Prunus dulcis = Almond tree/= Süße Mandel


Vergleich: Siehe: Rosales


Ähnlich: ant-t. bell. bry. hyos. lach. laur. sil. stram.

Antidotiert von: coff. op.


Qualities: Self-control and Moral Vigor

Message of Self-Mastery: Calmness of the mind; synchronicity of body/mind/spirit; sense of well-being and order; to avoid “burning the candle at both ends”; balance; moderation;

wholesome sexuality; for being a sensitive partner in an intimate relationship.


Pattern of Disharmony: Over-indulgence in food or other substances/activities; immoderation, causing minor to serious damage to body, mind, or nerves; sexual excess in thought

or action; making wrong choices from the power of past habits; discontentment; uneasiness; for anger connected with sexual issues; frustration.


Affirmation: I am the master of my destiny! With calm power I stride toward the horizon to final victory!


Positive expressions:

Moderate                                                 Inward by nature

Balanced                                                 Self-controlled

Efficient                                                 Sensitive partner in relationship

Temperance-seeking                                     Disciplined

Avoiding harmful substances             Quiet

Calm                                                             Silence-loving

Sexually well-adjusted                         Interiorized


Negative conditions:

Nervous                                                 Discontent

Excessiveness-prone                                     Uneasy

Lacking in control                                     Stressed

Rebellious                                                 Never caught up

Addictive in personality                         Frustrated

Sexually immoderate                         “Workaholic”-prone

Habit-bound                                                 Restless



“I took Almond for feeling too busy. I felt good and peaceful on it- also more open and relaxed.” -JL, Sandpoint, ID

“I used Almond while driving to town. It helped me stay calm and centered and avoid being emotionally affected by the driving habits of others.” -RB, Walnut Creek, CA

“I was making the transition from ending a relationship to being single. I took Almond for feeling over-sexed, morning and night. It was too much. After 1 month on the Almond, my energy had changed. I experienced my sexuality differently-as though Almond helped bring together my spirituality and sexuality. What I mean is, I found the spirituality in

my sexuality. No, sex is not over, I told myself-but Almond took it to a deeper level.” -GH, Vienna, Austria

“My oldest son, 22 years old, has a girlfriend. She is a student with much work to do and little time for socializing and romance. Since he was desiring sex more often than she,

I offered him Almond. He was then able to match his drives to hers.” -IR, Vienna, Austria

“My client was working on abuse issues from a close relative in child hood. Although married, she was also obsessed with thoughts of another man. She was confused and

unclear about leaving her husband and reported that Almond was a real key to help her work through this very difficult situation.” -SC, Nevada City, CA


The almond tree = Prunus dulcis, meaning sweet, pleasing, or delightful. Almond is the oldest known nut tree and a member of the rose family. Naturalized in Western Asia and Southern Europe, almond tree (looks much like the peach tree) originated in the Near East, and now grows in a hundred varieties in S. Africa, S. Australia, and California. Its pink flowers-similar to, but larger than, peach blossoms-reach up to two inches in diameter and grow in fascicles of one to three. The nuts ripen from a peach-like fruit. The almond nut

is a seed without a shell; high in fiber, B vitamins, and eight of the nine essential amino acids and calories too. Its protein content is legendary, and it is rich in bone-strengthening minerals and cholesterol-lowering mono-unsaturated fats. Almond oil aids skin problems; the milk soothes the lungs and throat.



The essence for self-control in all parts of our lives. This quality has not a high priority in our culture where consumerism and materialism are seriously valued. And yet what

a priceless tool for well-being

is discipline! Self-control means, simply, that we consider a choice of action rather than being bound to a reactive mode by the subconscious mind.

Almond gives us greater awareness in our choices. In the relationship arena of sexuality, our self-control is a gift we can give to our partner. Sex has two distinct purposes-procreation, and communicating love. With Almond’s attitude of “how can I serve you” instead of “what’s in this for me,” the sexual act becomes purified of self-seeking

and self-gratification, and thus infinitely more beautiful and fulfilling. We are not body-bound slaves to our senses, says Almond- we are Spirit.

Almond also encapsulates the quality of moral vigor and stimulates that same quality within us. Do you want the power to rebound vigorously from every setback in life?

To live more in your center?

