Lava Anhang


[Filip Degroote]

EXAMPLE of one rubric of the ‘DREAM REPERTORY’ :

Volcano                                                                                                        yttr-met.

            action, explanation about volcanic                                                    apis, lac-f.

            as if being a volcano   mountain glowing at top                                mag-f.

                       dune erupts     forming beautiful clouds                               aethi-a.

            avalanche of lava        can escape                                                      sulph.

            avalanche of lava and mud                                                               rumx.

                       must flee                                                                                crot-h.

                       sees it from afar                                                                     sulph.

            being inside a volcano           

filled with water and surrounded by plants and flowers           mag-s.

            crater   descending a crater by a little ladder to an enormous cellar   mate

                       falling into                                                                             mag-s. yttr-met.

                                   people                                                                        mag-s.

                       free, making    covered with branches                                   mag-s.

                       somebody is floating over a crater                                        sulph.

                       spring inside a crater                                                             mate

                       wooded by pines at the inside                                              mag-s.

            devils are cooking babies on a volcano and eating them                  ozone

            erupt, will                                                                                          mag-n. mag-s.

            erupting, so there is lava everywhere seeing a                                   mag-s. seq-g.

            erupting, starts                                                                                  mag-s.

                       so lava comes down toward their house; finally they flee      gun.

            Eruption, half of his group is killed by an                                        bell.

                       holding a sheet of glass above the head as protection            lim.

                       must escape                                                                           arg-n.

                       sees it from afar                                                                     sulph.

            eruption with fire       seeing an                                                        hecla. mag-s. sulph. tell.

                       seeing a mini volcano in eruption                                          mag-m.

            geyser-like      bubbling wells                                                           sulph.

            house near by a volcano, staying in a                                                gun.

            see: Lava                                                       



Es können Tumoren, Gewebeuntergang (Nekrose) und Entzündung von Knochen und Knochengewebe (Ostitis) vorhanden sein. Die Knochen möglicherweise brüchig.

Karies der Zähne und Entzündung des Zahnfleisches sind eine mögliche Heilanzeige für Hekla lava.

Knochenentzündung. Knochenabbau. Verschleißprozess. Folgen von Operationen.

Übung: Stelle dich mit beiden Füßen auf eine Treppenstufe – wenn möglich barfuß. Keine Treppe vorhanden? Dann lässt sich die Übung mit einem dicken Buch durchführen.

Richte den betroffenen Fuß so aus, dass nur die Zehen und der Fußballen die Stufe berühren.



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