Tuberculinum bovinum Anhang



Themen: ständiger Wechsel


rasche Abmagerung bei gutem Appetit - wechselt die Symptome in polarer Entsprechnung oder widersprüchlich: mal Heißhunger, mal Abneigung gegen Essen - körperliche oder psychische Symptome lösen sich gegenseitig ab: Durchfall oder Verstopfung - Kopfschmerz bessert sich, aber Abmagerung wird stärker - Kopfschmerz wird besser,

aber Husten wird stärker – wandernde Schmerzen in Gliedern und Gelenken, mal oben, mal unten Typ/Erscheinung/Kleidung:

schlanke, hagere, überaktive, aber schnell erschöpfte, kollapsige Menschen, die nicht lange an einer Stelle stehen können - schlaffe Haltung - geringe Muskulatur - lebhafter Gesichtsausdruck – bewegliche Mimik, Gestik und Sprache -


zieht oft um - reisefreudig - wechselt oft Beruf/Arbeit, wechselt oft Partner, Freunde, Interessen, Ärzte - euphorische Exaltiertheit schlägt um in traurige Gemütsverfassung

mit Lebensüberdruß und hoffnungsloser Verzweiflung - hält nie lange durch - unternimmt immer etwas Neues - hektisch - aufgeregt, überspannt (exaltiert) - Ekstase - Abneigung gegen geistige oder körperliche Arbeit - ohne Ausdauer - dauernder Wunsch nach Abwechslung, nach Bewegung - traurig - hypochondrisch - nervig - reizbar - schnell erregt - ängstlich am Morgen, beim Erwachen oder am Abend von der Dämmerung bis Mitternacht - quälende Gedanken während der Nacht - schlechte Laune - unzufrieden - benutzt gern heftige Ausdrücke - Angst vor großen Tieren (Pferde, Kühe), vor schwarzen Hunden - ängstlich - sich abschließende Menschen - träge Gemütsverfassung und phlegmatische Phasen.

<: durch geistige oder körperliche Anstrengung (langes Stehen)/bei feuchtem, kaltem Wetter/Wetterwechsel/vor Gewitter/in geschlossenen Räumen/bei verbrauchter Luft/Schweiß ab 3 h./Unterdrückung von Schweiß verstärkt psychische und leibliche Symptome;

>: durch warmes Wetter/durch trockenes Wetter/durch Essen/durch Gehen im Wind/durch Bewegung/aber nicht anstrengenden Sport;

Sehr beeindruckt durch Musik, fühlt sich je nach Ausgangslage der Stimmung erhoben oder rührselig.

Tuberculinum ist drogengefährdet.


It’s a wonderful remedy when there is a tubercular heredity, and you can discover this in the eye easily!

Strongly indicated when the symptoms constantly change and the patient catches cold easily.


Loves to travel, journeys and cruises.

He doesn’t like standing (Sulphur).

Fear of dogs: very good symptom. I have often told you, when I am consulted for infants who take cold frequently and when I find in the eyes of the mother or the father little indications of tuberculosis, I ask three questions: “What are the animals that your child likes or doesn’t like ? “What are his palms like? “When you scold him what does he do?”

Here we have some good symptoms:

Likes refined cuisine.

Likes sweets.

Likes cold milk.

Likes meat, delicatessen products, ham, lard, smoked meat, but certain subjects have an aversion for meat, for wine, and even for all food.

In contrast to Tarentula < from music.

And an excellent clinical indication: chronic cystitis (NEBEL).

The pulse is irregular.


Medorrhinum: I am lucky enough to have an excellent source of Medorrhinum. A few years ago I was visiting Seville and there I met a charming homœopathic physician who gave me a quite special gift. You know that Seville is a very pleasant town, full of castanets and pretty women. . . . and also blennorrhagia reigns there as queen! And this doctor had a source taken from a young officer who had had goodness knows how many blennorrhagias! He gave me not one drop of pus but a potentisation which he had prepared himself, a fresh preparation which gave me excellent results. First of all and before everything else, it is in no way necessary to have caught blennorrhagia to benefit from this precious Nosode... fortunately!

Time passes too slowly.

Can’t speak without weeping; they fear the dark and imagine that there’s always someone behind them, and that’s why they keep looking back when they walk!

< daytime.

It has this very special sleeping position; the genupectoral position. Thanks to this symptom I cured a case of epiphora, that is, constant watering of the eyes. My patient was a little girl of five or six who had of course been treated without any result by allopathic pediatricians and ophthalmologists who were nevertheless quite reputed... but of course they were allopaths! I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a specialist introducing a catheter into the lachrymal duct of a child; it’s quite dreadful. First of all one has to find the orifice and in order to do that you have to put a drop of fluoresceine into the eye, and since that burns the child starts kicking, and the fun is on. One really has to have fairy fingers to avoid wounding the eye and causing a retractile scar!

Therefore I immediately gave her Medorrhinum 10M and since then it was all over... good-bye epiphora! And yet, you know,Medorrhinum isn’t indicated in the Repertory for epiphora. This is one of the wonderful things about Homoeopathy: the remedy that comes up when you repertorise the pathological symptoms isn’t always the right one. You sometimes have to work back to the chronic miasm to remove the obstacle. It may be rather difficult to see the relationship between a watering eye and the position in which a patient sleeps.

Cold breast (r.)

> at the seaside/lying prone;. Fidgety feet syndrome (at night); trembling arms and legs.

Sterility and impotence. This is the great remedy for blennorrhagia suppressed by irrigation or some drug that has stopped the infectious discharge.

In women, intense pruritus of the genitals; very malodorous periods; excoriating leucorrhoea smelling of fish; ovaritis (l.); sterility; intense dysmenorrhoea.

Chronic catarrh which never ends (child); end of nose always cold; constant desire to be fanned; aphthae.

Monoarticular rheumatism: particularly affecting the knee. Chronic rheumatism. Syndrome of fidgety feet; burning hands and feet, but sometimes cold extremities; trembling arms and legs.

