Fucus vesiculosus (Fuc) w = Blasentang/= Varech/= Sea-kelp



Gemüt: verlangt Aktivität

Kopf: Schmerz [drückend „Wie vom Eisenband gedrückt“/Stirn („Wie vom Eisenband gedrückt“)

Zusammenschnürung „Wie vom Band o. Reifen“/ „Wie vom Eisenband gedrückt“/

Innerer Hals: Entzündete Tonsillen (chronisch)

Äußerer Hals: Kropf (Basedow/+ Fettleibigkeit)/Schilddrüsebeschwerden

Magen: Verdauungsstörung

Bauch: Flatulenz

Schwächegefühl im unterem Abdomen

Rektum: chronische Obstipation

Urin: dunkel/riecht kräftig

Brust: Fettige Degeneration des Herzens

Allgemeines: Abmagerung




Geschwollene Drüsen


Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

General appetite in-/decreased. Exhaustion and weariness. Head pain (temples /ext. neck). Soreness of the throat. Aching pain of the female system. Constipation or diarrhea as well as abdominal cramping andflatulence.

Mind: Impulse to bite his partner in an aggressive/sexual mode and bites his pillow instead.

Dreams - having her hand cut off with a knife/sleeping next to bears.

Rudeness to a waiter. Bursts into tears.

Generalities: Decreased energy.

Desires: broccoli/oranges.


Flushes of heat.

Excessive physical irritability.

Generalized muscle pain.

Exhaustion (morning).

> motion.

Vertigo: Dizziness while walking.

Head: Congestion, heat and pulsating sensations.

Pain - > moist heat/brushing the hair/at the base, behind the eyes, in the forehead (temples r.)/radiating and ext. neck/sore, pressing and shooting.

Eye: Agglutinated, heavy, burning and tired.

Ear: Noises in the ear with a stopped-up sensation in both ears.

Nose: Discharges clear, watery, and bloody.

Maxillary sinus pain.

Paroxysmal sneezing.

Face: Red.

Pain from sinus congestion.

Aphthae on lips.

Mouth: Soreness and putrid odor.

Teeth: Soreness.

Throat: Soreness (evening).

Mucus in throat.

Pain - on swallowing/scratchy

External Throat: Redness.

Stomach: Increased or decreased appetite.

Rumbling and gurgling noises.



Vomitingwith nausea.

Abdomen: Cramping pain, followed by stool, diarrhea and vomiting. Flatulence associated with abdominalpain, diarrhea. Gurgling. Premenstrual distension.

Rectum: Flatulence.

Constipation, with ineffectual urging and straining.

Pain - burning, pressing and itching.

Stool: Soft, watery, frequent. Greenish-gray.

Bladder: Pain – stitching

Urethra: Pain - stitching

Female genitalia: Pain - aching of the vagina, ovaries and uterus.

Copious menses with large clots.

Bleeding beforethe menstrual cycle. Yellow leukorrhea.

Male genitalia: Increased sexual desire.

Cough: Dry, asthmatic and painful.

Expectoration: Speech: hoarse

Yellow mucus

Chest: Congestion.


Pain with coughing.

Back: Pain - < upper back near the scapulae/in lumbar region/< bending forward Extremities: Profuse, clammy foot sweat.

Sore knee

“As if knees swollen”

Sleep: Sleepy

Waking with desire to urinate.

Perspiration: Cold


Komplementär: Thyr.


Gut gefolgt von: Brom.


Vergleich: Enthält Ba + I (0,5%) + As + Brom + Cadm-s; Aethiops-v? (= C aus Fuc gewonnen), Siehe: Algae + Meereswassergruppe


Wirkung: lymphatisch                     

Allerlei:  Europa Gezeitenzone Atlantikküste


Stiel + Blätter = Einheit


Phytologie: Schilddrüse/Stuhl fördernd/Gewichtszunahme

Gebraucht als Nahrungszusatz vor unterernährte Kinder




Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum