealt with Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Yoga/Naturopathy so that the readers have options to resort to. The aim is to bring home cure before surgery is done. If early home treatment is undertaken at the onset of primary symptoms, there is every scope that operation to remove prostate gland is averted.


[Dr. Ajit Kulkarni]

Discusses the prostate gland in terms of structure and function as well as sexuality, masculinity, and identity. Samples cases are included to illustrate.

Abstract: The author underscores the importance of the prostate gland in terms of its structure and function, semen and sexuality, masculinity and identity and masculinity

and its crisis in the modern civilized human species. The author  also discusses the prostate gland with reference to materia medica, repertory and sample cases.

The relationship between Hahnemann’s concept of Totality and the Biopsychosocial model of Engel are explored.

The word ‘prostate’ is from the Greek meaning “one who stands before,” which describes the position of the prostate gland. Viewed from below, where the urethra leaves

the gland, the prostate “stands before” the bladder.

The prostate gland is found only in the male, having no female counterpart. The prostate gland reflects the masculinity.

Fertilization is possible due to the prostate gland. The prostate gland plays a vital role in continuing the human species.

The sperm is a person’s passport, his identity.

Complete Dynamics: Repertory rubrics

    Male; general (838 remedies)

    Boger’s General Analysis 7; male organs: agn arg-n AUR cann-s canth cinnb CLEM con GRAPH LYC MERC NIT-AC NUX-V plat PULS rhod RHUS-T spong

    staph SULPH THUJ

    Complete Dynamics: Male; prostate gland (241)

It is an accessory gland of the male reproductive system found only in some mammals. Only mammals have prostates. By definition, only mammals have breasts, as well. Breasts and prostates seem to have evolved on parallel tracks. The prostate first appeared in males when females developed breasts and fed their children with breast milk.

Today, breast cancer and prostate cancer seem to be two sides of the same coin. Countries with high rates of breast cancer tend to have high rates of prostate cancer.

And countries with low rates of prostate cancer have relatively few cases of breast cancer. The saga of human evolution is the story of two male glands, both of which produce fluid that makes up semen. One gland, the prostate, is prone to cancer. The other, the seminal vesicle, rarely gets afflicted with cancer.

    Male; cancer; prostate gland: absin. aesc. agn. alum. am-c. am-m. apis. arn. ars. aur-m. b-ray. bar-c. bar-i. benz-ac. cadm. cadm-f. cadm-p. cadm-s. calc-i. caust. cham. chim. CON. cop. crot-h. cycl. dig. euph. ferr-pic. graph. ham. hydrang. iod. ion-rad. kali-cy. lyc. med. pall. phyt. plb. polytr. psor. puls. ruth. sabal. sars. sel. senec. SEP. sil. staph. sulfonam. sulph. thuj. thymol

Is the emergence of “masculinity in crisis” responsible for increase in prostrate related diseases especially cancer of the prostate? Is the feminist movement responsible for females to be masculine, given growing industrialization and  replacement of labour by technology and hence there are more breast cancer cases?

Is physical strength of men being reduced and more entry of females in the workforce responsible for the incompatibility between male and female?

Does the transitional experience of males with cancer of the prostrate to castrate the testicles, to cut off the supply of testosterone to the prostate gland and to make the gland defunct, and thus drastically reduce the masculinity reflect the incompatibility. Doe this further shift the male to the female side through injecting female hormones, for the sake of survival, lead to the gender identity crisis.

    Mind; effeminate: bar-c. bar-i. calc. fl-ac. herin. hoch. iod. lyc. petr. PLAT-met. PLUT-N. PULS. sil. STAPH. Syph.

    Mind; consciousness expanded; female consciousness: argo. calop-s.

    Mind; confusion of mind; identity, as to his; sexual: agl-u. bar-s. biti-a. chlam-t. frax. graphi-a. hoch. hydrog. irid. medus. musc-d. oplo-h. peg-h. posit.

    Mind; dress, dresses; boyish, in girls: nat-m. plat-met. staph.

    Mind; dress, dresses; cross dressing: crypt-n. graphi-a. ind. nat-m. plat-met. staph.

