X-ray Anhang


Bernoville remarks: X - Ray: According to Dr. Chiron these two remedies antidote each other. Radium bromide antidotes the bad effects of x - radiation in a patient who has been treated too intensely. Likewise the x - rays antidote the unfortunate effects of radium in patients who have been treated by it.


[Drs. P.I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni]

Vial containing alcohol exposed to X-ray




Right side                                               



Sun’s rays. Heat (itching)                                              

Open air

Suppressions: Gonorrhea, condylomata, growths, malaria, eruptions

Radiations: Sun. X-ray. Atomic explosion. Cobalt. USG. MRI

Exposure to strontium and plutonium  

Drugs: antihistaminic, estrogen, progesterone, immune-suppressants


Heat/Hot wet compresses                                    

Lying on right side, on left side (head, heart). Rest. Gentle motion

Noon to midnight




  The basis of our understanding and utility of potentized X-ray must be the severe and detrimental effects of repeated exposure to these rays so common these days.

  Common sources of radiation injury include ultra-violet radiation from the sun and man-made sources, microwave radiation from radar and ovens and other appliances, high-intensity ultrasound and ionizing radiation from natural and man-made sources etc. Ultra-violet radiation, produced by the sun, is largely absorbed by the atmosphere of earth. However, owing to decreased ozone layer (the ‘green-house effect’), ultra-violet radiation has now considerably increased.

  A general suppression of all cellular elements of blood (except the heterophile leucocytes which increase). Adverse changes in blood, lymphatics and bone marrow.

Chronic anemia and even leukemia. Fats exposed there to become toxic.


On the epidermis

  I Degree: Hyperaemia and infiltration of the skin with exfoliation. Atrophy of the appendages of skin, glands, hair, nails may follow.

  II Degree: Dermatitis: blisters, watery growths with intense pains.

  III Degree: Total destruction and sloughing of tissues, non-healing ulcers, ultimately end in(dry)gangrene. Destruction of blood-forming elements in bone marrow.

  Bone necrosis. Osteomyelitis.

  Inflammatory processes with pains-the ubiquitous burning, stinging, smarting, tingling, pricking, throbbing, boring, crawling etc. of indescribable severity.

“Sting of a honey bee or passage of a renal calculus are painful enough, but before these they are a comparative pleasure;” they have at least a limitation, these have none. Inflammations and growths (warts) tend to break open into ulcers which refuse to heal, assume a fistulous even malignant aspect. In one word, destruction of tissues soft

or hard, too deep rooted and utterly refractory even to the most intensive treatment. Consequently, potentised X-ray should offer a powerful agent with a potential to cure

the most obstinate chronic diseases.



  Deep seated dyscrasias and chronicity-symptoms go on intermitting and recurring stubbornly (at regular intervals) or symptoms disappear with detriment to the patient due to a deep seated sycotic diathesis, resulting either from a suppressed gonorrhea or cauterized condylomata etc. With Med. it shares the distinction of being a sycotic Sulph.; may even be called a more chronic counterpart of Med. The sycotic aspects of Psor. are also there. Lack of response to the best selected remedies, even to those like Med., Psor., Syph., Thuj. or Tub. considered usually in such states “where a sycotic or syphilitic virus is engrafted on a psoric or a tubercular diathesis” and from a paucity of presenting symptoms, it is difficult to ascertain the prevailing diathesis. Remedies employed so far fail to rouse the overpowered vitality to a degree sufficient to throw out the dominating ‘toxin’. A deep miasmatic involvement in short.

  Our X-ray will, by stimulating cellular metabolism, arouse the reactive vitality (physical and mental) and acting centrifugally (from centre to periphery), bring to surface (like Aur-m.), suppressed symptoms (especially gonorrheal or mixed miasm) or eruptions (with degenerative or multi-infectious history, Carc.).  

  Persistent exhaustion and languor, fatigue and tiredness, a miserable feeling as though very sick (Bapt., Onos.). Frequent sensation of swooning (sinking) as if dying. Physical and mental incubus (oppressive burden) making life unbearable.

  Universal commotion. Trembling all over. Thrills (like Lec.), general sensation of electricity, magnetic thrill in right hand, tingling in limbs as of an electric current or as if asleep. Twitching internally in various parts.

  Pains: Stinging (Psor.), congestive (bursting).

  Discharges: Strong smelling (leucorrhoea, sweat, menses), greenish.

  Growths: Warts horny, watery (hygromae) with telangiectasis (capillary dilatation) between them,  warts after x-ray exposure (may also  need Calc-fl. etc.). Breast tumours. Malignancies; leukemia. Worth trying in lipomas.

  Atrophy: Ovaries; testicles.

  Degenerations: Nails thicken, degenerate, become shapeless masses. Multiple sclerosis. Posterior spinal sclerosis (locomotor ataxia). Keratosis of nails.



  Irritable, tendency to kill, < before and during menses. Misanthropy. Somnolence. Confusion. Insightful, possesses ‘x-ray vision’. Deceptive. Mental processes not clear, writes wrong words in letters. Sadness, despondency; after sleep. Suicidal disposition, wants to throw himself from a height.