Ferocious appetite, even after having eaten; Always very thirsty; desires: liqueurs/salt/sweets/warm food; vomiting of pregnancy.

Intense anal pruritus, frequently redness of the anal region in babies.

Nocturnal enuresis.

Intense itching of the skin.


 Syphilinum: All symptoms aggravated at night.

Always washing their hands.

A feeling as if the sternum were pulled backwards against the spinal column.

Despair of recovery (Calc./Ars./Alum). Completely exhausted in the morning (Nux-v).

Desire for alcoholic beverages.

Erratic rheumatism.

Better in the mountains.

Profuse salivation at night on sleeping, and like Mercurius it soils the pillowcase.

When you study your cases you come up with one principal remedy and several satellites: look for the miasm which corresponds to these remedies. If these remedies belong to the three kingdoms, mineral, animal, and vegetable this means that the case is profoundly deep rooted. If there are only mineral remedies this means that it will be a long chronic case and will be difficult to cure. If there are only animal remedies, you can expect complications and difficulties of every kind: this case will be troublesome because of the patient’s reactions. And if you have only vegetable remedies it means that the cure will be easy. Find out also if these remedies are exclusively sycotic or psoric or syphilitic. Contrary to what NEBEL believed, tuberculosis is not by any means psoro-syphilis, it is psoro-sycosis. In the eyes one can also see syphilitic heredity, even several generations back.


Night terrors in infants.

Falling hair.

Patchy alopecia.

Recurrent keratitis.

Although one of the principal indications for Nosodes is an improvement which stops and goes no further (when the therapeutic progression is arrested), one may give them right from the beginning, especially when there is a lack of reaction. As you know these are remedies of an entirely different kind.


Sulphur is a very great reactive remedy but it has the great inconvenience of awakening symptoms just about everywhere and sometimes gives us very disagreeable aggravations; and that is why

I haven’t mentioned it in the reactive remedies. Still, it is one of our best reactive remedies. Of course one will think of giving it after some other remedies which already have brought some improvement; as a general rule avoid giving it at the beginning of a case.

When you have a defective case, think also of going back to earlier symptoms from the beginning of the illness, old symptoms on which you will be able to prescribe the remedy which the patient should have had before; that remedy can still help him.

After having studied the reactive remedies we should read what HAHNEMANN has to say in Paragraph 184 of his Organon. “In like manner, after each new dose of medicine has exhausted its action, when it is no longer suitable and helpful, the state of the disease that still remains is to be noted anew with respect to its remaining symptoms, and another homœopathic remedy sought for,

as suitable as possible for the group of symptoms now observed, and so on until the recovery is complete”.


Of course, this means questioning your patient again. If you don’t know which remedy to give, don’t hesitate to give Saccharum lactis. Do not give a remedy if you have no clear indication.

You will never regret having given Sac lac., but you will always regret having given something which will have upset your case.


I have already told you how Dr. MATTOLI used to manage his practice at the beginning of the vacation period. You know that he was a very short man. He used to dress all in white and in July received his patients not in Florence where he lived, but in Viareggio, in an enormous and magnificent property. That is where he invited my wife and me one summer. For ten days he served us chicken every day! The chicken was exquisite because each time it was differently cooked. One day he prepared polenta on an enormous marble table; it was very amusing. Well, on one occasion the chicken wasn’t cooked exactly as he wanted it, and he went to the kitchen. We heard dreadful screams. He slapped the servant in the kitchen a couple of times (and even rather more than a couple of times) and then he came back to us, much calmed down and quite happy; and we were able to eat our chicken ... in peace!


“When it is time to go on vacation”, he used to say, “one is overworked, a great many people keep telephoning, one is harassed and makes wrong prescriptions.”

And so, to avoid prescribing wrongly, he used to sit out in the country under a wonderful oak tree, with his secretary at his right hand, and all his case histories. People used to come on horseback,

on foot, on bicycles, in motor cars, in carriages... it looked like a camp that had been set up. There must have been at least 200 people! And so Dr. MATTOLI received them under his tree one after the other, and each one of them asked for a remedy for an uncle or an aunt or the cook or the dog or the cat as well - it was dreadful! I can tell you that he didn’t waste any time and didn’t ask anybody to do a complete strip-tease to auscultate them! But everything worked out very well with the heat of summer and the volubility of the beautiful Italian language! Next to him there was a cupboard of remedies, and our colleague prescribed for everybody Sac lac... And he had noticed that with the help of the holidays there were hardly 10% of the patients who were not much improved when he returned in autumn. Naturally, serious cases didn’t come to the country to see him! Fortunately!

Paragraph 185: “Among the one-sided diseases an important place is occupied by the so-called local maladies, by which term is signified those changes and ailments that appear on the external parts of the body. Till now the idea prevalent in the schools was that these parts were alone morbidly affected, and that the rest of the body did not participate in the disease - a theoretical, absurd doctrine - which has led to the most disastrous medical treatment”.

Paragraph 186: “Those so-called local maladies which have been produced a short time previously, solely by an external lesion, still appear at first sight to deserve the name of local diseases. But then the lesion must be very trivial, and in that case it would be of no great moment. For in the case of injuries accruing to the body from without, if they be at all severe, the whole living organism sympathizes; there occur fever, etc.

“The treatment of such diseases is relegated to surgery; but this is right only in so far as the affected parts require mechanical aid, whereby the external obstacles to the cure, which can only be expected to take place by the agency of the Vital Force, may be removed by mechanical means e.g.:


“By the reduction of dislocations:

“By needles and bandages to bring together the lips of wounds;

“By mechanical pressure to still the flow of blood from open arteries;

“By the extraction of foreign bodies that have penetrated into the living parts;

“By making an opening into a cavity of the body in order to remove an irritating substance or to procure the evacuation of effusions or collections of fluids;

“By bringing into apposition the broken extremities of a fractured bone and retaining them in exact contact by an appropriate bandage, etc.

