Tri-Miasmatische Mitteln




Siehe: Miasmen


Calcium carbonicum als wichtigstes Homöopsorikum

Pulsatilla und Thuja als wesentlichste Homöosykotika

Mercurius als charakteristischstes Homöosyphilitikum





Sowohl in den wichtigsten „besonderen“ als auch in den wesentlichsten „allgemeinen“ Symptomen hat Lyc. alle psorischen, sykotischen und syphilitischen Modalitäten (Abneigung gegen den Koitus, sexuelle Übererregbarkeit oder Impotenz, Atrophie der Geschlechtsorgane, verschiedenste gonorrhoische Ausflüsse sowie schankröse

Geschwüre. Nachgewiesene Sterilität der Frau, Zysten der Ovarien und Neigung zum Abort. Menses schwach und verspätet bzw. häufige und schmerzhafte oder

koagulierende und aussetzende Regel. Gebärmuttervorfall, Kondylome und Krebs.

Verstopfung, Diarrhöe oder blutige Entleerungen. Entleerungen mit unverdauten Speiseteilen, gussartig oder gänzlich verkrampft.

Heller und mengenmäßig geringer Urin: dunkel und reichlich bzw. blutig und stinkend, wässrig, mit Sediment, Eiweißen oder Zucker.

Bekannt ist, dass der Lyc. sowohl verminderten wie auch vermehrten Appetit oder Abneigung gegen das Essen haben kann. Außerdem Druck- oder Quetschungsschmerz

des psorischen Typs genauso wie stechenden oder schießenden Schmerz des sykotischen Typs wie auch brennenden oder reißenden Schmerz des syphilitischen Typs. Kälteempfindlichkeit und Blässe der Haut genauso wie gerötet und brennend bzw. wund und geschwürig. Weiter können Erytheme und andere Hautverfärbungen auftreten sowie Warzen verschiedener Art, Kondylome und nässende Hauterkrankungen, Erysipele und destruktive Ulzerationen sowie Lupus.

Wenn wir auf diese Weise sehr sorgfältig die Pathogenese dieses großen Heilmittels erforschen, erkennen wir, dass seine Symptomatologie mit großer Sicherheit sowohl psorische als auch sykotische oder syphilitische Krankheiten zu heilen vermag. So können wir in der Klinik verschiedene Patienten finden, die alle der Symptomatologie von Lycopodium genauestens entsprechen, aber von unterschiedlicher miasmatischer Dominanz sind, also entweder grundlegend psorische oder sykotische oder syphilitische Anlagen haben, aber -wie gesagt- dennoch alle die Symptomatologie von Lycopodium widerspiegeln.

Wenn wir nun sorgfältig alle pathogenetischen Erscheinungen dieses Medikaments entsprechend ihrer Zugehörigkeit zu der miasmatischen Charakteristik des Defektes, des Exzesses oder der Perversion auf die Waage legen und abwiegen könnten, würden wir sehen, dass dieses Heilmittel eine gleichgewichtige Menge von jeder dieser großen Diathesen aufweist.

Daher können wir es nach eingehendem Studium als eines der größten dreimiasmatischen Arzneimittel definieren. Wir können sogar sagen, dass es das dreimiasmatischste aller Polychreste ist. Eben wegen dieser dreimiasmatischen Qualität ist es auch eines der am häufigsten indizierten Medikamente.



Phos.: can be slow in Sycotic diseases and fast in Psoric and Syphilitic diseases.








[L.R. Twentyman]

Ferrum. the metal iron. in potency works to heal in the three functional realms: it is a healer and strengthener of nervous tissue. it is related to the biliary system. restraining the overexuberance. and it finds itself working especially in the rhythmic dances. The to and fro of taking up and giving up oxygen by the hemoglobin is an archetypal example of this rhythmic activity of iron.

[Luke Norland]

The cancer miasm can be seen as being a tri-miasmatic state, combining elements of Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. There is the Psoric element of struggle that has been amplified to such a level that the individual feels as though they must make a superhuman effort to overcome the task. They set themselves a goal that is so far out of reach it is almost impossible to get to without a

near impeccable performance, they are striving for nothing less than perfection, and so they are pushed to great lengths, and take on a lot of responsibility from a young age. We can see how

this could come about in a home environment that demands a certain standard of behaviour, where the spontaneity of the child is suppressed in favour of manners and achievement.

The tumour itself is a result of a proliferation of cells (Sycotic excess) that continue to grow, replicating themselves, ignoring the code of healthy cells so they end up destroying existing structures (Syphilitic destruction of form). This polarity between conformity and rebellion can also be seen in the cancer miasm; if somebody is heavily suppressed for a long period of time, either they will want to break free from this restrictive structure, or their body will develop pathology that expresses this breaking free from the structure such as when a tumour metastasises.

[Deborah Olenev]

Seasonal allergies are also considered tri-miasmatic conditions

[Sanchez Ortega]

Beispiele für die miasmatische Klassifizierung der homöopathischen Arzneimittel im Spiegel ihrer Symptomatologie

Lassen Sie uns Lycopodium als Beispiel für ein ziemlich ausgeglichenes dreimiasmatisches Arzneimittel wählen und die Symptome analysieren, die ihm im Repertorium von Kent zugeschrieben werden.

Wir werden gleich im Anschluss die wichtigsten Symptome in drei Kolumnen auflisten, wobei die Psora in der ersten, die Sykosis in der zweiten und die Syphilis in der dritten Sparte stehen.

Wir fügen hinzu, dass es Symptome gibt, die aufgrund ihrer Doppeldeutigkeit ihren Plat-met.z eigentlich zwischen den Kolumnen haben müssten.

Wenn wir unsere Revision mit einem Symptom beginnen, das zu den Grundleidenschaften gehört, nämlich dem Zorn, stellen wir fest, dass dieses große konstitutionelle Arzneimittel die drei Modalitäten des Zorns in höchstem Grade erfasst (psorische, die sykotische und syphilitische):

[V.T. Yekkirala]


It produces a marked typhoid condition in its prostration as well as in its zymosis, which comes on slowly. So much so is this the case that routinists often speak of Phosphorus as a remedy belonging to the second or third week of typhoid fever, because of the slowness with which its symptoms come on. We find this quite justifiable by the slowness with which the symptoms appear in the provings.


Greatest importance to the psoric need which helps in final filtration and selection of GCS. Psora is our basic survival mechanism. For survival the organism needs respiration, nutrition and regeneration at the physical level; and love, support and self-esteem at the mental level. These needs are to be distinguished from the Psoric miasm which is essentially activated when any of these psoric needs is not satisfied. More on this can be found in the discussion of Graphites in his book, ‘Genetic Materia Medica’ and elsewhere in his other books.

The psoric need of a Phosphorous constitution is love. The person wants to take and give love.

MIND: AFFECTION - yearning for affection;

AFFECTIONATE - returns affection.

SYMPATHY from others - desire for;


This Psoric need affects the personality throughout his life, because it is where the sensitivity lies in the inner most core of his being and it gets obscured as the psora develops into sycosis and then into syphilis.



Let us see a few rubrics pertaining to childhood in Phosphorus constitutions and then compare with similar rubrics appropriate for adults.

FEAR - happen, something will - parents; child is afraid something bad will happen to his

DESIRES - full of desires - everything; desire for - another person is using; which

FLATTERING - seducing behavior in children

Now let us examine a few similar rubrics pertaining to adults.

FEAR - happen, something will - family; to his

ANXIETY - children - about his

DESIRES - full of desires - everything; desire for - another person is using; which


Although both these sets of rubrics literally mean the same, we can make out a difference in their contextual meaning because of their ages and evolving miasmatic backgrounds.

Needs are psoric and desires are sycotic. Such exercises with rubrics will enhance our understanding of the miasmatic coloring of symptom pictures. And now let us continue

this exercise as the adult becomes even more grownup and becomes busy with life. Easy impressionability and desire to give and take love lands him in love entanglements,

mostly Plat-met. and romantic but little realistic. The following rubrics give the well known story of what happens in various stages thereafter when his sweet heart deserts

him for greener pastures elsewhere.

JEALOUSY - sexual excitement, with

AILMENTS FROM - jealousy

AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed

DELIRIUM - maniacal - love, from disappointed

GRIEF - silent - love; from disappointed

AVERSION - women; to - men; in


KILL; desire to

The last rubric above gives the prompting of the syphilitic miasm, but the innate nature of phosphorus being cowardice, it will not be carried out, nor will he have courage to

end his life. The further reaction to this situation in the phosphorus constitution may occur in the following ways, which denote the syphilitic miasm developing from the

previous sycotic phase. It must be understood that sycosis and syphilitic miasms are nothing but developed psora - the basic miasm.

GRIEF - undermining the constitution

INDIFFERENCE - loved ones, to/even towards dearest friends/to himself/to life

ANXIETY - conscience; anxiety of (no rest night or day, prevents lying down)

This last rubric above, if present in the case, indicates that the patient is headed towards autoimmune disease if he has not already had it by then. The person may have dreams

or delusions as follows, for what the conscious mind suppresses, will surface in dreams and delusions.

DELUSIONS - murdered - had murdered someone; he

DELUSIONS - murdered - will be murdered; he

If the patient had been brought up with strict religious upbringing, she may end up with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which is just a step ahead of insanity as shown

by the following rubrics.

DELUSIONS - obscene - action of which she had not been guilty; accuses herself of an obscene

ANXIETY - conscience; anxiety of - no rest night or day, prevents lying down

INSANITY - sexual excesses, from

INSANITY - mental exertion; from

What is important to note here is that the reaction to the same situation in life varies from individual to individual. It depends upon the dominant miasm, but modulated by the innate constitutional traits of each individual as briefly outlined above.



Because of the very nature of the psoric need, there is no point in hunting for it in cases of children born syphilitic or with autoimmune diseases. While working out their cases,

the entry point in such cases shall be from the rubrics relevant to body constitution, state of mother during pregnancy, birth complications, thermals and generals, and not from

mental disposition.


The three essential conditions that define a Phosphorus constitution at mental level are:

WILL: He has a weak will and no strong adherence to any belief, value systems or goals in life.