  Various headaches; stubborn, recurring. Pains steady or in ‘cricks’. Amel. rest, gentle motion, lying on left side, massage, heat, hard pressure (though < touch).

With sleepiness. Violent sick headache, outward pressure as if bursting, with vomiting, amel. warm wet compress. Menstrual headache.


  Congestion. Heaviness as if sleepy. Hyperesthesia of retina. Ulcer after cauterization of a pterygium.


  Voices: Buzzing, ringing, like deep steam whistle. Dullness of hearing. Fullness in.


  Incipient colds; congestion; fullness and hyperaesthesia or numbness; after electric cautery for rhinosporidiosis; pain at root and frontal sinuses.

  Fluent coryza with a stuffy feeling; discharge watery bloody mucus. Sensation of sulphur vapour with sneezing (also in throat).


  Sensation of electric current or of paralysis in (congestion). Greasy. Acne.


  Congestive numbness in. and also in throat. Fetor.

  Tongue: Feels dry, rough; sore and scraped.

  Teeth: Covered with a green grey sore.


   Lump sensation or pain, worse swallowing. Indescribable sensation in oesophagus.


  Appetite only for sweets or fats. Averse to meat.

  Thirst for cold drinks. Nausea and vomiting. Digestive dystonia.


  Uneasy fermentative feeling. Flatulent distension with a full feeling; or as if diarrhoea would ensue. Wind around the heart; constriction of chest at night, > free eructations.

  Radiation enteritis.

  Colic; pain as if adhered to walls or torn off, with retained urine, vesical tenesmus, profuse sweat, nausea and vomiting; worse bending, moving; agonising renal colic

(Canth., Tab.).


  Catarrhal inflammations with blood stained mucus. Diarrhea from coffee; green stools.

Urinary Organs:

  Frequent urination, < after going to bed. (Diabetes. It antidoted menstrual troubles in a Uran-nit. prover. Probably also diabetic pruritus vulvae). Oliguria, tenesmus of bladder.

Male Organs:

  High sexual desire followed by loss of sexual interest, impotency; testes relaxed, atrophy; sterility. Lewd dreams.

Female Organs:

  Left ovarian pain, amel. lying; atrophied; sterility. Menses green. Amenorrhea, with backache, h/o radiation. Flushes of heat; better post menses.

Respiratory Organs:

  Paralytic vocal cords. Cough; > eating (Rad-met.); expectoration greenish, grey, white, tough jelly like mucus. Chest pains.


  Constant dull soreness around heart and limbs; apex pain, lying on right side amel. (but causes oversensitiveness to heart sounds at night). Diffused pulsations; palpitations, esp. with cough or cause cough. High B.P., varicose veins, of legs.


  Sudden crick in neck after cold exposure; pain on left side amel. lying on it, rest or gentle motion; stiffness of neck amel. heat.

  Stiff and lame back; with a paralytic sensation extending down left leg. Aching in the whole length of spine; backache after radiation. Soreness in lumbar; across loins as after a heavy cold. Pressure, as from renal congestion.


  Limbs lame, weak; numb, tingling l. arm awkward and powerless. Rheumatism of right arm. Palms rough, scaly and bleeding. Fingers cracked, bleeding.

  Inflammatory rheumatism. Gout and arthritis. Gout after suppressed malaria, gonorrhea or eruptions (Psor.). Sciatica; aching, drawing, worse walking. Heat and swelling

of feet in spring.


  Metabolic skins (Aster., Dys-co. has neuroskins. Carc. has both). Looks like sandpaper. Cracked, bleeding, painful. Congestion leading to erythematous elevation later becoming vesico-bullae or vesico-pustules. Erythematous around nail-roots. Blisters-watery growths- preceded by congestion with burning as if on fire, resembling burn blister (as of Canth.) (cp. Carb-ac.).

  Eczema, chiefly dry, but also weeping or pruriginous, only partly > by radiation. Eczema, fissum. Solar dermatitis. Itching < before a thunderstorm, > cold applications. Rashes. Non – healing ulcers (Syph.). Psoriasis. Sensitive corns. Leprosy (Carb-ac.).


  Sleepy; during pains; on lying on right side (no sleep lying on left side).

  Dreams: Distressing; of strife; busy (Rad-met.), lewd, old dreams recur.


  Water sensations: A cool drop going down the spine; as if drops of cold water were trickling down inner chest; as if a cold hand were being passed over leg.

  Chill: on dropping to sleep, on undressing. Chills down back; then a paralytic feeling in face (left). Chilliness in warm room, on moving or from draft.

  Sweat: Profuse on going to bed. Wave like sensation as if sweat would break out.

  Influenza: Feeling of illness; diarrhea sensation.


  A deeper Thuj.

  Antidotes: Cadm-i., Cal-fl., Canth., Caust. (warts), (Con.), Fl-ac., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Psor., Rad-met., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Tab.

