Pycnoporus sanguineus (Pye-sang)


Vergleich: Siehe: Fungi



Themes that predominated in the mental sphere include:

o Irritability

o Calmness

o Clarity

o  Cleaning and tidying

o Sadness

o Depression

o Demotivation

o Difficult concentration

o  Motivation

o  Increased concentration

o  Mistakes in talking

o  Mistakes in action

o Mistakes in times

o  Worthlessness

o  Self-doubt

o  Low self confidence

o  Regression of state

Most marked were the intense feelings of irritability and frustration.

This emotion ranged from short-tempered and snappiness, to profound irritation with the desire to scream and shout and actually be quite vengeful to those with whom the provers were irritated. With this irritability, came an aversion to company (everyone was irritating) and impatience with respect to petty domestic chores and how they were

to be precisely carried out.

This is evident in their increased energy and fervour in cleaning and tidying. They found themselves tidying things again and again, until they were 'just right' and felt very irritated when others messed them up. This irritation was so overwhelming that they had to actually remove themselves from the company of others and had to restrain mentally from losing their temper and retaliating in anger.

In contrast, they also had times  of unusual calmness and clarity, where things that would usually irritate and upset them did not.

In this state, there was a sense of relaxation and peacefulness.

Along with this irritability was a marked sense of sadness and depression.

This sensitivity ranged from a heightened emotional sensitivity to others and bad news, to intense feelings of depression, loneliness and isolation from others.

Together with this depression came a desire for solitude, which ended up perpetuating the depression and increasing the sadness.

They experienced a sensitivity to criticism and took offence easily, which made them lose their temper and also cry easily, once again spiralling into the desire to be alone and then the depression and loneliness.

A further complication of this depression was significant apathy, demotivation, decreased energy and difficult concentration.

They were unmotivated to do any kind of mental work and found that when faced with it, they had very poor to no concentration.

On the other hand, at times very focused and had heightened concentration. In these times, they were very productive and remained focused for long periods of time.

Other emotions related to this depression were the development of feelings:

self-doubt, worthlessness, very low self-confidence a low self-image.

They even began doubting the worthiness of their own opinions, which caused them to withdraw from others (perpetuating their feelings of isolation and depression) and became insecure and indecisive. They became quiet and unassuming and even began to think of themselves as ugly and unattractive.


Another aspect, which relates to the depleted self-image, is the fact that many mistakes were made.

Mistakes in talking, using incorrect words without even realising; mistakes in writing; clumsiness and bumping into things and repeatedly making big mistakes in the timing

of events, appointments and dates.

It is almost as if there was such a level of self-doubt, that their subconscious mind could not even function in the correct order, it could not even trust itself to do anything


The apparent contradictions in some of the symptoms viz. Irritation and calmness; demotivation and motivation; difficult and heightened concentration only strengthen

Their inclusion as proving symptoms as many polar opposites are found in all well known homoeopathic remedy pictures.


Had heightened concentration.

In these times, they were very productive and remained focused for long periods of time.

Another aspect, which relates to the depleted self-image, is the fact that many mistakes were made Mistakes in talking, using incorrect words without even realising;

Mistakes in writing; clumsiness and bumping into things and repeatedly making big mistakes in the timing of events, appointments and dates.

It is almost as if there was such a level of self-doubt, that their subconscious mind could not even function in the correct order, it could not even trust itself

to do anything correctly.

The apparent contradictions in some of the symptoms viz. Irritation and calmness; demotivation and motivation; difficult and heightened concentration only strengthen

their inclusion as proving symptoms as many polar opposites are found in all well known homoeopathic remedy pictures.



Love interest in marriage boyfriends girlfriends

Danger and Nightmares

Helplessness and Insecurity

Violence and Arguments




Violence and Arguments

Heavy and Dead

Fevers and chills.

Cold sensitive and chilly

Desires: Sweets and sweets taste bitter;


This seems to be a cold sensitive and chilly remedy, with most temperature sensitivities tending towards chilliness. Some provers experienced a decreased sensitivity

to heat, while others experienced an increased sensitivity to the cold. No significant food cravings or aversions were noted, however, some provers found themselves

craving a sweet taste, while sweet things were actually tasting bitter. There was a strong craving for junkfood in one prover and another had a strong craving for

butternutsoup. One prover also developed a dislike and aggravation from cold water.


The provers' appetites where affected in both directions i.e. they experienced a decrease in appetite with easy satiety as well as an increase in appetite to the point

of being ravenously hungry. The same occurred with the provers' thirst, in that some experienced a complete thlrsttessnees (almost to the point of dehydration), while others experienced an increased thirst, few provers remarked on a feeling of mild nausea, which was fleeting in nature, but the most significant symptom in this system was

of a 1astritos-type sensation. Many provers experienced a burning sensationin their epigastrium, whichseemed to rise into the oesophaguslike reflux. This gastritis was slightly relieved by eructations, cold water and eating.

4.1.5 HEAD

Many provers suffered from headaches through out the proving and some were quite debilitated from them. The quality of the headache differed somewhat from prover

to prover, but the most common characteristic was that of a dull headache with no predominant location. The pain seemed to shift to different areas of the head and was

not often in the same place. Many different modalities were experienced, the most common < any movement or jar and > external pressure.

