Herzgruppe Anhang


[The Homoeopathic Recorder 1931 Dec Vol XLVI No 12: Homoeopathy for the Heart]

Hypertrophy of the heart in young boys, from violent gymnastics: Bromine

Hypertrophy of the heart in young girls from calisthenics: Causticum

Hypertrophy of the heart in metastasis of gout or rheumatism to the heart: Kalmia and Sanguinaria.

In cyanosis from patent foramen ovale: Lachesis.

Irritable heart when from influenza: Iberis.

Irritable heart from excessive tea or coffee drinking: Agaricine.

Irritable heart from excessive smoking: Arsenicum, Kalmia, Phosphorus, Spigelia.

Irritable heart from the effects of scarlet fever: Lachesis.

Lancinating pains about the heart from base to apex, at night: Syphilinum.

Pain in heart from apex to base: Medorrhinum

Pain from base of heart to clavicle or shoulder: Spigelia.

Heart trouble without special symptoms: Naja.

Consciousness of the heart, the heart feels tired: Pyrogen


[Dr. Charles G. Raue, MD (1820-1896)]

Discusses nervous palpitation and gives therapeutic hints.

Nervous palpitation is an increased action of the heart without any detectable organic lesion of that organ. The heart’s activity is accelerated by irritation of the ganglia which we find imbedded in its substance, by irritation of the cardiac branches of the ganglion stellatum, which take their origin from fibres of the cervical portion of the sympathetic, by irritation of the nerve fibres which originate in the medulla oblongata, run down the spinal cord, pass out from the cord with the spinal nerves and become entwined with the sympathetic, and by irritation of the sympathetic in general, causing a contraction of the vessels, and thereby an increased blood pressure in the aortic system with consequent increased labor of the heart.  These are the exitor nerves of the heart’s activity, its restraining or inhibitory forces rest in the pneumogastric and its ramifications.

An irritation of the vagus slackens the movements of the heart in frequency, but a division of the vagi increases this frequency for the reason that then the exitor nerves have

no restraining power to overcome. The blood too as regards its quantity, as well as its quality, has a powerful influence on the action of the heart.

The special causes of palpitation are: mental excitements of all kinds, such as fear, joy, anger and the like, diseases of the brain and spinal cord of various kinds, amongst them: hyperemia and inflammation of these organs, psychoses, hypochondria, hysteria, exhaustion from protracted night-watching, or venereal and other excesses, diseases of the abdominal cavity, such as accumulation of gas in the intestines, worms, gall-stones, renal calculi and affections of the genital apparatus, partial hyperasmia from suppressed menstrual or hemorrhoidal flow, chlorosis and anaemia, the first stages of consumption, gout and different drugs, especially alcohol, coffee, tea and tobacco.

Nervous palpitation of the heart is at times attended with dyspnoea, distress and even pain in the chest, with throbbing of the carotids, flushing of the face, or (oftener) with pallor and cold sweat, with dizziness, faintness, and specks or flashes of light before the eyes. Some persons cannot lie down, must sit up, or cannot lie on the left side. Auscultation often reveals the first sound increased and of a metallic quality, “the second sound is wanting only in cases of tremendous acceleration of the heart’s movements, where the heart has not had time fully to complete its diastole.” (Schroeter.)

After the attack the absence of murmurs, or of enlargement of the heart, establishes its diagnosis. The presence of a diastolic murmur excludes the diagnosis of a simple nervous palpitation, because such murmurs never occur without organic changes in the heart.

Its Prognosis depends entirely on the nature of the underlying cause. If that is removable, its effect will cease. In old people with atheroma of the arteries, it may end with apoplexy.



Acon.: young subjects, after fright, after wine.

Ars.: after suppressed herpes circinatus and suppressed perspiration of the feet.

Aur-m.: palpitation, sleeplessness, depression of spirits, with thoughts of suicide, constipation. Motion, wine or beer have no influence.

Asaf.: in women, after suppressed discharges, or bodily exertions, with small pulse,  breathing not oppressed.

Bell.: with congestion of the head.

Benz-ac.: worse at night and when lying, alternating with tearing rheumatic pains in the extremities.

Cact.: palpitation is preceded by rumbling in the stomach, pains in shoulders and arms, change of life.

Calc.: after suppressed eruptions and pimples on the face, onanism. Cold lower extremities, vertigo on going up stairs, or up a hill, bloating in the pit of the stomach, craving for boiled eggs, copious menstruation.

Camph.: when attended with coldness of the skin, cold extremities, pale face , and sudden oppression of breathing.

China.: great weakness from loss of vital fluids, long-continued nursing.

Coccul.: tremulous palpitation from quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness.

Coff.: after excessive exaltation, joy, surprise.

Dig.: attended with apnoea, danger of suffocation, yellow aud blue face, worse from motion, from moving the arms.

Ferr-met.: throbbing in all the blood-vessels, soft bellows sound at the apex, with anxiety in chest and heat rising from pit of stomach, with fear, after bodily exercise, also must move about, can neither sit nor stand.

Graph.: amenorrhoea, pimples on the face about the menstrual period.

Kali-c..: throat feels as if squeezed, as if the lungs came in the throat , stitch pain and anxiety in pit of stomach and through the chest, pale grayish color of the face, dizziness in walking, cold feet, scanty menses.

Merc.: wakes with nervous trembling, thumping of the heart and agitation as if he had been frightened , weakness at the heart, as if dying.

Mosch.: when combined with hysterical symptoms.

Nat-m.: fluttering, long-standing chlorosis, with torpid skin and suppressed menses.

Nux-m.: paroxysms after midnight, as if the heart were stopping, and then beating violently, with loud belching, better from drinking hot water and keeping warm , must walk about. Hysteria.

