

Vergleich: Siehe: Theorien +Auto-isopathie + Sarcodes


[Manfred Mueller]

The tautopathic method has benefitted or restored health and wellbeing of patients in a number of conditions: acute toxic syndrome; chronic toxic syndromes; chronic drug/vaccine/radiation-induced conditions and syndromes; chronic allergies; and chronic genotoxic effects from toxins.

[Manish Bhatia]

An introduction to Tautopathy and Tautopathic Medicines.

Tautopathy (Tauto-same) is the method of curing or removing the bad effects of conventional drugs by means of identical potentised drugs. For. e.g., If you are suffering from the bad effects or side-effects of the antibiotic Penicillin, you can use potentised Penicillin to remove its side effects. This idea has been confirmed not only clinically by large number of homeopaths but has also been studied scientifically. There have been studies in which potentised lead and potentised arsenic have been used to promote excretion of the same substances in cases of poisoning. The results have shown that such use of potentised substances can help remove the symptoms caused by the toxicity, by enhancing the elimination of the toxin from the tissues.


Tautopathy is not based on ‘similars’. It is not homeopathy but it is pretty close to it. It is more in the realm of Isopathy. Tautopathic drugs have two advantages –

1. They can be proved like homeopathic medicines and can be assimilated in homeopathic materia medica. This provides a chance to use these medicines on the principles of homeopathy too.

2. They can be given to antidote or remove the bad effects of conventional drugs.

Long term use of allopathic or conventional drugs has often been found to work as an obstruction in providing a cure using the most similar homeopathic medicines.

The administration of tautopathic medicines can help remove such obstructions and can facilitate a cure. A tautopathic medicines is not just administered on the basis of

history of known drug intake, but there should be definite guiding symptoms for the selection of a medicine.

As conventional medicine has progressed the chemicals and drugs used by it have become more stronger. The more stronger a drug, the more stronger are its side effects.

The long term use in chronic diseases compounds this problem. Patients with chronic disease often come to homeopaths after taking conventional medicine for many years.

By the time they arrive at our office, it is often difficult to discern which symptoms of the patient are due to the disease and which are due to the drugs. There is often a layer of drug-symptoms that needs to be removed before the ‘similimum’ can work effectively. The use of tautopathic medicines can help clear the case in many such cases. Tautopathy is not an isolated system of medicine, but it is an enhanced tool for the homeopaths to use in difficult cases coming to us from the allopathic stable.

Two such medicines that have showed positive results in my practice are, Cortisonum and Roaccutane. I have used cortisonum in many difficult cases of asthma and allergic dermatitis with a history of long-term steroid inhalation or application. Such application has often moved a stuck case in the right direction. Potentised Roaccutane has helped in dealing with the cheilitis and hair-fall which results as a side-effect of this drug. Some of the patients who were given Cortisonum have reported some form of elimination reaction in which their sweat or urine becomes more offensive that usual for a few days.

There is hardly any modern ‘wonder-drug’ that does not have any serious side-effects. One has to understand that the ‘medicines’ are not part of body’s physiological requirement. The antibiotics, antipyretics, pain-killers, steroids -are all as foreign to the human body- as foreign as any other disease causing agent. The body reacts to the medicines in very much the same fashion as it reacts to the bacteria and viruses. So there is no wonder that the modern wonder-drugs, produce there own set of symptoms (drug-disease) when used for long time. Tautopathic medicines can play a vital role in countering such drug-disease or toxic symptoms produced by conventional drugs.


Tautopathic Medicines are made by potentising the conventional drugs. The process of potentization is similar to that used for homeopathic medicines, (trituration and succession and dilution) and uses the decimal and centesimal scales, Ich bevorzüge Riechen.


[Eigene Erfahrung]

Ich bin 4x wegen Corona geimpft.

Nach der vierte ging es mir sehr schlecht. Alle beschwerden vervielfachten sich.

Schwindel, Magenschmerz, Müdigkeit. Nach der erste Impfung konnte ich Gelesenes nicht verstehen.

