Aethusa cynapium Kind Anhang


Vergleich.: Kind in Abrotanum und Aethusa


Aeth. closely resembles Ant-c. Calc. (in abdominal complaints). and Cic. (in convulsions).

Säugling: Schwäche/Durchfall/Abmagerung, erbricht sofort in einem Schwall/später saure Klumpen, erträgt

keinen (Mutter)Milch (Schulkind: Lernstoff); Kind: unendliche Geschichte“ Michael Enders; Phantasiewelt und Information von Außen sind nicht synchron/

ohne Bezug zueinander; Konzentration schwierig + PhantaSIE, hat wenig Kontakt mit Mitschülern, Problemen mit Hausaufgaben, mager/außen im Bewegung/

tierlieb, Sommerdurchfall; Didier Grandgeorge: Baby: schreit andauernd schreien und wird andauernd gestillt (jede Stunde o. alle 2 Stunden angelegt). Es ist total

übersättigt und hat Verdauungsbeschwerden: Bauchschmerzen und Regurgitationen aus geronnener Milch.

Der Schlüssel: Unfähigkeit zur Kommunikation zwischen Mutter und Kind.

Das Kind schreit, die Mutter weiß nicht, was ihm fehlt. Sie ängstigt sich und bietet Brust oder Flasche an. In der Folge kann das Kind eine Milchunverträglichkeit

oder gar eine Allergie bekommen. Es kann, vor allem im Sommer, zu Durchfall ohne Durst kommen (paradox, denn die Dehydratation ruft normalerweise ein

Durstgefühl hervor).

[H.R. Arndt]

Gastro-intestinal diseases of children, with great nervous involvement, violence of all the symptoms and intolerance of milk. Thirstless. Profuse

sweating and desires to be covered while sweating. Drowsiness after vomiting or stool. Face expresses great anguish. > in the open air;


The idiotic child has as only one emotion: Anger


[P.S. Rawat]

Intolerant of milk or milk preparations in any form due to irritability of the stomach particularly noticed in infants and children during dentition in summer months. As a consequence no sooner has the child finished the feed, it comes up either with a great gush and in big quantity or when it is retained for a while in the stomach, the milk is vomited in the form of big, thick, greenish vomit,

partly in curds and partly in liquid form.

Owing to the exertion in vomiting and the weakness thereafter, the child falls into a sort of helpless slumber from which it wakes up crying with violent hunger to eat and then vomits again. Very often vomiting + diarrhoea that is slimy, bilious and light yellow in colour. Such conditions if not checked medicine runs on to cholera infantum, where the child cannot stand upright, is unable to hold up the head and is prostrated and sleepy.

The child may have the appearance as if it were dying with pale, Hippocratic face. There appears a whitish blue hue around the lips of all that portion of the face bounded by the upper lip and two distinct lines drawn from two orifices of the nose to the angles of the mouth called the linea nasalis.

Brain trouble with a hot head, vomiting, exhaustion, sweat and prolonged sleep. At times, the brain trouble does not affect the stomach but the child goes into convulsions where the eyes of the child turn downwards with dilated pupils and the thumbs get clenched.

[Frans Vermeulen]

Vorsicht ist bei niedrigen D Potenzen in der Schwangerschaft, bei Kindern und Säuglingen geboten!


Gemüt: Kind ängstlich und schreit/Gesichtsausdruck zeigt deutlich quälende Schmerzen und Unwohlsein/oft ruhelos und haben allgemein Probleme, sich auf etwas zu konzentrieren.

Teilweise sind sie sehr leicht reizbar und verfallen in einen heftigen Wutausbruch.

Erwachsene: häufig stark überlastet, nervös und geistig erschöpft. Halluzinationen: sehen Ratten/andere kleine Tiere.

Kind: Fieberwahn: Ratten o. Mäuse im Zimmer herumlaufen (DD.: Bell. Ars. Cimic. Med.)

Körper: Kopfschmerz (reißend), „Als ob jemand ständig an den Haaren zieht“/“Als ob den Kopf in einen Schraubstock geklemmt“. Vom Hinterhaupt zieht der Schmerz die Wirbelsäule hinunter.

< aufrechte Haltung.

Kopfschmerz > wenn er sich hinlegt/Abgang von Winden/nach dem Stuhlgang.

Augen rollen beim Einschlafen.

Magen-Darm-Trakt. [Durchfall (Trinken von Milch) und Erbrechen (Schweißbildung)].