Nux-v.: after coffee, wine, liquors, spices.

Nit-ac.: when caused by the slightest mental excitement.

Op.: after alarming events, causing fright, grief, sorrow, etc.

Phos.: dyspnoea, tightness across the chest, great weakness, and after any little mental excitement, violent hammering in the chest, aggravated by motion, benumbing all over.

Ph-ac.: in children and young persons who grow too fast, after self-abuse, long grieving.’

Puls.: young girls during the time of puberty , from suppressed menses.

Rhus-t.: always worse when being quiet.

Sec.: with profuse menstruation of a watery discharge, after sexual excesses, comes in paroxysms with spasmodic shocks from right side of chest into right arm and leg, coldness and numbness of right hand and stinging in 4th and fifth fingers, < at night, after each meal, > in open air.

Sep.: tremulous, intermitting pulsation, suppressed menstruation.

Sil.: always after quick or violent motions, such as playing ball, etc.: panaritia.

Thea.: after exciting talk and mental exertions, with sleeplessness.

Verat.: headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding of the nose occasionally, cold perspiration on forehead.


[John H. Clarke, M.D. -1895]

Kali-m. – One of Schiissler’s remedies, and he recommends it for that condition of the blood which favours embolus, and also in the exudative stage of inflammatory affections of the heart, in palpitation from excessive flow of blood to the heart and in hypertrophy. The symptoms which call for it are: Palpitation with constriction of the chest, coldness in cardiac region, white coated tongue.

Lil-t. – The characteristic sensation of Lilium is somewhat like that of Cactus, a sensation as if the heart was grasped, but there is a difference. The “iron band” sensation of Cactus is not present with Lilium, nor is the constriction of the latter so enduring.

[John H. Clarke, M.D. -1895]

Lycp-v. – Of service in many forms of heart disease — valvular affections, hypertrophy, exophthalmos and aneurism. The patient is nervous and irritable, extremities cold. Cough with haemoptysis in connection with heart affections. Heart distress worse morning and evening and when thinking of it. Heart’s action tumultuous and forcible, can be heard several feet from the bed. Heart beats slow and weak.

[W.A. Dewey]

Cact.: an excellent remedy for the effects of tobacco on the heart (= “tobacco heart”) and for conditions due to over-exercise (= “bicycle heart”).

[Dr. Shrikant Talari]

2 symptoms out of 4 pre-eminent symptoms that Clarke has mentioned in order to prescribe Kali-bi. i.e.

1. occurrence of pain in spots

2. alternating, shifting pains which wander from part to part.

Adon.: Boger has mentioned wandering type pains along with heart affections. Due to its wandering type of pain it is usually given in heart conditions after rheumatic affections. Another symptom of Adonis is… it increases the power of contraction of the heart with increased urinary secretions indicating that the kidney is the end organ damage here.

Apoc.: Heart’s action is depressed along with decreased urinary secretion where diuresis occurs in order to remove dropsical effusions. Many a times after heart surgery the patient’s urinary output decreases,

Dr. Kent suggested that Apocyanum can be given in such post operative complications of decreased urine output after heart surgery. And since it is one of the most common post-operative complications seen after angioplasty.

Just as kidney is the end organ damage in some cases, in some cases the liver may present as end organ damage. And for those cases we have remedy digitalis to our rescue. Boericke in the first paragraph mentions jaundice with heart disease, indurations and hypertrophy of liver along with heart complaints. Digitalis is also thought of in patients suffering from weak irregular intermittent pulse which is abnormally slow.

The pulse is slow in recumbent position. The least movement causes violent palpitations and sensation as if the heart would cease beating if he moved.(opposite: gelsemium where it is necessary to keep in motion or else patient feels that the heart would cease beating/similar symptom seen in Mag-m. where palpitation and cardiac pain occur while sitting and > moving about).

Dig.: Patient feels like 3, 5, 7 beats are missing. When we consider heart rate we should always consider Naja as one of the remedies. In Naja the pulse is as slow as 45b/m. They are irregular as well and this is more due to paralytic affections that this drug has. Usually given in heart conditions after infectious disease and in patients who are depressed out of guilt with suicidal tendency.

Lil-t.: Bursting pulsations all over the body. Allen has mentioned that the pulse is irregular and as rapid as 150-170 b/m.

Kalm.: Slow weak pulse around 35-40b/m. Another important indication of heart affections after rheumatic fever occurring due to streptococcal infection after throat complaint. The patient develops heart and joint affection. Boericke mentions gouty rheumatic metastasis of heart. And as rheumatic pains are rapid and sifting, so are the pains of this drug. Dr. Allen has described these pains as darting, pressing, shooting (downward direction). Also rheumatic affections usually affect the valves and you won’t be surprised when you read how this drug covers valvular insufficiency.

Conv.: Valvular insufficiency “As if heart ceased beating, and then starts suddenly” which is generally observed in mitral valve prolapse.

Lycsp.: Flying pains of rheumatism associated with heart complaints. And here we see haemoptysis which is more due to valvular heart disease than respiratory disease. Violent palpitations but these are more due to nervous excitement.

Boericke: forcible, tumultuous action of the heart with more or less pain. Palpitations occur from slightest nervous excitement.

Laur.: Heart affections occurring along with respiratory complaints and its main symptom is cyanosis neonatorum. Clutches at heart and palpitations with gasping for breath.

Crat.: Air hunger but it is mostly given for hypertension. It is also said to be a heart tonic. Pain in left clavicle is an important keynote of this drug.

Crataegus for hypertension, cactus is for angina. I say so because of the constricting pains that this drug has which are the typical pains of angina. These constricting pains

“As if the whole body is caged and each wire is being twisted tighter and tighter and the heart is clasped and unclasped rapidly by an iron band as if it had no room to breathe.