  Acute: Bell., Canth., Puls.

  It antidotes: Ambr., Hormones.

  Complementary: Cob., Med., Merc-c., Sep.

  Follows well after: Sil. etc.

  Similar: Carc., Kali-i., Kali-s., Lach., Psor., Puls., Sulph., Tab., Vio-o.

  X-ray burns: Cadm-i., Fl-ac., Phos., Sil., Stront-c.

  DD.: Ars., Aur-met., Calc., Elec., Ferr-met., Graph., Iod., Kali- c., Lyc., Mag-ambo., Mag-aust., Merc., Nit-ac., Sep., Thuj.

  Radioactive and cancer group: Anac., Ars., Cal-fl., Kali-ars., Phos., Plb-met., Rad-met., Stront-c., X-ray.


[Louis Klein]

Energetic fields prepared homeopathically (potentized) have been made and used in homeopathic history since the time of Hahnemann who did provings utilizing magnetic energy. X-ray is the second oldest “imponderable” homeopathic remedy and was introduced into the homeopathic pharmacopeia not long after the discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895. It was shortly after this discovery that, without adequate protection and controls, conventional x-rays were found to be dangerous. This lethality

is especially to cells that divide quickly such as in bone marrow, intestinal epithelium and sexual cells. Immediate symptoms of x-ray sickness included nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weakness and dizziness as well as the long-term damage.

Many of the complaints and side effects can also be vague since the exposure may leave little skin symptoms except for some redness, yet there are intense generalized symptoms without many modalities. This vague array of symptoms is one of the leading indications for homeopathic X-ray and, in fact, all imponderable remedies.

A number of conditions that mimic or encompass this indication such as chronic fatigue syndrome, which, in my clinical experience, is best dealt with via homeopathic remedies made from imponderables.

Homeopathically prepared X-ray in its early use was an important remedy for the effects of primitive x-ray machines. I remember that when I was a child you could go to a shoe store and have your feet x-rayed in a machine that anyone, (even a child) could step up and use. I have also clinically used it for someone who is around x-ray machines frequently and repeatedly (x-ray technicians, chiropracticors, dentists/dental assistants). It is a remedy to be considered after exposure to x-rays (repeated exposure).

Boericke gives a more thorough succinct description of the effects of x-ray exposure in his introduction to the remedy:

Repeated exposure to Roentgen (X-ray) has produced skin lesions often followed by cancer. Distressing pain. Sexual glands are particularly affected. Atrophy of ovaries and testicles. Sterility. Changes take place in the blood, lymphatics, and bone marrow. Anaemia and leukaemia. Corresponds to stubbornness as in burns, refusing to heal.

Boericke continues to give us more indications of homeopathic X-ray in his introduction:

Psoriasis. Has the property of stimulating cellular metabolism. Arouses the reactive vitality, mentally and physically. Brings to the surface suppressed symptoms (sycotic and those due to mixed infections. Its homeopathic action is thus centrifugal, towards the periphery.

From the proving and older texts we have some more indications:

<: in bed/in the afternoon/evening/night/in open air; It definitely is a remedy to consider for individuals whose health is deeply suppressed, both physically and mentally.

Physical and General Indications

There are a number of toxicological conditions and symptoms that indicate the use of X-ray. The following are some physical indications that I have verified clinically:

  • Deeper diseases, featuring vagueness of symptoms and deceptiveness.

  • An underlying tendency to move into malignancy or malignancy is present.

  • Sterility, where there is no underlying cause.

  • Exposure to radiation or x-rays, especially in childhood and adolescence.

  • Obstinate diseases (skin)

  • All forms of injuries to the skin and ulcers fail to heal (Consider Lyssin when they heal too quickly).

  • A very high sexual desire followed by loss of sexual interest, impotency, and sterility.

  • Aversion to meat.

  • Lack of appetite.

  • >: warm, moist applications;

  • Psoriasis

  • Ulcers

  • Wounds that are slow to heal

  • Distortion of nails, hang nails, thickening of nails

  • old obstinate symptoms

Boericke’s information was based on the effects of x-ray and also a proving with clinical use. The first proving of X-ray was conducted by Fincke in 1897, (2 years after Röentgen’s discovery), using 6x, on ten provers and published in the Proceedings of the International Hahnemannian Association (pages 47-76).

The proving was repeated by W.B. Griggs, using 30c and 200c, on three provers -two male and one female- and published in the Homeopathic Recorder in 1952.

The mental symptoms according to the Complete Repertory and Reference Works are given in the following list (source in parentheses). The first number in brackets indicates the number of remedies found in a higher grade than X-ray in the given rubric; the second number indicates the number of remedies in the same grade; and the third number indicates the number in a lesser grade. The sum

of the 3 numbers added together gives the total number of remedies in the rubric.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Company, aversion to {47, 85, 0} (Stephenson)

  • DELUSIONS, SULFUR VAPORS, OF {0, 1, 0} (Stephenson)

  • Dreams, amorous {50, 120, 0} (Stephenson)

  • Dreams, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous {3, 26, 0} (Allen, H.C.)

