Krebs Anhang 4 


Krebs und Nahrung


Curcuma (+ schwarze Pfeffer)




Gemüse (Kohl)



Öl (Omega-3-Fettsäure/Lein-/Olivenöl/Avocado/Mandeln)

Fisch (Hering/Thunfisch in Maße)

Tierische Produkten in Bioqualität

Dunkele Schokolade

Getränke: Wasser/grüne Tee

Sojaprodukte mäßig

Beere (Himbeere)


Caloric Restriction and Fasting in Disease Prevention and Treatment

Interview by Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO

Interview with Valter Longo, PhD

Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO, is senior medical editor of the Natural Medicine Journal and is also a naturopathic physician, board certified in naturopathic oncology. She received her naturopathic doctorate from National College of Natural Medicine, and completed her residency in naturopathic oncology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa, Okla. Dr. Kaczor received undergraduate degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the current treasurer of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians and secretary of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology.  She has been published in several peer-reviewed journals.

Valter Longo, PhD, professor in gerontology, professor in biological science, and director of the Longevity Institute, on his research in caloric restriction and fasting in cancer. A member of the University of Southern California (USC) Norris Cancer Center and USC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. His laboratory is interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms of aging by using genetics and biochemistry techniques. It also seeks to identify the molecular pathways conserved from simple organisms to humans that can be modulated to protect against multiple stresses and prevent or treat cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other diseases of aging. The focus is on the signal transduction pathways that regulate resistance to oxidative damage and on the dietary changes that regulate them. Most projects in the lab include parallel molecular studies in model organisms and mammals, with several projects involving clinical trials and human population studies with focus on dietary restriction and its effect on disease prevention and treatment.


Kaczor: For those not familiar with your work, it may seem counterintuitive that caloric restriction can both prolong the life of cells/organisms as well as hasten the death of cancer cells. Can you explain how this seeming paradox works?

Longo: Fasting protects normal cells by causing entry into a non-dividing stress resistance mode, which we have shown to be similar in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. By contrast fasting makes it worse for cancer cells by generating an extreme environment with low glucose and growth factors and high ketone bodies, which weakens cancer cells. Each mutation in cancer cells makes them a little better at growing under standard conditions, but a little worse at surviving under extreme environments such as that caused by fasting.


Kaczor: The ubiquitous role of fasting in various cultures and religions around the world demonstrates that it is safe for humans. You published a review that detailed what you called “metabolic, molecular and cellular adaptations” from caloric restriction that ultimately may reduce the risk of cancer. From your work, what is the optimal amount of caloric restriction, and duration of that restriction, to achieve cancer preventative changes in humans?

Longo: I don’t think severe calorie restriction is appropriate since, in addition to many beneficial effects, it also causes severe weight loss. I believe that for now, a high micronourishment, mostly plant-based diet with some fish that allows a BMI of 21–23 and low waist circumference is the ideal diet. Brief periods of fasting followed by refeeding to remain at a steady weight may also be recommended.


Kaczor: Your latest publication demonstrated sensitization the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapeutics on mammalian cells in vitro through short-term fasting. This was apparent for some cancers that have a poor prognosis clinically, such as glioma. While the study was in vitro, many clinicians in integrative medicine will be eager to hear if this is feasible in humans. Cancer patients risk losing muscle mass, though, and maintenance of weight is the priority in cancer care. The question for clinicians is how long of a fast would be necessary to achieve possible sensitization of cancer cells to chemotherapies? Is caloric restriction enough to achieve similar cellular effects?

Longo: In both mice and patients, the great majority who fasted were able to regain their weight after returning to the normal diet. For the 2–3 days of fasting (water only) before chemo and 24-hour fast (water only) after chemo, the risk is minimal. However, patients with diabetes or metabolic disorders, or those who have lost more than 10% of their weight, should be carefully assessed before deciding whether fasting is appropriate for them.


Kaczor: Are there any agents, natural or pharmaceutical, that either enhance the cellular changes seen in caloric restriction, or, conversely any agents that may negate its benefits?

Longo: In response to the request of virtually every cancer patient who tried fasting—but also in response to the low compliance among patients who attempted to fast as part of the clinical trial at USC Norris Cancer Center—we developed a substitution diet (Chemolieve, licensed to that replaces fasting by obtaining the same effects or better compared to those of fasting, while maximizing nourishment and minimizing cancer growth.


Fasting 'could help combat cancer and boost effectiveness of treatments'


    Fasting slowed growth and spread of tumours

    Cured some cancers if combined with chemotherapy

    Human trials now under way


[Sadie Whitelocks]

Going without food for short periods may help to combat cancer and boost the effectiveness of treatments, say scientists.

A study found fasting slowed the growth and spread of tumours and cured some cancers when it was combined with chemotherapy.

It is hoped that the discovery will prompt the development of more effective treatment plans and further research is now under way.

Fasting may help to combat cancer and boost the effectiveness of treatment

The latest investigation, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, found that tumour cells responded differently to the stress of fasting compared to normal cells. Instead of entering a dormant state similar to hibernation, the cells kept growing and dividing, in the end destroying themselves.

Lead researcher Professor Valter Longo, from the University of Southern California said: 'The cell is, in fact, committing cellular suicide.

'What we're seeing is that the cancer cell tries to compensate for the lack of all these things missing in the blood after fasting. It may be trying to replace them, but it can't.'

Professor Longo and his team looked at the impact fasting had on breast, urinary tract and ovarian cancers in mice.