Spong.: Tubercular diathesis. Disturbed sleep where he suddenly awakens after midnight with pain and suffocation and is frightened to death. Spongia patients have a typical

sensation of surging of heart into the chest “As if it would force upwards”.

Spig.: Frequent palpitations. It has violent palpitations < least exertion.

Stitching, thrusting, neuralgic pains in the chest, like that from sharp instruments. There is marked pin mania as well. It is a remedy for symptoms due to the presence of worms and the child usually refers to the navel as the most painful part.

Considering all the organs that may be affected along with heart conditions, so we just cannot forget to consider the mind along with heart affections.

Ib.: Heart affections along with hysteria. Nervous and vascular excitement causing violent palpitations, from the slightest exertion. The most striking feature Aphonia with heart attack.


[Douglas Morris Borland]

Remedies for heart conditions

Crat.: of the greatest value is the myocardial degeneration with a steadily failing heart. In such a condition there will be the usual accompanying symptoms, steadily increasing pulse rate, signs of pulmonary congestion, a certain amount of oedema, slight cyanosis, and aggravation from any exertion. Crataegus in low potency has in my experience produced the most dramatic effects and an astonishing amount of recovery in the apparently irreparably damaged heart. I am in the habit of giving Crataegus 3x every 3 to 4 hours for several weeks.

Acon.: Great remedy for angina and pseudo angina. First attack with an absolutely overwhelming fear. The patient is certain he is going to die, and that he is going to die very speedily, and he is terrified. He is quite unable to keep still, and yet any movement seems to aggravate his distress. Aconite high will give relief almost instantaneously. I have seen such a case and put a dose of Aconite on the patient’s tongue, and before the medicine could be swallowed the patient was feeling better. It is almost instantaneous. I usually carried 10 m. as my highest potency in general practice, and I gave Aconite 10 m.

Laur.: Good remedy for chronic heart failure with peculiar bluish red appearance of the congenital heart, somewhat clubbed fingers, which, again, are rather congested, and the peculiar bluish appearance -almost like ripe grapes- of the lips. That is the sort of underlying colour one associates with Laurocerasus. Extreme dyspnoea, very nearly Cheyne Stokes in character. Dyspnoea gets very much worse if they are sat up; they are better in a semi-prone position. Tends to the early development of hypostatic pneumonia.

Ox-ac.: Indicated in cases of acute heart failure. Cases of collapse with a feeling of intense exhaustion associated with numbness. Legs and feet feel numb and paralysed,

and often patients say they don’t feel as if they had any legs at all. Cold and clammy skin with mottled cyanosis, often over the malar bones. Wants to keep dead still, any movement increases distress. Sharp precordial pain, usually comes through from the back and may run up the left side of the sternum towards the clavicle, or down the left side of the sternum into the epigastrium.


[Jean-Peter Lange]

Zu den regulierenden Herzmitteln in homöopathischer Potenzierung gehören in erster Linie Herzglykosidpflanzen wie Digitalis purpurea ab D4 (Roter Fingerhut); als Blütenpräparat Digitalis e floribus D4 bei psychosomatischen Herzbeschwerden) und Strophanthus ab D4 (Bei Stressbeschwerden verschiedener Ausprägung).

Strophanthus gehört zu den wichtigen Pflanzen mit Herzglykosiden. Als Homöopathikum wird es besonders zur Behandlung von u.a. "Herzstress" jeglicher Art verwendet.

Sinnvoll ist die "g-Strophantin Urtinktur" als 0,6% oder 1,2% Lösung (die Wirkung entspricht annähernd den früher bewährten Kapselzubereitungen).


Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße

[Heinz-Hartmut Vogel]

To gain insight into myocardial infarction (MI), a condition occurring with increasing frequency in our present/ highly developed civilization, an attempt will be made to derive cardiac function from the morphogenesis of the heart during the embryonic period.

The diagrams which follow immediately raise the question: Is the heart the outcome of opposing forces like the Chinese yang and yin, with yang (= ouranos, heaven) and yin (gaia, earth) forming a direct connection? At the point of intersection, Tao, the universal cosmic spirit, the very essence of the cosmos, is active. Compared to this, the created world and the human being with the heart as the center has differentiated from a monistic, single center that becomes polarized in the course of human and natural evolution. The polar forces act on the center and the center acts back on to them.

In the past it was thought (Hensen 1876) that the unpaired "tubular heart" derives from the fusion of paired elements at the early stage of cardiac development. If, however, we consider the monistic, single form of the heart and the fact that separation into a left and a right heart is not complete in the embryo, with an admixture of blood in the ventricle, the obvious conclusion would be that the form of the heart does not result from a primary polarity but from an undifferentiated, nonpolar tissue structure.

This would be in accord with the role of the fully developed heart which is to perform a middle function at the center of the circulation between respiration and metabolism,

so that the blood returning to the heart from the superior vena cava, which therefore belongs to the sphere of the head, senses and nervous system, and from the inferior vena cava, coming from the metabolic system and limbs, is unified through cardiac activity. We shall come back to this later.

Recent research has shown that the first unpaired cardiac tube derives from the cavity of the myocardial pericardium, in conjunction with the omphalomesenteric veins which at this stage are still imperforate. The first contractions of the heart occur even before a continuous cardiac lumen has been established between omphalomesenteric veins and the pharyngeal arch arteries. The onset of contractions in an as yet capillary heart at the beginning of the 4th week marks the onset of a function that has its final clinical significance at the end of life (unaided by machines)." The paricardial cavity gives rise to the myoepicardium and the endocardium.

