Sarcodes Anhang 3


[Ghanshyam Kalathia and Meeta Nihlani]

The Function in and of Sarcodes

Adrenalin. (Epinephrine)





Parotid gland.


Pituitary gland.



To find the common themes between sarcode remedies I selected the following seven remedies and compared them in my computer program with the help of the Complete Repertory. 17 rubrics appear with less than 50 remedies. Out of those 17 rubrics, 7 rubrics had commonality (= Gemeinsam). As follows:

A. 7 Medicines…

    Corticotropinum (Cortico)

    Cortisonum (Cortiso)

    Deoxy-ribonucleic acid (Des-ac)

    Follicullinum (Foll)

    Histaminum (Hist)

    Thalamus (Thal)

    Thyroidinum (Thyr)

B. Rubrics from Complete Repertory

    Mind - MEMORY, WEAKNESS, NAMES, FOR PROPER (47) 1 Cortico, 1 Hist.

    Generals - DEVELOPMENT ARRESTED (24) 1 Des-ac. 1 Thyr.

    Generals - HYPOTENSION (25) 1 Cortico. 1 Hist.

    Generals - INJURIES, SLOW REPAIR OF BROKEN BONES (24) 1 Des-ac. 2 Thyr.

    Generals - MYXEDEMA (6) 1 Cortico. 2 Thyr.

    Generals - OLD AGE, PREMATURE (34) 1 Cortico. 1 Des-ac.

    Female Sexual - MENSES ABSENT in GIRLS (5) 1 Cortico. 1 Cortiso. 1 Thala.

All rubrics are related to function, because they all are related to memory (mental functioning), physical development and hypo or hyper physiological functions, so now my confidence increases. Now I try to examine each remedy individually. This time I narrow down the remedies which appeared in the rubrics. I select only the rubrics which have 10, or less than 10 remedies. The list is:

a. Corticotropinum

    Mind - DISORIENTED with everything

    Throat - DRY General singers

b. Cortisonum

    Mind - EXCITEMENT # indecision

    Mind - IRRITABLE when travel goes too slow

    Mind - MANNISH habits of girls

    Skin - HAIR excessive growth

    Generals - HYPERTENSION children

c. Deoxy-ribonucleic acid

                Mind - ANGUISH > from motion (1)

d. Follicullinum

    Mind - DULLNESS during climacteric period (2)

    Mind - SLOWNESS during climacteric period (1)

    Female Sexual - HYPERFOLLICULINIA (1)

    Generals - OVULATION during ailments (2)

e. Histaminum

                           Mind - RESTLESS during waiting (1)

                Mind - WALK, walking hard > mental symptoms (1)

                Taste - PERFUME like wine tastes (1)

f. Thalamus

                Female Sexual - MENSES absent, amenorrhea in young girls (9) (1 cortico, 1 cortiso),

g. Thyroidinum

    Mind - RESTLESSNESS # stupor (1)

    Bladder - URINATION involuntary in nervous and irritable children (2)

    Chest - MILK disappearing when menses returned (1)

    Skin - HAIRY on unusual parts (6)

    Generals - EXERTION, physical impossible (5)

    Generals - HYPERTROPHY from excessive exertion (1)

    Generals - PARALYSIS General pseudo-hypertrophic (4)


Try to see the pattern in small remedies also. The list is…


            Sleep - SLEEPLESS General over fatigue, from mental and physical (3)


    Female Sexual - MENSES absent, amenorrhea exertion, after mental and physical (1)

    Mind - AVERSION men (3)

    Generals - in PUBERTY ailments in girls (10)


    Mind - RESTLESS in climacteric period (29)

    Mind - SENSITIVE during climacteric period (12)

    Female Sexual - ATROPHY Ovaries (11)

    Female Sexual - INFANTILISMUS genitalis (12)

    Generals - OLD age, premature (45)

    Generals - OLD people, complaints in decay (12)

Pitutaria posterior

    Mind - FEAR impotency, of (5)

    Mind - FEAR of involuntary urination at night (3)

    Chest - MILK increased, too profuse (42)

    Skin - HAIR falls out (21)


    Mind - LEARNING difficult (24)

    Generals - HYPOTENSION (41)

    Generals - HYPOTHYROIDISM (10)


    Bladder - URGING to urinate, morbid desire sediment, with much (1)


The repertory search (above) using computer software helps to find the “function” (memory/mental functioning, physical development , pre-mature development, arrested development, issues of stages of development like menopause/climacteric period, menarche etc. and hypo or hyper physiological functions), so the ‘function’ is the obvious thing for sarcodes and now we can easily see some pattern in all the rubrics and what they are related to…”


    Physiological function… test, smell, menses, ovary, pregnancy, puberty, menopause, old-age, child age.

    Hyper or hypo function… Hypotension, Extrasystole, Myxedema, Hypothyreoidism, Hypertension/-folliculinia/-plasy, Paralysis, Hypertrophy, Atrophy, Impotency.



Medicines: Used in Homoeopathy

1. Adrenalin. (Epinephrine)

Internal secretion of supra renal glands. It is the active principle of the medulla of the suprarenal gland. Its presence is essential to the activities of the sympathetic nerve. It stimulate the sympathetic nerve, causing constriction of the peripheral nerves resulting in rise in blood pressure & showing down of pulses strengthening of heart beat.

Therapeutically it is a powerful astringent & thermostatic & is invaluable in checking capillary hemorrhages from all parts, where the local or direct application is feasible. Hemorrhagic condition is not due to the defective coagulation

It is indicated in acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, Graves disease, Addison’s disease, chronic aortitis, angina, hemophilia, chlorosis, hay fever, serum sickness. It is effective in angina & aortitis when there is a sensation of thoracic constriction $ anguish.Ass with Vertigo, nausea & vomiting, Abdominal pain.

Shock or heart failure during anesthesia as it cases rise in blood pressure by acting on nerve ending in vessel wall

Note: - It should not be repeated too frequently

It is very effective in addisons disease with pigmentation of skin (Bronzing) loss of strength, wasting, rapid pulse.It is effective haematoma ,pain in adrenal region.It can be given in hay fever and in certain inflammation of eye & it can be used locally to cause blanching of the part & to present hemorrhage before minor operations.

It should be given great care to pregnent women

Cholesterin. is a substance crystallising in bathels with a mother of pearl. Having a fatty feel.

It occur in the blood & brain, yolk of eggs, seed & buds of plants, but most in the bile & biliary calculi. Therapeutically it is recommended as a remedy for cancer of the liver. They are pale, anaemic, complain of headaches, exhaustion, nervousness, acne vulgaris, constipation and menses may be absent or scanty.

Again in climacterics period it is indicated when the flow ceases and there is tendency to obesity & increased blood pressure.

Hot flushes, psychosis and visual irritation not only at the natural climateric, but in those that are the result of hysterectomy and oophorectomy it is also indicated.

The pruritus vulva that attends some of those cases has been speedily relieved by it.

It is to be recommended in the neurasthenic woman who complains of headache, neuromuscular weakness, Mental irritability insomnia and a group of indefinite symptoms that are dependant upon menstrual & ovarian disturbances.

It is of service in certain cases of sterility, when bacterial infection, cervical stenosis & other local causes are eliminated.

It can be given in case of nausea attends with the early months of pregnancy.

It is very useful in relieving the pain in breast that disturb some women before & during menstruation

It should be remembered in increased blood pressure in women at the climateric period when the usual causes can be eliminated as arteriosclerosis, nephritis.

(In these cases if it is found that blood pressure is being reduced too rapidly, and palpitation of the heart, nausea, vomiting & mental depression is taking place of should be stopped or dose should be reduced.)


It is effective in case of pelvic pain, delayed menses or insufficient flower clot formation.

It should be administered with care. Blood pressure should observe if reduction is too great, medicine should be stopped.



A phosphorus - containing complex organic body prepared from the yolk of egg & animal brain.Lecithin has a favorable influence upon the nutritive condition & especially upon the blood, hence its use in anemia & convalescence, neurasthenia and insomnia. It increases the number of red corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin. It is an excellent galactogog, renders milk more nourishing and increases quantity. Causes an immediate decrease in the excretion of the phosphate.

It is indicated in faulty nutrition when there is an excessive exertion of phosphates, the patients is weak & exhausted.

It should be thought of in the tuberculosis of the young, they are tired, weak and complain of loss of flesh, short breath and general exhaustion.


