

Übersäuert Vermeulen II S. 744


Akzidosis entsteht durch:

1.         Ekzess of Carb-ac. Bei Lungenbeschwerden (kurzatmig/husten).

2.         Mangel an Basen:

Verlust von Körperflüßigkeiten durch Durchfall/Erbrechen/Sport

Ausgleich durch Abgabe von Carb-ac. über die Lungen (kurzatmig/husten).

            Abgabe von Ammonia über die Nieren.

Vergesellt von Aufbau von Carb-ac. and Abbau von O verursacht Müdigkeit + Kraftlosigkeit.


Hydrog bestimmt Säure-/Basengleichgewicht

Säuren geben Wasserstoffionen ab                                                            = Ph 1 - 7

Basen (= Lauge) nehmen +Wasserstoffionen auf/RNA/DNA = Basen            = Ph 7 - 14

Neutral = Ph 7


Mund Ph bis 5,8 = sauer, während Essen + gut kauen bis 7,8 = basisch

            Speichel ändert gekochte Kohlenhydrate in Maltose

Zahnstein entsteht aus Speichel (Ausführungsgänge des Speicheldrüsen) + Mineralien + Resten von verdauter Nahrung/= Ca + P haltig aus Speichel durch hohe Ph-wert im Mund/Zahnlöcher entstehen durch niedrige Ph-wert

Magen: nüchtern etwa 7,0 nach Essen bis 1 = sauer Stellt Natrium bikarbonat her

            Ph zu hoch = Sodbrennen/Magengeschwür

            Ph zu niedrig hemmt Verdauung „Wie Stein im Magen“

            Stellt Säure und Basen her

            Magensäure gerinnt Milch/ändert Eiweiß in Peptonen

Zwölffingrige Darm = basisch durch Galle/Fette/Pankreassekrete/Enzymen

Dünndarm: = basisch

Basische Sekrete von Dünndarm/Galle/Pankreas werden mit Magensäure in Kochsalz/Wasser/Kohlendioxide umgesetzt

Pankreassaft spaltet Peptonen auf/verändert Fetten in Fettsäure + Glycerol/spaltet Kohlenhydrate

Galle verflüssigen Fette

Dünndarmsaft ändert Peptonen in Aminosäuren/stellt aus Zuckerformen Glykose her

Dickdarm = Ph 5 - 7 Basisch = Eiweißverdauung/sauer = Verdauung der Kohlenhydraten


Blut muss Ph 7,36 - 7,43 sein = schwach basisch/Ph-wert unter 7,2 bedeutet akuter Lebensgefahr. (Zelle ist 80% Basen + 20% Säure)/RNA + DNA = Basen)

            Basen werden ohne Hilfe abgebaut/Säure werden mit Hilfe Basen abgebaut

            Sauer reagieren: Cl + P + S               Basisch alle andere Elementen

            Blut hat Puffersystem [= roter Blutfarbstoff + Bikarbonat (= O + H + C)]

Ist dieses System voll, wird im Bindegewebe (= zwischenzelluläre Raum/= Transportsystem von Versorgung + Abfuhr/= Teil des Nervensystems/=

2 - 3x Lebermasse) abgelagert

Diese Zustand = Akzidose/Übersäuerung verursacht u.a. Arthrose/Durchblutungsstörung/Rheuma/Osteoporose/Karies/Zellulitis/Falten

Akzidose wird bestimmt von:

1.            Nahrungszusammensetzung und -belastung

2.            Verdauungsmöglichkeit

3.         Verbrauch von Genussmittel (Nicot/Alkohol/Coff/Drogen/Cann-i. usw) bewirkt Säure

4.            Umwandlungsfähigkeit der Nieren (gefördert durch Bewegung/Wasser trinken)

5.         Stress

6.            Flüssigkeitsaufnahme

7.         Bewegungszeit


Basenmangel = wenig Galle/Bauchspeicheldrüsesekret, dadurch verbleibt Nahrung zu lange im Magen/Darm


Lokale Hirnakzidose: Kopfschmerz/Schwindel/depressiv/Ohrgeräusche/vergesslich/Konzentrationsmangel/reizbar/müde/Ohnmacht/Synkopie


Vergleich: Siehe: Acidums allgemein + Mukoviszidose + Sauergruppe + Anhang (Dr. Verena Müller-Wieprecht)


