Natrium carbonicum Anhang


[Bhanu Sharma]


Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals), Na2CO3, is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. Sodium carbonate is an important chemical in industry and commerce where it is best known as washing soda, a cleanser on its own and an ingredient in many soaps and cleansers. As soda ash it is also extensively used in the ceramic industry. As a medicine

it was traditionally used for external skin problems like eczema, rashes and burns. In old-school practice its chief uses are as an external application in solution to burns and eczema and as a douche in nasal or vaginal catarrh. It clears off the superficial layers of the epidermis, and leaves the skin dry and cracked.


Nat-c. in Homeopathy


Nat c. is the typical salt of the Natrium group. It was proved by Hahnemann, and is one of the antipsoric remedies of the Chronic Diseases. We have seen that serum sodium level is directly linked with depression and anxiety and Hahnemann showed that depression anxiety and sadness, are the core feelings of Natrum patients.

The  peculiarity of mental state of Nat-c. “ indifference and aversion to mankind”. This indifference is for all family members, loved ones, friends, relatives and strangers.  The patient develops anxiety and fear of facing people and maintains a distance from them.

They often hide their emotions so as not to display negative emotions and always try to put on a happy face for others, while internally they feel rejected, betrayed.

[Dr. Sankaran] all Natrums need relationship but with a single person or with very few people and issues with this relationship make them ill.  Nat-c. especially feels rejected or betrayed in relationships and this feeling makes him indifferent to mankind.

On the physical level, sodium carbonicum greatly affects the skin and mucous membranes. On skin we find vesicular eruptions in patches and circles; the herpes family is especially related to Nat-c.

(zona, herpes labialis, herpes preputialis etc.)

Enlargement of the glands with indurations, axillary, inguinal, abdominal, salivary. Especially suitable for enlargement of the prostate in older men. Chronic enlargement of the parotids and tonsils.

Natr-c. = chilly. Have a sensation of coldness, aversion to open air; >: indoors/covering; The body and extremities < in winter, <: head in summer;

All discharges of Nat-c. offensive, putrid whether stool, vomiting, expectoration, leucorrhoea etc.


Aversion to family, friends, strangers, company and social gatherings. Fear of facing people, aversion to certain people. Unable to do the slightest mental exertion, which leads to state of brain fag and confusion. A state of trepidation from the slightest noise, the slam of a door, thunderstorm etc.

This mental state is very similar to the state of Sepia. Sepia also has the indifference, aversion to the family, loved ones, but we can differentiate them on the physical level.  Where both act on the GI tract, sepia has an all-gone sensation in the abdomen which is relived after eating and in Nat-c. has the sensation of fullness in abdomen and < eating in general. Fearful inside but puts a smile on to hide emotions from the world.


Headaches due to sun exposure, in summer or in beginning of warm weather. Chronic headaches (sunstroke).

All complaints of head due to mental exertion. The body and extremities < in winter, the head < in summer.


Chief action on the gastrointestinal tract. Any complaints of GIT after grief or in drunkards.  The stomach is disordered from the simplest food. There is strong aversion or intolerance of any kind of milk even mother’s milk.

In rubrics of Nat-c. we see that Nat-c. a first grade remedy in both eating < and eating >. There are all-gone and empty sensations and pains in abdomen > after eating. Appetite is also ravenous, but after eating, sensation of fullness and diarrhoea sets in. Stool is yellow; loud eructations, belching, hiccough are all there but give no relief. Stool is gushing and forcible. All these complaints developing a kind of anxiety or fear of eating. Boerickes says “ Depression after eating.” There is extreme thirst but not unquenchable.


From ancient times sodium carbonate has been used to treat burns, eczema and various skin complaints. If it is applied locally it produces cracks and dryness of skin. Similarly in potentised form, Wonderful remedy for skin troubles. Dry eruptions, moist eruptions, ulcers, tumors or hard swelling (glands, warts etc). Warts are painful and bleeding. Any skin complaint around nose and lips.  Generalised dryness of skin with tendency to cracking.


<: company/a certain person/mental exertion/before and after eating/cold/heat/thunderstorm;

>: closed rooms/covering/after eating;

Nat-c. “ A Quick Review”

    Aversion to company, even loved ones.

    Fear of facing people.

    Head pain in summers. Sunstroke.

    Chilly, having sensation of coldness, aversion to open air, >: indoors/covering; <: Body and extremities in winter; and head in summer;

    Disturbance of stomach from slightest food. Soreness in stomach > after eating but eating causes fullness in abdomen and diarrhoea.

    Extreme thirst.

    Skin complaints (around nose and lips).

    Dry eruptions, moist eruptions, ulcers, tumors or hard swelling [glands, warts (painful and bleeding)].


[Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - James Tyler Kent]

Proved by Hahnemann, Hering and others.

Persons who are in the habit of taking carbonate of soda for sour stomach get a proving of this remedy. I have met some of these people and been able to confirm many Natrium symptoms.

Old dyspeptics who are always belching and have sour stomach and rheuma; after 20 years they are stoop-shouldered, pale, sensitive to cold, chilly, < least draft; require much clothing;

unable to resist the cold or the heat; require a medium climate; < changes of the weather (digestive, rheumatic, gouty troubles).

Mind: A state of trepidation from the slightest noise, the slam of a door; nervous excitement and palpitation with great prostration; nervous weakness with trepidation; weakness from slight

exertion of mind or body; internal and external trembling.

The rattling of paper causes palpitation, irritability and melancholy. Estrangement from family and friends. Aversion to mankind and to society; to relatives, to strangers; feels a great division between

himself and them; sensitive to, certain persons.

Music: tendency to suicide, melancholy, weeping and trepidation; playing the piano is so exhausting that she must lie down; music causes great sadness which increases to religious insanity.

< from the slam of a door, a pistol shot, which causes headache and complaints in general, < from music.

Abdomen: Digestion: The more soda these patients take, the more flatulent do they become/is difficult, and finally milk will not digest at all, bringing on a diarrhoea with undigested, lienteric stools; also,

starch causes flatulence and looseness of the bowels, Many symptoms from drinking cold water when overheated. stoop-shouldered;

Urine: offensive like that of a horse, from a vegetable or milk diet. This is not so marked as in Nit-ac., but resembles it.

Skin: throws out eruptions upon the knuckles and fingertips; also the toes; vesicular eruptions open up and form ulcers on the joints of finger-tips.

Vesicular eruptions on the body in patches and circles; the herpes family is especially, related to Nat-c.; zona, herpes labialis, herpes preputialis; patches as large as a dollar on the hips,

thighs and back. Smaller patches show vesicles containing a white serum, burning, smarting and itching, > scratching.

The eruption passes away with a crust, but will often ulcerate, it does not heal and an ulcer forms. Circulation feeble; wounds suppurate. Feet and skin burn. Most eruptions are of the vesicular form. Tingling, biting, itching, changing place, now here and now there; cold skin; sweaty body.

Mind: Nervous exhaustion, physical exhaustion, weakness of mind and body.

Book-keepers lose the ability to add up figures. In reading a page, the one previous to, it soon goes out of the mind. The memory will not hold out from the beginning to the end of a sentence.

Forgets what he reads.

Confusion of mind follows and then he is unable, to perform any mental labor. Men become so fatigued from the details of business that a confusion of the mind comes over them (brain fag).

Old cases of brain fag with weakness and trepidation.

Eyes: oversensitive to light pain in the eyes from a bright light.

Ptosis or spasms of the lids

Nose: Otalgia, with sharp, darting, piercing pains when the mental state, the chilliness and other generals are present.

Coryzas trouble much; always has a cold in the head the watery discharge is of short duration and is soon followed by a thick copious flow of yellow mucus.

Ulceration, thick crusts; sleeps at night with the month open; dry, yellow crusts are blown out with pain and bleeding. The catarrh increases with each fresh cold, until it becomes foetid;

Bones affected; almost a constant headache over the eyes, in the forehead, at the root of the nose; congestive headaches, < change of weather/cold room/damp weather;

increased by every storm.

Most foetid ozoena, mucous membranes ulcerated and destroyed.

Hearing: Oversensitive; little noises seem enormous, like thunder; the crumpling of paper seems like the crashing of a waterfall.

Smell: Taste perverted, too sensitive, so that the tasting of things ordinarily grateful becomes painful; sometimes loss of taste.


Face: Pale with blue ring around the eyes, yellow blotches on the forehead. Puffiness in general; the hands, feet, face pit on pressure; infiltration of the cellular tissue; states of the heart and kidneys that favor dropsies; old malarial cases, flesh doughy;.

Throat: Chronic enlargement of the parotids, slow and of long duration; of the tonsils. Goitre.

Accumulation of mucus in the throat and posterior nares, generally yellow in color, while with Natr. mur. it is white; the latter spits up copious, thick, white mouthfuls.

Locomotor ataxia with its fulgurating pains, amel. by eating; gnawing, all-gone, hungry feeling in the stomach. Soles numb,

Difficult swallowing, must drink much water to wash the food down on account of paralysis of the pharynx;

Stomach: Incessant thirst in the afternoon; thirst between chill and heat great; desires cold water a few hours after dinner. Extreme aversion to milk.