Don’t think of the crunchy quality of the nut but of the soothing, spiritual influence of the oil pressed from almonds.

And what of stress from the sense that there are not enough hours in the day-don’t we all have 24? In the positive Almond state, we are able to view our time differently-to be

more in the present, calmly completing each task. “I took Almond for tension that created pressure and tightness in my diaphragm,” Ursula said. “In thirty minutes, it was gone.”

Robert: “1 recently had to go to the dentist to have an area worked on, where a filling had fallen out. I took almond and did the affirmation. I noticed I was able to relax deeply while in the chair.

Though the area being drilled was sensitive from an exposed nerve, I was able to remain calm and detached from the sensation.”

Almond is also an excellent remedy for dancers. Yogic tradition speaks of being ”centered in the spine,” that place in the astral body from which our energy radiates.

Dance, when most beautiful and pleasing to the eye, emanates from that center. Here is Sita’s testimonial after an East Indian dance performed on three consecutive nights:

“I felt a lot of anxiety before dancing. I didn’t know the right thing to do in order to help myself stay centered, so I started taking Almond a week before the performances.

It was an incredible experience how much it helped me, first to be focused on everything that I did. I saw that I was doing everything I needed to do, but not from an emotional state-more coming from my spine. This helped me to feel what it is like to be ‘in the spine.’ The day of the first performance, I was very centered. I didn’t have any anxiety.

I was even surprised-the last time I’d had so much fear. My hands and feet had been very cold and I had stomach pains. Taking Almond is like a magician giving you something. Every time I took it, it transformed me. Almond helped me to do a perfect job, a perfect performance.”



The negative Almond state is that spread-too-thin feeling, as though there is never enough time. When no matter how much we accomplish we can’t quite get the job done,

it is time for Almond. Tension typically sets off a predictable chain reaction of progressively less productivity that can backslide into a state of complete frustration.

Almond, through the quality of calmness, allows us to focus on one thing at a time-and before long a whole stack of incoming work has moved into the outgoing file!

As previously mentioned, Almond also addresses the subject of human sexuality. When the loud hormones of adolescence begin to speak, and any time thereafter when sexual energy seems uncontrollable, Almond may be of benefit. (Please note that Almond falls in the Spectrum’s third Quadrant of drive tempered by self-control, rather than in the

second Quadrant of fiery youth where it would not yet have reached a deeper maturity.) One study after another reveals that adolescents in the United States are having intercourse at earlier ages than ever before. Sexually transmitted diseases, some with death as a contraindication, run rampant. The federal centers for Disease Control and Prevention have documented a rise in AIDS cases from 49,016 in 1992 to 103,500 in 1993-a 111% increase. The issue of sexuality in our era covers the entire gamut from creating to destroying human life.

Consider, too, the exploitation of this powerful drive through the media. Even ads for items as innocuous as soda pop are unmistakably sexually charged. Constantly bombarded both visually and aurally, what are we to do? Add to this phenomena a diet loaded with preservatives, pesticides and artificial stimulants that play havoc with the sex nerves,

and it is clear that we are being overstimulated and encouraged in the direction of excess. Almond is a healthy counter-attack to these detrimental outer stimuli.

No, Almond does not weaken, repress or annihilate sexual energy; rather, it allows us to transmute this powerful force. With this essence, one might say that instead of being

driven by our sex drive, we become the driver, through consciously exercising self-control. Sexual energy being our creative force, we might choose to reroute that energy into athletics or creative pursuits, such as painting or the performing arts. Whether in a relationship or single, young or old, Almond provides us with a deeper understanding of

sexuality as pure energy at our disposal.



Almond themes are not as easily detected through physical clues as other themes because their energy flows inward and upward rather than out through their senses and physical body. Their movements are neither grand nor small; their pace is neither too fast nor too slow. In other words, they are conspicuously inconspicuous! They do not stand out in a crowd like Pineapple or off to the side like Banana. Neither wallflowers nor party animals, you probably won’t even find them at social gatherings. They are neither social nor antisocial. The lifestyles of monks, nuns, hermits and ascetics fit comfortably for the inwardly focused Almond theme.