“But when in such injuries the whole living organism requires, as it always does, active dynamic aid to put it in a position to accomplish the work of healing, e.g. when the violent fever resulting from extensive contusions, lacerated muscles, tendons and blood vessels requires to be removed by medicine given internally, or when the external pain of scalded or burnt parts needs to be homœopathically subdued, then the services of the dynamic physician and his helpful Homœopathy come into requisition”.


 Apropos of the Vital Force, KENT mentions these illnesses which are not local (as they are wrongly called), but, instead, localized illnesses: when it is an illness that is not surgical, when you have, for instance, an eruption or a small tumor somewhere.


 Paragraph 187 : “But those affections, alterations and ailments appearing on the external parts that do not arise from any external injury or that have only some slight external wound for their immediate exciting cause, are produced in quite another manner; their source lies in some internal malady. To consider them as mere local affections, and at the same time to treat them only, or almost only, as it were surgically, with topical application or other similar remedies - as the old school have done from the remotest ages - is as absurd as it is pernicious in its results.”


 For instance, traumatisms often quite benign can be the cause of Osteosarcomas or Carcinomas, which appear years later.


 Paragraph 188: “These affections were considered to be merely topical, and were therefore called local diseases, as if they were maladies exclusively limited to those parts wherein the organism took little or no part, or affections of these particular visible parts of which the rest of the living organism, so to speak, knew nothing.” [4]


 Of course, HAHNEMANN was not very tender ... but people were even less tender toward him; and I find that he was even modest in his remarks!


 Paragraph 189: “And yet very little reflection will suffice to convince us that no external malady (not occasioned by some important injury from without) can arise, persist or even grow worse without some internal cause, without the cooperation of the whole organism, which must consequently be in a diseased state. It could not make its appearance at all without the consent of the whole of the rest of the health, and without the participation of the rest of the living whole (of the Vital Force that pervades all the other sensitive and irritable parts of the organism); indeed, it is impossible to conceive its production without the instrumentality of the whole (deranged) life; so intimately are all parts of the organism connected together to form an individual whole in sensations and functions. No eruption on the lips, no whitlow can occur without previous and simultaneous internal ill-health”.


 Except for these traumas, there are therefore no local illnesses. There are only the localized illnesses of a general state of health that is deficient.


 There are things which we cannot understand. How can one have, for instance, an eczema of the foot and a wart on the ear and strabismus all at the same time? We cannot see at all the connection between these three things and yet they are connected by some biological unity. And that is why we have to base our decisions on the totality of the symptoms in choosing a remedy. And even if we don’t know the relationship which unites these different morbific complaints, it exists nonetheless; and it is thefundamental unity that is reached by our constitutional remedy.


 It is very important to meditate upon these paragraphs.


 These illnesses are defective; they are partial illnesses, localized illnesses, which we call apparently local. To mention a few of these, we have:


 Surgical affections which can be treated by Homœopathy: I mean, one should always treat the patient before an operation. And we see, if we are good prescribers like Dr.WARD, of San Francisco, famous for his excellent work Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations ‘As if’, that a certain number of operations can thus be avoided. Dr. WARD was a Surgeon, a Gynecologist, who became interested in Homœopathy, and stated at the end of his life that 40 percent of the patients who came for an operation no longer needed to have that operation after they had been prepared for the operation homœopathically! In addition, his colleagues were jealous of him and couldn’t understand why his operations were more successful. When one can prepare a patient who must undergo a surgical operation, there are two things to which I always call people’s attention. First of all , I take the biological rhythms of FLIESS into account to determine the most favourable date for the operation. In this way I avoid a great many postoperative complications.


 Recently a patient whom I was treating for his general health and who lives in Ungerdien came to see me to ask about having a hernia operation. This was a perfectly straight forward inguinal hernia. I calculated his biological rhythms and advised him about a suitable date. Naturally, surgeons have a thousand and one reasons for not doing what one asks them to do. This patient’s surgeon couldn’t operate on him on the date he requested and started laughing at him when he spoke about biological rhythms! He operated outside of the good dates. Of course, the operation was very successful, but on the seventh day after the operation the patient felt a pain half way up the inner surface of the thigh as if he were being poked by a red-hot iron every time he stood up. And the surgeon whom he had consulted came and said to him: “Listen, here, sir, this is none of my business. We operated on your hernia and everything went well. Your testicles are not swollen, and you ought to be grateful because that often happens. The trouble you have there is neuralgia and you had better see your doctor about it!” So the patient telephoned to me and asked me what he should do ... and I was very annoyed. He wanted to come to Geneva, but it was quite impossible for him to get into a taxi because the pain was so intense! Naturally, when one doesn’t see the patient one cannot always think of everything. Nevertheless, I blame myself for not having been more thoughtful because, after all, after a hernia operation one can easily have reactions of the testicle, and other reactions, too, which are well known.


 Neither rest, nor the anticoagulants administered had the slightest effect on the distorting pain felt as soon as he sat down.


 We are surprised to discover that it is almost intolerable not to be able to sit down! You can’t, after all, remain standing or walking all the time! What a benediction it is to be able to sit down! May be you have never thought about it ... Well, finally, the worried surgeon told him to go to see a doctor because it was none of his business! And this went on for three weeks!


 I encouraged the patient to try to come to Geneva, but this meant six hours in the train with no hope of sitting down... how happy that was! When he arrived in Geneva,

I administered a few points of Acupuncture, which relieved him a little. I gave him first of all Hypericum 10M, and two days after discovering that this was in fact a neuralgia of the spermatic duct, a funiculalgia, Hamamelis200 (page 702 of the repertory) every 6 hours for two days. This cured him completely and permanently.


 I really think that if one takes into account the rhythms of FLIESS one can avoid a lot of trouble. For instance in blood transfusions, I am thinking of a colleague from Zurich, a great specialist of transfusions, who one day had to give his wife a blood transfusion: well, although he was nearly always successful, this time his wife had an embolism .... and died! He had operated on her on a day when her three rhythms changed simultaneously.