> eating (headache/chilliness/palpitation); when chilly, he eats and is able to keep warm; pain > after eating; an all gone feeling and pain in the stomach which drives him to eat; he gets hungry at 5 h. and 23 h. < 5 h.; becomes so hungry at this time that he is forced out of bed to eat something, which > pain. > from eating

Abdomen: Flatulency and accumulation of wind in the bowels; diarrhoea; stool yellow, soft with violent tenesmus and urging; a yellow substance like the pulp of an orange in the stool; diarrhoea from milk.

CONstipated; Paralysis of the bowels, cannot bear down at stool;

Stool: hard, dark, smooth and crumbling. stool like sheep’s dung

Urin: albuminous

Prostrate: enlarged in old men.

Male organs: erections and priapism, sensitive thighs, hypersensitive spine; the results of too much excitement.

Emissions; ejaculation of semen premature.

gonorrhea of the same character; thick, yellow, ropy, purulent discharge from the bladder which clogs up the urethra when urinating.

Prostatorrhoea after urinating and a difficult stool.

Female organs: Nervous hunger in pregnant women, who cannot sleep unless they get up at night and eat crackers,

Sterility; she is nervous, cold to the knees and elbows; cold body in winter, hot head in summer; always tired; relaxed sphincter vaginae causing the seminal fluid to gush out as soon as ejaculated by the male, thus causing sterility.

May be a spasm of the sphincter, producing the same effect, or a clot of blood or mucus shoots from the vagina with noisy flatus. Nervous, fidgety, excitable, lean, dyspeptic women, not hysterical. Menses too soon or too late; neuralgias, oversensitive to drafts and dampness, sensitive spine, legs numb; leucorrhea yellowish-green, copious.

Back: Stiffness of the neck.

Many spinal symptoms/sensitive spine,

Extremities: The soles burn while walking. Ulceration of the heel from blisters. Icy cold feet. Weakness of the legs. Vesicles on tips of fingers and toes. Spots and tubercles on the skin. Skin dry and cracked. Itching and crawling. legs numb; Paralysis of the left lower extremity with tingling

Body and extremities < in winter, head < in summer. The body troubles < from cold/in the winter; cold “As if he had no blood in the body”,

extremities cold, and he cannot get them warm; cold as ice to, the knees and elbows.

Violent backache after walking. Rheumatic pains in the extremities. Jerking in all the limbs. Stumbling while walking. Weak ankles in children. Heaviness of the legs. Pains in the hollow of the knees on motion. Tension in the bend of the knee. Easy dislocation of the ankle.

Generals: Anxious trembling and sweating during pains.

Oversensitive to heat (after sunstroke: even some years afterwards); has to be well shaded when walking in the sun, must seek a cool or dark place when the patient has not had

the proper acute remedy during the attack. < both cold and heat (heat of the sun); head troubles are not < from cold.

Vesicles filled with thin, white serum, but the pustule, when it ruptures, throws out a thick, yellow discharge. Leucorrhoea thick, yellow, ropy;

Discharges are commonly offensive.

Enlarged glands with induration (axillary/inguinal/abdominal/salivary).

Paralytic states (lids/pharynx/bowels/l. lower extremity with tingling);

Palpitation at night when ascending and lying on l. side.


[H.C. Allen]

Aversion to open air and disliks exercise (mental/physical); imbecility.

Great debility: caused by heat of summer/chronic effects of sunstroke (with the return of hot weather, suffers from headaches); exhaustion from least effort (mental/physical); ready to drop

after a walk;.

Emaciation with pale face and blue rings around the eyes, dilated pupils; dark urine; anaemic; milky, watery skin and great debility.

Inable to think or perform any mental labor, causes headache; feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself; comprehension slow, difficult.

Intolerable melancholy and apprehension; is wholly occupied with sad thoughts.

Attacks of anxiety and restlessness during a thunder storm; < from music.

Head: pain from slightest mental exertion; from sun or working under gaslight; with tension in nape or occiput before menses; head feels too large, “As if it would burst”.

Face: pale, with blue rings around eyes; eyelids swollen; catarrh; mucus in throat and posterior nares; constantly hawking to clear throat; dropping into the throat from posterior nares.

Catarrh: extends to posterior nares and throat; hawking much thick mucus from throat; profuse discharge during day, stopped at night ( Nux ).

Nose: Thick, yellow, green, offensive, musty, hard discharge from nose; often ceasing after a meal.

Stomach: Aversion to milk; diarrhoea from it.

Female organs: Bearing down “As if everything would come out; heaviness, < sitting, > by moving.

Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace, causing sterility.

Extremities: Easy dislocation and spraining of ankle; so weak that it give way; foot bends under.