UNDERSTANDING: He is ‘Easily MAGNETISED’ and ‘Highly Impressionable’. He is very alert and reactive to the environment around him. He gives an impression of pleasant, affectionate, and charming personality with a radiant smile and establishes instant rapport with the homeopath. He can be compared to a blotting paper or a cotton swab that absorbs everything it comes in contact with. He easily picks up the vibrations of those around him and resonates to their frequency losing his own set point. This leads ultimately to confusion of identity and identity crisis as will be explained later.

EMOTIONAL MIND & INTELLECTUAL MIND: He is intelligent but emotions predominate his intellect and hold complete sway over him. Emotions literally bleed him

to death.

Excitability even to ecstasy and clairvoyance. (Kent). Candegabe pointed out this essence of Phosphorus in his Comparative Materia Medica: An imbalance of phosphorus,

one of the main components of the nerve cell, causes a state of over excitability in the patient’s contact with his environment. The lack of confidence, `Confidence, want of self’, which is potentially present in all human beings, is intensified in Phosphorus by his emotional hypersensitivity and not by an exaggerated awareness of a real inadequacy, as is the case with Lycopodium.  Similarly his arrogance, `Haughty’, has a slightly different meaning: here (in Phosphorus) it is a transient arrogance which comes to the fore during his fits of enthusiasm, passion, elation and euphoria that herald the onset of the destructive phase. In Lycopodium, arrogance forms an inherent part of his personality structure and can manifest itself as conceit, servility or egotism, according to the susceptibilities of the individual and the environment he lives in.


At a physical level the Phosphorus constitution reveals itself in the following weakest points:

Tall, slender, delicate, and feeble constitutions, such as have been born sick, grown up slender, and grown too rapidly. (Kent) Along with this type of body structure, symptoms extend from below upwards:

1. As their list is long and in order not to divert our attention from the main topic, the list is placed separately. As anyone of these rubrics may serve as entry point to a Phosphorus case, the reader stands to gain by looking into each rubric listed therein. As we can see from this list almost every organ has a symptom with this modality and so it can be taken as a general modality. A case cured based on this modality is posted at the end of this section under the heading, “Direction of Cure in Paralysis”. In Phosphorus constitutions we will find red face due to rush of blood to head. Where this arterial excitement is missing, Phosphorus may at best work as a state simillimum only and not as GCS. So also remedies known for venous engorgement like Carb-v. will not work as GCS where arterial excitement is there.

2. The Phosphorus patient is very sensitive to all external impressions; slight odors, noises, touch, electrical changes in the atmosphere etc. Slight causes lead to exhaustion of either body or mind. Trembling throughout the body from slight causes, using the hands, from slight exertion, from debility, from coughing. Patients in low fever want to be mesmerized, they are starving for vital energy.(Kent)

Haemorrhagic constitutions. Small wounds bleed much; the prick of the needle will bubble forth much bright red blood. Hemorrhage from small wounds, from the nose, from the lungs, from the stomach, from the bladder and from the uterus. Bleeding from ulcerations. False granulations that bleed. Purpura hemorrhagica. (Kent) Hemorrhages in Phosphorus constitution are active and bright red arterial blood unlike in remedies like Carbo-v. which are passive, venous blood.

With the above deficits at the physical level, the ruling miasm defines the kind of pathology that the body reveals either by signs the physician observes or symptoms that

the patient complains or the syndrome that the diagnostic report and laboratory reports indicate.

Thus for example the phosphorus constitution when under the influence of -

i)   psoric miasm will come with complaints of a psoric nature, like acute inflammatory conditions - dermatitis, endocarditis, internal itching, tickling, running nose, diarrhea, fevers, etc.,

ii)  when under the influence of sycotic miasm, will come with complaints like General dropsical condition, Bloating of the hands and feet, marked state of anemia and relaxed

condition of the muscles, Muscles flabby. In the woman, relaxation of the pelvic organs, prolapses and other displacements. polyps of the nose and ears, Exostoses of the skull or any

bones with tearing pains, relaxations and prolapses in various organs, anus relaxed, open and oozing mucus or moisture, acute hydrocephalus and hydrocephaloid symptoms. chronic inflammation of the meninges of the brain; softening of the brain etc.,

iii) . when under the influence of syphilitic miasm, will come with complaints like, Fatty degeneration and destruction found in the liver, heart, kidneys, muscles, necrosis of any of

the bones (jaws), Inability to swallow any nourishment because of paralysis of the esophagus or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and oesophagus;

constriction of the esophagus, Paralysis with formication and tearing in the limbs. Paralysis that comes with apoplexy, Jerking and twitching of the muscles along with paralysis, bleeding disorders like Epistaxis, retinal hemorrhage, Thrombosis of retinal vessels and degenerative changes in retinal cells, atrophy of optic nerves, anus oozing bloody moisture.

Violent head pains; atrophy of the brain; medulla oblongata. In short (irrespective of the remedy or constitution) we get acute inflammatory diseases under Psora, accumulative or

proliferative diseases under Sycotic miasm, and destructive or degenerative diseases of organs or tissues under Syphilitic miasm. But the difference lies in the selective affinity of

each remedy to manifest these disease conditions. In Phosphorus these preferred areas of localization of disease are:

CAVITIES (Head, LUNGS, Heart);



NERVES  (Brain, Cord);

Bones (Upper jaw, Shin, Spine.) - Boger


At a general level the Phosphorus constitution is revealed by

Thermals: Chilly patient, sensitive to cold, open air, thunderstorms or sudden changes in atmosphere. All complaints <: cold/cold applications; >: heat/warm applications except the complaints of the head and stomach, which are ameliorated from cold. Phosphorus nausea will have vomiting come on from placing the hands in warm water (washing dishes). That peculiar vomiting of pregnancy when always aggravated by placing the hands in warm water will find its remedy in Phosphorus. (Kent). 

In hysterical patients and those suffering from thyroid disorders, thermals can be ignored.

Thirst: craves cold drinks and >, but are VOMITED IN A LITTLE WHILE as soon as they are warm in the stomach.

General: >: rubbing (magnetization)/cold food/carbonated drinks etc.,

<: All symptoms in the dark/when alone/hungry/thunderstorms/odors (smell of garlic)/salty dishes/sometimes from music/from excitement/from playing the piano etc.



Some characteristic symptoms at physical level that may serve as entry points to Phosphorus cases are listed in ANNEXURE - 2 at the end of this article. These are rubrics which are exclusive to Phosphorus. Such an exercise can be repeated to collect all rubrics in which Phosphorus is present in BOLD (3 marks) to explore this remedy dimensions further.



The following case shows not only the importance of UPWARD direction of symptoms in Phosphorus but also which should improve first, the sensory or the motor nerves.

“Paralysis Following Typhoid Fever. - A strong, well-built man had hepatitis in 1857, and in September, 1858, typhoid fever. In October he had the following symptoms:

Complete anesthesia of the upper limbs as far as the elbow, and of the lower up to the gluteal, which had come on progressively, beginning in the fingers and toes. At the same time the capacity for movement was largely lost; he could grasp nothing firmly, and could not stand, muscles flaccid and wasted. No mental impairment. Phosphorus 2 was continued for two months. First sensation returned, then motor power. In three months he was quite well. - Stoneham, in Jourl. B. H. S.” - AIH Journal 1910.

As shown above the improvement shall be first in sensory nerves and then in motor nerves and this should happen in all cases, if the remedy given is the correct simillimum.


ANNEXURE (= Zusatz mit zusätzliche Information)

A list of rubrics that show the upward direction or extension of symptoms in phosphorus. The direction of symptoms is an important aspect because it differs from remedy to remedy.

For example, the spine in patients that call for phosphorus is frequently the site of burning pain, a sense of heat which seems to travel up the back into the head to the vertex while Pic-ac. shows the reverse direction for this symptom (Wheeler). This list is not exhaustive and this modality of upward direction of symptoms can be taken as a general modality of Phosphorus constitution.


BACK: PAIN - Coccyx ext. Spine in vertex during stool, drawing head backward; through spine to

COCCYX; complaints of ext. upward < during stool

COCCYX; complaints of ext. upward along spine to base of brain

congestion, fullness ext. head

coldness, chilliness ext. head

HEAT ext. up the back during menses

heat - ext. head before convulsions

heat - ext. back with uterine hemorrhage

LUMBAR REGION complaints of ext. vertex

PAIN ext. upward < during stool

PAIN - Spine ext. Occiput - Coccyx to occiput, drawing head backward

HEAD: OCCIPUT; complaints of ext. Upward

FACE: TENSION of skin drawing upward of skin of forehead

MOUTH: PALATE; complaints of ext. Upward

STOMACH: COMPLAINTS of the stomach ext. upward

HEAT, flushes of ext. upward

JERKING ext. throat

PAIN ext. upward

REGURGITATION of food immediately after eating

RISING UP “As if something hot rising up in throat”

EYE: PAIN - left ext. vertex

NOSE: VAPOR “As if rising into the nose”

FACE: COMPLAINTS of face ext. forehead

THROAT: PAIN ext. nostrils

ABDOMEN: coldness ext. into fauces

PAIN - Inguinal region ext. stomach

PUBIC REGION; complaints of ext. lumbar region

MALE GENITALIA/SEX: PAIN - Testes “As if pushed up”

EXTREMITIES: LOWER LIMBS; complaints of ext. chest

NUMBNESS in first finger - ext. arm up radial side

PAIN - Elbows ext. shoulder boring

PAIN - Hips ext. chest


Some of the very characteristic symptoms (with phosphorus as the only remedy present) at physical level that may serve as entry points to Phosphorus cases are listed below.