The mammary glands

The extract is prepared from the glands of the cow & sheep.

There is a relation b/w these glands & corpus luteum & also with uterus. By prolonging lactation women can prolong the period of amenorrhea. The administration of an extract of these gland is most useful in the profuse menstruation of all young girls. Also in the young girls when the period occurs every two o weeks. It has been employed in uterine fibroids with menorrhagia and metorrhagia. The associated mastodynia is much relieved. It should be used with care during pregnancy as exponents with animals showed it to have an abortifacient action.It have also been employed as a galactogogue.



Testicular extract.

It can be used in case of senile decay and nervous breakdown according to brown - sequard.

It can be also used in climacteric sufferings.

Testicular extract contains much nucleoprotein, and like all nucleins has a tendency to lower blood pressure.



Extract from the ovary of cow / sheep or pig.

Can be given to these sufferings following the excision of ovaries (lower triturations)

Climacteric disturbances especially nervous sufferings.

Cutaneous disorders, acne resource prurigo etc.,

Ovarian cyst.

Complaints> during menses (like zin lach)



Extract of pancreatic & salivary glands of OX or sheep.

It is effective in conditions due to faulty action of the pancreas.

According to Dr. Burnett it is very effective in gout. It is effective for intestinal digestion. Pain an hour or more after eating.

Lienteric diarrhoea.


Parotid gland.

An extract of the parotid glands of the OX has been used.

It is effective in ovarian hyperemia and headache, reflex from ovarian disturbances.

Dysmenorrhea & Menorhagia.



Prepared from pepsin a digestive enzyme produced in the stomach which converts protein into peptones, produced from the stomach of Pig.

Indicated in when there is evidence of imperfect digestion, with pain in the region of the stomach, as observed in neurasthenia, diseases of nervous system, acute protracted diseases, surgical diseases, traumatism, gastric cancer & ulcer.

It can be remembered in marasmus of children who have been fed on artificial foods.

It is useful in diarrhea of children & adults, dependent upon indigestion of the food.



When placental extract is administered to nursing mothers the amount of milk is increased, and the infant receiving this milk grows more rapidly.

It acts as galactagogue.


Pituitary gland.

Pituitary exercises a superior control over the growth and development of the sexual organs. Stimulates muscular activity and overcomes uterine inertia. Its influence over unstriped muscular fibre is marked.

Cerebral hemorrhage. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption of clot.

Utrerine inertia in second stage of labour where as it is fully dilated.

High blood pressure, chronic nephritis, prostatitis.

Vertigo, difficult mental concentration, confusion & fullness deep in frontal region.

During pregnancy & before menses the gland is enlarged in certain cases the enlarged gland before & during menstrual period is attended with menstrual headache. This is usually relieved by the administration of the remedy.

Pituitary headache have been cured by the whole gland.

In stout women with amenorrhoea & this type of headache. It is usually relieved by this medicine (along thyroidinum).

It is also effective in menorrhagia and metorrhagia. It is more servicible in heart failure and in shock when the blood pressure is very low. It should be thought of following parturition and laprotomy when the urinary bladder is semi - paralyzed. In continence of the urine both in adult and children, it has been of service, also in nocturnal enuresis.

In the fatigue syndrome asthenia with weakness and neuromuscular pains, also after parturition when the mother remains weak, does not gain her strength and the uterus does not contract normally, an extract of the whole gland is useful.

It should be thought of in epilepsy., especially in young children and in youth (when it should be studied in connection with thyroid & parathyroid) The whole gland should be used.

Extract of the anterior lobe should be thought of in rickets.

Extract of the posterior lobe should be used in diabetes insipid us.



This is formed in the cells of the duodenum when they are acted upon by hydrochloric acid. It passes into the blood rather than along the alimentary canal.

It activates the intestinal pancreatic secretions. It stimulates the peristalsis of the intestines and helps to relieve constipation. It is of benefit in gastro hepatic intestinal or digestive insufficiencies.

It assists in raising the low urea output.

Through its action in assisting intestinal peristalsis it assist in overcoming constipation & relieving intestinal stasis, fermentation & putrefaction.


The spleen

It seems to produce leucocytes and lymphocytes during intra uterine life. It is a part in formation of red cells. Under certain conditions of the bone marrow this may continue after birth. It is believed that it act as an activator of the pancreas and stomach by furnishing an internal secretion which elaborates trypsin.

An extract of the spleen has been employed in the malarial cachexia.It has been employed in enlargement of the spleen.



It has been employed in certain cases of exophthlmic goiter. When the thymus is enlarged, in rheumatic arthritis, rachitis and marasmus.



Dried thyroid gland of the sheep is used for the preparation.

It produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face & limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis etc.

In myxoedema & cretinism it is very effective. It is effective in Rheumatoid arthritis, infantile wasting, Rickets & delayed union of fractures. It is very effective in undecended testis in boys. Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets. It is of use in psoriasis & pityriasis rubra.

Arrested development of children. It improves the memory. It is very useful in goiter, excessive obesity, mammary tumour & uterine fibroid. Great weakness and hunger yet looses flesh. Noctural enuresis ,agalactea and vomiting of pregnancy.

Patient is chilly. It is also effects in various type of oedema, because it is a powerful diuretic.

A state of puffiness & obesity may be regarded as the keynote indication of thyroidinum. Among the pathogenetic effect of thyroidinum optic neuritis and accommodative asthenopia have been observed. It has been noted in the action of growth of hair. T is falling of hair from scalp and abnormal growth in other parts. According to Dr. Burnett brawny swelling is the key note of thyroidinum.


[Ghanshyam Kalathia]

A discussion of sarcodes from the perspective of Sankaran’s Sensation, along with two illustrative cases.

The sarcodes are prepared from healthy tissue or secretions, so they have the potential of that particular tissue. If we understand that potentiality of tissue then we can easily prescribe the sarcode. With this article I’ll try to make you familiar with sarcodes as a group.


First I’ll present two cases and then discuss sarcodes in detail.


    The illustrating cases are taken and analyzed using Dr. Sankaran’s method of levels and sensation.

    D: = Doctor, author; P: = patient; HG = hand gesture. My comments are in (brackets).

Case 1

First consultation on 27th may 2007

A student of commerce, a 24 year old man came to my clinic complaining of allergic rhinitis and his verbatim comments are as follows…

D: Tell me what’s your problem?

P: I have attacks of continued sneezing since 2 years. It is after environmental change or after exposure to dust. I think my problem is purely allergic.


D: Tell me more about this allergy.

P: Allergy means you have some problem, I mean you missed something in your body or you have adverse effect of something or you are sensitive to it. In my allergy constant sneezing is there, and because of sneezing I can’t walk, talk or do anything properly.


D: Can you tell me more about this allergy?

P: Allergy means your body has not capacity to bear a particular thing. Any waste or anything like… virus, bacteria, chemicals that don’t like your body. You have some deficiency that’s why this allergy happens. Your body has not capacity to bear it.

            (I want to know about local details of the complaint, but he is describing the allergy only according to his way, so it’s a flow with him)


D: What do you mean by deficiency?

P: You have any kind of deficiency and from that your body can’t fight with bacteria and finally your capacity is going low. (HG-he moves both his palms slowly towards the ground.)


D: Capacity?

P: Your body’s bearing capacity is your capacity and your body’s working capacity is your power. If sometime things go beyond your power, then your body cannot bear it.


D: Tell me more about power?

P: You are taking food, right! From the food your body gets energy (HG-he uplift his both palms.) and energy will give you power and power is essential to maintain working of all organisms. (HG-he makes circular action with right hand.)


D: Tell me more about energy?

P: Energy will bring the balance. (HG- he balances both his palms horizontally.) Energy keeps the balance of blood supply and balance of all organs. It supplies whatever any system requires. The energy is generated from digestion of food and by the help of energy you do all your work. If energy is not enough, you feel weakness and you start wasting gradually.

(At this stage I believe that all this information is a product of his thinking, but he talks spontaneously and fluently ‘as if he is giving lecture on this topic’. Later I got to understand why he spoke this way. According to Dr. Rajan Sankaran this thing is tuning as “non-human song in the human being”. Let me explain: He talks about something other than himself, I mean he talks ‘as if he is observer of this topic’. He didn’t realize he was talking about himself… so capacity, power, deficiency, energy these are non-human words of his story.)