A triangular body in male, the size and shape of a chestnut, that lies immediately in front of the bladder with its apex directed down and forward. The prostatic portion of the urethra extends through it, passing from the bladder to the penis.

This prostate contains 15–20 branched, tubular glands which form lobules. The gland ducts open into the urethra. Between the gland clusters, or alveoli, there is a dense, fibrous connecting tissue, the stroma, which also forms a tough capsule around the gland, continuous with the bladder wall. Penetrating the prostate to empty into the urethra are the ejaculatory ducts from the seminal vesicles which are located above and behind the organ. The prostatic gland secretes a viscid, alkaline fluid which aids in sperm motility and in neutralizing the acidity of the vagina, thus enhancing fertilization.

In gross anatomy, the prostate gland is described as consisting of lobes and in microanatomy by zones. It is surrounded by a fibromuscular capsule and contains glandular tissue as well as connective tissue.

    Generalities; connective tissue: aids. alum. anthr. APIS. ars. BAR-C. BAR-M. bell. calc. calc-br. calc-f. caps. CARB-AN. carb-v. clem. CON. cyrt-p. digox. echi-a. euph-pe. ferr-i. fl-ac. graph. hep. holm. iod. kali-c. KALI-I. LAP-A. LIL-T. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc-i-r. merc-v. MYRIS. NAT-HCHLS. nit-ac. phos. phyt. puls. RHUS-T. sec. seneg. sep. SIL. spong. staph. strept. sul-i. sulph. SYPH.

    Boger’s General Analysis 7; fibrous tissue: BRY. CALC. calc-f. colch. FL-AC. GRAPH. GUAI. KALI-M. LYC. phyt. rhod. rhus-t. ruta. sabin. SEC. SIL

The prostate gland is dependent on the hormonal secretions of the testes for growth and development. When production of the male hormone (androgen) decreases, the prostate begins to degenerate.

Normally changes occur in the prostate as a man ages. Between the fourth and sixth decades there is atrophy of the smooth muscles and an increase in fibrous scar tissue, collagen fibres (protein strands), and numbers of lymph cells. When a man passes the age of 60 years, the organ is largely replaced by fibrous tissue.

The prostate gland produces most of the fluid in semen, the substance that is emitted during ejaculation as part of the male sexual response. This prostatic fluid is slightly alkaline, milky or white in appearance.

The alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging the lifespan of sperm. The prostatic fluid is expelled in the first part of ejaculate, together with most of the sperm, because of the action of smooth muscle tissue within the prostate.

In comparison with the few spermatozoa expelled together with mainly seminal vesicular fluid, those in prostatic fluid have better motility, longer survival, and better protection of genetic material. The prostatic fluid prepares and maintains the healthy environment for the sperms. Functions of the prostate gland are unique.

When sperm is emitted, it is transmitted from the vas deferens into the male urethra via the ejaculatory ducts, which lie within the prostate gland.  Ejaculation is the expulsion of semen from the urethra as a result of orgasm and the final stage and natural objective of male sexual stimulation and an essential component of natural conception.

Semen is moved into the urethra following contractions of the smooth muscle of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles, following stimulation, primarily of the glans penis.

Stimulation sends nerve signals via the internal pudendal nerves to the upper lumbar spine; the nerve signals causing contraction act via the hypogastric nerves. After traveling into the urethra, the seminal fluid is ejaculated by contraction of the bulbocavernosus muscle.

The secretions of the prostate include  proteolytic enzymes,  prostatic acid phosphatase, fibrinolysin, zinc and prostate-specific antigen. Together with the secretions from the seminal vesicles, these form the major fluid part of semen.

It is possible for some men to achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or anal intercourse. The penis is not the exclusive organ to give the orgasm.

Many symptoms such as embarrassment, anxiety, guilt, frustration, decreased libido etc. are developed due to diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), chronic prostatitis, neurogenic bladder etc.

Urinary urgency triggers a frantic hunt for a bathroom and embarrasses even the most placid gent, and frequent urination at night which interrupts sleep can only add to mental distress.