[The heart spontaneously begins to beat at an early stage of embryonic development (4th week)]. The extracellular matrix between these two is to be regarded as "a multiphase mixture of substances, the components of which are not able to move freely as in the fluid. A network of delicate fibers gives this 'cardiac jelly' (extracellular matrix - author). The cardiac jelly retains its form, returning to its original form after external deformations”.

...experimental interference with glycosaminoglycans causes interference with loop development" (in the heart).

"Two processes may thus be distinguished in the development of the lumen:

     1. the development of a median, unpaired lumen from a large number of isolated vesicles via an unpaired vascular plexus,

                                               2. the processes by means of which this plexus connects with the primarily paired omphalomesenteric veins.

The following modalities may be considered:  either the two veins fuse end-to-end, their blind, distal ends become part of the unpaired myo-epicardial mantle, where they fuse side-to-side at the lower end of the cardiac tube."

Here it is important to point out that the extracellular matrix - in terms of the evolving heart the "cardiac jelly" - plays the leading role in organogenesis, in this case of the heart.

Quite generally, the following is said of the extracellular matrix: In recent Decades, the ground substance of embryonic connective tissue, now generally called the 'extracellular matrix' (ECM), has been accorded increasing significance in relation to cell migration, differentiation and morphogenesis (author's emphasis). It consists mainly

of collagen, in the embryo mainly type I, II and IV collagen, glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid, chondroitm-6-sulphate or keratin sulphate and specific high-molecular proteins such as fibronectin and laminin. Glycosaminoglycans are highly hydrated; together with free fluid they largely determine ECM consistency.

The ECM is the micro environment for all cells that lie between the limiting basal membranes. It is also the space, or substrate, within and on which cells migrate."

It is evident from the above that the extracellular matrix acts as a base not only morphogenetically but also functionally and dynamically, and this is very much connected with the morphological and functional plan for the organism as a whole. RS.'s reference to the "mutual perception of organs" presupposed an organization that played a perceptive, and above all also a correlating role in relation to all special, differentiated organ functions.

Morphology and function of the heart - the active middle element in the threefold organism.

Priority goes to the formless content. Over the empty form. Content brings form in to it; Form is never without content.

In the embryonic period the heart still has uniform, monistic character (see above), and the future left and right hearts have absolutely the same type of wall, and their electrolytes (potassium and sodium) are also the same.

When pulmonary respiration begins, the heart polarizes into distinctly right- and left-sided heart functions. The right heart is then largely under the influence of the metabolism and nutrition, the left heart under that of oxygen and nitrogen-based pulmonary respiration. The influence of the liver on the right heart is highly significant: 70% of the blood from the inferior vena cava derives from the liver, the rest from the neurosensory region (superior vena cava) and the pole of limbs and movement (inferior vena cava).

Due to this polarization the myocardium of the left heart develops about three times the thickness of the thin-walled right myocardium. Mean end-diastolic cardiac output

for the left heart is about 85 cm³. It is interesting to note that (according to Landois-Rosemann) left ventricular end-diastolic output is 15-20% less than right. In people with no physical training the end-diastolic left-ventricular volume is 120 - 136 cm³. It is highly significant that the endsystolic ventricular volume is between 45 cm3 and 70 cm3 of residual blood. This is the blood that is not returned directly to the circulation but is, as it were, added to the next blood volume entering the ventricle and mixed with it. We might say that the residual blood in the heart is potentized into the new atrial blood.

For postnatal, permanent cardiac function it is important that in the muscular interstitium and within its well developed capillary network almost half (40%) of the blood coming directly from the heart muscle discharges through the foramina venarum minimarum into the atria. Reference to the internal circulation of the heart has been made elsewhere, indicating that the heart's own blood moves from the coronary arteries via the arterioles into the myocardial matrix, with up to 40% not drained off via the system of cardiac veins but - as shown above - flowing directly into the atria via the foramina venarum minimarum. It should be noted that the matrix system of the myocardial interstitium connects with what has been said of embryonic development, i.e. always retains its connection with the matrix system, or immune system, of the organism. In this respect the internal heart tissue is an essential part of the immune system and the continuous "organogenesis" of the myocardium. Against this background, we shall now consider the prevention and treatment of MI.

Prevention and treatment of MI

If we ascribe a form-giving and "sensory" function to the myocardial interstitium and especially the ECM, the ECM may be seen to play a key role in the etiology of MI; other factors being the combining and rhythm-generating, controlling function of the venous blood on the one side and the arterial on the other. The key role in establishing the rhythm of cardiac action as a whole

(both left and right) belongs to the bundle of Hiss, or atrioventricular bundle, in the cardiac septum, m terms of substance this is close to the matrix. It is embedded in the primary cardiac ground system from which both the endocardium and the pericardium also develop.

Negative stress

If we take it that the heart with its unifying and rhythm-generating function between the upper, neurosensory pole and the lower pole of limbs and metabolism is subject to excessive demands,

this must have consequences for the central, intermediary and interstitial fluid processes of the myocardium discussed above. Polarization of the blood system into arterial (blood connected with inhalation and oxygen) and venous (blood with high carbon dioxide levels that has anabolic functions) is overcome by the cardiac action insofar as the heart's own blood goes partly to the right

and partly to the left atrium (see above). This is the basis of the heart's unifying function in this respect.

We speak of "negative stress" when too much is demanded of this balancing function. Increased arterialization, i.e. increased arterial flow both to the left heart and through the coronary vessels, above all the left coronary artery, and delayed drainage of myocardial blood via the foramina venarum minimarum and the sinus venosus result in a pre-infarct situation, i.e. partial or extensive edema in the left myocardial interstitium. "Actual changes are found in the terminal flow system. The most severe damage to the parenchyma is always on the venular side." This seems significant because

it supports the view that venous drainage in the myocardial interstitium is delayed, causing venostasis. The use of Arnica would thus appear to be indicated. According to Doerr, vascular thrombosis is found in only just under 50% of people who died within a short time of MI. It is probable that these thromboses developed only immediately after complete cessation of cardiac activity.