D: Can you tell me about this weakness?

P: If you don’t take food then you feel a weakness and your body is not able to do any work and then your good heath is gone and finally your balance is disturbed.


D: Can you talk about this balance of the body? (He’s following beautifully so I do not change the questions)

P: The body can generate (HG-he makes circular action with right hand.) the energy and that generated energy will give all requirements (HG-he moves his right hand from right to left.) to all systems and at that time there is not any deficiency. Energy also gives an immunity and immunity fights all foreign particles.


D: What is immunity?

P: In your body you have some natural forces, and those forces are created (HG-he makes circular action with right hand.) from foods by the body. Forces are required for protection of all systems, otherwise allergens are killing you.


D: Tell more about forces.

P: They are naturally created (HG-he makes a circular action with his right hand.) and automatically doing their work. (HG-he moves his right hand from right to left.) They give protection. They have potential for all deficiencies. That is an arrangement of nature, you can’t change them. That was generated in the body and destroyed in the body. (HG-his hands flow apart.) They work non-stop, everywhere and any moment in the body. You can’t see them or feel them. They are there and work automatically, naturally.

(He does “circular action with his right hand” repetitively when describing ‘maintaining’, ‘creating’, ‘generating’. So I think this HG is his energy pattern so I ask the next question for HG.)


D: When you talk about ‘energy being created’ you do a movement like this (I do same HG.,What do you mean by this action?

P: I mean energy is created in your body (HG-circular action) and then energy does work (HG-flow right to left) in your body according to your body’s requirement and then that energy is automatically destroyed (HG-falling apart) in the body.


D: Tell more about energy being created, working and being destroyed? (I do all three HG)

P: I think this kind of process happens in everyone’s body. Some energy or force is generated in the body and it works spontaneously according to rules and regulation and at one point it is destroyed in the body. Then your body creates new energy, then it works and after some time it is destroyed and this cycle goes on and on.

(He beautifully describing one process, like… something created, worked and then destroyed in the body. Everything happens in the body so I think his described process is a “physiological process” and my experience from other cases is that the sensation in the form of “physiological process” is the sensation of sarcodes.)


D: Now tell me about your nature? (I have confidence now, so I change the topic because I want to relate the above process in another area of his life.)

P: I like a calmer environment. I don’t like noises. I like a little cold in the environment. I like to do my all work according to a timetable. I don’t like dirtiness. I prefer cleanliness. If things are according to my way, I feel satisfied.


D: Just talk about satisfaction.

P: If I finish my routines regularly I feel satisfied. If the environment is friendly I feel really fresh. You can’t get tired and your energy is pouring in your body. You feel excited; do this…. body feels balanced. Your systems works automatically without applying too much mind. At that time you want to do more and more work. Your body can get rejuvenation (navchetana). Your all systems feel fully healthy. (He pauses for some time.)

From work you get experience; from experience you do new work more easily and from that you balance your systems spontaneously. In the same way our body also make balances, with the help of some kind of processes like digestion, metabolism and finally these all processes give you life-governing force or energy. This all happens cyclically and automatically.

            (In the other area of his life he also describes “physiological processes” with the help of the following words…’Balance’, ‘Work’, ‘Digestion’, ‘Metabolism’, ‘Energy’, ‘Everything happen cyclically and automatically’. So this is the confirmation of a sarcode. We’ll discuss this latter on.)


D: What food do you like, dislike?

P: I like sweets too much and I always want a balanced diet. One thing I want to tell you doctor, is that after eating I require some food in the form of sugar every one to two hours.


D: Can you tell me about your dreams?

P: I never get dreams.


Plan: He describe spontaneously his perceptions of energy, so I think his state is at the delusion level. I give him RNA 1mk.

Analysis of case-1

We get his story in the form of ‘physiological processes’ so the sarcode kingdom is confirmed. I want a remedy that has the potential of “created, maintained and destroyed”. At this stage I didn’t have any idea of the remedy, so I’m going through all sarcode remedies and I get one beautiful reference from Murphy’s Materia Medica… “Hunger with need to nibble throughout the day, especially sugar (written in bold)” for RNA. But what about the above mentioned process? I checked in a textbook of physiology, medical dictionary and RNA related information on the internet and I got some references which made everything clear. These are the references…

“RNA is nucleic acid that controls protein synthesis in all living cells. In the cell there are three types of RNA…Messenger RNA, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA”. Here I am impressed with word “synthesis” because it is a process of creating something.

“The RNA control protein synthesis” …it means RNA helps to create the proteins from amino acids and maintain protein’s work by controlling its biochemical activities. Whenever any cell requires heat or energy, RNA destroy proteins, so protein turns into amino acids and this process gives heat and energy to the cell.


Some important references about proteins…

“Proteins are a source of heat and energy to the body and they are essential for growth, the building of new tissue, repair of injured tissue and maintenance of body weight.”

“Protein has the ability to elicit an immune response when coupled with a hapten.”


Follow up after one month

D: How are you?

P: I’m fine. There have not been any sneezing attacks from one month and energetically I also feel well. Since I started your medicine, I feel fresh in the morning.


D: How is your desire for food even after eating?

P: My eating habit is changed now, but mentally I feel that I want something in the form of sweets. Taking something every one or two hours is changed now. I take some sweet one hour after eating and then I require nothing.


Plan: He has not had any attack of allergic cold and he is physically feeling good, so repetition of dose is not required.

Follow up after 6 months

D: How do you feel now?

P: Good, I have not any problem regarding allergy, and mood wise I also feel good.


D: From 6 months ago to today what difference do you see?

P: At that time I was very narrow minded, I mean I was very time bonded. At that time I was like… “You do something at any cost”, but now I decide before I do anything if a situation requires that I do it. In short, I’m free from that narrow mindedness. I mean I’m free from “Do work according to time table” and “health consciousness”. Before I took food according to its nutritional values, but now I take any food, whatever I have in our house.


Plan: I think mentally he is free from his perception and till today he had not any physical complaint, so I didn’t repeat the medicine. (In total he required two doses of 1mk, the last dose on 3rd September 2007)

(After 7 months, he has not come to my clinic, but since I’m his family’s doctor, one or another of his family comes to me, so I’m indirectly in contact with him. He is still alright till today)


Case # 2

First consultation on 11th September 2007

27 years old female lab chemist came to me for treatment of falling hair and pimples. These are her verbatim comments:

D: Tell me about your problem

P: I suffer from constipation since long ago and I also have pimples and my hair falls out. With the pimples, black heads and dots are the main thing. These complaints all increase during my menses. I have more oily skin so I think this is the cause of pimples.


D: What’s bothering you most?

P: Constipation. Because of constipation my routine gets disturbed. You don’t like to do anything and that’s why your regularity is disturbed. I think these skin related complaints are because of hormones.


D: Tell me more about skin related complaints.

P: I want an attractive face… I mean spotless skin is important for your life and career. If you have good hair growth then you feel good, you feel confident and you feel that you have a good personality.


D: Talk more about personality?

P: If you have knowledge it is ok, but you must be lucrative and by this way you make good impact on others. I think all my complaints happen because of my irregular lifestyle. If your blood purification is not perfect, then you get skin complaints and finally all things depend on your cleanliness.


D: Tell me about irregular lifestyle?

P: If your diet is irregular, I mean you eat outside too much or don’t maintain body cleanliness or don’t take a bath regularly then your body’s purification system gets disturbed. Your habit of sleeping, drinking and eating is not perfect or regular then also your purification system is disturbed and disturbed purification produce skin problems.


D: Tell me more about body purification?

P: You get ill frequently by imperfect purification (HG- she makes fists with both palms.) and finally you get weakness. You do any little work and get tired or your eyesight gets weak. You have hair loss and pimples.


D: What is imperfect purification?

P: Imperfect purification means…from your body excretory materials are not totally discarded and because of that there’s some impurity stuck (HG- she makes fists with both palms.) inside your blood. In the constipation also some materials stay inside. (HG-makes fists) If your system is not regularly discarding waste (HG-she open up both fists and hands falls apart) then that bad materials stay (HG-makes fists) in your blood and that impurity produce the effects on your skin. But you are regular in your routine the problems are solved automatically; I mean regularity is important for maintenance of your health.

