Tyto alba Anhang = Barn Owl




Vergleich: Siehe: Aves + Lac owleum + Greifvoegel

Nacht.  Fledermaus./Eule

.Fliegen (Aves./Insekten.)


Tyto alba (Barn Owl)

The barn owl’s scientific name means the “white owl”. tyto= owl and in Latin alba = “white“. Barn Owl known as “screech owl”, referring to the piercing calls of these birds.

Barn Owl Natural History:

Is the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most widespread of all birds. T. alba found almost anywhere in the world.

The light face with its heart shape and the black eyes give the flying bird an odd and startling appearance, like a flat mask.

It produces the characteristic shree scream, ear-shattering at close range.

Males in courtship give a shrill twitter.

It can hiss like a snake to scare away intruders, and when captured or cornered, it throws itself on its back and flails with sharp-taloned feet, making for an effective defence.

Tyto alba nocturnal as usual for owls, but it often becomes active shortly before dusk already and can sometimes be seen during the day, when it relocates

from a sleeping place it does not like.

It has an effortless wavering flight as it quarters pastures or similar hunting grounds. Like most owls, the Barn Owl flies silently; tiny serrations on the leading edges of its flight feathers help to break up the flow of air over its wings, thereby reducing turbulence and the noise that accompanies it.

It hunts by flying low and slowly over an area of open ground, hovering over spots that conceal potential prey. They may also use fence posts or other lookouts to ambush prey. The Barn Owl feeds primarily on small vertebrates (rodents).

Studies shown that an individual Barn Owl may eat one or more rodents per night; a nesting pair and their young can eat more than 1.000 rodents per year.

Barn Owls consume as much as twice their own body weight of rodents, frogs, lizards, bats, moths and occasional small birds in a day.

Barn Owls have no crop like falcons and the digestive system is less acidic than other raptors, so they cannot digest bone and fur. This undigested matter is disgorged in

the form of a pellet. This is a conscious act.

Hunting nocturnally or crepuscularly, it can target and dive down, penetrating its talons through snow, grass or brush to seize rodents with deadly accuracy.

It is not a territorial bird and hunting territories can overlap.

Compared to other owls of similar size, the Barn Owl has a much higher metabolic rate, requiring relatively more food.

Occasionally, nesting takes place in mine shafts and caves. The male brings food to the nest as the female incubates the eggs and cares for chicks.

Some pairs remain together during the winter, others separate and come together again to breed.

It is not a great traveller and often doesn’t venture far from its place of birth.

Once established in a nest site they can have great loyalty to the site, rearing their young for many generations.

Destroy the eggs and the chicks if they feel threatened. Their most vulnerable times are just before the eggs hatch and up to two weeks after hatching.

The nest site is often very dirty and smelly and the chicks can become quite grubby.

They have a special comb on one of their toes which they use to preen and clean their feathers. After preening they emerge a beautiful white with varying

markings in brown and apricot.

The Barn Owl has a large range of predators, so they live on average 2 - 4 years.

The barn owl’s eyes are large and fixed in the skull. They do not move, but this is compensated by an extraordinary ability to turn the head through 270° and to

move it widely within a plane.

The White Owl’s eyes face forward, giving it binocular vision, and are on the front of the face rather than the side. The eye consists of more rods than cones,            

so it is more sensitive to light and can see only limited colors.

They lower the upper eyelid when they blink, which gives them great character.

The Barn Owl has acute hearing, with ears placed asymmetrically for improved detection of sound position and distance, and it does not require sight to hunt.

Barn Owls have acute hearing, which allows them to detect the slightest rustle.

The pink cere at the base of the bill is covered with bristles, and forms part of the facial disc structure, being extremely sensitive to sound vibration.

Central issue:

The keynote of all owls is magic, wisdom and innervision.

The barn owl is a particularly ghostly figure. Its white plumage and its ability to fly in absolute silence through the twilight give it the appearance of a visitor

from another world while its call can be unnerving. It has an association with death which came through in the provings (Condor and Vulture).

Thoughts about death and endings and dreams of death were significant. There was also a tendency to notice or come across dead people and dead animals.