Phytologie: Grünes Haferkraut + Trit-r + Erbsenschalen in gleiche Teilen abkochen o. kalt Abzug


Sulphuricum acidum  China officinalis       Lacticum acidum            Natrium phosphoricum Robinia            Cornus florida

Alcohol (long use)      Ill effects of tea



Bad meat of fish            Acidity with morning sickness

With diabetes             Intake of starch I Abuse of kinine

Acidity of children  I Malaria with acidity

Frontal headache   

Acrid eructations 

Acrid + greenish vomiting followed 

by sour vomiting  

Stomach distended 


Dyspepsia Belching of bitter fluid/

Regurgitation + no relief

Taste bitter

Food tastes salty

One of Nash’ trio: flatulent medicine (affects

whole abdomen)

HungRY without appetite: eats and the

meal stays undigested = fullness of stomach

            Copious saliva


Hunger followed by saliva followed by

nausea >> eating

All food turn sour followed by hot +

sour eructations

“As if a plug in throat”

Burning in throat and/ext. stomach         

Lump in throat/sour vomiting

Back part of tongue yellow creamy coat

Goneness in stomach + abdomen < after eating

Colik with acidity

            <: lying down/fat/gravy (curry)/ I Distressing acid heartburn

ice cream/flatulent food (cabbage)/  I Nausea followed by vomiting

raw fruit;   I followed by bilious diarrhea

>: passing flatus;   I chronic dyspepsia followed by

--------------------------------------------------- I saure regurations

   I Desires: Soures (pickles)/cakes

   I digestion slow

   I ineffectual urging for stool

Acid risings

Sour eructations

Water = coldness of stomach

Aversion to smell of coffee

Desires fresh food

Nausea with chilliness

Stool: smells sour/chopped/

Saffron yellow                                  Desires: strong tasting food/eggs/beer/fried fish;

Aversion: Bread and butter;

            chronic dyspepsia + saures  I <: after eating;


<: morning/touch/pressure/wine/

Alcohol/drinking cold water;

>: Rest;           <: fruit/after eating/light touch on abdomen/


>: bloatedness > movement/bending double/hard pressure <: coffee/smoking;

>: eating/eructations;  <: fat food/after eating/bitter food/milk/


>: beer;

<: fat + flatulent food (cabbage)

Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry)


Hot flushes                                        Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry)


Puffiness and oedema                                   Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry)

Morning sickness

Limbs feel chilly                               Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry)

Diarrhea greenish

Hives  Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry) I Debility (tremor/weakness/hurry)

             I Pain neuralgic in arms

Stool sour   I night sweats




[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]                                  

            There are two types of cases we get for Acute Prescribing

1.         Acute diseases (e.g., cold, fever, etc.)

2.         Acute exacerbation of chronic cases (e.g., acute status asthmaticus in a chronic case of asthma; acidity in a chronic gastritis etc.

When the patient is on a chronic constitutional deep acting medicine, I prefer not to disturb the dynamic resonance of the chronic medicine and would prefer to give acute medicines either in tincture or in very lower potency, so that it does not go in the level of the dynamic deep acting medicine.


During acute stage, we Homoeopath can handle the acute cases with courage and prescribe the following medicines. As the patient wants immediate relief, so in my long experience, I have used extensively the medicines, which has pronounced action on the main symptoms of the specific acute situation and have the capability of giving the patient instant relief. Some times patient is drug dependent even for an acute situation e.g., acute acidity in chronic gastritis and constantly takes antacids on a daily basis (in such situation, according to §173--§178, Ref. Organon of Medicine: Treatment of One Sided Diseases with scarcity of symptoms) we can gradually withdraw/wean off the conventional medication [Subrata asks the patient to sip the homoeopathic medicine prescribed on the basis of few available symptoms in those drug-dependant acute cases, considering the symptomatic similarity of few symptoms in accordance with §173--§178. So when the patient have acute problem and in need of conventional medicine, patient takes the homoeopathic medicine and tries to defer the conventional medicine as much as s/he can. In this way, a drug dependent patient who used to take conventional medication 8 hourly; can, with the help of homoeopathic medicine now defer the medication to 12 hourly, then 24 hourly and so on. In this way the conventional medication is gradually weaned off]. In such way patient can avoid the use of conventional chemicals (as patients get frustrated of prolonged / regular use of conventional chemicals in this era of organic food; and also suffer from the side-effects etc.) I get a disclaimer signed by the patient who wishes to wean off the conventional medicines gradually. I give the entire power and decision in the hand of the patient (as the patient is also aware of the side effects of the chemicals of the conventional medicine and wants to wean-off them). Giving the "weaning off power" in the hand of the patient, makes him/her feel that s/he is taking control of what s/he is taking and therefore patients will power of weaning-off the conventional medicine work as well towards raising of patient's energy level, so that they can very gradually wean off without much suffering. I do not advice exactly how much to wean-off because that should be guided by the G.P.