Kann Milch nicht verdauen. Erbricht sofort, nachdem sie die Milch geschluckt haben, die unverdaute Nahrung. (Orni.)

Spätestens eine Stunde nach dem Essen wird die geronnene Milch erbrochen, und diese riecht säuerlich.

Schmerz o. Erbrechen treten heftig von einer Minute zur anderen auf. Milch wird mit solcher Heftigkeit unter Schmerzen erbrochen, dass die Kinder danach ganz erschöpft, matt und schläfrig sind. 

Auf eine Kolik deuten der gespannte und geblähte Bauch hin, und es fühlt sich an, als würde im Inneren ein Vulkan brodeln. Doch ohne Hitzegefühl aber eine innere und äußere Kälte.

Krämpfe: begleitet von Augenrollen o. nach unten verdrehte Augen.

Stuhl: grünliche/ziemlich dünn. Teilweise mit unverdauten Resten.

In hochgradigen Fällen leidet das Kind an Brechdurchfall bis hin zur Cholera infantum. Dabei fühlt sich das Kind ganz kalt an, ist stark bekommen bis hin zur Apathie. Der Blick ist dabei starr.

Allgemein: Durst fehlt.

Nach dem Erbrechen sind die Kinder häufig trotz völliger Ermüdung meist sofort wieder hungrig.

Im Schlaf ist das Kind ebenfalls ruhelos und schreckt immer wieder in der Nacht hoch. Kalter Schweiß ist auf dem Körper zu fühlen. Trotz des Schweißes will das Kind unbedingt zugedeckt bleiben.

< 3 und 4 h. Trotz des Kältegefühls nicht > Wärme. > An der frischen Luft geht/Übelkeit lässt nach. Verlangt nach Gesellschaft und Zuwendung.



Dotage, dull, and idiotic.

Fond of animal toys (Carc. Lac-leo. Phos.) and animals (Calc. Calc-p. Lac-del. Med. Nat-m.); shows a lot of intimacy/affection/sentiment towards them;

desires to have a pet as a birthday/christmas gift (Phos.).

Reserved children; don’t actively participate in simple social games; preferring solitary activities; they live in their own world (could be autistic.) (Helium.).

Anxiety accompanies various physical ailments. e.g. colic. dehydration. diarrhea. epilepsy. and gastritis.

Attention deficit disorder: Inability to think or fix the attention.

Great anguish with weeping (Guernsey.).

Impairment of social interaction and communication with family members and friends; little or no interest in establishing friendships. failure to develop peer relationships (Cic. Nat-c. Stann.).

Talks to himself (Staph.) and notices nothing around him (an important autistic trait.).


Characteristics: Anxious and pain-stricken face, prominent alae nasi, prostration, sleepiness, and vomiting of curds. (So easily observed. that even novice homeopaths should be able to identify it).

Dentional indigestion syndrome; characterized by violent and sudden vomiting of a frothy. milky substance. followed by curdled milk (Calc. Sil. Valer.) and cheesy matter;

OR regurgitation of food an hour or so after breast-feeding.

Dr. Kent: the face helps to identify Aeth. child: “Pale. hippocratic face with whitish-blue pallor around the lips and sunken eyes.” (I have not observed the pallor around the lips in my practice)

Unable to hold up the head (Abrot. Calc-p. Sil.) or stand due to excessive weakness

Universal aggravation from milk (Mag-c. Nat-c; [DD.: one of the milk remedies (Lac-c/Lac-d.)]

Cannot bear milk in any form; it is vomited in large curds as soon as it is taken. followed by weakness and sleepiness

Complete absence of thirst (Apis. Gels. Nux-m. Puls.).

Hot temperature in summer weather invites multiple illnesses in the child.

Multiple physical illnesses during dentition period.

Weakness with sleepiness after vomiting (Ars. Bell. Cupr. Ip.). passing stool (Elaps. Sulph.). or after convulsions (Cic. Stram.).

Other important symptoms


Awkward children (Apis. Bov. Ign. Nat-m.).

Babies crieing when nursed (Lac-c. Puls.).

Children who find it very difficult to cry. although sad (Ign. Nat-m.).

Extreme fear of losing the family members (Sacch.). displays symptoms of confusion. convulsions. diarrhea. fainting. vomiting. etc.; extreme fear before examinations due to anticipatory anxiety;

fears failure (Anac. Arg-n. Cupr. Nux-v. Sil. Thuj.).

