Acidum cis aconiticum Heel (H3C6H3O6)


Vergleich: Siehe: Ranunculaceae


[D. Riley] 

Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Pain on waking in the morning that occurs in the head, ear, and chest. The pain in the head is constant and continuous, lasting for hours. Dreams: being violently

shot and killed.

Dryness and cracking of the skin on or in the nose, nostrils, lips, and hands. There is an aversion to sweets.

Mind: Difficult concentration.

Confused on waking.

Dullness and boredom.

Dreams: death of relatives/discolored teeth/swimming in water/of dying or being murdered or being shot/unremembered dreams.




Agreeable mood.

Generalities: Food: Desires: cheese/meat/cold milk/soup/spices. Aversion to sweets. Sensation of heat at night.

Weariness in afternoon.

Internal restlessness.

Tense muscles.

Pain on waking.

Head: Pain – in evening/at base of head/constant and continued/on waking, and with vomiting/> external pressure/in forehead, behind eyes and above or ext. to head/

in temple ext. to eye or to neck/sharp/pulsating/throbbing in the l. occiput.

Eye: Lacrimation “As if crying”. Sensitivity to light.

Vision: Blurry like trying to see while under water.

Ear: Aching (l.)

Pain on waking or in the evening.

R-sided with a pressure-like pain.

Nose: Coryza.

Cracks in the corners of nostril.

Discharge that is watery and thin, or clear, from posterior nares.

Eruptions inside nose.

Itching inside (allergy symptom).

Sinus pain.

Obstruction improves.

Pressing pain at root of nose.


Face: Lips – chapped/cracked (r. corner)/dry.

Discoloration under eyes or makes the face red.

Dryness around nose.

Eruptions of acne or pimples on the forehead or nostril.

Mouth: Aching in gum

Inflamed palate

Teeth: Sore pain from wisdom teeth.

Throat: Dryness not > drinking.

Pain in the cervical glands.

Stomach: Appetite increased and ravenous, or decreased


Nausea during the headache.

Thirsty at night.


Abdomen: Distended.

Painful flatulence.

Pain - sharp on the sides/shooting

Rectum: Straining at stool.

Flatus – offensive/improves/occurs during stool.

Frequent urging during urination.

Stool: Scanty/soft/stringy.

Male genitalia: Erections incomplete or difficult to maintain.

Female genitalia: Pain > when menses begins.

“As if menses would come on”.

Chest: Cutting pain around the heart.

Pain on waking.

Limbs: Dryness of hands.

Aching of the shoulder.

Bilateral dry, circular patches below each elbow.

Cramps in the calf or l. hip and l. thigh.

Heaviness of the r. knee, or heaviness of the leg before menses.

Swollen r. knee.

Trembling of arms, hands, and fingers.

Weakness of forearm or left leg.

Pain - aching in joints or calf/sore pain in knee, calf, or upper arm.

Contraction of leg.

Sleep: Sleepy in the afternoon.

Sleepless from headache.

Skin: Dryness of skin or in part

Dry and itching on neck and upper shoulders


Gemüt: Empfindlich/Konzentration schwierig/Langeweile/ruhelos/Stimmung, Laune - angenehm/stumpf/verschiebt alles auf den nächsten Tag/geistig

verwirrt (erwachend)

Kopf: Schmerz in einige Formen

Auge: Photophobie/Tränenfluss

Sehen:  Verschwommen

Ohr: Schmerz [r. (drückend)/l. (Wehtun)/abends/erwachend/Wehtun]

Nase: Absonderung - dünn/grünlich/klar/wässrig/Choanen

Risse in Nasenwinkel


Jucken innerlich l./Niesen/verstopft

Schmerz in Nasenwurzel (drückend)

Gesicht: Aufgesprungene Lippen/Hautausschläge [Akne auf Stirn/Pickel (l. Nasenloch/auf Stirn)/trocken(in der Nase]/rissige (Lippen/r. Mundwinkel)/

trockene (Lippen/Nase)

Mund: Entzündete Gaumen/Schmerz in Zahnfleisch (Wehtun)

Zähne: Schmerz - wund schmerzend/in Weisheitszähne

Innerer Hals: Trocken nicht > durch Trinken

Äußerer Hals: Schmerz - Halsdrüsen

Magen: Appetit vermehrt/vermindert

Auftreibung/übel/Durst nachts/Verdauungsstörung

Bauch: Auftreibung/schmerzhafte Flatulenz

Schmerz [stechend/seitlich (lanzinierend)]

Rektum: Flatus (beim Stuhlgang/übel riechend)/Stuhldrang - häufig/Wasser lassend

Stuhl: Spärlich (Faden ziehend/weich

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen schwierig/unvollständig

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses „Als ob Menses erscheint“/Menses schmerzhaft

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung

Brust: Angina pectoris/Schmerz [erwachend/schneidend/Herzgegend (schneidend)]

Glieder: Hautausschläge an Unterarme/Schmerz [in Schultern (wehtun)]/trockene Hände

Schlaf:  Schlaflos durch Kopfschmerz/Schläfrig  (nachmittags)

Träume: Alpträume, Alpdrücken/unerinnerlich, bleiben nicht im Gedächtnis

Haut: Hautausschläge - große Flecken/trocken

Allgemeines: Gefühl von Hitze nachts/matt nachmittags

Speise und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Süßigkeiten;

Verlangt: Fleisch/Gewürztes/Käse/eiskalte Milch/Suppe;

Spannung in Muskeln



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