Rhopalurus junceus (Der rote kubanische Skorpion als Krebsmittel)


Vergleich: Siehe: Skorpionen allgemein


Flüchtet, wenn er sich bedroht fühlt, anstatt zum Angriff überzugehen.

Von einigen Haltern wird erwähnt, dass die Tiere stridulieren (= Töne machen) können, dieses konnte ich bei meiner Gruppe nie feststellen.

Zur Giftigkeit gibt es bei adult Tieren keine gesicherten Angaben, da die Gattung jedoch zu den Buthiden gehört ist, sollte man die Tiere nicht unterschätzen.

            Bei mir kam es bei Reinigen der Aufzucht HD mit einem Instar 2 Tier zu einem Stichunfall, der Schmerz (Finger) war die ersten Sekunden sehr stark, ließ aber nach einer Minute nach,

die nächsten 20 Minuten fühlte sich das ganze an wie die Verbrennung einer Brennnessel, danach war nichts mehr zu spüren. Behandlung erfolgte keine.

Mit Skorpiongift wollen kubanische Wissenschaftler den Krebs bekämpfen. Der staatliche Pharmakonzern LABIOFARM (“Laboratorios Biológicos Farmacéuticos”) hat aus dem Gift

des Roten Kuba-Skorpions (Rhopalurus junceus) ein homöopathisches Mittel entwickelt. Vidartox.

“Es lindert Symptome, die mit Krebs einhergehen, wie Schmerzen, Entzündungen, Appetitlosigkeit, die vom allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand abhängen”, erläutert Dr. Niudis Cruz

von LABIOFARM. anti-inflammatory.

Quelle: remedia.at


Blue scorpion venom drug –Vidatox- a proven help against many types of carcinoma

What is a cure in small doses; is a poison in bigger doses and vice versa.

That is what an old saying tells us and its validity is confirmed once again.

A new homeopathic drug made of blue scorpion venom cures many types of carcinoma in humans, according to Cuban scientists.

Blue scorpion (Rhopalurus Junceus) lives on Cuba and it was named after its blue tail at the end of which is scorpion's infamous sting.

Its body color is actually orange-red, so this scorpion is also sometimes called the red scorpion.

The idea that came from the natives

Scientists from this Caribbean island started examining scorpion’s venom in September 1997, encouraged by the findings that the natives have for centuries been using that substance for tumor

treatment. In comprehensive and thorough research, scientists concluded that venom’s compounds have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects that prolong the life expectancy of

carcinoma patients, alleviate the pain and sometimes even reduce tumor tissue. 

“It took us 15 years to scientifically prove the beneficial effects of scorpion venom. As we came to realize, the native’s beliefs in the healing properties of this venom proved to be correct",

doctor Guevara Garcia, one of the researches, said.

The result of this research is a drug called Vidatox 30 CH produced by a Cuban company Labiofam. It is believed that this drug reduces the spreading of cancer cells and prolongs patient’s life expectancy.

Which diseases does this drug effect?

Researchers claim that Vidatox enhances life quality of people suffering from breast, liver, spleen, lung, brain, cervix, prostate and other types of cancer.

This drug has been tested on patients from Europe, USA and Cuba, and no severe side effects have been reported.

The venom contains low molar mass proteins which can prevent tumor cell occurrence and spreading.

According to Cuban doctors that support Vidatox treatment in oncology, active ingredients of scorpion venom block certain cell enzymes and prevent angiogenesis (creation of new blood vessels inside tumors).

Without new blood vessels, tumor cannot feed and there is a potential that the tumor will die.

Such effects have been confirmed during laboratory testing on tumor cells in Mexico.

Drug production

The venom is taken from living scorpion electrically stimulated to release two to three drops of venom. The drug is produced by taking 5 - 6 doses of venom using the aforementioned procedure.

Collected venomous fluid is diluted in distilled water and venom concentration in solution depends on the cancer type and the patient’s condition.

This drug is applied orally and during the treatment patients have to obey special diet instructions created for better absorption of drug’s active compounds.

Cuba is famous for scorpion usage in therapeutic purposes since the beginning of the 20th century.

At that time, scorpion oil came into use. That oil was considered useful against urinary retention, bacterial infections, tumors and inflammations.


Venom or cure?

Scorpions, as other venomous animals, use their venom for catching prey, for the defence and the subjugation of partners during mating.

Scorpion’s venom contains numerous compounds, some of which target the nervous system.

Each of 1500 scorpion species has slightly different venom which is powerful enough to kill scorpions prey, usually small animals.

25 species, including blue scorpion, have venom that is also dangerous for people.

The most dangerous one is considered to be Arizona scorpion that injects large amounts of venom into his victims.

Consequences of scorpion sting include:

Pain similar to that of a bee sting. Within an hour or two the pain subsides and numbness, tingling and sensitivity to touch appear. In more severe cases, the pain can spread to chest areas and backs.

Swelling. Usually only around the sting area. In severe cases, in cases of people that are more sensitive to scorpion bite, swelling can spread on face, tongue and throat.

Increased body temperature, cramps, vomiting, enhance saliva and tear excretion. These consequences appear in cases when highly venomous scorpions inject large amounts of venom.

Death. Very rare consequence, at least in cases of healthy adults. Those in danger of death are: people with allergies, children or people with weakened health that are stung by one of the most venomous species.


Although the scorpion’s sting can be deadly, homeopathic drug Vidatox has not exhibited any negative side effects on the health of patients.



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