  • Irritability {129, 200, 0} (Stephenson)

  • Kill, desire to {12, 20, 0} (Stephenson)

  • KILL, DESIRE TO BEFORE/DURING MENSES, {0, 1, 0} (Stephenson)

  • Sadness, despondency, dejection, mental depression, gloom, melancholy {157, 198, 0} (Stephenson)


  • Suicidal disposition, throwing himself from, height, a {6, 16, 0} (Vithoulkas)

These symptoms reflect a more irritable, expressive, and uncompensated state of the remedy.

These rather sparse mental/emotional symptoms were not necessarily helpful in terms of getting an overview or general picture giving only a one sided picture of the remedy. After some use of this remedy clinically I have come to a deeper understanding and grasp of this remedy.

Dispositional Indications

As described in Boericke, homeopathic X-ray was considered a strong “sycotic” remedy in the classic literature. Sycosis has an element of deception, (Med. Thuj.) as well as “hyper-growth”.

I consider X-ray to be a "deeper" Thuja with its own characteristic mental state. It is definitely a remedy to consider when Thuja fails to act in a case.

Like Thuja and what we see in other sycotic patients, the homeopathic X-ray patient can have hidden elements in their personality. But in homeopathic X-ray their main impetus or sense of purpose

is to accurately reveal problems in others or in organizations.

In both provings it was observed that very old symptoms, dreams and states were stirred up and came out. “Re-establishes suppressed gonorrhea”.

“I have observed over and over again the ability of the potentized x-rays to arouse reactive vitality and bring to the surface old dormant conditions... as a nosode when the best constitutional remedy failed to relieve... one of the most prominent effects... is its tendency to resurrect old symptoms, such as suppressed eruptions... foot sweat... I have found it of great value as an intercurrent in arthritis..." – (Griggs, W. B., THE HOMEOPATHIC RECORDER, 67: 68, 1951).

Another way of looking at this theme is through the prism of the general disposition of a person. In other words, someone who “brings to the surface old dormant conditions”- a therapist or person who provokes old hidden feelings in others and brings them to the surface. It is interesting that Stephenson in discussing the more modern proving of the remedy compares the fact that the provers had a sensation of smelling sulfur vapor with the how “sulfur is an element of fire, a form of sub-molecular plasma.” (Stephenson’s Provings)

And in a sense X-ray is similar to the imponderable remedy Ignis. Both patients are dedicated or have elements of wanting to reveal others’ faults so that they push them towards clearly ‘seeing’

the reality of their situation. It may be someone who is hired in a company to silently observe what the problems are and report them. I had a patient who did well from this remedy say: "I see through walls. My job is to know everything that is going on in the company." When there is a problem in a company, often a large corporation, he takes care of it and then leaves. No one even knows that he has been there. It is someone who has “x-ray vision” in a sense.

The situation, though, may vary and it may be someone in a family or relationship dynamic who’s taken this type of role of observing and reporting. They have a keen insight into other people and situations, along with an ability to not be seen themselves (sycosis). This is an essential feature of this remedy.

In most of my cases of homeopathic X-ray, the patient had a tendency to stare. In one case, my receptionist noted to me that a new patient of mine came early, took a seat in the waiting area and observed everything that was going on. When you are around an X-ray person, you feel very uncomfortable, just as my receptionist felt while this woman was watching her every move made.

X-ray patients can usually rise to high positions and are called upon to express wisdom and great insight. They have, as did this woman, a strong need for control and domination, but their personalities do not seem overbearing or aggressive. It is a “behind-the-scenes” kind of activity. They may be involved in political intrigue. Again, they are not seen but have great ability to perceive what needs to be done next, and their sense is usually correct.

In the original proving, there was a kind of unclearness of the mental processes, writing wrong words, etc., but with a sudden clearing of those mental functions after a sharp stabbing pain in the left temple staggered the prover. This alternating state of mental compromise with sudden absolute clarity is also characteristic.


Mental condition upset during profuse menstruation, would like to kill somebody.

Misanthropy during renal colic, did not want to answer questions, did not want to see anybody or to talk to anybody, being completely prostrated.

This great irritability is seen in the 1st phase of the remedy. Intense irritability with the symptoms. This intensity is something that may be kept hidden from others and the practitioner, or come up

only in specific situations where there is a hormonal provocation. It also indicates the desire to generally be private in their emotional state.

Unclearness can extend to the whole general aspect of the case. I had a case of a woman who had “candida”, low energy, allergies and other symptoms that responded to homeopathic X-ray.

The case was unclear in many ways including the nature of the symptoms. In the proving, there is “bubbling sensations” in the abdomen and this relates to what I have seen

as vague symptoms of “candida” and food allergies. As mentioned, this remedy, like other imponderables is very good in treating chronic fatigue syndrome as well as fibromyalgia, both conditions that are hard to define and grasp.