 CARLETON, an American, has published a book which I recommend to you, called Homœopathy and Surgery. He was a pure homœopath and an excellent surgeon, and in this book he gives excellent advise on the homœopathic treatment of many surgical cases.


 In sprains, after manipulation, when this is necessary, Homœopathy offers a whole palette of very precious remedies which considerably shorten the convalescence and ease the pains. Distensions of the muscles or the tendons of the hand or foot, with or without injury of the periosteum and the bones, can be relieved and often cured in record time after putting them back in position by rubbing with oil of Rhus or tincture of Arnica and bandaging tightly; after this, one should administer a so-called trauma remedy.


 In the Repertory on page 1371 you will find remedies for all kinds of distensions of the ligaments, sprains, luxations... etc... in the rubric “Lifting, straining of muscles and tendons.” and you can very easily combine this rubric with “Pain, as if sprained” you can add the following remedies:

Arn. Bell-p. Led. Mill. Ruta, Agn-c. Am-c. Asaf. Carb-an.


 Under “sprained” you can add “chronic”, when the complaint becomes chronic: there is a remarkable remedy indicated by HERING which I have often verified, and that is Stront-carb. The 10M potency works beautifully!


 On page 983 you have “Dislocation”: spontaneous, of the hip: of the kneecap; of the ankle.


 If there is weakness of the ligaments look at page 1232 “Weakness, ankle, while walking”. And you can add to that rubric Calc-p. For children who are late in learning to walk”: Carb-an.

+ Tuberculinum Kind

 On page 364 you will find spontaneous dislocation of the jawbone (“Dislocation of jaws easy”), and add to that rubric Caust, andPetr.


 On page 1019 under “Injuries, hand, sprain” you can add Bell-p.


 Where we have fractures of course we have to assure the mechanical replacement of fractured bones. But after this, homœopathic remedies considerably aid osteogenesis and shorten the time of knitting. Usually I give all my patients with fracturesSymphytum 30 liquid, six drops three times a day for a month, if there are no other personal symptoms. You will find fractures on page 1402 under “Slow repair of broken bones”. On page 1008 you can add the rubric “Fractures” Just before “Freezing”, with the following remedies: Calc., calc-p., calen., ruta, sil., symph., and under the following rubric: “Consolidation retarded”: ferr.,


 On page 1402 “Slow repair” add Calen., ferr., iod., mang-ac., mez., Ruta., Symph. and thyr. (CLARKE)


 If we have retarded ossification in children think of Calc., calc-f., Calc-p., and sil.


Come back to page 1008 and add under “Fractures”: (HERING)


 “of cranium”: calen


 “infected, with suppuration”: arn.


 “open”: calen.


 “of tibia”: anthr.


 On page 1368 you will find the rubric “Injuries”, which includes blows, falls, ecchymoses ... etc. Add Acet-ac. Acon. Ang. Bufo Calen. Camph. Crot-t. Glon. Ham.

Mag-c. Mill. Phys. Stront-c. Verb. and on the following page under the rubric “with extravasations” add Led.


 For insomnia after fractures or after surgery think of stict.


 For contusions of the nerves, on page 1369, add bell-p.,


 For contusions of soft parts add ham., and symph.


 In contusions of the tendons add calen.


 BOERICKE indicates for contusions: acet-ac., arn., bell-p., con., echi., euphr., ham., hyper., led., rhus-t., ruta, sul-ac., symph., and verb.


 And for the chronic results of traumatisms: arn., carb-v., cic., con., glon., ham., hyper., led., nat-s., stront-carb.


 On the last page of the Repertory, page 1422, you have the whole question of ‘wounds’;. under this rubric you can add ‘lacerated’: Arn. Calen. Carb-ac. Ham. Hyper. Led. Staph. Sul-ac. Symph. (BOERICKE).


 Under the general rubric “wounds’’ add calen., carb-ac., helianathus, (CLARKE).


 Under “bites” add: Lob-pur., and Seneg.


 “snakes”: thuj.;


 “bleeding freely”: am-c., dor., ham., lat-m., nit-ac., ph-ac., sanguisuga.


 “crushed”: carb-ac., ruta;


 “cuts”: calen, ham., hyper,;


 decubitus, see sore”: all-c., tub,;


 “gangrene, tendency”: calen., sal-ac., sul-ac., (BOERICKE);


 “painful” all-c.;


 “penetrating”: phaseolus;


 “painful injections” : crot-h., led,;


 “to remove thorns, splinters, fishbones”: lob., sil.;


 “proud flesh”: sil.;


 “if the injured part feels cold to the patient and to objective touch”: led.


 Under “Burns”, page 1346, add acet-ac,. acon., arn., calc-p., calen., camph., gaultheria., grin., ham., hep., jab., kali-bi., kreos., ter., urt-u.;


 “burns from X-rays”: calc-f., x-ray;


 “burns fail to heal, or ill effects”: carb-ac., caust.


 On page 1304 you will find something which may often help you, “cicatrices”. For keloids you will combine the two rubrics “elevated” and “hard”. In the rubric “hard” you should put graph., into the third degree and add fl-ac. CLARKE recommends an ointment with Staphysagria in the mother tincture.


 For keloid scars there is whole series of remedies to be added. I found them during my searches in the works of the great ALLEN, BOERICKE, CLARKE, JAHR, LILIENTHAL, STAUFFER, and DOUGLAS: Ars. Bell-p. Calc. Carb-v. Caust. Crot-h. Fl-ac. Graph. Hyper. Iod. Junc. Lach. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux v. Ophiotoxicon (JAHR), Phos. Phyt. Psor. Rhus-t. Sabin. Sil. Sulph. Sul-ac. Thios. Tub. Vipera.