Nach 2e Impfung wusste ich die Tastaturgriffen nicht mehr.

Ich bekomme 2 leere Spritzen. Ich ziehe diese Spritzen mit Alkohol voll mehrmals.

Daran rieche ich.


[Jiri Cehovsky]

Potentized Saliva and Breath

I prefer saliva and exhaled breath for tautopathic treatment. Saliva carries the perfect individual information of the entire organization. Breath exhaled from the nostrils

holds direct information about our prana.


Following are some readily available Tautopathic medicines –

Aspirin                                     Cortisone acetate                                     Penicillin

Adrenalin                                     Diphtheria antitoxin                                     Phenobarbitonum

ACTH                                     D.D.T.                                                 Prednisolone

Alloxan                                     Durabolin                                                 Progesterone

Amphetamine                         Diphenydanton                                     Quinine

Anti rabies vaccine                         Ergotin                                                 Rastinon

Aminophyllin                         Ephedrine                                                 Sulphanol

Bismuth                                     Erythromycin                                                 Streptomycin

Benadryl                                     Gammaexane                                                 Stilboestrol

BCG                                                 Insulin                                                 Sulphacetamide

Chloroform                                     Dimethycenlortac/Ledermycin             Sulphaguanidine

Codeinum                                     Mytomycin                                                 Tetracycline

Chloramphenical                         Methionine                                                 Thizamide

Chlorpromazine hydrochloride             Tetramycin                                     Triple antigen

Chlortetracyclin hydrochloride             Phenacetin                                     Vitamin A, B, C, D, K


[Dr Ritu Parekh, Nagpur]

What is the significance of Tautopathy in treating Drug-Diseases?

Tautopathy is the treatment when drugs, mostly allopathic, are potentised as per Homoeopathic method and prescribed when there are clear indications that the presenting disease symptoms are clearly attributable to the side effects of overdosing with that allopathic drug. Drug-effects take different forms. The indication for Tautopathy depends on the type of effect:

1. Pharmacological Effect: a drug may have many effects but very often it is prescribed for its main effect. eg [Dr Ritu Parekh, Nagpur] Aspirin, an analgesic, also irritates the gastric mucosa and produces hyperacidity; Sorbitrate, given for coronary dilatation, also dilates other arteries and leads to heaviness of head because of increased flow of blood to the brain.

These are termed as side effects. These effects subside as soon as the drug is stopped. If severe they need to be managed by short acting drugs eg Nux-vom 30 for apthae

after prolonged intake of Antibiotics.

2. Toxicological Effect: Certain drugs, if given in high doses or continued for long time produce toxic effects. for eg

Gastric ulcer after prolonged intake of Aspirin.

                    Hair fall after radiation or Chemotherapy.

For Management of these effects, first stop the drug and then give the Antidote.

3. Immunosuppressive Effect: There are certain drugs, which are known to suppress body immunity and render the individual prone to diseases like Tuberculosis, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, and Aplastic anemia etc. For management of such diseases, first stop the drug and then adopt Tautopathic procedure i.e. drug prepared from the alleged drug itself.

 4. Drug-Miasm Effect: Prolonged use of certain constitutional drugs produces a Drug Miasm. It is more powerful than the natural morbific agents are. The patient then produces symptoms, which are called Drug Diseases. These diseases are most difficult to cure eg Steroid Diabetes, Thyroid disorders etc. For managing such cases, first stop the drug and than start constitutional treatment along with intermittent doses of tautopathic drug, if available.


[Jiri Cehovsky]

Autopathy – I Didn’t Wake Up Until Nine This Morning

Uses remedies made from one’s own saliva, breath and chakra points. Jiri Cehovsky, a former Chairman of the Czech Homeopathic Society, has refined the art of autopathy, and shares some of his experiences in making autopathic preparations from Chakra points.

I didn’t wake up until nine this morning. I went to bed at eleven, which means ten hours sleep with two short breaks. But it was about time, the two previous nights I often woke up, the breaks were long and during the day I was tired and irritated.