The mental state can either be expressed as the irritability as above but also a gray depression and unexpressed grief leading to what has been described by an homeopathic X-ray patient as “everything is gray.” Also a patient said: “I tend to be calm outside and uptight inside.” I have also seen claustrophobia with a fear of tunnels and dreams of tunnels as a leading indicator. Homeopathic X-ray can help an array of modern problems.


Mind: irritability.

Clearing up of mental function after sharp stabbing pain in left temple staggering him, the heart felling the impulse immediately.

Mental processes not clear, writes wrong words in letters.

Mental condition upset during profuse menstruation would like to kill somebody.

Head: Sleepy with headache.

Headache gradually ext. frontal region, < in center of forehead.

Sense of pressure in center of forehead.

Dull headache in morning, < stooping/after rising;

Headache all soreness, worse toward afternoon.

Head feels empty as though scraped, worse at night in bed.

Pain in right side of head above temple.

Sharp stabbing in left temple, followed by clearing up mental function, the heart immediately feeling the impulse.

1. Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence of vertex in a central straight line to bridge of nose, 2. by fullness in entire vertex extending to bridge of nose.

Aggravation of fullness over vertex, worse along the center to nose and when stooping over.

Aching on top of head across a long coronal suture on blowing nose and after it.

Constant ache in vertex, worse on awaking also on coughing sneezing, or head low.

Heavy pressure on vertex as from a hand (old symptom, absent a year).

Sticking pains in different parts of head and face.

Cannot bear slightest touch though hard pressure relieves for an instant; >by walking the floor.

Pain > lying on left side of face and body.

Pain in back of head > at times by message slightly, also by heat.

Neuralgic pains.

Neck: Stiffness on left side of neck, turning in bed.

Stiffness on right side of neck, with intense pain at night; occurs in paroxysms during the day > somewhat by hot applications.

Sudden "cricks" attack first one side of neck, than the other < on getting cold turning the head nearly produces convulsions. Pains more severe behind the ears- the mastoid process.

Pain > keeping perfectly quiet; sometimes by gently motion.

Stinging contracting pain.

Eyes: Eyeballs sore.

Ears: Fullness in ears, < in right ear/inserting finger;

Intermittent noise as of deep steam-whistle in left ear, and ringing in head.   

Ears more clear from ringing and dullness of hearing than for many years, an improvement lasting up to this day. Healing action.

Nose: Bloody mucus from the nose.

Sulphur-vapor sensation in throat and nose.

Congested sensation in head and nose as before coryza.

Face: Slight electric current sensation in left side of tongue and face passing over and disappearing in right side of face.

Mouth: Tongue dry, rough, sore and scraped.

Scraping pain in lateral incisor, < noises/jarring of cars;

Throat: Sulphur-vapor sensation in nose and throat.

Painful on swallowing.

Appetite - Aversion to meat.

Appetite diminished.

Desire for sweets.

Most distress after midday and evening meal.

No hunger goes till he feels faint.

Can eat plenty but does not enjoy it.

More thirst than usual.

Thirst for cold drinks though nothing tastes good.

Bad taste in forenoon.

Bitter taste.

Nausea and vomiting with profuse sweat after immense stool at 4 h., seven days after taking.

Abdomen: distended with full feeling. (Pulsatilla, which a year ago helped for months a train of symptoms, had only very slight effect.)

Flatulence with ineffectual desire for stool.

Colicky pains in right lower abdomen, sometimes extending behind the hip, and retained urine.

Stool: green, though normal in consistency.

On straining at stool a sore sensation in nates.

Ineffectual urging to stool, with flatulence.


[Louis Klein]

X ray

He thinks X-ray is one of the strong sycotic remedies with the characteristic theme: deceptiveness. Allen: Old venereal symptoms come back up.

From the signature X ray is easy comprehensible. His description is really worthwhile.

Mental Indications: Strong sycotic miasm [Thuja. Med. Jab. X ray]. Deceptiveness.

I consider X-ray to be a "deeper" Thuja with its own characteristic mental state; with more irritability than Thuja, suicidal impulses, and characteristics suggesting the signature of X-ray. To consider when Thuja fails to act in a case.

The mental symptoms of the original proving in Allen were as follows: Mental irritability. Clearing up of mental function after sharp stabbing pain in left temple staggering him, the heart feeling the impulse immediately. Mental depression after snatches of sleep for 12 days. Mental processes not clear, writes wrong words in letters. Mental condition upset during profuse menstruation, would like to kill somebody. Misanthropy during renal colic, did not want to answer questions, did not want to see anybody or to talk to anybody, being completely prostrated.

The mental symptoms according to the Complete Repertory: Company, aversion to. Delusions of sulphur vapors. Dreams, amorous. Dreams, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous. Irritability. Kill, desire to; during menses; before menses. Sadness, despondency, dejection, mental depression, gloom, melancholy. Sadness, despondency; after sleep.

Suicidal disposition, throwing himself from, height, a {6, 16, 0} (Vithoulkas).

These symptoms reflect a more irritable, expressive, and uncompensated state of the remedy.

Signature of the Remedy: You cannot see x-rays.

