Tierhomöopathie Anhang A


[Richard H. Pitcairn]

Vaccinosis: a variant of sycosis [growths of all types (cysts/polyps/warts/tumors/cancer)/skin affections/lymphatic system/immune system/susceptible to fungal infections/susceptible to cold, damp weather/arthritis/affections of the blood and others]

I speak from the homeopathic perspective that understands that every being (viruses) have a vital force/this life force or chi, is what is the energetic pattern that develops and maintains the physical form. It is a downstream flow of information from the energetic to the physical. When this physical aspect is changed or blocked, as happens when the chronic vaccine disease is established, then the life force behind the disease manifests itself in a different way. These new forms, we give new names.

We haven’t really eliminated anything by vaccination/just changed its shape.

I picked 3 diseases for discussion because of their importance to dogs and cats who have suffered from them for thousands of years. They would seem to have a susceptibility to these diseases that has never been satisfied. Now, with the extension of these diseases into a chronic form with vaccination, the influence of these diseases on the dog and cat species has never been so great as today.



[Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D., Animal Natural Health Center, Eugene Oregon]

We look at the question of vaccinations in 4 aspects.

1st How clinical experience led to understanding that vaccination was important (causative) in many of cases.

2nd Look at the homeopathic perspective on chronic vaccine disease = vaccinosis.

3rd Present some ideas on how vaccinosis may manifest in dog and cat.

4th Consider the question of the efficacy of vaccinations - do they really do what they are purported to do?

Perspective from homeopathic medicine, not from the allopathic model that assumes vaccines to be useful and safe with occasional aberrations. Most of us are aware

that vaccine - causes diseases -such as immune disorders, bleeding problems, tumor formation- are recently receiving attention from the allopathic community.

However, the premise that these are exceptions to a basically safe procedure is not the same viewpoint as that following.

Understanding of the importance of vaccination in animal diseases gradually developed over several years. Beginning homeopathic practice without considering vaccination

as a factor of special importance/ considering the totality of symptoms in the case and choose the remedy which seemed to be the similimum based on that picture (classical homeopathic procedure) and mostly one which would be effective.

However, there were a significant number of cases that would not react curatively. Though there was improvement in some respects, nonetheless, a cure was not forthcoming. Eventually, through following the case over a period of time, the image of the remedy Thuja would emerge - which when administered would resolve the case which had been so difficult. Thuj is the most important remedy to be used for that state induced by vaccination. Other remedies noted to have this correspondence are Sulph/Mez/Maland/Sars/Carc/Sil among others.

Malan. (from horses with "grease heel") and Carc. (from a cancerous discharge).

Thuj/Mez/Sars are vegetable remedies

Sulph./Sil. mineral remedies. Representing all the major remedy classes.

The underlying problem in some of difficult cases was a state of illness that had been induced by vaccination. It was more effective to emphasize the rubric "Vaccination, effects of" almost to the exclusion of other remedies. In this way, it was able to make progress in some very frustrating clinical situations. Progress was depending on use

of Thuj, the anti-vaccine remedy. Though this was not necessarily the final remedy, it seemed to be a necessary beginning prescription. It is as if vaccinations have the ability

to block response to a constitutional remedy, an obstacle that must be dealt with before cure can be underway.

Homeopathic Discovery of Vaccinosis

The most important source on this phenomenon is the book “Vaccinosis and Its Cure by Thuja” with Remarks on Homeoprophylaxis by J. Compton Burnett, M.D. The first edition of this book appeared in London in March 1884.

It is here that vaccination is first clearly described as a chronic disease. The effect of vaccination, besides the physical effects of stimulating an antibody response, is to establish a chronic disease – one that is long-lasting, indeed, in some cases a life-long, condition.

Burnett refers to the chronic disease that results from vaccination by the name Vaccinosis. So, we will adhere, in this discussion, to the same convention. Vaccinosis is to

be understood as the disturbance of the vital force by vaccination that results in mental, emotional, and physical changes that can, in some cases, be a permanent condition.

Burnett gives several cases that demonstrate this. Several of them are in infants and children, showing the profound effects of vaccination on the growing organism.

However, I wish to emphasize the long-standing effects of vaccination so will mention a couple of example cases to you. Many cases are described in Burnett’s little book. Lest you think that only head pain is the outcome of vaccinosis, let me hasten to give brief descriptions of some of the others.

• Wasting away (marasmus) of an infant being nursed by a recently vaccinated mother.

• Several cases of skin eruptions, pimples, ringworm.

• Enlarged cervical lymphatic glands and unhealthy lungs tending towards tuberculosis.

• Loss of hair, in patches, on the face of men.

• Unusual susceptibility to influenza and general ill-health.

• Facial acne and nasal dermatitis.