Even on its own the stress-induced rise in catecholamine levels, causing increased arterial vascular tone and sympatheticotonia extending as far as the arterial vessels supplying the left heart, suggests that too much has been asked of the balancing function of the heart. In terms of the whole heart organism, excessive demands from the upper neurosensory sphere on the one hand and excessive demands on the organism from the metabolic side on the other mean a kind of "short-circuit" in the balancing function of the heart. This results in greatly increased systolic function and increased diastolic activity in the heart. The tension between left and right is taken beyond the physiologic level. It is important to remember that the process affects the myocardium directly, with arterial flow increased and venous drainage delayed. Together these two factors cause connective tissue edema in the heart.

Positive stress

Negative stress has been shown to consist in excessive demands on central cardiac activity. Failure of the rhythm-generating and unifying function reflects disordered psychic activity at the organic and physiological levels. Positive stress consists in addressing oneself in a purposive, ordered fashion to the environment. Using the resources of psychic and organic heart forces to bring plans and lifestyles to realization has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. We might say that it strengthens the heart when we use the rhythmic and ordering function of the heart to bring our life goals and tasks to realization.

Prevention of potential MI also involves taking a good look at the professional and personal life and establishing order in them, consciously creating a new balance between personal aims and demands made by the environment.


As the polarization of left and right cardiac action is increased in the pre- infarction state, Aurum/Stibium is most important for prevention. A brief characterization of the two substances follows.

Aurum activity, which is also reflected in the homeopathic drug picture, combines the active processes found in the metals belonging to the exterior planets - warmth quality (lead), light quality (tin) and chemical quality (iron).

In gold these activities are on the physical level (gold is the heaviest of the seven main metals). The gold action on the heart takes the form of increased arterial congestion, mainly in the region of

the left heart, and congestive cumulation of connective tissue fluid. This explains why Aurum is also used to treat "red" hypertension, hypervolemia and polycythemia. Potentized Aurum reduces excessive activity of the left heart.

Stibium is the genuine polar opposite of Aurum. According to R.S. this as yet "unearthly" metal combines the interior planetary metals silver, mercury and copper in itself, but in such a way that

the sulphurous heat energy immanent in antimony takes effect in the fluid processes, mainly of the venous system. The subterranean nature of antimony is evident in its diamagnetic behavior (magnetized antimony needles are at right angles to the north-south axis), liquid antimony expands on cooling, like water (and unlike the "earthly" metals). Toxic effects include reduced blood coagulation, but potentized antimony encourages the form-giving forces in fluid processes, above all in the blood. Elsewhere we were able to speak of an endothermic heat process in venous blood. The heat processes in the sphere of arterial blood are exothermic (the left heart releases measurable heat energy: ca. 35 calories per minute and 100 g of heart weight). Aurum/ Stibium medication reduces excessive activity of the left heart and the flow of arterial blood to the heart, as already mentioned. It also reduces the flow of venous blood to the right heart. Antimony thus subdues the metabolic process coming from the metabolic sphere and above all the liver, a process which is embarrassing the right heart. Aurum relieves the left heart of its tendency to become too compact and too physical.

A modification of Aurum/Stibium is Strophanthus comp.: also with Aurum and Stibium. The Strophanthus component is a major substance-based process at the pre-infarction stage because Strophanthus seed, or rather its potentized glycoside, captures an excessively powerful light-adrenals process. The preparation is above all indicated in cases where one may speak of the heart being stressed by civilization factors (signs of bradycardia). Another pre-infarction medicament to be mentioned here is Strophanthus/Nicotiana comp. This is especially indicated with coronary sclerosis.

It is not primarily for the prevention of MI but for the treatment of coronary spasm. Strophanthus/Nicotiana comp. contains Strophanthus kombe e semina 5x, Nicotiana e foliis 9x, and Plumbum mellitum 14x.

Aurum/Stibium or Strophanthus comp. with Aurum/Stibium may regularly or occasionally be combined with the organ preparation Cor Gl in the 6x or 8x. This acts on the etheric heart organization, above all vitalizing the inner processes in heart muscle described in this paper and the "matrix organization" of heart, as we call it. Another organ preparation which may be indicated with arrhythmia is Fasciculus atrioventricularis Gl.

Given in the 4x or 6x, this has also proved helpful in the treatment of heart block.

Infarction prophylaxis is Aurum/Stibium/ Hyoscyamus. The Hyoscyamus (henbane) part of this is indicated when the heart rhythm is put under stress because reproductive processes are not sufficiently incorporated, which essentially means that the sentient and life organization active in the reproductive organs is making itself independent. The heart is then put under stress by elements coming from the lower human being.


Treatment of MI

Two medicaments are available for immediate use:

1. Naja. in the 6x, 8x - 12x, 2x daily, + 2. Arnica e planta tota 8x, 12x, 15x, at least 1x daily.*

Arnica therapy is so important in the treatment of MI that a brief outline of the Arnica picture is given below.

Arnica e planta tota ferm; Compositae). Like many members of the daisy family Arnica relates especially to the generation of warmth, its flowering process being highly developed. Also has an affinity to the silica process that goes beyond the family type. It grows on native rock in medium and high mountain ranges and is finely hairy, which points to the silica process. As with all alpines, there is a powerful relation to light. The herbaceous growth and the preference for wet and even swampy grasslands point to another process in the plant which is the polar opposite to the other:

a relationship to the vegetative, watery sphere. Arnica develops its growth and its medicinal actions between light and chemism.