Fasting without chemotherapy was shown to slow the growth of breast cancer, melanoma skin cancer, glioma brain cancer and neuroblastoma - a cancer that forms in the nerve tissue.

Scientists found tumour cells responded differently to the stress of fasting compared to normal cells

In every case, combining fasting with chemotherapy made the cancer treatment more effective.

Multiple cycles of fasting combined with chemotherapy cured 20% of those with a highly aggressive form of cancer while 40% with a limited spread of the same cancer were cured.

None of the mice survived if they were treated with chemotherapy alone.

Researchers are already investigating the effects of fasting on human patients, but only a clinical trial lasting several years will confirm if human cancer patients really can benefit from calorie restriction.

However they highlight that fasting could be dangerous for patients who have already lost a lot of weight or are affected by other risk factors, such as diabetes.

Results of a preliminary clinical trial will be presented at an annual meeting of the American Society of Cancer Oncologists (Asco) in Chicago this June.

Prof Longo points out that the study only tests if patients could tolerate short fasts of two days before and one day after chemotherapy.

'We don't know whether in humans it's effective,' he said.

'It should be off-limits to patients, but a patient should be able to go to their oncologist and say, 'what about fasting with chemotherapy?' or without if chemotherapy was not recommended or considered.'

Previous research led by Prof Longo showed that fasting protected normal cells from the effects of chemotherapy but it did not look at cancer cells.

It is now though fasting may be one way to make tumour cells weaker and more vulnerable.

Prof Longo added: 'A way to beat cancer cells may not be to try to find drugs that kill them specifically but to confuse them by generating extreme environments, such as fasting, that only normal cells can quickly respond to.'


[Blanche Levine]

Has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She has the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in natural healing including Naturopaths, scientist and energy healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of disease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

Fasting Benefits (NaturalHealth365) The health benefits of fasting should be learned by every oncologist in the world. You can actually kill cancer cells with many different types of fasting techniques. Obviously, cancer patients should work closely with a trusted, qualified healthcare professional before attempting a fast of any kind.

Although not widely-known, studies have found that fasting slowed the growth and spread of tumors and even eliminated the threat of cancer in some patients.

How does fasting help cancer patients?

If you think fasting is only for healthy people – you would be mistaken. Scientific research suggests that cancer patients, undergoing chemotherapy treatment, experienced a better outcome with less severe side effects. In fact, you can find the latest news about how fasting helps chemotherapy patients in the journal, Science Translational Medicine. Generally speaking, it seems like fasting causes cancer cells to eventually destroy themselves during a carefully monitored fast.

Professor Valter Longo, University of Southern California: “what we are seeing is that the cancer cell tries to compensate the lack of all these things missing in the blood after fasting. It may be trying to replace them, but it can’t. The cell is, in fact, committing cellular suicide”.

Fasting can be one of many effective tools against cancer

With and without chemotherapy, fasting has been shown to slow the growth of breast cancer; melanoma; certain brain cancers; and neuroblastoma – a cancer that forms in the nerve tissue. However, across the board no matter what kind it is – fasting has been shown to be effective.

Multiple cycles of fasting combined with chemotherapy cured 20% of mice with a highly aggressive form of cancer while 40% of mice with a limited spread of the same cancer were cured. By the way, research has found that none of the mice survived – if they were treated with chemotherapy alone.

The health benefits of intermittent fasting

Fasting and calorie restriction are already known to boost health and prevent many chronic health conditions. Keep in mind, there are several ways to accomplish the life-extending benefits of fasting without skipping meals.

Long fasts should not be done unless under the care of a knowledgeable health practitioner, but intermittent fasting has always been a part of humankind.

Delaying a meal is not only easy but great for your health. Intermittent fasting means to occasionally reduce or eliminate food intake for a short period of time. Studies have found that when lab animals were allowed to eat freely on every other day, they consumed the same number of calories as the freely eating group. The difference is that the groups that fasted every other day lived longer, had increased resistance to disease and improved insulin sensitivity.

In human studies, when subjects fasted on alternate days, they lost weight; reduced heart disease risk factors and slowed the growth of cancerous cells. So, let’s take a closer look at different types of fasting techniques.

The 16 hour fast

For the beginner, the “16 hour fast” is probably the easiest way to go with minimal effort. Try to eat all your meals during the day within an 8 hour period of time. For example, you only eat from 9 - 5 h. – giving you 16 hours of fasting time until your next meal. Try this for a few days and watch your energy soar!

Creative ways to enjoy the benefits of fasting

You can also try to eat all your meals on one day and fast the next day. This “alternating day” fast can be done for a week or more (depending on your situation) with great results. By the way, the alternating day fast has been shown to be highly effective with cancer and heart disease patients.

Obviously, the safest and easiest way to incorporate the benefits of fasting into your everyday life is by drinking your food. Honestly, many people have never felt better once they give their digestive system a rest from solid food.

May I suggest that you treat yourself to a green juice fast. Some people call this “juice feasting” – because you can have an 8 ounce glass of green vegetable juice every hour – throughout the day.

If green juices don’t work for you – you may want to consider a day of superfood smoothies. Usually, this will make you feel more satisfied and you still get the benefit of giving your digestive system a rest from solid food. Either way, your energy will feel amazing!

Be flexible and have some fun

For most individuals, a liquid fast is a great way to play around with superfood nutrition. You can mix vegetables with a little fruit for a delicious juice or mix in your favorite protein powder with herbs and spices for an outstanding smoothie. Have you got a favorite juice or smoothie recipe? Post your healthy creations below in the comment section.





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