            (She makes forcefully two fists when she describes “imperfect purification” and she opens up her both fist and hands move outward when she describes “discarding waste” so I think this is the energy pattern in her and I ask about HG for more confirmation.)


D: When you describe ‘impurity’ you do some actions with your hands. What you mean by this (I do same HG)?

P: By impurity some unnecessary products are staying (HG-both fists) in your blood and that will produce the problems. Purification by excretory systems and filtration are essential for your life and health.


D: Excretory systems? (New word)

P: With the help of excretory systems the body removes (HG-hands falls apart) waste from blood, but if purification system is disturbed then some impurity stays (HG-fists) inside your body then impurity circulates in your blood and may produce problems. So process of filtration and purification by excretory system is essential for maintaining the health.

(She describes “purification” and “filtration” as a process of excretory system, so this is clearly a sensation of sarcode as ‘physiological processes’.)


D: What is your personality, your nature? (Now we do confirmation of same sensation in other areas of her life.)

P: Whenever I’m fully satisfied from my work or from my life, I have a good mood. At that time I take everything positively. When I was satisfied and anything is the wrong way, I take it as a challenge and I try to solve it with my best efforts.


D: Tell me more about self-satisfaction?

P: Suppose I do hard work and I’m getting a full result. At that time my confidence is on top. At that time I’m fully satisfied and I try to make impossible things possible. If instead, from my hard work I didn’t get a result, then I get stuck (HG-fists) in it. I want always to have easy flow (HG-make flow with hands) of work, otherwise I get frustration (HG-fists). In my whole life I want a certain type of clarity. I mean I must be clear (HG-flow of hands) from where I am and where I want to go. If clarity is not there, then I get frustration (HG-fists).


D: More about clarity & frustration?

P: You want clarity. In future you must know where to go and where to stop or what you want. This is an easy flow of life (HG-flow). If my way is fuzzy (HG-fists) then I become frustrated, but if clarity is there, I work with double force. If anything is full of hope, why not get going?

(Her problem lies between “stuck” and “flow” and she describe her whole story with the help of the same HG as ‘physiological processes’, so a sarcode is confirmed.)


D: Can you tell about your dreams?

P: I don’t get any dreams. Actually I’m a heavy sleeper.


D: Please talk about your interests and hobbies?

P: In my life I want to develop new ideas and try to make them true. This is my hobby.


D: Your likes and dislikes in foods?

P: I like onion, spicy things and potatoes very much. I don’t like all guts.


D: Any problem related to urine or stool?

P: Yes, very good question, otherwise I forget it. My urine smells so strong that if any drop remain on my under wear this will smell a lot and I feel embarrassed when I sit with others. You know doctor, I have to pass urine every 20 to 30 minutes.


Plan: She has strong and clear perception that her complaint is due to impurity, so I think she is at the delusion level and I give Urea pura. 1mk


Analysis of case 2

She clearly talks about the process of ‘purification and filtration’ so I’m sure about a sarcode and she describe that all processes happen in the ‘excretory system’, so she required any medicine that has potential regarding ‘purification and filtration’ of excretory system. Urea pura passed through all above mentioned processes in the excretory system, so I prescribe her Urea.


I got the following references for Urea…

    Reference from Murphy’s M.M.: frequent urging to urinate with complaints of much sediment in urine.

    Reference from internet… Urea is a colorless, odorless white prismatic crystal that is the chief nitrogenous constituent of urine. It is formed in the liver from ammonia derived from amino acids by deamination. Then it is excreted because it is waste (un-necessary) product.


Follow up after two months

D: How are you?

P: I have less problems regarding hair falling and now I’m not suffering from constipation, but the pimples are still not improving.


D: Complaints regarding urine?

P: Thank you very much doctor. My desire to urinate in short intervals is changed, now I go one or two hourly. And the most important thing is now my urine does not smell too strong.


D: Now generally how do you feel?

P: I feel energetically better and I do my routine regularly. I think constipation is gone so my morning routines get regular and because of regularity most of my problems are solved. But doctor when will you make my face free from pimples?


Plan: She does well with Urea, so no repetition only SL


Follow up after nine months

She is doing well with Urea till today and in total required two doses of 1mk. These are her comments:


“I’m regular in my routines and office work”

“Initially I’m pushy towards my work, but now I do work according to its demand”

“I believe… now I’m not demanding that ‘all work must be easy going’”


Plan: No repetition of dose.

Follow up after one and half year

D: What you see as the difference now and before treatment?

P: When I was coming initially to you at that time I was focusing on my goals… one after another, that is changed now completely. Now I take interest in other things also. Initially I was always searching for new things, otherwise I got bored, but now I’m get settling down. Now I can enjoy everything instead of only doing one thing after another.


D: Any complaints?

P: Really not anything is bothering me. Internally now I feel calmness. Thanks a lot from my heart doctor; you make me free from that all nuisance.


Information on Sarcodes

You get some explanation about sarcodes from my article “The Language of sarcodes” in ‘Homeopathic Links 1/10′. These are some selected paragraphs from the article:


The sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue or a part and that tissue and has a useful and healthy function. So the question arises, why would anybody require a remedy made from useful and healthy tissues? The answer is, because when the whole being responds as if it were that one part, this can be considered as disease and that person requires a sarcode (The Sensation in Homoeopathy, page: 681).

    My understanding of sarcodes is as follows: If we understand the behaviour of healthy tissue we easily understand sarcodes. The function and usefulness is a healthy tissue’s quality. Healthy tissue functions in an appropriate and perfect way… no hyper-function, no hypo-function. To work properly, perfectly and appropriately is its aim.

    A sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue, so it has a direct relation to physiology. The physiological process, phenomenon or function is the sensation of a sarcode.


So in any patient requiring a sarcode you get the issue about ‘physiological process’ and the above two cases give you a beautiful illustration of how ‘The physiological process’ is their central issue. The sarcode patient’s language can be confused with the minerals because they sometime speak about functions, but a mineral’s function is related to structure. The mineral sensation expresses as… “I’m missing something” or “I’m losing something”. The sarcode function is expressed as…”I must function properly, perfectly, appropriately and as it is required, neither less nor more”.


Some sensation words for sarcodes:

Body, Nutrition, Energy, Filtration, Metabolism, Digestion, Power, Strength, Balance, Co-ordination, Cooperation, Handling, Caring, Immunity, Deficiency, Capacity, Generated, Created, Maintained, Destroyed, Health, Food, Weakness, Wasting, Blood circulation, Healthy systems, Organs, Works according to rules and regulation, Everything happen cyclically and automatically.


[Ghanshyam Kalathia]

The Language Of Sarcodes

As classical homoeopaths, we can recognize how patients needing a mineral remedy

Talk… they all have a particular style. Similarly all other kingdoms have their own specific pattern of expression. In this article I am trying to give a hint of how patients needing a sarcode can be recognized by their language and expression. In homoeopathy we have the following sarcode remedies:














Pituitaria glandula anterior.

Pituitaria glandula posterior.

Pituitaria glandula.



Urea pura.

But we seldom use them as frequently as other kingdom’s remedies, because our knowledge of them is slight. My aim is to make the sarcodes more familiar.

The illustrating case is taken and analyzed using Dr. Sankaran’s method of levels and sensation.

Prior to this case I did not know anything about sarcodes besides that Dr. Sankaran said about them in a seminar that if “a healthy tissue (in particular) takes over the whole being of a patient, that points to a sarcode.” (Reference: The Sensation in Homoeopathy, page: 681).


A Case of Cortisonum

(D: = Doctor, myself. P: = Patient. HG = Hand Gesture. My comments and my thought = Analysis

From start to end I did not understand anything regarding which medicine to give, but I knew - being quite confident about Sankaran’s method - that if I understand the energy and sensation of the case I will finally find the right remedy.


First consultation on 23rd March 2007

A fair-skinned lady, 27 years old, soft-voiced, pharmaceutical laboratory technician.

D: Tell me what’s your problem?

P: A cold, a running nose; in the morning I get tired. I have to go out to blow my nose frequently and I feel some cough also…this goes on and on and on… once it stops it starts again. There is little constipation also and during menses I have severe pain and my periods are mostly irregular… either early or late. It is not perfect in any way, but after periods I become all right. I even feel better than before.

[This is level 1 and 2: Name and fact]


D: What’s bothering you the most? (I ask this question because the chief complaint is an entry point into the case.)

