Acetanilidum (Acetan) = Antifebrin


Vergleich: Acet-ac. + Anil. (Acetan hergestellt aus Anil + Acet-ac), Antip. (= Acetan-ähnlich).

Siehe: Schmerzmittelgruppe


Vergiftung: Grau-blaue Verfärbung/schnelles Atmen/Bluthochdruck/schläfrig, Schweiß/erbricht/Frost/niedrige Blutdruck:

chronisch: Abmagerung/Schwäche/Kopfschmerz/Blutarmut Haut juckend/nässend/rissig; gefährliche Anämie/Leber-/Nierenbeschwerden;

Negativ: A. Müde („Wie ohne Lebenskraft“), B. Graue/blaue/violette Verfärbung (periphere Teilen);


Blutung/SCHWACH/depressiv/leblos/kein Ausdauer/schwach/BLASS/ gleichgültig/freudlos, erniedrigte Herz-/Atemfunktion/Blutdruck/Temp. Kollaps + Zyanose (gräulich) an Zehen/Ohren/Nase/periphere Teilen;

[Farokh Master]

A Drug from Hindoostan:

Contains a lot of magnesium as its constituent. This is one of my very favorite medicines for dysmenorrhoea (those women who get severe dysmenorrhoea and their menstrual

flow may be either copious or scanty. Excessive leucorrhoea that may be either watery or thick. The constitution where you should think of Abroma radix is in thin

women, it is not for the obese patients and thermally they are chilly patients.

The physiological action of the remedy in cardiology is that it reduces and depresses the heart action and slows down the respiration.

It destroys the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and has a destructive influence on the red blood corpuscle producing pallor. The blood and urine become darker and

if this particular action is prolonged on the human body then patient suffers from severe anemia, cardiac failure and an ultimately develops cardiac shock.

The best place to read the effect of this remedy on the heart and respiration is an article given by Dr. H.C. Gordinier from Boston in the journal Boston Medical and

Surgical Journal and Lancet where they have reported a poisoning of this particular remedy and its effects on human being who have consumed this as a poison.

In olden days this remedy was used to control the temperature and to reduce the articular and rheumatic pain that followed influenza. I have not much used this remedy for

the above indication in my practice.

The most important areas where I have been seen the usefulness of this remedy is depression of the heart and respiration, hypertension, cyanosis, collapse.

The collapse is characterized by tachycardia and hypotension.

There is also an increased susceptibility towards the cold.

What you should look for in patients who need this remedy in cardiac cases:

The physiological action of the remedy in cardiology is that it reduces and depresses the heart action and slows down the respiration.

It destroys the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and has a destructive influence on the red blood corpuscle producing pallor. The blood and urine become darker

and if this particular action is prolonged on the human body then patient suffers from severe anemia, cardiac failure and an ultimately develops cardiac shock.

The best place to read the effect of this remedy on the heart and respiration is an article given by Dr. H.C. Gordinier from Boston in the journal Boston Medical and

Surgical Journal and Lancet where they have reported a poisoning of this particular remedy and its effects on human being who have consumed this as a poison.

In olden days this remedy was used to control the temperature and to reduce the articular and rheumatic pain that followed influenza. I have not much used this remedy

for the above indication in my practice.

The most important areas where I have been seen the usefulness of this remedy is depression of the anaemia with cyanosis.

Acetanilidum a combination of Acetic acid and Aniline, both in use in homoeopathy.

Although these 3 remedies, especially Anilinum and Acetanilidum, have many symptoms in common, they are nevertheless so different that they cannot be simply interchanged. Acetanilidum is a homoeopathic medicine, which is a derivative of Analine, and it is a white micaceous powder and known as phenyl acetamide or it is

also known as antifebrin.

The physiological action of the remedy in cardiology is that it reduces and depresses the heart action and slows down the respiration.

It destroys the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and has a destructive influence on the red blood corpuscle producing pallor. The blood and urine become darker

and if this particular action is prolonged on the human body then patient suffers from severe anemia, cardiac failure and an ultimately develops cardiac shock.

The best place to read the effect of this remedy on the heart and respiration is an article given by Dr. H.C. Gordinier from Boston in the journal Boston Medical and

Surgical Journal and Lancet where they have reported a poisoning of this particular remedy and its effects on human being who have consumed this as a poison.

In olden days this remedy was used to control the temperature and to reduce the articular and rheumatic pain that followed influenza. I have not much used this remedy

for the above indication in my practice.

The most important areas where I have been seen the usefulness of this remedy is depression of the heart and respiration, hypertension, cyanosis, collapse.