 I gave you some examples of so-called localised affections, and now we shall see how to find the remedy in defective illnesses. You have a patient who comes to consult you complaining of only one symptom, or of very vague problems; what are you going to do in such a case, and how are you going to find a remedy which can help him?


 First of all, before looking for a remedy one should always start by eliminating any habits or extraneous circumstances which might be the cause of the patient’s disorder, as HAHNEMANN said at the beginning of his Organon.


 Here are some guidelines which we must bear in mind for every illness:


  (1) One must correct the diet. CARTON was right to insist on this point, for it can bring considerable improvement to patients. It is dreadful to see the diet which some people follow. This reminds me of a certain patient who always keeps a magnificent box of chocolates just inside of his front door: he offers some to anybody who comes to see him and this gives him an opportunity to have some also. One of my women patients, whom I sent to see one day for an influenza, had one kilo of candy next to her bed, and from it she would serve herself generously during the night whenever she woke up. She was surprised that she was overweight and that she always had liver trouble!


  (2) One has to pay attention to the way patients live, their hygiene and their exercise. Advise them to do fifteen minutes of exercise every morning: generally they never do it! A good idea is to have them take lessons in physical exercise from some teacher whom they have to pay. There are stationary cycling and rowing apparatuses which people buy to use at home, and never use for more than one month after buying them at considerable expense! Tell them to take lessons in riding, or tennis, or gymnastics. Then there are also those patients who never take holidays, and for whom the only thing that counts is their work. If you can’t get them to take holidays like everybody else, tell them to go on a cruise, or propose some hydro-mineral cure which is as harmless as possible, and which will oblige them to some sort of regular schedule and rest for at least a month. Then of course there are fasts, which can be prescribed for those who can stand them.


  (3) Examine the spine, and if necessary send the patient to a chiropractor for any necessary adjustments. This is very useful sometimes, and one shouldn’t neglect it.


  (4) Don’t forget the dentist. There are people who never go to the dentist. Look at your patients’ teeth, carefully sound them, apply heat or cold with a moist wad of gauze. You may find people with unbelievable things in their mouths. I will never forget a certain society lady who had twenty seven of her thirty-two teeth absolutely bathed in pus! And she didn’t feel a thing. She had to have all her teeth out, and now she’s quite well.


  (5) Examine the ears. You would be surprised to know how many people go around with plugs of wax as hard as wood in their ears, and how grateful they are when you clean out the ears!


  (6) Habits. Some people have dreadful habits: some people wear the same clothes for at least twenty years - what a shame! -- for instance, a dirty old jacket, all worn-out, or a venerable raincoat. Disgusting! Get them to buy new clothes, and something in their manner changes immediately. In the apartment get them to change the position of the furniture or to swap rooms, or to change pictures on the walls, and their whole condition might change! Especially when there has been some mourning in the family, get them to change the position of the furniture: in this way the ‘perpetual presence’ (and sometimes the very trying presence) of the dear departed is dissipated.


 Only after all these steps you can start asking yourself what remedy you are going to prescribe. And this is difficult when there are almost no symptoms. When we have what we call a deficient illness you have to have some imagination to see what can be done.


 (1) The first thing to look for is the etiological symptoms: “ailments from ...”: anger (p.2), anticipation (p.4), contradiction (pp.2/512), egotism (p.39), emotional excitement (p.40), fright (p.49), grief (p.51), homesickness (p.51), wounded honor (p.52),indignation (p.55), disappointed love (p.63), reproaches (p.71), rudeness (p.75), scorn (p.78), thinking of complaints (p.87), vexation (p.21), mental work (p.95)


 (2) You can also find very good information in the hereditary symptoms: those that come from the mother to a boy, from the father to a girl. Take into account also the particular symptoms manifested by the mother during her pregnancy, and during her labor.


 (3) All suppressions must be noted. Cutaneous affections, discharges; leucorrhea, gonorrhea, sweat, coryza, etc. For the result of polypharmaceutic practices; even before you think of any other remedy you can always give them Nux vomica.


 (4) Vaccinations which either didn’t take, or did take. If there was a reaction and it was too strong, this is a good point to start from in prescribing remedies of Vaccinosis, p.1410. If the vaccination didn’t take, it means that the individual was either too weak to react, or that the vaccination was no good.


 (5) Childhood diseases. What interests us particularly are affections of childhood which left after-effects: the child didn’t recover quickly, the cure was not clear-cut. Some of them cough for a year or two after whooping cough, and others have endless eye trouble after the measles. We know that scarlatina and mumps can leave consequences and continue to act on the general condition in a dreadful way. The same applies to chicken pox and diphtheria. In these cases think of giving a Nosode which corresponds to the illness, either in the 30th, 200th, or, better, in the 10M potency.


 (6) There are rubrics which are absolutely objective: the rubric “Old people” - consult it if your patient is more than 60; the rubric “infants” which is not in the present Repertory but was in the first edition, and which I have advised you to add to the present edition; the rubrics for nursing mothers and pregnant women.


 (7) Observe the periodicity.


 (8) Observe any obesity, thinness, or varicose veins.


 You can find these manifestations in the Repertory and they can help you a great deal.


 We can’t find very much under general symptoms in defective illnesses. The patient will complain of weakness, general tiredness, without being precise. If the symptoms are there, think especially of seeking out and noting chilliness or warm-bloodedness, and any reactions to extremes of temperature.


 As for mental symptoms, here again you won’t find much, unless this illness is defective only because the doctor is! We are in the habit of asking a great many questions, but, in addition, there are a multitude of little things which we forget because we can’t keep everything in our minds—especially if we are defective doctors! Which are the mental symptoms we haven’t thought about? We can have a patient who has no fears or anxieties at present, but who may have had some in his youth. Quite often we forget these; for example, fear of solitude, of darkness, of robbers, of storms, of water, of animals. Remember that the individual is, after all, a biological unity.


 Often we forget to find out whether our patients were somnambulists during their youth.


