Abroma spp.


Vergleich: Siehe: Malvales


Abroma augusta (Abrom-a) = Olat Kambal (I)/= Schokoladenhibiscus/= Devil's Cotton


Vergleich: DD.: Camph. Lac-ac. Ph-ac. Uran-n. Syzyg.

Comparison. Tilia cordata with Abroma

Siehe: Bryoniagruppe:


= Puls. + schlecht gelaunt/verärgert;

Negativ: Behindert + gequält von der Person womit verbunden. 

Irritiert/<< Widerspruch, vergesslich/abwesend, Arbeit abgeneigt, ruhelos/weint/niemals müde; leicht reizbar und schnell sich beschwerend

appetitlos + Kopfschmerz + verstopft + volles Gefühl/Appetit + verlangt Süßes + essen befriedigt nicht, DURST, trockNEN Mund (nach trinken), Augen/Urin-/Weibliche Organen/Nerven, > Druck, Schwellung überall (beginnt in Augenlider/Gesicht), schläfrig/schlaflos, Diabetes;

Albuminuria, enuresis, debility, vertigo, sleepless/carbuncle/dys-/amenorrhoea. diabetes. Menses appear before proper time and last short/long.

[Jugal Kishore]

Affinity for the mucous membranes and the serous membranes. This is exhibited by the symptoms produced in the head, eyes, nose, the respiratory and the urinary systems.

The modalities = Bry.-ähnlich/when Bry. fails.

During the proving it was significant to note that in many provers who had shown cysts or ova of helminthic infection, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia at the commencement

of the provings the cysts or ova had disappeared after nine months of provings and the stools did not show the same for a long time thereafter. Indicating Abrom-a.may possess anthelminthic properties warranting further detailed investigation.

Headache, sneezing, cough, cold, watering and redness of the eyes, chill, fever, bodyache, malaise and debility indicates its probable usefulness in the early picture of influenza and malaria.

Along with the respiratory signs and symptoms such as shortness of breath sneezing, running of the nose etc. the blood picture shows an increase in the eosinophilia count (17%) at the cost of lymphocytes (18%) without any appreciable rise in total W.B.C. count (6800/cu mm). This indicates the allergic manifestation and hence it suggests the probable use in allergic conditions such as asthma, allergic rhinitis etc., the disappearance of cysts and ova of helminths also confirm the above observations.

Female provers relieved pain of menstruation and reduced the tendency to heavy bleeding. In one of the unit 9 female provers were employed in this proving. Out of these 9 female provers 5 were controls. They were in the age group ranging from 20 years to 38 years. Almost all of them had mentioned in their case histories at the commencement of the proving about the heavy bleeding and the attending pain. The 18 months of proving produced marked improvement in respect of their bleeding and the pain than in those who were kept as controls.

In another unit 10 female provers were employed. Out of these 10 female provers, 5 were as controls. They were in age group ranging from 16 years to 32 years. Their menstrual history recorded at the time of commencement of the proving was normal. Eighteen months of proving produced delayed menstruation by ten days and scanty flow-black clotted blood.

None of these provers had history of leucorrhoeal discharge, yellowish white. with offensive, odour, with pain in lower abdomen and back was recorded.

The records of the provings at two different units show the antispasmodic activity of the drug in the uterine musculature. The changes produced in the bleeding pattern of the provers suggest its antihaemorrhagic properties.

Increased thirst, profuse urination, albuminuria, general aching in the extremities, soreness of muscles, debility, itching on the skin with or without eruptions, lethargy and weakness in suggestive of Diabetes mellitus and or Diabetes insipidus. J.K.'s provings have reported actual fall in blood sugar (fasting) level in two of his provers. Ray has accredited this drug to possess antidiabetic potentialities on the basis of his clinical experience. However no such hypoglycemic activity was noticed in the provings. Since the symptoms are suggestive,

it is worthwhile to explore the possibility of this drug in that direction.

Soreness in the right hypochondrium with sensation of fullness, loss of appetite, colicky pain, unsatisfactory evacuation of bowels, albuminuria, anasarca, suggests affections of liver and biliary apparatus and its defective functioning.

Desire for sweet has markedly been exhibited. This makes an useful addition to the existing list of drugs. (Arg-n./Chin./Lyc./Sulph./Calc.).

The varieties of signs and symptoms expressed in the joints and the extremities are suggestive of its usefulness in arthritis and rheumatic pains.

The trace of magnesium demonstrates its activity on the peripheral circulation and the skeletal muscles. It may be noted with interest that the action of A. augusta resembles that

of Mag-p.–ähnlich are they complementary.


