Acidum oxalicum Anhang


[William Boericke]

Although certain oxalates are constant constituents of vegetable food and of the human body, the acid itself is a violent poison when taken internally, producing gastro-enteritis, motor paralysis, collapse, stupor and death. Influences the spinal cord, and produces motor paralysis. Pains very violent, in spots (Kali-bi.) < motion/thinking

of them. Periodical remissions.

Spasmodic symptoms of throat and chest. Rheuma of left side. Neurasthenia. Tb.

Head: Sense of heat. Confusion and vertigo. Headache, before and during stool.

Eyes: Severe pain in eyes; feel expanded. Hyperæsthesia of retina.

Stomach: Violent pain in epigastrium, discharge of flatus relieves. Gastralgia, pyrosis, sensation of coldness below epigastrium. Burning pain ext. upwards;

slightest touch causes excruciating pain. Bitter and sour eructation < at night. Cannot eat strawberries.

Abdomen: Pain in upper part and region of navel two hours after eating, with much flatulence. Stitches in liver. Colic. Burning in small spots in abdomen.

Diarrhœa from coffee.

Male organs: Terrible neuralgic pains in spermatic cord. Testicles feel contused and heavy. Seminal vesiculitis.

Urinary organs: Frequent and copious. Burning in urethra and pain in glans when urinating. Must urinate when thinking of it. Urine contains oxalates.

Respiratory organs: Nervous aphonia with cardiac derangement (Coca; Hydrocy ac). Burning sensation from throat down. Breathing spasmodic, with constriction of

larynx and chest.

Hoarseness. Left lung painful. Aphonia. Paralysis of the tensors of vocal cord. Dyspnœa; short, jerking inspirations. Sharp pain through lower region of left lung, ext. epigastrium.

Chest: Palpitation and dyspnœa in organic heart disease; < thinking of it. Pulse feeble. Heart symptoms # aphonia, angina pectoris; sharp, lancinating pain in l. lung coming

on suddenly, depriving of breath. Præcordial pains which dart to the l. shoulder. Aortic insufficiency.

Extremities: Numb, weak, tingling. Pains start from spine and ext. through extremities. Drawing and lancinating pains shooting down extremities. Backache; numb, weak, Myelitis.

Muscular prostration. Wrist painful, as if sprained (Ulmus). Lower extremities blue, cold, insensible. Sensation of numbness. Multiple cerebral and posterior spinal sclerosis.

Lancinating pains in various parts; jerking pains.

Skin: Sensitive, smarting and soreness, < shaving; mottled, marbled in circular patches. Perspires easily.

Modalities: <: left side/slightest touch/light; shaving. Aroused about 3 h. with gastric and abdominal pain. All conditions made < thinking about self.


[Frans Vermeulen]

Unser Leben ist, was unsere Gedanken daraus machen.

Marcus Aurelius

Affinität: Verdauungstrakt. Nabel. Nerven [Rückenmark; Herz], Linke Seite; Lunge.

<: Daran denken/Kälte/Berührung/Rasieren/geistige Anstrengung/saures Obst;

>: nach Stuhlgang;


[Clarke] „Sobald er an die Beschwerden denkt, kehren sie zurück ... Und nicht nur das, an Schmerzen und Beschwerden denken löst sie aus, wenn sie nicht bestehen.

Wenn der Patient an Harnentleerung denkt, muss er sofort gehen und die Blase entleeren“.

NERvös und schlaflos. Neurasthenie.

Animiert. Hochstimmung


„Starke Zunahme der Animiertheit den Tag hindurch mit Verspieltheit und Heiterkeit, was in den vergangenen Jahren nicht seine Art war. Starke Tendenz zu spielen

und Unfug zu treiben“.

Angst + „Als habe alles Blut den Kopf verlassen“.


Beschwerden durch Essen [saure] Früchte (Erd-/Moosbeeren/Äpfel/Tomaten/Trauben/Rhabarber).

[Saure Früchte, Gemüse wie Rhabarber, Portulak und Spinat enthalten überdurchschnittlich viel Oxalsäure.]

< ZUCKER/Süßigkeiten.

Schlaf gestört durch: Geräusche [kann nicht wieder einschlafen, nachdem er durch ein Geräusch geweckt wurde].

Leibkrämpfe. Zusammenfahren „Wie durch Schreck“.


„Kein Mittel erzeugt heftigere Schmerzen“. Starke, rasende Schmerzen. In Streifen, blitzartig [neuralgisch]. In umschriebenen Stellen, Brennen usw.

Schmerz in kleinen Stellen. Wundheitsschmerzen in umschriebenen Stellen.

TaubheitsGEFÜHL (äußerlich/des ganzen Körpers), Parästhesien; Krabbeln, Prickeln.

Haut: gefleckt/kalt, blaue Nägel.

Empfindung des STRÖMENS des BLUTES.

Kopfschmerz durch Wein.

Scharfe Schmerzen durch den unteren Lappen der linken Lunge.

