Lacs allgemein Anhang 3


[Philip M. Bailey]

The Lac Remedies in Practice

Until quite recently remedies made from milk occupied a relatively small niche in our materia medica, and it was only Lac caninum that was familiar to most homeopaths.

This has changed markedly over the past 20 years, thanks to the contributions of homeopaths such as Nancy Herrick and Rajan Sankaran, who undertook provings of animal milks, and Karl Müller, who provided remedy pictures of milks based on clinical experience. We now have a whole family of remedies derived from human and

animal milks, and a growing understanding of their common and their individual qualities. It has become clear that these remedies are very deep acting when used

constitutionally, since they address themselves to the earliest of traumas, the failure to bond adequately with the mother at birth.

The material medicae in this book are derived entirely from my own clinical experience using Lac remedies in my homeopathic practice.

They are therefore somewhat different from materia medicae derived largely from provings. Thankfully, there is also a great deal of congruence between the two

(keynotes and common themes). My experience using Lac remedies has shown me that it is not the birth trauma that produces a Lac picture constitutionally. If that Lac remedy. Rather, particular Lac remedies run in families, and are inherited genetically. When a baby is born with a Lac constitution, it is more liable to have trouble forming

a bond with its mother for two reasons.

1st mother often has a Lac constitution, and therefore is intrinsically at a disadvantage with regard to forming a bond with her child.

2nd the child itself, resonating constitutionally to a Lac frequency, is less able to bond fully.

In some cases both mother and child have the same Lac constitution, but the clinical picture is mild. In other words, the mother-child bond was established relatively normally, and the child grew up expressing the psychological and physical profile of a Lac remedy, but in its more benign form. In other cases, bonding was severely compromised, and in these cases the clinical pictures of both mother and the child express the more pathological degrees of Lac symptomatology.

Let us now consider the general themes that are encountered in Lac remedies

Missing Foundation

Breast milk is our first sustenance. It provides all the physical nourishment we require and forms the basis for psychic bonding with our mother. This bonding is the foundation for our psychological development as a separate being. Through bonding to our mother we continue to be protected, as we were in the womb. We are still one with our mother, and hence safe. Only after bonding has successfully been established, can we begin to separate safely, to experience ourselves as separate entities, yet connected to mother,

and hence to the world.


In Lac cases bonding was never fully established with the mother. This missing foundation underlies all the various dynamics that typify the Lac state. There are many reasons why bonding may have been unsuccessful. One common reason is that the mother was in a Lac state, and hence was not available emotionally.

Lac mothers very often give birth to Lac children. If the mother did not bond with her mother, she cannot bond with her child. In such cases the mother may be aware of a profound distance between herself and her child. Often love will grow in time, but the child’s psychological foundations have already been severely affected.

There may be various physical reasons why the mother cannot bond with the child. She may be severely ill after giving birth, and hence not available energetically.

She may have post-natal depression. Or the child may be premature, or so delicate that she cannot be nursed by her mother, and must lie alone in an incubator. All these scenarios are encountered in Lac cases. Very often in Lac cases there is a history of separation from the mother during the first two years of life. This can weaken an already shaky bond with the mother, and further threaten the individual’s sense of personal security. Equally common is a history of difficulties in breastfeeding. It does not seem to matter whether the difficulties appeared to come from the mother (e g. Lack of milk) or from the child (e g. poor attachment to the breast).


When a baby is born, it instinctively moves towards the mother’s breast. This reaching out towards the mother is the first movement of the child towards a specific goal, and it lays the foundation for healthy connections with other people later in life. When this first movement is interrupted, the individual grows up not knowing how to connect with other people. Famous studies of new born babies showed that when their mother did not respond to their reaching out, they tried again and again to reach her After several attempts fail to elicit a response, the baby stops reaching out, and withdraws. This withdrawal from contact is a kind of giving up, and it is seen in every Lac case

Lac individuals lack prior experience of reliable close connection. Rather, they have the early imprint of failing to connect with mother. The. initial healthy reaching out movement toward the other was interrupted. As a consequence, when they are faced with the possibility of relationship later in life, they cannot reach out and trust that the bond will be reliable. That would only open the original wound. If they do manage to open up and form a close bond with another, the loss of such a bond feels absolutely devastating. It repeats the original traumatic experience after birth, of losing the mother, who is everything. A baby who has no contact with another person becomes autistic. In Lac cases contact is there, but bonding is incomplete. The result is a person who is constantly in a dilemma - should I try again to connect (Gestures, makes: grasping or reaching at something – Millenium), or should I protect myself ? This is a fundamental dynamic in Lac cases. The person feels torn between 2 movements – towards or away Yes or No. As a result,. ambivalence is a key symptom in most Lac cases.

1 James Robertson’s film, ‘Young Children in Brief Separation’, 1976, Robertson Films

The original ambivalence towards attempts at connection continues later in life, whenever a connection to another person is considered. And this basic ambivalence spreads out, to cover reactions toward many things. Should I move towards Life or Death? Towards Expression or Silence? Towards Independence or Connectedness? Towards Feeling, or Neutrality? It is the basis of the well-known Lac tendency to feel pulled between looking after self, and connecting to others

Paradise Lost

A newborn child has just emerged from the paradise of the womb, where it felt at one with its environment The movement towards Mother is a movement toward safety,

a continuation of connectedness. When this is not possible, the child tries to retreat back into the womb. It curls up and withdraws its senses. In Lac people we see an attempt to withdraw away from life, back into the paradise of the womb, or even the spiritual world, whence came the child’s soul.

Two manifestations of this attempt are narcotic use, and spiritual identification. In both cases, the individual seeks to return to a prenatal feeling of oneness.

Most Lac cases are not addicted to narcotics. The spiritual realm is more often chosen as a haven from the cold isolation felt in this world. Most Lac individuals are spiritual people, in both senses of the word. They have some experience of higher states of consciousness, and they identify with philosophies which emphasize spiritual realities. Frequently, they identify with New Age philosophy, a kind of user-friendly religion, which emphasizes that you are Spirit, and all things are possible. In so doing, the Lac individual maintains the split that occurred at birth, between Heaven and Earth. In effect, she says ‘No thanks’ to life on Earth. Many individuals who responded deeply

to a Lac remedy have commented, ‘I never really fully committed to being here on Earth ’

This denial of Earth-based reality is common in Lac cases. They appear as ‘space-cadets,’ more interested in your Sun-sign than in a real connection; more keen to heal the planet’s Heart chakra, than to connect with their own injured feelings. And their original retreat to a prior paradise was a. . desperate one, hence this desperation can be seen

in the zealous manner in which Lac individuals express their spirituality. If you affirm their attachment to Spirit, they can feel secure. If you do not, they begin to doubt it,

and then they may have to feel the terrible loneliness of the newborn child, disconnected from its mother. Repeating the mantra, ‘I am surrounded by white light’ is a poor substitute for early maternal bonding.

Alone and Co-dependent

Having failed to bond completely with Mother, the Lac child feels very alone, and this feeling never leaves her. She will feel alone for the rest of her life, unless she experiences profound healing. Even if she is in a long-term, committed relationship, she is liable to feel alone, and most Lac individuals find it hard to maintain such relationships. Lac cases often report that they feel cut off from the world, alone and unsupported. (Lac clients very often use the word ‘unsupported’ in their histories)

Just as the newborn defended itself by withdrawing, so the Lac individual tends to isolate himself, not daring to feel the devastation of further failures at reaching out.

Like. Natrium, he becomes good at caring for others, whilst being unable to care for himself.