The collapse is characterized by tachycardia and hypotension.

There is also an increased susceptibility towards the cold.

What you should look for in patients who need this remedy in cardiac cases:

Eyes look pale and the pupils are dilated.

Face is pale and tired.

Oedema of the feet and ankle.

Presence of albumin in routine urine test.

Severe hypothermia.

The heart beats will be weak and irregular.

In my practice I have seen many patients with cardiac failure developing lot of respiratory complaints characterized by severe suffocation + clenching of hands or clench anybody around him, this type of suffocation of respiration is an important keynote of this remedy.

Another important indication of this remedy is thrombosis of lower extremities. I have seen many cases where the heart pumping is very weak in old people and a result

they suffer from thrombosis of the lower limb, the lower limb is enlarged, oedematous and Colour Doppler shows thrombosis.

Examination of routine urine may also show acetone, epithelial cells, and cast.

Pulford: presence of hypertension in those people who are morally depraved. Depraved means a corrupted or perverted individual and I have not so far used this indication

in treatment of high blood pressure but it is worth using. Suffocation in respiration as if the diaphragm had ceased to function and one must continue to breathe on ones

own account as a leading indication of this remedy. Another clinical indication worth understanding is that they are usually born tired, they usually have no stamina,

they will come, sit down and then they just lie down on the sofa.

It is actually not a depression but it is an exhaustion which is very similar to Chin. Mur-ac. Stann-met. These people are anaemic, pale, exhausted with low blood pressure,

low pulse rate, temperature extremely low, and the whole organism is functioning at a very low gear.

I had a case of a one year old child suffering from Fallot’s tetralogy; he had excessive cyanosis without any other indication. I tried to get symptoms but nothing happened. My first prescription was Carb-v. 6 C gave no relief and that same day I advised CBC count to the mother because I thought that child looks little pallor and it was found

to be anaemia so in the combination of anaemia with the cyanosis I gave Acetanilidum 3 C, just one grain 2x daily and slowly and slowly the cyanosis of the child improved.

It is very difficult to differentiate this remedy from Carb-v. both these remedies can have:


HEAD - Pain < exertion of the eyes

FACE - pale


RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT < after exertion

CHEST - HEART failure

GENERAL - lack of vital heat


GENERAL - external dropsy





Depresses heart, respiration and blood pressure, lowers temperature.

Cyanosis and collapse. Increased susceptibility to cold. Destroys red blood corpuscles; pallor.

Head: Enlarged sensation. Fainting. Moral depravity.

Eyes: Pallor of optic discs, contracted visual field and shrinking retinal vessel; mydriasis.

Heart: Weak, irregular, with blue mucous membranes, albuminuria, oedema of feet/ankles.



Gemüt: Erregung/Mangel an moralischem Empfinden/Stupor/Verlust der Willenskraft

Schwindel: < Liegen - "Als würde er durch das Bett hindurch oder mit diesem nach unten sinken"

Kopf: Schmerz (< Anstrengung der Augen/+ Typhus abdominalis/< geistige Anstrengung/unterdrückte Gemütsbewegungen/nervöse Erschöpfung/”Wie vergrößert”

Auge: Atrophie Blutgefäße in Netzhaut/blass - Papillae

Pupillen - erweitert/unequal

Sehen: Zusammengezogenes Sehfeld

Gesicht: Ausdruck - müde/blass

Mund: Dry (after talking)

Magen: Appetit fehlend

Rektum: Durchfall

Stuhl: weich

Blasen: Urination retarded must press abdominal muscles/can pass urine, only, while sitting and bend forward

Urin: Eiweißhaltig

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses schmerzhaft

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung/Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen (< Anstrengung)

Brust: Herzversagen/Herzklopfen/Schwäche des Herzens (+ Wassersucht)

Glieder: Schmerz in Beine – Ischiasnerv/Schwellung in Füße/Knöchel ödematös

Schlaf: Schlaflos

Schweiß: wenig

Haut: bläulich - grau/gelb/grau/violett/Hautausschläge - Pickel

Allgemeines: < (nach) Abkühlung, Kaltwerden/hoch steigen



Hypothermie/Hypotonus (einschließlich arterieller Hypotonie)/Hypotension

< Kälte/neigt zu Erkältung

Kollaps/Konvulsionen während Hitze/Ohnmach


Ohnmacht aufstehend vom Stuhl

Schmerz (blitzartig + lokomotorischer Ataxie/neuralgisch)


Wassersucht (äußere)



Allerlei: Used as a sedative and antipyretic for various forms of headache and neuralgia in doses of 1 to 3 grains.



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