Formica Anhang




An Arthritic medicine. Gout and articular rheumatism; pains < motion; > pressure. Right side most affected. Chronic gout and stiffness in joints. Acute outbursts of gouty poisons, especially when assuming the neuralgic forms. Tuberculosis, carcinoma, and lupus; chronic nephritis. Complaints from overlifting. Apoplectic diseases.

Has a marked deterrent influence on the formation of polypi.

<: cold and cold washing/dampness, before a snowstorm;

>: warmth/pressure/rubbing/combing hair;


Symptoms follow intense emotions; bad news

Excitement after bad news

Emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition

ecstatic; exhilaration

mirth, hilarity, liveliness, etc.


unhappy; dwells on past disagreeable occurrences

Insecure, uncertain, scared

Fear (evening)

Forgetful (in evening)

weakness of memory

Restless, nervous; night


Morning (in bed)

While eating

During headache

On rising

After rising


While writing


Brain feels too heavy and large

Sensation as if a bubble burst in forehead

Forgetful in the evening


Coryza and Stopped-up feeling in nose

Rheumatic iritis

Nasal polypi.

Sensation of head bubbling; as if bubble bursting in forehead

Coldness; back of head (occiput); right side

Congestion (see pulsation) (fullness)

Expanded sensation (see swollen); brain feels large


Headache (with cracking in left ear)

Heaviness (see pain; pressing)

Pain, headache (((<<< many >>>)))


Hair; falling

Pain, headache; combing the hair

Skin and scalp; itching



Cornea (transparent part of eye); spots and specks, on cornea

triangular growth

Heaviness; lids

Inflammation [arthritic (gouty and rheumatic)]

Itching; outer

Pain (((<<< many >>>)))

Twitching; lids; right

Ulceration; cornea (transparent part of eye)




Ringing and buzzing

Cracking in left ear with headache

Parts around ear feel swollen


Coldness; behind right ear

Itching [in ear (l.)]

Noises in ear [buzzing/cracking/ringing]

Pain (((<<< many >>>)))

Swelling; about the ear

Hearing: Impaired



Lips; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); corners of mouth

Paralysis (l.)

Stiffness, muscles; lower jaw

Nose: Catarrh

Skin or lining of nose; polyp (growth up nose)


Running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet



Gums and teeth


sensation of elongated teeth

pain – l./afternoon





sore; tongue; back part


stitching, sudden, sharp; tongue; tip

Taste: offensive


Sensation of coldness; as from peppermint

Inflammation; left

Irritation; larynx

Mucus: in larynx (ejected with difficulty)

Pain: l./morning/swallowing (difficult)/on swallowing/sore

extending to ears

External throat



pain; burning; sides


pain; pressing; sides

pain; sudden, sharp; sides

Chest: Breast; milk; absent

Constriction, tension; during cough

Heart – palpitations (afternoon)

Movements in and of chest

Fluttering (in afternoon/during headache)

Pain – r. side/afternoon/sore, bruised in arm pit/stitching, sudden, sharp; breast; nipple; left/r.


itching morning (in arm pit)

itching; nipples


Hoarseness, with dry, sore throat; cough worse at night, with aching in forehead and constrictive pain in chest; pleuritic pains.

Pain - breathing deeply (In sides)/stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; breathing deeply


At night; hysterical attack of cough, followed by crying

Dry cough

Sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; in larynx






Red, itching and burning


Nodes around joints

Profuse sweat without relief.

Itching; scratching

Out-breaks on skin; leprosy

Back and Neck:


Pain (evening) when looking up/on moving head/travelling/ext. upward/as though the back would break/neck as if broken/neck; as if it would break in two/< l.

Stiffness; neck


Pain – in lumbar (lower half of back)/morning/in bed (after rising)/in hips/in attachment of muscles/in sacrum (= base of spine)/during movement/walking/

Pressing/in lumbar (lower half of back); morning; after rising/stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting/lumbar (lower half of back)

Skin; itching; shoulder blades


Stomach; Constant pressure at the cardiac end of the stomach, and a burning pain there

Pain shift from stomach to vertex

Gas cannot be passed.

Abdomen and Stool.

