

[Alan V. Schmukler]

Before administering or taking a remedy. check to see if it is compatible with the last one used.


Incompatible remedies are those which. if used directly before or after each other. can greatly aggravate the symptoms or confuse the case.


Incompatible remedies may follow each other if:

    1.There has been an intervening remedy

    2. Considerable time has elapsed

    3. The first remedy did not act

Incompatibles are often remedies whose symptoms pictures are very close. such as Causticum and Phosphorus. Apis and Rhus-t. and Sil. and Merc.

Remedy………….                       Incompatible with


Acet-ac. ……                               Arn. Bell. Lach. Merc. Bor. Caust. Nux-v. Ran-b. Sars


All-c…….                                    All-s. Aloe. Scill.


All-s……                                    Aloe. All-c. Scill.


Aloe…………….                        All-s. All-c.


Am-c………….                           Lach.


Anan………….                            Wines and spirits


Antip.…………                           Coffee (the beverage) in excess


Apis………………….                 Phos. Rhus-t. (in eruptive diseases)


Arg-n………….                           Coffea. (increases headache). Vesp.


Arn………………….                  Injuries from bites of dogs or rabid or angry animals. Wine


Arum-dru. ……….                      Calad.


Arum-dra……….                        Calad.


Arum-it. ……………                  Calad.


Arum-m. ………………….        Calad.


Arum-t. ……………….              Calad.


Aster. …………….                     Coff. Nux-v. (Ip. > the inimical effects of Nux-v.)


Atrop.…………….                      Antagonized by Gels.


Aur-m-n. …………….                Alcohol. Coff.


Bar-c. ……………….                 Calc.


Bell. ………….                            Dulc. Vinegar. Acet-ac.


Benz-ac. ……….                         Wine (< pain in kidneys etc.)


Borx…………………….            Acet-ac. Vinegar. Wine


Bov.……………….                     Coff.


Bry……………….                      Calc. Sep.


Calad.………….                          All Arums


Calc……                                    Bar-c. Bry. Kali-bi. (before ). Nit-ac. (after). Sulph. (after)


Calen………….                           Camph.


Camph. …………                        Calen. Coff. (after). Kali-n. Sac-lac.


Cann-s. ……                                Camph.


Canth.………….                          Coff.


Carb-a.. …………                       Carb-v. (?)


Carb-v. ……………                    Carb-a. (?)


Caul.……….                                Coff.


Caust.…………….                      Acids. Cocc-i. Coff. Phos.


Cham.…….                                  Nux-v. Zinc-met.


China…….                                   Dig. (after) Kreos. (after) Led.


Cist-c. ……………                     Coffee (as a beverage)


Cocc-i. ……….                           Caust. Coff.


Coff. …….                                   Aster. Arg-n. Canth. Caust. Cist-c. Cocc-i. Ign. Lac-ac. Mill. Stram.


Colch………                                Acet-ac. (after Colch)


Con. ………………                     Psor. (sometimes)


Digitalinum……….                    China. Nit-s-d.


Dulc………….                            Bell. Lach.


Ferr-met…………….                  Acet-ac. Beer. Thea. Dig (after)


Ferr-p. …………                         Paris


Gels.………….                            Atrop. Op.


Hell. ………….                           Coff.


Hep. …………………                 Spong (after)


Ign.……….                                  Coff. Nux-v. (sometimes). Tab.


Kali-n. ……………….                Smelling camphor increases suffering


Kreos………….                           Carb-v.(after) Chin. (after)


Lach………….                            Acet-ac. Am-c. Dulc. Nit-ac. Psor. Sep.


Lac-ac……….                             Coffee (as a beverage)


Led………….                              Chin.


Lyc.………….                             Coff. after Sulph. except in sequence of Sulph-Calc-Lyc.


Merc……….                                Acet-ac. Sil.


Mill…………….                         Coffee (as a beverage)


Morph.……….                            Vinegar


Nat-m. ……………                     Podo. (increases the action).


Nit-s-d. ………                            Dig. Ran-b.


Nit-ac. ……………                     Lach (after). Calc


Nux-v. …………….                    Acet-ac. (after). Acids. Aster. Ign. Zinc-met


Paris. ……………                       Ferr-p.


Phos.…………                            Apis. Caust.


Podo………                                 Salt (increases its action)


Psor.……………                         Con. Lach. Sep (?)


Ran-b. ………….                        Acet-ac. (after). Alcohol. Nit-s-d. Staph. Sulph. Vinegar. Wine


Rhus-t./Rhus-r. …….                  Apis (skin affections)


Sars.………….                            Acet-ac. (after)


Scill. ………….                           All-s. All-c.


Sec…………                                Acon. Ars. Bell. Chin. Merc. Puls.


Selen……………                        Chin. Wine


Sep……………………….          Bry. Lach. Puls


Sil.…………….                           Merc.


Staph……….                               Ran-b.


Stram…………                            Coff.


Sulph……….                               Aur-m. Calc (after)


Tab.…….                                     Ign.


Thea………….                            Ferr-met.


Vespa…………                           Arg-n.


Zinc-met………….                     Cham. Nux-v. Wine


[Dr. Leela D’Souza]

Hypersensitivity and idiosyncrasy are two commonly encountered clinical phenomena. Hypersensitivity usually refers to acquired hypersensitivity of the vital force due to external factors like remedy abuse, overexposure to energy treatments, suppressive allopathic treatment, excessive acupuncture, mood enhancing drugs, etc. Idiosyncracy refers to an innate sensitivity of the vital force ($117).

Hahnemann’s 6th edition Organon suggests that liquid potencies and cup dilutions for c potencies are a good way to deal with sensitivity to remedies.

Over time. I have found that there are three requirements to avoid hypersensitive reactions to C potencies and hence some unconventional tips:

1. Reduce the ‘size’ of the dose that the vital force is exposed to.

Hence I suggest 1 single dry pill of the appropriate C potency when water doses still aggravate.

2. Reduce the TIME of exposure of the vital force to a dose.

For this I suggest that the pill be kept under the tongue for about 5 seconds and then spit it out.

Olfaction of a potency for a few seconds is similar.

3. Give the vital force a moderate C potency.

30C is a good potency as it is gentle in that it has the ability to stimulate both emotional as well as physical change in a ‘laid-back’ manner. In chronic situatIons it can take a couple of days. in acute situations it can take a couple of hours before the effect of a single dose is clearly observed.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkόrzungen.                            Impressum.