 Now, concerning ideas of suicide, this is a touchy subject. One should try first of all to bring up the subject indirectly: “In certain difficult moments of life there are people who ....”, and from the corner of your eye you can look at your patient to see if he reacts. And if they come to talk to you about wanting to commit suicide, they are reassured just from this little remark. Don’t forget also that the flattening of the pupil at twelve o’clock is an indication of this.


 You can see so many things. For instance, if the patient starts when the telephone rings, or when a door suddenly slams.


 Always find out about weeping: involuntary weeping, uncontrollable weeping, weeping during sleep, etc. And ask them also whether they feel better or worse from it.


 Then there is the question of vertigo, which can give us very precise indications when we know how to ask the right questions. For instance, if our patient has vertigo while walking we should find out in which direction he feels pulled: forward, backwards, sideways (and if so, to which side). Always ask whether the vertigo disappears when he closes his eyes. Then there are vertigos which rotate, or vertigos which give the feeling of being pressed under, or of swaying, vertigos with headaches, or with dimness of vision, vertigos from heights, vertigos looking upwards, lifting the head, vertigos looking at objects which move, for instance, cars in the street.


 Now, as for the head, you know that Dr.TYLER had a particular predilection for headaches. She said that this was her favourite rubric in all the Repertory. It is true that this is the chapter which is most carefully elaborated in its modalities and pains. As a rule patients have great difficulty telling you the kind of pain they feel. But don’t let us forget to ask how the pains appear: do they appear and disappear quickly or gradually? You will find this information on page 141, “increasing gradually”; page 149, “sudden pains”; page 151, “waves of pain”.


 Ask them also about spots before the eyes, which are a frequent and precious indication of Iris versicolor in headaches.


 There are also headaches with constipation (p.138) or with colds (p.138). The feeling that the head is empty or full can sometimes help one. Ask them also about the extension of the pains.


 One forgets sometimes perspiration of the head, its locality and modality. Sometimes they perspire all over the body and not on the head.


 Some people have sensitivity of the scalp from brushing or combing the hair; others can’t stand the warmth of a hat (p.121, carb-an., iod., led., lyc.,), or on the contrary, can’t go without one (p.233, “uncovering”)


 On page 229 you will find the rubric “Sensitiveness of brain”, you should add: “even to hat”, bry., carb-v., chin., crot-t., hep., merc., mez., nit-ac., sil, staph., sulph. Some people cannot stand pressure, for instance, the weight of a hat, and this corresponds to mez. and nit-ac. according to GENTRY . Under this rubric “Sensitiveness from brushing the hair” you may add Viburnum.


 There are patients who have constant headaches, they never stop: and there are two rubrics: “chronic” headaches, (am-c., ars., caust., con., sil., sulph., ter., tub.) and constant continued” headaches, on pages 137 ad 138 respectively. For this kind of headache there is a Nosode which you may think of and which may help you very much: Meningococcinum. On page 139 you have headaches after haircuts (bell., glon., led., puls., sabad., sep.), and on page 151 “pain from washing head”. There are also dreadful headaches, badly described, which are often rheumatic headaches (p.146). Then there are wandering headaches or headaches in spots. (p.148)


 People never have enough time to examine the eyes thoroughly. But they reveal useful symptoms which the patient will not always tell you.


 Eyes which are glued, closed in the mornings.


 Accumulation of eye gum in the corners of the eyes.


 Cracks and fissures. Look for them on the face. You may find them in the outer canthi of the eyes, of the mouth, of the nose. Sometimes they are uricemic. Make your patients sweat, make them take exercise, change their diet, and quite often these little crevices will disappear. There are little cracks on the corners of the nostrils (p. 329, “Cracks”), and at the insertion of the ear (p.288, “Eruptions behind the ears”).


 The pupils: see their degree of dilation or contraction; anisochorea. Unequal pupils often indicate vago-sympathetic disturbance.


 Blepharo-spasms. In the Repertory there are three terms which are rather alike. Usually these patients are too tense. They need holidays and rest. In the Repertory look under “Quivering” on page 264, “Twitching”, and “Winking”. A remedy which has often brought me success and which you can add under “Quivering of lids” is Aranea scinencia. PATERSON’s Dys-co. often succeeds also.


 Convergent or divergent strabismus.


 Chalazions: look to see if they are on the upper or lower lid. The location can help you.


 Swelling of the eyes: upper lid or lower lid, or beneath lower lid. Sometimes there is a little swelling of the inner corner above the upper lid, and this can be a sign of hernia. It is also often a typical symptom of Kali carb. (p.355, “Bloated, between lids and eye brows”).


 Cold tears, burning or salty tears.




 Disturbances of refraction; you know for instance that a typical remedy for astigmatism is Tuberculinum.


 Marginal blepharitis is often well taken care of by Bacillinum 30 once a week.


 Falling eyelashes and eyebrows.


 Look at the conjunctiva, whether they are red, pale, or yellowish. Sometimes they will indicate little attacks of jaundice: in that case look also at the palms and the palate to see if they are yellowish.


 Some patients constantly rub their eyes (p.265), and this must not be confused with those who wipe their eyes (p.270).


 Nystagmus: find out whether it is horizontal or rotary.


 The ears: Sometimes when you look at your patients’ ears you see that there is cotton-wool in them and you ask why. “Well it’s because I can’t stand cold air!”

The remedies for this little symptom: Acon. Clem. Hep. Lac-c. Merc. Sil. Thuj.


 Some people don’t know that they had bad hearing in one ear. Similarly some people don’t know that they see poorly in one eye; it is up to you to verify these matters.


 Always ask your patients if they can perceive the direction from which sounds come: you know that Carb-an. is the great remedy for those who don’t know where the sound is coming from.


 Others don’t hear anything at all when many people are speaking at once: there are even people who hear better in a noise!


 The nose: The nose also can be very sensitive to the intake of air. There are people who are always picking their nose, and it is often a symptom of worms. Also it may be the sign of a frustrated libido.


