Ailanthus glandulosa Kind Anhang


Ailanthus child is said to be progressing very fast into a type of malignant ailment. Occasionally, this disease occurs as a mild febrile or feverish attack and when the patient takes anything cold, it holds back some of the common symptoms and the ailment take the form of low form typhoid. While the child initially suffered from a remittent fever (high body temperature showing fluctuation every day,

but never falling to normal), the ailment has taken the form of a condition of incapacitation accompanied with a very fast heartbeat, nauseating smell (fetor), a passive congestion accompanied with purple blemishes on the skin, the skin turning purple or bluish resulting the body to appear speckled.

Ganz wichtiges Mittel gegen Scharlach, Rachenentzündung und unterdrückten Hautausschlag. Scharlach ist eine Kinderkrankheit, die bevorzugt Kinder be­kommen, die ihren Mund nicht aufmachen dürfen und darüber wütend sind. Eine Entzündung des Rachens sagt dasselbe aus: Ich möchte schreien, ich will Feuer speien und sagen, was mich quält, aber ich darf nicht. Und hinter einem Hautausschlag steht: Ich will meine Peiniger schlagen, doch sie sind stärker, deshalb schlage ich lieber meine Haut, denn irgendetwas schlagen muß ich. Also Wut und Unterdrückung auf allen Ebenen. Was bleibt ist Pflichterfüllung und Funktionieren müssen, Freude und Genuß sind untersagt.

In addition, the child is mentally perturbed and cries continually. Some children may even be frightened as they may have a sensation of a rat or any other small animal crawling up their limbs or all over their body. The patients also suffer from a continuous loss of memory and they seem to forget even something that they might have said just moments back. It becomes very difficult for them to remember anything as they suffer from continuous lack of memory. What is interesting is that all events of the past seem to be erased from their mind. Even if some of the past events come to their mind, they only remember them to belong to some other person or something that they might have read somewhere.



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