Zingiberales Anhang


Canna angustifolia (Canna lily)

The plant has starchy, edible rhizomes. The leaves grow out of the stem and unroll. The flowers are usually red or orange.

    Sex - ejaculation, too quick without enjoyment.

    Dreams, Doctors or medical treatments.


Musa acuminata (Banana)

This variety is the dessert banana; when crossed with M. balbisiana the fruit is more starchy and called a Plantain . Contains: K overindulgence can cause hyperkalemia, i.e. vomiting, tingling,

symptoms of paralysis and cardiac arrhythmias.

Ayurveda: Banana is soft and heavy which promotes Kapha qualities. The rasa is described as 'sour' - which is a warming combination of earth and fire (unripe bananas more astringent i.e. colder).

The Flower essence:

Promotes patience and strength. May be rather excitable and quickly become defensive and obstinate - they are always anxious to be right!


Curcuma (Tumeric)

A spice from the root of Curcuma longa.

Company, aversion to, desire for solitude.

Therapeutics: Cholecystitis. Colds and flue.

Bio-Strategy: Tumeric (and other Zingiberales) contain curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which make it an important cleansing remedy in Ayurvedic medicine.

It also improves mental function so it may be helpful in Alzheimers (many remedies from the Asparagales). Its absorption is improved by piperine (black pepper).

DD.: The characteristic enthusiasm and over-excitement of the Commelinidae Group is present in the Zingiberacae. There is sudden enthusiasm then weakness. That degree of excitement can't

be sustained forever. There is too much energy being expended, as in the Poales. They just need to calm their fiery energy!

The resulting polarity is weakness and a dreamy laziness. A state of dreamy laziness is prominent in the closely related Magnoliales and it seems to ebb and flow in the Commelinids.




Gemüt: Gesellschaft abgeneigt (verlangt Einsamkeit)

Bauch: Entzündete Gallenblase


[Dr. Thomas Cowan]

Imagine if the pharmaceutical industry came up with a new “drug” that helped your body clear toxins from the liver by increasing the bile flow; protected your DNA against mutations from such things

as toxic chemicals and ionizing radiation; chelated (removed) heavy metals such as lead and aluminum from your body; stabilized the telomeres, the proteins that control aging; was shown to be an effective preventative agent against Alzheimer’s disease;

I have included below a selection of papers, studies and trials that have been conducted using curcumin, the pigment from turmeric.

Curcumin’s immunomodulating and antioxidant activities suggest that it might be a useful adjunct in the treatment of neurodegenerative illnesses characterized by inflammation. Relatively unexplored,

but relevant to its potential therapeutic efficacy in neuroinflammatory syndromes is the effect of curcumin on chemokine production. Results offer further support for its potential use in the treatment

of inflammatory conditions of the CNS.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                   Impressum.