Owl myth has evolved throughout the centuries. Owl a contradictory symbol since flight is representative of spirit, yet it is a night creature and therefore

associated with death, darkness and destruction. Man fears the darkness, as he cannot see what is hidden.

The barn owl is a nocturnal animal and this affected many provers. They were awake, lively and energized through the night but inactive and very sleepy during

the day and particularly in the afternoon. Moonlight was important with lunar periodicity.

Things seen peripherally are never full perceived and they therefore become a source of fear and anxiety but when those things are observed squarely and face

on, the truth is exposed and they become powerful in a more positive way.

It seems that this contradiction between facing things and avoiding them could be an important issue in the remedy.


Correlation with Nature:

A. Blurred vision/ Shadow

The White Owl’s eyes are fixed and face forward, giving it binocular vision, and are on the front of the face rather than the side. It can see what happen on

the front of its face, but it has to move its face on all sides to see in different directions, so they are vulnerable if attacks happen from other areas of sight…

        Peripheral vision and things happening just on the fringe of vision came up in the provings: “Sensation of something happening on the fringes of my

        perception which always vanished when I focussed my attention on it. A shadow moving on the edge of vision. Not there when looking.”

        Things seen peripherally are never fully perceived and they therefore become a source of fear and anxiety but when those things are observed squarely and

        face on, the truth is exposed and they become powerful in a more positive way.

        It seems that this contradiction between facing things and avoiding them could be an important issue in the remedy.

B. Death, darkness, endings

The barn owl is a particularly ghostly figure. Its white plumage and its ability to fly in absolute silence through the twilight give it the appearance of a visitor from another world while its call can be unnerving…

        Talking intensively about death and dying.

        Thoughts of death and dying, feel as if she will die in her sleep.

        Feel dark and removed; Things seem very black

        Falling into sleep like falling into death, the darkness in the whole thing is frightening. It’s the darkest time of the year.

        The dead are always looking down on us; they watch the top of our heads and see things moving below on Earth.

        Watching the river from the window and feel as if – ‘It’s turbulent and moving – there’s lots of stuff in it – lots of rubbish being cleared out. Lots of endings

            are occurring – stuff that has been left is being sorted out.’

        I can’t sleep. Everything seems so black. Think it would be better if I was dead.

C. Vulnerable, anxious

Barn Owls will destroy the eggs and the chicks if they feel threatened. Their most vulnerable times are just before the eggs hatch and up to two weeks after hatching…

        Apprehension with no apparent reason, < afternoons

        Afraid to look in the shadows as if someone was behind her

        Scared and fearful < alone

        Frightened going to sleep; Frightened on looking in the mirror, I am not the person I see in it.

        I have been feeling sensitive, exposed, jelly-like and unsteady. I Couldn’t put my finger on it before, since the remedy.

        I’m terrified of slipping into an abyss.

        I thought a vampire was going to bite my neck. I feel awful and so tense and anxious. Feeling like something dreadful is going to happen.

D. Accidents and injuries

Hunting nocturnally or crepuscularly, it can target and dive down, penetrating its talons through snow, grass or brush to seize rodents with deadly accuracy, but the dive may cause injury or death because it may hit a rock or any hard object…

        I slammed my finger in a door and skinned my left thumb separately.

        I had to fill out an accident form as slight injury to right thumb and left thigh.

        I was kicked by a horse nearly two weeks ago.

        My bruised toes now hurting.

DD.: Bubo virginianus:

        The particular issue in Bubo virginianus is around 3-dimensional orientation and depth perception. In Tyto alba the particular symptoms were around peripheral vision.

        Low light, black and white vision predominates over bright colour vision in the barn owl, and there was a monochrome feel to parts of the provings and some

            dreams were in black and white.

        Both the Great Horned Owl and the Barn Owl have issues around truth, knowing the truth and telling the truth. In Bubo virginianus there is a need to stand back as an observer and get the picture in perspective. Doing this brings about a wisdom that can be passed on but more importantly is known and preserved.