Common to many provers was the concomitant neck stiffness also experienced, although some experienced this stiffness without the headache. Another symptom experienced was that of a heavy sensation on top of, as well as inside the head and an opposite light-headedness. This light-headedness was also evident in some provers who experienced slight vertigo with nausea. Most striking of all the skin symptoms was the intolerable itch in many provers. So striking was this symptom that it warrants a grading of 3 in the Repertory. Many provers experienced the itch like that of fleabites which was temporarily > scratching. Some provers found the itch to be completely intolerable and they found no amelioration from it. The itch was found to be quite deep in character, not better superficial scratching. Itching localised to any specific area, but spanned the entirebody. No eruption was noted; just the sensation was experienced. One prover noticed an intensification of an existing itchy rash, followed by a curing of that rash and elimination of the itch. Intense hyperaesthesia of the left buttock and left hypogastrium was also noted by one prover <  slightest touch (clothes). This symptom lingered

for many days without altering in quality. Some tingling prickling sensations were also experienced. These were related to feelings of feverishness.


Much weakness and heaviness of the limbs was experienced to the point of actual shakiness and giddiness with fainting sensation. This weakness mirrors the energy levels

of the provers, which were significantly reduced in general. Movements seemed a bit uncoordinated and there was a tendency for the limbs to go numb quite easily.

One prover experienced a complete numbness of one half of her body awakening her from sleep. Others experienced numbing of single parts, arms or legs.


Other interesting symptoms included nagging, sharp, needle-like pains, which affected the ears, like thin needles being pushed in and out. Sharp, intermittent pains were

also experienced shooting through areas of the abdomen. Although there was a craving for sweet things, some provers noticed that sweet things did not taste as sweet as

usual. Some things had just lost their sweetness, and others actually tasted bitter. Some provers developed scratching, sore throats reminding one of an impending upper respiratory tract infection. The slight 'tickle' in some provers' throats also caused some coughing. One very interesting symptom was that of an intense cold sensation coursing down the oesophagus. This was described as being 'like a cold burning' and' as if air was stuck in (the) oesophagus'. This symptom was eventually relieved by eructations. Some provers also experienced a tightening of the chest with some difficulty in breathing, as well as pains in the chest ranging from aching, bruised sensations to almost

an angina-like pain experienced by one prover on the right handside of her chest.

Both constipation and diarrhoea were experienced, both with a large amount of flatulence and bloating. The stools were either fairly hard round balls or soft to very loose respectively. Some cutting pains were experienced with the diarrhoea.


On initial discovery of this fungus, the researcher was interested in there remarkable similarity in appearance between this fungus and a human kidney. The surface markings

on the body of the fungus resemble, very closely, a kidney that has been cut through in cross-section. Initially, it was the researcher's idea to hopefully reveal, through a Homoeopathic drug proving of the substance, that a connection exists between the symptomatology of this remedy and the Doctrine of Signatures. This is a philosophy

that states that if a naturally occurring substance resembles a human body part, it should be useful as a medication in the treatment of that organ or bodypart.

The only connection to the kidneys and urinary system found in this proving, was thirstlessness, a reduction in urination, slight dehydration and in some instances, kidney pains. This is not, unfortunately, solid evidence of the Doctrine of Signatures and it is suggested that this aspect of healing be further researched.

It is possible that another substance exists (of fungal or other origin) that resembles a kidney more closely.

A Homoeopathic drug proving of this substance may prove the connection that this researcher was aspiring to. It is interesting to note that according to TCM and its philosophy, many of the mental and emotional symptoms experienced by the provers related to either a deficiency or excess of vital energy, Chi, in the kidney and its meridians. What follows is an outline of the philosophy, which is necessary in understanding this concept. It is believed that all diseases and discomforts, physical and emotional, are because of an imbalance in the Chi or natural Energy of that person, where Chi is a bipolar flow of energy produced by the interaction and fluctuations

of Yin and Yang. In terms of Chinese Medicinal philosophy, the tissues and organs of the human body pertain to either Yin or Yang according to their related locations and functions, as well as to one of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water). The kidney relates to the element water, as classified by the 5 elements (Stux & Pomeranz 1991:62), which is the most Yin element. It is responsible for our will, our drive and our ability to realise our potential. It has been described as the 'foundation of all Yin and Yang energies and it is this quality that characterises this element.

Many people run on 'nervousenergy' when they lack the reserves that would be available to them with a strong water element. These people are very busy and active and often achieve much as the deficiency in the Yin of their water gives thema restless, hyperactivequality. Examples of people like this are politicians and entrepreneurs, workaholics who are strongly driven by their will. This relates to those provers who felt very focused, had an increased energy, were motivated and had an increase in concentration.

They were very productive and remained focused for long periods of time. People who are deficient in the Yang of their water tend to be lacking in  drive, mbition ndvitality. This relates to the emotional symptoms of the provers where they felt apathetic, demotivated, with difficulty in concentration and lowenergy levels.

DD.: Sil.

Nux-v. (Irritability and gastric upsets),




Bov.: Affinity with the skin, has marked languor and lassitude, numbness and tingling sensations.

Bol-l.: Quotidian intermittent fevers where there is a lot of chilliness with frequent hot flushes and general bodyaches and pains.

Polyporus spinicola.:intermittent, remittent and bilious fevers with headaches, constant nausea, faintness in the epigastrium and constipation.

Both these remedies have indications for feverish states as does Pycnoporus sanguineus as is seen in the proving.


Many headaches and much neck stiffness experienced by the provers with an accompanying febrile state closely resembling conditions such as Cever and Meningitis.

There were also much gastritis-type pains experienced by some of the provers, with or without accompanying nausea, for gastritis?, pepticulcers ?or indigestion?.

Cases of depression with much anger and irritability may respond well to this remedy many of the provers experienced these emotions.


Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum