Sycotic Co. (Paterson) Kind Anhang = Bacillus sycoccus


Persistent headache in a child may be a feature of or prodomal sign of tubercular meningitis.
Nocturnal enuresis in children/Peylonephritis, urethritis and cystitis;

Vergrößerte Tonsillen bei Kindern. Polypen.

Akute oder chronische Gastroenteritis bei Kindern.

As older children and young adults, they may choose to participate and perform in competitive sports such as tennis, swimming, gymnastics or in the entertainment field with activities such as singing or playing a musical instrument. The key is that the activity requires individual excellence and the ability to attain distinction. Ir is not so much the competition that drives them, but the need to be the

best and excel in order to maintain attention and distinction.

This desire to be in the limelight and be distinct can start at a young age, particularly if they have a great deal of sibling rivalry similar to Hyoscyamus. Children feel that their

sibling 'obscures' them and then they demand attention. They are frequently, but not always, the first-born and desire to maintain a leadership role. It comes more from not

wanting to be obscure then a fear of loss of social position (Verat.);



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