Fascination for pets [cats and dogs (Calc. Carc. Med.)]

Jesting and trying to make fun at inappropriate times (Cact.) (Rubric - Jesting. facetious.).

Soft, embarrassed and slow speech.

Desire to engage in social service (seeking donations of blood or medicine/collecting money for medical causes)

Desire to nibble on something throughout the day.

Fear of suffocation in the dark (Chin. Lyc. Puls.).

Witty children (Op.).

Young child completely engrosssing in academic work by overtaxing their energy, in the long run will affect their concentration (Kali-p. Pic-ac.) and invite confusion.


Heat of head during fever.


Distorted and rolling movements of the eyes during sleep (Apis.).


Examination findings:

- Blepharitis.

- Conjunctivitis.                       

- Dilated pupils during epilepsy (Bell. Cina.).

- Eyes agglutinated.

- Eyes brilliant (Bell.).

- Eyes turned downward during convulsions.

- Glassy appearance of the eyes (Op. Ph-ac.).

- Protruding eyes (Nat-m. Stram.).

- Pupils non-responsive to light (Hyos. Op.).

- Staring eyes with unconsciousness.

- Strabismus.

- Swelling of the meibomian glands.


Examination findings:

- Yellowish. purulent otorrhea.


Coryza when child goes out in the open air.

Ineffectual efforts to sneeze.

Blocked in the morning on waking (Calc.).

Examination findings:

- Eruptions (Caust: More on the tip of the nose.).


Examination findings:

- Cold perspiration on the face (Camph. Spong. Verat.).

- Newborns with a wrinkled. old-looking (Calc. Nat-m. Op.). pinched (Cina. Verat.). hippocratic face (Abrot); with an expression as if suffering (Ars. Kali-c.).

- Prominent linea nasalis (an expression of pain and anxiety.) (Cina. Phos. Stram.).

- Chapped lips.

- Pale. puffed face; paleness especially around the lips (Cina. Stram.).

- Trismus (Cic. Nux-v. Op.).


DRY (Ars. Bry.).

Difficult dentition.

Salivation during sleep.

Examination findings:

- Clean or white-coated tongue. with aphthae.

- A whitish. milky froth comes from the mouth during convulsions (Cic. Cupr. Hyos. Lach.).

- Soft palate red and swollen.

- Thrush (Borx. Kali-chl. Merc.).


Chronic sore throat. < cold air and damp weather. Characterized by hot, uncomfortable feeling; after tonsillectomy.

Constant disposition to swallow.

Examination findings:

- Cervical glands inflamed and enlarged (Cist.).

- Postnasal drip.

- Swollen inflamed uvula.

- Throat is red and inflamed.


Deathly nausea at the sight of food.

Increased appetite after vomiting (Cina. Colch. Podo.)

Intolerance to milk (neonates/infants: milk is thrown up almost as soon as swallowed (Ip. Sanic.). almost curdled (occasionally not curdled.). with sudden spasmodic force.

Thirstless with fever (Puls.).

Vomiting of curdled milk (Ant-c. Calc. Nat-m. Sil. Valer.) and of cheesy matter in nurslings. in large quantities. expelled forcibly (Ars. Tab. Verat.). shortly after a feed. then falls into a deep sleep (Ant-t. Bell. Ip.).

Dentitional vomiting (Ant-c. Bry. Ip.). with diarrhea (Ant-t. Apis.)

Digestion upset due to frequent nibbling. emotional excitement (Bry. Cham. Nux-v.). and prostration of mind due to over-studying.

Eructations within an hour after eating (Sulph.).

Spasmodic hiccough.

Sudden. violent. greenish. frothy vomiting during fever (after taking milk or rich food)

<: Milk (Sil. Valer); Aversions: Coffee. fat. fruit and milk; Desires: Cheese. delicacies. farinaceous. salty food. and sweets;

Examination findings:

- Gastroscopy: Congenital pyloric stenosis (Dys-co.).

- Tympanitis (Carb-v. Chin. Lyc.).


Colic in nurslings localized in the umbilical region (Verat.).

Examination findings:

- Cold to the touch.

- Dehydration: grade 2 with hyponatremia. and tachycardia with a small. almost imperceptible pulse.

- Tenderness all over.