<: music/in the sun/excessive summer heat/mental exertion/thunder storm;


[William Boericke]

Carbonate of Sodium

Great debility caused by summer heat; chronic effects of sunstroke; exhaustion; anæmic; milky, watery skin; very weak ankles.

Mind: Unable to think; difficult, slow comprehension. Mental weakness and depression; worries; very sensitive to noise; colds, change of weather. Anxious and restless during thunderstorm;

< music. Marked gayety. Sensitive to presence of certain individuals.

Head: Aches from slightest mental exertion, < sun/working under gas-light Feels too large. Head aches with return of hot weather. Vertigo from exposure to sun.

Hearing: Oversensitive.

Nose: All troubles of external nose which may attain a morbid size-pimples and puffiness. Constant coryza; obstruction of nose. Catarrh; bad smell of nasal secretion.

Many troubles of external nose. Posterior nasal catarrh. Hawking much mucus from throat; worse, slightest draught.

Face: Freckles, yellow spots, pimples. Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with blue rings around eyes and swollen lids.

Stomach: Feels swollen and sensitive. Ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated. Water-brash. Hungry at 5 h. Very weak digestion, caused by slightest error of diet. Averse to milk.

Depressed after eating. Bitter taste. Old dyspeptics, always belching, have sour stomach and rheuma. Dyspepsia relieved by soda biscuits.

Abdomen: Sudden call to stool. Escapes with haste and noise. Yellow substance like pulp of orange in discharge. Diarrhœa from milk.

Female organs: Induration of cervix. Pudenda sore. Bearing-down sensation. Heaviness < sitting, > moving. Menses late, scanty like meat-washings.

Leucorrhœal discharge, offensive, irritating preceded by colic.

Respiratory organs: Dry cough, when coming into warm room from outdoors. Cough with coldness of left side of breast.

Sleep: Wakes too early in morning. Amorous dreams. Drowsy during day.

Extremities: Old sprains. Great weakness of limbs (morning). Easy dislocation and spraining of ankles. Foot bends under. Soreness between toes and fingers.

Heel and tendo-Achilles affected. Capped hands. The hollow of the knee is painful on motion. Icy cold up to knees.

Skin: Inclination to perspire easily, or dry, rough, cracked skin. Eruption on finger-tips, knuckles and toes. Vesicular eruption in patches and circles. Veins full. Soles of feet raw and sore.


<: sitting/from music/summer heat/mental exertion/thunderstorm/least draught/changes of weather/sun.

>: moving/boring in ears and nose.


[Elaine Lewis]

These are the nicest people in the materia medica. Sweet, selfless, concerned about others, sympathetic…it all fits! < heat/sun; ailments from sun exposure–I hate the sun!

Easily chilled and over-heated, like Mercurius–that’s me!

Nat-c.’s big issue is assimilation! They can’t assimilate certain people, they can’t assimilate certain foods…certain foods just don’t digest, they sit there. Gas and bloating is the result.

Milk is the worst (never liked milk!). They may have gas and bloating or diarrhea from milk. They may crave starchy foods but develop gas and bloating from them. You may be thinking,

“This case must be Lyc.!” But you don’t see the 16 - 20 h., and Nat-c.. could never be the braggart and bully that Lyc. can be!

They can’t “stomach” certain people either. Certain people: obnoxious, offensive, aggressive, offend them. They do their best to avoid stressful people and stressful situations. Nat-c. monitor

the environment for things that might distress them so they can avoid them.

They are very refined, delicate, polite, soft, philosophical, composed, intellectual, stoic, dignified, unobtrusive, quiet, all the things that I am, basically. There’s a narrow range of things they can tolerate:

temperature, food, friends or music. They’re easily put-off. They can’t tolerate certain stimuli, like noise or a certain kind of music…. “Turn it off!” they might say, or, “Hey! You call that music?

What’s the matter with you? Those aren’t even real instruments! The record label was too cheap to hire musicians, and where’s the arrangement? They were too cheap to hire arrangers, or writers!

Why are people putting up with mediocrity, allowing themselves to be duped by big business interests, perpetuating an ‘anything-for-money’ fraud in popular music?”  Hello?  Is anybody there?

You might look at Nat-c. as a combination of Calc. Nat-m. Lyc. and Merc. They are mild, down-to-earth, sensible and practical and loving and giving with their family like Calc.

They have the sensitivity, introversion and perfectionism of Nat-m., the gas and bloating of Lyc. and the narrow range of temperature tolerance of Mercurius.

They’re cheerful. If anything is troubling them, they won’t tell you. They don’t want to be a burden.

The digestion is weak and the ankles are weak too with easy dislocation and spraining.

Always eating, always nibbling. > Eating. (Is there anything to eat in here?)



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