The Lac child cannot bear to simply lose the mother. Instead, he seeks to win her love. Lac cases typically report that they tried as children to please their mother, and as

adults they continue to try. They were ‘good’ children, just like Natrum muriaticum, helpful and responsible. Very often they were the eldest child, helping mother by shouldering some of her responsibilities towards the other

children. They thus became like little adults. Later, they continue to take responsibility for other people, and feel guilty when they don’t.

In this sense Lac cases have unclear boundaries.


There is a mother – child dynamic that is very typical in Lac cases. The patient says that as a child they looked after their mother. In other words, the roles were reversed. I have had Lac children complain to me that their mother behaves like a child. They were referring to the mother’s dependency, and her emotional immaturity

Lac constitutions, like other constitutions, run in families. Very often the mother and the child both respond to the same Lac remedy. In such cases it is common for the mother to use emotional blackmail

to maintain the care she gets from her child. She may say, ‘You are killing me’ when the daughter comes home late from a night out, and the daughter, who has grown up hearing how much her mother has

sacrificed for her, feels very guilty. Here both mother and daughter are acting out

Lac programmes.

The daughter is looking after her mother, in order to win her love. The mother uses her daughter for support, since she feels so alone and unsupported. During consultations

Lac mothers will often bring a child in for support. Even though the child is only ten years old, he will correct his mother’s mistakes, point out symptoms his mother has forgotten, and hug his mother when she cries. The mother appears to have no idea that this relationship is inappropriate. This dynamic is especially seen in one-parent families, which are surprisingly common when the mother is a Lac individual

As the Lac child of a Lac mother grows up, he begins to resent the manipulation that he senses his mother is using. He is used as a confidant and partner by his mother, and this puts enormous pressure on him. By the time he is a teenager, he is liable to have developed a lot of anger towards his mother, an anger that usually survives well into adulthood. When a case revolves around anger towards the mother, a Lac remedy is often indicated.

With regard to Lac mothers, two very different dynamics are typically seen. One is the mother who could not bond with her child, and remains detached. She may do her best to be a good mother, but she knows she does not feel the closeness to her child that she should.

She may favour another child, or even be actively unkind toward the child she could not bond with. In the latter case, it is as if she took out on the child all the anger she felt when she, as a child, was rejected by her mother.

The other common Lac dynamic is the Lac mother who is totally dependent upon her child for love and emotional security. Since she could not find it from her mother, she seeks it in her child.

Here is a being who needs her so much that she can rely on the connection. In these cases the roles are reversed, and the child grows up looking after the mother. (In practice, we also see a mixed picture, where the mother is cool to the child, yet still manages to rely on the child and be looked after by her)

Mother and child themes run through Lac cases in many ways.

A Lac patient will often dream of children in danger, and sometimes of saving such children.

In life many Lac people are staunch advocates for mothers and children, often in professional roles. This advocacy is seen especially often in Lac humanum cases

Where is the Man?

Single-parent families are extraordinarily common in Lac households. The majority of the Lac mothers I have treated were single mothers. I have wondered why this is so, and come to the following hypotheses

~ The Lac woman does not trust love. In a relationship with a man this mistrust has the effect of pushing the man away. Subconsciously, the Lac mother feels safe with her children, but not with her husband

~ The Lac mother develops such a dependency on her child that she excludes her partner This can contribute to a relationship break-up

~ Lac people tend to be co-dependent. Thus a Lac woman may attract a man who needs looking after, become pregnant, and then realize she cannot be a mother to the man

as well as the child

~ Lac women are less likely than most, to be willing to have an abortion after an unplanned pregnancy. This may be in part due to emotional sensitivity, and also the fact that they may have dreamt of the close contact they would enjoy with their child

Even when the Lac mother stays with her partner, there is a tendency for her to push him out of the picture.  

Lac clients often report that their father was in the background and the mother was dominant at home. Sometimes the Lac mother is so dependent upon her child for emotional support that she breast-feeds until the child is three or four, and keeps her in the bed with her at night. This has the effect of pushing the father away. He cannot compete with this intense mother-child bond, and so he withdraws.

The Lac child grows up feeling that her father is ineffectual, and later she tends to see all men in this light

When the Lac child grows up without the strong presence of a father, she tends to identify with her mother. Th. is often involves taking on her mother’s resentment towards men. But where does this resentment come from? Again, there are several possible origins

~ The mother resents her own father, because he did not protect her from her needy mother

~ The mother resents her husband, because she feels unsupported by him

~ A man or men have actively been cruel to her

Whatever the dynamics, many Lac women are. distrustful of men, and some are overtly hostile. The hostility expressed towards men in the past by aspects of the. Feminist movement can be due, to some extent, to this hostility that many Lac women feel (often unconsciously) towards men

 Lac women have a strong tendency to advocate for the. rights of women and children, and this has led to many of them being involved previously in the Feminist movement


In my experience, the single most characteristic feature of most Lac cases is the way they feel that they are a victim. They tend to express helplessness, and to complain about how unfairly others have treated them. Indeed, they express a lot of indignation about this. As long as they remain caught in this victim-consciousness, they are unable to move forward in life. Taking the correct Lac remedy can often do a lot to break this tendency

Victim-consciousness is a defence mechanism which the Lac individual uses to avoid feeling his own feelings of hurt and helplessness. When the small child feels rejected by his mother, there is a tendency for him to blame himself. Low self-esteem and self-criticism are features common to all Lac remedies. In order to protect himself, he turns the blame onto his mother, and becomes her victim.

This first defence is repeated with other people later on, becoming a pattern. Whenever the Lac person feels rejected, he reacts with anger and indignation, and with blame. This is less painful than feeling the hurt which lies beneath Lac cases actually use the word ‘victim’ frequently during the consultation. They may be referring to themselves, but just as often they project victimhood onto others. One woman who responded well to Lac felinum, referred to her partner as a victim, and said he was like a starving man at a banquet, who could not see the food in front of him. She was describing herself precisely. Another word which Lac cases use over and over is ‘ Abuse’. It matters not whether actual abuse occurred, or how serious it was. It is the frequency of use of the word which stands out in Lac cases, irrespective of the facts.

Lac people feel that they have been abused, because they did not feel protected by their mother. Of course, when the mother-child bond is weak, actual abuse is more likely

to happen. It is very common for Lac individuals in Practice to say that they were their mother’s scapegoat or whipping boy and in some cases this appears to be true.


Equally common is the complaint from a Lac individual that they have no support. They feel unsupported by their parents, unsupported by their friends, unsupported by their work colleagues. Sometimes this is true, because Lac people, by pulling away from others, cut off their own support systems.

One highly characteristic feature of Lac cases is the way they cut themselves off from their own family of origin. So often they refuse to have contact, citing terrible treatment they have received from the whole family. Th. is is usually more about the perception of the Lac individual. She does not trust love, and will push it away rather than risk being hurt again. After taking a Lac remedy, many people re-establish contact with their family, and no longer have to be on guard to make sure they are not emotionally abused.

Community Awareness and Advocacy

Every wound has within it the seeds of its own healing. In Lac cases, the wound of abandonment leads the Lac individual to seek connection with the community as a whole. Unable to nurture herself with one-to-one contacts, she develops an interest in community affairs, and will often find a job working for community organizations. In fact, she

is often enthusiastic about community to the point of being zealous. Th e community replaces her own family, and her fierce dedication to community reflects how much she needs this connection. In Lac consultations the word ‘community’ is often spoken many times by the client.

Community involvement offers the Lac individual two means of overcoming his sense of isolation.

1. by helping the community he feels more worthy, and also more needed.

2. by living in close interaction with the local community, he no longer feels so alone.

Part of Lac’s attraction to community work is his need to help others. This is a key-note feature of Lac cases. They offer the support that they themselves wish to receive.