P: First thing is this cold and second is my sensitive skin. I feel complete dryness and if I apply a cream for the dryness of the skin some little reddish pimples come up. For a long time my body has been oversensitive. (My observation: she smiles saying this sentence as if it is a very special thing for her.)

[She has two main complaints, the first is a cold and the second is sensitive skin. But sensitivity is common to both and is not related to local complaints only, but is related to the whole body. So the case is generalized now.]


D: I am not following you, so please tell about over sensitiveness?

P: Whatever you do it reacts suddenly, even for a simple thing. As if an adverse reaction is coming. For example my grandmamma is sensitive, she feels bad immediately… sensitive people think in one way only. They become disappointed very easily.

[This comes out of the blue. I never heard this kind of story. The information is not clearly related to any kingdom, so I think it is source language (level 6c or sensation c; a. is kingdom, b. sub-kingdom, c. source).


D: Can you tell me more about sensitive nature? [The case is going directly deeper to the sensation level, so I think emotions (level 3) and images (level 4) are very few.]

P: They (she means sensitive people) feel up and down very fast, their reaction is immediate. Suppose they saw a television serial, the normal persons sees it for the sake of enjoyment. But these people get much more involved in it and their reactions are strong.

[What is sensitivity? Sensitivity means reactions are coming very fast and immediate. This is related to source, a substance that is available in nature.]



D: Tell me more about reactions?

P: Whatever happens they react to them. For any action the reaction is coming. They are not tackling all situations; others are required to handle them… Suppose if any relative has died, at that time she reacts so much that the people are handling her rather than the diseased person. Sensitivity is a good thing, but if it crosses the limit then it has a bad effect.

[Others are required to handle it…this is another quality of the substance.]


D: I understand, please continue.

P: Immediate, fast reaction is coming (HG… as if hands are flowing horizontally with speed), not only for bad things, for good things also. They take every thing to heart very fast.

[HG is energy (level 6) of the case. Anything described without energy is not the vital sensation. The sensation must have energy.]


D: What is their immediate reaction?

P: To immediately give an answer or do any action, like any reaction is coming after action.


D: What is action and reaction? (I want some specificity.)

P: If you do anything, that’s your action. Suppose you take a bath with cold water, that is your action and if after that you feel cold, that is your reaction.

[Means sensitivity has fast and immediate action and reaction.]


D: What do you mean by sensitivity? (Now I have a command on the case, and know where I am in the case… so I ask a question, from where I start.)

P: They get (she means sensitive people) easily happy or sad in a particular situation. Everybody is sensitive, but normal people have the stability and do not become immediately happy or sad.


D: What’s stability? (Stability is a new word.)

P: They do not become this or this

(HG: hands fall in one direction then in other), which means they do not become unstable easily. They do not react very fast.

[This HG is most characteristic (peculiar) of the case. Some more sensations are stability and instability. Instability means you react very fast.]


D: What is unstable?

P: They cannot handle a situation. You cannot rely on them. You can’t judge what they do. They do anything at any time… In relation to things, they are not durable. The thing is not stable, gets cracked immediately…You cannot trust it. You can use it as an alternative source. You cannot rely on it.


D: Go on, I get it.

P: They cannot handle a situation. They cannot understand to do a particular thing.

They are naïve. They are not practical. They are not doing anything perfectly. The outcome of the work of sensitive people is not 100%. Mostly they fail.

[Practical is opposite of unstable and oversensitive.]


D: Who is a practical person? (She talks steadily in the third person, so I do not want to disturb her rhythm, that’s why I ask who rather than what.)

P: They (she means practical persons) handle a situation without becoming too sensitive. They are 100% sure about their action. They do every thing properly. They are proper and perfect everywhere in their life. They do perfectly, they act perfectly, they walk perfectly and they react perfectly.

[That means in order not to become sensitive and unstable you must become perfect and proper.]


D: Talk about your dreams? (As she talked a lot about this issue, I now ask about something completely different.)

P: Dreams are so many, but they are always irrelevant. I am confused mostly after waking. In the dreams I feel as if in a different world.


D: Different world? (To push her gently further I ask the question as if I’m not get understanding it.)

P: I can’t remember correctly, but they are not related to your real life. It has not any connection to your life.


D: Connection? (Connection is a new word.)

P: Connection is joining two different things. In connection both things have a link.


D: Joining the two things means what?

P: Means two things are completely different and they join together, they have connection, a link. The things are different but the link is the same. Link is connecting to each other.

(HG all fingers folded in centre and both hands facing each other - I ask about HG, but she can’t answer properly.)

[Two different things are connected and join together by Link. This is source language directly related to the substance.]


D: Tell me about your nature?

P: By nature I’m a calm person. I don’t like disputes and naturally I’m not a mixing type.

(She means she prefers solitude). If I mix-up then after some time there is not any problem, but I can’t easily approach anybody. And I’m practical… I mean I handle anything beautifully.


D: Handle means?

P: I mean handling or take care of… If you handle the thing haphazardly you lose the thing very fast.


D: Handling or caring means?

P: Suppose you have a thing and you take care properly or appropriately, that is handling or caring. But if you are not handling properly the things are destroyed very fast.

Suppose this is my mobile phone and I use it roughly then it gets destroyed. In case of relationships also, if you cannot handle properly or behave haphazardly, you lose the relationships. But if you take care properly and perfectly they last a long time. I mean the durability is increased.

[For a long time you handle and take care of… or you must do it properly and appropriately otherwise you lose it…. This is SARCODE language, which I explain later on.]


D: Your interests and hobbies?

P: I like TV. And needle work is my favorite. I like to make the best things from the west (she means non-useful things). This is innovative work. Every time I make new things, something different from normal.


D: What do you like on TV?

P: I like fantasy movies; I mean they are not possible in real life… e.g. science fiction pictures or technology pictures.

[This information comes a second time. In dreams also she goes into a different world (fantasy world).]


D: What do you like in food?

P: Spicy, I eat everything but food must be tasty.


D: Which seasons do you like?

P: I don’t like sun and winter. My skin becomes dry and scaly in the cold and becomes red in the sun heat. Some immediate rashes come after heat or cold.


Prescription: (I do not have 1MK) Cortisonum 200C

            [I think her imagination is powerful, which means she is at delusion level so I want to give 1MK.]

[She created a beautiful image of a sensitive person and from that we get all the sensations.]


Follow-up after one month

D: How do you feel now?

P: Good, energetically much better, but this allergy is tremendous. The sneezing, running nose is always there.


D: Energetically better means?

P: After waking in the morning you feel fresh and energetic, right… That kind of energy and freshness I have now, but when I have this allergic attack I feel loose and mood-less (meaning without energy).


D: What’s energetic?

P: You do any work, fast… fast… As you wake up you start routine immediately. At that time you are applying your full force to do a work, and your total energy is working to complete a work.


D: PMS, periods?

P: I finished my period, but all complaints are as they were. Also constipation is increased.


Prescription: Cortisonum 1MK one dose. (She has not any major changes so I change the potency.)


Follow-up after three months


D: How you feel now?

P: Fine, I feel dramatically well. My skin is completely better and constipation is gone.

First important thing is my periods are now on regular time, but this allergy is still there. At the time of allergic attack I become hyper, and I get angry very fast.


D: What is hyper?

P: Hyper means anything much higher.


D: What kind of dreams you get now?

P: Not any specific, some sentimental only.


D: Tell me about sentimental?

P: Too emotional. Immediately, very fast you get influenced… Like… you become happy and sad very fast. Sentimental people ʼs speed to get happy or sad is much higher than normal people.


Prescription: no dose, only Sac Lac. (She has the same complaint at sensation level, but the medicine works beautifully on other levels, so I don’t repeat the dose and my plan is to wait and watch.)


Follow-up after nine months

D: How do you feel now?

P: Good…no sneezing, no cold, nothing.


D: What is the difference between today and nine months before?

P: Initially I jumped from one moment to the next very fast without much thinking and previously I got involved in a particular situation very easily, but now I can learn how to see things without being oversensitive. (Rather than projecting, now she accepts that “she is oversensitive”. I think this is the cure. Not being stuck at any level and flowing with a situation is a sign of health.) (Then after one and a half years she is fine, she has no complaint in regard to allergy, constipation and menses. She got three doses of Cortisonum 1MK in total.)


Analysis of case

After completing the history of this case I became confused… is this a mineral case?

