Compare Aceticum acidum and Arsenicum album and Ferrum metallicum


[Sylvain Cazalet]

Aceticum acidum. dapted to persons of lax muscular fibre; pale, anæmic, chlorotic, with more or less rapid wasting of the body.

Hæmorrhages active or passive: nose, bronchi, lungs, stomach, bowels, genitalia.

Diarrhœa: profuse, exhausting; in ascites, diabetes, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis.

In any affections, the characteristic indications for will be found in the following:

  1. Intense, burning, insatiable thirst, even after drinking large quantities of water.
  2. Passing large quantities of clear, watery urine, both day and night.
  3. Profuse night sweats with great debility and marked emaciation.

These are the 3 points of support for this remedy; it matters little what the name of the disease is, a host of minor ailments revolving about them as satellites about a planet, will often be promptly dissipated by a few doses

of this medicine.

In the marasmus which occurs during the first summer of teething children, we have found Acetic acid exceedingly useful.

Loss of appetite, the child drinks much and often, pain in stomach and abdomen, diarrhœa with stool of undigested food restless or sleepless nights and great emaciation, with sometimes swollen œdematous legs. To this

picture add the characteristics of the remedy and an apparently desperate case will be promptly restored. Here a comparison with Arsenicum or Iodine maybe necessary.

In myelitis, or cerebro-spinal meningitis, when the pain in the back only > lying prone, this remedy should always be thought of.

Acetic acid causes and cures menorrhagia. In some parts of the west the servant girls are in the habit of taking a tablespoonful of strong vinegar to check the menstrual flow, if the unwelcome "visitors", should occur when

"a party" or other festivity is to be attended. It will promptly check the flow for a few hours or days, as the case may be, when a menorrhagia wilt take place of the normal flow, or nature may find relief in a hæmorrhage of

the lungs, stomach or bowels.

The gastric symptoms are often valuable ; violent burning pain in stomach ; cannot bear the slightest pressure ; sensation as if an ulcer were in the stomach, or as if its contents were in a constant ferment. This may be +

sour eructations soar vomiting, profuse salivation and water brash day and night and call for its use in morning sickness, gastric ulcer, etc., and provided the three characteristics are present, prompt and permanent relief may follow.

Ars.: usually thought of and generally given in many of the before mentioned affections, instead of Acetic acid; and we are often astonished at our failure. A careful comparison would have promptly excluded it.

Ars. has emaciation, great prostration, marked debility and intense, burning thirst, and while in these particulars there is striking correspondence.

Difference: The thirst of Ars. almost invariably "little and often" and when a large quantity is taken it is almost certain to be rejected or to produce nausea and vomiting, which never occurs under Acetic acid. The mental restlessness of the debilitated Arsenic patient is not found in Acetic acid.

Arsenic diarrhœa: different: like the thirst of Arsenic the uterine discharge is scanty; it is painful and followed by great prostration;

Acetic acid: profuse, watery, painless.

Ferr-met.: has the ashy pale face of the anæmic or chlorotic patient (ext. to the lips, tongue and mucous membrane of entire buccal cavity/rarely found under Acetic acid).

The earthy pale face is subject to congestions, becomes easily flushed and bright red, from mental emotion, pain or other symptoms, which is never found under Acetic acid.

Ferrum has watery, painless, even involuntary diarrhœa; or diarrhœa of undigested food; < at or after a meal/drinking cold water; while that of Acetic acid is not affected by eating or drinking. It has profuse, debilitating, long-lasting sweat; clammy, stains yellow, strong smelling, fetid on going to sleep, < motion, may occur by day as well as night and always < when sweating.



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