Pain in bowels before stool, with shuddering chilliness

Constriction in the anus

Drawing pain around navel before stool.

Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on

Enlarged; rear of abdomen (mesenteries)


Noises from abdomen [rumbling (morning; on waking)/before stool/during stool]

Pain – r./as if diarrhoea would come on/women during period/before stool/region of hip; crest of hip/liver/jarring/in spleen/cramping, griping; during period/

sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); behind lower ribs/on breathing in deeply/sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); liver.


Itching (groin region)

Sense of weakness; during stool

Bladder; paralysis


appetite; increased (hunger in general); evening; 21 h.

burping, belching; fluid

pain; cramping, griping, constricting; evening


In the morning, difficult passages of small quantities of flatus; afterwards diarrhoea-like urging in the rectum

Nausea (morning/at night/during headache)

Nausea, with headache, and vomiting of a yellowish bitter mucus

Vomiting [morning (on waking)/late morning 9 h. during headache/coughing/headache/on waking/bitter/during headache/mucus; morning on waking/yellow/with headache]

Rectum, Anus, Stool:

Rectum: Constriction, contraction, closure, etc.


after stool




daytime only


morning; waking with urging


night; 4 a.m.


in children


after eating


Sensation as before diarrhoea


Flatulence; offensive


Heat; during stool




pressing (pressure)


urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during diarrhoea


urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during stool


Urging, desire to stool (see pain


urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during stool


urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); after stool


Worm; tape worm (flat worm)



Like balls




Pasty, mushy


Small (see long and narrow)








Bloody, albuminous, with much urging; quantities of urates.


Male Organs:

itching; scrotum

jerking in penis

thick emission from penis

swelling; penis; hot

swelling; penis; foreskin

Sexual; Seminal emissions; weakness

Slothful to venery.”

As if asleep (on walking up stairs)

erections; incomplete

during sexual intercourse

erections; while riding

erections; after urinating


ejaculation; incomplete

prostate gland; jerking in region of prostate gland

prostate gland; quivering, nervous

prostate gland; twitching

Female Organs:

sexual intercourse; desire increased

Menses – period (bright-red/frequent(pale/scanty)

Extremities, limbs:

Rheumatic pains; stiff and contracted joints

Muscles feel strained and torn from their attachment

Weakness of lower extremities


Pain in hips

Rheuma comes on with suddenness and restlessness

sweat does not relieve

Relief after midnight and from rubbing.

Arthritic nodules

Coldness; lower limbs; foot

Contraction of muscles and tendons; joints

Cramps - hip; 3 h./during period/at night/foot/sole/sole;

Hands and feet; nails; flaking off

Heat in hand

Inflammation; upper limbs; skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour)

Movements and positions; lameness

Numbness (see tingling); upper limbs; travelling [in hand on waking]

Pain (((<<< many >>>)))

Paralysis (lower limbs)

Perspiration; foot; suppressed




lower limbs; hip, while sitting


lower limbs; thigh


while sitting




itching; upper limbs


itching; upper limbs; afternoon


itching; hand; palm




out-break on skin; rash


out-break on skin; upper limbs; rash


out-break on skin; hand; palm; rash


suppurating (producing pus); fingers; nails (see felon); under


Stiffness; joints


Swollen; upper limbs


Tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness); hand






hand; while riding




Weakness; leg



Fever and chill


At certain time of day or night; from 20 h.



Lethargic, tired

Sleep and dreams












Falling asleep; sitting




Sleepiness, tiredness








while sitting


before a storm


Sleeplessness, insomnia


night; first part of night


Not refreshing


Waking; early






1 p.m.


before stool








From pains


Other symptoms worse while perspiring





Open air




Cold bathing


Constriction; of orifices


Eating and food


after breakfast




Faintness, fainting




movement of affected part




burning externally; bones


sore, bruised; externally


sore, bruised; morning


sudden, sharp; externally


Perspiration gives no relief




Symptoms not symmetrical; right




afternoon; 1 p.m.


Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); tendency to catch cold


cold, wet weather


Twitching; twitching, involuntary movements (chorea)


On waking




Weakness (see lethargic, weariness)






on waking


[Alta Vogel]

Formica rufa (Red Ant) Formica rufa, again, most probably classified under the tubercular miasm:

- Ideas abundant, clearness of mind but their fatigue can lead to mental passivity, confusion, and aversion to mental work

“Remarkable and unexpected activity of theMIND during the day, with absence of the usual dullness and sleepiness (2nd day)” (Allen, 1879).

“Very active during the day” (Allen, 1879).

Mind: - MEMORY, general, active - forgetful (Murphy, 1993).

- Tend to be feverish, sweating a lot

“Aching of the bones, with a feverish state of the system, with fullness and dullness of the head” (Allen, 1879).

“Feverish heat all over the body, most in the scalp” (Hahnemann Monthly, 1873).

Desires activity (Schroyens, 2001).

“He wants to be unique and not subject to Divine intention. He rejects allowing his freedom of decision to be subject to Providence” (Neesgaard).

“Same happy state of mind and body, but easily depressed and by slight causes this happy state was changed for a short time to despondency; sudden,

but momentary spells of unhappiness; everything looks dark (mentally)” (Allen, 1879).

“An uneasy painful sensation in the hips and thighs, with a desire to change often their position whilst sitting” (Allen, 1879).

“Bruised sensation; in left hip-joints, interfering with walking; in hips at night in bed, causing him to change from side to side” (Allen, 1879).

“These pains may be more truly described as darting rather than wandering; there is more rapid change than we think of in wandering” (Roberts, 1960).

MOOD - changeable (Schroyens, 2001).

ACTIVITY - desires activity (Schroyens, 2001). 
„An uneasy painful sensation in the hips and thighs, with a desire to change often their position whilst sitting“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Bruised sensation; in left hip-joints, interfering with walking; in hips at night in bed, causing him to change from side to side“ (Allen, 1879). 
„These pains may be more truly described as darting rather than wandering; there is more rapid change than we think of in wandering“ (Roberts, 1960). 
MEMORY, general, active forgetful (Murphy, 1993). 

“While eating and chewing her food (closing the jaws), she had a severe pain in the l. side of the neck ext. back of the head and particularly behind the ear”

(Hahnemann monthly, 1873).

- Ideas abundant, clearness of mind but their fatigue can lead to mental passivity, confusion, and aversion to mental work 
„Remarkable and unexpected activity of the MIND during the day, with absence of the usual dullness and sleepiness (second day)“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Very active during the day“ (Allen, 1879). 

Eye: “Right eye bloodshot and swollen, nearly closed” (Morrison, 1879).

Rectum: CONSTRICTION - Internal - spasm of sphincter of orifices (Schroyens, 2001).

Abdomen: „Nausea and vomiting, with oppression“ (Allen, 1879). 

„Burning pain in stomach, with oppression and weight, pain in epigastrium at 22 h., ext. from l. to r., then shifting to vertex, followed by creeping down

back; as if something had lodged at cardiac end at 18 h.” (Allen, 1879).

Respiration: WHEEZING (Schroyens, 2001).

ASTHMATIC - nervous (Schroyens, 2001).

Chest: PAIN - respiration - deep (Schroyens, 2001).

CONSTRICTION - cough - during (Schroyens, 2001).

Diseases - TUBERCULOSIS, lungs (Murphy, 1993).

Lungs - TUBERCULOSIS, infection (Murphy, 1993).

Chest: CONSTRICTION - cough during (Schroyens, 2001)
- Hectic activity, uses all its effort to change, to get out 
„An anaemic woman died from the effects of an ant-vapor-bath. she had great congestion of the head and chest; violent thirst, to quench it she received 
nothing but whiskey; a copious sweat, which would not make its appearance before, broke out; oppression, nausea and vomiting followed; she begged 
earnestly to be removed, then became unconscious, and, with rattling in the throat, she died in ¾ of an hour. Unusually rapid decomposition of the body 
took place; especially on the outer surface, which was full of large blisters filled with putrid liquor“ (Hahnemann monthly, 1873). 

Limbs: PAIN - rheumatic with perspiration (Schroyens, 2001).

 “Chorea from checked foot sweat. Clammy skin, disagreeable sweat during night, sweat without relief” (Murphy, 1993).