As a rule, Almond themes don’t take second helpings, except to honor their hostess. And, like Goldilocks, they prefer their porridge not too hot or too cold, but just right. These are quiet, interiorized people who use their time and energy wisely. One feels their magnetism of calmness born of moderate, balanced living. Almond themes inspire us to put our own lives in order, simply by their example of how well an orderly life works.


ALMOND             Contrasted With:                                                                                                 Companioned With:

Banana             for calmness through non-identification with the ego                                     for the wisdom to discriminate beyond the level of emotions and desires

Fig                         for wisdom through willingness to look at all of an issue                                     for flexibility, not laxity; for a soft approach while holding firm to healthfulideals

Lettuce             for calmness and clarity with emotion and feeling, respectively                         for being centered in oneself and respectful of what is needed to stay

in balance

Spinach             for stress due to over-work living too much in one’s head                                     for a tension-free, fun-loving attitude

Tomato             for acknowledging, and completely eliminating, addictions                         for mental and emotional health and strength in battling excesses and addictions


Heimat: Subtropisches China und Kleinasien

Inhaltsstoffe: 54% fettes Öl mit Ölsäure, Linolsäure und Palmitinsäure, Eiweiß, Enzyme.

Verwendung: 18% Eiweiß, 16% Kohlenhydraten, 54% Fett, ferner vielen Mineralstoffen und Vitaminen vor allem der

B-Gruppe eine reichhaltige Mahlzeit, die pur gegessen oder als Mandelmus gleichermaßen lecker schmecken. Früher wurden sie Kindern gegen Husten gegeben. Das aus den Samen gepresste Mandelöl ist ein mildes, sehr gut rückfettendes Hautpflegeöl. Mandelmehl, der Pressrückstand, reinigt schonend die Haut.

Neben der Süßen Mandel gibt es zwei weitere Arten: die Bittermandel und die Krachmandel. Letztere kann genauso wie die Süße Mandel gegessen werden, wohingegen die Bittermandel das giftige Glykosid Amygdalin enthält, aus dem sich im Darm Blausäure abspaltet.

Das Bittermandelöl, dem das Amygdalin chemisch entzogen wird, ist ein aromatisches Gewürz und guter Duftstoff, den Konditoren und Kosmetikhersteller verwenden.

Dioskurides: Äußerlich angewendet vertreibe sie "Sonnenflecken im Gesicht", fördere die Menstruation, lindere Kopfschmerzen und Geschwüre; bei innerlicher Anwendung lindere sie Schmerzen, treibe das Wasser, erweiche den

Leib, fördere den Schlaf, helfe bei Husten, Leberleiden, Blähungen ... Die Liste nimmt kein Ende.

Wissenswertes: Die Mandel wuchs schon in der Steinzeit und wurde vermutlich ab der Bronzezeit bewusst kultiviert. Wahrscheinlich ist die Mandel das älteste Kulturobst der Alten Welt, dessen Erfolgsgeschichte bis in die heutige Zeit reicht. Bereits im 17. bis 16. Jahrhundert vor Christi Geburt gelangte der aus Asien stammende Mandelbaum

über Persien nach Kleinasien, Syrien und Ägypten.

Im 5. Jahrhundert ging es dann weiter nach Griechenland und ins Römische Reich. Karl der Große trug sehr zur Verbreitung des Mandelbaums bei, der heute aus den mediterranen Ländern nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Dort gilt er

als Symbol der Wachsamkeit und der Wiedergeburt, weil er bereits im Januar blüht.

Hellas: Sagen, in denen der Mandelbaum eine Rolle spielt. Einer Sage nach soll die Mandel aus einem Blutstropfen der griechischen Göttin Kybele entstanden sein, der "Mutter der Götter", die in Kleinasien ursprünglich die Berg- und Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin war.

In anderen Darstellungen soll der Mandelbaum aus der männlichen Hälfte eines zwittrigen, von Zeus erzeugten Wesens entstanden sein.

Marokko: Ein Mandelbaum-Märchen: Die schöne Prinzessin Hatim hatte ein so gutes Herz, dass sie unter den Ärmsten des Landes Geld aus der Schatulle ihres Vaters verteilte. Der König hatte kein Verständnis für das Verhalten seiner Tochter, bezichtigte sie des Diebstahls und ließ sie hinrichten. Allah verstand Hatims Handeln und verwandelte die tote Prinzessin in einen Mandelbaum, der jahrein jahraus den Menschen des Landes Mandeln schenkte.