Short proving of Jugal Kishore has indicated its possible uses in

Allergic rhinitis, hay fever and bronchitis


Constipation fissure in ano

Diabetes mellitus and insipidus

Dysmenorrhoea and some other menstrual disorders


Rheumatoid arthritis


The present proving confirming some aspects of the drug's medical action as independently reported by Ray and J.K. shows that it may become useful remedy in headache

with sinusitis


Upper respiratory infections Including allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma

Dysentery amoebiasis, diarrhoea, helminthiasis and giardiasis Affections of kidney and liver

Rheumatic pains of joints arthritis, synovitis.

Diabetes mellitus and insipidus Uterine disorders metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea.

Further trails will be necessary to define, confirm and stabilise the potentiality of its therapeutic activity.


Gemüt: Zorn/reizbar/schwierige Konzentration

Erregt (leicht erregt, regt sich schnell auf)

Freude [Lacht (unmäßig)]/traurig

< Geistige Anstrengung/Konzentration schwierig

Gleichgültig, Apathie


Mürrisch/Stimmung, Laune veränderlich, reizbar, gereizt (leicht/> sprechen)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen/morgens (6 - 9 h) bis nachts/> gehen/< liegen/< sitzen/< stehen/+ übel

Kopf: Schweregefühl (< Bewegung/< Geräusche/< Sonnenhitze/< sprechen/< im warmen geschlossenen Zimmer)/Schmerz (+ Niesen)/Leeregefühl, „Wie hohl“

Kopfschmerz in viele Formen + mit viele Modalitäten

Auge: Schmerz [r. („Wie durch Sand)/> Druck (Wehtun)/> im Freien/< Sonnenhitze/< im warmen Zimmer/Wehtun]

Schweregefühl [Augenbrauen (r./> im Freien)/> Schließen der Augen)/Lider (r./> kalte Luft/> Schließen der Augen)]

Tränenfluss - l./reichlich/Tränen scharf

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr (Summen)

Hören: Schwerhörig

Nase: Absonderung - abends/dick (tagsüber/> im Freien/im geschlossenen warmen Zimmer)/dünn (morgens/abends/> im Freien/< Sonnenhitze/im warmen Zimmer)/gelb (tagsüber)/reichlich/übel riechend/wässrig (morgens/abends/> im Freien/< Sonnenhitze/im warmen o./+ geschlossenen Zimmer)/weiß  (> im Freien/im warmen geschlossenen Zimmer)

Katarrh (> im Freien/im warmen geschlossenen Zimmer)

Niesen (morgens/abends/> im Freien/im warmen geschlossenen Zimmer)

Schmerz in Nasenlöcher (< im warmen Zimmer)

Gesicht: Rissige Mundwinkel l./trockene Lippen


Mund: Reine Zunge

Schmerz Zunge (< Schlucken)

Speichelfluss (mit ständigem Verlangen zu Spucken)

Trocken (+ Durst/> kaltes Wasser/Zunge

Geschmack bitter/fade

Innerer Hals: Schleim [dunkel/Schmerz < Schlucken (morgens erwachend)]

Trocken (nachts/mit Durst auf kaltes o./+ warmes Wasser/> kaltes Wasser

Würgen, Zusammenziehen - nachmittags - 13 h bis nachts/Zusammenschnürung (nachmittags - 13 h bis nachts)

Magen: Appetit vermehrt (< nach Stuhlgang)/vermindert

Durst - abends/+ trockenem  Hals/+ trockene Lippen mit Verlangen auf große Mengen kaltes Wasser/ DURST/

Durst auf große Mengen (abends/oft)/auf kleine Mengen (und oft)/< Wasser trinken von Wasser/unstillbar/durstlos + trockene Lippen


Schmerz [< (< nach Mittagessen)/Tee/in Epigastrium nach Stuhlgang]

Art des Erbrochenen: sauer/weiß

Bauch: Schmerz in Hypogastrium (< während Menses)

Rektum: Jucken um Anus (Baden)

Obstipation (ungenügend)/untätig

Schmerz (< beim o./+ nach Stuhlgang (brennend)

Stuhl: übel riechend/hart (gefolgt von weicher Stuhl)/“Wie Kugeln“/“Wie Schafskot“/spärlich/dünn, flüssig/gelb/wässrig

Urin: Reichlich

Blase: Schmerz - morgens bis nachts (brennend)/< urinieren (brennend)/nach urinieren (brennend)

Urinieren - häufig (nachmittags - 17.30 - 20 h/nach Mitternacht 4 - 11 h

Männliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen vermehrt

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor [dick „Wie weißer Kleister“/dünn, wässrig/färbt die Wäsche/scharf, wund fressend/+ Rückenschmerz (r.)/weiß]

Menses - nachts/Anstrengung ruft den Eintritt der Menses hervor/hervor/geronnen/reichlich/schmerzhaft/spärlich/unregelmäßig/verzögerte Menarche

Schmerz - Ovarien r.