I like to share the courage with my fellow homoeopaths, so that they can confidently prescribe the indicated acute medicine and handle the attack. Homoeopathy is not complementary medicine but it is an Alternative medicine to the conventional chemicals and we can do this by adopting proper methodology and thereby give fast relief to our patients during their acute suffering, as well.

In drug dependent cases, when the patient is on conventional medications; in such cases it is very difficult to get a clear picture of the case. The artificial chronic disease is superimposed on the original natural disease (Aphorism 91, Organon), therefore symptoms are contaminated or suppressed and the patient cannot give a clear picture e.g., sensations, modalities, etc. I select Lesser Known Organopathic Medicines, where there is absence of good totality for polychrest prescribing. In such cases lesser known organopathic medicines have capability to alleviate symptoms to a certain extent, thereby giving the chance to wean off the conventional chemicals (so called medicines), and experience shows that after 40-50% weaning off; the uncontaminated symptoms of the natural disease surfaces and gives us the proper modalities, sensations etc which will enable for constitutional prescribing, which is obviously our final motto.

In the same way, for conventional pain killer dependent Migraine cases, the artificial chronic disease is superimposed on the original natural disease, therefore symptoms are contaminated or suppressed and the patient cannot give a clear picture for a constitutional medicine as well as the modalities

of the pain are masked. The following medicines can be selected on the basis of few available symptoms, e.g., Acetan. Anagyris, Bromium. Chion. Epiph. Ferr-p-p. Indium, Iris. Kalm. Lac-d. Meli. Menis. Meny. Ol-a. Onos. Saponin, Usn. Yucc. etc. Accordingly the conventional allopathic pain killer is gradually withdrawn and after approximately 50% weaning off of the conventional medicine, suppressed symptoms surfaces and now the patient can give much clearer modalities. This will lead to making a change in the plan of treatment and on the basis of `MTEK' [Miasm + Totality + Essence + Key notes] a constitutional prescription can now be made.

Similar example for Drug Dependent Hypertensive cases where the following medicines (All-s. Crat. Serum-a. Ergotinum, Lycop-v. Rauw. Spartium Scoparium, Stroph. etc.) are capable of gradually weaning off the conventional medication.

Through this approach, not only does the patient gain immediate confidence that homoeopathy works, but can also wean off the conventional medication to certain extent.


(Acute) Comparative Materia Medica




Cornus florida.






(a) Alcohol+++ (long continued indulgence ino wine / spirits +++).

(b) Dyspepsia

(a) ill effects of tea +++.

(b) Milk and Milk products.

(c) Fruits.

(d) Alcohol (Ref. Dr. Clarke).

(e) Bad meat or fish.

(f) Beer.

(a) Abuse of quinine.

(b)Malaria: N.B.W.Sà Acidity.


(a) Acidity with morning sickness; with diabetes.

(a) Sugar.

(b) Milk.

(c) Fat foods+++.

(d) Bitter foods.

(e) Acidity in children fed with excess of milk and sugar.

(a) Excess of starch.

(b) Acidity of children.

(c) From fat & flatulent foods e.g. Cabbage, turnip, raw fruits etc.


(a) Acid risings.

(b) Sour eructations à sets teeth on edge.

(c) Water = coldness of stomach.

(d) Aversion: smell of coffee; desires fresh food.

(e) Nausea with chilliness.

(f) Stools: Chopped, saffron yellow, sour.

(a) Belching of bitter fluid à regurgitation à

No relief..

(b) Bitter taste+++.

(c) Food tastes salty.

(d) Nash's trio of tympanitic and

flatulent medicines (affects whole abdomen).

(e) Hungry (+++)
without appetite: eats
à remains undigested à after a meal = Fullness of stomach.

(a) Distressing acidic heartburn.

(b) Nausea à vomiting à bilious diarrhoea.

(c) Old cases of dyspepsia à Acid regurgitation (+++).

