Schizoid personality disorder


Vergleich: Siehe: Gemütsverfassungen.x + Alternative zu Psychopharmika.x


Schizophrenie hat nichts mit e  iner gespaltenen Persönlichkeit zu tun (was viele unter dem Begriff verstehen), vielmehr ist die Persönlichkeit von der Realität abgespalten.

Während der psychotischen Schübe verschwimmen die Grenzen des Ichs, die Patienten werden von Wahnideen und Halluzinationen heimgesucht, sie haben oft fürchterliche Angst. Zudem zerfasert ihre Persönlichkeit, und sie verändert sich: Die Erkrankten verlieren oft ihre Energie und Motivation, häufig fehlt ihnen der Antrieb für alltägliche Dinge wie etwa duschen, Wäsche wechseln, aufräumen. Manchmal verkümmern Mimik und Gestik, Außenstehende nehmen diese Veränderungen oft als abweisend wahr.

Hinzu kommen kognitive Symptome: Den Betroffenen fällt es etwa schwer, einem Gedanken zu folgen und komplexe Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. Wahnideen und Halluzinationen lassen sich mit Medikamenten häufig weitgehend in den Griff bekommen, wenn die Betroffenen auch oft unter schweren Nebenwirkungen leiden.

Vor allem die Persönlichkeitsveränderungen und die kognitiven Probleme sind aber die Hürden, die vielen Patienten den Weg in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben erschweren.


[Max Amann]

Schizoide Psychose

Acidum nitricum dil D12

Baptisia dil D12

Cimicifuga dil D30

Cuprum arsenicosum dil D12

Haloperidolum dil D12

Helleborus dil D12

Nux moschata dil D6

Paris quadrifolia dil D6

Scutellaria galericulata dil D6

Staphisagria dil D12

Mischen zu gleichen Teilen und 2x tgl. 20 Tropfen einnehmen; eventuell Menge reduzieren

Ergänzung: Tesoprel glob D30 und D200 in Einzeldosen versuchen


[Steph Nile]

Thesis: Homeopaths are reluctant to group remedies around any specific condition. Is there any benefit in proposing this kind of grouping?

Main points

F60.1 Individuals with Schizoid Personality Disorder may have particular difficulty expressing anger, even in response to direct provocation, which contributes to the impression that they lack emotion.

Their lives sometimes seem directionless. Such individuals often react passively to adverse circumstances. Because of their lack of social skills and lack of desire for sexual experiences, individuals with this disorder have few friendships, date infrequently, and often do not marry. Employment or work functioning may be impaired.

    * Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships (being part of a family)

    * Almost always chooses solitary activities

    * Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person

    * Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities

    * Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives

    * Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others

    * Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity


Rubrics indicating Schizoid disorder ...

    MIND - EMOTIONS - predominated by the intellect       8

     MIND - COMPANY - aversion to                                    249

     MIND - COMPANY - aversion to - desire for solitude   87           

     MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his                        27

     MIND - INDIFFERENCE - family, to his                         23

     MIND - INDIFFERENCE - joy of others; to                     32

     MIND - INDIFFERENCE - everything, to                        112

     MIND - UNFEELING                                                        51

     MIND - SENSITIVE - want of sensitiveness                    30

The rubrics indicate the following group may help in the treatment of this disorder ....

positr. nat-m. sep. nat-sil. lyc. con. nux-v. staph. phos. Plat-met. tritic-vg. op. sulph. sal-fr. bell. hep. nit-ac. plut-n. falco-pe. podo. ozone. anac.


Positron, at the top of the list feels heavy and isolated.  Some describe the state as serene, they are enchanted by perfection and irritated by disorder and entropy. 

In this state they do not wish  to be disturbed or to mix socially.

 MIND - DELUSIONS - invaded; one's space is being 

 MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - family and children; attempts to escape from her 

 MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - run away, to 

 MIND - ESTRANGED - family; from his

 MIND - ESTRANGED - society, from 

 MIND - HATRED - humankind; of

 IRRITABILITY - disturbed, when

The F60.1 core diagnostic points are present in the Positron proving, but F60.1 Schizoid category does not really tell us much about the essential nature of Postironium.

It has no mass but it seems to produce a very heavy contemplative state. They don’t want their contemplations to be disturbed by trivia. The theme of not caring is marked,

but there is a more universal compassion. The focus is on matters of more universal concern - as opposed to social interaction.


However, provings produce symptoms and states in healthy subjects - two postiron cases have been described by David Johnson (Hpathy). Both were significantly withdrawn prior to the remedy.

They seem to feel ungrounded and insubstantial. He described this withdrawal 'as having a sense of being physically present but not truly interacting with others'. 

Both did start to improve their interactions with others afterwards.

The heaviness invoked by the remedy seems to have provided some degree of social grounding in these cases. Although the F60.1 grouping does not describe the individual nature of the remedies very well it does give some indication of their clinical application.



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