Husten: Morgens (6 - 9 h) bis 9 h/gelöst, locker/< trocken im Schlaf

Auswurf: Dick/gelb/weiß

Brust: (Pulsieren/Herzklopfen/“Als ob Gewicht darauf; wie Beklemmung“


Schmerz [hält sich hustend die Brust mit den Händen (wund schmerzend)/< Husten (wund schmerzend)/< hustend

Rücken: Schmerz (tagsüber/nachmittags nach 17 h/< nachts im Bett/< Aufsetzen im Bett/> nach hinten Beugen (pulsierend/pochend)/< (pulsierend/pochend)/< Bewegung/

< gehend/während Menses pulsierend/< sitzend

Steifes Kreuz [l./abends (> hinlegend)/durch Arbeiten im kaltem Wasser/< Aufstehen vom Bett/< nach vorne Beugen/durch Bewegung/< sitzen/< gehen]

Glieder: Finger rot r./Frostbeulen an Hände

Gefühllos, taub in Arme (nachts/< liegend)

Schmerz viele

Schweregefühl in Arme r./> Druck/< gehend

Trockene Fingerrücken

Fieber: Hitze im Allgemeinen

Frost: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/Schüttelfrost [abends/< im Freien)

Schlaf: Gestört durch Träume/Gähnen abends/unerquicklich/ Schlaflos

Träume: vom Geschäft des Tages

Allgemeines: R./ Aufenthalt in der Sonne

Diabetes insipidus/Diabetes mellitus (+ Fluor/+ Karbunkel)

> Druck/> (gehen) im Freien/> Ruhe

< enges, geschlossenes Zimmer


Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Tab; Verlangt: Fisch/Kaffee/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Saftiges/Salz/saure Speisen, Säuren/Süßigkeiten/Tee/warme Getränke

(kleine Mengen in kurzen Abständen);



Folgt gut: Bry.


Wirkung: typhoid

Allerlei: tropisch/subtropisch


Phytologie: [Alveera Singh]

Root juice taken orally by tribal and rural people in West Rarrh region of West Bengal, India, for blood dysentery, diarrhea and night wetting; powder of bark

and roots consumed 3x daily with boiled water by the Khamti tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, India, for urinary problems; flowers taken orally by the Tonchongya

tribe of Bandarban district, Bangladesh, for mental sickness; stem juice to be taken orally, advised by folk medicinal practitioners in Begumganj, Noakhali district, Bangladesh, for irregular menses, painful menses, and burning sensations in the uterus; root juice taken orally as uterine tonic by ethnic communities of

Tinsukia district of Assam, India; leaf juice orally taken, advised for diabetes by folk medicinal practitioners of Vasu Bihar village, Bogra district, Bangladesh; crushed stems taken orally in Vitbilia village of Pabna district, Bangladesh, for treatment of debility and infertility in women due to uterine problems; leaf juice taken orally for diabetes and root juice for sexual disorder by the Garo tribal community of Netrakona district, Bangladesh; leaf juice taken orally for heatstroke

in Brahmanbaria district, Bangladesh.



Abroma augusta (Abrom ex radix) = Olat Kambal Wurzel (I)


= Abrom-a-ähnlich;

Negativ: Weibliche Organe; causes the menses to appear and gives the tone and strength to the uterus. It may be compared to Puls./Vib-o. may be used for easy abortion

[Farokh Master]

A Drug of Hindoostan contains a lot of magnesium as its constituent.

This is one of my very favorite medicines for dysmenorrhoea esp. for those women who get severe dysmenorrhoea and their  menstrual flow may be either copious or scanty. Excessive leucorrhoea that may be either watery or thick. The  constitution where you should think of Abroma radix is in thin and chilly women, not for the obese;


Gemüt: Wird leicht/schnell zornig/Ruhelos (während Menses)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Weibliche Genitalien: Schmerz/(spärlich/unregelmäßig/schmerzhafte) Menses/Fluor (dünne Frauen/dünn/wässrig)

Allgemeines: Wärme-/Wärmebedürfnis/< Schneeluft



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