(d) Desire: Sour++, pickles, cakes.

(e) Slow digestion.

(f) Ineffectual urging for stool.

(a) Copious salivation (+++).

(b) Water-brush (++).

(c) Hunger (+++) à salivation (+++) à constant nausea (+++) à >> by eating.

(d) All edible substances à acidifies à hot & bitter eructation.

(e) Plug sensation in throat.

(f) Burning: Mouth à to à stomach.

(a) Lump in throat à sour vomiting.

(b) Yellow, creamy, coating at the back part of tongue.

(c) Desire: Strong tasting foods/eggs/ fried fish/beer.

(d) Aversion: Bread & butter.

(e) Goneness in stomach & abdomen < after eating.

(f) Colic with acidity.

(a) Associated with frontal headache (+++).

(b) Acrid (+++) eructations.

(c) Acrid & greenish vomiting à colic à flatulence à burning pains in stomach à constipation.

(d) Sour (+++) eructation à vomiting of sour (+++) fluid.

(e) Distension (+++) of stomach à flatulent colic.


(a) <: Touch/pressure/Morning/ Drinking cold water/Wine & spirits.

(b) >: Rest.

(a) <: Fruits/after eating/light touch to abdomen/ Smoking.

(b) >: Bloatedness/movement/bending double/hard pressure.

(a) <: soon after eating.

(a) <: smoking/coffee.

(b) >: eating/eructation.

(a) <: Fat food/after eating.

(b) >: from beer.

(a) <: lying down (Dr. Clarke)/Fat, gravies(curries)/flatulent food/cabbage, raw fruits, ice cream.

(b) >: by passing flatus.

Concomitant and associated symptoms

Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)



Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)


Puffiness & oedema

Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)

Neuralgic pain in arms

Night sweats

Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)

Morning Sickness

Limbs feels chilly

Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)

Greenish Diarrhoea


Debility (Tremor weakness & hurry)

Stool Sour Perspiration


Prescribing points

Aetiology: Alcohol +++ (long continued indulgence to wine / spirits +++).

Character: Sour eructations à sets teeth on edge. Aversion: smell of coffee; desire: fresh food.

(a) <: Touch.

(b) >: Rest.

Aetiology: Ill effects of tea +++. Fruits.

Character: Bitter taste +++. Hungry (+++) without appetite: eats à remains undigested à after a meal = Fullness of stomach.


(a) <: Fruits.

(b) >: Bloatedness by movement.

Aetiology: Abuse of quinine. Malaria: N.B.W.S.

Character: Distressing acidic heartburn. Old cases of dyspepsia à Acid regurgitation (+++). Desire: Sour++.

Aetiology: Acidity with morning sickness diabetes.

Character: Copious salivation (+++). Water-brush (++). Hunger (+++) à salivation (+++) à constant nausea (+++) à >> by eating. Plug sensation in throat. Burning: Mouth à to à stomach.


(a) <: Smoking, Coffee.

(b) >: eating.

Aetiology: Fat foods +++. Acidity in children fed with excess of milk and sugar.

Character: Lump in throat sour vomiting. Desire: Strong tasting foods, eggs. Aversion: Bread & butter. Colic with acidity.

(a) <: << Fat food.

(b) >: from beer.

Aetiology: From fat & flatulent foods e.g., Cabbage, turnip, raw fruit etc.

Character: Associated with frontal headache (+++). Acrid (+++) eructations. Sour (+++) eructation à vomiting of sour (+++) fluid. Distension (+++) of stomach flatulent colic.

(a) >: Fat/gravies/flatulent food/cabbage/raw fruit/ ice cream.

(b) >: by passing flatus.



Q. (5 drops à in ½ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly àSOS x as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues)


Q. (5 drops à in ½ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly à SOS à as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues)



6x tablets (Bio-chemic tissue salts: 3-4 tablets - in ¼ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly à SOS à as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues)

Q. (5 drops à in ½ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly à SOS à as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues)




[Edward Peter Phahamane]

The pH (potential hydrogen) scale is used to measure acidity +/o. alkalinity content. A pH value of 7.0 is considered as neutral (Lewis 2013).

A pH value lower than 7.0 is considered acidic while a pH value above 7.0 is considered alkaline. Water which makes up approximately 80% of the human body has a normal pH value of 7.0

(Balch and Balch 2000).