 As for colds (which doctors fear, because they don’t know what to give!), Homœopathy often succeeds admirably. One could say that eighty percent of the patients who have a cold are immediately improved with Aconite 200. We are more interested in obstructions than in discharges, and, in that connection, there are some questions which one would do well to ask properly: On what side? Day or night? In a cold or in a warm atmosphere?


 Sometimes it is obstructed and it runs at the same time.


 There is a special rubric for obstructed nose in children, and it has excellent remedies: Am-c. ars. asc-t. and for nursing babies: Aur-met. kali-bi. lyc. nux-v. samb. (see NOSE, obstruction p 341)


 Dry noses are generally hard to cure.


 As for epistaxis, CLARKE highly recommends Ferrum picricum: he says this remedy succeeds better than all the others. Vipera also often succeeds very well for nose bleeds, especially if the blood is dark. There is also a rubric for epistaxis in infants, and the remedy which succeeds most often is Ferrum phos. (Abrot., bell., chin-s., croc., ferr., ferr-p., ferr-pic., ham., merc., phos., ter.). Think also of epistaxis at night, washing the face, and all the other possible modalities for which there are specific remedies.



 Ask your patient about his sense of smell. Then again sneezing is very important in finding the remedy, and don’t forget the modalities. You remember the morning sneezes which is a very good symptom of Ammonium carbonicum.



 Face: We already spoke of chapped skin, cracked skin, excoriations. Cracks in the upper lip will make you think especially of Kali carb. and Natrum mur. If there are cracks in the corner of the mouth there are a whole series of remedies: this is the famous angular cheilitis, or commissural exulceration, which is often a sign of a lack of vitamin B2.



 The tongue can also have fissures, especially on the sides, and in the middle, and on the tip.


 Always look at the complexion, the colour of the face; and look also at the expression. In the Repertory there is a rubric which gives very detailed attention to the expressions of the face: surprised, anxious, worried, aged, tired, sickly expression, etc. Sometimes these signs will help you to find the remedy. Look also at the wrinkles and the frowns. They may be important.



 The perspiration of the face may be hot or cold, or may appear only on one side, or on the upper or lower lip etc. Some people only perspire on the nose (and of course the classic remedy is Tuberculinum bov.)



 Mouth: Sometimes the aphthae in the mouth are very troublesome: sometimes also the fault lies with the dentist with his little wads of cotton powdered with Borax. Look at the location of these aphthae: they may be on the gums, on the tongue, or on the lips. You might try a little mouth-wash with lemon juice: it hurts at first, but sometimes it feels much better afterwards. My professor of ophthalmodiagnosis had another method: he used to use a little wad of gauze saturated with an infusion of Chamomilla, with which he scraped the aphthae until they bled... and that was that. On page 397 you will find aphthae of the mouth, and in the general rubric you might add: Sempervivum tectorum (Houseleek). Add also, cinch-b., ill., ip,., while phos., sars., and semp..., should be in italics.



 Lower down, under “in children”. add bapt., asim., kali-br., plant., viol-t. Add “in infancy”: bry., and “in influenza”: ant-t.



 Think of Kali mur when the aphthae progress towards ulceration.



 And for aphthae of the lips: cadm, cinch-b., cub., ip., jug-r., kali-c., mur-ac., hep., merc-c.


 For aphthae of the palate add: Sempervivum, sul-ac, and underline phos.


 Look at the tongue, whether it is dry or wet, whether it oscillates or trembles.



 Among the different smells of the breath there is one so disagreeable that we call it ‘sickening’: it makes you sick if you have to be subjected to it! In such cases, before thinking of a remedy, you might advise the patient to buy a tongue rake, and to use a mouth-wash of calendula lotion after it.


 Some patients sleep with the mouth open (p.409).



 On page 417 you have the rubric ‘Salivation”. In the main rubric delete calad., and add: aur., calc-ars., eucal., hipp., merc., nit-s-d., phys., squil., ter., ust., verat-v., vinc., xanth.



 Under “salivation” add the following rubrics and remedies:


 “night”: culex, merc-c.


 “acrid”: lact., merc.,


 “angina, in”: bar-m.


 aphthae, with”: hell., merc., merc-c., nat-m.


 apoplexia, in”: anac., nux-v.


 “asthma, in “: carb v.


 cardialgia, in”: puls.


 “children”: camph.


 “chill and fever, with”: stram.


 coryza , with”: calc-p., cupr-ac,


 “dentition, in”: hell, merc., nat-m., sil.


 “dribbling”: stram.


 Under “dryness, with sense of”: add kali-m.,


 esquinancia”: anthr.


 “fetid breath, with”: kali-br.


 “fever, during”: sulph.


 Under “headache, during”: add cinnb.


 “measles, in”: nat-m.


 Under “mercury, from”: add hydr.


 “mumps, in”: nat-m.


 “nausea, with”: Ip., camph,., carb-s., chin., lach., sulph., verat.,


 Under “pregnancy, during”: add Ip., goss.


 prosopalgia, in”: mez., plat.


 scarlatina, in”: Arum-t., caps., Lach., merc., sulph.,


 “malignant”: Am-c.


 Under sleep, during”: add a note to “(see night)”, and add cinch-b., dios., ip., and put kali-c into italics.


 “sleep, preventing”: ign.


 “speaking, constant while”: graph., lach.


 “spit, with constant desire to “: cocc-c., cadm-s., graph., grat., lac-c., lyss., puls.


 “swallow, constantly obliged to”: ip., seneg.


 “toothache, with”: Cham., daph., kali-m., nat-m., and add a note to “(See Teeth, pain, saliva, with involuntary flow of, p.438)”.


 “tonsillitis cough, in”: Bar-c.


 “whooping cough, in”: bry., iris-v., spong.


 Then there is “Speech, stammering”, page 419, and “speech, lisping”, page 419.


 Ask about the sense of taste: the loss of taste or different perversions of taste.



