Vaccinosis (Sykosis Vaccinosis Carsinosinum)


Vergleich: Siehe: Miasmen allgemein + Tierhomöpathie Anhang + Impfungen Anhang 2.


This term dates back to Burnett (1884) as he stated it was a homoeopathic term for chronic adverse vaccine reactions. Vithoulkas (1998) stated it is a chronic disease
state vaccinations impress on to susceptible patients, as the vaccinated person is poisoned by the vaccine virus.


The homeopathic term for chronic adverse vaccine reactions is “vaccinosis.”

Back in the late 1800s, the homeopathic remedy Thuja was often used to successfully treat adverse reactions to the smallpox vaccine.

Still today, Thuja is touted as the #1 homeopathic remedy to use for adverse vaccine reactions. However, though Thuja was an effective treatment for vaccinosis back

in Burnett’s day, in modern times it is largely ineffective for treating the adverse effects of vaccines.

To find out what works for vaccinosis in modern times, we must turn to the work of the dutch homeopath Dr. Tinus Smits. Dr. Smits was both a medical doctor and homeopath who has been practicing homeopathy for over 20 years. He is also a seasoned expert in treating what he calls PVS (= Post-Vaccination Syndrome).

Post-vaccination syndrome is defined as any symptoms that manifest after vaccination. PVS can be divided into an acute and chronic syndrome.

Main Symptoms of Acute PVS

Fever, convulsions, absent-mindedness, encephalitis and/or meningitis, limbs swollen around the point of inoculation, whooping-type cough, bronchitis, diarrhea, excessive drowsiness, frequent and inconsolable crying, penetrating and heart-rending shrieking (cri encéphalique), fainting/shock, pneumonia, death, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Main Symptoms of Chronic PVS

Colds with amber or green phlegm, inflamed eyes, loss of eye contact, squinting, inflammation of the middle ear, bronchitis, expectoration, coughing, asthma, eczema, allergies, inflamed joints, tiredness and lack of vigour, excessive thirst, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, disturbed sleep with periods of waking and crying,

epilepsy, rigidity of the back, muscle cramps, light-headedness, lack of concentration, loss of memory, growth disturbances, lack of coordination, disturbed development, behavioural problems such as fidgeting, aggressiveness, irritation, moodiness, emotional imbalance, confusion, loss of will-power, and mental torpidity.


Which Vaccines are the Most Problematic?

According to Dr. Smits, the most problematic vaccines are:

DTaP-IPV vaccine: For diptheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), and polio. This is a combination vaccine given in Canada. In other countries the name of this vaccine may be slightly different. Vaccinations with this vaccine in Canada start at 2 months of age and are repeated at 4 months, 6 months, 18 months, and 4-6 years old.

HiB vaccine: For Haemophilis influenzae type b. This vaccine is given at the same times as the DTaP-IPV vaccine except that there is no dose at 4-6 years.

MMR vaccine: For measles, mumps, and rubella. This vaccine is first given when the child is a year old and is repeated either at 18 months of age or at 4-6 years of age.

(HB) Hepatitis B: 3 doses are now recommended at infancy in Canada. Usually at the 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month mark.

Influenza vaccine (including H1N1): Recommended for children 6-23 months of age and seniors over 65. The H1N1 vaccine is recommended for everybody.


Another potentially problematic vaccine:

Varicella vaccine: For chicken pox. Given at the age of 1 year.


The Diagnosis of Post-Vaccination Syndrome

Post-vaccination syndrome should always be considered whenever the person’s health complaints started at the time of, or the period following, vaccination. The fact that

the person has displayed no direct or acute reaction to a vaccination does not necessarily exclude the possibility of the vaccine being the cause of chronic complaints.

These complaints usually become clear only after one, two or even more weeks have passed. In some cases it is often only after the second, third or fourth administration

of the vaccine that problems suddenly occur.

Homeopathic Treatment of PVS must only be attempted by a properly trained classical homeopath. Once the homeopath has identified the offending vaccine, the person must given the homeopathic version of the offending vaccine in order to neutralize the vaccine’s harmful effects. The homeopathic form of the vaccine is completely safe and non-toxic, has been strongly diluted and potentised.

I am now offering a homeopathic protocol for the prevention of vaccine damage at the clinic. Contact the clinic to book an appointment.

For a more detailed explanation of Dr. Tinus Smit’s PVS Protocol, download his free booklet: “The Post-Vaccination Syndrome.”

The booklet also goes over in much detail a large number of Dr. Smit’s cured cases of PVS.

[Homeopathy 4 Health]

4. The Position of Vaccination

At first glance it may seem that conventional vaccination is in fact a homeopathic application in that like is treated with like. However there are major differences between conventional vaccination and homeopathic prophylaxis.

1. A conventional vaccine is injected directly into the blood stream. This procedure results in by passing the bodys innate cellular immune response. Only the acquired humoural response is stimulated.

The natural innate strategy against infection is dispensed with resulting in poor and delayed development. The fact is that vaccination suppresses the development of this aspect of immunology.

Whereas the body's specific defences against certain diseases can be increased by means of vaccination, which is obviously the effect intended, practice shows that the defences as a whole can also be significantly broken down. We see a group of children previously in good health suddenly develop all manner of infections after vaccination, or children in whom existing complaints worsen. This weakening of the defenses can possibly be ascribed to a shift from a defensive system at the cellular level (aided by white blood corpuscules) to an essentially humoral defense (brought about by antibodies). Vaccination strengthens humoral defense and weakens cellular defense.

If this happens while children are but a few months old and their cellular defenses are still being built up, a serious loss of natural defenses with consequent sensitivity to infection can be the result.

2. Vaccines contain toxic elements including preservatives, neutralizers, carrying agents etc. It is the presence of such substances which give rise to many and varied allergic skin reactions, asthma and anaphylactic shock. 

3. Procedure for Vaccinosis Prevention

    Two days before vaccination administer potentised vaccine 200C and repeat after vaccination on the same day.

    Follow up with potentised vaccine a month later in increasing potencies of 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M on four consecutive days in order to correct any possible disturbance

to the deeper energy levels


[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

In vaccinosis, when Thuja fails and Sil is not indicated, the remedy is Ant-t.


Vaccinose bei Kindern und Jugendlichen:

Abmagerung, appetitlos, Esstörungen, weigert sich zu essen, entkräftet, Marasmus, Anämie

Aggressiv, gewalttätig, hyperaktiv, Verhaltensstörungen, Psychosen

Gleichgültig, Verlust an üblichem Interesse, Gedächtnisstörungen

Akne, narbenbildend


Atemwegserkrankungen anhaltend, Asthma, Bronchitis, chronisch



Blutgerinnungsstörungen, Thrombozytopenie

Chorea, Epilepsie, Krämpfe

Colitis ulzerosa, Morbus Crohn


Diabetes juvenilis/Pankreaserkrankungen

Durchfall chronisch

Drüsenschwellung/-eiterung mit Fistelbildung

Dysmenorrhoe, chronisch

Dyspepsie, chronisch

Entwicklungsstörungen, einseitige, Entwicklungsverzögerung, lernt spät gehen

Enuresis nocturna

Fieberschübe, leichte, längere Zeit; Kinder bekommen kein Fieber mehr

Genitalien, Kind faßt Genitalien dauernd an

Haarwuchsstörungen: zu viel, zu wenig, falsche Stellen

Hautausschläge: herpetiform, papulös, pustulös, Elephantiasis, Keloide

Herpes zoster



Infektanfälligkeit, rezidivierende Infekte

Kinderkrankheiten, bekommt keine

Kindstot plötzlich

Konjunktivitis, Keratitis, Lidptose

Kopfschmerz und schlaflos

Lähmungserscheinungen, halbseitige, Guillain-Barré-Syndrom


Legasthenie, Lern- und Konzentrationsstörungen


Leukoplakie, Lichen ruber planus, Lupus vulgaris, Lipome

Masturbation bei Kindern

Meningoenzephalitis, Hirnödem, Hydrozephalus, Hirn- und Intellektschäden,

Idiotie, Imbezillität

Milzschwellung, Milzvergrößerung

Muskelatrophie, Myopathien, Muskelzuckungen

Nägel deformiert, Panaritium



Nephritis, chronisch, Albuminurie, Hämaturie

Obstipation, chronisch


Otitis media




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