[Ulrike Gebhardt]

Das unterschätzte Tier Lauschangriff mit Parabolschleier und schiefen Ohren

Sie sieht zwar teilnahmslos aus, doch die Schleiereule detektiert leiseste Geräusche. Wie eine Satellitenschüssel auf Dauerempfang spioniert sie in den Wald hinein.

Wer sich unter der Schleiereule eine mit dünnen Stoffen behängte Eule vorstellt, liegt genauso daneben, wie derjenige, dem die Fantasie – unbelastet von zoologischen Fakten – einen wild um sich schießenden Pistolenkrebs in den Kopf zaubert. Das Wort Schleier stammt in diesem Fall aus dem weidmännischen Sprachgut. Etwa seit dem 16. Jahrhundert bezeichnen Jäger den herzförmigen Federkranz, den Tyto alba um die Augen trägt, als Schleier. Etwas missverständlich, denn die Pracht vernebelt dem Nachtjäger keinesfalls die Sinne.

Tagsüber tarnt sich das Tier zwar als teilnahmsloser Beobachter des Trubels auf dem Waldboden und hockt wie ein zersprengtes Schaumstoffkissen ohne größere Regung zwischen den Ästen.

Doch in der Nacht spitzt der Vogel die Ohren.

Ein Federkranz als Verstärker

Die Schleiereule kann Geräusche hören, die zehnmal leiser sind als das, was menschliche Ohren noch wahr nehmen können. Dazu trägt ihr Schleier entscheidend bei. Der Federkranz fängt das leise Rascheln der Maus, die durch das Wiesengras flüchtet, ähnlich einer Parabolantenne ein und verstärkt den Schall mit Hilfe steifer Federn, die sich am Rande des Kranzes befinden. Diese schwingen

wie der Resonanzkörper eines Musikinstrumentes mit, ganz im Gegensatz zu den zarten Federn im Inneren des Schleiers, die den Schall rasch durchlassen.

Typisch für alle 11 Arten aus der Familie der Schleiereulen ist der herzförmige Federkranz um die Augen, der Gesichtsschleier. Die bei uns heimische, etwa 34 Zentimeter große Schleiereule (Tyto alba), haust in Kirchtürmen, Scheunen und Ruinen. Ihr Wohlergehen steht und fällt mit der Populationsstärke der Hauptnahrungstiere, Feld- oder Wühlmaus. Die Schleiereule sieht und hört extrem gut, aber das, was sie selbst an Lauten fabriziert, ist eher ein Schnarren und Knarren, bei dem sich Frau Nachtigall wohl

die Ohren zu halten würde. Wer trotzdem einmal lauschen möchte, kann dies hier tun.

Das Gehör der Schleiereule ist so fein und präzise, dass sie selbst in absoluter Dunkelheit zum Erfolg kommt. Es sind Fälle beschrieben, in denen die Eulen durch einen Sprung in den tiefen Schnee, allein mit Hilfe des Gehörs, Beute machten. Wenn eine Schleiereule einen viel versprechenden Laut hört, richtet sie Kopf und Blick rasch in dessen Richtung. Stammt das Geräusch tatsächlich von einem Beutetier, stürzt sich die Eule kopfüber in die Dunkelheit, immer darauf bedacht, sämtliche Sinne auf die Geräuschquelle zu konzentrieren. Kurz vor dem Aufprall wird der Kopf zurückgenommen, die Krallen vorgestreckt und das Opfer gepackt.

Während es beim Menschen eher als Laune der Natur angesehen wird, wenn linkes und rechtes Ohr in Form und Position variieren, ist diese Asymmetrie bei der Schleiereule Programm. Dadurch gelingt es ihr trotz des kleinen Kopfes, Lautstärke- und Laufzeitenunterschiede zwischen dem Ohr, das dem Geräusch zugewandt ist, und demjenigen, das abgewandt ist, präzise zu bestimmen. Die Schallquelle ist damit rasend schnell auszumachen und der leere Magen füllt sich.