Their study helps in recognizing a Phosphorus constitution [when mentals are either absent (one-sided diseases with gross pathology)] or unreliable as in genetic disorders of children and the insane. (DELIRIUM - picking at nose or lips, with; GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - grasping)

HEAD: pain - washing - agg. - hands - warm

weakness - music of piano unbearable

EYES: inflammation - retina, retinitis - menses, from suppressed

looking - one eye only, with

VISION: colors before the eyes - red - letters, while reading

colors before the eyes - black - spots - floating, muscae volitantes, - headache, during

loss of vision, blindness after sexual excesses/after meningitis/after lightning stroke/after electric shocks/after typhoid

NOSE: abscess - discharge, with semipurulent, offensive, maxillary sinuses, antrum of higmore

coryza - general < lying - flows into fauces and rattle while breathing

polypus - children of psoric diathesis

FACE: caries, necrosis - jaw, lower - left

discoloration - bluish (around eyes after menses/in pregnancy)/brown below mouth/pale with abdominal complaints

eruptions - psoriasis about eyebrows

pain - cheek bones going from cold to warm room

MOUTH: hemorrhage - gums - pregnancy, in

paralysis - general - tongue - nerves, hypoglossal

ulcers - painless - herpetic eruption, brown, on face, after suppressed

ulcers - painless - lower lip, inner surface

TEETH: irregular formation - lower, in a scrofulous child with mesenteric disease

pain - hands in warm water

THROAT: dryness with cold feet

plug sensation - meat, as of a piece of, during cough

skin hanging in throat, sensation of - cough, during

noises - gurgling - drinking - after

nausea - water - warm, putting hands in

pain - > after ice-cream/> cold food/cutting > urination

vomiting - general - blood, bloody - exercise, after

ABDOMEN: emptiness, faintness - burning between shoulders, with

pain - cramping, griping - sides - right - extending to back

pain - hernia - would appear, as if - inguinal region - pain in abdomen, with cramping

pain - dragging, bearing down - inguinal region - colic, in

RECTUM: diarrhea > cold food (ice-cream)

hemorrhage from anus during flatus

STOOL: color - bluish - green on standing, changes to

color - green - black, and

tube, escaping as through a metal

BLADDER: retention of urine - general - spinal complaints, in

URETHRA: discharge - mucous - relaxation of genitals, during

discharge - clear, transparent - drop, morning

URINE: bloody after sexual excesses

MALE Organs - erections, troublesome - wanting, impotency - salt, after abuse of

hydrocele - inflammation of testes, after gonorrheal

FEMALE_Organs - menses - profuse in tall women

menses: - profuse - slender women, in

 late, too - sterility, in

 late, too - alternating with bronchial complaints

 intermittent - alternating with bronchial complaints

 frequent, too early, too soon - ten days, every

FEMALE - abortion - women - tall, slender

FEMALE - eruptions - leucorrhea, from

FEMALE - metrorrhagia - degeneration of blood vessels, from fatty

FEMALE - metrorrhagia - women - tall

FEMALE - nodules - labia, margins

FEMALE - sterility - menses - early, and too - late, or too

LARYNX & TRACHEA - laryngismus stridulus - sleep - falling asleep, on

LARYNX & TRACHEA - tickling in air passages - talking - prevents

LARYNX & TRACHEA - tickling in air passages - left - lying agg.

SPEECH & VOICE - speech - murmuring - pneumonia, in

SPEECH & VOICE - voice - broken - attempting to sing high, when

RESPIRATION - difficult - pneumonia, in - pleura-pneumonia

RESPIRATION - stridulous - evening, on falling asleep

COUGH - nervous - anyone enters the room, when

COUGH - lying - amel. - back, on - better than either side, although agg. lying on left side

COUGH - evening - reading aloud

COUGH - tall slender tuberculous subjects, in

COUGH - rattling - eating - while

EXPECTORATION - batter, breaks and flies like thin

EXPECTORATION - burned readily from the application of a lighted match, when dry on the floor

EXPECTORATION - muddy pus, flies like batter

CHEST: compressed, feels - anxiety, with

anxiety - mammae - below left, trembling with palpitation and bitter eructations

anxiety - excitement, after

inflammation - lungs, pneumonia - lying - lies on back with head thrown back

inflammation - lungs, pneumonia - red cheek, with one

hepatization of lungs - lying - agg. - side, on - left

pain - cutting, sudden sharp - lying - agg., on side - left

pain - stitching - sides - left - lying - amel., on right side

HEART & CIRCULATION - palpitation heart - young people, growing too quickly

BLOOD - orgasm of blood - sensual impressions, from

numbness, insensibility - sleep, after short

pain - coccyx, coccygodynia - extending - vertex, to, during stool

pain - walking - impossible

pain - hemorrhage, with uterine - laughing or motion agg.

pain - dorsal region - scapulae - between - left and spine - amel. by pressure, rest and warmth, agg. by lifting, working during menses and vexation

pain - lumbosacral articulation - lifting too heavy a weight, as if from, when standing and when walking

pain - spine - extending - coccyx to occiput, from, drawing head backward

pain - sore, bruised, beaten - dorsal region - scapulae - between - left and spine - pressure, rest and warmth amel., lifting, work, during menses and vexation agg.

paralysis - sensation of - sacrum

EXTREMITIES: awkwardness - stumbling when walking - path, over uneven

awkwardness - fingers - first, thumb

cramps - upper limbs - fingers - periodic

degeneration of muscles, fatty

convulsions, spasms - general - lower limbs - upper, then in

convulsions, spasms - general - parts paralyzed

contraction of muscles and tendons - general - lower limbs - menses, during

contraction of muscles and tendons - general - upper limbs - fingers - periodic

coldness - general - lower limbs - feet - walking - while - fast, in open air

itching - parts paralyzed

inflammation - upper limbs - hands - callosities

heaviness, tired limbs - storm, during

hardness - thighs, muscles

fungus hematodes - thighs

exostoses - lower limbs - thighs, bones, femur

eruptions - carbuncles - buttocks, nates - left

numbness, insensibility - upper limbs - walking - agg.

numbness, insensibility - upper limbs - alternating with numbness of legs

numbness, insensibility - lower limbs - legs - left - lying on - left, while

numbness, insensibility - lower limbs - feet - pressing on spine, when

pain - upper limbs - fingers - first, thumb - grasping objects agg.

pain - lower limbs - knees - sides - inner, medial - step, at every

pain - lower limbs - legs - crossing limbs - bed, in

pain - lower limbs - knees - raising limbs agg. - sitting, while

pain - upper limbs - shoulders - deltoid region - extending to neck

pain - upper limbs - hands - covered, cannot bear to have hands

pain - tearing - cold - becoming

pain - stitching - lower limbs - knees - inner, medial - step, at every

pain - sprained, as if - upper limbs - fingers - first, thumb - motion, on

paralysis - sensation of - lower limbs - feet - morning - rising, after

pain - twitching - lower limbs - buttocks, nates

paralysis - general - coition, after

perspiration - general - suppressed, feet - soles

stretching out - grasp something, as if to, hands - vertigo, after

shocks - lower limbs - feet - sleep - falling asleep

purpura, legs

swelling - general - upper limbs - hands - blood vessels - hanging down

washes always her hands - dry hot hands

twitching - lower limbs - thighs - back part, posterior - walking in open air

wind sensation - cold - upper limbs - upper arms, extensor muscles

SKIN - ulcers - bleeding - menses - before

SKIN - hemorrhage - leech bites, after, difficult to stop

SKIN - discoloration - yellow, jaundice, icterus, etc. - concomitant

SKIN - discoloration - yellow, jaundice, icterus, etc. - brain complaints, in

SKIN - discoloration - peach colored spots with red spot in center

SKIN - cicatrices - contracted

SLEEP - falling asleep after laughing

SLEEP - sleeplessness from pain in eyes, will not stay shut

SLEEP - yawning - general - ineffectual with oppression of chest

PERSPIRATION - after diarrhea

FEVER, HEAT - succession of stages, compound fever - chill, followed by heat - chill, with internal, followed by heat and perspiration

CHILL - shaking, shivering, rigors - pressure of disagreeable things, from

GENERALITIES - faintness, fainting - fever - during - intermittent

GENERALITIES - emaciation - general - swallowing, from difficulties in

GENERALITIES - death - death-like state, with occasional convulsive movements, before greenish vomiting

GENERALITIES - contractions, strictures, stenoses - general - stiff, after pain

GENERALITIES - chorea - thunderstorm - during

GENERALITIES - chemotherapy, effects of

GENERALITIES - bathing, washing > warmth of head

GENERALITIES - gait reeling, staggering, tottering and wavering at night on waking

GENERALITIES - intoxication, after - radiation therapy - anemia, in subsequent, and cachexia

GENERALITIES - porous bones

GENERALITIES - stay erect, difficult to walking

GENERALITIES - trembling - general from using hands

GENERALITIES - trembling - general - after sexual excesses

GENERALITIES - weakness - from unpleasant impressions

GENERALITIES - wounds - bleeding - edges, from closed - suppurate, and

CLINICAL - brights disease, albuminous nephritis - hemorrhage, with

CLINICAL - brights disease, albuminous nephritis - pancreas complaints, before or during

CLINICAL - brights disease, albuminous nephritis - anesthesia, with


A few years ago, I had a case of a 5 year old baby suffering from RETT Syndrome. It is a genetic disorder and the allopaths gave little hope of her survival. So her parents approached me to see if

