Sepia succus Kind Anhang


Comparison Med. with others for children

Comparison. of Carcinosinum and others

Vergleich Kind in: Thuja + Merc. + Nit-ac. + Nat-m. + Sepia


[Petr Zacharias]

Many homeopaths don´t consider Sepia to be an important remedy in children and actually, it is often confused with Carcinosinum as both have a strong desire for chocolate, >: during thunderstorm/dancing; Also, both are very sensitive to criticism. The important difference here is that Sepia has a very special ability to sense the weaknesses of others, and can be very spiteful. Carcinosinum children do not want to hurt others in the vast majority of cases. Sepia children are emotionally vivacious and easily excited and the usual picture of deadening of emotions and weakness comes much later in life, after being hurt emotionally or when hormonal changes set in.



Sepia-Kind ist sehr empfindsam und viel erregbarer als Nat-m.-Kind.

Sie küssen ein Sep.-Mädchen und es wischt sich unverzüglich mit der Hand oder dem Hemdsärmel über das Gesicht.

Sepia ist das meistbenutzte Mittel für sexuellen Mißbrauch im Kindesalter

[Ursula Sommer]

In der Familie gibt es eine Person, die das Sepiakind zwingt, gegen ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zu leben, dann entwickeln sie Trotz und Nichtspüren ihrer eigenen Gefühle, sie möchten

ihre Ruhe haben. Sie brauchen ein Ventil gegen die Unterdrückung. Das ist die Reizbarkeit, Kritik, Skepsis, Abweisung, Rache, sie entwickeln ein Gefühl, einen 6. Sinn für die

Schwächen der anderen Menschen und verletzen sie dann. Als Kind sind sie phlegmatisch und verlieren das Interesse am Spielzeug und am Spielen.

[Atul Rajgurav]

Children who take cold readily when the weather changes.


Rezidivierende Zystitiden. < Kälte; > Wärme;

[John Henry Allen]

Unwillkürlichen Harnabgang sobald es schlafen geht.

[Barbara Schäfgen

Zeichnet sich durch eine auffallend würdevolle Erscheinung aus. Es ist ernsthaft, klar und sehr bestimmt in seinen Äußerungen und Ansprüchen. Die Augen sind auffallend ernst und

groß, oft ist die Stirn in Falten gezogen. Es weiß früh, was es will und fordert das auch. Sepiakinder sind absolut unbestechlich. Auf Versprechungen von Belohnungen reagieren sie

mit Verachtung. Sie versuchen grundsätzlich, ihren Willen durchzusetzen und meistens gelingt ihnen das auch. Hier wird schon früh die auch bei der erwachsenen Frau vorhandene

Dominanz deutlich. Sepia-Mädchen haben einen starken Bezug zum Vater. Wenn er schwach ist, hat er ihnen gegenüber keine Chance, soweit es um Autorität geht. Sie bestimmen,

ohne dabei jedoch zerstörerisch zu sein wie das Tuberculinum-Kind oder schelmisch wie das Phosphor-Kind. Andererseits beschützen sie ihn, d.h. sie bringen viel Verständnis für

ihn auf und verteidigen ihn gegenüber der Mutter, wenn es zu Streitereien kommt. Wenn die Beziehung der Eltern konfliktreich ist, sind sie sehr parteiisch und ergreifen meistens die

Partei des Vaters. Wenn sie älter werden, fangen sie fast immer an, ihren Vater aufgrund seiner Schwäche zu verachten. Besonders wenn er auf lycopodische Art mit seinen

Schwächen umgeht, kommt es zu ernsthaften Konflikten. Sepia durchschaut Lycopodium schon als Kind und zerpflückt es mit schneidender Klarheit. Spätestens jetzt ergreift das

Sepiamädchen eindeutig Partei für die Mutter, die oft auch sehr viel mit dieser Problematik zu tun hat. Sepia hat Verlangen nach einem starken Vater, der sie sich entwickeln läßt und

sie liebt. Er muß jedoch stark genug sein, seine inzestuösen Gedanken zu sublimieren.