- Tympanitis +


Diarrhea that almost always + dehydration

Stools: Thin. and green; violent straining before and during passing. followed by collapse (Ars. Camph. Verat.).

Diarrhea of infants (Bry. Nux-v. Op.) with passing of undigested. thin. watery (Gamb. Grat.). bright yellow (Chel.) or green. bilious stools (after midnight/in warm weather/from anticipation) (Gels. Ph-ac), during dentition.

Obstinate constipation in nursing children

Sleepy after stool (Nux-m.).

Stools like curdled milk forcibly expelled 1 - 2 hours after a feed.

Examination findings:

- Viral gastroenteritis due to Rotavirus (Ars. Cupr-ar. Verat.) or Vibrio cholera (Calc. Calc-p. Guaj. Sal-ac.).

- Spastic colon.

- Stool examination: RBC ++

Urinary organs:

Chronic bedwetting (Lac-c.).

Deposition of whitish sediment on the diaper.

Suppression of urine due to dehydration (Ars. Chin.).

Examination findings:

- Hematuria in routine urine sample.

Larynx and trachea:

Recurrent aphonia.


Asthma always < in a dark room. with a strong fear of suffocation; child wants the doors and windows open (Apis. Arg-n. Lach. Puls. Sulph.).

Asthma and cough renders the child absolutely speechless (Apis.).

Examination findings:

- Respiration: Moaning. short. and snoring.


Dry hacking at night (Cina. Kali-c.) due to irritation in the larynx.

Short, dry, paroxysmal after eating dinner.


Examination findings:

- Swelling and tenderness of the axillary glands.


Awkwardness of limbs (Agar. Hell.); keeps dropping things.

Growing pains in the thighs and calves. > rubbing or massaging the part.

Examination findings:

- Clenched fingers (Bell. Cupr. Hyos.) with the thumb drawn inwards (Cupr. Merc.).

- Redness of palms (Fl-ac.).

- Shriveled skin over the hands.


Frequent waking from sleep due to hunger (Ant-c. Lyc. Psor.).

Intense or overpowering sleepiness with weakness during and after stools (Nux-m. Sulph.), after vomiting (Ip.) or after convulsions (Cic. Cur.).

Prevented by pain in bones (Ph-ac. Merc.).

Frightful nightmares that startles him up from his sleep.

Restless sleep. with muscular jerks (Cham. Cina.) and rolling of eyes.

Sleepiness all day. except in open air.


Chill stage: Violent. shaking chills with external coldness during sleep (abdomen)/red face; absolutely no thirst.

Heat stage: No thirst. even for a drop of water; shuddering.

Sweat stage: Sweats profusely as soon as he goes to sleep (Ars. Merc); cannot bear to be uncovered during this stage (Acon. Nux-v); all complaints > in this stage.

Fever begins as soon as the child gets up in the morning and moves about.

Examination findings:

- Benign aseptic choriomeningitis.

- Viral meningitis.


Easy excoriation of the skin (Calc-s. Graph. Merc. Petr.) due to diapers. panties. underwear. friction of the thighs.

Great disposition to perspire on the slightest exertion.

Itching. < becoming warm in bed. when the body becomes warm (Nat-m.). in a warm climate or warm room.

Examination findings:

- Cold clammy skin with most complaints (with diarrhea. dehydration. and vomiting.).

- Atopic eczema.

- Skin is absolutely dry. with no tendency to sweat even after exertion (familial or congenital trait.).


Ailments from: Dentition. on going to sleep (Sulph.) or after deep sleep. and vomiting (Cupr.).

During convulsions: Clenched thumb (Bufo. Caust. Cic.). cold limbs. eyes turned downward or upward to the right. fixed and dilated pupils (Bell. Cina.). frothy foam from the mouth (Bufo. Op), maniacal raging delirium, red face (Cic. Glon.). small volume pulse. and violent spasms with stupor and delirium.

After convulsions: Intense weakness, prostration and sleepiness.


Lactose intolerance (Calc-p.).

Nutritional problem in children who are fed on artificial milk powders or artificial nutritional supplements.

Sudden prostration after acute illnesses. convulsions. passing stools. or after vomiting. with coldness and drowsiness.

Tends to overeat in children (Nat-p.).

Violence in everything: convulsions/delirium/pain/vomiting. etc.


Easy collapse (Camph.).

Indurated glands.

Lack of reaction (Tub.).

Pulse: Frequent and small. almost imperceptible.

Summer complaints of infants and children.



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