Glyoxal = C2H2O2
Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators
Nasal obstruction. Throat pain (swallowing). Dry or sore on waking in
the morning. Cervical neck affected strongly with varying types of pain.
Soreness in the extremities (bones).
Mind: Difficult concentration.
Generalities: Increased or decreased energy in the
Head: Head and nasal congestion that causes
heaviness. Throbbing forehead pain and sharp pain inocciput.
Eye: Dryness or increased lacrimation. Heaviness
with head and nasal congestion. Tired sensation.
Nose: Obstructed waking in the morning. Congestion
at the root of the nose. Crusts on the nostrils.
Throat: Dry or sore in the morning on waking. Pain on
(empty) swallowing.
Stomach: Decreased appetite. Distened. Pain in the
stomach and diaphragm.
Abdomen: Diaphragmatic pain.
Rectum: Flatus.
Stool: Loose.
Cough: Deep
Back: Cervical pain that is aching, constricting,
lancinating or throbbing. Thoracic pain. Pain with headache.
Extremities: Itching on the knee with vesicular eruptions.
Sore, painful sensation in the bones/ankles/r. shoulder.
Skin: Vesicular eruptions on perspiring parts
Allerlei: vastgesteld in een groot aantal voedingswaren en dranken
(geroosterd of gebakken vlees/vis/koffie/bier). De dagelijkse inname van
glyoxaal via de voeding, is geschat op max. 10 mg. Komt ook voor in
sigarettenrook en uitlaatgassen. Sporen van glyoxaal zijn eveneens vastgesteld
in drinkwater.
In het lichaam wordt glyoxaal gevormd tijdens gewone cellulaire
stofwisselingsprocessen, en bij de metabolisatie van bepaalde andere
verbindingen zoals glycolaldehyde of ethyleenglycol. De normale concentratie
van glyoxaal in het bloedplasma ligt tussen 0,1 en 1 μmol/liter.
Gebruikt: In papierfabricage om de sterkte van nat papier te verbeteren of om coatings van papier waterbestendig te maken. In textielveredeling, om katoen en andere cellulosevezels kreuk- en krimpbestendiger te maken. Het vindt ook toepassing in vochtbestendige lijmen en kleefmiddelen.
Glyoxaal kan de oplosbaarheid van wateroplosbare polymeren verbeteren, bijvoorbeeld van hydroxyethylcellulose. De deeltjes van deze stof hebben de neiging om in water samen te klitten en vlokken te vormen; maar als ze eerst met glyoxaal behandeld zijn, zijn ze wel goed oplosbaar. Onder meer toegepast bij de bereiding van bepaalde cosmetische producten die deze stoffen bevatten (maximale glyoxaalconcentratie: 0,01 gewichtsprocent).
Glyoxaal is een ingrediënt in bepaalde desinfecterende middelen.
Methylglyoxal = C3H4O2
Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators
Increased energy.
Desire or aversion to chocolate
Desires sweets
Aversion to company
Heartburn or burning pain in stomach
Urine smells strong
Mind: Aversion to company (on waking in the
morning) with desire for reflection,
Dreams: anxious/fearful/of being pursued.
Weeping easily
Generalities: Symptoms of a cold come on but does not
Increased energy (evening)
Food: desires: fats (butter/mayonnaise)/chicken/liver/chocolate/sweets/cold
drinks/sour fruit; Aversion: sweets;
Head: Pimples on forehead.
Pain - pressing at vertex (when spine seems misaligned)/pounding between
Eye: Strong desire to close the eyes “As if
drugged” even though sound sleep during previous night
“As if warm” in r. eye
Itching and swelling of l. upper lid “As from hay fever”
Nose: Sneezing “As if from hay fever”
Tickling inside
Snuffling in the morning
Face: Tightness and tension of the facial muscles
Mouth: Dry in the morning
Throat: Sore on waking associated with tickle in the
“As if swollen” < swallowing
Stomach: Decreased appetite
Distended with acid stomach
Heartburn and acid in digestion
Nausea with pain in stomach
Pain – squeezing (< eating/drinking) like a rope being tightened
under diaphragm and ribcage
Abdomen: Distended without flatus
Pain - squeezing in the lower abdomen below the umbilicus (<
Rectum: Pain - stabbing and stitching during
constipation ext. upwards
Stool: Loose, not formed but not watery
Urine: Smells strong acrid/”Like horse’s urine”
Female genitalia: Increased flow at menses
Back: Tension in the back muscles
Soreness and pain in the thoracic ribs
Extremities: Stiffness in legs on waking in the morning
Pain - burning in the thigh/sore in legs and calves
Sleep: Tossing and turning in bed.
Overpowering sleepiness at noon after sound sleep the previous night
Perspiration: more salty
than usual and leaves deposits of salt on skin
At night.
Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen. Impressum.