Sepiamädchen lieben große Pferde, und oft träumen sie davon zu reiten. Zu ihren Lieblingsfiguren gehört Pippi Langstrumpf. Oft zeigen sie schon sehr früh Interesse an

Selbstverteidigung. Sie ziehen sich gerne bunt an und tanzen gerne.



Children who cannot express their love and affection  easily (Nat-m). During the first visit, the child may appear closed and indifferent.

History of domination (Anac. Carc. Lyc. Staph) in these children can produce two patterns:

- Defiant (Bar-c. Caust. Lyc).

- Sad and depressed (acceptance) (Calc. Nat-m).



Delayed development of breasts in girls or very small breasts (Con. Iod. Kali-i. Staph).

Development arrested (Bar-c. Calc. Calc-p. Phos. Sil).

Other important symptoms


Ailments from being abused (sexually) (Carc. Ign. Nat-m. Op. Staph), grief and reproaches.

Avarice and greed in children (Ars. Kali-c), which chiefly arises from insecurity and a feeling of being forsaken or neglected (Arg-n. Pall-met. Puls)

Children who love to dance, exercise, or walk, which > most of their complaints (escaping from do

mination) (Carc. Ign. Tarent).

Envy and jealousy between children (Puls. Tarent. Verat).

Frightened easily from trifles/fears doctors) (Phos. Stram), rats (Calc), spiders (Abel), taking a bath, thunderstorms (Borx. Nat-m).

Loners, and are withdrawn from their emotions (Nat-m. Phos)

Sluggish (Am-m. Caps. Op. Plb-met.), awkward and accident-prone (Arn. Aur-met. Caps. Med. Puls. Staph); strikes against things when walking.

Untidy children (poor self-image) who end up urinating and defecating everywhere (Lac-h. Psor. Sulph).

Capricious; desires constant change (arising from a kind of discontentment, due to emotional insecurity).

Disposed to frown all the time.

Easily offended; constantly feels that other children are mocking at him or making fun of him.

Emotional insecurity in children that arises when they witness arguments and quarrels between parents.

Finds it difficult to concentrate or fix his attention on what he is doing.

Liars (Verat) with a tendency to steal (Puls) on the sly (Lach).

Loves thunderstorms; very happy and cheerful from thunder and lightning (needs excitement to remove depressed feeling).

Makes a lot of mistakes in talking and writing; uses the wrong words, calls things by the wrong names.

Nervous children who are easily affected when touched, during quarrels or when consoled.

Obsessive-compulsive desire; keeps washing her hands all the time.

Precocious children.

Secretive child.

The indifference is expressed in the form of irritability, leading to a quarrelsome, abrupt or rude behavior.


Hair sticks together at the end or gets tangled easily; thus are very difficult to comb (Borx. Med. Petr).

Sour (Hep. Sil), cold perspiration from the scalp.

Violent headaches compel the child to shriek in pain; from getting a haircut and from suppressed coryza; < in artificial light, on stooping and when

reading; > covering the head, eating (Anac. Arg-n. Kali-bi) and sleeping (Gels. Glon. Pall-met. Phos)

Headache with jaundice.

Examination findings:

- Dandruff.

- Dry, offensive, yellow scabs and scaling from the scalp (from behind the ears).

- Involuntary jerking or nodding of head forward and backward when talking (very commonly seen).

- Milk crust.

- Open fontanels.


Blurring of vision before headache (Iris. Kali-bi).

Heaviness of the lids (Caust. Gels. Rhus-t) with difficulty in keeping them open (in the morning on waking and during a headache [a possible early symptom of Horner’s

syndrome (einer Pupillenverengung, dem Herabhängen des Oberlids und einem gering in die Augenhöhle eingesunkenem Augapfel) or a space-occupying lesion

in the brain].

Inflammation of the conjunctiva (Arg-n. Euphr. Rhus-t. Sulph), cornea, episclera (Kalm. Merc. Sep. Thuj), lids and sclera (summer) and from catarrhal affections of the nose and throat (Calc. Dulc. Euphr. Merc. Psor. Puls); > cold applications (Arg-n. Bry. Caust. Puls).

Burning pain in the eyes with lachrymation, during fever and when in cold or open air, > washing the eye with cold water.

Muscular asthenopia (Alum. Gels. Nat-m. Onos); weak vision when reading or writing.

Thick, yellow, purulent discharges from the eyes in the morning, with agglutination of the lids at night.

Examination findings:

- Drooping eyelids (Caust. Gels. Spig)

- Scurfy, scaly, herpetic or eczematous eruptions or pustules along the margins of the lids (Bry. Calc-sil).

- Crusty eruptions about the eyebrows.

- Formation of nodules and indurated tarsal tumors after repeated styes.

- Hypermetropia.

- Trachoma.


Impaired hearing from catarrh of the eustachian tube.

Examination findings:

- Cracks behind the ears (Graph. Hep. Lyc. Sulph).

- Moist herpetic or vesicular eruptions on the ear lobes and behind the ears, ext. face (Caust. Puls).

- Increased, purulent, offensive wax from the ears.


Acute sense of smell, especially to cooking food.

Epistaxis of dark clotted blood (Carb-v. Lach. Puls. Sel) (l.); from blowing the nose, during fever, headache or when the nose has been struck by anything, even lightly

(Cic. Hydr. Sec).

Chronic nasal catarrh and sinusitis.

Chronic watery coryza with laryngitis and diarrhea.

Examination findings:

- Pinched nose (Camph. Kali-bi. Lyc) with a yellowish or brownish saddle across it and a shiny red tip.

- Postnasal catarrh (Ferr-p. Hep. Kali-bi. Nat-c. Nat-m. Psor).

- Thick, yellowish or greenish (Hydr. Kali-bi. Merc. Puls. Tub), offensive (Kali-bi. Merc. Psor. Sil) discharge from the nose, which becomes hard and

dry and forms painful and large crusts and scabs, even in the posterior nares (Bar-c. Calc-ar. Elaps. Kali-c).

- Nasal polyps.

- Scurfy nostrils.

- Swelling of the turbinates in the left nostril.


Cold perspiration of the face (Ars. Camph. Carb-v. Cina. Merc. Verat) (taking any warm food or drinks and during sleep).

Examination findings:

- Crusty and scabby, herpetic eruptions about the nose and the lips (Aeth. Calc. Nat-c).

- Dry, cracked lips (middle of lower lip) (Kali-c. Nux-v).

- Impetigo on the forehead (Ant-c. Med. Rhus-t).

- Warts around the mouth (Psor) and on the chin (Lyc. Thuj).

- Wrinkled forehead (Cham. Hell. Lyc. Nux-v. Stram).

- Brown spots on the face.

- Chewing motion of the jaw during sleep.

- Freckles.

- Growth of hair on the upper lip.

- Pale, old-looking, emaciated face, with dark blue circles under the eyes.

- Waxy face.


Difficult dentition, with early and rapid caries of the teeth, which are discolored black (Calc. Calc-p. Fl-ac. Med. Phos).

Tastelessness of food during coryza (Ant-c. Calc. Hep. Nat-m. Puls. Sulph).

Pain in the teeth after being filled, after taking anything sweet, from warm or cold drinks, when taking in cold air and when touched.

Teeth clenched firmly at night (Ther).

Examination findings:

- Flabby, indented tongue with erect papillae.

- Halitosis.

- Spongy, swollen, dark red, tender gums, which bleed easily from slightest touch or pressure.

- Ulcerative stomatitis.


Cannot bear anything tight around neck, from a sensation of choking (Cench. Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach).

Pain in the left side of the throat and left tonsillar region (Crot-h. Lach).

Constant desire to swallow from sensation of a lump in the throat, but swallowing does not ameliorate.

Pain in the throat on empty swallowing.

Examination findings:

- Chronic pharyngitis, with a dark red discoloration (Calc. Fl-ac. Lac-c. Merc. Nat-m. Sil).

- Swelling and suppuration of the tonsils (l.) (Bar-c. Iod. Lach. Phos. Sulph), with formation of pustules.

- Goiter, right-sided.

- Swollen, indurated glands around the throat.


Hiccoughs, bitter eructations and pain in abdomen in the morning after breakfast (Plat)

Nausea from odors (Colch. Dig) and in the morning before breakfast (Calc. Lyc. Nit-ac. Tub), > after eating something. (Kali-bi. Nat-c. Petr)

Nausea when riding in a car (Calc. Cocc. Mag-c. Petr)

Thirstless during the heat stage, in spite of a dry mouth, but extremely thirsty during chill (Apis. Caps. Cina. Ign. Nat-m. Nux-v. Verat).

Increased appetite with headache.

Milky or bilious vomiting of a bitter and offensive liquid, on coughing or with fever.


<: Fatty (Ferr-met. Graph) or rich food/fruits (Ars. Bry)/milk (Calc. Chin)/potatoes (Alumn. Coloc)/strawberries (Ant-c).

Aversions: Bread/fat/meat (Calc. Graph. Nux-v. Puls. Sil)/milk (Aeth. Lac-d. Nat-c. Staph)/potatoes/raw vegetables (Ant-c. Ant-t. Nat-n).

Desires: Bitter food and drinks (Graph. Nat-m. Nux-v)/chocolate/cold drinks/nuts/pickles (Nat-c. Lach. Sulph)/pungent things/radish/sour

(Cor-r. Hep. Verat)/sweets/vinegar (Cor-r. Hep. Nat-m);

Examination findings:

- Endoscopy: Peptic ulcers.

- Hardness and induration of the pylorus.


Cholestatic jaundice (Chin. Chion. Lyc) due to Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Gilbert’s syndrome and Indian childhood cirrhosis

(Cupr-met. Iod. Phos. Sulph)

Cannot tolerate tight clothing around the abdomen (Arg-n. Calc. Crot-c. Lach. Lyc. Nux-v).

Distention of the abdomen after eating (Carb-v. Chin. Lyc. Sulph) and when constipated (Bry. Iod. Lach), > after eructation.

Neonatal jaundice (Acon. Bry. Chin. Nat-s. Podo).

Pain in the abdomen after rising, on coughing or after taking soup (Kali-c. Mag-c); > warmth, passing flatus (Carb-v. Tarent) or eructations and >

flexing up the limbs (Bell. Bry. Coloc).

Examination findings:

- Enlarged, hard and tender liver (Chin. Iod. Mag-m. Phos).

- Ascites with distended veins on the abdomen.

- Swelling of the inguinal glands.


Diarrhea: Greenish in infants (Cham. Gamb. Merc); < after anger or fright/during dentition/from boiled milk (Nux-m)/cold drinks; with rapid

exhaustion and jaundice. The diarrheic stools excoriate the perineal region and the skin between the nates.

Inactivity of the rectum with no urge to pass  stools, which have to be removed mechanically (Nux-m. Sil) and are like sheep dung or knotty and

covered by mucus.

Sour, offensive flatus (Asaf. Carb-v. Lach. Nat-s. Sulph).

Voluptuous itching in the rectal area from worms.

Examination findings:

- Prolapse of the rectum (Ferr-met. Nux-v. Podo. Ruta).

- Bloody, offensive moisture from the rectum.

- Passes segments of tapeworm and pinworms in stools.

- Perspiration about the anus and perineal region before and during stool.

Urinary organs:

Chronic nephritis (Lyc. Nat-m).

Involuntary urination on laughing or coughing.

Milky (Apis. Aur-met. Ph-ac), strong, sour-smelling urine that seems to pass in greater amounts than what he drinks.

Nocturnal enuresis (first half of the sleep) (Caust. Kreos. Ph-ac. Puls), usually when the child is dreaming of urinating (Kreos. Ph-ac. Sulph); it is very difficult to

awaken the child from his sleep.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin ++, bile, casts of uric acid and sugar.

- White, clay-like or red sediment on the diaper or the underwear, which is very difficult to wash off.

Male organs:

Disposition to constantly handle his genitals or to masturbate.

Examination findings:

- Edematous swelling of the scrotum and prepuce (Apis. Graph. Rhus-t).

- Genitals are cold to touch (Agn. Gels. Sulph).

- Swollen and indurated left testicle (Clem. Puls. Rhod. Spong).

- Paraphimosis and phimosis.