 Teeth: You have to examine the teeth of your patients: any caries, the color of the teeth, and any deformation; then you have the untidy tooth of Topinard, which of course is none other than the wisdom tooth! From my personal experience, one should always extract a wisdom tooth if it causes trouble or grows wrongly.



 Throat: Always look at the condition of the uvula: it hangs like a little sack of water; perhaps there are aphthae on it, or small whitish deposits. One should examine the tonsils also.



 Neck: Notice whether your women patients wear a scarf; some of them can’t stand having anything round the neck.



 Then there is the whole question of goitres: I confess that I have never managed to make a goitre disappear. Sometimes my patients have said that they felt much better, but on measuring the neck I noticed that there was no change - it was purely subjective. But after having treated patients with a goitre for a certain time for their general condition, you may find that they tolerate an operation on the goitre very well, without any after-effects.



 Food desires and aversions: From page 480 on you will find all the aversions to food, and you may add the following:



 Under “cheese” put olnd. into italics and add: arg-n., nit-ac., staph.


and add the following subrubrics:


 “Roquefort”: hep.


 “strong”: hep., nit-ac.


 “Swiss(Gruyere)”: merc., sulph.


 “chicken”: bacillinum (ALLEN).


 Under “fruit” add: ars., Chin., Puls., carc., and add the following sub-rubric:


 “green”: mag-c.


 Under “milk” add: carc., Staph.


 Under “onions” add: thuj.


 Under “salt food” add carc.


 “strawberries”: chin., sulph.


 Under “sweets” add nux-v., puls.


 Under “Desires”, from page 483 on, make the following additions:


 Under “alcoholic drinks” add the following subrubric:


 “habit , to remove”: stry-n. 3x


 Under “beer, evening”: add med., and put zinc. into italics.


 Under “beer” add another sub-rubric: “thirst, without”: calad.


 Under “chocolate” add: carc., sep.


 “fat food, which aggravates”: ars., hep., Nit-ac., nux-v., sulph., tub., carc.


 Under “fat ham” add carc.


 Under “indigestible things” add: nit-ac., nux-v.


 Under “lemons” add bell., nabal.


 Under “meat” add the following sub-rubric:


 “children, in”: mag-c.


 Under “milk” add carc.


 Under “onions, raw” add thuja


 Under “salt things” add carc.


Under “sweets” put merc. into italics, and add under “sugar” the following sub-rubrics: “only digests if he eats large amounts of sugar”: nux-v., Staph.


 Under “tea” add puls.


 Under “tobacco” add: med., nicotine, plant., and add the following sub-rubrics:


“to remove desire for”: calad., calc., Caust., ign., lach., nux-v., petr., plan., Staph., sulph. (GALLAVARDIN)


 “tomatoes, raw”: ferr.



Desires sweet and sour foods at the same time: bry., calc., carb-v., kali-c., med., sabad., sec., sep., Sulph.,



Desires sour and salty food: arg-n., calc., calc-s., Carb-v., con., Cor-r., med., merc-i-f., Nat-m., Phos., plb., sulph., thuj., Verat.



Desires sweets and salt: Arg-n., Calc., carb-v., med., plb.,



Desires sweets, which aggravate: am-c., Arg-n., calc., nat-c., Sulph.



 Stomach: Eructations can help us a great deal: so can yawning and sneezing. Some eructations ameliorate, others aggravate. Ask your patient about the taste of these eructations. You will find from page 489 onwards. There are noisy eructations, others that are controlled.



 Ask your patient about hiccoughs, and if he has hiccoughs modalities can be very important. If you make a medical certificate, never mention the word “hiccough”, but speak instead of “phrenoglottic myoclonias”, which makes a very good impression and forces people to look in the dictionary: You will find hiccoughs on page 501, and under the general rubric add: ambr., amyl-n., ars-h., calad., cupr-s., hydr., hydr-ac., med., lyss., sin-n., staph., stront., tarax., and make the following additions:



Under “night” add the following sub-rubric:


 “urination, with involuntary”: hyos


 “apoplexy, in”: Ol-caj.


 “asthma, begins attack of”: cupr.


 “back, with pain in”: teucr.


 “carried, when, in cholera infantum”: kreos.


 “children, in”: bor., ign., ip.,


  “nursing, while”: hyos.


  after”: teucr.


  “restlessness at night, with”: stram.


 “cholera, in”: aeth., arg-n., cic., cupr., mag-p., ph-ac., verat.


 “concussion of brain, in”: hyos.


 Under “convulsions, with” put cupr., into italics and add stram.


 Under “cough, after”: add ang.


  “diarrhoea, with”: cinnam., verat.


 Under “dinner, before”: put mur-ac. into italics.


 Under “dinner, after” put phos., into italics.


 Under “drinking, after” put puls. into italics.


 Under “eating, after” add: fil-m., ham., and put par. into italics.


 “emotions, after”: ign.


 Under “eructations, after” add: ars-h., ox-ac.


 Under “fever during” add the following sub-rubric:


 “yellow, in”: ars-h.


 “fruits, after cold”: ars., puls.


 gastralgia, with”: sil.


 “gastric affections, in”: kali-bi.


 “hepatic colic, in”: chin.


 “hepatitis, in”: bell


 “intestinal intussusception, in”: plb.


 “migraine, in”: aeth.


 “meningitis, in”: arn.


 Under “painful” add mag-p., and add the following sub-rubric:


  “causes crying”: bell.


 “peritonitis, in”: hyos., lyc.


 “salivation, with profuse”: lob-i.


 “sitting up straight”: kreos.


 Under smoking, while”: add calen., scut., and put ign. and sang. into italics.


 “spine, in affections of”: stram.


 “stomach, in cancer of”: carb-an.


 Under “supper, after” add coca.


 “surgery, after”: hyos.


 Under “typhoid, in”: add mag-p.


` Under” vomiting, while” add: bry., jab., jatr., Verat., and add the following sub-rubrics:


 “before”: cupr.


 “terminates in”: jab.


 winter, in “: nit-ac.





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