• Diseased finger-nails.

• Chronic vertigo.

• Paralysis and muscular weakness.

• Very painful spine with weakness, inflammation, twitchings, etc.

• Hand cramps and enlargement of the spleen.

• Insufficient growth in children with paralysis on one-half of the face.

Cases in subsequent book began to present to the homeopathic community the nature of vaccinosis. It was possible, from these cases for Burnett to declare vaccinosis as a variant of the sycosis miasm.

Sycosis is characterized by affections of the skin, the lymphatics, the immune system, susceptibility to fungal infections, susceptibility to cold, damp weather, arthritis, affections of the blood, and many other symptoms of this sort. Typical of the sycotic miasm is, and of vaccinosis, is to develop growths of all types: cysts/polyps/warts/tumors/cancers.

One more leaving the subject of Burnett’s work. This is his interesting observation that the person that is most susceptible to contracting the disease being vaccinated against

is more likely to die when they do come in contact with it. In other words, rather than protecting some individuals as planned, it actually makes them more susceptible.

The vaccination having created a chronic disease ahead of time, can predispose the patient to a more serious natural illness which combines with the established vaccinosis. There is evidence that this is happened in vaccinated populations. Does this extend our understanding of vaccinosis? We can expand our definition to say that vaccinosis is the establishment of, instead of the acute natural disease, a chronic condition which now has the time to develop a multitude of manifestations not ordinarily seen. Another way of saying this is that the process of laboratory modification of a viral disease to make a vaccination strain is the conversion of the disease from acute to chronic. The virus has been changed so that its natural tendency to arouse a strong response it gone. Instead it can be introduced into the body in a form that does not elicit much of a reaction. The result is the establishment of a chronic disease that has never been seen before in clinical practice.


To illustrate this following aspects of 3 of these vaccine diseases - chronic canine distemper, chronic rabies, and chronic feline panleukopenia.

Chronic Canine Distemper.x

Chronic Rabies

Let’s now consider Rabies in the same way. Some of the symptoms of rabies are known to be (similar for dogs and cats):

• Restless/uneasy/apprehensive and a developing viciousness.This is most apt to be manifested toward strangers.

• Dogs normally affectionate may hide away and shun company.

• Dogs normally independent may become unusually attentive and affectionate (an expression of anxiety).

• Desire to travel away from home for long distances.

• If restrained, it will chew viciously on metal chains or anything used to restrain or confine it/destruction of blankets, towels, clothing/dog inflicts bite wounds on itself.

• Strange cries and hoarse howls (partial paralysis of the vocal cords).

• No interest in food/unable to swallow because of paralysis of muscles of deglutition/swallows pieces of wood, stones, its own fecal material and other foreign bodies.

• Eyes staring with dilation of the pupils/unable to close the eyes; cornea becomes dry and dull.

• Hanging down of the lower jaw.

• Convulsive seizures/muscular incoordination.

• Agonizing pain and constriction in the throat; spasms of the throat.

• Increased sexual desire; satyriasis, nymphomania; attempted rape.

• Inflammation of the heart muscle; disturbed heart function, irregular rhythm, heart rate too slow or too fast; heart failure.

• Periods of excitement and jerky breathing; cluster breathing.


Now let’s consider how this acute disease has, through vaccination, become a variety of "new" ailments:

Acute Form of Rabies                                                            Chronic/New Acute

Restlessness, uneasiness, apprehensiveness/                                    restless nature/suspicious of others/unfriendly to other dogs/

developing viciousness/most apt to be manifested                         Aggression and mistrust of strangers (people in uniform).

toward strangers                                                                         vicious to other animals/desire to kill.

Dogs normally affectionate may hide away                         Change of behavior to aloofness; from affectionate to unaffectionate.

and shun company.           

Dogs normally independent may become                                     clingy behavior/fear to be left alone/follows from room to room. Wants physical contact.

nusually attentive and affectionate.

Desire to travel away from home for long distances.                Tendency to escape confinement and to roam.

If restrained, it will chew viciously on metal chains or            Attempt at restraint results in hysterical, violent behaviour. Resistance can be so extreme as to cause self-injury.

anything that is used to restrain or confine it.

The dog may inflict severe bite wounds on itself.                        Self-mutilation; tail-chewing, chewing off toes or a foot (seen in severe allergic or nervous diseases).

Strange cries and hoarse howls                                                 Changed voice; hoarseness.

(partial paralysis of the vocal cords).                                                Excessive tendency to bark or be vocal.

No interest in food.                                                                         Chronic poor appetite; very particular about food; finicky.

Unable to swallow because of paralysis of muscles             Paralysis (or partial paralysis) of mouth, tongue or throat; sloppy eaters or drinkers; tendency to drool or lose saliva.

of deglutition. Hanging down of the lower jaw.           