Herz (Angina pectoris/Schmerzen schießen die linke Schulter herab, durch den Herzbeschwerden.

Scharfe schießende Schmerzen in der linken Lunge und im Herzen. Dehnen sich abwärts zum Epigastrium aus und dauern einige Sekunden an.

+ Eisige Kälte der Hände, blaue Finger und Nägel.

Herzklopfen oder andere Herzbeschwerden, IM

WECHSEL mit HEISERKEIT oder Stimmverlust.

Herzklopfen < nachts beim Hinlegen.

Beim Denken an das Herz setzt der Puls aus.


Gemüt: Angst, mit Schwächegefühl*; mit der Empfindung als sei alles Blut aus dem Kopf gewichen*. Leichtes Begriffsvermögen. > Beschäftigung.

Rasche Gedanken. Hänseln, necken, sticheln. Liebevoll. Verspielt.

Verwirrung, weiß nicht, wo er ist, nachts erwachend; < daran Denken, nach Wein.

Schwindel: Wenn man aus dem Fenster sieht, als werde er hindurch fallen.

Sehen: Gegenstände erscheinen entfernt. Gegenstände erscheinen größer.

Nase: Nasenbluten mit Verlust des Sehvermögens.

Magen: Gestört, nach Erdbeeren. Schmerzen, nach Zucker.

Bauch: Schmerzen, nach Zucker; Nabelbereich, nachts.

Rektum: Durchfall: nach Kaffee; nach Zucker; beim daran Denken. Drängen, sobald er sich hinlegt, > Bewegung/sitzend

Blase: Harndrang wenn man daran denkt.

Männer: Heftiges sexuelles Verlangen nachts

Brust: Herzklopfen, im Wechsel mit Aphonie, nach Kaffee.

Glieder: Zehen des rechten Fußes krampfhaft nach unten gezogen, ohne Schmerzen. Empfindung von Zittern der Hände und Füße.

Schlaf: Schlaflos nach Erwachen durch ein Geräusch.

Allgemeines: Gesteigerte Aktivität. Empfindung von Strömen des Blutes Abneigung gegen Tabak rauchen am Morgen, Verlangen nach Tabak

am Abend.


Das Repertorium erwähnt für Ox-ac. irrtümlicherweise 'Wahnidee zu schwimmen, wenn er sich hinlegt.


"Beim Hinlegen auch Schwindel, wie ein Schwimmen im Kopf nach links“.


1. Denken an die Beschwerden <.

2. Schießende Schmerzen; Schmerzen an kleinen Stellen.

3. Frostig; sehr empfindlich gegen Kälte. Fleckige Haut; bläulich.

4. Saures Obst und Gemüse <.

5. Herzbeschwerden wechseln ab mit Heiserkeit.


Abgeneigt: Erdbeeren/Kaffee/Rauchen/Wasser; <: Erdbeeren/Kaffee/(saures) Obst/Portulak/Rhabarber/Schokolade/Stärkehaltiges/Süßes/trockene Speisen/Wein;

Verlangt: Erdbeeren/Tabak;


[J.T. Kent]

Generals: Heart complaints that are treated with vague, crude, unproved remedies with indifferent results. The violent action upon the heart racks the whole system.

Trembling, convulsions, loss of sensation; numbness of the body and limbs; blueness of the lower limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the limbs are symptoms showing

how violently this remedy takes hold of the body, affecting the heart, spinal cord and brain. Symptoms are worse from exertion and motion. Sensitive to cold air.

Symptoms come on in paroxysms. Palpitation # loss of voice.

Pains: Violent pains; cutting, shooting, stitching, tearing pains in many parts; sores and bruises all over the body; burning in forehead, stomach, abdomen, throat, urethra,

hands and feet; painful spots on the scalp, sore to, touch, also in other places.

Skin mottled in places. Complaints come on from eating sour fruits, such as strawberries, cranberries, apples, rhubarb, tomatoes, grapes; also from eating sugar and starchy foods. Wine and coffee disagree.

Symptoms (pain) come on or are < when thinking about them. At times there is great excitement and exhilaration again there is loss of memory and dejection; maniacal conduct; aversion to conversation. Fainting during stool. There is marked hyperaemia of the brain and surging of blood from body to head; flashes of heat mount upward; he becomes dizzy and there is vanishing of sight.

Head: The head feels empty; dull aching in the head; in forehead and vertex; the brain burns; headache in spots; pressing pain in small spots; pressing pain behind ear; the headaches < wine/lying/after sleep/on rising; >: after stool;

Sore tender spots on the scalp.

Vision: Type blurs when reading; vanishing of sight; small, especially linear objects seem larger and more distant; pain eyes(l.); bleared eyes.

Face: pale and blue; sunken expression; heat in face; face covered with cold sweat; drawing pain with rigidity near the angle of lower jaw-first in left, then in right.

Nose: Epistaxis with vanishing of sight.

Mouth: Ulcers on gums; gums bleed and are painful in spots; sour taste in the mouth; tongue sore, red, dry, burning, swollen, with white coating; Loss of taste; aphtae in

the mouth;

Throat: much thick mucus compels him to constantly clear the throat; swallowing painful in the morning; pain in throat; chronic sore throat.