Men who reported high levels of recent stress had more difficulty emptying their bladders than men who did not experience recent stress. The post-voiding residual urine was observed more in patients who had chronic stress.

A rich network of nerves surrounds the prostate and may explain the link between the mind and the prostate, between stress and symptoms. Treatment of prostate disorders, hence, involves the psycho-neuro-endocrine system.

The hypothalamus controls the endocrine system’s “master gland,” the pituitary. In turn, the pituitary regulates the production of many hormones, including the male hormone testosterone. Enlargement of the prostate depends on testosterone. Long-term changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular connection affect the growth of the prostate.

The other possibility involves the sympathetic nervous system. Stress triggers the release of adrenaline. The prostate and the bladder neck contain alpha-receptors that respond to adrenaline by stimulating smooth muscle cells in the prostate and bladder.

When the muscle cells contract, they narrow the urethra, making it harder for a man to empty his bladder. By activating the sympathetic nervous system, stress may slow the flow of urine in men with BPH and prevent the bladder from emptying completely.

The sympathetic nervous system may also play a role in the link between hypertension and symptoms of BPH. Since hypertension may indicate increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, high blood pressure and stress could share a common mechanism for increasing the severity of BPH symptoms.

In addition to stress, the factors such as age, testosterone, various growth factors, genetics, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and diet play a role in prostate diseases.

Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis [chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS0)] is an all-too-common G-U condition in men. It’s characterized by episodes of pain and discomfort

that come and go unpredictably, trouble urinating and sexual dysfunction. Although not life-threatening, it can certainly degrade a man’s quality of life and lead to depression.

Researchers found that poor emotional health, high levels of stress and a lack of social support were associated with a history of prostatitis. The findings were consistent with those of a 2002 Harvard study which observed that men who reported severe stress at work or home were 1.2 and 1.5 times more likely to report prostatitis, respectively, than those whose lives were relatively stress-free.

Stress also seems to heighten prostatitis pain, according to researchers in Seattle.

The common forms of prostate disease are inflammation, BPH and prostate cancer. Prostatitis can affect men of any age, but it is more common in younger men, between

30 and 50 years and the main types are bacterial and non-bacterial.

Possible causes of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS0) include: past bacterial prostatitis infection, irritation from some chemicals, problem with the nerves connecting the lower urinary tract, problem with pelvic floor muscles, spinal cord injury, sexual abuse and chronic anxiety problems.

The presence of prostatic disease in itself can be a significant cause of sexual problems by the very nature of the distressful ‘waterworks’ symptoms which are associated with BPE or prostate cancer.

Ejaculation is a synchronized cascade of events that has the ultimate goal of activating sperm and enabling them to reach an egg for fertilization. The seminal plasma contains a complex mixture of fluids that is secreted from the testes, epididymis and male accessory glands. The prostate gland has a pivotal role in this process, as prostatic fluid enriched in Zn2+, citrate and kallikreins is crucial for the molecular synchronization of the functional cascade triggered by ejaculatory stimuli.

    Male; emission of prostatic fluid, prostatorrhea; orgasm, before: Cact.

    Male; emission of prostatic fluid, prostatorrhea; ejaculation, seminal emission, with: Aesc. Agn. Merc.

The researchers found that men who did ejaculation the most (at least 21x a month) had about a 20% lower chance of prostate cancer, compared with those who did it less

(4 to 7 times a month). That was true in several age groups.

    Mind; cheerfulness; emissions, pollutions, after seminal: lach. pip-m.

    Mind; comfort, sensation of; emissions, pollutions, seminal, after: lach sang

    Generalities; emissions, pollutions, seminal; amel.: agn. calc. CALC-P. elaps. LACH. naja. phos. sil. sulph. ZINC-met

. . . . Male > coition: ambr. CAMPH. fl-ac. GRAPH. m-aust. merc. nux-v. PH-AC.

    Generalities; > after coition: ambr. arist-cl. bamb-a. CAMPH. CON. fl-ac. GRAPH. haliae-lc. herin. iod. lac-h. lac-m. lach. lsd. m-aust. MERC. mosch. nuph. nux-v. PH-AC. STAPH. sul-ac. tarent. ZINC-met.

Stimulating the prostate can have more benefits than just better orgasms. The stimulation can help flush out the prostate and increase blood flow to the pelvic area. It can help impotence and provide cancer prevention too. Prostate play is also a great option for those with erectile disfunction or persons who don’t want to engage their penis during sex.

Not everyone orgasms from just prostate stimulation. Stimulating the penis at the same time can add to the pleasure. However, it isn’t common to experience ‘dry orgasms’, allowing for multiple orgasms without ejaculation. Ejaculation orgasms require a waiting period between each one, while dry or prostate orgasms do not.

    Generalities; rubbing, massage, > friction; (300)

Erection is a matter of synchronous body function, which fills the penile tissue with blood, allowing it to swell and stand erect.  This process requires an orchestrated mechanism, led by blood vessels, endocrine, nervous and psychic system and obviously, any interference can affect the quality of an erection.

    Male; erections wanted, impotency (262)

    Male; emissions, pollutions, seminal; erection; with; painful:. cann-i. CANTH. GRAT. ign. KALI-C. merc. mosch. NIT-AC. nux-v. pic-ac. puls. sabal. thuj.

    Male; erections; wanting, impotency; old people, in: abr. agn. arg-n. dig. LYC. mosch. trib. yohim.

    Male; sexual, libido; desire; diminished; inflammation of prostate, in: sabal. STAPH.

    Male; inflammation; prostate gland, prostatitis; atony of sexual organs, with: sel-met.

    Male; sexual, libido; desire; increased; old men, in: AGN. arn. cann-i. FL-AC. ign. lyc. MOSCH. sel-met. staph. sulph.

Prostatic diseases can affect spermatozoa functioning and, therefore, male fertility. Consideration of prostate physiology emphasizes a number of points: the central role of Zn2+ and citrate in the regulation of prostate epithelium homeostasis and in ejaculation; the influence of bacteria-related prostatic inflammation on male fertility; and the potential role of prostatic inflammation in promoting the development of prostatic hyperplastic growth and carcinogenesis.

Prominent rubrics and related remedies for handling prostate cases (Complete Dynamics)

    Male; enlarged; prostate gland (143)

    Male; enlarged; prostate gland; old men, in: all-s. ALOE. asaf. BAR-C. BAR-M. BENZ-AC. CALC. CANN-I. carb-ac. chim. CIC. CON. DIG. FERR-PIC. hydrang. ichth. IOD. kali-p. lyc. mur-ac. nat-c. nux-v. pareir. PULS. SABAL. sec. SEL-met. sil. STAPH. sulph. terebe. THUJ. tritic-r. zinc-met

    Male; enlarged; chronic, prostate gland: BAR-C. CALC. CON. iod. NAT-C. phos. SPONG. SULPH. THUJ. Uva.

    Bladder; retention of urine; enlarged prostate, with: APIS. bell. benz-ac. CACT. canth. CHIM. coff. CON. DIG. Ferr-met. HEP. hyos. KALI-C. kali-i. LYC. merc-d.      morph. NAT-S. neod-c. PAREIR. polytr. PULS. SABAL. sep. SOLID. STAPH. stigm. stram. sulph. THUJ. TRITIC-R. zinc-met

    Urine; dribbling by drops; enlarged prostate, with: ALOE. arn. bar-c. bell. BENZ-AC. CON. COP. DIG. ferr-pic. HEP. LYC. mur-ac. NUX-V. pareir. petr. PULS. sabal. sel-met.. SEP.. STAPH. Stigma.

    Bladder; involuntary urination; old people, in; men with enlarged prostate: ALL-S. ALOE. apoc. CIC. dig. equis. hydrang. IOD. kali-p. nux-v. PAREIR. SEC. THUJ.

    Bladder; urination; frequent; prostate complaints, in: APIS. FERR-PIC. SABAL. STAPH. THUJ.

    Bladder; urination; difficult, dysuria; prostate gland complaints, in: APIS. CHIM. HYDRANG. MED. PAREIR. PETROS. staph. tritic-r.