Yesterday, for example, I threw a slipper towards the TV, where some masked politician was promising a “better tomorrow”. Today is ok. It is because last night I made myself autopathic preparation Prana 2 diluted by 5 liters of water, holding it in the 6th chakra and 3 times overhead.

Before I explain what’s all this about, I have to mention that I’ve been doing this once or twice a week lately, as needed, and if not, I felt at least uncomfortable. My wife sometimes laughs at me: “You’re addicted to autopathy!” For her, it is enough once every two to three months to boil saliva and breath should a problem, usually a small one, appear. Like me, she’s been on autopathy for twenty years.

So, when I make myself Prana 2, I hold the vortex chamber of the Autopathy bottle with the water over the head in the region of 7th chakra, then I dilute the information

by 5 liters of water and then I inform my system of body and mind by holding the vortex chambre again in the 7th chakra, then in the 6th. And, also in the throat chakra, which applies perhaps specifically to me, because I have been overloading this part of the system, responsible for communication, for a long time with my lectures and

literary activities.

And then I hold the vortex chamber again in front of the third eye chakra and finally return it above my head for the third time. Two and a half minutes of flow through

the bottle has proved to be good for me in the long run. But when I exceed three minutes, it no longer has the full effect and the same happens with only a liter.

Other people too have noticed that the potency of Prana needs to be stipulated relatively accurately by gradually increasing from the lowest dilutions and monitoring the feelings, and that there is no point in pushing it higher at any cost, as one client recently did, because then it doesn’t work.

As for the third positioning above the head and its special effect, it was discovered by a client years ago, who spent 10 years relatively satisfied with autopathy but was forced to return to it every couple of months, until he performed spontaneously this third placement over the head at the end of the application – and then it lasted him a whole year to his full satisfaction and I did not hear from him anymore. For me, it only lasts 3 to 4 days at my age, but I’m grateful for that. And when I say at my age, I don’t just mean my biological age, but also the time I’m living in.

Our demanding times signal, as I perceive it, the end of the age of orthodox materialism. Materialists with their reductionist science (ignoring the subtle sphere of a human) cannot cope today with people’s central problems.

In principle, they proclaim that man and his mind and consciousness and health (= life) are created only by material processes, and that they can only be influenced by matter. But only a few people believe this materialistic sanctity. According to a new survey, among scientists only 25% are materialists, 25% profess traditional religions and almost 50% are non-materialists, more of our kind, sometimes called “new religiosity”, “new age” and the like, the label is irrelevant.

Many of them do not find notions like prana, life force, meditation, consciousness influencing or creating matter and similar things foreign. However, they cannot communicate their beliefs, at least not at work. The religion of the state, the academia, the corporations, is materialism. However, it has a declining number of believers.

It is wonderful to feel the relief after transferring creative information from the 7th immaterial chakra to the body system. And twice as nice is the realization that this essential part of a person is outside the physical body, it is the part that does not die, it changes, but goes on living, even after leaving the body and then with a new body.

It is not subject to a state or corporate influence. It is useful to realize that this implies responsibility for what we do and how we think. Buddhists call it karma. Materialists promise that redemption from suffering occurs automatically through the death of the physical body, irrespective of whether one had been good or bad.

According to them, nothing but the body exists. However, a sociological survey found there are only about 17% of them in our country, for example. They deserve compassion, as do all of us. They would probably also benefit from making themselves Prana 2, 3x over the head…

Many civilizations before us knew how to transmit subtle information from that eternal part of man to that transient one through water and they functioned longer and more sustainably than ours, whose transformation is probably just around the corner.

It was the happy Minoan civilization in Crete, lasting a thousand years without wars and using water vessels Rhytons, it was the time of the Upanishads in India, where 

“The Kundika Upanishad” came from. It was the first one and a half millennia of Buddhism, where the Kundikas, vessels for flowing clean water, were also used.

These periods remind us that it can also be done differently, with a broader and kinder view on human problems.

To learn about autopathy and how to use it visit:   https://www.autopathy.com/

Also, see Jiri Cehovsky’s newest book:  Autopathy Handbook



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