Vichy grandegrille Anhang


[T.F. Allen] (1837 - 1902)

The minerals springs at Vichy, in France. Analysis of Gastric-Grille springs, by Bouguet.

100 grams: Carbonic acid.418, Ferric oxide.002 Sulphuric acid. 164, Calcium.169 Phosphoric acid. 070, Strontium.002 Arsenic acid. 001, Magnesium.097 Hydrochloric acid. 334, Potassium.182 Silicic acid. 070, Sodium.488.

Generals: Uneasiness as if a fever was coming on; weakness, desire for food, and longing for wine; yet he relished his dinner, and felt well after it (28th day). General uneasiness, as before a fever, nausea; very painful stitches in the right side of the chest, corresponding to the commencement of the cartilaginous portion of the two first false ribs, and extending below and behind the breast towards the back; clammy bitter taste, without appetite or thirst; anxious feeling, as if some misfortune were about to happen; this uneasiness goes off on taking dinner (eighty-ninth day). Excessive weakness after coition, as if suffering from hunger (28th day). 16 h., bruised pain in the arms; headache, as if the temples were compressed; pain in bowels,

“As if diarrhoea was coming on”, with sore pain in the stomach (the weather was stormy), (31st day).

Mind: Very low-spirited, felt as though same misfortune were about to happen (83rd day). Very low-spirited, causelessly anxious about the future (in the morning), (99th day).

Head: After the second swallow, slight compressive pain in the forehead and temples (91st day). Some minutes after, slight pain in the temples and forehead (19th day). Very painful stitching in the right temple for some minutes (after 91/2  hours and a half, 50th day). A stitching behind the right mastoid process, followed by gripping in the middle, abdomen; then a return of the same stitching during some minutes (after six hours, seventy-second day). Stitches in the petrous portion of the temporal bone (after 1 hour, 83rd day). Pain in the head; pressure at the occiput, with general uneasiness, as if fever were coming on (after dinner); the pain on wrapping the head up warmly (26th day). In the evening, stitches in the occiput below the left tuberosity (31st day). Violent itching of the head, in the morning, on rising (24th day). Violent itching in the head (after 1 hour, 68th day). Itching in the forehead (80th day).

Eyes: Stinging in the eyes, with lachrymation (52nd day). Pain below the left eye, like pressure, after breakfast (ninety- ninth day). Different colored sparks before the eyes in the morning (99th day).

Nose: Coryza (92nd day). In the morning, on rising, fetid, corpse like odor in the nose (66th day). A very strong smell of cucumbers in the nose, in the morning (75th day).

Face: Sharp stitching between the articulation of the jaw and the temple (after 10 minutes, 45th day). Twisting pain in the lower jaw, near the coronoid process, as if the jaw was swollen, when masticating on that side, during the whole meal (after twelve hours, 18th day).

Mouth: Very dry, with very bitter taste, all day (90th day). Abundant secretion of saliva, immediately. Flow of salty water in the mouth, with slight burning in the stomach (heartburn), (after ¼ of an hour, 2nd day). Water in the mouth, instantly (third day). Some saltish water rose in the mouth

(7th day). Flow of in the mouth, which lasted part of the morning (after 1 minute, 50th day). Flow of saliva in the mouth (53rd day). Flow of water in the mouth; rumbling in the stomach (after ¼ of an hour, 62nd day). Water rises into the mouth, with nausea (83rd day). Bitter and clammy taste in mouth, on rising (2nd day). Bad taste in mouth, in the evening (2nd day). Bitter taste during the day (33, 34 and 64th days). Bitter taste in mouth, in the evening (several days). Bitter mouth in the evening, with thirst (29th day). Bitter mouth in the morning, on rising (7th, 9th and 85th days). Bitter mouth in the morning (9th day).