“There is much sweating, the lower limbs feel weak and restless” (Vermeulen, 2000:699).

- Weakness in respiratory system, leading to frequent coughs, colds and flu

Diseases - COLDS, tendency to catch (Murphy, 1993).

- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel)

PAIN - rheumatic - perspiration with (Schroyens, 2001). 
„Chorea from checked foot sweat. Clammy skin, disagreeable sweat during night, sweat without relief“ (Murphy, 1993). 
„There is much sweating, the lower limbs feel weak and restless“ (Vermeulen, 2000: 699). 

“Severe pain above the right elbow, inwardly on the inner side, increasing in intensity in the direction of the upper arm” (Allen, 1879).

Fevers: TUBERCULOSIS, infection (Murphy, 1993). 
Tends to be feverish, sweating a lot 
„Aching of the bones, with a feverish state of the system, with fullness and dullness of the head“ (Allen, 1879). 
„Feverish heat all over the body, most in the scalp“ (Hahnemann Monthly, 1873). 

Sleep: POSITION - changed frequently (Schroyens, 2001).

„While eating and chewing her food, especially when closing the jaws, she had a severe pain in the left side of the neck, which extended into the back 
of the head and particularly behind the ear“ (Hahnemann monthly, 1873). 

Generals: TUBERCULOSIS 8JOINTS9 (Schroyens, 2001).

The quantitative analysis of Formica revealed a high number of matches indicating the tubercular miasm, such as activity (motion), freedom, change,

closed and intense: “Pain is felt in small spots, is < from movement and when thinking about it, and > by warmth and pressure” (Vermeulen, 2000:701).

“Sudden rheumatism, mostly in joints, & restlessness; desires motion though it aggravate the pain” (Vermeulen, 2000:700).

ACTIVITY (Schroyens, 2001).

- Burnt out, going towards total destruction

“An anaemic woman died from the effects of an ant-vapor-bath. she had great congestion of the head and chest; violent thirst, to quench it she received

nothing but whiskey; a copious sweat, which would not make its appearance before, broke out; oppression, nausea and vomiting followed; she begged

earnestly to be removed, then became unconscious, and, with rattling in the throat, she died in three-quarters of an hour. Unusually rapid decomposition

of the body took place; especially on the outer surface, filled with full of large blisters with putrid ichor” (Hahnemannian

monthly, 1873).

- Pathologies of tuberculosis and asthma

“Tuberculosis, carcinoma, and lupus; chronic nephritis” (Boericke, 1927).

Formica rufa, again, most probably be classified under the tubercular miasm: 
- Weakness in respiratory system, leading to frequent coughs, colds and flu 
Diseases - COLDS, tendency to catch (Murphy, 1993). 
- Sensation of being caught, suffocated and compressed (a picture of a man being trapped in a very narrow tunnel) 
Diseases - TUBERCULOSIS, lungs (Murphy, 1993). 
Lungs - TUBERCULOSIS, infection (Murphy, 1993). 

Fevers - TUBERCULOSIS, infection (Murphy, 1993).

Fevers - TUBERCULOSIS, infection (Joints) (Murphy, 1993).

SUDDEN manifestation (Schroyens, 2001). 
- Burnt out, going towards total destruction 
The quantitative analysis of Formica revealed a high number of matches indicating the tubercular miasm, such as activity (motion), freedom, change, closed 
and intense: 
„Pain is felt in small spots, is worse from movement and when thinking about it, and better by warmth and pressure“ (Vermeulen, 2000: 701). 
„Sudden rheumatism, mostly in joints, & restlessness; desires motion though it aggravate the pain“ (Vermeulen, 2000: 700). - Pathologies of tuberculosis and asthma 
„Tuberculosis, carcinoma, and lupus; chronic nephritis“ (Boericke, 1927). 
„Right eye bloodshot and swollen, nearly closed“ (Morrison, 1879). 
„Severe pain above the right elbow, inwardly on the inner side, increasing in intensity in the direction of the upper arm“ (Allen, 1879). 