The average arterial blood pH is in the range 7.35 – 7.41.

The pH range for healthy skin 6.0; the digestive tract 1.5 – 8.5.

Urine pH is less than 5.0. (Longmore et al. 2008; Lewis 2013; Thomas 2014).

Within this range of pH values, a low HCO3 – concentration level plus a low pH value is considered acidic and results in a condition known as metabolic acidosis. An increase of HCO3-plus

high pH value is considered alkaline, and it may result in a condition also known as metabolic alkalosis. The diagnosis of both metabolic acidosis and alkalosis is determined by arterial blood pH,

arterial blood gas (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, HCO3-), measurement of serum electrolytes including calcium and magnesium; calculation of the Anion gap and delta gap and calculation of compensatory

changes using winter’s formula (Longmore et al. 2008; Lewis 2013).

The causes of metabolic acidosis include: renal failure; ketoacidosis (diabetes, chronic alcoholism, under-nutrition, fasting); lactic acidosis due to physiologic processes (shock, seizures, primary

hypoxia due to lung disorders); lactic acidosis due to exogenous toxins (carbon monoxide, cyanide, iron, Isoniazid, toluene); toxins metabolised to acids (alcohol, methanol, salicyclates);

rhabdomyolysis; ureteros igmoidostomy; rapid Nacl parenteral infusion; ingestion of magnesium sulphate; Hyperkalemia; hypoaldosteronism; diarrhea; colostomy (Thomas 2014; Lewis 2013).

The causes of metabolic alkalosis include:

gastric acid loss due to vomiting or nasogastric suction; congenital chloridorrhea; villous adenoma; primary hyperaldosteronism; secondary hyperaldosteronism; use of glycyrrhizin containing

compounds (i.e. licorice, chewing tobacco, carbenoxolone.); Bartter syndrome (rare congenital disease which causes hyperaldosteronism and hypokalemic acidosis in early childhood with renal

salt wasting and volume depletion); Gitelman syndrome (common in young adults and it is a combination of Bartter syndrome plus hypomagnesemia and hypocalciuria); diuretics (loop diurectics

and thiazides); posthypercapnic; postorganic acidosis; NaHCO3 loading; milk-alkali syndrome; sweat loss in cystic fibrosis; laxative abuse; carbohydrate feeding after starvation

(Thomas 2014; Lewis 2013).

The clinical features associated with metabolic acidosis include: frequent sighing; insomnia; water retention; recessed eyes; arthritis; migraine headaches; abnormally low blood pressure; acid, or strong

perspiration; hard, dry, foul smelling stools accompanied by burning sensation in the anus during stools; halitosis; burning sensation in the mouth; sensitivity of teeth to vinegar and acidic fruits;

and tumours on the tongue and hard palate. These clinical features are present in chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, aspirin overuse, adrenal disorders, stomach ulcers,

malnutrition, obesity, ketosis, anger, stress, fear, anorexia, toxaemia, fever, overuse of niacin and vitamin B (Balch and Balch 2000; Lewis 2013; Porter 2008).

The clinical features associated with metabolic alkalosis include; anxiety, hyperventilation, seizures, protruding eyes, hypertension, hypothermia, oedema, allergies, night cramps, cracking joints,

bursitis, drowsiness, asthma, blood clotting, hard dry stools, prostatitis, thickening of the skin with burning, itching sensation, calcium build-up. Metabolic alkalosis may result from excessive vomiting,

high cholesterol, endocrine imbalance, diarrhoea, and osteoarthritis (Balch and Balch 2000; Lewis 2013; Porter 2008).

The vital work of acids in the body is to maintain the acid-base balance in an effort to maintain the normal balance of the hydronium ions. During injury, pregnancy, disease or illness,

high mitotic-meiotic cell turn-over is induced, which in turn affects the acid-base balance. In response, the body’s compensatory mechanisms which include the circulation components, lungs,

respiratory centres, and kidneys work to buffer the extremes of the acid-base balance. The buffer systems are usually made up of a weak acid and its salt or conjugate base. Examples of such buffers

include the bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer system and the phosphate buffer system. Failure of the compensatory mechanisms of the buffer systems may alter rates of chemical reactions within a

cell and affect the many metabolic processes of the body which can lead to alterations in consciousness, neuromuscular irritability, tetany, coma and death (Bishop, Fody and Schoeff 2005).



Vorwort/Suchen.  Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                   Impressum.