For the Lac individual, the community takes the place of the family, just as God or Spirit may take the place of father

The need to help is accompanied in Lac cases by a strong aversion to injustice. Thus many Lac individuals become advocates,. particularly for women and children. I have been struck by the fact that it is only my Lac clients that use the word ‘advocate’ in consultations.

They identify strongly with the role. The Lac person’s work with community, and her strong sense of injustice, usually reflect a left-wing political bias. However Lac is generally more interested in community and in spirituality than in politics

Rebel with a Cause

One of Lac’s primary defences is to rebel. The newborn’s move away from his mother, when he has not been taken in, is the first ‘No,’ and it is followed by many more. Mother is not only the original source of nourishment. She is also the first authority. The child’s withdrawal is not only a protection, but also the beginning of a kind of rebellion. Later on, he will feel the need to rebel against authority, particularly when that authority is seen as uncaring. This combination of rebellion and sensitivity to injustice often results in the Lac person become an. activist. The intensity of the Lac activist’s ommitment to the cause is directly proportional to his own sense of indignation at being abandoned.


Another remedy that often has activist tendencies is Ammonium.

Both types are prone to suffer great indignation at injustice, and both types tend to be community-minded. Let us look briefly at the differences between Lacs and Ammonium salts.

1. the Lac issues of abandonment and feeling unsupported are not prominent in Ammonium cases.

2. Ammoniums do not try to please like Lacs do. And finally, the ambivalence seen in many Lac cases, born of a deep psychic split, is not seen in Ammonium cases

3. Ammoniums tend to have clearer boundaries than Lacs, both in terms of knowing when to say ‘No,’ and in terms of psychic empathy.



Another remedy that is known for its activist inclinations. Here the similarity with Lac is less.

1.     With Causticum, advocacy is not personal. In other words, he is not fighting for victims because he felt a victim himself.

2.     Causticum tends to be. detached most of the time, without being split in a pathological sense. Lac, on the other hand, is very emotional, but may become detached

as a result of a pathological split

Push and Pull

One area where. ambivalence is seen very often in Lac cases is in romantic. relationships. Only the relationship with the mother is more fraught with danger and filled with more opportunities for healing

Lacs approach romantic relationships from one of two directions. Either they are extremely wary, and slow to warm to the other person, or they jump in heedlessly. This-all-or-nothing approach is. expressed at many points in the relationship, because Lac people are pulled so strongly towards and away from intimacy. When they finally fall, they fall hard, and then they can switch from aloofness to being clingy and dependent. It is common for a Lac person to state that they have been clingy in some relationships, and aloof in others. The middle ground of open adult relating is not so easy to maintain, since the early dynamics of reaching out for, or pulling away from mother, are so strong

The Lac individual often finds herself caring for her partner. She may have chosen a partner who needs help, such as an alcoholic, in which case she will give and give until she feels resentful that she is getting little back.

Or she may adopt the role of parent to a man who is emotionally immature.

By looking after him, she wins his love, but fails to achieve true intimacy.

After taking the indicated Lac remedy, many individuals begin to see their co-dependency more clearly, and move toward healthier relating


There are many similarities between Lac remedies and Natriums and Ignatia

However, one important difference is the strength of personal boundaries. These are strong in the case of Natrium and Ignatia, weak in Lac cases. Again we can postulate

the origins of these weak boundaries as arising from the early experience of failure to bond adequately to the mother. A newborn child has no sense of boundaries.

Through bonding to the mother, it gradually learns that it is not its mother; that she is a separate entity. In the process, the child learns that it has boundaries, which separate

it from the world, and from other people. When bonding to the mother is weak, these lessons are not learned so distinctly. The child continues to try to merge with the mother, and hence differentiation is not completed. This results in indistinct personal boundaries in Lac individuals (as it does in Boron individuals, who seem to go through similar dynamics at birth).

Weakness of personal boundaries expresses itself in several ways in Lac cases.

1. Lac people are extremely empathetic. They actually feel the feelings of other people, through a kind of psychic osmosis. In this sense they resemble. Phosphorus and Carcinosinum. Like the latter,many

Lac people become healers and therapists, and they struggle to keep their feelings separate from their clients

2. Lac people are. co-dependent, which means they cannot separate their own responsibilities from those of others. As a result they tend to take on too many responsibilities. And when they fail to fulfil a responsibility that was not theirs in the first place, they feel guilty. (Bert Hellinger has shown convincingly that personal guilt arises. when we feel that we have threatened our place in the family or community.

Since Lac people never feel secure in their family of origin, it follows that they will easily feel guilty. When you know deep down that you belong, you do not fear that by making a mistake you will be expelled. It is this fear that Hellinger has shown to be behind most personal guilt)

A lot of similarity between Carcinosinum and Lac cases.

In particular Carcinosinum can appear very close to Lac felinum. We shall examine the differences later in the chapter on Lac felinum

Principal issue for Carcinosinum: search for Self

For Lac the search for connection to Other


[Farokh Master]

Meiste Milch-Mitteln Folgen von Enttäuschung + von TRENNUNG (enttäuschte Liebe, Misshandlung, Unterdrückung, Tod usw); oft frühes Abstillen oder nicht gestillt

gibt Mangel an oraler Stimulation, Mangel an Befriedigung, Mangel an Urvertrauen und Optimismus

[A. Richter]

Milchmitteln ist primäre Versorgung gegeben, aber mit emotionaler Einschränkung (Füttern nach strengen Zeitregeln, Stillen ohne emotionale Zuwendung, Stillen ja aber zu wenig Hautkontakt; Mutter vorhanden aber kein Vater usw); Loslösung in Eigenständigkeit unter liebevoller beschützender Begleitung der Eltern hat nicht geklappt (Lösungsbegleitung eher väterliche Aufgabe);

Lacs fühlen sich an der Brust zurückgewiesen, Thuja schon in Utero;


Ailments from abuse in early childhood (during the nursing period); nicht gewünschtes Kind; früh von Mutter verlassen

Krankheits-Auslöser: alle Lebensabschnitte, die Reifung und Ablösung bedeuten (Trotzphase, Kindergarten-/Schulbeginn, Pubertät, Trennung von Mutter + Familie)



Wie + durch welches Verhalten bin ich in die GRUPPE EINGEBUNDEN; Konflikt von BINDUNG (Abhängigkeit) zur Mutter (Gruppe) und LÖSUNG (Autonomiestreben); es ergeben sich Integrations- störungen (Fremdes kann nicht selbstständig verarbeitet und in eigenes Leben eingebaut werden); gestörtes Selbstbewusstsein, kein reifes Körperbild –Gefühl (kennt eigene Körpergrenzen nicht, wo fang ich an, wo hör ich auf, wie weit darf ich gehen)

Farbvorlieben: warm colors, 8-10D (deep red), 4-5C (orange), also 11C-E (magenta and purple)

Miasmen und Stadien: unterschiedlich je nach Säugetierart


PATHOLOGIEN: Allergien, Infektanfälligkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Diabetes mellitus, Verstopfung, Ess- und Assimilationsstörungen, Sucht

Immunstörungen: alle Milchmittel haben Allergien (Heuschnupfen, Neurodermitis, Asthma); häufig viele Kinderkrankheiten mit heftigem Verlauf, Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber (v a. Lac ovis); Lymphknotenerkrankungen bis Blutkrebs; oft rezidivierende Infektionskrankheiten

Hormon abhängige Beschwerden: PMS, gynecomastia, < Schwangerschaft + < Stillen, < nach Menses



generell wird hohe Erregung (große Anspannung) bei wenig emotionalem Ausdruck oft über körperlichen Ausdruck (psychosomatisch) abreagiert (Allergie, Erbrechen, Verstopfung, Bulimie Unter- oder Übergewicht)

Mind: oft Außenseiter in der Gruppe (leiden darunter); starke Bindung an Familie, Mutte, Gruppe, teils mit Autonomiestreben (Lac-f ), teils mit Wunsch zur Mutter zurück; sucht Körper zu spüren über Anorexie, Selbstbeschädigung usw; haben oft Teilleistungsschwächen (Sprachstörung, Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie,…) oder Impulsstörungen (ADHS, Drogenprobleme); Dependency; they demand care

(DD.: muriaticums, Carbon-Series); unsatisfied desires of being cared for; orale Ersatz-Befriedigungen als pacifier (Daumen- Bettzipfel-Lutschen, Zigarette?)