As a medicinal plant Arnica relates to the bee. Apis may be said to stop the warmth process between blood and connective tissue, so that oedema develops at the capillary level. The Arnica action intervenes more in the venous blood process which isolates itself from the intermediary connective tissue metabolism and the fluid processes. Venous congestion and the heat congestion associated with this are characteristics of the Arnica action. Used medicinally. Arnica sets the circulation in motion, especially in the venous part. The sphere of action of Arnica in the organism is the relationship between primarily active connective tissue and connective tissue ground

substance on the one hand, and congestion of venous capillaries which may go as far as venostasis on the other. Mentally and emotionally the Arnica picture shows a relationship to the Aurum picture. The mental state goes in the direction of melancholia with marked irritability and self-centeredness (obstinacy). The whole musculature is affected, including myocardium and myocardial interstitium. Uterus highly sensitive to fetal movement in pregnancy. The heart symptoms to be emphasized are as follows: Arnica is an important medicine for incipient and actual infarction because venous congestion and inadequate drainage of venous blood with haemorrhaging develop in the myocardial interstitium.

Naja may be replaced with Lach. Both snake venoms counteract interstitial oedema. With Naja, tissue liquefaction is the dominant feature; with Lach. necrosis of myocardial tissue.

The venoms most widely used in homeopathy are Lach.: Naja. and Crot-h. Lach. is one of the most powerful venoms. The chemical potency of the salivary gland secretion is increased to the level

of venom production. The toxic effect consists in proteolysis and paralysis. The venom thus delays blood and lymph coagulability on the one hand, and coagulates blood on the other. Inflammation rapidly ensues, with connective tissue oedema and bluish red discoloration in the area penetrated by the venom, and the vegetative defense reaction is inhibited; no wall of leukocytes forms as an inflammatory reaction; instead of pus there is dry tissue necrosis (resembling anaerobic gas gangrene). Not only salivary gland activity is increased in venomous snakes but also the whole digestion - stomach, pancreas and liver. Limb development and hence external mobility has been withdrawn and become internal. Shoulder and pelvic girdle are rudimentary, the development of vertebrae

and an extended vertebral column taking their place. The connection between salivary (parotid) gland and gonads is generally known.

In venomous snakes this polarity is enhanced. Emphasis on the vegetative pole in these snakes is also evident from the fact that the left lung is non-existent or only rudimentary. Regression of

the right carotid artery in some species also shows that emphasis. The vegetative pole is connected with the venosity and right-sidedness (liver on the right). Oddly enough, the drug picture has

left-sidedness. (See also Lachesis action on the right heart).

Constitutional treatment

Occasionally there will be an "arsenic constitution" in the background. These are neurasthenic, neuropathic individuals who are thoughtfully critical, and inclined to be melancholic; body build generally leptosome, with low blood pressure, extremities apt to be cold. Background arsenic therapy may also be considered for circulatory collapse due to the infarction, with the blood pressure going down, cold sweats, and the danger of fluid accumulating in the pericardium and pleura. This already takes us to the sequels of MI.

Verat. may play a vital role if the blood pressure drops to an extreme degree and the patient develops dysponea (Fades hippocratica).

Verat. points to the heart-kidney connection. Strictly speaking, the action on the kidney consists in directing a psychic organism that is putting a strain on the heart to the kidneys. Verat. is also the first-line treatment for shock-induced circulatory collapse and for renal failure.

With Veratrum and arsenic treatment the focus is on the heart-kidney relationship. Another important medicine for incipient circulatory failure following infarction is Tartarus stibiatus (potassium antimony tartrate). It is indicated when the fluid element is putting a strain on the heart from the metabolic or liver aspect. Transudates develop in the region of heart and lung, and oedema results. We use Tartarus to treat the influence of the liver on the heart (potassium salt plus antimony), as discussed for Aurum-Stibium therapy above. Tartarus stibiatus is the first-line treatment when in a case of MI the right heart is put under a strain that comes from the liver.

External applications.

Compresses on the heart using Urtica essence +/o. Orthoklase essence (K/Al/Si308 = potash feldspar). The temperature of the compresses would depend on circumstances. Patients often complain

of burning sensations in the cardiac region and between the shoulder blades (Phos.), and in that case cool compresses are used. Many feel the need for warmth, however. Arnica essence may also

be used for the compresses: Dilute a scant tablespoonful of Arnica essence with ¼ liter of lukewarm water, soak a cloth in this, wring it out and place on the heart. Cover with flannel. It is most important to pay attention to the peripheral circulation - whether the feet are cold (see Ars. and Verat.) or are felt to be hot, which is uncommon.

                                                                                   DD.: 1. Veratrum album 4x, 6x

2. Arsenicum album l0x, 20x or 30x periphery is icy cold/peripheral circulation/< night and anxiety

3. Nicotiana tabacum 15x, 20x periphery is icy cold/ peripheral circulation/< night and anxiety

4. Carbo Betulae 20x, 30x. slight bluish discoloration of lips and skin (excess carbon dioxide, none of the anxiety symptoms seen with Nicotiana and



The intention was to show that with MI, the ultimate pathological process is failure of the heart's rhythm-balancing function. The pathological process occurs in the myocardial interstitium.

Reference was made to the key role played by the extracellular matrix which no longer performs its balancing function in MI. Interstitial oedema develops. Impairment of capillary circulation

in the surrounding areas is secondary. This approach assumes MI to be based on an allergic process. Readers are reminded of bee sting or serum-induced MI, though this is rare. Prevention and treatment of MI relates to polarization of the heart through the arterial and venous circulations on the one hand, and to the view that with a disposition to infarction, the heart's unifying tendency

is weakened in the myocardial interstitium. Preventive treatment is designed to counter extreme polarization between left and right heart, whilst MI treatment aims to overcome the loss of tension between left and right heart from the periphery and gain the time needed to restore a balanced relationship between left and right cardiac activity. With MI, the tension between left and right has gone; the heart tends to regress to the embryonic condition, with the function of the left heart coming close to that of the right heart. Essentially this means left heart failure. The fact that it is almost exclusively the l. myocardium which infarcts, and that this causes the loss of tension between left and right heart, supports the view that in the infarction process the heart regresses to the tension-free state of the embryonic stage.