Bibel: erwähnt die Mandel mehrfach, oft wegen der frühen Blüte als Zeichen des Erwachens. Der sechsarmige Leuchter der biblischen Stiftshütte, dem Sammlungsort Gottes mit Moses und seinem Volk, ist einem Mandelbaum nachgebildet. Später sah das Christentum in der Mandel ein Symbol der unbefleckten Empfängnis: "Christus wurde gezeugt in Marien, wie der Mandelkern sich in der unverletzt bleibenden Mandel bildet" (Konrad von Würzburg, 13. Jahrhundert).

Vielleicht am meisten Bekanntheit hat die Mandel in Form des Marzipans erlangt, das ursprünglich aus dem Orient stammt und traditionell aus Mandeln, Zucker und Rosenwasser besteht. Baghlaba ist die persische, zusätzlich mit Kardamom gewürzte Variante, die es traditionell zum dortigern vierwöchigen Neujahrsfest gibt. Im 16. Jahrhundert war die Herstellung des Marzipans in deutschen Landen Aufgabe der Apotheker, deren "Confectiones" nur deshalb mit Zucker zubereitet wurden, um die bittere Medizin angenehmer zu gestalten. Marzipan galt unter anderem als "Hertzzucker". Nach und nach überwog beim Mandelkonfekt die reine Gaumenfreude, sodass es von der Medizin zur Süßigkeit wandelte.

In der mittelalterlichen Küche fanden sich Mandeln nicht nur in Süßspeisen: Auch Fleisch- und Fischgerichte wurden mit ihnen zubereitet.

Der Mandelbaum sondert Harz ab, das sich tränenförmig auffangen lässt. Mit den Harztränen räucherten die Menschen im antiken Griechenland gegen Krankheit und böse Geister an. Der feine Duft desinfiziert, reinigt und klärt.

Für die Dr. Hauschka Kosmetik kauft die WALA Mandeln in Spanien und Italien aus kontrolliert-biologischem Anbau ein. Die Mandeln werden anschließend in Deutschland in einer traditionell handwerklich arbeitenden Ölmühle zu Mandelöl gepresst und zu Mandelmehl vermahlen.

Die Haut nimmt das milde, gut gleitende Mandelöl langsam auf. Das Öl ist pflegende Grundlage von Dr. Hauschka Nach der Sonne, Augencreme, Concealer, Quitten Tagescreme, Gesichtsmilch, Gesichtswaschcreme, Gesichtsöl, Handcreme, Rosen Körperbalsam, Mandel Körperbalsam, Lippengold, Lipsticks, Reinigungsmilch, Rosen Tagescreme leicht, Aufbauende Maske, Regeneration Tagescreme, Regeneration Hals und Dekolletécreme, Regeneration Körperbalsam, Tönungscreme und Mandel Johanniskraut Pflegeöl, von Dr.Hauschka Med Pflege Lotion Mittagsblume und Intensiv Creme Mittagsblume.

In Dr. Hauschka Gesichtswaschcreme bindet Mandelmehl Schmutzpartikel und reinigt dadurch schonend die Haut.


[Farokh Master]

This nut is very beneficial in treating poor memory and in treatment of loss of memory due to weakness of the brain. It has properties that remove brain debility and strengthen the brain. It cures various disorders of the nervous system.

Soak about 5 - 7 almonds in some water overnight and then remove the skin in the morning. Then make a fine paste of these almonds and mix it with some sandalwood and eat it.

You can also soak the almonds for about two hours and then remove the skin and then grind these almonds. Add these to one glass of milk with one teaspoonful of honey and

have it. This makes a very nutritious drink.

Inhaling a few drops of almond oil through the nose is also very useful to improve dull memory due to weakness of brain.

Soak seven almonds in some water overnight and then remove the skin in the morning. Eat these with one teaspoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach.

This is excellent for the brain, nervous system and weak memory. Almonds are also very beneficial in treating hysteria. Soak about 5 – 7 almonds in some water overnight and then remove the skin in the morning. Then make a fine paste of these almonds and mix it with some sugar. This should be given daily to the hysterical person as it will improve his mental state.



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