Kontaktverhalten: anspruchsvolle (narzistische) Kinder, die viel Zuwendung (vor allem Mutter) wollen (schreien wenn nicht bekommt was will, später viele Fragen, evtl. Ungezogen um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen); wollen oder verweigern direkten Kontakt (Hände, Haut); müssen alles berühren (narzistisches Verhaltensstörung)

Schwindel: viele Lac haben Schwindel und Angst vor dem Fallen;

Sexualität: oft starke Sexualität, die wie alles „animalische“ und emotionale versucht wird zu unterdrücken, wenn misslingt bis lasziv + zügellos ausschweifend (Lac-c /Lac-cap/Lac-del/Lac-fel/Lac-hum/Lac-leo)

Kopfschmerzen: viele Milchmittel haben starke Kopfschmerzen mit Übelkeit/Erbrechen/einige mit Sehstörungen (Lac-f/Lac-d/DD Nat-m)

Ängste (Sankarans zentrale Wahnidee): TRENNUNGSANGST/Gefühl der Bedürftigkeit und Verletzlichkeit des abhängigen oder verwundeten Kleinkindes; Milch bietet Nahrung/Schutz + Wärme (bonding + holding durch Mutter); durch Milch kann Säugling in die Unabhängigkeit wachsen; Angst vor dem Fallen/vor dem Abstürzen auch moralisch oder gesellschaftlich (Verlegenheit) wie diesen Grundängsten begegnet wird/und durch was diese hauptsächlich ausgelöst werden unterscheidet die einzelnen MILCHARTEN

Dualitäten: Arzneimittelbilder der Lacs zeigen all die Dualitäten/die in Stillperiode erfüllt werden oder schief laufen können; Seitenwechsel; wachsen – schlechtes gedeihen; zufrieden – unzufrieden; Bindung – Trennung;

erfüllter Berührungskontakt – empfindlich/lässt sich nicht berühren; holding – im Stich gelassen werden (Fallen); elementares Vertrauen (Selbstachtung) – mangelndes Selbstvertrauen (Selbstverachtung); Mamma warm weich rund – kalt/hart/scharf; alternating symptoms; being torn between two sides

Schlaf: abends aktiv/oft Schlafstörungen; nachts extrem schlaflos unter tags müde (Lac-d /Lac-fel /Lac-del /Lac-capr

GIT: als Ausdruck der schwierigen Aufnahme äußerer Einflüsse (Integrationsstörung) digestive Störungen mit Essstörungen (Anorexie/Bulimie/Essensverweigerung als Protest; Heißhunger oder Appetitverlust)/Erbrechen (Protest/vor allem bei emotionalen Ereignissen)

Verlangt/abgeneigt: Schokolade/Süßigkeiten; Abneigung +/o. Unverträglichkeit selten Verlangen von Milch

Stuhlgang: Durchfall oder Verstopfung; Einnässen/Einkoten als Aggression oder Regression

Mamma: Lactationsstörungen; Milchabsonderung außerhalb Stillzeit (Lac-d /Lac-v-f ); Knoten in Brust/Schwellung/Schmerz vor Menses; Schmerz bei Berührung/Erschütterung (v a. Lac_c); problems in breastfeeding/breastfeeding was avoided or impossible/mastitis/child wants to be breastfed and rejects all other food; mastitis

Atemwege: Probleme der Atemwege/Sinusitis/häufige Erkältungen/Heuschnupfen/Asthma

MODALITÄTEN: Einseitige Beschwerden/Seitenwechsel oder zumindest wechselnde Orte (Integrationsstörung); oft starke Frostigkeit (Lac can/cap/fel/delph/defloratum)/Lac cap auch heiß; < Schwangersschaft + < Stillen/< vor/nach Menses



die oben erwähnten Gemeinsamkeit wurden von Dr. Richter selbst an folgenden Milchen verifiziert Lac caninum/caprinum/defloratum/delphinium/equis/humanum/leoninum (nur 1 Fall)/maternum/ovis; suis/vaccinium vacinum flos


Lac-a.: Essenz: „hilfreich und bescheiden doch leider etwas beschränkt und stur“; hilflos und unbeholfen fühlt er sich von anderen ausgenutzt/verlacht/unfair und grob behandelt; einzelne Wutausbrüche und der „Versuch das Selbstvertrauen durch störrische Sturheit zu stärken“ wirken eher wie missglückte Rache des passiven Märtyrertums

Leitsymptome aus einer Prüfung (49 Ärzte C30): gelassene/heiter/wie beschwipste Stimmung; Wutanfall unter Druck; somatisch Schwindel unspezifisch/plötzlich auftretende Kopfschmerzen; bei etlichen Prüfern unspezifische Magensymptome

Miasma + Stadium: zweifelhaft 7 o. 8 nach Scholten

Lac-c.: Essenz: fühlt sich selbst unwert (geschlagener Hund) bis zur Selbstverachtung und Selbstekel und versucht über Leistung ohne Klagen die Anerkennung der Gruppe

zu erlangen; viele Selbstvorwürfe; Gefühl von niemandem in Familie/Gruppe gebraucht zu werden mit großer Angst zu versagen/und mit sich selbst im Widerspruch (unentschlossen/unternimmt Dinge gegen seine Absichten)

Sankaran: Hauptthema: Herrschaft des Größeren über den Kleineren (Lac-lup); fühlt sich unterlegen/verachtet/schmutzig/bis zum Abscheu gegen sich selbst (Ambra: schlimmer); strengt sich sehr an geliebt und akzeptiert zu werden

Miasma + Stadium: 3 ? nach Scholten

Lac-ca.: Essenz: Abhängig von Gruppe/aber eingebunden mit dem Konflikt den eigenen Weg gehen zu wollen/die eigene Position absichern zu wollen/verträgt keine Beeinträchtigung/Störung oder Dominanz von anderen; streitsüchtig/ohne Konflikte dann lösen zu können (bis antisozial); EINGEBUNDEN durch AUFBEGEHREN/Loyalitätskonflikt wegen Kampf um soziale Position / Hierarchie; der Streit als Bindglied zur Gruppe;

AUTORITÄTS-KONFLIKT/ist sehr ehrgeizig um hohe Stellung zu erreichen/die Sicherheit vor den Angriffen aus der Gesellschaft bieten soll/um sich sicher zu fühlen/nicht so sehr um anzugeben.

DD.: Lac-cp. geht ran/nimmt aggressiven Kontakt in direkter Weise auf; Lac-fel. eher Kontaktscheu/die Rivalität wird nicht so direkt ausgelebt

Miasma Stadien: Stad. 12 nach Scholten; Krebs-Miasma?