Allerlei: Schleiereulen = Symbol von Pallas Athene/= Künderin des Todes/des Feuers. (Feuer- und Flammeneule)

Besonderheit: Schleiereulen haben ein alltägliches Ritual während der Jungenaufzucht. Bevor das Männchen zum Beuteflug aufbricht, lockt es das Weibchen mit Rufen ans Ausflugsloch. Dann vollführt er unter ihren Augen eine Art Flugzirkus, um sie zu beeindrucken. Erst dann geht er auf Beuteflug. Bei seiner Rückkehr wird er vom Weibchen immer sehr zärtlich empfangen u. mit Schmuseeinheiten bedacht. Das Weibchen ist während ganze Brut- und Aufzuchtszeit in Nesthöhle. Sie legt in Abstände Eier, so Jungen sind unterschiedlich alt. Männchen bringt Futter vorbei. Das Weibchen bietet währenddessen regelmäßig Paarung an. Das Paar ist sich treu.           


[Medicine Cards]


Owl medicine is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, and magic, both black and white. Owl is called Night Eagle on several medicine wheels used by Amerindian teachers. Traditionally, Owl sits in the East, the place of illumination.

Since time immemorial, humanity has been afraid of the night, the dark, and the unseen - waiting fearfully for the first crack of morning light. Conversely, night is Owl's friend.

Owl hunts its prey at night. Not only can Owl see in the dark, it can also accurately pinpoint and identify any should. This gives it a great advantage when seeking food. Owls are the night hunters. Some native people are fearful of Own and call its feathers "deceiver feathers." An Owl feather is silent. You cannot hear Own when it flies, but its prey definitely knows when it strikes, for its beak and talons are razor sharp.

Owl is oftentimes the medicine of sorcerers and witches. If Owl is your medicine, you will be drawn to magical practices and perhaps explore the dark arts. You should resist any temptation to practice black magic or any art that takes energy away from another person or being. If you have Owl medicine, these night birds will have a tendency to collect around you, even in the daytime, because they recognize a kinship with you.

Is it any wonder that in many cultures Owl is a symbol for wisdom? This is because Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom.

Where others are deceived, Owl sees and knows what is there.

Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, had a companion Owl on her shoulder which revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena's blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth, as opposed to only a half truth.

If Owl is your personal medicine, no one can deceive you about what they are doing, no matter how they try to disguise or hide it from you. You may be a little frightening to be around, since so many people have ulterior motives which you see right through. If you are unaware of your medicine power, you may take your keen insights and abilities for granted. Others never do. You may frighten them and reflect their blindness, for you cannot be fooled. Owl medicine people know more about an individual's inner life than that person know about herself or himself.

If you have pulled the Owl card, you are being asked to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. Owl is befriending you and aiding you in seeing the total truth.

Owl can bring you messages in the night through dreams or meditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens. The truth always brings further enlightenment.


If you have Owl upside-down in your cards, you have been greatly deceived by either yourself or another. Perhaps witch-craft or black magic is being used against you, or maybe you are using witchcraft or sorcery to aid you when you should be praying and asking the Great Spirit for guidance. The message is to befriend the darkness inside yourself. Look deeply, and soon the bright light of dawn will illuminate you. Then ask yourself what you are in the dark about. How and by whom are you being deceived? Are you being greatly deceived, or just slightly deceived? Owl tells you

to keep an eye on your property and your loved ones. Remember that Owl is always asking, "Who?"


Owl is a creature of the night and has been symbolically associated with wisdom because it can see what others cannot. It is the only bird that flies in total silence.

As a power animal, Own encourages you to develop your intuitive abilities and inner senses, and to seek the knowledge that is hidden from most people. Owl is a protector and will help you to discern more readily the motives and intentions of others, especially those who may attempt to deceive you or take advantage of you in some way. Owl also helps you to recognize that there is a dark side to your nature that should not be ignored or repressed. You need to see that it is there so you can come to terms with it.

Owl is symbolic of discernment and the need to look out for deception. You have to see to know. You have to know to see.

Honor intuition. Use discernment. Outsmart deception. Trust your first impressions.

Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David.


DD.: Great Horned Owls compete with the Red-tailed Hawk for nest sites. Each species has been known to kill the young and destroy the eggs of the other, but in general, both species nest in adjacent or confluent territories without conflict.