Eyes staring with dilation of the pupils.                                     Loss of sight, cataract formation, visual defects.

Unable to close eyes/cornea becomes dry and dull.                        Keratitis sicca, "dry eye".

Swallows pieces of wood, stones, its own fecal

material and other foreign bodies.           

Habit of eating wood, stones, sticks, earth.                                    Excessive desire to eat stool (their own or other animals).

Destruction of blankets, towels, clothing.                                     Destructive behavior and shredding of blankets or bedding.

Convulsive seizures.

Muscular incoordination. Ataxia.                                                Seizures, epilepsy, chorea, twitches, etc.

Agonizing pain/constricted throat/spasms of throat.            Psychomotor seizure syndrome.

Increased sexual desire/satyriasis/nymphomania;                         Increased sexual desire, even in neutered males; humping; sexual aggression.

attempted rape.           

Inflamed heart muscle/disturbed heart function                        Irregular pulse; heart failure.

irregular rhythm of heart/heart rate too slow or

too fast; heart failure.           

Periods of excitement/jerky breathing/cluster                         "Reverse" sneezing attacks.



These symptoms of rabies vaccinosis are not familiar to us because, until vaccines were widely employed, we never saw rabies in a chronic form in our patients. Even now, these effects of rabies’ vaccination are generally unrecognized even though follow-up of changes in dog temperaments and physical condition after rabies’ vaccination will readily confirm this.



Cats-Feline Distemper

Merc-c.: diarrhea is primary symptom. violent vomiting, high fever, greenish-yellow mucus, foul breath, diarrhea, dehydration, rim of tongue inflamed, drooling, apathetic, cannot eat.

Bapt.: can work miracles.


Chronic Feline Panleukopenia

Symptoms of this disease are:

• Lassitude.

• Inappetance/vomiting

• Fever.

• Rough, unkempt coat.

• Indifference to owner or surroundings.

• Rapid weight loss.

• Profuse, watery, diarrhea (often blood-tinged).

• Mucopurulent discharges from the eyes and nose.

The changes to a chronic disease condition are shown in this table:

Acute Form of Feline Panleukopenia                                    Chronic/New Acute

Lassitude; indifference to owner or surroundings.                        Lazy cats, not active, lie around most of the time.

Inappetance.                                                                                    Appetite problems, finicky, not wanting to eat well.

Fever.                                                                                                Chronic fever, for weeks, with few symptoms except for cervical gland enlargements.

Rough, unkempt coat.                                                            Poor groomers (or cats that never groom).

Dehydration.                                                                                    Chronic dehydration leading to cystitis and bladder calculus formation; chronic interstitial nephritis.

Rapid weight loss.                                                                        Emaciation; thin, "skeletal" cats.


Vomiting; profuse/watery diarrhea (blood-tinged).            Inflammatory bowel disease.

Mucopurulent discharges from the eyes and nose.            Chronic upper respiratory infections; sinusitis.

Feline leukemia, in the primary stage, is characterized by fever, malaise, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.

Thus, in many ways, chronic panleukopenia looks like feline leukemia. It is like the acute syndrome of panleukopenia stretched out in time to so that it becomes chronic.

Probably, by this point, many of you are wondering what I can mean about panleukopenia (or any of these diseases) becoming a chronic disease like feline leukemia.

I am speaking from the homeopathic perspective that understands that every being, including viruses, have a vital force. This vital force, which is the life force or chi, is what is the energetic pattern that develops and maintains the physical form. It is a downstream flow of information from the energetic to the physical. When this physical aspect is changed or blocked, as happens when the chronic vaccine disease is established, then the life force behind the disease manifests itself in a different way.

These new forms, we give new names. We haven’t really eliminated anything by vaccination, we have just changed its shape. I picked these 3 diseases for discussion because of their importance to dogs and cats who have suffered from them for thousands of years. They would seem to have a susceptibility to these diseases that has never been satisfied. Now, with the extension of these diseases into a chronic form with vaccination, the influence of these diseases on the dog and cat species has never been so great as today.

Are Vaccines Effective?

The last thing I want to consider in this discussion is the larger question - are vaccines really effective? To answer this question is more difficult than it would seem at first.

We don’t really have a system for tabulating the incidence of the common diseases of dogs and cats, for example. There are figures for some of the reportable diseases of livestock, but the rapid turnover of these animals makes long term studies almost impossible.

However, what we can do is kind of a reverse process of what we usually find ourselves doing as veterinarians. Instead of using animals to study human disease, let’s use human disease to answer our question. There are statistics for the common human diseases and we can use these to answer our question about the efficacy of vaccinations.



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