Lac-del.: ESSENZ: Kooperation mit der Gruppe und Verlangen nach der Gruppe (nach Gesellschaft) als Schutz gegen umgebende Feinde (fühlt sich ohne Gruppe unsicher + schwach); oft geringes Selbstbewusstsein evtl.

mit Gefühl Versager zu sein/aber in liebevoller (oft selbstgenügsamer) Familie

Luis Klein: Verschweigen + Kooperation aus Loyalität zur Familie / Gruppe (DD Scrophulariaceae); teils schwierige Kindheit mit Gewalt/Alkoholeltern usw. mit Wunsch die Schande zu verbergen; starkes Bedürfnis anderen

zu Helfen/schon in frühem Alter Beschützer der Familie

Scholten: Stadium Miasma: 7

Lac-e.: ESSENZ: Will fleißig seine Pflicht erfüllen gemäß den Erwartungen der Gruppe (Schuldgefühle/wenn dies nicht gelingt); sehr mannschaftsdienlich EINGEBUNDEN in GRUPPE durch LOYALITÄT (Lac-del)/traut sich in der Gruppe (nicht aber alleine); freut sich über die Erfolge der Gruppe; Grundeinstellung aber/dass Leben traurig ist (vor allem wenn mit Gruppe falsch läuft); vernachlässigt eigene Bedürfnisse/um den Gruppenmitgliedern allen Raum zu geben; Konflikt zwischen dem Wunsch nach Freiheit/Selbstständigkeit/dem selbstbestimmten Leben (will sich nicht bevormunden lassen) und dem Schutz der Gruppe (Familie/Gesellschaft)/zu der man gehören will/und für die man nützlich sein will; Probleme wenn die für die Gruppe geleistete / geforderte Arbeit nicht in eigene Lebensziele passt/oder wenn trotz geleisteter Arbeit die Anerkennung ausbleibt; dann voller Frustrationen/große Bedrückung/Minderwertigkeitsgefühle/Jammern/leben als Last und der Wunsch zu entfliehen

Rivalität: meine Gruppe soll die beste sein

Scholten: Stadium: 6

Lac-f.: ESSENZ: Sich für ein bequemes Leben verkaufen/dann Minderwertigkeitsgefühl/Gefühl ausgelacht/gedemütigt zu werden und Hass gegen andere. Gefühl von Vernachlässigung + Missbrauch mit Durchbrechen der Normen um sich abzugrenzen (Eigenbrödler/Rebellion) und Wunsch unabhängig zu erscheinen mit katastrophal schlechten Selbstvertrauen/ohne die Kraft die Gruppe zu verlassen. Starke Ambivalenz von Abhängigkeit (Kind bleiben wollen) und Drang sich weiter zu entwickeln/sich abzugrenzen/sich von der Bindung zu emanzipieren/führt zu Kampf in der Familie mit Aggressionen gegen andere; will selbstständig sein/selbst bestimmen was läuft/

aber Mutter muß da sein (auch Schuldgefühl-Bindung zur Mutter); setzt wegen Unabhängigkeit Beziehung aus Spiel (auch spätere Beziehungen) sehr ehrgeizig; macht sich selbst Leistungsdruck/verträgt aber keinen zusätzlichen Druck von außen/was dann zur Dekompensation führt mit extremer Verweigerungshaltung;

Lac-fel.: Mutter macht großen Druck auf ihre Kinder mit Konkurrenz zu anderen Familien und verliert dabei Zärtlichkeit

Scholten: Miasma - Stadium: 5

Lac-h /Lac-m.: ESSENZ: Problem ist „self-identity in relation to the group“; Gefühl von Isolation und Verlassenheit ist er mit Familie/Freunden und Gesellschaft nicht mehr zufrieden; kindlich/abhängig von Mutter/Familie/engste Gruppe; will nicht erwachsen werden/schaut jünger aus; gestörte Balance zwischen Eigeninteressen und Interessen

der Sozialgemeinschaft; „either me or the others” the problematics of adolescence are particularly represented in Lac humanum

Scholten: Miasma - Stadium: 2 oder 17?

Lac-leon.: ESSENZ: mit starkem egoistisch diktatorischem Ehrgefühl verteidigt er sehr konkurrenzbetont und aggressiv sein Revier mit heftigen Wutanfällen; will kämpfen/Beschwerden durch verletzte Ehre/aber auch Hellsichtig

allgemeine Lac-Themem aber stolzer/heftiger/sebstbewußter; Wutanfälle; verträgt keine Autoritäten und Bevormundung (Lac fel)

Scholten: Miasma - Stadium: 10

Lac-lox.: ESSENZ: Zentrale Themen sind Leiden durch Heimatlosigkeit/Brutalität und Gewalt; aber auch Gelassenheit + Gemütsruhe bei Konflikt und Gefahr

Scholten: Stadien: 1

Lac-lup.: ESSENZ: Zentrales Thema ist eingebunden (oder nicht) in hierarchisch organisierte Familie (Gruppe) und liebevolle Freundschaft mit angespannter Sorge und Gefahrenabwehr für diese; trotzdem teils unsichere Entscheidungsschwäche um Sicherheit der Familie; immer vorbereitet und nachsinnend über mögliche drohende Gefahren; auch Gefühl von Distanz zu Familie / Gruppe (evtl. Abneigung gegen Gesellschaft/fühlt sich als Außenseiter)

Scholten: Miasma - Stadium: 11

Lac-m.: ESSENZ: Ähnlich Lac humanum; sehr von Mutter abhängig (Symbiose mit Eltern/Partner/Kinder) ohne eigene Persönlichkeit zu entwickeln/zusätzlich nicht in

dieser Welt verwurzelt (noch fehlende Inkarnation)/weltfremder als Lac humanum; lebt noch in der vorgeburtlichen Traumwelt/erwartet die Lösung der Probleme von

außen ohne eigene Aktivität; sehr starke Beeinflußbarkeit durch andere Menschen/Anforderungen und Stimmungen; hat zu wenig eigene Vorstellungen über seine Bedürfnisse/seinen Körper

Lac-or.: ESSENZ: wenig Informationen; bisher lieb + schüchtern

Leitsymptome: Affinität zu Kaninchen / Hasen oder entsprechende Allergien; 1 Fall Auslöser Tod eines Familienmitglieds; sonst wie andere Lac

Lac-ov : ESSENZ: Eingebunden in die Gruppe durch SELBSAUFGABE; man bleibt im System durch Aufgabe des eigenen Willens; übergehorsam/machen sich unauffällig/lassen sich ausnutzen sogar erpressen/aber entwickeln psychosomatische Krankheiten; werden so sehr leicht Opfer (Lac vacinium flos wehrt sich aber irgendwann); sind liebevoll/kontaktfreudig/warmherzig verschmust/aber werden störrisch + verschlossen wenn zu Entscheidungen gedrängt

Leitsymptome: Empfindlich gegen Wolle; wird bei Ärger oder Problemen mit der Gruppe häufig + schnell krank (Fieber)/geschwollene Lymphknoten (Morbus Pfeifer)

Scholten: Miasma - Stadium: 2

Lac-pv : ESSENZ: fühlt ich oder wird geschlagen/drangsaliert und würde gerne zurückschlagen traut sich aber nicht; Klassenunterschiede (fühlt sich nicht akzeptiert)

Leitsymptome: Themen um „underdog“; Themen um Meer und Wasser; Zerschlagenheits-Gefühl

Lac-suis.: ESSENZ: hilfloses Lebensgefühl/wenn verlassen von Gruppe; aus der Gruppe total ausgestoßen oder benimmt sich total asozial gegen Bezugsgruppe; in die GRUPPE EINGEBUNDEN um zu ÜBERLEBEN;

wenn alles gut ist in der Gruppe/nehmen sie sich selbst zurück/sind sehr sozial/sind aber mehr passiv; wenn verlassen von der Gruppe sehr hilflos (Konzentrationsverlust/

Worte-Vergessen/schreibend)/geht in schwere gehemmte Depression (alle Lac vac) (Lac equinum geht auch in Depression noch auf andere zu)

in Prüfungen: “mißbraucht/ausgestoßen/sitzengelassen”; cruelty/violence and brutality

Scholten: Miasma - Stadien: syphilitisches Miasma/Stadium 17 (ausgestoßen + alles ist zu Ende)

Lac-vaccinum Arten:

Lac vaccinium: Lac-v/aus Kuhmilch vor Entrahmung

Lac defloratum = Lac vaccinium defloratum: Lac-d/aus abgerahmter Kuhmilch (normale käufliche Kuhmilch)/ist das am häufigsten beschriebene Kuhmilchpräparat

Lactis vaccini flos = Lac vaccinum flos: Lac-c-f/Sahne (Rahm) von der Kuhmilch; milk cream; reagiert psychosomatisch mit Stauungen später Ausfluß

Lac vaccinum coagulatum: Lac-v-c /geronnene Kuhmilch/Milkcurds; bessert Schwangerschaftserbrechen

Lac vaccinum butyraceum: Lac-v-b/Butter

ESSENZ: Lac vaccinum allgemein: Wie alle Lacs Abhängigkeit und Kind bleiben wollen/alle Verbindung zu Familie/Gruppe/Mutter/haben tiefes Gefühl der eigenen Wertlosigkeit (Lac-c) auch in der eigenen Familie; alle halten viel aus/lassen sich viel gefallen/verlieren aber ihre Würde nicht/da sie es nicht so tief nach innen lassen

(Lac-ovis lässt sich erniedrigen); arbeiten aufopfernde für die Gruppe/ohne Rücksicht auf eigene Bedürfnisse; kümmern sich mit Wärme um andere/wollen dienen und

machen auch ohne Lob weiter

Sankaran (Lac-v-d : Bedürfnis zur Gemeinschaft zu gehören mit Angst zurückgewiesen zu werden; Gefühl aufgegeben worden zu sein/Gefühl starker Ungerechtigkeit

(Lac-fel. ist trotzig aggressiv); milde sanfte Patient/die versuchen anziehend zu sein/versuchen über viel Leistung und ohne Rebellion gegen Ungerechtigkeiten Akzeptanz

in der Gruppe o. beim Partner zu erlangen Lac vaccinum + Lac defloratum: bei zu großen Anforderungen (im Stress) typisch Funktionshemmung + Stauungssymptome (schlaff/depressiv/benommene Sinnesorgane/Blähung + Verstopfung); bei Lac defloratum zusätzlich Rückzug in Verwirrung Konfusion/Ohnmacht

Lac vaccinium flos: lassen sich ausnutzen auch ärgern/wehrt sich nicht/haut eher ab und hält es besser durch als Lac-d. und vor allem Lac-ovis/aber bekommt in Dekompensationsphase keine Depression (Lac-v /Lac-d /Lac-ovis)/sondern baut Spannung psychosomatisch ab über Ausscheidungen (protrahierte Regel/Milchfluss/ Durchfälle/Leukorrhoe)/vorher STAUNGSSYMPTOME (geschwollene Brüste/Halsweh/Völle im Bauch); Beschwerden dauern lange an (Menses lange/Halsweh lang/Panaritium chronisch u s w)


Lac-v-d: Allen. psor. syph

Patel/Risch: syph.

Subramanian: tub ; syph.

Scholten: Lac-v-d. + Lac-v. Stadium 15


This story based on a story told in Sir Laurens van der Post’s book "The Heart of the Hunter"

Once upon a time. . on the edge of the dry Kalahari desert/there farmed a bushman. He had crops and a few cows and/though he was relatively content/he did so wish that he would one day have a wife to share his life.

One morning when he went out to milk his cows/he saw that they had already been milked. He couldn’t imagine who had done this. The next morning when he came out he found again that the cows had already been milked

The next night he decided to hide near the cattle kraal and discover exactly what was happening. As midnight came he saw a remarkable sight. Climbing down from the sky on a ladder that extended between the stars and the earth was a multitude of Star Maidens. They each carried a bucket and as they touched down onto his land/they began to milk the cows. This went on all night long and as the dawn approached they began their trip back to the stars/ascending the ladder one by one. Just as the last Star Maiden approached the ladder/the farmer ran out from his hiding place and grabbed her and told her that she would become his wife. The Star Maiden was very open to the idea of marrying the farmer. When they returned to the farmhouse/she told him: “I shall be very happy to marry you and I promise you that your farm will prosper. I have only one condition that I must set. I have here a basket. You must promise me never to open this basket. If you do open it/then I promise you that I will leave ” The farmer promised that he would do as she wished. The Star Maiden put her basket down in a corner of the room and so their life together began

As his new wife promised/the farmer’s farm and crops prospered and he became one of the most successful farmers in the whole area. His wife went out into the fields to work every day and everything that she touched seemed blessed by the gods. He was a very happy man and/as the years passed/he became happier yet with his good fortune for he loved and appreciated the Star Maiden

One afternoon when his wife was out in the fields and he was at home looking for something/he found the basket she had put away many years before. Though he what his wife said/he didn’t take it seriously so he picked up the basket/put it on the table/and opened it up. To his surprise he found it was empty. He found this very amusing and had a good laugh over the fact that it was empty. He remembered well the seriousness with which she had warned him about not opening her treasure

A short time later the Star Maiden returned from the field. As she entered the room she knew immediately what had happened. She spoke to her husband with the following words: “A long time ago I warned you never to open up this basket because it was very special to me. I told you also that I would have to leave if you did open it. Well/you violated your oath and this evening I am going to be leaving you. I want you to understand the reason for this. I am not leaving you because you opened up this basket without my permission. That would have been all right after all these years. I am leaving you because when you opened the basket you found nothing in it. That is why I can no longer be with you ”

And so it was that as night came the Star Maiden/with great sadness/climbed the ladder back to her home in the sky/not because he had broken his vow/but because he had looked into her most precious possession and could see nothing there


[Patricia Heatherly]

The Lacs - Milk Matters

Any discussion on "Milk" must acknowledge its role in providing inner nourishment on a physical and psychological level. As a symbol of immortality/it may be found in different cultures and literary traditions incl. those of the Celts/Christians/Greeks/Hindus and followers of Islam. The Israelites searched for the Land of Milk and Honey while Mohammed is reputed to have said: "To dream of milk

is to dream of learning and knowledge "

Actually/to dream of milk is understood/in dream symbology/to be a very positive message from one's unconscious. And while it may suggest a need for deep and fundamental nourish-ment/it infers that

it is available.

In particular/a dream of breastfeeding may be about nourishing the needy inner child or it may be about offering spiritual inspiration to others

On the other hand/to dream of asking for or drinking milk/suggests a need for spiritual sustenance. In this regard/I find it intriguing that Sankaran's proving elicited the rubric:

[Dream: mother asking for milk] as it implies that the traditional giver of nourishment is physically and psychologically bereft. It's what I call the Curse of Eve. . .  the Catch-22 situation that perpetuates

in "developed" cultures as women struggle to balance what they give to their offspring against what they give to themselves

Mammals are primed to nourish their offspring ex-utero with a substance that is designed in a species-specific way to complete the cycle of growth and development that was initially

governed by the placenta. (A close look at the provings of Placenta and Lac Maternum suggests that they are similar remedies in many respects and that is not surprising as the nourishment afforded by

the placenta is via maternal red blood cells and that of colostrum is via maternal white blood cells )


However/interesting as that may be/it is the business of Milk that is under discussion/and the role that female mammals play in providing for the next generation. Perusal of the chart shows us at a glance that each mammal's milk is unique unto itself within the broader confines of being a substance that contains water; amino acids (protein); carbohydrate (lactose); fat and minerals (ash)

This situation of species-specificity is Nature's way of ensuring that each mammal is initially nourished with a substance that uniquely gives it an optimum start in Life. For instance seal's milk is very high

in protein and fat. This is to ensure that the calf grows quickly and is able to put down fat to protect it against its hostile environment as well as to be able to sustain itself for days at a time while the mother goes off to feed herself. Kangaroo milk is low in solids and has a very high water content which is consistent with the harsh dry conditions of its habitat

Human milk/on the other hand is low in protein (we grow slowly) and high in lactose as lactose is a prime promoter of brain growth

Humans are primates and there is good correspondence between the profiles of the human/baboon/monkey and orang-utan milks. Generally primates lactate for six times the gestation rate. In primitive cultures females feed their infants for many years and will even kill a newborn if they accidentally reproduce again while they are still lactating. Harsh as this may seem/it is a definitive statement regarding the crucial role that human milk plays in sustaining an infant

When there is no way a mother can reach for a tin of formula/her options are limited

In fact/UNESCO tells us that over a million babies die each year due to lack of breastmilk. In situations where mothers think that they are choosing the sophisticated or "scientific" option,

the realities of lack of clean water; poor sanitation and insufficient funds to buy formula and pay for heating soon hit home and babies die of mal nutrition or infection

This is a shame as the milk of a mother in a personally-deprived situation differs but little from that of her more well-fed sister. Milk is a universal substance with much consistency with respect to all constituents across all races and geographical areas; and while diet may affect levels of fat and some vitamins and minerals/it does not affect the whey component (which is 60% of the protein in mature human milk [90% of colostrum]). This contains a wealth of components which are never found on the side of a tin of formula

Apart from the full complement of vitamins/minerals (and this includes trace elements) and fatty acids (of which the short chain ones promote gut closure and therefore help protect against allergies and Giardia and the long chain ones optimise CNS development) human milk is unique in that it also contains:

* a range of antioxidants

* two specialist proteins (al-antipripsin and a2-macroglobulin protein) which offer protection against Influenza; Parainfluenza and Rotavirus

* its very own Bifidus factor which enhances proliferation of lactobacilli thereby inhibiting some E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae including shigella and salmonella

* bile salt-stimulated lipase which generates fatty acids and monoglycerides that inactivate Giardia Lamblia/Entamoeba histolytica & Trichomonas vaginalis

* complement; which protects against E. coli

* a range of cytokines which initiate and stimulate host defence; prevent auto-immunity; have anti-inflammatory effects on the upper respiratory and GIT and stimulate development of

the digestive system

* 20 different enzymes which perform various functions including bio-synthesis and preservation of milk components in the mammary gland. They also have a transport and anti-infective role thereby promoting digestive function in the neonate

* epidermal growth factor which promotes increased growth and maturation of the foetal pulmonary epithelium; stimulates ornithine decarboxylase activity and DNA synthesis in the digestive tract and accelerates the healing of wounds (and this includes repair of abraded nipples)

* gangliosides which are thought to help protect the neonate from toxin-induced diarrhoea especially E coli and V. cholerae

* immunoglobulins of which more than 30 have been Identified. Eighteen are from maternal serum/the rest are found exclusively in the milk and slgA (found in levels 5 times that of maternal serum) is the most important of these. Immunoglobulins protect mucosa and have bacterial and viral neutralising capacity. SlgA is known to protect against:

Enteroviruses [Poliovirus types 1/2/3; Coxsackievirus types A9/B3/B5; Echovirus types 6 & 9J; Herpes virus [Cytomegalovirus; Herpes simplex]; Semliki forest virus; Respiratory syncytial virus; Rubella; Reovirus type 3 and Rotavirus. IgM and IgG protect against Respiratory syncytial virus and Rubella

* a range of hormones that perform a variety of functions

* interferon which also has antiviral activity

* interleukins which are a sub-group of cytokines which augment the newborn's immune system by increasing antibody production (especially IgA); enhancing phagocytosis; activating T cells and increasing al-antitrypsin production by mononuclear phagocytes

* lactoferrin which binds iron and therefore inhibits host-pathogen interactions

* lactoperoxidase which destroys streptococci and enteric bacteria


• lymphocytes of which human milk contains both the T (thymus) and B (bursa) types

These lymphocytes transfer long-lasting maternal antibodies to the infant; and synthesise slgA antibodies in the breast

lysozyme which lyses bacteria through destruction of the cell wall. It is found in large quantities in the stool of breastfed babies and is thought/therefore/to affect gut flora

• macrophages which synthesise complement/lactoferrin and lysozyme and perform a variety of other functions including phagocytosis of fungi and bacteria

• nucleotides which constitute 15-20% of the non-protein nitrogen in human milk. They are thought to influence the immune system; iron absorption; intestinal flora; plasma lipoproteins and growth of intestinal and hepatic cells

• oligosaccharides of which more than 80 have been identified. They inhibit the binding of enteropathogens to their host receptors


Furthermore/when assessing the role that human milk plays in optimising physical maturation/consideration needs also to be given to the range of known disadvantages that beset the infant raised on a breastmilk substitute. Not only does he miss out on all the unique benefits listed above; his gut flora is different from that of his breastfed friend/and he may have to deal with:

• too much aluminium

• too much manganese

• too much lead

• too much cadmium

• too much iron

• transgenic soy and yeast

• traces of algae and fungi used to manufacture the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids found in tins of a "gold" standard and selected by well-meaning mothers who want what's best for their infants

• hexane used to produce the above

Enterobacter Sakazakii (found in up to 14% of tins of formula and the reason why maternity wards stock only ready-made formulas); tins are banned from hospitals because of this bacteria

Added to this is the fact that the lipids in formula are included according to availability and price. Perusal of a range of tins of formula will identify a variety of sources including:

coconut; corn; "marine oils" [i e. genetically engineered from algae]; palm olein; soy lecithin and vegetable (probably safflower)

Interestingly/research published in 2003' suggests that healthy term infants fed a formula containing palm oil as the predominant oil in the fat blend had significant lower bone mineral content and bone mineral density than those fed formula without palm oil (specifically: safflower; coconut and soy). Therefore/the inclusion of palm oil in infant formula at levels needed to provide a fatty acid profile similar to that of human milk/may lead to lower bone mineralisation as it has been shown to lower calcium and fat absorption

However it is their role in potentiating central nervous system development that best defines the lipids in milk; and it's a well-established fact that breastfeeding increases intelligence (look at all the "memory deficient" rubrics in the Lacs)

Although this comes about largely due to the high amounts of lactose in human milk/it is also due to the long-chain PUFAs which abound in human milk when mothers simply include plenty of seafoods

in their diet. (Koo W W K et al: Reduced Bone Mineralisation in Infants Fed Palm Olein-Containing Formula: A Randomised. Double-blinded/Prospective Trial Pediatrics 2003; 111(5): 1017-1023

Humans are the only mammals on the planet who habitually drink the milk of another species

It is understood in veterinary circles that feeding non-species-specific milk to an animal causes apnoeic episodes. This is what happens to the Calc- p. infant when he "refuses mother's milk". He's simply not able to breathe easily at the breast because of aggravation from bovine fragments in his mother's milk. No amount of Calc-p. will remedy this unless the maintaining cause (dairy in the maternal diet) is removed

The irony in this situation is that infants are often weaned in such instances and then are at an increased risk in the long term of:

• Obesity (artificially fed infants consume 30 000 more calories than breastfed babies in the first eight months). The obesity issue is/however/complicated by the fact that research conducted in the 70s demonstrated that the DPT vaccination interferes with insulin metabolism

Crohn's disease

• Ulcerative colitis

Coeliac disease

• Cardiovascular disease

• Type 2 diabetes

In the short term there is an increased risk of SIDS as well as:

• NEC (Necrotising Entero-colitis) and late onset sepsis if you're a preterm infant

• Bacterial meningitis (in the NICU [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit] it's the Tubercular miasm infants who have bleeding into the brain when they're given "human milk fortifier" [i e. cow's milk formula])

• Botulism

• Diarrhoea

• Upper respiratory tract infections and otitis media

• Urinary tract infections

Added to that is an increased risk of type 1 diabetes (because the majority of breastmilk substitutes are based on cow's milk; the bovine Lacs have a long history in treating diabetes); allergies and asthma




While it is a self-evident truth that the milk of every species of mammal plays a pivotal role in the optimisation of physical development with respect to what advantages it affords her progeny/I have stressed the shortcomings that accrue when Man (specifically) is denied access to the milk of his species and has to make do with that of another. In that regard/when focusing on what a species-specific milk can do for the physical body of a human being/and what shortcomings may follow if it is denied/it is good to be reminded of Hahnemann's exhortation in § 9/that an individual's body needs to be

"a healthy instrument" of which "the spirit-like life force. . .  can freely avail itself. . .  for the higher purposes of our existence"

With that in mind/I would suggest Lac humanum is the most valuable medicine that we have at our disposal. It is the true Universal Remedy; a layer to be found in everyone's case. It is/therefore/no accident that it is the remedy in this compendium that holds the largest space

As a species we are habitually short-changed. And/although taking advantage of the milk of another species allows us to survive/we have simply swapped mortality for morbidity; and as for attaining self-actualisation. .  it's a journey which/by and large/gets stuck on the Stairway to Heaven/due to having to deal with survival issues


Milks are sarcodes and we should not lose sight of that fact and use Lac humanum more in the lower potencies. It does good work in righting some of the wrongs referred to in this discussion. That is why I offer to each mother in my care (as she weans) a potency from her milk succussed to 7C so that her baby can continue to have the advantages that her milk can offer while trying to cope with surviving in a less than optimal circumstance. It is but a small thing with huge implications as it allows mothers some freedom while ensuring that the baby is not totally compromised

Meanwhile we need to work towards the establishment of human milk banks so that mothers can make a real choice when they wean. To be able to reach for a tin of formula made from human milk would be a real bonus. Not only would mothers be able to benefit from the freedom that would offer/but babies would derive real benefit from a developmental perspective. This is apart from the real and tangible benefits that are afforded the economy when babies get breast milk for an extended period. I never tire of reminding anyone who will listen/that breastfeeding is a carbon-neutral activity and rewards are there to be had on a personal as well as global level when humans enjoy universal availability of the milk of their species for their "allotted" time of 41/2 years. This length of time seems

extraordinarily long. However when we consider that the developing brain is still undergoing much differentiation until the age of three years/and the gut is still very vulnerable until about the age of four years/then this makes perfect sense


The other aspect of this discussion must/however/concern itself with the psychological benefits that also occur when babies enjoy such an extended time with their mothers. Rubrics abound in Lac humanum concerning antipathy and guilt towards the mother

When one concedes that lack of time spent at the maternal breast is a primary aetiology for the state/then this notion of that time being important from a psychological perspective bears a closer look. Pathologies such as mastitis and breast abscesses are expressions of anger towards the mother which surface during lactation/as the new mother perceives that she is still in need of nurture herself.

The rubric [Dream: umbilical cord; she did not sever] is intriguing in that respect; as the tie to the mother seems to persist throughout Life due to a matter of unfinished business

From my experience as a clinician/this special bond is intricately intertwined with Hahnemann's miasmatic theory. He named but three miasms: Psora; Sycosis and Syphilis. Since then many have gone on to expound on and formulate additional perspectives on this. Such is the nature of discussion around any theory; any perspective is valid

Those steeped in the Christian tradition understand that there is something intrinsically sacred about the concept of a trinity. However/while this is not a universally-held truth due to the various religious and cultural beliefs upon which any individual's world-view is contingent/I think we would all agree that there's something very special regarding the triune of: mother/father/child; body/mind/spirit; that of superconscious/conscious/subconscious; thought/word/deed and the concept of time: past/present/future

These sublime relationships are beyond the everyday duality of gross relationships that governs our reality. We understand dyads succinctly represented by the concept of yin/yang [male/female; light/dark]. Everyday events such as hot/cold; up/down; in/out; right/left; fast/slow; big/small are simply understood as opposites. It is either one or the other. Dyads perpetuate a steady state; they keep systems in balance and there is no potential such as exists in a triune relationship

Seeking "the higher purpose of our existence" is all about fulfilling potential; and our potential [as understood with respect to the possibilities and limitations of our predominant miasmatic tie(s)] is what defines our journey as a human during the Planet Earth experience

Psora is our primary miasmatic tie; described by so me as our basic flaw. However/if one accepts the premise/so beautifully expressed by the songster/poet Leonard Cohen/that ". . . there's a crack in everything to let the light come in"/Psora then becomes our ally. All we have to do is to focus on the factors of curiosity and ebullience and eschew those of underfunction and lack

How do we ensure that the positive aspects of Psora hold sway? The answer lies in being born well and having an undisturbed relationship with the mother for the first four years of life

Perusal of makes this easier to grasp. Erik Erikson has elegantly defined Man's journey as being one of eight stages each governed by a positive or negative attribute

A normal/drug-free physiologic birth after which an infant is given the space to search for the nipple himself primes Psora. He immediately learns the Lesson. . .  If I struggle; I will survive. If he has access to his mother's breastmilk throughout the next four years he becomes an autonomous and trusting individual and this sets the pattern for Life


The potential then becomes one of a journey towards self-actualisation. It is a straightforward climb of what I have termed the Stairway to Heaven

This is beautifully expressed in Sankaran's proving of Lac humanum in a dream recorded by Prover 13 (the irony of the number is compelling!) and now recorded in the Repertory as the rubric:

[Dream: Gods consorting with; climbing stairs/after]

However/if all does not go well during these first few years (and this is complicated by the destructiveness of vaccination) then the individual is confined to the shadow of Sycosis with the real possibility of the syphilitic miasm taking hold in the end stages of the life causing a breakdown of the body and relegation to endure the Wheel of Karma and the journey begins again. This/in my opinion/is why the theme of "circles" is prevalent in the lacs and why the main sphere of action for Lac maternum is with the sense organs (particularly the nose) which are the most highly developed aspects of the baby at birth. A primary target for syphilis is for the bones around the nose. Syphilis governs death and re-birth;

Lac maternum issues of incarnation


The mythological associations of milk and immortality seem to be borne out in Sankaran's proving of Lac humanum and this discussion has/in its own way/come full circle. We are the shamans who orchestrate our own destiny. That we may have an affinity during our lifetime/with the essence of another mammalian Lac/is a real possibility as we explore the highways and byways of what the planet has to offer us by way of experience/during our journey. It is/as Herrick has expressed it/but a matter of expressing an animal mind through a human voice

However/as a clinician it is my contention that/having prescribed any of the other mammalian Lacs/the case should eventually shift to Lac humanum as the realisation dawns on the individual that he is primarily here for his experience and that he is not beholden to the group experience. I am/You are; it's all a matter of balance regarding what one gives to Self and to the Group; and in achieving that/both the individual and all of Mankind/derive benefit

A prescription of Lac humanum at any of Erikson's stages will/consistent with the dictates of the Law of Cure/bring the individual out from the shadow of Sycosis and onto the psoric treads of the Stairway. The journey then/has real potential



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