Or is it anything else? The central issue of this case is oversensitivity/instability but not as in plants where it usually concerns one sensation and the exactly opposite reaction (active and passive reaction). Here it is more like a mineral where it concerns the presence or absence of a symptom - oversensitivity in this case. Her style of talking is like a mineral but different. Mineral patients speak in terms of lacking something in the structure, here it is stability. Once they have it they are complete. So it is clear to me that her language is unlike mineral cases and as per my knowledge of all other kingdoms this case is neither related to animal, plant, nosode nor imponderabilia. That is why I considered a sarcode and then I referred to all the sarcode remedies and finally I found beautiful references in Murphy’s Materia Medica and my confidence was increased when I saw similar references from the medical dictionary as well.


The references are as follow:

A) References from Murphy’s material medica for Cortisonum. (Important words written in bold)

    Psoric and allergic constitutions

    General lack of reaction, decrease of the organic reactional capacity. (Opposite to her state)

    > from menstrual flow

    < in the morning/heat or sun stroke

    Unstable mood, alternating between euphoria and melancholy. (This is related to her state)

    Euphoria, quick change of mood. (This is related to fast and immediate action)

    Irritability when bus is going too slow. (This is the pace of her state)

B) References from medical dictionary for cortisone and corticosteroids.

    A hormone of the cortex of the adrenal gland

    It acts upon carbohydrate metabolism and influences the nutrition and growth of tissues

    To the class of steroids belong sterols e. g. cholesterol, bile acids, adrenal hormones, sex hormones and vitamin D

    Corticosteroids are largely used in the treatment of allergic reactions

    Corticosteroids do not initiate cellular or enzymatic activity, but permit many biochemical reactions to proceed at optimal rates

    Used as an anti-inflammatory agent and in the treatment of Addison’s disease

    Negative effect is they can reactivate latent infections and mask acute disorders


Analysis according to levels


Nowadays I analyze all my cases according to levels:

A - Level 1 and 2, name and fact

          Allergy, sensitive skin, menses irregular, constipation

B - Level 3, Emotions

          Anger and oversensitivity

C - Level 4, Delusion

           I’m practical and stable

D - Level 5, Sensation.

a) The sensation that is related to kingdom (sarcode)

          Functioning properly, perfect and appropriate

          Some words… handling/caring, 100% outcome

b) The sensation that is related to a subkingdom

           This is not clear in this case

c) The sensation related to substance (source)

                 Oversensitivity with fast and immediate action and reaction

          Instability with someone required to handle her

          Two different things are connected and join together with a link (I cannot get any information about this sensation. Not in materia medica, not in provings, and not on internet. So I think this is my limitation!)

E - Level 6 Energy; pace, speed, movement and color

          Hands flow horizontally with speed when she was describing action and reaction of oversensitivity. The action and reaction is fast and immediate

          Hands fall in one direction and then in another when she was describing instability.

          All fingers folded in centre and both hands facing each other when she was    describing two different things connected with a link

Information on sarcodes

Initially I didn’t know anything about sarcodes, but nowadays I gain knowledge from some cases and if I get a chance, I’ll present those cases also.

My understanding of sarcodes is as follows… the sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue or a part. That tissue has a useful and healthy function. So the question arises, why would anybody require a remedy made from useful and healthy tissues? The answer is, because when the whole being responds as if it were that one part, this can be considered as disease and that person requires a sarcode. If we understand the behavior of healthy tissue we easily understand sarcodes. The function and usefulness is a healthy tissue’s quality. Healthy tissue functions in an appropriate and perfect way… non hyper function, no hypo function. To work properly, perfectly and appropriately is its aim.


A sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue so it has a direct relation to physiology. The physiological process, phenomenon or function is the sensation of a sarcode. Most of the words related to physiology are sarcode sensation words.

For example:

Nutrition, Energy, Filtration, Metabolism,

Digestion, Power, Strength, Balance, Co-ordination,

Cooperation, Handling, Caring, etc

Now let’s look at the Cortisonum case in regard to sarcode sensations. A Cortisonum patient believes that if she cannot become practical or perfect or appropriate then she becomes oversensitive and unstable. Or in other words, if I function (act, talk, walk, react) perfectly, I will not become unstable and oversensitive. This is the disease in her. In this case perfectly, properly, appropriately are sarcode words and those words in regard to function (act, talk, walk, react) is the pattern or language of this sarcode.

All sensation words of a sarcode are in regard to physiological functions, and these include acting, reacting, talking, walking, sleeping, digestion, metabolism, filtration, excretion, etc.

I give some examples of sarcode cases whose language confused me. The patient was talking as if he read a book of physiology. These are some extracted sentences from that case:

“You have some deficiency and because of that you have this allergy.”

“Your body has not capacity to bear that toxic material.”

“Energy is created from food and that energy gives you power. Power made immunity and immunity is required for fighting the allergens.”

“Energy will bring the balance. Energy is generated from your food and that energy will give you whatever your body requires.”

…this is the language of sarcode. In minerals you also find sensation in regard to function, but a mineral’s function is related to structure. The mineral sensation expresses as… I’m missing something or I’m losing something. While sarcode function is expressed as…I must function properly, perfectly, appropriately and as it is required, neither less nor more.

I believe, this is not a complete work in any way; so your feedback is required to strengthen me. If you have any case or proving please share it, because sharing is the important aspect of growing. I believe that I developed because of my group Discovery Forum (run by Dr. Pravin Marselin). In meetings, we share our ideas and that makes us free from prejudice.


[Ghanshyam Kalathia]

Exploring sarcodes: a very hurried man


D. = Ghanshyam Kalathia; P: = patient; HG = hand gesture; my comments are in (brackets).

First consultation 4th, June 2007

A 35 year old businessman came to my clinic for treatment of allergic bronchitis; his verbatim report is as follows.


D. Tell me all about your problem?

P: I have a problem of asthma; during asthmatic attacks there is a wheezing sound. This problem is my routine problem and I have become used to it.

(Observation: He blinked his eyelids very fast and forcefully.)


D. Tell me more about your asthma.

P: One and half years beforehand, I had severe acidity. At that time, I wasn’t even able to take any food, so I took some herbal preparations and I recovered completely from acidity. After that, my health was fine, but suddenly one night, I woke up due to difficulty breathing; I became scared from the wheezing sound of my respiration and my family members also got scared to see me in that situation, so they took me to the hospital immediately. After half an hour, I became totally normal but since then, I get these attacks every ten to fifteen days. I take so many therapies but nothing is very effective, so I came to you.

(This is the level of names and facts.)


D. What did you feel during the first attack? (shifting his level from fact to feeling.)

P: At that time, I got really scared, with much perspiration, but now, I have nothing to get scared of because I know that this wheezing happens due to a narrowing of my respiration tube. Almost all asthma patients have the same problems. Asthma is the enemy of sleep: during deep sleep, I suddenly had breathing problems

(HG - he makes a fist with great speed.)

and that arouses me because air is not able to come out of my lungs. I think my lungs get blocked and then they give orders to my brain and immediately brain awakens me.

(His speech is very fast.)


D. I understand, please go on.

P: During these attacks, I feel some heaviness in my chest as if my system is not ready to remove gases, so my breath neither comes in nor goes out; if at that time I take an asthalin (etophylin) inhaler then my system becomes normal. Since this asthma, I also have complaints of weakness - I feel that my legs start to get weaker.


D. Please tell me about weakness?

P: I am really scared to become paralyzed. I feel as if the functioning of my whole system is going to stop. I believe that the cells of my brain are dying.  Doctors tell me that it is nothing serious, but if I have nothing wrong, why would I get all these complaints?


D. What do you feel in your legs?

P: Suddenly my legs become loose (HG - he hangs his palm downward and oscillates it) as if there is not any power in them. It is as though my legs are sluggish, with no movement.

            (HG - hanging). I think that the activity and the blood supply of my brain become sluggish.

(His talking pattern is in the form of ‘as if’: that means these all are his perceptions, but they are still at a local level. With the next question, I try to make them generalized.)     


D. Forget about your body; please tell me what is ‘sluggish’? (‘Sluggish’ has been mentioned more than twice).

P: Sluggish means there is not any power in you. Anything becoming totally loose (HG - hanging) is sluggish. An altered blood supply in your brain makes you sluggish. Blood makes you powerful, otherwise you become totally loose (HG - hanging) as if you are a plastic bag filled up with water.