It is equally difficult to see the X-ray patient. The symptoms become invisible and suppressed. The real person is invisible. What is the purpose of x-rays? It is to see through objects in order to see if there is a deeper problem.

Individuals who need X-ray, as Vega Rozenberg has said, have "x-ray vision."

They talk about seeing problems clearly, and many times this is the characteristic role they play in the family or at work. Individuals who need X-ray will say that they are in positions requiring that they see everything that is going on around them. One X-ray patient of mine, who works as a business consultant, said, "I see through walls. My job is to know everything that is going on in the company."

When there is a problem in a company, often a large corporation, he takes care of it and then leaves. No one even knows that he has been there. They have keen insight into other people and situations, along with an ability to not be seen themselves. This is an essential feature of this remedy.

So, in the case I just presented, the woman took a seat in the waiting area and observed everything that was going on. When you are around an X-ray person you feel very uncomfortable, just as my receptionist felt while this woman was watching her. They usually rise to high positions and are called upon to express wisdom and great insight.

They have, as did this woman, a strong need for control and domination, but their personalities do not seem overbearing or aggressive. It is a behind-the-scenes kind of activity. They may be involved in political intrigue.

Again, they are not seen but have great ability to perceive what needs to be done next. And their sense is usually correct.

An aboriginal tribe in Australia has ancient cave drawings of x-rays of animals. It is believed that they had this x-ray vision ability or sought after it as a supernatural power.

As I said, my main impression of these individuals is their ability to see through things; very insightful and usually very successful individuals. I have also successfully given this remedy where the only indication is that the person has received multiple x-rays, although the characteristic picture may have been there if I had looked more carefully.

I've given this remedy in desperation in cases after many unsuccessful prescriptions, and some of these cases have responded very well. Many times I have gone back later and given the constitutional remedy, which then worked.

But it is important to emphasize that there is a characteristic X-Ray individual for whom X-ray is the constitutional remedy. In such a case, you want to stay with X-Ray for five or ten years. You don't want to leave the remedy too quickly.

Physical Indications

Strong sycotic miasm [Thuja. Med. Jab. X-ray]. Deceptiveness. There are a number of toxicological conditions and symptoms that indicate the use of X-ray. The following are some physical indications that I have verified clinically: Deeper diseases, featuring vagueness of symptoms and deceptiveness. An underlying tendency to move into malignancy, or malignancy is present. Sterility, where there is no underlying cause. Exposure to radiation or x-rays, especially in childhood and adolescence. Obstinate diseases, especially skin diseases. All forms of injuries to the skin and ulcers that fail to heal.

(Consider Lyssin when they heal too quickly). A very high sexual desire followed by loss of sexual interest, impotency, and sterility. Aversion to meat. Lack of appetite. Better from warm, moist applications.


X-Ray: According to Dr. Chiron these two remedies antidote each other. Radium bromide antidotes the bad effects of x - radiation in a patient who has been treated too intensely. Likewise the x-rays antidote the unfortunate effects of radium in patients who have been treated by it.


[Christiane Petras]

X-Ray wird immer häufiger gebraucht, nicht nur bei Patienten, die viele Röntgenaufnahmen über sich ergehen lassen mussten. Strahlenbelastung betrifft inzwischen einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung, z.B. durch PC-Arbeit +/o häufige Flugreisen, und ihre Merkmale scheinen auch vererbt zu werden. Auch Kleinkinder brauchen häufig X-Ray insbesondere bei Haut- und Lungenkrankheiten.

X-Ray ist, neben Lyssinum, das Mittel der absoluten Hoffnungslosigkeit. Schwindender Lebensmut, die Kraft scheint Körper, Geist und Seele zu verlassen; Erschöpfung der Lebenskraft, Beschwerden setzen sich hartnäckig fest, und kein Mittel hilft!

Es hat nicht die Trauer von Radium bromatum oder die Reizbarkeit von Syc-Co, sondern eher eine tiefe Resignation, die keinen Einsatz mehr zulässt: Alles hat keinen Zweck, es ändert sich sowieso nichts, "Ich bin nun mal ein Pechvogel..."

Dieser Gemütszustand ist eines der wichtigsten Leitsymptome für den Einsatz von X-Ray!

X-Ray wird für alle chronische Krankheiten mit bedrohlicher organischer Veränderung gebraucht. Es hat die Kraft, zerstörerische Prozesse zumindest deutlich zu verlangsamen. Wie tief diese Kraft wirklich geht, können wir meistens gar nicht herausfinden, weil andere Dinge dazwischenkommen.

Es ist vielleicht das wichtigste Mittel für die Folgen von seelischer Traumatisierung in der allerersten Lebensphase; eine Patientin beschrieb mir ein "Gefühl wie von einer verbrannten Platte im Bauch", ein toter Bereich, durch den keine Energie mehr fließen konnte. Dieses Gefühl gab sich unter der Einnahme von X-Ray.

Krankheiten des lymphatischen Apparates, chronisch lymphatische Leukämie.

