

[Luc de Schepper]

Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy, mentioned in Sixth Organon of Hahnemann for Q-potencies, is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.

Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.

Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle 50 - 100x hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.

Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

Repeat the dose until an effect is produced better or worse, then stop.


[Dr. Hardy]

If old obscured symptoms, complained of perhaps months or years before the first prescription was made, reappear and trouble the patient, they should be carefully noted, and their course observed, but these symptoms should not be hastily prescribed for until a picture of the proper remedy is presented. Such conditions frequently appear and then disappear of themselves, never to return.

[Dr. Arthur Grimmer]

In bad hearts, high potency may give a bad reaction. It may be necessary to use the tincture.

[H.A. Roberts]

We have no long acting drugs. The continued favorable condition depends on the quality of the vital force and its harmonious action.

[Dr. Lippe]

If the symptoms for which a remedy is given are removed and a new symptom appears, withhold the hand if you wish the case to go on to recovery.


Susceptibility exists in the vital force, not in the tissues.

[C.M. Boger]

Ultimately the constitutional peculiarity is bound to reveal itself in a form pointing to its remedial counterpart. Nature calls for relief in her own language which it behoves us to learn properly. It is contained in the symptom picture but many times we are forced to look for it elsewhere.


Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency, if it has benefited the patient.

[H.A. Roberts]

Do not dip into a chronic state when dealing with an acute condition, and vice versa.

[J.T. Kent]

Sulphur like Silicea is a dangerous drug to give where there is structural disease in vital organs, especially the lungs.


     ALWAYS (for acute as well as Chronic diseases) put the remedy into water!

    The dose (how much needs to be given) is just as much part of the rightfully selected remedy as the name of the remedy

    Do not accept similar aggravations (an aggravation of your existing symptoms). The watery solutions allow the homeopath to minimize and even avoid such similar aggravation.

    The smallness of the dose is a very much neglected part in homeopathic circles. Many aggravations are due to giving a too large dose rather than a too high potency. Always rather start with a cautious small dose!

    Treatment for Acute diseases (colds, to lower back pains, to ear infections, etc./not talking URGENT medical care).

The potency choice for acute diseases (less than 3-4 months old) is simple: use at least a potency from 30C upwards to 200C and 1000C. Always use the watery method by putting two pellets of your chosen remedy and potency in an 8 oz bottle (Remedy Solution Bottle or RSB), stir well and take one tsp directly from the RSB. Do not repeat earlier than two hours after first dose. When you see a similar aggravation in the first hour (= aggravation of symptoms during the first hour) this first dose will cure and no further dose will be needed. If symptoms are not entirely gone after two hours, you can repeat the same procedure every two hours after succussing each successive dose (hitting RSB against your palm) 8x.

Chronic Disease treatment: existing > than 3-4 months existing is very different. The potency selection (how strong?) will depend on the reactivity of the patient (the reactivity of the Vital Force, Qi in Chinese medicine and to some extent the immune system in allopathy). If the reactivity is good, a stronger potency can be applied. Here are some general guidelines.

ALWAYS Low potencies (starting with 6C and not higher than 30C) are indicated and a must in the following conditions (these three conditions supersede any other indications following further!):

    A hypersensitive patient: such patient reacts to perfumes, environmental factors like carpets, bleach, newspaper, etc.) or people who react strongly to regular doses of medication and vitamins as well as those that reacted strongly to anesthesia

    The patient has strong pathology: this usually means, he already has received a medical diagnosis and there is extensive pathology involved like destruction of tissues (M.S., Parkinson etc.), formation of tumors, deficiency of factors like in diabetes, hyperthyroidy or Basedow disease, autoimmune disorders with destruction, asthma, etc. Also in chronic diseases affecting the heart, brain, eyes, pancreas, lungs

    The patient has a chronic skin disease, especially when treated in past with cortisone: chronic eczema from young age on and psoriasis, just to name two common diseases. Often the symptoms were controlled by cortisone intake/creams and in this case the dose should be minimal (drops instead of tsp) and definitely not higher than 6C potency to start

    Elderly patients: rather start with low potency

Higher Potencies (starting with 30C, then 200C, 1000C, etc.) are indicated in the following conditions:

    In young children (babies included) as long as the 3 previous conditions are not present; the choice of high potency includes ASD, ADHD, ADD, OCD, etc.

   Patients under stress (worries at work, home, in relationships, etc.)

Part Two: the repetition of the Dose (How often), in chronic diseases

The most important thing to remember is that the repetition of a dose is determined on an individual basis. This is quite different than when we take allopathic drugs where your physician tells you to take the drug at a certain time (3x daily, every evening, etc.), usually based on weight and age of patient.

Test dose with the watery solutions. This works as follows:

“The homeopath (who tried to adjust potency and dose individually at the first consultation) tells you to take the first dose in the evening (most of the time) and should ask you the third day how you reacted to this first dose. There are three possibilities:

1.  Great reaction with better sleep, better emotional feeling, a sense of well being, more positive outlook, etc (A256), even remembering dreams and dreams with a better theme. At this point do not repeat and see how long this dose gives you these good feelings/reactions. Let’s say it last for 2 days and the third day your original symptoms come back, then you need to take the dose changed only by the amount of succussions, every third day!

2.  Bad reaction with an aggravation of your existing symptoms: this is called a similar aggravation: no repetition of the remedy!! You must wait till this aggravation goes away (usually fast after 1-2 days without any harm), then you get the benefit from it and only when then the original symptoms come back should the remedy be repeated, this time in a smaller dose and/or potency, to be determined by your homeopath!

3.  No reaction: the homeopath can now decide to either adjust dose/potency or simply with the watery dose method to take the dose every other evening and check back with him the tenth day to see if the patient is on track!


    This method is only possible with the 5th and 6th edition watery methods, not the 4th dry edition Organon method.

    Never take your dose from the bottle in a mechanical way: do not trust the homeopath that gives you a bottle with the remedy and tells you to take it every day and to come back to him when the bottle is finished. Much damage can be done! A test dose and further guidance is a must!

    NEVER stop your allopathic medication when starting homeopathic treatment with your chronic patient. Cooperation with your allopathic physician is a must!


[Constantine Hering]

There are often several causes, and one remedy is not suitable for them all.  In this case give one remedy after another; select first one for the worst symptoms, or still better, for the symptoms which appeared last, or the cause which acted last. Always give but one remedy, and only when this does no more good, another one.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                             Impressum.