(He shifted from ‘I’ to ‘You,’ that means he’s now generalizing.) 

D. Tell me more about ‘sluggish’ and ‘loose’?

P: Sluggish means it is not paralysis, but you have little or no movement. Your power is completely drained out. The experience of sluggishness is the same as when you have severe dehydration: in dehydration your body becomes totally loose (HG -hanging).

(He talk about ‘Experience,’ that means he is now at sensation level. He hangs his palm downward and makes very slow oscillatory movement when he describes sluggish repetitively, so I ask the next questions about HG.)


D. When you talk about sluggishness you make some hand gestures, what is your experience of this? (I make the same HG).

P: Sluggish means you have very low blood pressure and it is not possible to move (HG - hanging) anything in your body. Your movement is because of your tone. Your blood has all kinds of bio-chemicals that keep your tone up. (HG - he makes a tight fist). If there is any alteration in your bio-chemicals then your body loses its tone very soon.


D. Bio-chemicals? (New word)

P: I mean the contents of blood. In the blood, we have different kind of contents like cells, minerals, hormones, proteins, vitamins, etc. But if the blood’s ingredients are altered, then suddenly, your blood pressure goes down and from low BP and you feel weakness (HG -hanging). The body maintains all the contents of blood automatically and many processes are involved in it. So, finally, blood gives power (HG - he makes a tight fist) to the whole system.

(Here, HG of ‘hanging palm’ and ‘tight fist’ describe his energy pattern and ‘sluggish’, ‘loose’ and ‘tone’ are sensations, but to which kingdom do these sensations belong? His description “many processes are involved in maintaining the BP with the help of certain bio-chemicals” makes me think of sarcodes because ‘blood’, ‘processes’ and ‘bio-chemicals’ are words from physiology; my experience from other cases is that any sensation relating to physiology is a sarcode sensation.)         


D. Now, tell me about your nature? (I want confirmation of sensations in other areas of his life.)

P: I’m a jittery kind of person, I want everything fast and I can’t bear waiting. Sometimes, I start fighting when something doesn’t happen my way. If I don’t find a solution then, I become restless because I want to solve everything very fast. When I chase any problem, I always go to the roots and I correct them very quickly.


D. Tell me more about ‘I want all solutions’?

P: If you don’t find a solution then you are gone. If you drop down when fighting, then your opponent can overpower you. If you don’t have any power (HG - tight fist) then what is the difference between you and a water-filled bag? You are nothing. (HG - hanging)


D. Please describe ‘water-filled bag’?

P:  A water-filled bag is completely loose (HG - hanging). It has no tone and no capacity to do anything. It’s dropped whatever way you want to drop it, it’s moved whatever way you want to move it. It has no capacity to stand tight (HG - tight fist).

            (Same story of ‘loose’, ‘tight’ and ‘tone’)


D. Please tell me about your dreams?

P: I never remember any dreams.


D. Your interests and hobbies?

P: I am very fond of driving the car at speeds of 120-140 km/h. I never get tired of driving continuously for 400 to 500 km.


Prescription: Histamine 1MK



His description of physiological words ‘blood’, ‘processes’, ‘bio-chemicals’ makes me think of sarcodes, but I don’t know the sensations of ‘sluggish’, ‘loose’, ‘tight’, ‘tone’. I look up all the sarcodes and from the materia medica come beautiful references.

A. Murphy’s materia medica (Important words are written in bold)

Histamine is a capillary vessel dilator, an arterial vessel constrictor, a hypertensive in carnivores and herbivores; it constricts the bronchi and arouses the smooth tissues of the intestine, the uterus and the gastric and pancreatic salivary secretions and is normally used in the form of Histamine bi-chlorhydrate, which serves as stock for homeopathic preparations. Histamine has general asthenia as after physical exertion. Dryness of the mucous membranes. Feeling of constriction in different parts of the heart. Quivering and cramping contracture of the muscles. Irritable, susceptible, impatient with the need to walk up and down. Sensitive to the slightest trifles. Impatient, restless, with the need to move from place to place aimlessly. Quarrelsome, melancholic, sad, prostration which disappears by forceful walking. Waiting makes him particularly nervous, needs to walk up and down. Pain and gastric constriction when receiving news or remembering a painful experience. Contracture and muscular twitching of the eyelids and around the eyes. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids. Allergic and psoric constitutions. Asthma or chronic bronchitis with lack of air, feeling of oppression or constriction in the chest. Coughing fits which almost choke him.

B. Synoptic materia medica

"It is a powerful stimulant of gastric secretion, a constrictor of bronchial smooth muscle and a vasodilator [capillaries and arterioles] that causes a fall in blood pressure." [Stedman's][See: Jayesh Shah, Hurried and quarrelsome - Two cases of histamine, Homoeopathic Links, 3/97]

Constriction and Dilatation are the basic potentials of Histamine which are expressed as ‘tight’ and ‘loose’ in this case, so finally everything makes sense. 


Follow-up after one month

D. How are you?

P: I’m fine. Since taking your medicine, I had two wheezing attacks, but this time they did not last too long. I took an inhaler and I recovered immediately.


D. What about other complaints?

P: No other complaints except this asthma. The weakness in my legs is gone now.


D. Any dreams?

P: I remember one… I had an examination and the bus did not come on time; I can’t tolerate waiting, so when the bus finally came, I fought (verbally) with the driver.


Plan: There are not many changes in his emotional state, but he starts improving at a local level, so wait and watch.

Follow up after six months

His wife calls me one morning to say that her husband has severe acidity. He is on a liquid diet because he can’t bear simple food. He has eructations and sometimes he vomits. I advise her to repeat the dose: he recovers quickly from the acidity.


Follow up after ten months

D. How are you?

P: I’m fine. Thank you. During the last six months, I have not had a single attack of asthma. Unbelievable! One dose can cure acidity? In the past, I took 3kg of herbal powders to treat the acidity, but you cured me with only one dose!


D. This is true; if your medicine is perfectly matched with your state then sometimes we get miraculous results. Tell me what differences do you notice between the past and now?

P: I used to be a very jittery kind of person, but now I think first before making any decision. In the past, I couldn’t wait for anything; I wanted everything straight away, but now, I first take a look at the situation and then I act accordingly. These changes make me business-wise also. In short, now I feel young.

(My observation: he speak slowly now and he has very little spasmodic blinking.)    


Until today, he has not had any complaints; he required four doses of histamine 1MK in total.


Information on sarcodes

You can find further information about sarcodes in my article “The Language of sarcodes” in ‘Homeopathic Links 1/10’. These are some selected paragraphs from the article.


A sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue and that tissue has a useful and healthy function. Why would anybody require a remedy made from useful and healthy tissues? When the whole being responds as if it were that one part, this can be considered as disease and that person requires a corresponding sarcode (See The Sensation in Homoeopathy, page: 681). A sarcode is prepared from healthy tissue, so it has a direct relation to physiology. The physiological process, phenomenon or function is the sensation of a sarcode. Sarcode patient’s language is often confused with the language of minerals because they sometimes speak about functions, but a mineral's function is related to structure. The mineral sensation is expressed as… “I'm missing something” or “I'm losing something,” while sarcode function is expressed as…“I must function properly, perfectly, appropriately and as required, neither more nor less.”


The sarcodes are prepared from healthy tissue or secretion, so they have the potential of that particular tissue. If we understand that potentiality of tissue then we can easily prescribe sarcodes.


Let’s look at the Histamine case with regard to potentiality. First, you ask the question: why does the body require histamine? What is role of histamine in the body? Histamine is meant for capillary dilatation and arterial constriction, or dilatation and constriction of smooth muscles, so dilatation and constriction is the potentiality of histamine. If somebody’s whole being responds as if he is histamine, then we prescribe histamine and it makes him more ‘human’. 



First we discuss my journey about how I discovered the general theme of sarcodes, then we see what is that general theme.


After my first case of sarcode I tried a lot to get a “general theme” about sarcodes, but I failed; because we have not enough information in our materia medica and not enough provings. For making generalization of sarcodes I tried to compare each and every remedy of sarcodes but I didn’t get any common clue between them, so I got tired and put them aside.