Schweren Infektionen allgemein, in allen Körperteilen. Hartnäckige Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, rezidiv, mit stechenden Schmerzen.

Stechende Schmerzen sind das wichtigste Leitsymptom für den Einsatz in einer akuten körperlichen Krise.

Lebensbedrohliche Infekte der Atemwege, wenn Carcinosinum versagt.

Unter dem Einsatz von X-Ray verschwanden die Symptome einer schweren Lungenentzündung bei einem alten Hund innerhalb von zwei Tagen; es wurde in den folgenden Wochen der Schonung ständig als Unterstützung weiter gegeben. In diesem Fall war es mit Carcinosinum, No 7 und Dys-Co abgewechselt worden, die aber zuvor allein keinen Fortschritt mehr gebracht hatten.

Kaum jemals haben wir die Gelegenheit, einen solchen Versuch bei Menschen zu ende zu führen, zu gefährlich ist das Abwarten!




Hartnäckige Hautkrankheiten; Psoriasis; bei Neurodermitis als gelegentliche Zwischengabe, wenn der Fortschritt stagniert.

Schmerzhaft eingerissene Haut, wenn die entsprechenden Darmosoden versagen.

Schmerzhafte Dornwarzen. Bei einem siebenjährigen Patienten trat unter Einsatz von Syc-Co zur Behandlung seiner Dornwarzen ein äußerst schmerzhafter Paukenhöhlenerguss auf. Der Arzt hielt eine Antibiotica-Therapie aufgrund des optischen Befundes nicht für nötig, "man sieht ja gar nichts." Wir wechselten auf X-Ray, ergänzt mit Myristica, und innerhalb von Stunden eröffnete sich das Trommelfell. Zeitgleich verschwanden die Dornwarzen – "als wären sie durch das Ohr gelaufen" (Zitat Mutter des Patienten).

Eine Überdosierung oder zu hohe Potenzierung von X-Ray zeigt sich meistens in der Rückkehr eines von früher bekannten Symptoms, das sich dann mit extremer Hartnäckigkeit und bis dahin unbekannter Heftigkeit festsetzt, z. B. besonders schmerzhafte Venenentzündungen, die über Wochen bleiben und kaum zu therapieren sind. Fast immer sind die Schmerzen stechend.

In solchem Fall wird man zunächst viel ausleiten müssen und vor allem mit den angezeigten Darmnosoden unterstützen. Auf die Dauer wird aber ein weiterer Fortschritt in der chronischen Behandlung nur zu erzielen sein, wenn X-Ray wieder eingesetzt wird, vorsichtig und in größeren Abständen. Eventuell gibt man seltene Gaben einer höheren Potenz zwischendurch. Auf diese Weise kann man auf dem Weg aus der chronischen Krankheit heraus eine weitere Etappe zurücklegen.


Bei schweren Lungenproblemen oder hartnäckigen Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, auch in der Vorgeschichte, im Wechsel mit Radium bromatum; im Wechsel mit Syc-Co bei chronischen Hautkrankheiten mit erblicher Belastung; mit No 7 bei Erschöpfung der Lebenskraft.

Repertorium:             [Fincke]

Mind: and Disposition. Mental irritability.

Clearing up of mental function after sharp stabbing pain in left temple staggering him, the heart felling the impulse immediately.

Mental processes not clear, writes wrong words in letters.

Mental condition upset during profuse menstruation would like to kill somebody.

Head: Sleepy with headache.

Headache gradually ext. to frontal region, < in center of forehead.

Sense of pressure in center of forehead.

Dull headache in morning, < when stooping and after rising.

Headache all soreness, < toward afternoon.

Feels empty as though scraped, < at night in bed.

Pain in r. side of head above temple.

Sharp stabbing in l. temple, followed by clearing up mental function, the heart immediately feeling the impulse.

Sense of pressive fullness starting from posterior prominence of vertex in a central straight line to bridge of nose, followed by fullness in entire vertex ext. to bridge of nose.

< of fullness over vertex, < along the center to nose and when stooping over.

Aching on top of head across a long coronal suture on blowing nose and after it.

Constant ache in vertex, < on awaking also on coughing sneezing or head low.

Heavy pressure on vertex as from a hand (old symptom absent a year).

Sticking pains in different parts of head and face.

Cannot bear slightest touch though hard pressure relieves for an instant; >by walking the floor.

Pain > by lying on l. side of face and body.

Pain in back of head > at times by message slightly, also by heat.

Neuralgic pains.

Eyes: Eyeballs sore.

Ears: Fullness in ears, < in r. ear, < by inserting finger.

Intermittent noise as of deep steam-whistle in l. ear, and ringing in head.   Ears more clear from ringing and dullness of hearing than for many years, an improvement lasting up to this day.

Healing action.

Nose: Bloody mucus from the nose.

Sulphur -vapor sensation in throat and nose.

Congested sensation in head and nose as before coryza.

Face: Slight electric current sensation in l. side of tongue and face passing over and disappearing in r. side of face.

Mouth: Tongue dry, rough, sore and scraped.