    Male; inflammation; chronic; prostate gland: alum. anac. arg-met. AUR-met. bar-c. brach. calad. calc-p. carbn-s. caust. cic. clem. CON. fab. FERR-PIC. graph. hep. hydrc. iod. KALI-BI. kali-c. LYC. MERC. MERC-C. NIT-AC. NUX-V. PETR. phyt. pitu-a. PULS. pyrog. sabad. SABAL. SEL-met. senec. SEP. sil. solid. STAPH. sulph. THUJ. TRIB.

    Bladder; urination; feeble stream, slow, weak (119)

    Male; cancer; prostate gland: absin. aesc. agn. alum. am-c. am-m. apis. arn. ars. aur-m. b-ray. bar-c. bar-i. benz-ac. cadm. cadm-f. cadm-p. cadm-s. calc-i. caust. cham. chim. CON. cop. crot-h. cycl. dig. euph. ferr-pic. graph. ham. hydrang. iod. ion-rad. kali-cy. lyc. med. pall. phyt. plb. polytr. psor. puls. ruth. sabal. sars. sel. senec. SEP. sil. staph. sulfonam. sulph. thuj. thymol.

In view of the above discussion, it is possible to know why remedies like Agnus. Bar-m. Cann-i. Calc. Con. Ferr-pic. Iod. Kali-p. Lyc. Med. Sel-met. Staph. Thuj. Zinc-met. etc. fall prominently amongst the group which caters to the prostate complaints.

It is no wonder that AGNUS CASTUS, mainly a male remedy, finds a place in many rubrics related to prostate complaints especially cancer of prostate. Sexual melancholy is the center around which revolves the life of the Agnus patient from young to old age.

Early exposure to sex, addiction to porn and frequent history of gonorrhoeas and syphilis prepare the platform for sexual melancholy. Porn addiction trains the brain to require more and more dopamine to feel the effect of pleasure and the dopamine level required to feel excitement is so heightened that the person can no longer feel pleasure at only things that used to make him happy.

It is a well-researched conclusion that porn can lead to sexual dysfunction. Agnus  experiences difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection, needing pornographic images to ejaculate, and difficulty even having an orgasm and in the long run, develops impotence (penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erection).

Materia medica lists, ‘self-contempt from sexual abuse’ and this can be related to the drastic consequence of porn addiction. Porn usage can easily and quickly spiral out of control and hijack a person’s self-image and self-esteem. The incongruity between values and beliefs and actions results in intense stress and he can feel hypocritical and demoralized.

“In old men, who having spent their youth and early manhood in the practice of excessive venery, are just as excitable in their sexual passion at sixty as at eighteen or twenty, and yet they are physically impotent, Agn. is a good remedy: (Vermeulene, Concordant MM).

Prostate cancer based on multiple gonorrhoeas and syphilis, dwindling sex and self-depreciation is covered by Agnus castus.

The therapeutics of prostate disorders can’t be written without CONIUM MACULATUM.

Prostate: Inflamed, enlarged, with intermittent flow. Forcible retention causes renal pain. Urine flows in a full stream at first. Urination easier standing. Easy prostatic discharge.

Forced abstinence causes sexual incompetence or/and excessive desire (satyriasis, nymphomania). Erection failing. Cutting pain in urethra as urine or semen passes. Discharge; nocturnal; after onanism; after slightest provocation.

The main pathology in Conium is related to suppressed sexual energy. Conium is for hardness and induration and when the prostate gland is hard, think of Conium.

Stubborn chronicity; symptoms develop insidiously, slowly, steadily, even painlessly. This behavioural pattern of Conium matches with cancer of the prostate. Conium is also for neurogenic bladder, being a paralytic remedy.

STAPHYSAGRIA and ‘manhood’ go together. A masculine, a macho, a hero, a performer with high self-image but with morbidly sensitive and vulnerable pride.  Materia medica lists ‘maladjustment’ as a cause of pathologies in Staph. The main maladjustment of Staphysagria is in the sexual sphere and interpersonal relations.