Stomach: Appetite increased; wanting, with loss of taste; thirst.

Pain in stomach > after eating; gnawing in stomach > after taking soup. After eating, eructations, nausea, pains at the navel, colic, rumbling in bowels, urging to stool, weakness. Sugar increases the pain in stomach; wine makes headache worse; coffee acts violently on the heart and causes diarrhea; heartburn < evening; eructation, sour, tasteless, after eating. Nausea and vomiting; nausea during pregnancy; thirst and colic after diarrhea; nausea and cramp in calves after stool.

Abdomen: Paroxysmal pains in abdomen in the night, relieved by passing flatus; burning in stomach and throat; extreme tenderness of stomach; inflammation of stomach and intestines; empty feeling relieved by eating.

Cramping pains in abdomen. Burning in the abdomen. Stitching pains in abdomen and in the liver. Great pain in the region of the umbilicus, <: evening/ night/motion;

Sore pains about the navel. The pains in abdomen come on or < thinking of them. Obstructed flatus in the splenic flexure of the colon, causing pain in left hypochondrium. Stitching pains in liver, > deep breathing.

Cramping pains in abdomen, <: night with vomiting/motion/eating sugar; Chronic inflammation of the bowels. Extreme tenderness of the abdomen; chronic morning diarrhea with cramping about the navel; tenesmus, renewed urging on lying down. Coffee brings on diarrhea; stools watery; of mucus and blood; stools involuntary. Tenesmus during stool causes pain in head; constipation with difficult stool and the straining causes headache.

Kidneys: The renal region is painful and tender. Frequent urination; copious; urine containing oxalate of lime; soreness of whole urinary tract; the urine causes soreness and burning of the urethra; when urinating there is pain in the glans penis; incontinence of urine in sleep; all the urinary symptoms < thinking about them.

Male organs: Tearing pains in the spermatic cords, < motion; marked tenderness in testes which become painful when walking. Strong, sexual desire and erections when in bed; seminal emissions and sexual weakness; shooting pains along the spermatic cords.

Larynx and trachea: Loss of voice with cardiac complaints; palpitation # loss of voice; larynx sore, raw, with tickling and clutching; mucus forms in the larynx when talking; must constantly clear the larynx when talking; white mucus in the larynx; hawks up thick yellow and white mucus.

Chest: In complaints of the heart there is most difficult breathing. In feeble, nervous women there is paroxysmal breathing; violent rapid respiration with intervals of normal breathing; jerking inspiration and sudden, forced expiration in angina pectoris; dyspnoea with constriction in the larynx that is very painful; with wheezing and oppression of chest worse thinking of it.

Cardiac cough on slight exertion; choking feeling in larynx; tickling in larynx while walking in cold air.

Sharp, shooting pains in left lung, heart and left hypochondrium. With inability to breathe during perfect rest; soreness in chest; pain in middle of chest through to the back. Dullness in lower part of left lung.

Stitching tearing pains behind the sternum going to shoulders and arms; worse on left side; with blueness of nails and lips; cold sweat paralysis of lower limbs; spasmodic respiration (compare Lat-m.).

Violent palpitation in rheumatic subjects, < thinking about it. Pulse irregular, intermittent, fast; cold sweat, blue nails, great weakness. It cures many cardiac complaints endocarditis, pericarditis, valvular insufficiency, etc. Fluttering heart.

Pain under point of scapula, between shoulders, ext. downward to small of back; stitches in chest, ext. scapulae; violent aching pain in back, and down the thighs,

> change of position.

This symptom is an exception as the pains are generally < motion. Benumbing pains in the small of back better after stool.

Numbness, pricking, causing a cold sensation with weakness in spine. Weakness in loins and hips extending to lower limbs; pains shoot up back to head.

Cold chills in lower part of back followed by evening fever, coming every day. Motion brings on many pains in spine with much drawing in muscles of back; paralysis from inflammation of spinal cord; limb stiff; paroxysms of dyspnoea.

Numbness in shoulders to finger tips; sharp lancinating pains in arms; right wrist feels sprained; pain in right metacarpus and fleshy part of right thumb with heat and numbness; hands almost helpless; hands cold as if dead; fingers and nails blue in heart complaints; pains in the points of flexed fingers.

Twitching of muscles of shoulder; arm and fingers. The legs are stiff, numb and weak; lower limbs cold, blue and paralyzed. Violent pains in lower limbs. Burning in feet and hands. Rheumatism of joints.

Sleep: wakens with palpitation, cold sweat and pain in limbs; sleepy during day but distressing sleep at night; feels better after passing flatus. Violent pains in stomach keep him awake.

Dreams: Frightening;

Chill/heat: Chilliness; shaking chill, cold body. Heat from slight exertion; flashes of heat then cold sweat; shaking chill in evening followed, by internal heat and external sweat, hands cold. Cold sweat of face, hands and feet.



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