Stomach: Hungry sensation in the stomach, immediately. Little appetite, no thirst (9th day). Keen hunger before dinner; yet at the meal he eats very little, and without relish (26th day). Appetite and no thirst (33rd day). Craving for food, as from feebleness of stomach, with sick feeling, without hunger (after 11/2 hour and 98th day). Appetite poor (90th day). During dinner, I drank less than usual (18th day). In spite of the hot weather, I have been much less thirsty than usual, since I commenced these provings (11th day). Heartburn (after a few moments, 21st day). Heartburn, with sickness at the stomach (after 11 and 17 hours, 21th day). Transient nausea while eating, causing him to stop for awhile, after which he continued the meal without further interruption after 6 hours, 23rd day). Passing sensation as if about to be sick at the stomach, as when first feeling the effects of an emetic, without retching or efforts to vomit (after ½ an hour, 18th day). Acidity of the stomach (after 5 minutes). Belching of air (after 1 hour). Weight at the epigastrium (53rd day). Slight griping in the stomach, with emission of flatulence, immediately (21st day). Griping in the stomach, with ineffectual urging to stool (89th day). The pain in the stomach continues, all the morning, like a griping, until breakfast (83rd day). Slight pinching at the upper part of the stomach (83rd day). Pinchings in the epigastrium (83rd day). After the fist swallow, cutting pain, throughout the whole stomach (ninety-first day). Burning at the stomach, in the evening (7th day). In the evening, slight burning at the epigastrium (2nd day). Painful sensation, at the stomach, like a burning (after ½  hour, 62nd day). Burning in the stomach, which rises towards the throat, followed by singing in the ears, heaviness in the head, and dizziness ( after some minutes, 72nd day). Burning in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour, 97th day). Slight burning in the stomach (89th day). Burning in the stomach, some minutes after each dose (89th day). Disagreeable feeling in the stomach (a kind of burning), like urging to stool; the burning in the stomach is more intense in the afternoon (90th day).

Abdomen: Shooting in the liver, at 18 h. (53rd day). Compressive pain in the l. hypochondrium (after ½ hour, 53rd day). Slight colic in the  umbilical region (after 1 hour, 18th day). Emission of burning flatulence, with slight urging to stool (6th day). Copious emission of flatulence all at once ( after 2 hours, 7th day). Emission of flatulence (after 1 hour, 66th day). During the day, borborygmus in the bowels, slight griping in the bowels (2nd day). Borborygmi in the night (88th day). Some borborygmi (90th day). Rumbling in the abdomen, rising of air (53rd day). Rumbling in the bowels, emission of flatulence, copious pultaceous stool ( after ¼ of an hour, 69th day). Inflation of the bowels; gripes in the middle of the abdomen, shifting to the lower part, which cease after an emission of burning flatulence (31st day). Inflation of the bowels, with griping, in the afternoon, and especially in the evening, with emission of flatulence (33rd day). Awoke with distension and uneasiness in the bowels; bad taste, as if from indigestion, which ceased after rising (86th day). Griping in the abdomen, with ineffectual urging to stool; stitching pain in the rectum, in the morning, after rising (34th day). Griping in the bowels, at long intervals (34th day). Slight griping in the bowels (35th day). Griping in the bowels (after 10 minutes, 45th day). A little griping in the bowels (46th, 50th and 89th days). Griping in the bowels, as if a stool was desired, without real need (89th day). Pressing gripes in the bowels (92nd day). Burning borborygmi (91st day). Pinching in the bowels, (after 1 hour, 2nd day). Immediately slight colic, which passed off with flatulence (83rd day). Griping stitches in the abdomen, which cease after a soft stool, in the morning; colic in the middle of the bowels, at noon; gripes in the lower bowels, in the afternoon, more severe in the evening (32nd day). Some gripings in the bowels on rising; after the breakfasting on chocolate strongly flavored with cinnamon, they ceased very gradually in the course of the day (33rd day). A little pain in bowels (after ½ an hour, 79th). Slight pain in the bowels, like urging to stool, which lasted some minutes (after ¼ of an hour). Feeling in bowels like desire for stool; I passed nothing but wind some minutes after (3rd day). In the evening, sensation as if diarrhoea was coming on; then a feeling at an unusual (82nd day).