she can be helped by homeopathy. The child was having frequent convulsions and respiratory disorders with high fever, for which she was in and out of hospital. When she had symptom free intervals which became less and less, she looked extremely well with alert eyes and charming looks, so that it is hard for anyone who had seen her to forget her. As long as she was there in the clinic she had a commanding presence and was closely surveying everyone’s movements. She had no hemorrhagic tendency and none of other symptoms that exclusively pointed to Phosphorus. Other remedies like Plb-met. given based on foot-drop, learning disabilities and loss of even recently acquired developmental skills (PRISMA) did not help the least.One thing that is given importance in Predictive Homoeopathy is the dictum that body and mind are mirror reflections of each other and that the mind may lie, but the body never. With such a destructive syphilitic disease as RETT Syndrome, how can the baby be born quite well proportioned and with symmetrical features that belie the diagnosis? This was a question that often bothered me. Especially in RETT Syndrome children, they are healthy looking after birth and even their development in the initial months does not give any clue of the impending disorder.  Even though it is a genetic disorder, it does not automatically imply that the course of disease is time bound and inevitable and uniform in all cases. The genetic disposition is like a tiger waiting to pounce upon its prey. So something more should happen in all such genetic disorders for them to precipitate their expression. Mostly such precipitating factors may be traced to vaccinations or birth trauma or health complications that the mother had in the last month or two of her pregnancy. So we need to dig into the past for minute details and chart out ‘journey of disease’ in each and every case and this aspect therefore takes precedence above all others in Predictive Homeopathy. It is only then that all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Our focus shifts to select a simillimum that suits the earlier picture of the patient as it existed before the development of disease. Our knowledge of the Tri-miasmatic material medica will then greatly help to find a GCS and we will not be deterred from giving a remedy like Phosphorus or Sulphur-iodatum or any other remedy that we would be tempted to rule out just because the baby does not look a mongoloid type (as in Down’s Syndrome) or like one born with syphilitic miasm.The other problem we face in these types of cases is parents’ reluctance to refuse hospitalization for control of fits. Whatever the GCS be, it has to be allowed its action and the unhindered response of the organism for restoration of health to follow. The question that bothers us is whether the fits are to be allowed to run their course for the curative action to follow. To answer this, a case that was published in our old literature is cited below in full. “On the 23rd of May, 1840, a robust young man, 23 years old, H. H. V., from Hanover, sought relief from me on account of epilepsy, with which he had been afflicted for five years. The attacks came on every four to five weeks. Before every attack he had a shaking and a bending of the left arm, losing his consciousness. After it, headache and bilious vomiting. Even in healthy days, he frequently had to vomit after eating carrots, sour-kraut or beans. He received one dose of Sulphur 30, and two doses of Calcarea 30, and between these two doses one dose of Lycopodium 30. After this the attacks were intermittent till the end of October, when he got a sort of typhoid fever, which (owing to his distance from here) was treated allopathically. One dose of Calcarea 30, sufficed to remove this attack until April 17, 1841, when the use of liquor at a Kirmess again brought on a few attacks which were removed for another half year by a dose of Agaricus30, and following it with another of Calcarea 30. Still his condition did not remain undisturbed permanently and I had to give him every five or six months either a dose of Calcarea or Silicea 30., according to circumstances. Finally he received on March 30, 1844, a dose of Silicea 200. , after which there set in for a week a violent aggravation, so that every day he had one or two unusually strong attacks, always worse in the night, and since then he has had no more attacks up to this time, as he himself informed me in November last, and through a neighbor a short time ago” - Boenninghausen’s Lesser Writings Page 1 of 3 Prev Next    About the author V.T.YekkiralaV.T.YekkiralaDr. V.T.Yekkirala was originally an electrical engineer by profession, and was inspired by his mentor Kulapathy Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K) to take up studying classical homeopathy and became qualified to practice it in the year 1975. He currently practices in Hyderabad, India.


Following are some of the cases of children cured by Dr. Vijayakar

    Hyper-reactive Airway disease with acute respiratory distress and fungal infection in a 9 months old baby was treated initially with 4 doses of Arsenicum album 200 at intervals of a few days. After acute stage was overcome, a dose of Phosphorus 200 completed the cure. (The SIMILITUDE, July 2006).

    Blindness due to Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) was cured in a months old baby and the follow ups at the end of 1 year and 2 years show cure of blindness with just one dose of Phos. 200C. [Gauting 2006]

    Haematoma on forehead due to cerebral edema hypoxic injury (cord around neck) in a newborn baby treated with Crotolus-horridus 200C followed by Phosphorus.[Munich 2008]

    Neonatal respiratory distress due to Hyline-Membrane-Disorder in a new born baby was cured with Arsenicum 30C followed later on by Phosphorus 200C as the baby’s constitutional remedy. [Mahabaleswar, 2010]




Phosphorus constitutions have weak will power. It is no wonder that phosphorus will be a jack of all but master of none. His knowledge of any subject that he undertakes lacks grit and substance. He can’t pursue any vocation with devotion or dedication. However with his mesmerizing personality he escapes critical evaluation of his performance or lack of it in his job.

UNDERTAKING - many things, persevering in nothing

undertakes - things opposed to his intentions

Phosphorus patients can be easily reassured. If they happen to conclude from the extensive case taking that the homeopath is all out to take care of their health issues, soon they develop dependence on him and start to be a frequent visitor even for minor ailments of no consequence. This aspect alone may sometimes point out their remedy.

REASSURED - easily - anxious; when

DEPENDENT of others - physician; on the

These are very sympathetic people and can’t bear to hear or see suffering either on the streets or on the TV.


SYMPATHETIC, empathy - feels same pains as others (Murphy)

SENSITIVE - crying of children, to

HORRIBLE things, sad stories affect her profoundly

The Phosphorus adult (even from his childhood) lives by emotions and these emotions play the sole guiding factor that ultimately play havoc with their lives. They are creative and imaginative and have artistic aptitude. Even though they are intelligent, their intelligence is overruled by their predominating emotions. Their emotions are their guiding principles and make or mar a Phosphorus personality. They can make very good actors and with grand success. He is thus given to fall an easy prey for Alcoholism, sexual excesses, or whatever whims and fancies that catch their imagination. They are so easily impressionable that they may take to a vocation that ill-suits their very nature, like business for example. Even in the face of mounting losses, their colleagues can easily reassure them to invest even more vigorously to break even and then finally they find themselves in a point of no return. The phosphorus may mimic then any other personalities like Calc. or Nat-m. or Sepia etc., none of which will help the patient and only Phosphorus will act curatively. The following rubrics may be studied and the themes that Phosphorus runs through them will become apparent.

MAGNETIZED - easily magnetized


undertakes - things opposed to his intentions

business - averse to

BUSINESS - incapacity for

business - talks of - delirium, in

borrowing of everyone

cares, worries - full of - constitution, undermined by

shock, ailments from

fear - run over, of being, on going out

GENERALITIES - weakness - impressions, from unpleasant


With the onset of the Syphilitic miasmatic phase, the following symptoms begin to appear.

fear - panic attacks, overpowering

fear - insanity, of losing his reason

fear - happen - something will - family, to, or to him

insanity, madness - erotic

ANXIETY - conscience; anxiety of - no rest night or day, prevents lying down

DELUSIONS - obscene - action of which she had not been guilty; accuses herself of an obscene

DELIRIUM - maniacal - love, from disappointed

kill, desire to



The easy impressionability of Phosphorus leads to a great many mishaps in the life of a Phosphorus constitution, because they begin to take the personality of whomever they begin to admire. But their very nature prevents them from sticking to one with loyalty and after changing many favorites and disillusioned with one and all after sometime, they begin to wonder what their own original personality is. Their introspection leads them nowhere. In such cases, we find errors of identity that may lead us to prescribe remedies like Alumina, Camphor etc. Camphor and Phosphorus share around 4600 rubrics in the repertory. Camphor bears a similar resemblance to Phosphorus not only in sublime pursuits exhibited in their source material, but also in grotesque and bizarre behavior in the provings as well.

GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - grasping (such as flocks or flies or noses or others)].

sensitive, oversensitive - general - external impressions, to all

CONFUSION of identity, as to his

DELUSIONS - identity - someone else, she is

DELUSIONS - strange - familiar things seem strange

LAUGHING - misfortune, at

LAUGHING - sad, when

love - own sex, with one of his, homosexuality, tribadism - men

love - own sex, with one of her, homosexuality, tribadism - women

GENERALITIES - weakness - impressions, from unpleasant



The intense nature of the phosphorus personality leaves them little time or space to stand or stare and they always feel eternally hurried and they burn the candle at both ends. Because of his charismatic nature, it is not difficult for phosphorus to assemble a circle of admirers around him. As he approaches old age, and one after the other of his sycophants begins to leave him for good, he begins to feel deserted and forlorn. Shattered in body and spirit, he makes vain efforts to get back to his formal self and may become delirious.

DELUSIONS - body - pieces - were in several pieces; he - adjusted; and could not get them

DELUSIONS - assembled things, swarms, crowds etc.

DELUSIONS - alone, being - world; alone in the

DELUSIONS - faces, sees - wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out from corners

As life’s realities begin to dawn on them, their outward behavior may undergo a sea change and in this changed condition, mimic any other polycrest like Aur-met. Ars. Mercury, Nat-m. or Puls. etc., and none of them will bring any relief to the patient whose original constitution was Phosphorus and only Phosphorus is to be given, not withstanding a clear predominating presenting picture that points to any other remedy. The following rubrics may be studied to understand the relevant themes of this Syphilitic stage of the Phosphorus constitution.


loathing - life, of

INDIFFERENCE - loved ones, to

anxiety - conscience, of - no rest night or day, prevents lying down

DELUSIONS - island; he is happy on a distant

insanity, madness - mental exertion agg.

insanity, madness - old people, in

mistakes, making - talking - wrong - answers, gives

fear - alone, being - die, lest he

sadness - disease, about - incurable, of heart, which makes him reckless.

destructiveness - everything - she could lay hands upon

destructiveness - everything - room, in

In these types of Syphilitic cases, we need to pay special attention to the increased sensitivity of senses. Also the side affected in Psoro-syphilitic and syphilitic and sycotic conditions in a Phosphorus constitution may be right side even though in Psoric and some sycotic conditions the left side is affected. Thus he may have a tumor or some other growth (sycotic) as a result of head injury in the left hemi-sphere of his brain ultimately leading to right-side paralysis (syphilitic). In this condition Phosphorus can still effect a cure. But once cerebral hemorrhage starts, it is safe to give a satellite remedy like Crot. horridus The preferential region for the Phosphorus constitution is the left hemisphere. Damage to the region of auditory cortex may result in loss of hearing. Damage to a region of the motor association cortex in the left frontal lobe (Broca’s area) disrupts the ability to speak, while damage to the temporal lobe may result in a fluent aphasia that is called receptive aphasia (also known as Sensory aphasia and Wernicke’s aphasia). Patients suffering from receptive aphasia, unlike Broca’s aphasia patients, produce speech without any grammatical problem. However, because the Wernicke’s area which is responsible for language comprehension is damaged, receptive aphasia patients cannot convey the meaning.(from wikipedia ) Where the neurological circuits connecting the Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas get interrupted or damaged, it may result in conduction aphasia. The following rubrics point these themes in a phosphorus constitution.


GENERALS - PARALYSIS - extending to - Upward

irritability - paralysis of spine, in malignant

unconsciousness - general - dryness of tongue, with, loss of speech and hearing

ANSWERING - unintelligibly

ANSWERING - unable to answer

ANSWERING - irrelevantly

ANSWERING - incoherently

ANSWERING - disconnected

ANSWERING - difficult

answer, answering, answers - general - impossible

unconsciousness, coma - general - odors, from

recognize - does not - relatives, his



The following rubrics reflect the theme of the end stage disease conditions of a Phosphorus constitution as he begins to make his exit from this mad, mad world. Here the hitherto latent Psora joins the raging Syphilitic condition like adding fuel to the fire. The developments in this Psoro-syphilitic condition will be fast with all parameters going out of control.