Great Horned Owls are incapable of constructing nests and typically expropriate existing Red-tail nests.

Red-tails are therefore adapted to constructing new nests when a previous year’s nest has been overtaken by owls or otherwise lost.


Freedom Restriction

Allerlei: It would seem the owl considered sacred in stone age. Is often seen as a symbol of death, representing the mystery and unknowable secrets of death and darkness.

Almost universally perceived as wise and all-seeing or all-perceiving and is often associated with the moon, and with goddesses associated with the moon.


Polyphonte, from the lineage of Ares, was beholden to honour Aphrodite, but scorned her in favour of Artemis to whom she became a companion.

Aphrodite caused her to fall in love with a bear by whom, under demonic urge, she bore two sons, Agrius and Orius, huge strong men. They had no respect for either the gods or men. “If they met a stranger they would haul him home to eat.” Artemis was disgusted and Zeus sent Hermes to punish them. Ares interceded and with the help of Hermes turned them into birds. “Polyphonte became [a strix], a small owl whose voice is heard at night. She does not eat or drink and keeps her head turned down and the tips of her feet turned up. She is a bearer of war and sedition for mankind.

Orius became an eagle owl, a bird that presages little good to anyone when it appears. Agrius was changed into a vulture, the bird most detested by gods and men.

These gods gave him an utter craving for human flesh and blood.” From Metamorphoses of Antoninus Liberalis (approx 2nd - 3rd C. B.C.).


Inner wisdom



Feelings of persecution


Extra-sensory perception

Awareness of mystical and spiritual experiences

Understanding dreams, visions, and subconscious thought projection

Can access inner secrets

Del. controlled, abused and dominated by others

Confidence, Determination

Outspoken, Confrontational

Speaking ones’ mind

Resentment, Rage

Anger; with tendency to destroy things

Inwardly focused



Lack of self - awareness

No deeper understanding of themselves particularly those higher-level psychic parts they do not fully understand

Sensation: too be exposed

Apprehensive, Forebodings

Feeling something bad will happen; and it will be my fault; Guilt


Harmony with self

Del. he is a teacher

Des. to share their wisdom but others do not always accept it

Sens. abandoned



Unable to access emotions; can’t seem to get to the heart of the matter, to the core of the issue

Death, darkness, endings

Sens. sinister; creepy

Terrible black thoughts


Blackness, Evil

Spiritual insight, great mental clarity and emotional objectivity and detachment

Love: nature, birds, moonlight

Excitement from music

Completely unable to make important decisions; no awareness of all the various aspects involved

Cannot support injustice;



Periodicity: lunar cycle; annual

Eyes: Sensitive to light, Problems with depth perception; balancing near and far. Very good vision in the dark, Good peripheral vision, Stereoscopic, Focus changes while  eading.

Vision: focusing, blurring, depth perception, everything goes dark; Owls see mostly in black and white. Ears: sx alternating, or sx left-sided, Discharge gluey, Sens. as of a body internally, As if stopped up, Hearing acute, Hearing comes and goes; is on a different level (high pitch/low pitch).

The Lakota tell us that the old woman who guards the entrance to the Milky Way, which is the spirit road to the land of the dead, was called ‘Owl Maker’. Sumero-Babylonian (3,500 BC) sculptures depicted Lilith as a winged female accompanied by owls; she was said to kill infants and endanger women in childbirth.

Pallas Athene, the Greek goddess of wise counsel, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, heroic endeavour and fertility was affiliated with the owl, and Hine-nui-te-Po, the Maori goddess of ‘Po’, the underworld, was often depicted wearing a ‘hei-tiki’ - an image which holds its head tilted to one side as an owl does.

Paul Johnsgard, North American Owls: Biology and Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002

Solitary, Reserved


Avers. company

Sens. as if observing

from the outside

Des. solitude, Wants to be quiet, Av. small talk

Not inclined to have involvement with group

Wants to be quiet

Irritability; from noise

Vultures are associated with both death and rebirth

Owls are associated with death and endings

Illusions of


Allerlei: China: Unheil                                   



Vorwort/Index                                                Zeichen/Erklärungen                                                            Impressum