Rectum: Ineffectual urging to stool, nothing but wing passed (2nd day). Urging to stool, with stitching in the rectum, which went off on the emission of flatulence (after a few minutes, 38th day). Ineffectual urging to stool, at 8.30 h. (83rd day). Urging to stool, which goes off with flatulence (90th day).

Stool: Very difficult stool, with copious emission of flatulence (2nd day); no stool yesterday; to-day a very difficult one (5th day); very difficult evacuation in the evening (6th day); a very difficult stool, followed in the morning (9th day); no stool (10th day; stool regular (11th day); slow stool

(18th day); no stool either to-day or yesterday (22nd day); copious evacuation, in the forenoon (33rd day) large soft stool in the evening (24th day);

no movement of the bowels yesterday; this morning, soft stool (17th day); no stool (34th day); regular and normal evacuation in the morning (35th day); constipation for three days (46th day); no movement of bowels to-day (50th day); copious diarrhoeic stool in the morning (67th day); no stool during the day (82nd day); copious natural stool, at 8 h. (83rd day); soft stool in the evening (83rd day); two soft stools during the day (84th day); two soft stools in the forenoon, with pain in stomach (89th day); constipation (93rd day).

Urinary organs: Griping in the bladder, in the morning (27th day). Frequent urination (7x), during the night; urine abundant, watery, and foaming

(5th day). Copious emission of watery urine (24th day). Copious watery urine in the night (37th day). Very copious urination, during the night and this morning (31th day). Copious urination (73rd day). In the night a copious urination (88th day). Urine, copious, abundant, and watery (89th day).

Respiratory organs: During last night an attack of dry cough, with tickling in the neck. On continuing the trituration, this morning, violent and frequent sneezing, followed by fluent coryza (42nd day). Dry cough produced by a prickling in the neck (after 6 hours, 50th day). Cough at night, with difficult expectoration (51st night). This morning cough, with mucous expectoration, without pain or any sensation exciting the cough, with mucus expectoration, without pain or any sensation exciting the cough, beyond the necessity of clearing the air-passages (52nd day).

Chest: Painful uneasiness in the chest, followed by expectoration of purulent matter; this uneasiness ceases gradually (92nd day). Sensation on the chest as if a bar pressed across it prevented respiration (a ¼ of an hour after taking the medicine), followed by a cough, with expectoration of thick mucus (93rd day). Tearing pain at the borders of the false ribs on both sides (83rd day). Stitch in right side of chest, in evening (29th day).

Neck: Painful stiffness of the muscles of the back of the neck and of the scaleni of left side, as after making a false step; moving these parts is very painful (in the afternoon), (27th day). Less stiffness of the neck, and it ceased entirely in the evening (28th day). After a sound sleep he felt, on rising, something remaining of the pain in neck, but it ceased entirely in the course of the day (29th day).

Back: Stitch in the right lumbar region when seated, preceded by stitch in heart (in the evening); these two pains are of short duration (90th day).

Limbs: Bruising pain in the fingers, and uneasiness as if a fever was coming on, after lunch (31st day). Stitch in the right tibia, extending from the upper part to the instep (98th day).

Sleep: Somnolence after dinner (86th day). Excessive sleepiness in the evening (84th day). Fatiguing dreams at night, but the sleep is more prolonged than usual (90th day).

Skin: A red and sore pimple on upper lip (3rd day). A few small pimples on the back of the neck, with very lively pricking (24th day). Itching of the face and right eyebrow (5th day). Between the eyebrows sharp, prickly itching, which burned after scratching (82nd day). Pricking itching behind the neck, as of pins, compelling to scratch (2nd day). Pricking and itching in the back, which ceases on scratching, but returns afterwards (2nd day).

Sexual organs: Strong and long-lasting erections, without incitement or venereal desire, in the afternoon (50th day). Excessive itching at the orifice of the glans penis and at the fossa navicularis (51st day). Sharp itching of the scrotum, which lasts 2 day (57th day). Diminution of venereal desire (22nd day).



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