However we shall refrain from exhibiting Phosphorus at this stage as it may precipitate and hasten the end earlier and it is always safe to give a satellite remed in its place. So it is advisable to give a remedy like Crot-h for cerebral hemorrhage to contain and stabilize the patient and then later on after the raging psora is subdued, resort to Phosphorus to complete the recovery.

Similarly in severe chest affections (necrotizing pneumonia, lung collapse etc,) it is advisable to give a remedy like Arsenicum and then follow it up later on with Phosphorus or Sulphur. Kent wrote in his lectures, “Phosphorus very low will act as a poison in really Phosphorus cases and the only safety some patients have had who have received Phosphorus so very low was due to the fact that the phosphorus was not similar enough to either kill or cure. Along with these conditions comes hectic fever in the last stages of phthisis; intense fever, red face, and night sweats; fever coming on in the afternoon and lasting until after midnight. A powder of Phosphorus very high will reduce this fever and make the patient comfortable until death. In all incurable cases after the fever has been reduced, Phosphorus should not be given, as it will intensify the fever and do just what it was given to avoid.”

unconsciousness, coma - general - apoplexy, in

unconsciousness, coma - general - pneumonia, in

unconsciousness, coma - general - frequent spells, absences

unconsciousness, coma - general - dryness of tongue, with, loss of speech and hearing

unconsciousness, coma - general - delirium - after

unconsciousness, coma - general - convulsions - during

unconsciousness, coma - general - conduct, automatic

unconsciousness, coma - general - brain complaints, in

unconsciousness, coma - general - uremic coma



Once I was perplexed by a peculiar behavior of an adult in the rest room. He was using the back of his thumbs to open or close the tap of the wash-basin and repeatedly applying soap and washing his hands, unmindful of the number of persons waiting behind him. I stepped aside and watched him further as he opened the door using the paper towel so that his hands will not come into contact with the door knob, and made fast his exit before the automatic door slowly shut behind him. I thought this is a text book case of Syphilinum for his washing mania and fear of contamination. (But the only thing that is not confirming Syphilinum was the person’s delicate face with sparkle in his eyes and his tall stature suggesting he is more of tubercular diathesis.)  Next day while I was in the clinic, I searched in vain in all the Materia Medicas to see if this peculiar symptom of the person could be found in Syphilinum. Then I made a search in Radar to get a list of all rubrics that have the word ‘thumbs’. Lo & behold! I was surprised to find these two rubrics which mentions only Phosphorus! And these suggest its possible use in Carpal tunnel syndrome, provided the other symptoms agree.

DELUSIONS - thumbs, fingers are

EXTREMITIES - AWKWARDNESS - Fingers - Thumbs; as if fingers were

Since I found this condition as a concomitant in a person suffering from washing mania, I wonder if we may add this remedy, Phosphorus in the rubric for washing/ cleanness mania. The following rubrics in which Phosphorus is present seem to confirm this theme very much.

ANXIETY - conscience; of - no rest night or day, prevents lying down

DELUSIONS - vermin

DELUSIONS - vermin - seeing vermin crawl about

EXTREMITIES - washes always her hands - dry hot hands

I conclude therefore that in cases of washing/ cleanness mania in patients with a tubercular diathesis, Phosphorous is an important remedy to be considered.


To sum up there could be many themes lying out there in all polychrest remedies yet to be discovered and we have not yet harnessed even 1% of the potential uses of these remedies because of our ignorance of Tri-Miasmatic Materia Medica. The lives of our past masters like Farrington (who died of Laryngitis), Boger (who died of food poisoning from eating canned food) and a host of others could have been saved if only they had known this secret.


Following are some of the cases cured by Dr Vijayakar and his faculty in the adults and aged patients.


Paraplegia in a 19 year old young man who already underwent two surgeries in the brain for Arachnoid cyst and Pseudomeningiocele was cured with a dose of Phosphorus 30 by Dr Prafull Borkar. (The SIMILITUDE, October 2003)

Aplastic desmoses of muscular propia in duodenum, jejunum, and colon in a 16-year old male was cured with a dose of Phosphorus 200 by Dr. Vijayakar (The SIMILITUDE, October 2003)

Hydronephrosis with shrunken right kidney in a 38 year old female was cured with a dose of Phosphorus 200 by Dr. Vijayakar (The SIMILITUDE, April 2004)



A polychrest remedy gifted to us by H. Its well known picture of a sophisticated patient with a tuberculine diathesis will restrict its potential use if we are not aware of the different hues in which it can present itself. Whether your patient is a saint or a sinner, a highly creative artist or a mundane businessman, Phosphorous will cure him, if it is the Genetic Constitutional Simillimum (GCS) in the case. The pathologically advanced Sycotic or Syphilitic diseases and those cases requiring stimulation of stem cells for regrowth of destroyed organs or tissues, that occur in the old or the young may miss their GCS, if the homeopath fails to dig into the past history and discover the innate characteristic traits of the individual that find expression only when the patient was as yet in a un-diseased state and these very traits get masked as the patient enters the Sycotic or Syphilitic phase and lead us astray from their correct similimum.

‘Tri-Miasmatic Materia medica’ - the brain child of Dr Prafull Vijayakar greatly empowers us to reap rich and immense benefits.

[The second part of this article will appear in the next issue of this journal]


Plat-met.inum -Tri Miasmatic Materia Medica (Part-2)

This is in continuation of the first part of this article[1] published in February 2014 issue of this journal. Building up themes based on the rubrics present in the repertory in which the remedy is present is a profitable exercise. It reveals the potential uses of the drug with different shades of coloring given by the miasm. When conducted with reference to a case on hand, this study becomes even more thrilling and productive. Once we know the technology behind this kind of a study, we can duplicate it in respect of any other remedy or case. So also we need to understand the dynamics of vital force in its different modes of action as when under action of disease; when it is acted on by suppressive treatments including homeopathy; and when it is acted on by the partial similimum, or constitutional similimum, or Genetic Constitutional Similimum (GCS). I find that understanding disease as energy greatly helps in understanding the dynamics of vital force in its different modes of action and reaction and helps us to trace the miasmatic progression and regression in each individual patient.



“In the permanent cure of diseases by medicines in living organisms nature seems never to act otherwise than in accordance with these her manifest laws, and then indeed she acts, if we may use the expression, with MATHEMATICAL CERTAINITY.” - (HAHNEMANN S., Materia Medica Pura - Spirit of the homoeopathic medical doctrine)


Dr Prafull Vijayakar’s teachings on miasmatic progression and regression of disease are sourced strictly from Hahnemann’s works, especially the above mentioned observation of Hahnemann and Aphorism # 74 of Organon which says: In order to maintain life against these inimical and destructive attacks, it must produce a revolution in the organism, and either deprive some part of its irritability and sensibility; or exalt these to an excessive degree (WHICH IS THE PSORIC DEFENCE), cause dilatation or contraction, relaxation or induration (WHICH IS THE SYCOTIC DEFENCE); or even total destruction of certain parts (WHICH IS THE SYPHYLITIC DEFENCE), and develop faulty organic alterations here and there in the interior or the exterior, cripple the body internally or externally, in order to preserve the organism from complete destruction of life by the ever-renewed, hostile assaults of such destructive forces. Simply put, when an organism is under attack by inimical forces, it defends itself first by inflammation (Psoric defense). If the organism can’t free itself by adopting this mode of psoric defense, then it adopts the sycotic mode of defense by dilatation, contraction, fortification, proliferation, induration etc. Even then if the organism could not free itself, then it adopts the syphilitic mode of defense by destruction of tissues or organs. (This is the normal mode of miasmatic progression in disease and there may be variations which will be discussed later.) Consequently the reverse should happen when the vital force is stimulated with the constitutional similimum. Syphilitic expression shall reverse to sycotic and then to psoric expressions. That this happens with mathematical certainty was first found and recorded by Hahnemann and now further amplified through his seminars and books by Dr Prafull Vijayakar who says ‘Homeopathy is Mathematics’.


Fundamental to our practice of classical homeopathy is the thorough understanding of the principles of ‘Miasmatic Progression’ (in disease) and ‘Miasmatic Regression’ (in cure) as amply explained by Dr Prafull Vijayakar in his books on ‘Predictive Homeopathy’. This helps us in understanding the miasmatic journey of disease in each patient and as a corollary, predict what should happen if the remedy given is the ‘Genetic Constitutional Similimum’ (GCS). This is also essential for deriving and understanding the Tri-miasmatic materia medica of every well proven remedy. Most importantly, this knowledge is essential if we are not to miss the remedy just because some vital theme of its popular drug picture available in all the materia medicas (like Haughtiness in Plat-met.inum) is not present in the patient sitting before us.



‘We know that diseases just do not disappear into thin air. Nor do they appear from out of the blue. Everything in the world, including diseases, have a precursor and a follower’


[Dr Vijayakar]

Concept of disease as energy, mentioned above greatly helps our understanding of the rationale behind his 7-Layer chart of Suppressions abundantly described in his book, ‘Theory of Suppression’.

I feel we may conceptualize disease more specifically as a portion of vital energy that deviated from its original normal state and started acting as if it is an autonomous thing in itself and of itself, and not in consonance with the rest of energy field or vital force of the organism. The defense mounted by the rest of energy field to get back the disease energy under its control and normalize it to be in consonance with itself will be psoric to start with. When its psoric mode of defense does not solve the problem, this same psoric defense gets converted to sycotic mode of defense and still later to syphilitic mode if the sycotic mode of defense is found not adequate to restore order. From psoric to sycotic to syphilitic, it is a continuum and since the sum total of energy is constant, it follows that during cure the decrease in syphilitic mode shall result in corresponding increase in sycotic symptoms. When these also get converted into psoric symptoms, and later these psoric symptoms also disappear, confirming that the Psora has gone into latent stage - the cure is established. While doing this kind of conceptualization, we must also be aware that this is just a model that helps in our analysis of case and its cure, without which no successful case management is possible. If you have a better model that serves the same purpose, you are most welcome to use it, because after all a model is a model, something like a temporary scaffolding that is built around the structure while it is being constructed and later when the purpose is served, it is dismantled as

of no use.