In conclusion a mantra-like thought expressed by Goethe where he speaks of the heart's balance-creating powers of transformation: What more can human beings gain in life but that the nature of divinity show itself, as it lets firm, solid matter dissolve into spirit, and firmly preserves what spirit has achieved.


[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]

Man rückt immer weiter ab von der materialistischen Sicht, das Herz sei nur ein Muskel mit Pumpfunktion in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf. Inzwischen wissen wir es besser: Nicht das Herz bewegt den Blutkreislauf, sondern der Kreislauf bewegt das Herz. In der Embryoentwicklung bilden sich zuerst Blutinseln auf dem Dottersack; daraus werden Blutbahnen, in denen es zu strömen beginnt. Dann erst wenden sie sich nach innen in den Embryokörper, also in den Hohlraum, der wie alle Hohlräume eine Sogkraft besitzt. Im Hohlraum bilden sie ein Zentrum, das zu pulsieren beginnt und die Bildekräfte für das Herz bereit hält. Das ist die eine Tatsache.

Eine andere ist die, dass die Zwerchfellbewegung bzw. die Atembewegung das Herz rhythmisiert, denn die Herzspitze liegt dem Zwerchfell auf. Es hat 4500 Jahre gebraucht, um mittels moderner Technik das hörbar zu machen, was sich innen im Herzen abspielt und was die alten Chinesen mit der Herzenergie verbanden: unbeschwerte Lebenslust und das höhere Selbst.

Das Herz schmatzt und gluckert, seufzt und stöhnt, ächzt und lacht, wenn man in es hineinhorcht und die Herzschläge nicht nur mit dem Stethoskop abhorcht. Für Herzpatienten ist das zunächst überraschend; nur wenige Kardiologen diagnostizieren das Herz nach Gehör der Blutbewegung im Herzen und die Reaktion der Patienten offenbart recht deutlich, ob sie sich zum Lebensgenuss, der ja ebenfalls mit schmatzenden Geräuschen (Küssen) und feucht-fröhlichen Liedern verbunden ist, hingezogen fühlen oder nicht.

Doch sollte das nicht über die tiefere Bedeutung des Herzens hinwegtäuschen: Bei allem Frohsinn und Lebensgenuss gilt das Herz als Kaiser in der Chinesischen Medizin. Der Kaiser trägt Verantwortung für seine Untertanen und sein Reich. Lebt er seine natürliche Autorität, kann sich seine Lebensfreude, ja, überhaupt seine Tugend der Freundlichkeit und Heiterkeit ganz natürlich offenbaren. Anders ist es, wenn keine innere Mächtigkeit den „Kaiser“ trägt. Dann muss er Macht ausüben, was bald zu Kaltherzigkeit führt. Von höchster Instanz aus betrachtet ist das Herz das Kaiser-Ich, der Herzgeist, die höchste Instanz in uns Menschen, die wir zu erfahren trachten.

Es reicht nicht, das zu wissen, man muss es erfahren.

Die Erfahrung geschieht durch innere Einkehr. So wie das Herz im Körper geschützt im Herzbeutel (Perikard) das Innerste des physischen Menschen ausdrückt, ist es auch im geistigen Sinne das innerste Herzensanliegen, das Einssein in der Welt der Dualität zu erfahren und dabei die natürliche Autorität in sich zu entdecken. Wie auch immer der spirituelle Weg zu dieser Erfahrung kulturell und individuell geprägt sein mag, das Ziel ist diese Selbst-Erfahrung, diese Selbst-Wesensschau, die einem auch den Sinn von Leben und Tod erschließt.

Mit dem Herzen etwas zu tun, zu sagen oder zu fühlen, das führt zur höheren Bedeutung und weckt die Tugend der Aufrichtigkeit, Lauterkeit (Lauterkeit des Herzens), Reinheit und Liebe ohne Nutzdenken oder Kalkül.

Die Herzenergie ist die höhere Oktave der Solarplexus-Energie. Letztere steht für den zwischenmenschlichen Kontakt, für Nähe und Distanz und entwickelt in uns die Unterscheidungsfähigkeit zwischen Ich und Du, selbst und fremd.

Eine stabile Solarplexus-Energie bedeutet ein stabiles Immunsystem, denn auch dieses hat als zentrale Aufgabe, selbst von fremd zu unterscheiden und zu trennen. Herzensangelegenheiten dringen viel tiefer in uns ein bzw. strömen aus uns heraus; sie vertragen keinen Hauch von Arglist und negativer Absicht. In der zwischenmenschlichen Begegnung geht es um liebevolle Zuneigung, um tiefe Liebe füreinander, auch um die Liebe zu den Geschöpfen der Natur, um die allumfassende Liebe.

Große Worte, tiefe Gefühle, hehre Gedanken! Wie bedeutsam das Herz für das Menschsein ist, drückt sich im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch aus. Wenn ein Mensch herzlos ist oder herzlos handelt, trifft uns das mehr, als wenn jemand kopflos herumrennt oder nicht mit beiden Beinen auf der Erde steht. Auch frühere Stammesrituale, bei denen ein Mensch geopfert wurde, indem man ihm das Herz aus dem Leib schnitt und sein Blut trank, zeigten immer den Niedergang einer Kultur an, mochte sie wie im Falle der Mayas und Inkas noch so hoch entwickelt sein. Auch das Gegenteil gibt

es in der Menschheitsgeschichte, indem sich beispielsweise die Stammeskultur der Kannibalen weiter entwickelte, als sie sich nicht mehr das Herz eines anderen Menschen einverleibte, um dessen Lebenskraft zu besitzen.