Female organs:

Examination findings:

- Copious, acrid and offensive, milky (Calc. Kali-m. Puls) or greenish-yellow, purulent leucorrhea in small girls (Calc. Med. Merc. Puls);

(after urination) causing a voluptuous itching (Calc. Kreos. Nit-ac) in the vaginal area.

Larynx and Trachea:

Tickling in the larynx and trachea, due to which the child is constantly clearing his voice.

Hoarseness of voice with coryza or fever.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma begins during sleep (Kali-bi. Kali-c) or on waking in the morning; > bringing up some expectoration.

Child gets breathless from coughing, on lying down and on waking in the morning; > bending head forwards (Ars. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Lach. Spong) and by

walking rapidly.

Dyspnoea in children suffering from rheumatic heart disease.

Examination findings:

- Loud inspiration and slow expiration with wheezing.


Constant, dry, hacking, exhaustive cough throughout the night when lying down; must sit up in bed (Bry. Con. Phos. Puls).

Cough < brushing the teeth (Carb-v. Coc-c. Staph), eating anything sour (Brom), foggy (Menth) or stormy weather (Rhod. Sil), lying

on the back or left side; > expectoration/lying with the head high (Carb-v. Chin) and on the right side (Phos. Rumx).

Cough seems to come from the stomach or the abdomen (Arn. Bry. Kali-c. Nux-v).

Expectoration: Milky (Ars. Sulph) or yellowish, offensive and salty.

Children who catch cold easily when there is slightest change in the weather or when going from a warm room to cold air or vice versa.

Sudden, spasmodic, long, paroxysmal and suffocative cough from tickling in the larynx, where the fits follow each other frequently.

Examination findings:

- Holds the chest with both hands while coughing (Arn, Bry, Dros, Phos).


Neglected pneumonia.

Thin and flat-chested.

Examination findings:

- Rattling of mucus in the chest when coughing.


Cold perspiration at night.

Examination findings:

- Curvature of the spine.


Awkwardness of limbs (Apis. Bov. Calc. Hell); drops or knocks against things.

Copious, cold and acrid perspiration from the palms, feet, thighs and from between the toes causing rawness (Petr) and excoriation of the part (Sanic).

Easy and spontaneous dislocation of joints (Calc).

Inclination to keep the feet uncovered (Cham).

There is involuntary jerking and twitching of the limbs in sleep.

Examination findings:

- Clenching of thumbs (Cupr. Merc).

- Desquamation of the palms of the hands.

- Eczematous eruptions at the bends of the joints.

- Flat, horny warts on the hands.

- Inflamed and very tender corns.

- Nails: Brittle, crumbling, distorted, exfoliating, stunted and thick.

- Osteomyelitis.


Sleeps on the abdomen or in a genupectoral position (Calc-p. Lyc. Med. Tub) with knees and face forced into the pillow.

Sour (Hep. Sil), cold perspiration from the scalp.

Talks loudly during sleep (due to domination).

Children who fall into a very deep sleep at night, from which it is difficult to arouse them.

Dreams of urinating and of fighting with ghosts.

Falls asleep when reading (Nat-m).

Sleepless at night from excitement or from fear, with sleepiness in the morning.


Ailments from: Anger (Staph) or after eating something (Lyc. Phos).

During fever: - Cold and sour (Hep. Sil) perspiration from the scalp, limbs become cold (Stram), redness of face and sighing (Arn).

> after drinking cold water (Caust. Cupr-met. Op. Phos).

Warmth is unbearable, in spite of a shaking chill with icy coldness of the body (Apis. Camph. Ip. Puls. Sec).


Chronic dry eczema, which does not respond to any treatment, with thickening of skin (Ant-c. Graph) from scratching.

Coldness of skin with internal burning < after scratching.

Copious, cold, offensive perspiration (Graph. Lyc. Nit-ac. Rhus-t), that tends to be debilitating, stains the linen yellow or brown and is difficult to

wash off.

Desquamation of skin with cracks (winter) (Calc. Petr)

Eruptions < after taking fish (Ars) or milk (Calc) and in winter (Calc. Dulc. Hep. Psor. Rhus-t)

Fungal infections in immuno-compromised patients (Thuj).