Disease as energy, is an excellent concept adopted by Dr Prafull Vijayakar that paved the way for his Predictive Homeopathy.  Some other homeopaths before him too adopted this concept, but none to the extent that Dr Vijayakar did. In the light of this concept, the mechanisms of cure and palliation become more meaningful and assume significance in understanding the journey of disease in a patient, identify the change of miasmatic expressions and suppressions due to allopathy or non-homeopathic treatment of disease. Cure implies restoration of disease energy to its undiseased state, which is accomplished by the vital force when stimulated by the similimum. What follows in due course of this restoration process over several months, in a chronic disease is the normalization and seamless integration of disease energy with that of the rest of the organism. Palliation implies just a realignment of the disease energy without it being normalized or integrated with that of the rest of the organism and it continues its mischief albeit in an altered mode. It is well known that in almost all chronic diseases, the allopathic suppressions are attendant with palliation and not cure.



We find the following rubric in the Radar repertory.

MENTAL SYMPTOMS # physical symptoms

ABROT. agar. alum. Arn. astra-e. aur-met. bell. carc. cere-b. Cimic. con. Croc. Ferr-met. gink-b. hippoc-k. hyos. IGN. lach. Lil-t. Murx. Nux-m. PLAT-MET.-met. Rheum stram. Sul-ac. sulph. tub. Valer. Veratrum Zinc-met.

This rubric very aptly confirms our understanding of disease as energy and is in consonance with nature’s laws of conservation of energy. If we give a similimum and find that the mental symptoms have disappeared and disease has now travelled to the physical plane, what is the conclusion we can draw. Disease is energy and it cannot just vanish into thin air and so the relief in mental symptoms shall be followed by corresponding increase in physical symptoms, if the remedy given is correct. In fact we cannot draw any conclusion at this stage. Only after we come to know that these physical symptoms have also disappeared in accordance with Hering’s Laws of direction of cure and the patient is well both physically and mentally we can be sure of its cure. But what if after a lapse of a few days, the earlier mental symptoms return, and in all probability with even more vengeance, and you find the physical symptoms disappeared in the same proportion.

[Campbell] This aspect is described as follows.

“These states are mentally and physically reciprocal by reasons of the continual play of reflexes and many of them under no treatment or bad treatment eventuate in malignancy. But under the influence of one of the antipsoric or the diathetic nosodes, the latency can be made to declare its true character after which the scientifically selected remedy or cycle of complimentaries will accomplish more than any other remedial measure to subdue the miasm and divert its manifestations from vital to non-vital parts of the organism, and from malignant to benignant expression. Instead of venting the entire volume of the (disease) energy locally it becomes innocently diffused (by the correct similimum).” - J. B. Campbell in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Hahnemannian Association.1914

It therefore follows that our selection of the remedy must cover these alternating states, if present in a case, for cure to follow. Otherwise we will be suppressing the case and ultimately it goes into malignancy. In alternating states as when mental symptoms alternate with physical symptoms or even the mental moods alternate between gaiety and depression (like in Bipolar), Plat-met.inum is one of the first ranking remedies to be considered. [EXHILARATION # sadness]



Will, Understanding, and Intellect form the three vertices of the mental plane. They belong to the individual constitution and mental makeup. Disease energy can localize at any or all of these three and the following case taken from Grauvogl’s Textbook of Homoeopathy proves the point and helps in conceptualizing disease as distorted energy either on the mental plane or physical plane or both, that has to be normalized with the similimum stimulating the vital force to do so.



“I was asked to examine a boy, eleven years old, because I was told he always acted like an imbecile; now laughed, now cried, without being able to give any reason for it. As soon as he is not observed, he seeks to rub the genitalia against tables or chairs, or in any way, even against the thighs. This he pursues with such a passion, that he gets angry and cries whenever he is prevented from so doing; hence, he has to be kept constantly under the eye. He was no child like other children; he never played or took any interest in those of his age, was always absent-minded and forgetful, did not hear what was said; was seldom induced to speak, and when compelled, only answered a word or two, whereupon he forgot, right away, what the question was. He also made all sorts of grimaces, distorted his eyes and mouth; suddenly raced about the room, with all sorts of gesticulations, then sat down again, relapsed into a stupid mood, or whistled or sang to himself.


“Irritable and very easily aroused, he was most quiet in the open air. Whatever was taught him, had to be taught mechanically, but above all things, of whatever he read, he could relate nothing.

At the same time, he had no confidence in anybody. Everyone was indifferent to him, he showed an inclination for no one, and was in the highest degree timorous and distrustful. His hunger could hardly be appeased and he slept, if not disturbed, unusually long. At the same time, I observed after watching him a long time, that he was always more indolent and acted more peevishly and ugly one day than the other, on which account I forbade that he should be punished on his bad day.

 “To this child I gave, according to the law of similarity, Plat-met.ina 30, four or five drops night and morning. In a very few days, everything improved, and the Plat-met.ina was discontinued after having been given in this way for eight days, in order to let it produce its entire effect. Hereupon, however, the old vices made their appearance again in a few days. Nevertheless, I continued in this same way, and gave Plat-met.ina 30 for eight days, and then discontinued its use for eight days, and afterwards for a longer time, and then had the satisfaction of curing this child so completely in the course of four months that he was freed from his unnatural sexual passion, even. Just in proportion as this declined, all his intellectual functions were brought up to their normal state.” -   Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Hahnemannian Association.1916

The above case shows how a true similimum can set right the constitution and rid it of its evil habits and addictions, so that the mental resources are freed from the clutches of disease force and the indwelling spirit can utilize his body for higher purposes of living. This case is also an excellent example of Plat-met.inum in mentally retarded children in particular and psychiatric disorders in general where we find this erotic theme predominates in the overall context of the case.



“Stages of development are clearly discernable in the child that grows up and matures. Remedies for these stages can be found in every kingdom, but in no other kingdom can the stages be traced back to remedies as easily as in that of the minerals.” - Dr Patricia Le Roux (Homoeopathic Links, 2006)


How to recognize Plat-met.inum constitution in children is best done by studying the rubrics carefully. Children come mostly with psoric phase of disease symptoms and these psoric drug pictures are not available in the materia medicas. If we are able to recognize and treat children with their constitutional remedies, following the acute remedies given to treat their acute conditions, their genetic predisposition can be corrected at a very early age and they can be saved of many misfortunes in health they are genetically prone to as they sail through the vicissitudes of life. Another aspect of this study is to confirm the childhood symptom picture retrospectively, of an adult patient sitting in front of us. This is so because it was only this original Psora that over the years got transformed to sycotic or syphilitic picture owing to suppressive treatment or wrong homeopathic treatment.





Some Plat-met.inum persons make excellent managers because they know which side of the bread, the butter lies and accordingly vary their style of functioning. With their sycophancy and seducing behavior they make it to the top. But once they reach the top, they miserably fail to deliver. Their authoritative style of functioning only suits such organizations which are loss-making and almost given up for revival. In such cases only they succeed in implementation of turn-around strategies and take them to never before thought of levels of achievement.  Like Winston Churchill, they are suitable as war time Prime Ministers only and unfit for peace time management. The case of Mr Mani Iyer, a former minister in the Government of India from recent history servers as an excellent example of this. He was once kept as Minister for Petroleum and was in constant tug-of-war with the Chairman of Oil & Natural Gas (ONGC) to a point that the Chairman, who was acclaimed as

the most competent CEO threatened to quit. This minister was later shifted to Ministry of Sports where also his performance came in for severe criticism by friends and foes alike.

Mr Ajay Maken who succeeded him later as Sports minister sent a letter to the Prime Minister, blaming former sports minister Mani Shanker Aiyar for the Common Wealth Games mess to an extent, claiming that Aiyar had played an “obstructionist” role. The public image of this minister closely tallies with Plat-met.inum. We have no knowledge of his private life or his sexual preferences. However,

If he also happens to be a homosexual, then Plat-met.inum suits him as a GCS and he would make an excellent Prime Minister if selected for that post in 2014 and I have no doubt that he would pull the country from out of the present mess, what with the economy in doll drums and all-around rampant corruption eating away the social fabric. His unquestionable loyalty to the Gandhi family would serve as additional qualification for him for that post. This is just to show how knowledge of the constitutional types would help us identify retrospectively the GCS in every individual, as also serve as a guideline in selecting the best men for any job.



Man is a mixture of nature and nurture. So the outcome of miasmatic expression varies with the composition of this mixture. There can be infinite possibilities at every stage of development of disease. But the ultimate expressions can be broadly classified as frank syphilitic or autoimmune or those cases involving destruction of organs or tissues needing stimulation of stem cells.

Especially those with tubercular diathesis or cancer diathesis end up with diseases related to their diathesis.

The question often comes, if always the way miasmatic progression takes place in every case of chronic disease, is invariably from psora to sycosis to syphilitic.  Let us consider the case of a young lady, married and getting accustomed to her life situation in a joint family typical of the Indian way of living. Suppose she hails from a well to do family and now finds herself forced to adjust with the new family. Added to all this, she feels she is looked down upon and not given the respect she deserves as a daughter-in-law. If she is a Plat-met.inum constitution, she should have taken the matter to its logical conclusion, or so we assume, and expect her to react accordingly. But we find from the history of her case, that she did not act haughtily and so we are tempted to rule out Plat-met.inum in the first instance itself. But, ‘acting haughtily’ is a sycotic defense mode of Plat-met.inum and if the family social and cultural context of the individual does not permit its expression, naturally the entire disease force directly gets converted to syphilitic mode and the patient ends up finally with either cancer pathology in the physical plane or psychiatric disorder in the mental plane. Even if Plat-met.inum happens to be the GCS in her case, we are filtering it out in the first instance itself, just because in her entire case history we find she never acted haughtily. This happens if we are unmindful of the fact that psora may get converted directly into syphilis, without first going to sycosis and then syphilis. This may be true of any remedy or any constitution and so the case history with particular reference to the journey of disease, has to be viewed in the peculiar context of the patient’s life situation to assess the potential suppressing factors like economic dependence, social values and cultural belief systems that prevented expression of the psoric or sycotic phase in its entirety. In some cases where the miasmatic progress occurred directly from psora to syphilis, the organism saves itself by converting back the syphilitic phase to sycotic phase and it stabilizes there for the time being in a new state of syco-syphilitic equilibrium as it often happens in cases treated with steroids for example. In such cases we get predominantly sycotic symptoms with very few syphilitic remnants. We have to hunt for these syphilitic remnants and cover our selection to include these, not forgetting to include the psoric origins from where the whole story started. Disease starts when the organism is starved of its psoric need. We as homeopaths must be alive to all such possibilities if we are to cure chronic diseases, especially where destruction of organs or tissues occurred and so need stimulation of stem cells for their regrowth as in chronic kidney disorders (CKD), motor-neurone disease (MND), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) etc.