But, fortunately two months latter one interview of a patient (the patient of RNA… made me think further about generalization of sarcode, because he talked two hours continuously about “physiology”. So at that time I thought, why should “body” not be a general theme of sarcode? Ultimately all sarcode remedies are coming from the “body”! So finally my general understanding became clear. Let’s discuss the themes step by step.



First we see Dr. Rajan Sankaran’s view and try to understand his opinion and then we see how I understand the sarcodes.

• “Any particular cell (tissue/secretion) take over the whole being is indication of sarcode”.

In one seminar he explains this thing beautifully. His sentence… “For understanding this in a better way please take as an example that all people in a state become policemen, then imagine what’s the situation in the state? The same situation happens in any particular patient of a sarcode where their whole being becomes like any particular cell (tissue/secretion). I mean, some police is required in the state but when the whole state becomes police, it creates a problem and requires treatment”.

• “A sarcode is indicated when its function is seen predominantly in the case, when it becomes global and affects every thing.” [3]


Here his explanation has one word added ‘function’, which is something more precise then the previous explanation. So the understanding is when any cell becomes the whole organism then their expression in human terms is the ‘function’. When patient’s central issues are related to ‘functions of the body’ then we think of sarcodes.


Dr. Sankaran’s explanation is basic, but we have to understand that basis and make it in a kind of “practical form” which we can apply easily in all cases of sarcodes.

What is the ‘function’ in sarcodes?

If we look in our body we observe one thing…that every cell in the body is functioning throughout its whole life; if they stop functioning the body can’t survive, so the “function” is basic criteria of body’s survival mechanism and I understand the sensation of every kingdom by their survival mechanism.

• Plants are self dependant and on receiving any stimuli give reaction according to it, so their survival mechanism is to take the sensation and give a reaction.

• Animals are dependant on their environment so they experience threat from environment to their survival, so their survival mechanism is ‘survive’.

• Minerals are structure and they have to complete their structure by loosing or gaining something, so their survival mechanism is to loose something or gain something.


Similarly if we understand the survival mechanism of the body we understand a sarcode’s sensation. If the body wants to tell (express) anything, it speaks in the form of “physiology”, so the physiology is the language of the body.

• The body survives with the help of physiological processes, so the ‘body function’ is the core issue in sarcodes.


Exploring the sensation of sarcode

The sensation of sarcode would be expressed in the form of “functions of the body”. When we pass through all levels in the process of case taking and when we reach at the level of sensation, at that time the patient starts to talk about the functions. At this stage their expressions are related to “Action” rather then “Effect”. I mean the patient put weight on “Action” and these actions are related to the “Body”. Actions are like… doing, working, maintaining etc.

E.g., when our Histamine patient talks about sensation he feels that he cannot do anything or he cannot work or his body cannot maintain blood ingredients. So here he puts weight on ‘doing’, ‘working’ and ‘maintaining’. So it becomes clear that he is talking about functions and that these are related to blood, brain or body. So things become logical if we understand he is talking about “Body functions = Physiology”.

Function may confuse us with the mineral kingdom because minerals also have functions as a sensation, but minerals’ functions are related to their row in the periodic table: they are related to existence, separation, identity, security, performance, leadership or letting go. Sarcodes’ functions are related to “Body”. For example: health, blood, blood circulation, immunity, deficiency, excretion, filtration etc.

Sarcode patients’ expressions confuse us with “local or physical” information, because when a patient talks about local detail that is also related to the body, but the basic difference is the sarcode patient talks local-like information at the sensation level.

E.g., if patients talk at the level of fact they express very minute energy while at the level of sensation the energy is plenty and the pattern of energy is repetitive and obvious: they have movement (hand gesture/ body gesture/ facial expressions), sound and colour for expression of their experience while these things are lacking at the local level.


When I examine all cases of sarcodes I see one pattern in their functions. Their attitude is they want to maintain their state. This kind of understanding comes to my mind when I re-examine my cortisone case. During re-examination I wonder why anybody wants to become ‘proper, perfect and appropriate’? The answer is: she wants to maintain her state otherwise she becomes ‘oversensitive or unstable’. I mean if you don’t maintain your state then you become “hyper” or “hypo” functions wise and that’s creating a problem in the sarcode. This kind of ‘attitude’ expressed beautifully in Dr. Sankaran’s DNA case. The patient maintains the attitude of ‘find something better’ and changed his place six times! This kind of attitude forced him to work in sharp, focused and right direction. In the case we see some more features like: I can’t sit in one place, changes constantly; (2) I always try to survive in difficult situation. These expressions support our idea of maintaining.


I give one more example of ‘maintaining’ attitude. My RNA patient wants to work according to a time-table. He wants everything to be perfect and according to his way. Suppose his mom cooked “cari” instead of “dal”, but he doesn’t eat it, because cari is for Wednesday not for Sunday in his time-table of food. He becomes so much nutrition conscious that he made a fixed menu of food for a week and strictly follows that. This is the attitude of his behaviour. If he eats something irregularly then he looses his ‘healthy state’, which is he tries to maintain constantly by making a time-table for food.


How to select any particular remedy from sarcode kingdom?

In above chapter we discuss about general theme of sarcode but how to choose a sarcode remedy is one another issue that must be understood perfectly. “Potential” of any sarcode remedy makes their choice of prescription. For better way to understand this topic let’s make comparison of sarcodes with India. The Indians are recognized by their language, Hindi, but anybody coming from Maharastra state speaks Marathi also, or anybody coming from Gujrat state also speaks Gujrati, but their national language is Hindi. In the same way all sarcodes speak the language of “physiology” as a general, but at particular level they speak a different language of depending on “where they coming from”. For example, in the ‘Histamine’ case physiology is his language of sarcode but he also speaks the language of ‘contraction and dilatation’, because histamine’s potential is to contract or dilate vessels.


In other words, if a patient expresses complaints at sensation level he talks about ‘function of body’ which confirms the sarcode, but the type and quality of function point to a particular remedy. In my Urea case the physiological process is conformation of sarcode but the expressions of ‘excretion and filtration’ make the choice of Urea.



1. Nosodes: (Here described the themes of nosodes I learn from Dr. Sachindra and Bhavisha Joshi)

First of all we compare sarcodes with nosodes because nosodes also have the issue within themselves rather then surroundings. Nosodes are diseased tissue so they want to become normal while sarcodes are normal tissues already. For better way to understand please take one example… One man falls in the pit on the road and tries to come out of it, while another man becomes conscious of a pit in the road and tries not to fall into it. The man in the pit is nosode and the man on the road is sarcode. The fallen person thinks he’s the stupid one who did not see properly and fell in this big problem so he becomes desperate to come out of it and finally feels helpless. He sees others on the road and feels they are lucky and he’s unlucky, faulted, abnormal and weak compared to the others. A person who is not fallen into a pit he’s aware of thinks he must become perfect, proper and conscious to prevent falling in. He tries his best to maintain his place. He must try to become better so he never ever falls into it.

2. Minerals: Some times the word “function” may confuse minerals and sarcodes because minerals also has a function as a “sensation”, but minerals functions are regarding something missing             or loosing to make a complete structure; they speak related to function of specific issue of separation, identity, security, performance, leadership while sarcodes’ “functions” are mostly functions of the body and by the help of that function they want to maintain their healthy state or even become better.

3. Remedies of 11th Column: ‘maintaining’ is also an issue of 11th column of the periodic table. They constantly try to maintain their state and do not want to loose it. But their sensations are related to specific issues of the row. E.g. they have issues of security (Cuprum), performance (Argentum), leadership (Aurum) etc. While sarcodes want to maintain their healthy state. They are conscious to not become hyper or hypo in their functions.

4. Cancer miasm: ‘perfection’ is also an issue of cancer miasm. They constantly try to become perfect and are conscious to not become chaotic. But in the cancer miasm it is a coping mechanism and their issue is something different than ‘perfection’. The issues of remedies belonging to the cancer miasm depend on the kingdom they belong to. While ‘perfection’ is an attitude of a sarcode because they wants to maintain their healthy state.


Some sensation words for sarcodes…

Body, Nutrition, Energy, Filtration, Metabolism, Digestion, Power, Strength, Balance, Co-ordination, Cooperation, Handling, Caring, Immunity, Deficiency, Capacity, Health, Food, Weakness, Wasting, Blood circulation, Healthy systems, Organs


I believe that my work on sarcode is not a final and complete work, but it is a first step and if we work together I’m sure we make it complete. I try my best and now it’s your turn…




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