- Hectic activity, uses all its effort to change, to get out


[Elisabeth Mandl]

Die Rote Waldameise lebt in Sozialverbänden, die bis 80 Jahre alt werden und nahezu l Million Tiere umfassen können. Die Mehrzahl der Tiere sind ungeflügelte, 5-8 mm lange „Arbeiterinnen" (= nicht voll entwickelte Weibchen). Ihnen obliegen Brutpflege, Nestbau und Nahrungssuche. Die Nahrung besteht aus pflanzlichen und tierischen Bestandteilen.

Ameisen orientieren sich an ihrer eigenen Duftspur. Bei Angriff wehren sich die Tiere, indem sie mit den Kiefern Wunden beißen und aus einer Giftdrüse am Hinterleib einen feinen Giftstrahl in die Bißwunde spritzen.

In einem Ameisenhaufen gibt es außer den Arbeiterinnen noch mehrere Weibchen (Königinnen) und zur Fortpflanzungszeit auch geflügelte Männchen. Die Weibchen werfen nach der Kopulation die Flügel ab, die Männchen sterben.

In der Homöopathie verwendet: Gift der Giftdrüsen.

Stoffliches: Das Drüsensekret enthält Ameisensäure und andere organische Stoffe (derzeit noch nicht ausreichend von der Ameisensäurewirkung unterschieden).

Wirkungsrichtung: allgemeines Umstimmungsmittel bei allergischen Reaktionslagen.

Haut, Nerven, Gelenke, Magen, Darm, Lunge.

Indikation: arthritisch-rheumatische Diathese. Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates:

Muskeln, Sehnen, periphere Nerven. Aponeurosen, Allergien,

Heufieber, Bronchialasthma, chronisches Ekzem, Psoriasis, chronische Albuminurie.


1. Geist und Gemüt: schwach, matt, erschöpft. Wechsel zwischen Heiterkeit und gesteigerter Arbeitslust und Niedergeschlagenheit. Kummervoll, deprimiert, verweilt bei längst vergangenen Unannehmlichkeiten, fürchtet, ein Unglück stünde bevor. Gedächtnisschwäche. V: abends.

2. Leib: Reizung der Haut und der Schleimhäute. Drückende Kopf schmerzen, „Als ob eine Blase in der Stirn geplatzt sei", in den Hinterkopf ausstrahlend. Auffallende Gedächtnisschwäche, Gedankenverwirrung,

Schwindel und Übelkeit. Häufiges Gähnen und Strecken, Arbeitsunlust.

Nase verstopft, trocken, Nasenpolypen; im Rachen Schleimabsonderung.

Stechende Schmerzen in Augen und Ohren, Ohrgeräusche, Schwerhörigkeit und Taubheit. Hals rau, Heiserkeit und Husten.

<: nachts/bei Bewegung; Verlangt frischer Luft. Atemnot.

Asthmaartige Zustände, Stechen in der Brust. Zahnfleisch entzündet,

Schlucken erschwert, Stechen in den Verdauungsorganen; saures Aufstoßen,

Übelkeit, Erbrechen. Durst. Blähungen mit Kollern im Darm.

>: Abgehen von Winden;

Plötzliche, stinkende Durchfälle. <: morgens/nach den Mahlzeiten/feuchte Kälte. >: Wärme; Zittern und Frösteln.

Drückende Schmerzen in den Harnorganen und im Darm. Häufiger Harndrang und Tenesmus. Urin stinkend, blutig, eiweißhaltig und reich an Uraten.

Abwärtspressen in der Gebärmutter, schwache Regel. In den Gliedern Wechsel zwischen Kraft und auffallender Muskelschwäche (Beine). Plötzlich auftretende Muskel- und Gelenksschmerz.

Bewegungsdrang + <. Wie gelähmt. Druckempfindlichkeit an den Nervenaustrittsstellen. Rheumatoide Schmerzen in allen Teilen des Bewegungsapparates mit großer Unruhe. Beschwerden wandern von

R. nach l. und verschwinden l. nach r. <: Kälte/Kalt-Baden/Nässe/vor Schneefall/vom Sitzen aufstehend/nachts; >: Druck/Reiben/nach Mitternacht;

Jucken und Brennen der Haut an wechselnden Stellen.

Haarausfall. Scharfe Ausdünstung (Schenkelbeugen). Reichlich Schweiß.



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