Profuse perspiration in the morning on waking and during and after eating (Carb-v. Kali-c. Merc. Nit-ac)

Recurrent tinea cruris and tinea circinatus on the various parts of the body, which is resistant to anti-fungal ointment (Bac. Nat-ar. Tell).

Neonatal jaundice with yellowish discoloration of the skin.

Examination findings:

- Excessive growth of hair on the body (Cortiso. Med).

- Hypopigmented patches or white spots on the skin (Ars. Kali-c. Sil).

- Pityriasis versicolor (Bac. Lyc. Nat-ar. Tell)

- Chickenpox.

- Freckles.

- Horny or flat, hard warts.

- Intertrigo.


Ailments from getting wet, masturbation, suppressed foot sweat, suppressed skin eruptions and vaccination (Vac. Zinc).

Aversion to bathing (Rhus-t).

Child oversensitive to allopathic drugs and high potencies of homoeopathic medicines (Cham. Puls. Sulph).

Chilly to an extreme degree (Bar-c. Calc-ar. Kali-p. Sil), < slightest draft of air and tendency to catch cold easily.

Fair children with blue eyes and red or black hair and emaciation (Calc. Iod. Nat-m. Sil).

History of recurrent tonsillitis (Bar-c. Sil. Tub) or cystitis (Hep. Lyc. Med. Puls. Tub).

Softening of bones (Asaf. Calc. Merc. Sil); useful in cases of children with rickets.

Weakness and debility from slightest exertion (Ars. Calc. Crot-h. Nat-c. Rhus-t. Tub) or on walking and from perspiration.

Motion sickness in children; cannot travel by bus or car.

Mucous secretions: Corrosive, acrid, excoriating, offensive, purulent, ropy and tenacious.

Sudden faintness in a warm room and during fever.


[Barbara Nowecki]

Das Sepia-Kind zeichnet sich durch eine auffallend würdevolle Erscheinung aus. Es ist ernsthaft, klar und sehr bestimmt in seinen Äußerungen und Ansprüchen. Die Augen sind auffallend ernst und groß, oft ist die Stirn in Falten gezogen. Es weiß früh, was es will und fordert das auch. Sepiakinder sind absolut unbestechlich. Auf  Versprechungen von Belohnungen reagieren sie mit Verachtung. Sie versuchen grundsätzlich, ihren Willen durchzusetzen und meistens gelingt ihnen das auch. Hier wird

schon früh die auch bei der erwachsenen Frau vorhandene Dominanz deutlich. Sepia-Mädchen haben einen starken Bezug zum Vater. Wenn er schwach ist, hat er ihnen gegenüber keine Chance, soweit es um Autorität geht. Sie bestimmen, ohne dabei jedoch zerstörerisch zu sein wie das Tuberculinum-Kind oder schelmisch wie das

Phosphor-Kind. Andererseits beschützen sie ihn, d.h. sie bringen viel Verständnis für ihn auf und verteidigen ihn gegenüber der Mutter, wenn es zu Streitereien kommt. Wenn die Beziehung der Eltern konfliktreich ist, sind sie sehr parteiisch und ergreifen meistens die Partei des Vaters.

Wenn sie älter werden, fangen sie fast immer an, ihren Vater aufgrund seiner Schwäche zu verachten. Besonders wenn er auf lycopodische Art mit seinen Schwächen umgeht, kommt es zu ernsthaften Konflikten. Sepia durchschaut Lycopodium schon als Kind und zerpflückt es mit schneidender Klarheit. Spätestens jetzt ergreift das Sepiamädchen eindeutig Partei für die Mutter, die oft auch sehr viel mit dieser Problematik zu tun hat. Sepia hat Verlangen nach einem starken Vater, der sie sich entwickeln lässt und sie liebt. Er muss jedoch stark genug sein, seine inzestuösen Gedanken zu sublimieren.

Sepiamädchen lieben große Pferde, und oft träumen sie davon zu reiten. Zu ihren Lieblingsfiguren gehört Pippi Langstrumpf. Oft zeigen sie schon sehr früh Interesse an

Selbstverteidigung. Sie ziehen sich gerne bunt an und tanzen gerne.



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