Grindelia robusta Anhang


The plant known as the grindelia is commonly called the “gum plant” in North America. This plant is a perennial herb that can grow to one meter when fully mature.

The herb is characterized by possessing triangular leaves and yellow orange flowers that resemble the flowers of the daisy in appearance.

The Native American peoples utilized remedies made from the grindelia herb to treat bronchial problems as well as skin afflictions of all kinds, including allergic reactions

to the poison ivy plant. The real effectiveness and medicinal value of this plant was not recognized by the orthodox practitioners of medicine in the US till the middle of

the 19th century - after which it came into prominence as a major therapeutic and medicinal herb. Official recognition of the grindelia came with the introduction of the herb

in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States from 1882 to about 1926.

Bronchial asthma/respiratory complaints caused by phlegm induced obstruction in the airways. Anti-spasmodic as well as expectorant actions. The remedy made from the grindelia brings a relaxing effect on the muscles lining the smaller bronchial passages and helps in clearing congesting mucus in the respiratory passages on the pulmonary system. Believed is Grind. to desensitize the nerve endings found in the bronchial tree and in helping slow the heart beat rate - this action leads to easier breathing for the affected individual. Chronic bronchitis and disorders like emphysema. Clears up the accumulated mucus in the throat and the nose of the person affected by respiratory illness. Problems and disorders such as whooping cough, hay fever, and cystitis. Skin: physical irritation and burns is also boosted by topical application of a poultice made from the grindelia herb.

Side effects: contraindicated by specific disorders in the kidney or the heart. Renal irritation.

Anti-spasmodic/anti-asthmatic effects as well as being expectorant and sedative in action. Bronchial catarrh (asthmatic tendency).

Topical: burns/poison ivy rash/dermatitis/eczema/skin eruptions.

Contains diterpenes (including grindelic acid), resins, and flavonoids.


Grindelia can also be used in combination herbal treatments of asthmatic conditions, by combining it with other beneficial herbs such as the lobelia and the pill-bearing spurge. This combination remedy is very effective in dealing with asthmatic conditions.



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