As already pointed out, the type of defense mechanism that one puts up is not only genetically determined but also by the environment or the life situation which is largely dictated by the family, social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. In any psychiatric disorder (that Hahnemann refers to as mental and emotional diseases), the question arises whether it has origin from somatic disorder getting converted or a disorder that was caused by the environmental influences like faulty upbringing, bad habits, evil influence of friends and those around etc. To know which of them the cause

is, we need to take recourse to Aph#224 of the organon. In those cases originating from faulty upbringing, bad habits, perverted morality, neglect of the spirit, superstitions or ignorance, the mental disease will subside and improve when the patient is shown empathy, understanding, well-intentioned exhortations, consolation, or with earnest and rational expostulations.  On the other hand, if

it is a psychiatric disorder that is really based upon a somatic disease (that got suppressed by unhomeopathic treatment), it will rapidly worsen with such counseling. The melancholic patient will become still more downcast, plaintive, disconsolate and withdrawn; someone who is maliciously insane will become still more embittered; and senseless talk will become obviously more nonsensical.


Plat-met.inum constitutions at this stage can be broadly divided into two categories, one in whom the patient gives vent to the expression of his innate instincts and lives the way they dictate his course

of life; the other is where the patient suppresses those and prevented their expression on grounds of social, moral, religious or other constraints. Vithoulkas calls the former the ‘Earthy Type’ and the later the ‘Romantic Type’ and says:


The earthy type goes into nymphomania. The Earthy type will not go into psychiatric disorders. Some rubrics relevant to this type are mentioned below. As can be seen from these rubrics, the disease energy is finding expression in the physical plane and when the syphilitic miasm blooms to full, this type pose a threat to the society and community at large.

The romantic type goes into grandiose thoughts and the ego blows up in the same proportion that the sex urge is controlled. When the sex is left in free expression, then we do not have the grandiose ideas of Plat-met.inum. Romantic type goes into Obsessive Compulsive Disorders initially and frank erotic insanity finally. Sometimes the same patient may alternate between these two types. Such a case was shown at Jonathan Shore’s seminar, presented 19 - 24 April 1991 in the Netherlands.

Shore’s patient was a 48-year old male, PhD in mathematics from Stanford who alternated between a saintly living doing yoga, intense meditation etc and a highly promiscuous behavior taking drugs, etc. However Plat-met.inum has the power to stall the progress of the disease at any stage of both these categories and restore order and sanity resulting in normalization of thoughts, moods and behavior. If it happens to be just the state similimum and not GCS, it may have to be followed up with some other remedies to complete the cure.




OBSCENE, lewd - man searching for little girls






ROMANTIC TYPE: Some rubrics relevant to this type are mentioned below. It may be seen from these rubrics the disease energy is finding expression in the mental plane and in this mode

it is destruction of self, which is like aiming the gun at oneself. So there is no threat to society from this type, as they destroy themselves with autoimmune disorders or insanity or cancer.

MARRIAGE - girls are sexually excited and obsessed by idea of marriage;

LASCIVIOUS - women become lascivious at every touch

MENTAL SYMPTOMS # physical symptoms


OBSCENE, lewd  talk

MOOD - alternating

RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - too occupied with religion - religious affections with taciturnity, haughtiness, voluptuousness and cruelty;

RECOGNIZING - does not recognize well known streets

CONTEMPTUOUS in paroxysms against her will

CONFUSION of knows not where he is

MANIA - violence, with deeds of

MANIA - sexual mania

INSANITY - strength; with increased

INSANITY - religious

INSANITY - erotic

SITTING - inclination to sit - wrapped in deep, sad thoughts and notices nothing; as if

SHRIEKING - must shriek; feels as though she

In any case, once the Plat-met.inum constitution gets into this syphilitic phase, the superiority complex fades away and then the following are some of the rubrics that indicate the direction one takes

just before the psychiatric disorder becomes full blown.

DELUSIONS - is unfit for the world

ESTRANGED fromhis wife

SITTING - inclination to sit - “As if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts and notices nothing”

DESPAIR - religious despair of salvation # sexual excitement

FEAR - death, of - anger; from (only remedy)



The romantic type of Plat-met.inum constitutions ends up either with cancers or autoimmune disorders or psychiatric disorders. In cases of cancers occurring in Plat-met.inum constitutions, the various compounds of Plat-met.inum hold promise and need to be proved.

Plat-met.inum-based anti-neoplastic agents are compounds of Plat-met.inum used in 50% to 70% of all chemotherapy schemes for cancer patients world-wide.  But their use is attendant with side effects

as noted below. Since what a drug causes, it can cure based on our homeopathy principle; these toxic effects show their potential use in homeopathy treatment of cancers in Plat-met.inum constitutions. However a homeopathy proving of these Plat-met.inum compounds in potencies only will give us more specific indications.



Man is a mixture of nature and nurture. So the outcome of miasmatic expression varies with the composition of this mixture. There can be infinite possibilities at every stage of development of disease. But the ultimate expressions can be broadly classified as frank syphilitic or autoimmune or those cases involving destruction of organs or tissues needing stimulation of stem cells.

Especially those with tubercular diathesis or cancer diathesis end up with diseases related to their diathesis.


The question often comes, if always the way miasmatic progression takes place in every case of chronic disease, is invariably from psora to sycosis to syphilitic.  Let us consider the case of a young lady, married and getting accustomed to her life situation in a joint family typical of the Indian way of living. Suppose she hails from a well to do family and now finds herself forced to adjust with the new family. Added to all this, she feels she is looked down upon and not given the respect she deserves as a daughter-in-law. If she is a Plat-met.inum constitution, she should have taken the matter to its logical conclusion, or so we assume, and expect her to react accordingly. But we find from the history of her case, that she did not act haughtily and so we are tempted to rule out Plat-met.inum in the first instance itself. But, ‘acting haughtily’ is a sycotic defense mode of Plat-met.inum and if the family social and cultural context of the individual does not permit its expression, naturally the entire disease force directly gets converted to syphilitic mode and the patient ends up finally with either cancer pathology in the physical plane or psychiatric disorder in the mental plane. Even if Plat-met.inum happens to be the GCS in her case, we are filtering it out in the first instance itself, just because in her entire case history we find she never acted haughtily. This happens if we are unmindful of the fact that psora may get converted directly into syphilis, without first going to sycosis and then syphilis. This may be true of any remedy or any constitution and so the case history with particular reference to the journey of disease, has to be viewed in the peculiar context of the patient’s life situation to assess the potential suppressing factors like economic dependence, social values and cultural belief systems that prevented expression of the psoric or sycotic phase in its entirety. In some cases where the miasmatic progress occurred directly from psora to syphilis, the organism saves itself by converting back the syphilitic phase to sycotic phase and it stabilizes there for the time being in a new state of syco-syphilitic equilibrium as it often happens in cases treated with steroids for example. In such cases we get predominantly sycotic symptoms with very few syphilitic remnants. We have to hunt for these syphilitic remnants and cover our selection to include these, not forgetting to include the psoric origins from where the whole story started. Disease starts when the organism is starved of its psoric need. We as homeopaths must be alive to all such possibilities if we are to cure chronic diseases, especially where destruction of organs or tissues occurred and so need stimulation of stem cells for their regrowth as in chronic kidney disorders (CKD), motor-neurone disease (MND), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) etc.



As already pointed out, the type of defense mechanism that one puts up is not only genetically determined but also by the environment or the life situation which is largely dictated by the family, social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. In any psychiatric disorder (that Hahnemann refers to as mental and emotional diseases), the question arises whether it has origin from somatic disorder getting converted or a disorder that was caused by the environmental influences like faulty upbringing, bad habits, evil influence of friends and those around etc. To know which of them the cause is, we need to take recourse to Aph#224 of the organon. In those cases originating from faulty upbringing, bad habits, perverted morality, neglect of the spirit, superstitions or ignorance, the mental disease will subside and improve when the patient is shown empathy, understanding, well-intentioned exhortations, consolation, or with earnest and rational expostulations.  On the other hand, if it is a psychiatric disorder that is really based upon a somatic disease (that got suppressed by unhomeopathic treatment), it will rapidly worsen with such counseling. The melancholic patient will become still more downcast, plaintive, disconsolate and withdrawn; someone who is maliciously insane will become still more embittered; and senseless talk will become obviously more nonsensical.


Plat-met.inum constitutions at this stage can be broadly divided into two categories, one in whom the patient gives vent to the expression of his innate instincts and lives the way they dictate his course of life; the other is where the patient suppresses those and prevented their expression on grounds of social, moral, religious or other constraints. Vithoulkas calls the former the ‘Earthy Type’ and the later the ‘Romantic Type’ and says:


The earthy type goes into nymphomania. The romantic type goes into grandiose thoughts and the ego blows up in the same proportion that the sex urge is controlled. When the sex is left in free expression, then we do not have the grandiose ideas of Plat-met.inum.


The Earthy type will not go into psychiatric disorders, but the Romantic type goes into Obsessive Compulsive Disorders initially and frank erotic insanity finally. Sometimes the same patient may alternate between these two types. Such a case was shown at Jonathan Shore’s seminar, presented 19 - 24 April 1991 in the Netherlands. [6] Shore’s patient was a 48-year old male, PhD in mathematics from Stanford who alternated between a saintly living doing yoga, intense meditation etc and a highly promiscuous behavior taking drugs, etc. However Plat-met.inum has the power to stall the progress of the disease at any stage of both these categories and restore order and sanity resulting in normalization of thoughts, moods and behavior. If it happens to be just the state similimum and not GCS, it may have to be followed up with some other remedies to complete the cure.


EARTHY TYPE: Some rubrics relevant to this type are mentioned below. As can be seen from these rubrics, the disease energy is finding expression in the physical plane and when the syphilitic miasm blooms to full, this type pose a threat to the society and community at large.



OBSCENE, lewd - man searching for little girls







ROMANTIC TYPE: Some rubrics relevant to this type are mentioned below. It may be seen from these rubrics the disease energy is finding expression in the mental plane and in this mode it is destruction of self, which is like aiming the gun at oneself. So there is no threat to society from this type, as they destroy themselves with autoimmune disorders or insanity or cancer.

MARRIAGE - obsessed by idea of marriage; girls are sexually excited and

LASCIVIOUS - touch; women become lascivious at every

MENTAL SYMPTOMS - alternating with - physical symptoms

AILMENTS FROM - celibacy

OBSCENE, lewd - talk

MOOD - alternating

RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - too occupied with religion - taciturnity, haughtiness, voluptuousness and cruelty; religious affections with

RECOGNIZING - not recognize; does - streets; well known

CONTEMPTUOUS - paroxysms against her will, in

CONFUSION of knows not where he is

MANIA - violence, with deeds of

MANIA - sexual mania

INSANITY - strength; with increased

INSANITY - religious

INSANITY - erotic

SITTING - inclination to sit - wrapped in deep, sad thoughts and notices nothing; as if

SHRIEKING - must shriek; feels as though she

In any case, once the Plat-met.inum constitution gets into this syphilitic phase, the superiority complex fades away and then the following are some of the rubrics that indicate the direction one takes just before the psychiatric disorder becomes full blown.

DELUSIONS - unfit - world; he is unfit for the

ESTRANGED - wife, from his

SITTING - inclination to sit - wrapped in deep, sad thoughts and notices nothing; as if

DESPAIR - religious despair of salvation - alternating with - sexual excitement

FEAR - death, of - anger; from (only remedy)



The romantic type of Plat-met.inum constitutions ends up either with cancers or autoimmune disorders or psychiatric disorders. In cases of cancers occurring in Plat-met.inum constitutions, the various compounds of Plat-met.inum hold promise and need to be proved.

Plat-met.inum-based anti-neoplastic agents are compounds of Plat-met.inum used in 50% to 70% of all chemotherapy schemes for cancer patients world-wide.  But their use is attendant with side effects as noted below. Since what a drug causes, it can cure based on our homeopathy principle; these toxic effects show their potential use in homeopathy treatment of cancers in Plat-met.inum constitutions. However a homeopathy proving of these Plat-met.inum compounds in potencies only will give us more specific indications. inorganic compound containing Plat-met.inum, chlorine and ammonia was the first to be developed for chemotherapy. It is particularly found effective against testicular cancer. However, used in cancer chemotherapy has given rise to nephrotoxicity with both tubular and glomerular lesions, severe nausea and vomiting, ototoxicity with tinnitus and hearing loss, and sensory peripheral neuropathy. So this drug in potencies should be useful in antidoting these side effects of chemotherapy and as a homeopathy remedy in Plat-met.inum constitutions suffering from cancers occurring in the urogenital areas, chronic kidney disorders, and sensory peripheral neuropathy (while Plumbum salts are to be preferred in motor axonal polyneuropathy)., is a second-generation Plat-met.inum-based antineoplastic drug most commonly used for ovarian cancer and lung cancer. Its side effects include peripheral neuropathy, loss of vision and hearing, and bone morrow suppression causing drop in WBCs, RBCs and Plat-met.elets. So this drug in potencies should be useful for antidoting these side effects in patients undergoing chemotherapy and in homeopathy treatment of Leukemia and bleeding disorders in Plat-met.inum constitutions., is used mostly to treat colorectal cancer, oesophageal cancer and stomach cancer. Its side effects are same as noted in the above drugs and in potencies it should be useful for cancers in GI Tract.



When we find a mixture of Plat-met.inum picture (haughtiness) and that of Calcarea (timid, slow, intends to play but afraid of getting hurt, loves protection and care and clinging for support), Marble (proved by Eising.N) is to be considered.

Dr. Vijayakar cured with Marble the case of a huge left sided hydrocele in a 14-year old boy who presented a perfect picture of Plat-met.inum, but with a mixture of Calcarea traits also. This boy’s father was cured of Lichen Planus and Diabetes with Plat-met.inum, while the boy’s maternal grand- mother was cured of Pulmonary Koch with Calcarea Phos and this knowledge came in handy for a successful prescription of Marble by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar. From the drug picture it seems that we can successfully use Marble in slow moving sycotic cancerous tumors in Plat-met.inum constitutions that also present the characteristic traits of Calcarea.



Patients going into coma after a fit of passion or such other causes may be helped by Plat-met.inum, if it is the GCS, which can only be known from the previous history of the patient. A bed side examination and careful observation from tip to toe may yield pointers to the indicated remedy in all such cases. Some relevant rubrics are mentioned below as an example and more can be searched for in the repertories.


[Clarke J. H.]

Clinical Repertory

Causation - passion, fit of: ars. mag-c. nat-m. Plat-met..

Murphys Repertory:

Brain - COMA, unconsciousness

Brain - COMA, unconsciousness - dream, as in a - does not know where he is

Brain - COMA, unconsciousness - pain, from

GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - unconsciousness; with

Radar Repertory:

AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional

GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the; and the sub-rubrics thereunder.

GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - grasping

GESTURES, makes - repeating the same actions



EXTREMITIES - DISCOLORATION - Upper arm - blue spots










EXTREMITIES - STIFFNESS - convulsions - during






EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - electric shocks, as from

EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - Wrists - Ulnar side


GENERALS - PARALYSIS - toxic - lead



1. Excessive preoccupation with sexual thoughts and immoral behavior often involving sexual deviations and promiscuity as in Fluoric Acid. Erotic insanity and other related psychiatric disorders like OCD, ADHD, and Imbecility.

2. Constant comparison of self with those around, in terms of body image or intellectual or professional achievements. Jealous and Contemptuous of those venerated by others and casting them aside in paroxysms against his will.

3. Actual loss or fear of losing all physical and mental faculties, like walking, talking, chewing, swallowing in the physical plane and senses like hearing, seeing, smelling, touch, vibration, taste etc in the mental plane.

4. Excessive fear of penetration at all orifices of the body. Fear of coition with palpitations and may even faint during coition. Deathly anxiety, as if her senses would vanish, with palpitations and trembling of all the limbs.

5. Cutting off relationships with parents, spouse, children or kith & kin like in Fluoric Acid.

6. Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms. Mental symptoms appear as physical symptoms disappear and vice versa.

7. Alternating moods without cause. One moment happy and laughing; and another moment sad and weeping. These moods are not just alternating but do so to the extremes. When happy she could embrace everyone and laugh at the saddest things. So also great sadness, with weeping even at joyous and laughable things, or if she is spoken to. Plat-met.inum is suitable for Bipolar disorders.

8. Alternating states. Religiousness alternating with eroticism as in Lilium-tig.

9. Ailments from pride, disappointments, grief, vexation, fit of passion.

10. Excessive anxiety leading to panic attacks.



1. The pains increase gradually and gradually decrease (Stannum met); and are attended or followed with numbness. Extreme sensitivity in psoric phase turns into numbness in syphilitic phase.

2. Numbness in various parts of body, head, ears, nose, teeth, face, sacrum, coccyx, back etc. Sometimes numbness alternating with hypersensitiveness.

3. Hypersensitiveness at all orifices of body. Refuses permission to be examined by the physician even after being assured prior anesthetization locally.

4. The patient presents flamboyant style of living, sporting the costliest dark glasses, wrist watch and dress. Does not mind spending a fortune on branded items as he wants to show he is a class above the rest of others.

5. Sleep position: sleeps on back with hands over head and thighs drawn upon abdomen and knees spread far apart.



The popular drug picture of Plat-met.inum as a haughty, commanding, authoritative individual prone to look down upon others as insignificant is too well known to need any mention here. It is the sycotic drug picture only useful when the patient sitting before us presents with diseases in sycotic expression like prolapses of organs, etc as described by Dr Vijayakar in his book, “The End of Myasmtion of MIASMS”

In patients coming with purely psoric phase of diseases or syphilitic phase of diseases, we will not be able to recognize Plat-met.inum constitution, if our knowledge is limited to the sycotic drug picture because this haughty behavior will be absent. Following the methodology shown by Dr.Vijayakar, psoric and syphilitic drug pictures are described and the reader can further amplify these with his own clinical experience as well as studying critically the cases of cure published in various journals. A true cure invariably occurs as per Hering’s Laws and confirms the remedy as the right constitutional similimum.

In psoric phase Plat-met.inum mostly comes with complaints of anxiety. He may have anxiety in company or when talking to others in company or even from the most joyful things. Sometimes the anxiety may alternate with flushes of heat. He will have anxiety from excitement or from impeded breathing or asthma or any other psoric ailment coming suddenly. Sometimes when the anxiety peaks to uncontrollable limits as in Psoro-syphylitic phase he may have panic attacks as if all his senses would vanish and afraid that he can neither talk, walk, or swallow. He may be trembling, shrieking from anxiety, with sensation as if about to faint or vomit. In such cases it is advisable to give an acute remedy like Belladonna, Hyoscyamous, Stramonium, Pulsatilla etc and then follow it up with the constitutional remedy later. In certain other cases where the constitution shifted from psora to syphilis, the patient may project her anxiety on others. She may have constant anxiety about safety of her spouse or family members driving her mad. She may come with a diagnosis of OCD. Her anxiety in syphilitic phase may get projected on to inanimate objects too, like a kitchen knife, the sight of it bringing forth her aversion to family members as a sudden and inexplicable desire to kill her spouse or kith and kin. She may vouchsafe her fondness for her spouse and family members nevertheless and we need to take all such assertions with a pinch of salt and give her Plat-met.inum high, higher or highest. Plat-met.inum loves herself and has no love for anyone.



Vorwort/Suchen                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum