

Vergleich: Siehe: Sam-co-mag. (= Samarium-Cobalt-Legierung) + M-ambo. (= beide Magnetische Polen) + M-aust. (= Südliche Magnetpol)  + M-arct. (= Nördliche Magnetpol)


A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. In the early days, the Greeks observed that

the naturally occurring 'lodestone' attracted iron pieces. From that day onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.

These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most common magnets - the bar magnet - a long, rectangular bar of

uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The compass needle is a tiny magnet which is free to

move horizontally on a pivot. One end of the compass needle points in the North direction and the other end points in the South direction.

The end of a freely pivoted magnet will always point in the North-South direction.

The end that points in the North is called the North Pole of the magnet and the end that points South is called the South Pole of the magnet. It has been proven by

experiments that like magnetic poles repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other. Correctly matched poles


Magnetic Fields

What is a magnetic field? The space surrounding a magnet, in which magnetic force is exerted, is called a magnetic field.

If a bar magnet is placed in such a field, it will experience magnetic forces. However, the field will continue to exist even if the magnet is removed. The direction of magnetic

field at a point is the direction of the resultant force acting on a hypothetical North Pole placed at that point. 

How is a magnetic field created? 

When current flows in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire. From this it has been inferred that magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges.

A magnetic field of a bar magnet thus results from the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet.  

Magnetic Lines Of Force

Just as an electric field is described by drawing the electric lines of force, in the same way, a magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic lines of force. When a small

north magnetic pole is placed in the magnetic field created by a magnet, it will experience a force. And if the North Pole is free, it will move under the influence of magnetic field. The path traced by a North magnetic pole free to move under the influence of a magnetic field is called a magnetic line of force. In other words, the magnetic lines of force are

the lines drawn in a magnetic field along which a north magnetic pole would move. 

The direction of a magnetic line of force at any point gives the direction of the magnetic force on a north pole placed at that point. Since the direction of magnetic line of force

is the direction of force on a North Pole, so the magnetic lines of force always begin on the N-pole of a magnet and end on the S-pole of the magnet. A small magnetic compass when moved along a line of force always sets itself along the line tangential to it. So, a line drawn from the South Pole of the compass to its North Pole indicates the direction

of the magnetic field.  

Properties of the magnetic lines of force

Rare-earth magnets are strong permanent magnets made from alloys of rare earth elements. Developed in the 1970s and 80s, rare-earth magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets made and have significant performance advantages over ferrite or alnico magnets. The magnetic field typically produced by rare-earth magnets can be in excess of 1.4

teslas, whereas ferrite or ceramic magnets typically exhibit fields of 0.5 to 1 tesla. There are two types:

neodymium magnets and samarium-cobalt magnets. Rare earth magnets are extremely brittle and also vulnerable to corrosion, so they are usually plated or coated to protect them from breaking and chipping. 



Allerlei: ändert von innen nach außen durch großer Druck/bleibt äußerlich intakt

Heilige Orte sind OFT radioaktiv und habe eine abweichende magnetische Strahlung

Änderungen in magnetische Strahlung können psychedelisch wirken.

Basalt + Grani: MagnetiSCHER als Sedimentgestein

Electromagnetic waves: the effects of oscillating electric and magnetic fields are capable of travelling across space, i.e. not requiring a medium for propagation.

Frequency: describing the number of complete wavelengths or cycles produced in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz).

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: the uncertainty of a simultaneous measurement concerning both the momentum and position of a subatomic particle.

Electromagnetic waves: the  effects  of  oscillating  electric and magnetic fields that are capable of travelling across space, i.e. not requiring a medium for propagation.

Frequency: describing the number of complete wavelengths or cycles produced in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz).

Magnetic field: the region of space in which a body experiences a magnetic force.  

Magnetic fields are produced by moving charged particles and represent a force with definite direction.

Phytologie: Der Magnet beeinflusst alle roten und weißen Flüsse (Blutungen/Durchfall/Harnflüsse). Er hält die schuldige Materie an ihrem Ort zurück,

bis sie dort verdaut und ordnungsgemäß befördert wird/zieht die Gelb-/Wassersucht heraus, zieht den Hernia ein und heilt Rupturen, Stoß- und Quetschwunden.


R.S.: Magnetbehandlung bei Störungen des rhythmischen Systems wie Arrhythmie und beginnende Lungentuberkulose, mit

dem Hinweis, einen starken Magneten am Rücken in etwas Abstand auf- und ab zu bewegen, so dass der Brustorganismus vom magnetischen Felde durchstrahlt wird. Auch Asthma bronchiale.



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