Aluminium silicicum (Alum-sil) = E 554


Aluminium: A. Verwirrt (Beziehungen/Identität/Zugehörigkeit), B. unschlüssig/Zweifel

Silicium                      Erfolg                                                 Gruppe/Familie



Gemüt: Verlangt getragen zu werden/schüchtern, zaghaft (schamhaft)


Vergleich: Siehe: Aluminium metallicum + Silicium



Vermiculite (Vermic) = E 561/(Mg,Fe2+,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2O/= Blähglimmer


arthritis/osteoarthritis/pain/inflammation/bone ailments

Intercurrent: Bry. (relapses in bronchial conditions).

Pneumococcin or Bacillinum can hasten the action.

Osteoarthritis: feeling better/livelier/lighter. Reduction in swelling around the joints/movements easier. Improvement more rapid in smaller joints than in larger joints. Sometimes lameness or looseness at joints due to a reduction in abnormal fluid around the joint.

Osteoporose? Backache in every form. Bone diseases causing lameness (rickets/arthritis/dysplasia of the hip joint/lameness following fractures/indefinable growth disorders involving lameness/osteofibrosis/spondylosis/lameness following fractures, indefinable growth disorders involving lameness).

initial movements often painful (morning)/< physical exertion (walking/climbing).

Afterwards feeling lighter, less pain and oedema, more free and easier movements. listlessness reduced.

feeling better/livelier/lighter/reduction in swelling around the joints/movements were easier. Improvement more rapid in smaller joints than in larger joints. Lameness or looseness at joints felt/due to a reduction in abnormal fluid around the joint.

After cortisones: increased urine output/severe backache/

Osteoporosis: disappearance or great reduction of pain

cough much better, and expectorations easy/decreased in quantity.

Quelle: Staufen Pharma


Allerlei: = Tonmineral



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