Staphysagria holds sex and love as inseparable. He doesn’t recognize that sex isn’t the only way to have intimacy with the partner. If a partner says no to sex, Staph takes it as an insult of his identity, of his masculinity and of his sexuality. He feels very offended and develops a strong sense of injustice and he is wounded. Evoked is the response of anger and resentment which creates a wall between him and his partner.

A very important aetiological factor for the Staph individual is “self-respecting husbands smothering under dominating wives”. No one denies the importance of sexual compatibility. Over the years, Staph loses it and this leads to suppressed libido (Mind; continence; ailments from, agg.). A sexually minded Staph develops anguish, peevishness and indignation leading to the result that life is a bad deal. The prostate gland has to bear the brunt of it.

I remember a young man in the Indian army from a village who married with a semi-urban girl. On the first night itself, his wife refused the sex and told him to refrain from sex as she wanted to go back to her boyfriend.

It was a big shock for the guy and he developed resentment, rage and a feeling of being humiliated. The pent-up and subdued wrath was followed by an attack of prostatitis. He had to join the army but whenever he returned home, he had to confront the same situation. No sex, no divorce, chronic anger and the young patient became indifferent, sad and diffident. The prostatitis became chronic and was diagnosed as non-bacterial prostatitis.

Staphysagria helped him in many ways. First, he was unable to take the decision of separation from his wife due to societal and familial pressure. But after Staph, he took the decision of separation. The tormenting symptoms of prostatitis such as burning, smarting, stabbing disappeared. He remarried then and is now enjoying his life.

Another case is that of a businessman, age 66 years. Mr. A.N. He sustained a big loss in the shares market. His materialistic wife took the divorce and the only son with whom the patient had an attachment was taken by the wife.

His wife had to be given a huge amount of money when he was bankrupt. He had to sell his bungalow and live in a small apartment. His wife and son flew to another country and refused to respect his calls. He became sad, and developed anxiety of the future. Self-reproach became common and he developed ED. He approached some girls for sexual gratification but found himself defunct.

Over the years, he developed hypertension, suffered from an attack of myocardial infarction and developed BPH. The use of diuretics and frequent urging to urinate 10-12 times during daytime and 5-6 times at night exhausted him very much. PSA was normal.

He consulted homeopathy as he wanted to avoid surgery. The patient gave the following symptoms:

    Chronic depression. Doesn’t want to meet people.

    Post-void urine every time in USG.

    Dribbling urination.

    Involuntary urination.

The Prostating Prostate… 2From Complete repertory

    Male; enlarged; prostate gland; old men, in; heart complaints, in: dig.

Selection of remedy

The choice was between Conium and Digitalis. Suppression of sex was a pointer to Conium. But the patient became indifferent to sex long back and now was not concerned with the issue of sex deprivation. The blend of cardiac pathology (center of emotions in upper part of the body) and prostate pathology (lower region of reproductive system) pointed to Digitalis. Dribbling urination with BPH is covered by Digitalis as well.


    Old age: Weak heart, cold extremities (gradual decline of natural heat of body), enlarged prostate, penis cold and flaccid, pneumonia, residual urine. Lecherous old men.

    Psychoneurosis: Sad, depressed and low spirited. Neurasthenia; wants to be alone, great anxiety like from troubled conscience; anxiety with great fear of future; troubles after disappointed love. Melancholia. High living.

    Grief: Shock; palpitation, pain in left chest and arm, enlarged heart (or dilated, hypertrophied). Unhappy love (anguish).


The patient was followed up for more than two years. He was put on Digitalis 30c two times every day for a couple of months. The symptoms such as increased frequency, incontinence, dribbling urination were considerably reduced. The patient improved also at the mental level.



‘I can’t stand before the female counterpart’ is the message the prostate gland sufferers render to a homeopath.

The Biopsychosocial model, conceptualised by George Engel in 1977, suggest that to understand a person’s medical condition, the biological factors should not only be considered, but also the psychological and social factors.

The diseases of the prostate gland amply demonstrate that the concept of “Totality” of Hahnemann and the Biopsychosocial model of Engel touch the very fundamental dynamic entity which suffers as the vital bioenergy gets deranged due to multiple factors.]



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