Bad taste in forenoon.

Bitter taste.

Scraping pain in lateral incisor, aggravated by noises and jarring of cars.

Throat: Sulphur–vapor sensation in nose and throat.

Throat painful on swallowing.

Stomach: Appetite: Aversion to meat.

Appetite diminished.

Desire for sweets.

Most distress after midday and evening meal.

No hunger goes till he feels faint.

Can eat plenty but does not enjoy it.

More thirst than usual.

Thirst for cold drinks though nothing tastes good.

Nausea, Vomiting: Nausea and vomiting with profuse sweat after immense stool at 4 a.m., seven days after taking.

Vomiting for 24 – 4 h.

Abdomen: Distended with full feeling.

Flatulence with ineffectual desire for stool.

Colicky pains in r. lower abdomen, sometimes ext. behind the hip, and retained urine.

Rektum: On straining at stood a sore sensation in nates.

Stool: green, though normal in consistency.

Ineffectual urging to stool, with flatulence.

Urine: Retained urine, vesical tenesmus after enormous evacuation.

Frequent urination, < after getting into bed.

Pressure as from congestion about kidneys.

Male Sexual organs: Sexual desire lost.

Testes relaxed impotent feeling. Unnatural or disgusting, lewd dreams on several nights, or several times in one night.

Female Sexual Organs: Menses dark green one day.

Pain darting upward in region of l. ovary sitting/walking/standing.

Flushed of heat; > afternoon and evening.

Chest: Wandering sticking pains in chest, < on r. side.

Stitching pain in r. upper chest going through to upper part of scapula.

Chest: Palpitation during evening causing cough.

Sharp pain at apex of heart, > lying on l. side.

Palpitation with a cough with tearing sensation in bronchi and hoarseness.

Heart’s sound keeps him awake while lying on l. side.

Dull and constant soreness around heart and < in legs and arms.

Neck: Stiffness on l. side of neck, turning in bed.

Stiffness on r. side of neck, with intense pain at night; occurs in paroxysms during the day > somewhat by hot applications.

Sudden “cricks” attack first side of neck, than the other < on getting cold turning the head nearly produces convulsions. Pains more severe behind the ears- the mastoid process.

Pain relieved on keeping perfectly quiet; sometimes by gently motion.

Stinging contracting pain.

Back: Pain in dorsal region.

Lame and stiff in back.

Aching whole length of spine.

A paralytic sensation ext. from spine down l. leg.

Rheumatic-like fever in trunk, steady dull pain going steadily from trunk to legs, and finally to heels, < in l. knee, < stepping on heel, on underside of heel (old symptom

of inflammatory rheuma 25 years ago)

Upper Extremities: Rheumatic pain in l. wrist and forearm.

Rheumatic twinges in last two phalangeal articulations of index and middle fingers for a short time in forenoon.

Granting heard in shoulder joints as well as nearly all other joints of the body.

Rheumatic pain in r. wrist and arm.

Can’t hold things in l. head, power or clumsy.

Palms of hands, which were rough and scaly and bleeding at times, became smooth and natural during the proving. Healing action. (Afterward they went back to former

state when general health improved.)

Lower Extremities: Lower port of both legs asleep, tingling as if from electric battery more in r., immediately.

Sciatic pain in r. hip.

Rheumatic pains in limbs.

Dull aching posterior aspect of thing and calf in morning from above downward.

Pain in r. sciatic nerve on walking.

Rheumatic pains in front of r. thigh.

Drawing aching discomfort in r. thigh through hip and knees down through toes, immediately.

“As if somebody were drawing icy hands over thing downward, aggravatingly slow. (occurred first 12 years ago after a nervous shock and did not return for 5 years.)

Rheumatic-like fever in trunk, steady dull pain going steadily down to legs and finally to heels, < in l. knee, < stepping on heel, on underside of heel (old symptoms of inflammatory rheuma 25 years ago.)

Chill: as soon as beginning to sleep, running up back, preventing sleep.

Chill going down back, followed by paralytic feeling in r. cheek.

Fever: Wave-like sensation as if it would break out in perspiration.

Profuse perspiration on getting into bed, keeping him awake.

Sleep: Kept awake by heart’s sound while lying on l. side.

As soon as she begins to sleep, chills running up

Sleeplessness constant and troublesome (relieved permanently by a bottle of Pabst Malt Extract).

Drowsy all night while sitting up.

Drowsiness leaves the instant when lying down, so cannot sleep.

Symptoms < when getting into bed, < after sunset.

Profuse perspiration on getting into bed, keeping him awake.

Walking frequently at night from no apparent cause.

All symptoms < in bed.

Dream: strife, busy dreams.

Very vivid lewd dreams, repeated night after night.

Skin: Reappearance of an old, slight, pimply eruption on l. side of forehead.

Return of a slight eruption on outside of lower legs, burning when scratched < after scratching.

Generals: tired and sick feeling.

Persistent exhaustion and languor, not attributable to spring.

Lame and sore all over.

Trembling all over.



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