Die geistige Form dieser Handlung erkennen wir daran, dass wir das Herz von jemandem im Sinne der Zuneigung gewinnen wollen. Wir sehen, es gibt viele Abstufungen und Ebenen, das Herz des Menschen zu betrachten.

In den meisten Fällen beschreiben sie menschliche Qualitäten oder, wenn Herzlichkeit oder Herzenswärme fehlen, die tiefsten Abgründe des Menschseins. In den seltensten Fällen interessiert uns das materielle Herz im Körper, das wohlbehütet im Herzbeutel rhythmisch pulsiert. Solange der Herzschlag unauffällig ist, fühlen wir uns den Anforderungen des Lebens gewachsen. Dringt aber der Herzschlag in Gestalt von Herzstolpern oder Herzrasen oder Herzarrhythmien in unser Bewusstsein, sind wir hellwach und voller Angst. Das Herz zu spüren bedeutet zugleich, noch lebendig zu sein. Heilung von diesen Symptomen führt dahin, dass das Herz wieder unauffällig schlägt. Darin offenbart sich seine natürliche Autorität. Wählen wir noch einmal das Bild des Kaisers: Er ist das Zentrum seines Reiches. Seine Mächtigkeit (Herz) ist im ganzen Land (Organismus), in allen Gesellschaftsschichten, in allen Künsten zu spüren, aber nur selten bekommt jemand den Kaiser zu Gesicht. Er hat es nicht nötig, sich zur Schau zu stellen, es genügt seine von ihm ausstrahlende Energie. Dies gilt auch für jeden einzelnen Menschen, der seine natürliche Autorität lebt. Tritt jedoch ein Kaiser prunkvoll in Szene, übt er durch unmenschliches Verhalten Macht auf seine Untergebenen aus, zeigt sich darin seine Schwäche, die er durch Grausamkeit kompensiert. Der Kaiser verliert den Kontakt zur Erde, zu seinem Menschsein und dadurch seine göttliche Bestimmung. Das gilt auch für den Anspruch, Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden zu sein und sich als unfehlbar zu bezeichnen. Das beschwört alle menschlichen Schatten herauf, kann nicht aufrecht erhalten werden, weil die Polarität das irdische Leben auszeichnet und wir durchaus fehlbar sind. Das macht uns menschlich.

Wer sich auf den hohen Thron der Unfehlbarkeit erhebt, hat den Bezug zum Menschlichen und zur Erde verloren. Bezeichnenderweise zieht diese arrogante Haltung eine lange Blutspur hinter sich her.

Im alten Ägypten gab es die Vorstellung, dass, wenn ein Mensch die körperlose Welt betritt, sein Herz gewogen wird, um die Qualität des Bewusstseins zu messen, mit dem er sein Leben gelebt hat. Wog das Herz zu schwer, neigte sich der Waagebalken der Erde zu. Das bedeutete für den Verstorbenen, dass er nicht eher erneut inkarnieren kann, bis er sein Herz durch gute Taten im Jenseits erleichtert hat. Mit reinem und leichtem Herzen soll er die nächste Menschwerdung antreten. Was für eine wunderbare Sichtweise der Inkarnationslehre!

Im Herzen regiert das Prinzip des „Alles oder Nichts“. So wie das Herz nicht ein bisschen schlagen kann, gilt dies auch im übertragenen Sinne: Entweder hat jemand ein Herz oder er hat kein Herz. Es klingt unglaubwürdig, wenn jemand nur ein bisschen herzlich ist oder nur ein klein wenig herzhaft lacht oder etwas zu wenig herzhaft in einen Apfel beißt. Rund ums Herz sind wir immer eindeutig in der Sprache und in dem, was wir damit ausdrücken wollen.

Das gilt auch für den Ausspruch, etwas auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen. Dabei geht es immer um existenzielle Lebensthemen, um innere Werte, selbst wenn es sich um eine Geldanlage oder die Wahl eines Lehrers handelt.

Die Prüfung muss solchen Werten wie Lauterkeit, ehrlicher Absicht und Echtheit standhalten.

Wenn wir statt mit dem Verstand mit dem Herzen auf Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen und auf Lebenssituationen schauen, dringen wir immer zum Wesenskern vor. Im Japanischen gibt es für diese Sichtweise einen eigenen Begriff, den wir mit „Herzgeist“ (kokoro) übersetzen können. Was wir mit dem Herzgeist wahrnehmen, ist echt und authentisch. Darum hat man in unserer Kultur das Herz außer mit Liebesfähigkeit, Mitgefühl und Heilkraft auch mit dem Gewissen in Verbindung gebracht.

Gewissenlosigkeit geht Hand in Hand mit Hartherzigkeit oder Herzlosigkeit. Dabei fehlt der Zugang zum Fühlen, was man sagt und was man tut. Ein eindrückliches Beispiel von Kaltherzigkeit gab zum Beispiel Heinrich Himmler, der nach der Terrorisierung und Folterung von KZ-Häftlingen übergangslos als recht guter Geiger im Streichquartett romantische Musik spielte. Das Grausame war abgespalten (Sykose!); es waren quasi zwei Personen mit gleichem Namen, die das Hässlichste und das Schönste krass nebeneinander lebten. Das geht nur, wenn das Herz versteinert und mit ihm das Gewissen verstummt.

Andererseits gibt es keine stärkere Heilkraft als die des Herzens.



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